It doesn’t take a genius to know that yesterday, we got another really big flag to get off of main stream news if you seek any unbiased news analysis or editorial content. That the biases, the censorship is only going to get worse. And no, I am not necessarily writing of Tucker’s departure, although that too is another signpost.
What really has me concerned is that earlier this year, it was announced that BlackRock has increased its ownership position in Fox Corporation (FOXA).
This increase in stock ownership now means that Blackrock owns 15.1% of the Fox Corporation. They are the second largest owner, just after the Murdock family.
Now, the Family Trust Murdoch still owns 19% of the company, with other, smaller institutional investors owning the rest. The CEO of the Fox Corporation was Rupert Murdoch, but it is currently Lachlan Murdoch.
BUT with this increase in 2.7% of Fox Corp, it is clear that Blackrock is fast becoming a controlling entity in Fox Corporation.
Together, BlackRock and Vanguard own 18% of Fox (now almost 21%), 16% of CBS, 13% of Comcast — which owns NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, and the Sky media group, 12% of CNN, and 12% of Disney — which owns a number of subsidiaries. Media behemoths that may present themselves as rivals are, in reality, owned by the same company.
After watching the above video, one has to ask - “how does Blackrock, the largest corporation in the world, seek to “save” the world and from what”? Why do they own so much media? What is their goal? A handful of transnational corporations should not control so many of our access points to the news. It is unhealthy.
This is why we have to seek out alternative sources.
I like to use The Epoch Times, Citizen Free Press, Real Clear Politics, Twitter (I have a large list of people and organizations that I follow), Daily Wire, AsiaTimes, WarRoom, justthenews, Briebart and many others. I stay away from any source that receives significant government funding (NPR, PBS and BBC). Edited to add: I also like Real America’s Voice, Glenn Beck, Brownstone Institute and Lou Rockwell. Also Matt Taibbi, Seymour Hersh and Glen Greenwald on Substack.
There is no one source for truth and there are many opinions on politics, war, policy, medicine and well, life. Seek out many alternate voices and work to free yourself of internal biases.
Blow up your TV, throw away your paper
Go to the country, build you a home
Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches
Try and find Jesus on your own
Blockrock owns 59.M shares of
Blackrock owns 45.7M shares of
Blackrock sued itself and fired
Tucker Carlson as part of that
And Black Rock has a chunk of Dominion I bet. It is always the same core group of psychotic overlords. Always.