I’m not sure how many people realize that China (and other countries) currently send their pregnant citizens into the U.S., first class, gaining a tourist visa, having the baby in the U.S., and then flying the family back to China. The child does not lose its Chinese citizenship but they do become American citizens and begin receiving benefits as you say. This child can now enter the U.S. forever and whenever they want. This happens, not just with the Chinese obviously, but everyday of the week and every hour of the day, and the tax payer is on the hook for this insanity. No other country in the world does this, so why in hell do we? We have a 40 trillion dollar deficit, It’s insane!
100% correct I read about this years ago. The elite Chinese get pregnant, come over to America to have baby, stay a month for vacation and recovery. Their child has dual citizenship. Then our corrupt. stupid politicians scratch their heads wondering why our colleges and institutions are loaded with Chinese spies. What blew my mind was most Americans do not know about this but many immigrants and illegals do and is one of the reasons they feel free to break our laws!!! Imagine paying a lawyer and waiting years to come over here and finding out this BS is going on. Chinese are not the only ones many elite do this.
However, Dr. Nash, just because it's been going on for decades, doesn't make it right. So has the murder of unborn babies been going on for decades, but that doesn't make it right or good.
Do not believe that I said anything about it being right. My point is that an awakening appears to be happening about something that has been ongoing (and bitched about vigorously by some of us) for some time now
Exactly, I hope that Trump et al can get it passed and end this madness. We taxpayers are the ones paying for this infestation of mostly third world people.
I am so glad to finally understand all this anchor baby insanity, Dr Malone. This can’t happen soon enough. It is one of those loopholes that needs to be closed!! Trump is the man to get the ball rolling
It’s certainly been going on with illegal migrants from our south for decades but this has been a relatively new CCP policy to create good quality communist Chinese citizens with full access to enter the U.S. whenever they wish. Of course Biden’s careless policies of anything goes just ushers all of this in to our country. Remember with Chinese citizen having dual citizenship they can use chain migration to basically bring in whatever relatives they want. This playbook is fine for countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Turkey, and so many more. If you can get here and have a baby, you have benefits for your kid and access to enter whenever you want.
He's currently worth approximately 1.2Billion dollars (of who's money, I have no idea), but soon to retire in Florida, or maybe his Great Britian castle, or his "off the coast of Italy" Island.
To your point: Here is Rep. Thomas Tiffany questioning USCIS Director Ur Jaddou in a Judiciary Committee hearing last week. This brief line of questioning touches on Chinese birth tourism.
Great clip James, will America ever learn the world uses our weak insane liberal policies against us. The strong will survive and the weak shall perish!
Having spent a few years in the Seattle area I became aware of California "transition camps/programs" for the Chinese pouring in. Then they arrive in Seattle with good jobs and easy mortgages.
I grew up and live in Massachusetts, the governor Healy had the state contract out all of the Holiday Inns and many other hotels and filled them up with illegals, of course everything for free, rent, food, cable, phones, healthcare, transportation, diapers, formula, laundry service (including dry cleaning) and on and on. Well I know lots of police and firemen, they are at these hotels constantly, they’ve told me many times women having babies. So it’s everywhere, and we are all paying!!
I agree with you James, and it would seem to me that ALL clear thinking people, those that have a love for their Country (USA in this case, but I think the principle extends world wide) would look to "a possible future" by allowing this to continue unfetterred(in principle) it could mean that an alien nation in the future could control all aspects of American life. I fully acknowledge that is unlikely, but the whole of the Constitution of the USA is formed to defend USA "in the event of"! Both of our Nations (and others) are Literally fighting for survival.
Not to mention as things stand we could well have the legal prostitutes of alien causes mucking up our 'send them home' efforts re every illegal alien woman who's given birth to an 'anchor baby.'
I, for one, am appauled by your cander, and fact basis diatribe !
Wake up, fella ! You cannot go on "splaining" what has really been going on for so long.
Someone on the left might actually get a clue....
And in other news...
The squad is now demanding Blow Biteme, the lame duck fake Resident of the White house, is demanding all federal death row inmates be released because its racist ! Whooda thunk it?
Pregnant women arrive daily in US hospitals, traveling from varied nations, and the go home with their baby, who will be the “anchor” in the US when she is an adult. Through the Chain Migration system, this one person will be able to “call for” her family members, who will arrive and eventually become citizens too.
If I may offer my perspective posted yesterday, approaching this subject from a different angle (hopefully) highlighting how farcical the "advocates'" interpretation of "birthright citizenship" actually is, once one considers it this way:
"To accept the current practice(s) of 'birthright citizenship,' one has to accept the premise that the United States of America has decided that any woman anywhere in the world can unilaterally grant her child (or children) U.S. citizenship, merely by showing up on U.S. soil in time for delivery. In fact, she doesn’t even have to be legally present in the United States, she merely has to 'migrate' here in time for the blessed event of birth.
"When we put it that way, doesn’t the absolute stupidity, the inherently farcical nature of the currently-accepted practice come into sharp relief?"
Laws that were set or implied prior to all the technologies of rapid transportation are still in place. As you indicated a mother giving birth on the runway of an aircraft when on the ground wheels touching meet your criteria quite nicely. I'm guessing it has occurred. Those years of 1866/1884/1898 is like Jurassic Park Time periods.
I always wondered why it is, with so many things here in this country, because every page is being bend upside down over and over again until we are given in with a big guilt feeling (hopefully), reading14 Amendment, give me a different perspective, which can explain in many saying why we always should allowing them because these are poor people and are so in need, we can afford it with all the money we are so lucky to have it is including there delivery, and any health care in the future from our Taxes paid in full, I wish we could have such privilege paying our deliveries (Babies) and all health care affording it or not, but we got the Credit cards to pay with just in case, after all we are rich Americans Hmmm, several words there are placed in conversations from most tells me why like it is about HUMANITY& Kindness are used conveniently and a little more pressure as reminder is God, that is certainly a guild stretcher of conscience, but what about our Veterans and our Elderly? Ups I forgot they do not need our help, only the foreigner !
Honorable people in government who love America want what is best for our country; and are not for unchecked mass immigration. The Democrats are all about getting votes without any concern for the citizens of America. Millions poured across our border during the last four years. The rules used to be that no one could enter who was not self-supporting or had no job lined up. My own relatives in the 1890s came here...and they had jobs lined up. There was no welfare. One of my grandmothers came here at 12 years old in 1890. . She had a job lined up taking care of children. She learned English; and taught herself to read and write. She was married on Christmas Day in 1898. She married a man whom she knew in Austria-Hungary. He came from a village one mile from where she was born. He was the first person she saw, when she got off the ship at the wharf. He was about 15; and was selling fruit at the dock. She was very enterprising in order to help support their 9 children. She opened a candy store; then a small grocery store; she also had a little dance hall in her home; and then they wound up with a chicken store. They didn't have Social Security. Their children supported them in their later years. None of their nine children ever got in trouble or went on welfare.. They were hard working tax paying citizens.
Thank you for your excellent and precise discussion. This issue has gauled for a very long time. While this directs to the individual birthed in the US, it is being used to enable an extended chain migration that makes it all the more harmful.
It is important to keep in mind that there is an active tourist industry with foreign women coming in as tourists and giving birth to 'US citizens.' This needs to be included as a part of all cures.
I, for one, am and stand at the ready in support of all actions to clarify this matter with needed specifics.
All the many positive changes that appear to be on the horizon since Donald Trump was elected are breathtaking. From foreign and domestic, social and political, the world's axis seems to be finding its way back from off-kilter to balance. Common sense seems to have been rediscovered. Bible sales are up 22% and I feel the warm winds of revival. None of us knows what tomorrow will bring, but I'm personally moving from cautiously optimistic to full blown enthusiasm. God goes before us.
Without God in the picture, there really is no hope. But not any “god”! He must be the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whose only Son is Jesus Christ, and a national revival will happen when we return to Christ, with all of our heart, mind, and soul, in simple faith.
This,will drive progressives up the wall. They are demonstrating just exactly how crazy they are by insisting they lost this election by not being woke enough, and the leaders atboth the natl. and Texas state level are promising more wokeness. They will desperately need those anchors and I strongly suspect the current administration has made specific plans based on legalizing a!l these invaders and their offspring
'"...subject to the jurisdiction' of the U.S. included not owing allegiance to any other country..." So I guess all those Mexican flags at these demonstrations are actually proclaiming, "We hereby disqualify ourselves from future citizenship consideration."
Sorry, I couldn't read this yet, as I was too emotional reading about your heartfelt post about your love for the Percherons. Memories have a way of pulling on us, I love remembering back and I can only do that for a little bit...
A few years back there were brief announcements on CNN a few weeks apart: first was that Congresswoman Michelle Bachman announced she was renouncing her Swiss citizenship, then came "Senator Ted Cruz announces that he is renouncing his Canadian citizenship." Which got my attention, because I had always thought that dual citizenship was illegal in the US. So I looked it up, and found that dual citizenship became legal in the US as a result of a 1967 Supreme Court decision re: the petition of an American businessman to have dual citizenship with Israel. The court ruled in his favor, and the rest is history. Following Senator Turnbull's clarification that "subject to the jurisdiction" of the U.S. means not having allegiance to another country, and the theory around why there was a need to pass the law in the 1920s granting Native Americans US citizenship, because their primary allegiance was to "their tribe". I wonder how the "end of birthright citizenship" might affect our currently legal dual citizens of the US and any other country, could face new challenges, as it seems like a real question whether the primary allegiance of many dual citizens is to the US ( e.g., in the Senate or House of Reps, plus numerous officials requiring Senate confirmation).
As a teen, my parents moved to NM from New England. It was a cultural shock.
There is the acceptance of “anchor “ babies coming over the border of Mexico.
This occurs enough to have dedicated facilities. Once born, “anchor baby “. The parents are welcome as well with all of the government social entitlements offered.
Then, working through college in NM,
Rare is the customer that has any other tender than food stamps, government vouchers, etc. It was eye opening. They really understand our government programs far better than I. It really needs to stop.
When I was in the Army, mid to late 70’s, we were informed that Russian immigrants would flee the Soviet Union for the sole purpose of having their children become U.S. citizens. They would raise them under communism ideology, in order to infiltrate our military and government, for nefarious reasons. Nothing is new under the sun, but it’s getting worse.
Birth right citizenship needs to end if we are going to have an American society based on the principles of our founding fathers, and based on Christianity. Trump needs to sign the EO, in order to get it to the SCOTUS and end this national security issue.
I’m not sure how many people realize that China (and other countries) currently send their pregnant citizens into the U.S., first class, gaining a tourist visa, having the baby in the U.S., and then flying the family back to China. The child does not lose its Chinese citizenship but they do become American citizens and begin receiving benefits as you say. This child can now enter the U.S. forever and whenever they want. This happens, not just with the Chinese obviously, but everyday of the week and every hour of the day, and the tax payer is on the hook for this insanity. No other country in the world does this, so why in hell do we? We have a 40 trillion dollar deficit, It’s insane!
100% correct I read about this years ago. The elite Chinese get pregnant, come over to America to have baby, stay a month for vacation and recovery. Their child has dual citizenship. Then our corrupt. stupid politicians scratch their heads wondering why our colleges and institutions are loaded with Chinese spies. What blew my mind was most Americans do not know about this but many immigrants and illegals do and is one of the reasons they feel free to break our laws!!! Imagine paying a lawyer and waiting years to come over here and finding out this BS is going on. Chinese are not the only ones many elite do this.
And they (corrupt, stupid politicians) want to ban Tik Tok. Cute.
Both of Kamala Harris' parents were not legal citizens when they had her here. They were foreign national professors. Is she an anchor baby?
Jail the rest who go along with this shit
Been going on for decades James.
However, Dr. Nash, just because it's been going on for decades, doesn't make it right. So has the murder of unborn babies been going on for decades, but that doesn't make it right or good.
Do not believe that I said anything about it being right. My point is that an awakening appears to be happening about something that has been ongoing (and bitched about vigorously by some of us) for some time now
Exactly, I hope that Trump et al can get it passed and end this madness. We taxpayers are the ones paying for this infestation of mostly third world people.
It was implied. Then maybe we ought to stop bitching and get on our representatives in Congress.
No, inferred,but...
Amen, Brother Micheal
I am so glad to finally understand all this anchor baby insanity, Dr Malone. This can’t happen soon enough. It is one of those loopholes that needs to be closed!! Trump is the man to get the ball rolling
It’s certainly been going on with illegal migrants from our south for decades but this has been a relatively new CCP policy to create good quality communist Chinese citizens with full access to enter the U.S. whenever they wish. Of course Biden’s careless policies of anything goes just ushers all of this in to our country. Remember with Chinese citizen having dual citizenship they can use chain migration to basically bring in whatever relatives they want. This playbook is fine for countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Turkey, and so many more. If you can get here and have a baby, you have benefits for your kid and access to enter whenever you want.
Read 10-20 yrs ago (?) about special flights here from china for pregnant women to fly here to birth a new US citizen
I think all those women you speak of were impregnated by this piano playing master !
He's currently worth approximately 1.2Billion dollars (of who's money, I have no idea), but soon to retire in Florida, or maybe his Great Britian castle, or his "off the coast of Italy" Island.
And take over administrative positions in our political theater
Correct, and it needs to stop if we are going to remain a free nation as Americans.
To your point: Here is Rep. Thomas Tiffany questioning USCIS Director Ur Jaddou in a Judiciary Committee hearing last week. This brief line of questioning touches on Chinese birth tourism.
Great clip James, will America ever learn the world uses our weak insane liberal policies against us. The strong will survive and the weak shall perish!
Wow, wish he'd asked her if she could define what a woman is! Thank you!
Correct. It’s not only insane, it’s national suicide. no matter what nationality enters our nation, legally or illegally.
Having spent a few years in the Seattle area I became aware of California "transition camps/programs" for the Chinese pouring in. Then they arrive in Seattle with good jobs and easy mortgages.
I grew up and live in Massachusetts, the governor Healy had the state contract out all of the Holiday Inns and many other hotels and filled them up with illegals, of course everything for free, rent, food, cable, phones, healthcare, transportation, diapers, formula, laundry service (including dry cleaning) and on and on. Well I know lots of police and firemen, they are at these hotels constantly, they’ve told me many times women having babies. So it’s everywhere, and we are all paying!!
I agree with you James, and it would seem to me that ALL clear thinking people, those that have a love for their Country (USA in this case, but I think the principle extends world wide) would look to "a possible future" by allowing this to continue unfetterred(in principle) it could mean that an alien nation in the future could control all aspects of American life. I fully acknowledge that is unlikely, but the whole of the Constitution of the USA is formed to defend USA "in the event of"! Both of our Nations (and others) are Literally fighting for survival.
Great point!
Not to mention as things stand we could well have the legal prostitutes of alien causes mucking up our 'send them home' efforts re every illegal alien woman who's given birth to an 'anchor baby.'
Hey James ! What the hell is wrong with you???
Spewing all these truthisms?
I, for one, am appauled by your cander, and fact basis diatribe !
Wake up, fella ! You cannot go on "splaining" what has really been going on for so long.
Someone on the left might actually get a clue....
And in other news...
The squad is now demanding Blow Biteme, the lame duck fake Resident of the White house, is demanding all federal death row inmates be released because its racist ! Whooda thunk it?
'Birthright Tourism’ … we also need to need 'dual citizenship', for everyone.
Pregnant women arrive daily in US hospitals, traveling from varied nations, and the go home with their baby, who will be the “anchor” in the US when she is an adult. Through the Chain Migration system, this one person will be able to “call for” her family members, who will arrive and eventually become citizens too.
If I may offer my perspective posted yesterday, approaching this subject from a different angle (hopefully) highlighting how farcical the "advocates'" interpretation of "birthright citizenship" actually is, once one considers it this way:
"To accept the current practice(s) of 'birthright citizenship,' one has to accept the premise that the United States of America has decided that any woman anywhere in the world can unilaterally grant her child (or children) U.S. citizenship, merely by showing up on U.S. soil in time for delivery. In fact, she doesn’t even have to be legally present in the United States, she merely has to 'migrate' here in time for the blessed event of birth.
"When we put it that way, doesn’t the absolute stupidity, the inherently farcical nature of the currently-accepted practice come into sharp relief?"
As I understand, we are the only country in the world that has this policy. This is so backasswards.
Laws that were set or implied prior to all the technologies of rapid transportation are still in place. As you indicated a mother giving birth on the runway of an aircraft when on the ground wheels touching meet your criteria quite nicely. I'm guessing it has occurred. Those years of 1866/1884/1898 is like Jurassic Park Time periods.
I always wondered why it is, with so many things here in this country, because every page is being bend upside down over and over again until we are given in with a big guilt feeling (hopefully), reading14 Amendment, give me a different perspective, which can explain in many saying why we always should allowing them because these are poor people and are so in need, we can afford it with all the money we are so lucky to have it is including there delivery, and any health care in the future from our Taxes paid in full, I wish we could have such privilege paying our deliveries (Babies) and all health care affording it or not, but we got the Credit cards to pay with just in case, after all we are rich Americans Hmmm, several words there are placed in conversations from most tells me why like it is about HUMANITY& Kindness are used conveniently and a little more pressure as reminder is God, that is certainly a guild stretcher of conscience, but what about our Veterans and our Elderly? Ups I forgot they do not need our help, only the foreigner !
Similar to Elon Musk asking, " are we inviting the world come to the US, is there any limit?
Honorable people in government who love America want what is best for our country; and are not for unchecked mass immigration. The Democrats are all about getting votes without any concern for the citizens of America. Millions poured across our border during the last four years. The rules used to be that no one could enter who was not self-supporting or had no job lined up. My own relatives in the 1890s came here...and they had jobs lined up. There was no welfare. One of my grandmothers came here at 12 years old in 1890. . She had a job lined up taking care of children. She learned English; and taught herself to read and write. She was married on Christmas Day in 1898. She married a man whom she knew in Austria-Hungary. He came from a village one mile from where she was born. He was the first person she saw, when she got off the ship at the wharf. He was about 15; and was selling fruit at the dock. She was very enterprising in order to help support their 9 children. She opened a candy store; then a small grocery store; she also had a little dance hall in her home; and then they wound up with a chicken store. They didn't have Social Security. Their children supported them in their later years. None of their nine children ever got in trouble or went on welfare.. They were hard working tax paying citizens.
Thank you, immensely, for this brief excerpt from your family history.
Loved it
Concur. 14th Amendment has been abused far beyond the original meaning and intent.
Another example (among way too many) of SCOTUS wrongly stepping in and doing something it thought Congress should have done
Thank you for your excellent and precise discussion. This issue has gauled for a very long time. While this directs to the individual birthed in the US, it is being used to enable an extended chain migration that makes it all the more harmful.
It is important to keep in mind that there is an active tourist industry with foreign women coming in as tourists and giving birth to 'US citizens.' This needs to be included as a part of all cures.
I, for one, am and stand at the ready in support of all actions to clarify this matter with needed specifics.
All the many positive changes that appear to be on the horizon since Donald Trump was elected are breathtaking. From foreign and domestic, social and political, the world's axis seems to be finding its way back from off-kilter to balance. Common sense seems to have been rediscovered. Bible sales are up 22% and I feel the warm winds of revival. None of us knows what tomorrow will bring, but I'm personally moving from cautiously optimistic to full blown enthusiasm. God goes before us.
Without God in the picture, there really is no hope. But not any “god”! He must be the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whose only Son is Jesus Christ, and a national revival will happen when we return to Christ, with all of our heart, mind, and soul, in simple faith.
This,will drive progressives up the wall. They are demonstrating just exactly how crazy they are by insisting they lost this election by not being woke enough, and the leaders atboth the natl. and Texas state level are promising more wokeness. They will desperately need those anchors and I strongly suspect the current administration has made specific plans based on legalizing a!l these invaders and their offspring
Excellent, clarifying piece. Thanks Doc.
'"...subject to the jurisdiction' of the U.S. included not owing allegiance to any other country..." So I guess all those Mexican flags at these demonstrations are actually proclaiming, "We hereby disqualify ourselves from future citizenship consideration."
That's another issue -- dual citizenship. Many nations don't allow it.
Sorry, I couldn't read this yet, as I was too emotional reading about your heartfelt post about your love for the Percherons. Memories have a way of pulling on us, I love remembering back and I can only do that for a little bit...
A few years back there were brief announcements on CNN a few weeks apart: first was that Congresswoman Michelle Bachman announced she was renouncing her Swiss citizenship, then came "Senator Ted Cruz announces that he is renouncing his Canadian citizenship." Which got my attention, because I had always thought that dual citizenship was illegal in the US. So I looked it up, and found that dual citizenship became legal in the US as a result of a 1967 Supreme Court decision re: the petition of an American businessman to have dual citizenship with Israel. The court ruled in his favor, and the rest is history. Following Senator Turnbull's clarification that "subject to the jurisdiction" of the U.S. means not having allegiance to another country, and the theory around why there was a need to pass the law in the 1920s granting Native Americans US citizenship, because their primary allegiance was to "their tribe". I wonder how the "end of birthright citizenship" might affect our currently legal dual citizens of the US and any other country, could face new challenges, as it seems like a real question whether the primary allegiance of many dual citizens is to the US ( e.g., in the Senate or House of Reps, plus numerous officials requiring Senate confirmation).
Good point
Great substack! I learned more today about our Constitution. In particular the 14th Amendment. Many many thanks. 💯🇺🇸🙏🏻
As a teen, my parents moved to NM from New England. It was a cultural shock.
There is the acceptance of “anchor “ babies coming over the border of Mexico.
This occurs enough to have dedicated facilities. Once born, “anchor baby “. The parents are welcome as well with all of the government social entitlements offered.
Then, working through college in NM,
Rare is the customer that has any other tender than food stamps, government vouchers, etc. It was eye opening. They really understand our government programs far better than I. It really needs to stop.
When I was in the Army, mid to late 70’s, we were informed that Russian immigrants would flee the Soviet Union for the sole purpose of having their children become U.S. citizens. They would raise them under communism ideology, in order to infiltrate our military and government, for nefarious reasons. Nothing is new under the sun, but it’s getting worse.
Birth right citizenship needs to end if we are going to have an American society based on the principles of our founding fathers, and based on Christianity. Trump needs to sign the EO, in order to get it to the SCOTUS and end this national security issue.
What a fabulous topic of interest. One that everyone should clearly come to grips with.
DJT is paving a road for those undocumented that crossed national borders to be extracted.
It makes sense to only advocate removals, with all legal descriptions of the laws rock solid.
Thanks so much for that succinct explanation. I learned so much in just a few minutes without the legalese.