After the last 2+ years, my feelings are that the threat from my own government, in it's current state, is higher than from any other bad actor.

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Don’t forget China … Handsome Pristine Patriot.

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China is never forgotten.

They have always been the enemy, except when it comes to the "10% for the BIG Guy", etc.

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Because ours is the worst actor.

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I don't know if your suspicions are true or if individual targeting is possible, but Dr. Malone subtly shifted from Crow's allegation to an attack on China, blaming them for what our own globalist masters have done. I'm disappointed, though he still has many useful things to say and I'm convinced he truly believes everything he's written here.

Is it true China was behind Covid-19 and deliberately released it? Of course, it's possible, but there's as much contrary evidence as there is for it. I refuse to blame China when I can see irrefutable evidence of evil and corruption in our own Western Empire.

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There is enough undisputed malfeasance on China's part, if only the fentanyl crisis alone in America today, to say where there's smoke there's fire.

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Fentanyl was first prepared and developed by Dr. Paul Janssen in 1959 under a patent held by his company Janssen Pharmaceutica. (see https://www.news-medical.net/health/Fentanyl-History.aspx). According to the DEA, "Clandestinely-produced fentanyl is primarily manufactured in Mexico." (see https://www.dea.gov/factsheets/fentanyl). Seems like its closest association with China is several street names. Try again.

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I think you and the DEA are correct in this. However, my understanding is that the precursor ingredients for fentanyl are sold to the cartels by Chinese manufacturers that the CCP chooses not to regulate in this regard. That's my try.

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It's mostly made in China, then shipped through the port of Lazaro Cardenas in Michocan, MX, and smuggled here. Both are complicit.

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It's not an "either-or" issue, there's certainly more than one villain here.

My uncle was Dow Chemical VP for Australasia, lived in Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Seoul for 15 years. I visited him in HK several times.

He said, "Never do business with the Chinese. They will lie, cheat, sabotage, etc. The ink won't be dry on a contract before they'll be screwing you".

My dear friend lived in China, and taught the children of high-level PRC elites, and he was often told that China will take America for itself, kill the people and take the land and industry. That they intended to destroy us.

So yeah, China is as vile as they come, and our enemy.

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Then why does the US government allow jobs to be off-shored to China and allow technology transfers to China? Not all of what they have was stolen; much of it was freely given. So what should we confront, the corruption at home where we're supposed to have some control, or the corruption abroad where we're NOT supposed to have control?

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Different people wake up to the pervasive evil around us at different times and with differing levels of awareness. Yes, Dr. Malone was a part of the machine for many years. That has nothing to do with his sincerity today, nor does his continued obsession with China. It's very important for us to be "critical thinkers," to sort the wheat of what any single "dissident" may say from the chaff of their continued misunderstanding of what we all face.

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I wouldn't believe anything that Stew Peter's says.

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Yes, if the web went down for an extended time, millions in the Western world would starve or die of exposure. But how do you institute a digital currency without the internet, unless accepting the digital currency is the price of getting connected again. Maybe they covered that. If so, sorry. I'm sleepy and I spaced out.

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EC.. people like me like your posts , it’s shocking the depth of corruption. I am embarrassed to say , I am being schooled everyday. Thanks Dr. Malone , EC, tritorch and others.

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RemovedJul 27, 2022·edited Jul 28, 2022
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🤨discussion is important

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A few years ago the military instructed its members not to do DNA genealogy tests. They said the results could be used by the enemy to fashion biological weapons.

Good work. Glad you looked into this and published this.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hey. This reply isn't really hijacking your post, since it is relevant in all of these discussions. I have ordered "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" but I doubt I'll have it by Friday :)

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Excellent. I would be interested in your thoughts as you read it. I decided not to highlight pertinent passages in the book but have post its all through it. The book is profound and I will likely re-read it in the future. I wanted to have a quick way of finding some of the paragraphs that struck me as essential when I was reading it.

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It’s a great read. I hope the enjoy it.

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Don’t use 23andMe.

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I haven't used any of them but I have friends and relatives who have.

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"Now you know what the mRNA vaccine technology was really developed for."

I am confused by this line. I would appreciate if someone would elaborate, please

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I think he meant that this program was developed to give us ability to respond to bio attack quickly by building appropriate RNA vaccine. They imploded the process

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Crimes Against Humanity. Worse than Hitler and Nazis.

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Never thought 23&Me was a good idea. Plus, why pay THEM to give THEM personal information??? Kinda dumb.

I stayed on an extra couple months at work by submitting to PCR testing (spit, not swab) twice a week. I didn’t trust the process at the time. I wish I would have resigned before giving up any bodily fluids labs.

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Same logic that has us paying for the intelligence weapon we call our smart phones, that track us and beam out a continuous broadcast that helps keep people in the 'spell' and under their thumb. No kidding. Elana Freedman, Catherine Austin Fitts and Cyrus Parsa have all discussed how dangerous a weapon smart phones are. Use with care.

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Millions of ways to kill and exert control over us. We’ve had plenty of warning and we have a pretty fair rogues gallery to work with. Self defense if a creator endowed human right. Use our Constitution with full weight of we the people.

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Yes, and one of our foundational documents says that we have a solemn DUTY to take action. The following words are taken directly from the Declaration of Independence:

"... whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends [i.e., unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

"... But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, IT IS THEIR DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

I think it has become very obvious that the ruling elites are destroying our unalienable rights of:

* Life -- there have been many unnecessary covid deaths,

* Liberty -- the imposition of vaccination and lockdown mandates, and

* Happiness -- we're being bombarded with constant mass media fear propaganda.

This has been building in "a long train of abuses and usurpations". In other words, democratic representation has increasingly been replaced by tyrannical oligarchic rule for decades now. Could our duty be any more obvious?

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No, our duty could not be made any more clear.

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Not able to like your comment, but yes, fully agree.

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Someone recommended a "Grandmother's" Council a few months back. Wish I remembered who it was. She mentioned the American Plains Native Americans. Not a bad idea at all.

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Computers, laptops,I pads , phones you name it…they can be distracting when someone is trying to get your attention. Have you ever seen a baby in a high chair, In a restaurant , crying for food and attention and parents are totally oblivious?

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yeah and I've also seen them hand that baby/small child an iphone to quiet them down.

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Believe we would do far better without these, even considering Steve Job's Typography at our fingertips.

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BINGO!!! We are so silly!

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One tactic but if someone wants our DNA it is very easy to obtain without our knowledge.

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So if there’s nothing one can do about it anyway, then hang with Buddha in the moment.

No fear here.

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No fear has always been the real choice for humans I believe.

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Jul 27, 2022·edited Jul 27, 2022

"The virus was deliberately unleashed on the world by the Chinese Communist Party when it allowed millions of travelers from Wuhan to fly internationally, even as it was locking down movement within China"

I call B.S.! While the virus was almost certainly intentionally released, it so "happened" to be released at the perfect time, just when a financial crisis (which would affect the West and the US) was looming.

So, the argument that the CCP released it, in their own country, exactly as Event 201 predicted, to help the West is INSANE (in lack of a better descriptor).

Not to mention that the US government and the WHO were complicit in allowing the virus to spread, doing exactly nothing, until it was too late. Just check out how enthusiastic Monkey Tedros is now to protect us from Dr. Pox...

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It was released at 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan. C'Mon Man, everybody knows that!

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Released by whom?

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CPC of course.

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Ugh... to serve the interests of the US and the WEF? I don't think so.

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Of course not. To serve the interests of the CPC-the only interests they ever serve.

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Just as Big Brother kept the proles in check by constantly ordering sessions of Two Minute Hate, our media has kept the public in a state of anger and tension for nearly two years. It sometimes causes confusion when we are expected to consider White Rage, Global Warming, Putin, and Trump all to be existential threats.

I cannot understand your comment, Mr. Hubris. Are you saying that China did not intentionally release COVID-19? Are you saying that the American government used a taxpayer-funded lab in China to infect the world? Are you saying that China and the USA are working as partners to control and reduce the world's population? What is it, exactly, that is bullshit?

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We don't have a US Government; the WEF however does.

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And what’s behind the WEF? Just turtles and yet more turtles, all the way down.

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Good post confirming “they” have wanted to kill us for quite awhile. The mRNA part really convincing as expected. Plus obtaining DNA information from the Covid tests always a concern. Since DNA can be obtained from other biological/medical tests we wonder how long and through what this has been occurring. Sharing DNA through companies, yes - after all BlackRock owns Ancestry.com. Our task however hasn’t changed - live strong, live well, live bravely and know that living for the sake of others and our kids will still stand us in good stead no matter what. Some humans are bound to survive this and continue to evolve. That’s DNA.

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“Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. It is the ability to work for something because it is good, not because it stands a chance to succeed.” --Vaclav Havel, author, former dissident, and first president of the Czech Republic.

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So why do we let the biggest threat overrun our colleges, buy up real estate, businesses and more? Its like letting the threat walk in. I am so sad at the world we are leaving our children and their children. We had a duty to take care of it, we didn't.

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Follow the money. Our "leaders" are easily bought. And our populace too indolent to really give a flip which is why so many bad actors are constantly reelected.

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WEF global plan.

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This is the advantage being a 'conspiracy theorist' (ie; not with the program) thinker really comes in. I could have answered the question - without any degree of technical insight - that yes, these claims are true and no you should not share your DNA.

Thanks for confirming what my dangerous misinformed self already knew.

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Sounds like a good time for Obama's puppet to release 20m more barrels of petroleum from our strategic reserves. You know: "Dumb 'ol Joe." He's just a front, and everyone with a single brain cell knows this.

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Totally agree. Most people, outside the USA know and knew that the resident of the WH is oblivious as to what is going on. The biggest clue for us, on the outside following our neighbors last election, saw that a man in the basement, with a dozen people attending his so-called rallies won the election with a YUGE 81 million strong votes!! That was enough for all else before and after. Leaders like him and our Trudope , along with other evil, corrupt ones is enough. God help us and Bless as at this point. Thank you Dr. Malone and Jill for all you are doing. Eyes open everyone. God Bless.

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The US has been using bioweapons since they used smallpox blankets on the Indians. We dropped plague infested fleas on the North Koreans from planes, among other biological insults. We tested psychotropic drugs on unsuspecting Americans, including service members. There is no nation more guilty of taking advantage of these capabilities than we are. You can be sure we will develop and use anything technology and science will allow on anyone some psychopath at the Pentagon or the White House hates, whether foreign or domestic.

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Rense 2003 A History Of US Secret Human Experimentation


Global Research 2013 A Timeline of CIA Atrocities

The following article was initially published in 1997. It is in part based on the work of William Blum. Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II, 1995


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Yes…appears we’ve been falling down the same rabbit holes Pamela… it also means once you follow this whistleblowing rabbit down the true histories rabbit hole the matrix of connections is so gobsmacking mind boggling it requires a daily exercise to self administer a holistic focus on internal peace and reconciliation if not mental reconstruction just to maintain some semblance of sanity. I’ve coined a new term for all of us “awake” …. “Knowing Fatigued”….. I’m assuming by now, especially after Malone and Edward Dowd’s “vindication” report yesterday, Central Banks, Global Debt & Covid and todays Biowarfare report, more vindication we the accused “conspiracy theorists” are indeed reality and truth seekers, and we’re all at this juncture “Knowing Fatigued.”

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Technically my career began inside the rabbit hole and it was a process of climbing out to see the bigger picture. I'm an old timer w DC career that spanned Watergate to Bush Sr and front row seat for Church/Pike Committee deep dive into CIA and subsequently PROMIS scandal. After Event 201 exercise Covidian nonsense rolled out like a school play. :~)

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Thank you for sharing this Pamela… no where near your depth of actual experience, just an avid “fatigued” truth seeker… yes I was aware of exactly what Event 201 was having fully read and followed the trails of the Rockefeller 2010 Global Simulation paper which I’ve archived…. I’ll definitely watch for all your comments moving on from here 🙌

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Thank you for this brilliant presentation. Clearly mankind has entered a new epoch. Warfare will be “more civilized” with biotechnology, that will enable even specific ethnic groups to be targeted. “Brain control”…… guns and cannons may become obsolete and it’s not science fiction. The world is experiencing a taste of it as we speak with mRNA biotechnology.

To think that we are being distracted with issues like climate change, windmills and solar panels while man is exploring warfare options that alter the very essence of our humanity.

Are we approaching “full circle” in our endeavor to subdue this earth?

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This was the subject of a Star Trek episode back in 1967 called "A Taste of Armageddon". The premise is: "Kirk and Spock must save their ship's crew when they are declared all killed in action in a bizarre computer simulated war where the actual deaths must occur to continue." I remember the main advantage being no collateral or property damage.

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Star Trek for the win.

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Also in Star Trek next generation. A woman, the assassin, when she touched a certain member of a tribe/family she could produce a heart attack. Hence killing her family adversary.

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We must use our education and knowledge not to instill fear like these evil globalists...

...but rather to educate, inform and direct humanity towards using these tools for peace and safety

Event201 was not about developing positive life affirming responses to pandemics, but rather a hell house of ways to achieve desired goals through fear, oppression, control and lies...

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Yet not one respondent commenting herein mentions Gates fingerprints in and on all of it… the only investigative reporter that I’m aware of that has connected all the Gate involvement et al., is James Corbett of the Corbett report… Gates-Fauci-Tedros-Schwab-Rockefeller-global leaders-NGO’s…. all connected…. Corbett painstakingly presented a 5 part expose early on in 2020… corbettreport.com

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The Corbett Report on Gates is thorough, revealing and highly recommended reading.

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…and James Bond knew all about it! (No Time to Die)

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Haven't you noticed,

That throughout the analogs of time and space,

The right people always find each other at the right time.

Please Relax and enjoy your stay,

The Universe

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Following the $$$$ and connections relative to genomic research…..it seems to me that the global fin/tech elite are intertwined with all that happens in China and the US on this front.

They hold the cards….i.e. the money needed to fund these efforts which they are happy to do because it gives them more power and control GLOBALLY.

Technology has ceased to make national boundaries relevant in their minds. They intend the business model of “stakeholder capitalism” to be the new governing paradigm. Hence, well before the pandemic the likes of Gates and others were busy setting up the infrastructure and infiltrating in various countries around the world….in education, finance, energy, healthcare, environment, employment. The focus is for technology to be at the heart of it all. And there is little respect for the original purposes or needed outcomes from these aspects of society. Rather those who own technology have stepped in and put themselves at the center of all industry with an eye towards efficiency and profits. Quality does not seem to be important, rather mediocrity for the masses will do.

The fin/tech have known for sometime, in large part to ongoing research and the size and compliance of the Chinese population, that it was just a matter of time before China eclipses the rest of the world on the biotechnology front.

Hence, the fin/tech elite went about making inroads nearly a decade ago into China. Meanwhile, China has effectively done the same here in our academic institutions which have provided direct access to our governmental agencies funding and knowledge.

Our government is complicit because of the likes of Fauci and others who tell us that what they do is for the American people. The truth is the agenda they serve is not even apparent to the American people even as it makes its way more and more daily into the intimate and personal space of our lives.

The truth at the heart of all of this is that with the advance of technology and biotechnology those at the helm sold out to the enemy of the people in the name of “progress.” Well, that and lining their own pockets and satisfying their narcissistic personalities.

And why? Well, in short, Americans want to live beyond their means and want less and less responsibility for the impact of their actions. We have been slowly conditioned to be dependent on what the wealth of the predatory philanthropists can provide when our tax dollars run short. This has meant our government and politicians have led not by being honest with the American public but by prostituting our interests to the highest bidder. This has been happening since the advent of the computing era….and likely even before. But technology’s swift advance has left us at the mercy of the fin/tech elite.

Now comes the time we will be made to pay the piper. We have had the supposed “advantages” of the progress offered by Gates, et al. but we have not tended our house. We have failed to regulate effectively those who have subverted democracy by siphoning off the legitimacy of our institutions. Our regulatory agencies are beholden to those that they are supposed to keep in check. It is a sad day for America.

Far too many Americans have turned inward and become self absorbed. They have little understanding of the philosophical debates of Alexander Hamilton and Jefferson. They do not even understand the John Locke social contract. All they know is what the latest tik tok is trending that tells them what is popular.

And it is not just our healthcare system and personal autonomy in medicine under attack. That is an oversimplification of what is underway. The education system has been infiltrated and Gates and others have been at it there for well over a decade. Just as in the current healthcare debate…..many from two polar opposite parties (the right and left) met on the backsides of the challenges and pushback shaking their heads at how we were both being played by the fin/tech elite. It is ongoing and the pandemic has made for significant inroads there just as in healthcare corruption.

Meanwhile we are seeing the Trojan Horse being trotted around in American politics….related to energy, green agenda, healthcare, education, environment, finance, digital currency, surveillance….at their heart they have common features or resemble how the Chinese government operates——it would be naive to think that it is the CCP that has brought it to our shores.

Perhaps it is more accurate to say that it is the fin/tech elite and the predatory philanthropists like Gates who have decided that they can surpass even the CCP by employing those same tactics and have set out to infiltrate both here and in China.

Dr. Malone….I have traced extensively certain connections/individuals in my state back to Gates, the IHME, council on foreign relations, and certain institutions that are significant to the COVID pandemic, as well as the infrastructure in China….How do I get this information to you? Where should I send it?

Thank you. Your work and thoughtful analysis politically and regarding the facts/impact markets of the upside down world we are living in is much appreciated.

Although, I do worry that in the sound bite age most of it goes over the heads of our current population.

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I knew this country was toast the day the lockdowns were announced in early 2020. So my risk assessment is high and has been high since that time. Sadly, I ignored what I thought of as fringe folks who believed we’ve had chemicals and biologicals dropped on us for decades. I knew the medical system was broken over 30 years ago but just couldn’t go the whole “9 yards” to the corruption and attack on the country back then. Those folks who did accept it went deep into the woods and will probably be fine. The rest of us are having to catch up as best we can. All I can say is look to your communities locally and ultimately your own home and decide what kind of hill you will be Ok dying on. We are closer to that sort of thing than ever before. Thank you for the data.

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Introduction to System Dynamics: Overview - YouTube

https://www.youtube.com › watch?v=AnTwZVviXyY

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