Many of these stories are examples of parents that have failed at raising their children to be strong self confident adults who are capable citizens participating in a free society. The sticks and stones idiom has been cast aside and buried deep in the ground decades ago. We are now faced with a generation of immature, juvenile grownups that insist on still receiving a trophy even though they are failures in life. There are people that have been raised completely unable to live in a free constitutional republic. Your article is evidence. A quick story; as I have mentioned my wife works at a major Boston hospital. Last week a nurse mentioned to a person of color that she is a republican. The person of color went to her coordinator and Human Resources saying the nurse was insensitive. The hospital demanded that the nurse write a letter of apology for her insensitivity which she refused to apologize for being a republican. The nurse was forced to resign and no longer has a job. J.Goodrich

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The behavior of the people who fired the nurse should be reported widely but factually. Then good people should boycott that hospital.

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It’s truly amazing, the pressures these nurses deal with, the perfection that is demanded and the lives of children they save. My wife participates in the kidney and liver transplant team and one of her biggest highs is when the kidney or liver is hooked up and the grey organ becomes pink. It in a way dwarfs the managements incompetence.

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Jun 10, 2023·edited Jun 10, 2023

I couldn't agree more. And the political termination of anyone, especially highly skilled people, is horrendous.

My son is an ER nurse in a large urban Trauma II hospital, and what they have to deal with, immediately, to save lives, before the doc arrives, some nights with waves of life or death admits that must triaged, well, that's my source of real pride.

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She should also have a strong legal case. Are we really firing people for choosing the “wrong” political party?

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Worse than that, we are putting them in prison

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In support of your notes on parenting I can relate the following: I have a friend who grew up with 3 younger sisters. The father and mother couldn't agree on how to raise them so they agreed to the father's way for the eldest 2 and the mother's way for the youngest 2. The father 's way brought up the eldest 2 to be self reliant and capable people. The mother's way was to instill love and make the youngest 2 very loving women. Fast forward 30 years and the eldest was a successful real estate broker and his eldest sister was a stewardess for 20 years and now is a teacher with a husband and great son.

The 3rd is a divorced mother of 2 and scraping by financially. The youngest I first met many years ago when she was 16, screaming at her mother and she later died in early 30's. It was a good lesson in life and how to raise children.

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Jun 10, 2023·edited Jun 10, 2023

I learned cheating as an infant. How to simulate a need and gain attention. Many "how-to's" in the cheating pattern. The older I got, the easier the cheating. I had learned what the big people around me were demanding. I regurgitated on demand. That was called "education~Frank Herbert

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A veritable blizzard of snowflakes

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Some of the problem with the children is that the husband has abandoned the mother . The mother is working 2 jobs and the kids run wild because the father is no longer in the picture. Leaving the mother to deal with it all.

In Africa there was a herd of male teenage elephants wreaking havoc . What to do? The care takers put a bull elephant in charge of the young teens and guess what happened. The teens calmed down and started acting normal. Why ? Because they needed a father figure. Father’s are so important . Mother’s are important. But both need to be engaged in their children.

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I agree, engaging with their children in a positive way is important, perhaps the most important part of raising children. I have seen children of single mothers grow up well and others do poorly in life. Money doesn't seem to matter much. To me the first 3 years (the tender years) seem to be the most important in moulding a child's character. Being there mentally and physically for your children seems to be key.

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Please don't misunderstand what I wrote. Raising children is not usually easy but can be a pleasure for many parents. I don't pretend to have all the answers. I pass along my own observations, For example I have noted that some cultures do better at raising children. Middle eastern muslims on average seem to raise better children in terms of capability, respect and politeness.

I also had a neighbor one time who I encouraged to consider becoming a counseller for raising children as she had such a lovely family. She was a single mom for three years.

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"Middle eastern muslims on average seem to raise better children in terms of capability, respect and politeness." Because in that culture children are "second class citizens" and often subjected to physical, sexual, and mental abuse, especially girls, but boys are also exploited. Beating children into submission can temporarily make them "behave" but ends up creating monsters who in turn become abusers of the next generation of children, or even Jihadis who take out their suppressed rage on innocent "Infidels".

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I agree; fathers are important. Now, change the divorce laws and ensure fathers have equal custody rights.

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You are 1000 % correct Melanie. I think a lot of coping that children learn is watching their parents work through issues. One parent is many time the good cop and the other the bad cop when making decisions and children learn how to deal with sometimes tough issues.

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That nurse needs to SUE those A-holes! This is not only stupid, it is suicidal for any society to behave this stupidly!

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IMHO The overwhelming, and blatantly obvious delusion we now experience is partly the culmination of decades of denial and apathy by American citizens who still assume nothing could go wrong. The objective is global domination by a select FEW mostly like the WEF.

The method has been on display for anyone looking, Hiding in plain site. Very sorry for the nurse and also your wife who must now worry about her own job. Delusional is the word that best describes such behavior.

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T.Paine, (by the way I love your name) my wife has been a OR nurse for 38 years. After this happened she was so upset she told me she was going to tell everyone she’s a republican… She’s pretty burnt out though when in a room she runs it. When she is in a room people including the doctors are at ease and believe me not every one carry’s that type of knowledge and experience in the rooms. I could go on but I’ll leave it at that.

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I’m glad the Nurse refused to write a letter of apology- Good for her standing her Right to Free Speech! Yes, the Admin // HR folks should be fired!

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Being too honest is not always in your best interests. I didnt know that you could be discriminated against in a hospital based on politics.

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I hear stories from Boston hospitals, like other places in Boston, that the party of tolerance has absolutely no tolerance for conservatives. I understand that this nurse was not being confrontational at all. She was listening in a group, as part of the group, and just said I’m a republican, and that was it.

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Of all the professions, medicine, followed closely by law, has swallowed the woke madness. The correlation between years of education and a lack of elementary common sense appears solid. Or maybe it's only the length of exposure to the fools in academia that warps the young minds in these professions.

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I don't want to like this comment, as it's abhorrent. But we don't have a way to agree with you and put a picture of a real man up at the same time, cracking the skulls of the stupid.

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James, there is something that I am noticing that irks me in your comment, closely relating to Melanie's comments. I raised a male son by myself and had to be the everything parent. No child support monetarily or physically. I was hard on him in some areas, not wanting to grow up like his dad. Father's parents gave everything to their son with no accountability. I can only hope you have taken the time to mentor some kid with no dad to guide him.

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One thing I have learned in life DD there are no absolutes in anything. Im sure that Melanie and yourself have both done a great job raising your children. You both seem to be wonderful people. In my own family I had what I consider 2 wonderful parents that instilled good morals, a work ethic and the ability to be self sufficient. My oldest brother still got addicted to pain killers then heroin when his doctor cut him off and died at 48 by overdosing on methadone. So I am very aware of the fact that there are no perfect situations in life.

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Sometimes it takes me awhile to digest the subtleties of your statements, James. Thank you for the thoughtful considerations.

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We all have complicated maybe awful lives at times and those who dedicate time, and nurture others, produce good results more often. Any color, any age, any sex, any religion any anything improves with virtuous attention.

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Jun 10, 2023·edited Jun 11, 2023

I like your thinking of the nurse suing.

The reality is (reinforced by a recent piece by Dr. Malone on his adventures with the justice system), pursuing justice through the courts costs $, a lot of it; there are a lot of exceptions built into the law allowing wrongdoers to get away with wrongdoing; and the judges can't be counted on to be just.

You pays your money and you takes your chances. Redress through the courts is a crap-shoot.

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Very revealing in today's news is Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook doing spin control saying he was just following orders from the government to 'silence vaccine critics' and 'origins of covid counter narratives'. He had the resources to do his own investigation at the time but did not do so. I expect to see a lot more celebrities back track on their support for the dangerous vaccines. Too late for the many killed and debilitated by the jabs.

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Three years ago I heard a comedian say he had retorted to his teenage sons' ribbing with the "sticks and stones" rhyme we all know from childhood.

The conversation with his sons devolved into a true argument when they both corrected him, saying the phrase is: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can REALLY hurt me."

They told him they had been hearing that in school their entire lives.

Two young people I know personally verified hearing the updated phrase repeated by teachers throughout their public school years.

Ponder the difference that one word makes: the correct version instills confidence, but the new version immediately turns you into a victim.

Government schools are a toxin.

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wow. that is insane. and yes, government schools are toxin. I"d also argue many private schools as well. You have to be careful everywhere.

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As in "Do unto others before they do it unto you."

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Yes! That started as a sardonic joke but now the perverted joke version is often accepted as the real version. So sad.

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LANGUAGE!!!! Over and over again I see language, its use and misuse, creating more problems than it solves! When, how, where did our language, the core of our means to communicate, become the weapon of choice for ostracizing and criticizing? Would this be a better world if humans had never developed verbal communication? Giving it some thought... 🤔

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Conversely, even if it turns out the city scapegoated Penny for its own dereliction of duty, no one will be held to criminal account. This is a perverse incentive structure. As someone commented: “If he was identifying himself as a female and wearing a dress and eye makeup and did the exact same thing he would be invited to the White House by Biden & Harris.”

What an observation! More like an alarm horn on the local fire station roof.

OMG!!! This is exactly our new reality and worst possible nightmare for your personal safety!!!

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Not surprising. We have in austin the example of an off-duty soldier driving for uber encountering a very violent mob probably demonstrating over the death of some criminal and one of the jerks pointed an ak47 at him prompting the g.i. to send him to his maker. A woke soros d.a.got a woke jury (austin you know) to convict him of 2nd degree murder. Waiting for that to be pardoned but....

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Without Question Doctor Nash, "We are in a heap o trouble boy"!

Job as a Police officer or County Sheriff ranks #99 or lower now.

That's horrifying for John Q. Public

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Jun 10, 2023·edited Jun 10, 2023

I truly respect and admire those who honestly want to serve, but I fear too many are now recruited under much lower standards. Naturally, they are most often young veterans looking to translate whatever skills they have gained into a career. Due to their youth and a corrupt education establishment, most have no clear and broad knowledge of history. And some police departments, working under hard left city councils and mayors, actively seek out the indoctrinated/gullible ones because they will gladly goose step to their marching orders believing they are on the "right side of history" in their unequal enforcement of the law.

"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." Barack Obama

Makes me wonder if those objectives are included in his idea of fundamental transformation.

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Thankfully here in Florida we are allowed to take them out. And then get the accolades a guy like Penny deserves, but doesn't want.

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This is, of course, all true. It is becoming obvious to more and more Americans who could not see the train approaching but cannot now ignore the roar and shaking ground as it passes.

For the first time in American history the great majority of citizens are all alone politically. We have no one representing us or fighting for us on the playing field, where it matters. We have memes and social media commentary. We have jawboning in congressional hearings, knowing nothing will come of it. On the playing field, where it matters, there is only one team. We are forced to watch as that team runs up and down the field, scoring at will, all to our detriment. It is a non-sensical display of lawless gamesmanship. What is supposed to be the opposing team is in fact on the sidelines. They sometimes seem to walk onto the field but we see that they are just yelling at the referees. The referees will occasionally throw a flag. The next play in an onside kick.

Americans were caught by surprise by all of this. We don’t know what to do, but we should know that it will take more than memes to turn this around.

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People had been telling them since the 60s, so I don't think they were surprised, just in a sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll coma and didn't care.

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Thank you, Dr. Malone. You continue to impress with your ability to scour the world for reporting on so many different subjects and find other excellent writers with insightful analysis in context within the dystopian culture in which we now find ourselves. My subscription has been well worth the price.

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This article crystallized our current world with such clarity and simplicity that I can share it with my high school kids. Thank you.

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Thank you, Ramesh, for alerting me to the letter in defense of Andrew Bridgen written by Jewish scientists, doctors, and researchers.

A few months ago, I published an Open Letter in Commemoration of Clemens Arvay co-signed by Jewish groups condemning the weaponization of “anti-semite” accusations against dissidents like Andrew Bridgen:

• “Requiem for a Smear Victim: Clemens Arvay” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/requiem-for-a-smear-victim-clemens)

They wrote, in part:

“The anti-semitism cudgel is used as a weapon against critics of government measures. Like any weapon, it causes destruction. Like any weapon, it is a means of oppression and violence. This we do not want!

“Why do we see ourselves in the position of saying, ‘Enough is enough!’? Because the impression is created that it is we, the Jews, who hold the anti-semitism cudgel in our hands. That it is we who want to be protected from the ‘swearers,’ ‘conspiracy theorists,’ ‘Nazis,’ and ‘right-wing radicals.’ That we were the ones who supposedly wanted to be protected from Clemens Arvay.”

I know the signatories of this letter would appreciate this being shared as widely as possible as this strategy not only drove the gentle Clemens Arvay to suicide but also continues to be wielded against some of our most powerful voices, including:

• “Profiles in Courage: Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-prof-dr-sucharit)

• “Political Satirist (me) Under Criminal Investigation in Berlin” (https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/political-satirist-ie-me-under-criminal)

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How long will it take before the decay of morals and laws is once again recognized .

Tucker did a nice Twitter post on Taboo's. Great reminders are needed.


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PMFJI - but, I don't think your reply says what you intended.

Unless I'm mistaken, you've asked -

how long it will be before moral decay is recognized as honorable.

Words are important.

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You are correct. I was in a hurry and did not read over what was written.thnx

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Delete as honorable.

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I just listened to it. It was spot on.

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Thank goodness Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi was acquitted of the ridiculous charges against him~

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Most definitely—but the chief public prosecutor has already filed an appeal, so the Kafkaesque saga drags on.


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OMG, I had no idea! I'm so sorry :-(

The madness won't end anytime soon.

For those who haven't watched "Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening" yet, I urge you to do so. This movie by the brilliant Mikki Willis explains so much of what we're all experiencing now (1 hr 47 min, free): https://plandemicseries.com/watch-the-great-awakening-movie/

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Why?? Something their we can use to indict a Lying Liberal??? Stop talking and writing and start doing!!!

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Today's young people are pawns in the hands of the totalitarians They want everything to be exactly as they think they want it. Although they seem to be powerful, they really are completely powerless. Ironically, if they don't wake up soon, they wind up in a world where they will be told exactly what to say, what to do and what to think every minute of every day.

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Or else - what with the CCP social credit system.

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I was just considering The Lord's Prayer and the part where it goes "...forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us" and trying to reconcile that with what goes on in politics these days.

We have one group of politicians, the Democrats, who are practicing selective forgiveness of anyone and everyone who will in turn forgive them for all their wrongs. They will absolve you of responsibility for your trespasses, so long as you are on their team and have trespassed against those on the opposing team. This revelation brings new meaning to the word – ‘demigod’.

It's so ironic that those are the ones who have the "coexist" bumper stickers on their cars but are completely intolerant of people with traditional beliefs.

It’s beginning to look like Christians and their basic concept of forgiveness are being abused and taken advantage of. I'm beginning to think that we are misapplying our prayer. It's one thing to have a double standard with regard to law and quite another when it comes to Faith. Are we trying to play God when we forgive the anti-American and anti-Christian activities of Democrats and their ilk?

I think we are on the verge of having a mass formation epiphany.

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The question we must ask ourselves is what is working to combat these attacks on the truth? One can only judge this from observing different groups of young adults and kids. Historically, educated kids would embrace truth but no longer. The only group of young adults and kids where truth still permeates them are Bible taught fundamentalist raised young adults. This might offend sensibilities but it is the truth and what is working. Get your grandkids into church, now!

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In early America, civil disorder was met with a day or two or three in the town square stocks. A hard bench with arms in chains no food and the jeers of citizens. I suggest we bring this back. Go directly from shouting obscenities to the stocks for an overnight stay. I bet civil protests would immediately reappear.

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This is, of course, all true. It is becoming obvious to more and more Americans who could not see the train approaching but cannot now ignore the roar and shaking ground as it passes.

For the first time in American history the great majority of citizens are all alone politically. We have no one representing us or fighting for us on the playing field, where it matters. We have memes and social media commentary. We have jawboning in congressional hearings, knowing nothing will come of it. On the playing field, where it matters, there is only one team. We are forced to watch as that team runs up and down the field, scoring at will, all to our detriment. It is a non-sensical display of lawless gamesmanship. What is supposed to be the opposing team is in fact on the sidelines. They sometimes seem to walk onto the field but we see that they are just yelling at the referees. The referees will occasionally throw a flag. The next play in an onside kick.

Americans were caught by surprise by all of this. We don’t know what to do, but we should know that it will take more than memes to turn this around.

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Morning all. Tucker Twitter post on a forgotten word. Taboo.


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It's a great monologue.

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Having in mind former New Zealand Prime minister Ardern winning a price for guiding the country out of the Pandemic, how long before there’s a Nobel Price for the genuine transgender, drag queen? Fake news opportunist or the censorship ghostbuster?

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Shaleel Lal has just been awarded young New Zealander of the Year, for being queer.

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People who are “lost” have no compass to guide them. They wander around trying to find purpose in life. These are the people jumping on the bandwagon . Fighting for the “underdog” . Or should I say their blurred vision of the underdog.

You get a bunch of these lost souls together and you have your crazies fighting for a cause.

Then you get the deep state feeding these lost souls more propaganda and they feed on it.

Then you have people who put their head in the sand. They just follow the crowd . They don’t want to dig in and search for truth. They just want to go to work and come home. They turn on their tv and watch mainstream news and believe everything they hear.

From what I have read, the deep state has been conducting psychological testing through the years on how to carry out this global take over.

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