Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just more proof our government along with other governments are knowingly, willingly and with intent committing crimes against humanity for the power of Gov over the populace 🤬

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Remember all the way back to last year when talking about such things was dangerous misinformation?


"The COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to cause infertility,”


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I wonder how temporary it will be in the future when the vax is started on young boys, or for men after their 4th, 5th, 6th, etc. ...jab?

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In college, my roommate was getting his degree in Economics. One day, I asked him why? He told me, "There are two professions where you are never fired if you're wrong: weather forecaster and economist." Made me laugh, but I guess we need to add "public health official" to his list.

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The third profession? Climate "scientist." (The sole exception being William Happer -who got fired for getting things RIGHT).

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The way NASA lies about climate make me almost feel sympathy for the kooks who think the lunar landing was,filmed in the garage of the "voice of NASA".

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Let's assume for a moment that global heating as stated by the IPCC has a small but non-zero probability of being correct. A potential problem is that the climate emergency is like pancreatic cancer. By the time we're convinced we have it, it's often too late. Given the potential consequences (however unlikely), I still see risk.

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I don't see any risk at all. Just like the China flu scare mongers,the climate scare mongers have been caught with their hands in the cherry pickers cookie jar. Have lost any credibility. Plus their top honchos have admitted on several occasions their entire program is about global wealth redistribution. From our pockets into theirs.

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Could you name a couple of those top honchos? I'd like to look that up. Thanks.

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Several yrs ago at the international meeting (IPCC?) I believe it was clearly so stated in their minutes. They actually brag about it.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Pfizer is warning a fifth booster may be necessary for those who haven't died yet. 😉

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The intent of declaring COVID a medical emergency was to establish a basis of allocating "financial immunity" from the harm caused by those who perpetrated so-called vax, and other mandates like remdesivir. And to-date this diabolical tactic is working. A day of reconing is needed.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Is there ANYTHING that our Public Health idiocracy has told the truth about, or gotten right? How can you be THIS incompetent and still be compensated?

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's past incompetence. It's now moving into malfeasance.

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We moved past incompetence in April 2020.

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Apparently some have had all they can take. Whether it is actual integrity or an attempt to protect themselves, I'm not sure. https://www.commonsense.news/p/us-public-health-agencies-arent-following?fbclid=IwAR0nFmzJ-ZCeEgwSUhBiKj7JXNHSlb4BK1zP9uxoOQK-Imfvj7AvWbbt3ng

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Thank you for sharing that!! I was looking for their article after another substack I follow (Jeff Childers Coffee and Covid) mentioned it and I could not find it through Google (eye roll).

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I read Jeff's substack also. Love his sarcasm. May as well laugh at the absurdity of it all.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

this is not about health, it never was...

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The absurdity continues ... albeit to a lesser extent since the perpetrators can no longer hide behind their unimpressive titles or positions.

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"Folks - our immune systems need to be primed and educated. We need to be exposed to viruses, allergens, bacteria… dirt. This is what builds a strong immune system. It is why kids in the country, kids who play and work outdoors, kids who are around other kids - don’t get as sick as adults."

Confirmed by peer-reviewed comedy practitioner...may be NSFW if you run a daycare center.


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That video by George Carlin was hilarious! I needed a good laugh!

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I thought about not posting it. Not because of the NSFW aspect, but I thought a lot of folks here had already seen it at some point. Then I figured if it clicked with someone who was on the fence about the big picture it would be worth it. Turns out more than a couple people could use the laughs.

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Read those books about the English vet? Talked about how the knacker's kids lived among all the disease ridden carcasses daddy brought home and were the healthiest kids in the neighborhood.

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OMG that was so funny. I never really followed him while he was alive but he was pretty insightful.

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Here's a double-length clip of what I think was his most insightful/prophetic routine (about 6:30 long, the 13:00-ish clip runs through it twice). The Big Club, and we ain't in it.


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Oh yes. That one I have seen before.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, Dr. Alexander was interviewed and he talked about the dangers of the mRNA vaccine for children. Apparently Pfizer is coming out with a vaccine for children this summer. It is in development and no trials will be done. It's already been approved even though it hasn't been formulated yet?

Please do some future postings on this. I have grandchildren, although their parents and I agree on not having them vaccinated. My son and daughter in law have not been vaccinated.

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Several observations. First, face masks. It has been known for 100 yrs they don't prevent spread of respiratory virus.

Since the ability of these virus to rapidly mutate has defeated the development of a "cold vaccine", why should it be surprising they also quickly defeat therapeutics?

Finally, we have been told that the omicron variants now making the rounds amount to little more than bad cold. So why is there such concern? Mixed messaging happening on this front.

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I believe one concern is that the virus is mutating like crazy within the millions of people who are simultaneously infected with highly infectious omicron. This raises the probability that a random mutation will eventually appear that allows infection to involve the lungs, which in turn implies more severe disease. Geert Vanden Bossche has made this prediction.

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But it hasn't appeared yet and when and if it does most likely any drugs made against omicron. will not be effective vs it. What appears to be pushing all these variants are the blasted pseudo-vaccines. If they would retire those syringes just maybe.......

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I just heard today about a paper suggesting that it's the immune compromised who are fueling the rise of variants. Which doesn't sound too bad until you learn that the vaccinated are considered immune compromised (at least for SARS-CoV-2).

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When the vaccine became available for teenagers my daughter’s friend got the vaccine. My daughter had just finished her period and started up again a couple of days after she had been around her vaccinated friend. So something is going on. Also my oldest daughter’s sister in law works at a children’s hospital. She was telling my daughter that the hospital was seeing a lot of babies that were hemoraging. The mother’s had been vaccinated. These vaccines are a crime against humanity. It will be sad but interesting to see the fertility rates in the next couple of years.

Don’t get me started on putting masks on children. Such a crime.

Thank you Dr Malone and Dr Jill for posting these studies.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We are learning more and more about how damaging the mRNA vax is.

Watched your interview with Joshua Phillips on EpochTV.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Group think? Malevolent ambition? With what plainly seen now it's very difficult not to label it diabolical. But for what ends, right?

Not wanting to acknowledge the HUGE coordination that took place and still is because that leads you (uncomfortably) with a globalist elite conspiracy . . . . . Yes educating as many people as is possible rebooting as much of the mass formation psychosis to prevent the long planned and lusted for great reset . . . I know they lose. Hopefully not many are further destroyed as this mental, physical, SPIRITUAL war is happening. It sucks! A lot of work. Keep the faith and stay strong. We Shall Win.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I rose the question some time ago and I am still wondering whether or not vaccine shedding could have the same effects... The big question is how and how long could vaccine shedding happen, if at all. I read a fantastic work by Stephanie Seneff and Greg Nigh https://dpbh.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/dpbhnvgov/content/Boards/BOH/Meetings/2021/SENEFF~1.PDF But unfortunately there is only a little about vaccine shedding... Maybe after you have finished your book, you could write a substack article about vaccine shedding?

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this great update.

It is mind boggling watching journalists at the WH briefing asking repeatedly if the administration has any idea where the POTUS may have picked up COVID. He just returned from the other side of the globe. Also, all should be fine as he has had two vaccinations, two boosters and is on Paxlovid.

We wish him well.

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My neighbor had two vaccinations, two boosters, and after that? Two months in respiratory ICU, tested positive for Covid. (Thankfully, he came home and is doing well)

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Yes, it would have been so much worse if he hadn't been vaccinated and boosted!

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