We must bring every individual complicit in this genocide to justice, no matter how long it takes. The healing will start only after we have assured that future generations will be safe from their predation.

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"...as early as 2012 that the lipid nanoparticles (LNP) concentrate in the ovaries of mice and Wistar rats."

This is one of the many smoking guns for premeditation of this unprecedented crime against humanity. More and more of those who manage to wake up the next morning are understanding that such an accusation is not hyperbole in the least.

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Ain't that the truth!

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

Yes. But we will not be safe from their predation until the Rockefeller Frankenstein, pharma medicine which they own and control is completely swept away, together with their control of the banks, the media and governments. The tax avoidance, private investment bank foundation scam must be abolished together with offshore banking havens. The Rockefellers. and Gates in particular must be forced to repay all the taxes they have avoided, in the Rockefellers case that means since 1914. We must also find an alternative system of money and finance.

A first step could be the emergency distribution of 5,000 i.u's per day of vitamin d to every adult.

Edited to add: How do you tell who was complicit and who was a dupe. Plausible deniability has been build into every part of the con. Susan Wojcicki, CEO of youtube boasts that she has taken down a million videos about vitamin c for covid. Of course she is complicit. But how do you prove it? The medical profession has her back.https://rumble.com/v18vxp4-susan-wojcicki-complicit-or-dupe.html

Here I prove that high dose vitamin c can bring you back from the dead:https://rumble.com/v18vvow-high-dose-vitamin-c-can-bring-you-back-from-the-dead.html

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Well said.

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I thought humanity did that in Nuremberg?

See how well that worked out?

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And that justice will be death by firing squad.

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

"Res ipsa loquitur. Facts speak for themselves. " Great post by this distinguished and seasoned ob-gyn veteran practitioner & researcher, thanks so much for sharing this one Dr. Malone!!!

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And they want amnesty…..🙄🤬

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Yet another indication that the whole thing was knowingly premeditated and engineered.

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Cold day in hell before that happens - I hope!!

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People. Need. To. Go. To. Jail. You need to get this article up on twitter (I've been banned) I believe that Elon Musk will let this out there. I also wonder - how long do these effects last ? My niece is 8 months pregnant but got the vaccine in the very beginning. I'm very worried about her (and her baby).

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I was banned also - but a please for other people to share it on Twitter, if they dare.

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I just made a new account yesterday, after having my original one banned nearly 2 yrs ago. So no audience for it, but i have tweeted it.

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

I'm not on twit but will go join to post a link to this article. And if I get banned for it, I might just start writing again for a certain news website that the left deplores...and help spread it that way.

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Please do everyone - I don't trust Musk either, but I think at this stage in the game he will let it get published.

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Hmmm... he says no changes in policy yet... could be premature

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Well I do believe this is the right course of action, it is foreseeable that the left wing media will tout this as another failure of Musk, and a reason to abandon the platform: ie 'since his takeover, there has been an increased proliferation of unchecked misinformation'. He is between a rock and a hard place, and we want to avoid creating fertile conditions for a strong Twitter competitor to come to Market and thus the country and world avoiding having to face each other as individuals hide in their own bubbles - one conservative twitter, and one Progressive anti-twitter.

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I remember the swine flu vaccine because I dutifully joined the line in front of the City-County Building in Detroit and took the shot. After it was pulled off the market, I vowed to myself never to participate in a mass vaccination program again. Thank God I have had the strength to keep that vow.

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Was that the 1976 Swine Flu hoax or the 2009 Swine Flu hoax?

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That was 1976, the year Gerald Ford was trying to get re-elected. Some have claimed it was a re-election ploy. I would not have believed that claim then, but I certainly believe it now!

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I have seen it printed that giving an experimental or untested drug to pregnant women (or infants) violates 6 decades of ob/gyn good practice policy. So why indeed have we not heard from more of these docs?

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fearful of retaliation?

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There is a name for that

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

Dr. M... Thanks for posting this from Dr. Thorp. It is great to see this physician step up bravely. Of course, he may lose his board cert over it, but all that paper and parchment is about worthless at the end of the day (have my own stack of certs showing how insane the entire system is). Stand strong!

Unfortunately, this will never, ever stop unless heads are made to roll (literally). We shall see...

Forgot to add: I love the illustration with Dr. Thorp's article. Not sure who did it, but great.

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Dr. Thorp is a man of high integrity and intelligence as is Dr. Bob. On the other hand, I have not witnessed in my lifetime such a striking duality of good and evil doers as exists in the world now.

We are the “in-between” of what is rapidly becoming two worlds. I see to my right and to my left. People are choosing or have already chosen. There is a plenitude of data and now, there exists a credible, distilled and coherent body of knowledge that only points in one direction. We will have a massive die-off. However, without a solid sense and awareness of one’s own authority and decision-making, I question the odds of any of this stopping in enough time to impact the path of destruction we are now on. And yet, we, the “in-between” won’t stop. We are and will keep going because that is who we are and will always be. Thank you All.

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I have no words. The deceit and lies perpetrated by so few have harmed so many. They knew what they were doing. I smelled a rat very early on. People have got to wake up.

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

We have had over 100 years to wake up and smell a rat.

This is only the 4th Rockefeller pandemic hoax. Here are the first 3:

1. https://rumble.com/vktmcs-the-1918-spanish-flu-the-real-unofficial-story.html

2. https://youtu.be/Z_HRtt4P3ps

3 .https://youtu.be/hO_Q0oTWrEs

No. 1 was a doozy. Maybe up to 150 million killed by a superbug masquerading as a Rockefeller Institute meningitis vaccine. Then the Fauci of the day, the US Surgeon General stipulated between 8 and 30 grams of aspirin for symptoms to make sure they were finished off with aspirin poisoning.

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This is a huge deadly experiment on humanity. But they feel like they can do this because they have no liability. I am speaking of drug companies. So what if people are harmed, no one can sue. We really need to push to get rid of the exemption the drug companies have from liability, then we will see the drug companies be much more careful about safety.

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The willful blindness by doctors at this point is truly mind boggling. If there's one group of people that desperately needs to wake up and snap out of it, it is them. There's no possible way they haven't witnessed the harms that are being done first hand by now.

Thank you for all of your work! ( One thing, the link to the Pfizer 5.3.6 document can't be accessed )

Thank you for the link to the peer reviewed studies as well! Now we can "see their "all the experts say...", and raise them 1,366 peer reviewed studies showing all of the harm being done by these experimental shots"!

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I also wonder about the doctors. Are they desperate to keep their jobs so they lie, ignore, or twist the reality? What are OBGYN’s observing? Cardiologists? Will they continue to deny, pretend to know nothing just to extend their careers at the expense of their patients? Time will tell....

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, I know that you read these comments and it is very gratifying that you interact with your followers and readers. Thank you for that.

Although probably not "news" to others reading here, I was dismayed to discover that where we see vaccine injuries - the "establishment" sees COVID injuries:


Not only that, they see a lack of vaccination "acceptance" as being responsible for 200,000+ excess deaths:


I am hoping you can devote a few columns to refuting these two things.

Lastly, some of the comments to the Twitter post above are still insisting that masks work. So now, they condescendingly explain, the problem isn't masking - it's that we were doing it *all wrong* and should have been wearing N95s (and indeed should STILL be wearing N95s everywhere). It seems that we just didn't take COVID seriously enough and if only we could have been more like Australia or New Zealand, everything would have been so much better. They just refuse to back down. No amount of Narrative revision causes them to feel the least bit of shame, apparently. "Oh - that was YESTERDAY. You simply must keep up and move at the speed of science."

I notice that they never want to talk about places like Africa with only 11% of the population fully vaccinated yet only 180 deaths per million compared to Peru with 83% of the population fully vaccinated yet nearly 6000 deaths per million. Or, the US with 68% fully vaccinated and 3200 deaths per million. Or perhaps Haiti with only 2% fully vaccinated and only 74 deaths per million. Their desperate wish that vaccination percentage correlates to lower death rates just doesn't work.

We are basically seeing Narrative 3.0 now. Anything blamed on the vaccine is actually the fault of COVID itself.

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This shit is laughable, brother.

Perpetrators always cycle like this:


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Thank you Dr Malone for sharing your platform with so many others including the esteemed Dr Thorp.

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I forwarded this to Facebook for my “Friends”...

...not many will be allowed to see the post

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I did the same and then tagged as many people as I could.

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Thank you. Will share on FB. Wake up people. Wake up.

Naomi Wolfe’s essay about this election is riddled with women’s issues in and around the COVID narrative is spot on.

Honestly, the battle cries over the reversal of Roe v. Wade is a red herring at this point.

As David Roux essentially said, for those pushing the biotech agenda…..Abortion will cease to be the issue of our times as we use this technology to “engineer our own evolution.” God help us. They are not going to stop until we make them stop. Do not comply.

P.S. My state, with one of the highest COVID vaccination rates, is now reporting record numbers of RSV, filling hospital pediatric units….and they claim unprecedented numbers in recent years, and an early uptick in influenza.

So you know….they double down on the calls for people to get boosters and vaccinate! Not a thought to whether the rise in the number of cases is due to compromised innate immune systems due to the initial mass vaccination campaign. It’s insanity! Then again, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and o we again expecting a different outcome.

Common sense has left the building. And an evil force has taken up residence in our lives. It must be evicted.

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OBGYN here. They(Pfizer) are working on RSV jab we are supposed to give to our pregnant patients with rationale antibodies will transfer to fetus. Never ending.

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Have you seen where part of Gates plan is to create human breast milk in labs so that he can add mRNA to that to basically "innoculate" the child through breastfeeding. These guys are insane.

The irony, on one hand they are largely pushing all this stuff under the dictates of the "green agenda".....that is, compelled by the need to save the Earth and recognize mankind's harm to nature.....meanwhile, they have no bones about monkeying around with the thing they profess to be "vested" in saving----and like with the COVID virus, they actually are likely responsible for this whole damn affair with their lab experiments in Wuhan.

Create the problem, create the solution....that just happens to create more problems....and now, they are going to sell us more solutions as health and nature take the hit! Not to mention plenty of people paying with their lives for the foolishness of these megalomaniacs.

But you know....we are supposed to revere them because of their $$$$$, and they keep fleecing us so that they can continue their lab experiments and we increasingly become their guinea pigs.

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Extremely thorough substack about Pfizer's proposed RSV vaccine by James Roguski:


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"Dr. Thorp is a Board-Certified Obstetrician Gynecologist and Maternal Fetal Medicine Physician ..." Why is Dr. Thorp the only OBGYN speaking out against this? My hypothesis: the vast majority of OBGYNs, like all other doctors, are paid (bribed) by Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J to keep their mouths shut. And, like any other hypothesis, scientists have to disprove my hypothesis. Until they do, my hypothesis stands.

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