Nov 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The full article is even more damning and unequivocal. No serious observer should have the slightest issues with what Dr. Thorp has presented here, it is all pretty unassailable. Please pass along our thanks to Dr. Thorp and thanks once again to you Dr. Malone as well

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

"..The unprecedented false villanization of extremely safe and effective drugs is well established by completely falsified publications in the LANCET by Mandeep Mehra, by Shimabukuro NEJM, and many others falsifying manipulated data to take out extremely cheap, safe, and effective repurposed drugs including hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin..."

So this article is all about selling us on HCQ and ivermectin. Why would you give drugs to pregnant women. Neither of these drugs come close to the effectiveness of a physiological dose of vitamin d (to achieve 100 ng/ml in serum), or vitamin c, zinc and quercetin.

"...A nurse Whistleblower from California has formal, incontrovertible evidence in an email received from the nursing administration of Women’s Services documenting a massive spike in the number of fetal deaths (stillbirths) that began after the vaccination push in pregnancy..."

No ...... Sherlock. Is this really news? The pseudopandemic is a depopulation scam. The jab is meant to kill you and/or make you infertile.

Here is what you need to know:

1. The Rockefellers and cronies control medicine. This is the 4th pandemic hoax engineered by them. The "Spanish Flu" which killed up to 150 million people was started by a superbug masquerading as a meningitis vaccine produce in horses in the Rockefeller Institute and shipped all over the world.

2. The medical profession buy into the Rockefeller pharma medicine franchise from their very first day in med school. This is why they are suppressing knowledge of the real therapeutics: vitamin d and vitamin c. Because if everyone knew about these we could get rid of 95% of doctors.

Here I show you how high dose vitamin c can bring you back from the dead:


Here is why you never heard about it:


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If women are pregnant, contracted the covid virus, it can cause problems with the early development of the fetus too. It is well known that a virus can have negative effects on a forming baby. Let's not throw out Ivermectin or HCQ, which we know has been taken by pregnant women in certain circumstances.

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HCQ has been confirmed for decades as being safe for pregnancy. Dr Robert Malone made this clear in his Joe Rogan podcast interview. The "H" formulation made it safe for pregnancy. Not so certain about ivermectin.

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I think IVM has been given to pregnant women in Africa without problem. I saw that podcast too and am very grateful for Rogan. Joe Rogan is the man!

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

These criminals must and will be brought to justice. The first step in dealing with pure, naked evil is to call it for what it is. Dr. Thorp’s presentation removes all places for these sociopaths to hide.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I appreciate Dr. Thorp speaking up and risking so much. He is a hero doctor.

Of course they should stop, but they will not stop. We live in dangerous times and people need to educate themselves and protect themselves and their families.

Thanks to Malone for his substack for getting the info out to the public.

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It is easy to pass along but will the recipients get it?

According to some psychologists+, human body frequency varies and those with HIGH Hz

are capable of understanding phenomenon of depopulation but those with LOW HZ simple can not grasp it, can't think in their head...

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What frequency are you referring to? Is it some kind of electromagnetic field, brainwaves, or what? How is it measured? Further information and explanation would be appreciated.

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5G EMF has been synchronized with body frequency. A measuring device is available on Amazon. All Googleable... VOICES that some people hear are related also to EMF as well as headaches, etc.

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Also interesting from Wiki (always taken with a chunk of salt): Luciferase is a generic term for the class of oxidative enzymes that produce bioluminescence, and is usually distinguished from a photoprotein.

That's why Covid vaccines' particles glow, what can be visible under the microscope.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

But, but, but Pfizer and our own government swore to me that I would not get covid if I got the safe and effective vaccine, and even though I did get covid four times now, it was nowhere near as bad as if I wouldn't have received my blessed jabs! So this Dr. Thorp person is obviously a liar spreading disinformation since he is going against what our own government is telling us! All those graphs and data? Completely made up! We need to get the truth checkers to shut this man down! I hope he dies of covid!!!

/sarcasm and parody off/

There. Did I capture the mentality of everyone who thinks what they see on their cell phone qualifies as factual news?

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No, they're beyond help.

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This data is mind-numbing. If this isn't evidence of a deliberate eugenics program, it seems to evidence eugenics by default. Really an horrendous event.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Timely for referral to Sen. Johnson when he begins his further investigations (much needed) of the Covid 19 issues. It seems to me that attention on these and related issues will be vital to advice offered on risks for the vaccinated and those who might want to vaccinate during a pregnancy.

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Where are the rest of the politicians on this issue?

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Waiting for the votes to be counted.

And recounted.

Recounted some more and etc.

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These issues have only of late been forcefully brought to everyone's attention. Expect we'll find out once they get started next year. If we have responsive members of the house and senate, it would be a great time to ask them.

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They are all hiding just like the medical community of the credential groups of the various specialties who take the creds of Dr McCullough, Dr Kory, Dr Marik and others - the groups and MD’s who will not have discussions with anyone who have good studies, trials and even anecdotal information which might lead to saving lives and cures. The $$ are too much for these who deny discussion or information.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All the suggestions others offered are excellent. I’m in the same boat with my brother and his son, whose wife is pregnant. Brother doesn’t want to say anything and I do not know the nephew well or have his contact info. However, I told my brother this and I believe it myself: I would rather alienate someone than say nothing and then feel responsible for a disastrous result because I did not speak up.

I hope my brother and others take the advice. I will send him the updated article-- already sent the original to brother and a maternity nurse-manager who still trusts the alphabet agencies and high impact journals for her research. So difficult to help a blind person see.

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Boy, isn't that the truth

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At least you will have a clear conscience because you tried to warn them. Thank you for trying. I pray that mother and baby will be spared.

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My nephew and his wife have been trying unsuccessfully to have a child and now they are going through in vitro fertilization. I asked if they were vaccinated (yes and all boosters) and warned them of the danger of the vaccine. She said, yes she heard that and asked her doctor who said not to worry, it's not true. I feel I have some responsibility to prevent a bad outcome. Does anyone have advice? I cannot prevent them from making choices that I wouldn't make, and if I push too hard I risk alienating them.

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Winona, love them. Accept that they are intelligent capable adults. They make decision for themselves and for any child they have. Trying to control, compel, or coerce another adult into making the medical decision we would make is the opposite of loving them. And is what has been done to those of us who have not taken the jabs.

Share openly. Share your concerns because that’s what we do when we love others. And then we let our adult friends and family make their own choices. Love them no matter their decision.

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Lauri, Your words are very powerful. They brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much....... I have sent them the article and now I can let go but always with good intentions and love. For whatever they choose to do.

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This is a really good answer, actually the best advice I have ever read! This is not saying to give up.

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How very kind of you to say that. I agree. Never give up.

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Just send them this essay by Thorp.

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Perhaps present it as something to ask her doctor to review, asking for feedback on where Dr. Thorp's analysis might be wrong since their conclusions about the vaccine are so different.

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. . . however, like so many others her nephew and wife will likely not even READ it. I believe the only people who read are on substack.

The reality is Winona will end up watching in pain and frustration as they walk into the abyss. It is such a shame.

"Please, wait, don't go there!"

Nephew: "Keep walking honey, take one more step over the cliff, it's not far to the bottom."

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

It's like in horror movies, with the character walking into the dark creepy house as the sun goes down and you want to yell out "don't go in there you idiot!"

Unfortunately, we're yelling at the screen for people still caught in the spell.

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Give them a copy of the book "Turtles All the Way Down", https://www.amazon.com/Turtles-All-Way-Down-Vaccine/dp/9655981045. You can find the first chapter on-line for free, after reading the first chapter which was a real eye opener for me, I bought the book.

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Yes, I am reading it myself, Kindle version. The biggest take away so far (1st 100 pg) is that ALL the child vaccines, yes(!) ALL, have been tested against NO, as in zero, inert placebo's. They have used the strategy for decades to compare updated vaccines to older ones(instead of placebos) and show the relative difference in adverse effects and deaths, rather than the absolute difference compared to an inert alternative. The original vaccines were never compared to placebos, so they started out based on zip.

This is statistical malpractice a Stats 101 student in experimental design would catch, yet, our renowned scientists at the CDC, FDA, and NIH use it to obfuscate and deceive.

Turtles upon turtles upon Turtles.

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All these institutions should remove the word "Health" from their names and replace it with "Pharma Profit Margin".

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I just bought this book. Thank you

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The opening pages cover the basics of trials, skip this part if you feel you do not need the background. The real interesting information starts when describing the history of the trials used to approve the childhood vaccines.

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My niece and her husband had been trying to have a baby for ten years. She got pregnant and was unsure about taking the so-called vaccine. She saw my posts on Facebook and began to message me. Everyone in her family, including her husband, had been jabbed and they were pressuring her to do so. I was able to send her info and encourage her to stand firm. She did, and gave birth to a beautiful little boy in June of 2021! She was questioning and perhaps more open to the truth than your family members, but you never know. Maybe they will listen. Perhaps they would watch a video. Dr. Thorp was on The Highwire today. The interview begins at about 1 hour 4 minutes in. God bless you for trying.


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Thanks for posting this episode of high wire. Dr Thorp spoke at a Covid summit I recently attended.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thankyou Doctor Malone for bringing both the draft and the updated piece to publication. And a big shoutout to Dr Thorp.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for re-posting such critical information, the more the better.

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Agreed, having experienced it in my large family. By now, anyone unjabbed will likely remain so, and those who are koolaid-poisoned will continue. Alas. Not to be crass, but you have bravely tried, and in life we win some and lose some. The relationships we have or had, have changed. Its either false peace or being demonized. Those are the extreme choices we face. I choose to engage with family who are based, perhaps confused, humbly curious about all of this. Lead your own good life; let go of the shackles of responsibility for negative outcomes. We are all victims of the evil elites but you and i can still choose to live and develop and resist evil. That’s success imho.

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Thanks again Dr Malone for your unrelenting attempts to inform us. We are surrounded by evil criminals supported by greed from global corporate criminals who hate free speech and transparency. Our problem is ignorance, apathy, and stupidity. Combined these produce a majority highly susceptible to manipulation. Being informed and thinking takes precious time away from sports, entertainment and other enjoyable activities. Those trusting others to inform also avoid personal responsibility for the decisions they make. Anyone reading Dr Malones Substack is not shocked or surprised by this report but disheartened at the least. “Live free or die”

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What's happened has been, 'nothing short of Biblical, in it's proportions.' I can only think that this war between good and evil, that is playing out before us, in real time - is God working through people. Since, Good people are taking on the fight, but in a law biding way, I think it's the closest thing to perfect, that I have seen, in a long time.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Words fail me..

SHAME on all the wrong doers ..

It’s time to desist and disown the perpetrators

Support and save all those effected from this deliberate destruction of the populous..

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022

I said in the very beginning that people who have the data will get someone's attention; (someone in authority) alas, not yet. This is one of those moments when I read the graphs and think, "This will do it!" One of these days it is all going to become clear, but not without so much damage and heartache and death. A huge THANK YOU to all the courageous scientists who keep ringing the bell! Come on Ron!

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I would phrase it just a little different: the Left/liberals have a deathly fear of leaving the current social/approved consensus on any issue....and most on the right/conservatives are either too afraid to stand up to the herd (don't want to be trampled) or just want to be left alone. In either case, fear seems to be the dominant emotion.

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