Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There must be some mistake. Bob Woodward starred in "All the President's Men," "Three Days of the Condor," and "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid." Bob Woodward is blonde. Bob Woodward, along with his trusty sidekick Carl, who starred in "Kramer vs. Kramer," tirelessly pursued the truth against all headwinds to effect the downfall of evil Nixon, who was guilty of the greatest political crime of all time.

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Yeah, opening up china and creating the e.p.a.

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Actually, Nixon became 'one of "them" - so it is somewhat of an enigma that "they" attacked and took him out. Nixon's hand picked successor - Gerald Ford - was like Nixon, ( and Joe Biden ) - a member of the (NGO) the "Council on Foreign Relations."

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Nixon was blackmailed. W & B were the deep state. It was another Russia Russia Russia, and Nixon caved unlike Trump.

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I suspect that has been true for decades. To rise in either political party (especially dims) the powers that be have to have some kind of blackmail on them. SO "they" can keep coontrol.

I wonder how much these rabid political vermin miss Epstein's Island. And the blackmail generated there.

An awful lot of so called Repubs seems to vote with democrats, when they really need to.

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All these stories about him never made any sense to me. The guy was as progressive as they come and that seems to be what "they" like to have in 1600.

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Yeah, the CFR placed one of their own as Eisenhower's V.P. Aside from his 'service' in the U.S. Navy ( which I've never read or heard of), "tricky" Dick Nixon's ONLY saving grace was his (supposed) hatred of Communism.

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Tricky Dick is my hero, he bombed the fuck out of Hanoi, right before I turned 18.

I did NOT want to go to Vietnam.

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That wasn't so good, was it?

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No mistake, James...Woodhead and sidekick Carl are Deep-State fellow travelers. Nuff said.

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Nixon's desire to end the Vietnam was was his biggest crime.

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Some say reopening the JFK assassination investigation did him in.

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That makes sense too. The CIA (Communists In America) need to be smashed into 1,000 pieces, just like JFK wanted to do.

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LOVE IT! - SPOT-ON! "CIA" = "Communists in America".

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I prefer the term, Cunts Infesting America.

They need not be comrats to be pestilent, rabid vermin.

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LMAO! Pat, you are a hard case! Love it!

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Oct 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So, Donald Trump is actively communicating with Putin. In my mind this indicates that Putin believes Trump will be President and, even though he must certainly have disdain for Trump, he knows he will be vastly more difficult to manipulate. Could they be preemptively negotiating a truce in the Ukraine war? Novice inquiring minds would like to know.

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10/09/24: Just ask Bob Woodward. Get his opinion. The exact opposite will be the successful prediction. Seriously, Woodward is one of America's all-time worst writers. Truly unreadable, verbose and probably edited by chimpanzees farmed out from the CIA.

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Agreed, it has come to the point that when the rabid leftist vermin in the comrat news says anything, I know the opposite to be true.

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Why do you assume Putin has disdain for Trump? What if the opposite is true? What is Trump and Putin have plans to work for world peace?

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Again, I'm a novice here in interpreting politics and world events. But you could be right. It's more likely he has a healthy fear of Trump and is trying to get ahead of the game. Remember that video of him muscling himself into the front of the group of world leaders? That says it all.

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I’m 82 years old. I’ve been closely following world events all my life. My grand parents came from Russia so I’ve had an interest in Russia and read about Russia and Russian history and politics and have a healthy dislike and even hatred for much of that history. But if we can live at peace with m Germany I don’t understand why we have to been at war with Russia. Russia has huge quantities of natural resources and a small populations. The west’s goal for over two hundred years has been to invade and subjugate the Russian people (think Napoleon). That’s what Ukraine is all about. Why are we doing this? Isn’t friendship and cooperation cheaper and more profitable in the long run? Only the war mongers and merchants of death want it this way.

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As Ronald Reagan stated: "Peace With Strength" (and) "Trust But Verify" are truisms to live by.

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Let's deflect from the FACT the Clinton's wanted to create Silicon Valley II in Russia and gave them all of our technowledgy, plus the Uranium.

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My thoughts exactly. He met with Zelenskyy ( or spoke with), now Putin. Trying to get a sense what each will give up to end the war.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I believe the resignation of Nixon was a CIA op. Bob Woodward was just a cog in the deep state machine. I have come to believe that the government is out to control the minds of as many citizens as they possibly can. You are to be swayed in the direction the blob wants or you are an enemy of the state. Bob W is just another example of the complete devolution of the media in today’s America. The American citizen should question every event that happens currently including these hurricanes and the governments response to them. I can only hope that like a pendulum, someday the blade will swing back and annihilate the deep state.

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There is a theory that Richard Nixon wanted to reopen the JFK assassination investigation and he mentioned it to the CIA. Along comes Whitegate DNC break in and they some how trace it back to the White House and Nixon. In turn, Mr. Gray, J Edgar Hoover's right hand man, years later reveals he was "deep throat" feeding Bob Woodward information little by little to expose the operation and that Nixon was behind it. WP published each episode of the information that Gray gave Woodward over many weeks. FBI budget spent 25% of it keeping track of the Congressman in DC and their escapades including JFK. The Friday morning after J Edgar Hoover died, all his personal files in his DC home disappeared. Never to be seen since. I wonder why? Is Woodward just a tool for the deep state?

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We certainly hope that happens

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Indeed, that pendulum will swing...

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Oct 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Woodward should be in jail, with a lot of other sociopaths, who aid and abet the overthrowing of our Republic, starting with the Russia Hoax to sabotage a sitting US president and the 2020 Election theft.

BTW, got my hardback copy of PsyWar yesterday. Can't wait to dig in!

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The busier the Deep State gets, the more it exposes itself. One couldn't make this up. Woodward is the same hack he has always been, just nobody cares anymore.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My copy of PsyWar arrived yesterday. I can't wait to get into it.

Woodward ever since Watergate trying to regain relevancy.

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And Bernstein

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I am sure Bernstein is still a lefty with rectal cranial inversion, but as this article implied Bernstein was working to uncover MK ultra and may have found Woodward was part of Operation Mockingbird and distanced himself from Woodward. Both probably want to take down another Republican President as high points in their careers, while ignoring all the fraud, grift, and crimes of the Demonrat presidents and their regimes, not to forget the entanglements with the See Eye A, the Blob, and Foreign governments.

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Oct 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Did David Ignatious write the forward? I'll pass on Woodward's "War" and order the Malone's "Psy War:enforcing the New World Order".

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Thank you for providing this clear and telling detail re the latest line of attack against our Presidential candidate. They surely leave no stone unturned in their strategies to prevent a Trump win.

I've been told I'm different, maybe so. l do consider most of the anti-Trump outpourings to be fabricated and/or ridiculously amplified. I very very rarely delve into them. So then, are they designed for the hard left faithful to convey or to use in attracting the undecided? I don't find Woodward's War a compelling attraction beyond for the faithful seeking more validations.

Your roleout for our use in analysis is very helpful, as we encounter or are presented with views built on such strategies.

Surely the opposition is rolling out every armament at their max. These will be trying times. Your defanging helps!


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Rabid Communists have a kamikaze mindset: glorious death for the glorious Communist party.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The state propagandist Bob Woodward's right on schedule. He came out with his second anti-Trump screed, Rage, two months before the 2020 election. Like his latest oeuvre, Rage was fraught with half-truths and outright lies all in the effort to ensure that Trump wouldn't be re-elected. Two years before that, Woodward came out with Fear to set the stage two months prior to the mid-term elections.

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Oct 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I receive my book yesterday and I excited to read.

So what is the big deal with Trump talking to Putin. He was the 45 th President . I honestly don’t see a problem with that.

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Nancy Pelosi made it very clear what the "wrap-up smear" was all about....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzA-V_1lk40

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My thoughts on watergate always center on the slimy little rat who ratted out his employer to those hacks because his widdle feelings were hurt at not being picked to replace Hoover.

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Some say Watergate was preplanned to get Nixon.

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Oct 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is a theory that Richard Nixon wanted to reopen the JFK assassination investigation and he mentioned it to the CIA. Along comes Whitegate DNC break in and they some how trace it back to the White House and Nixon. In turn, Mr. Gray, J Edgar Hoover's right hand man, years later reveals he was "deep throat" feeding Bob Woodward information little by little to expose the operation and that Nixon was behind it. WP published each episode of the information that Gray gave Woodward over many weeks. FBI budget spent 25% of it keeping track of the Congressman in DC and their escapades including JFK. The Friday morning after J Edgar Hoover died, all his personal files in his DC home disappeared. Never to be seen since. I wonder why? Is Woodward just a tool for the deep state?

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Oct 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How did Woodward get assigned to the Watergate story with zero journalism experience? He was in his first year as a reporter for the Post after leaving the Navy.

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So easy in the farcical world of the Media to attack anyone to include you or I….and do it without even wondering whether any of what the Govt said or via their paid operatives said was even 10% true. A world of the make-believe which is but an Alice in Wonderland tale but will land you either fully canceled or to never work again except on a chain gang. The biggest MOB around…a totally corrupt bunch of unelected tyrants demanding more of your money via taxes to solidify their power…they all need purging…better start with the

CIA and FBI .

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bob Woodhead the washed-up political hack, POS that he is, is auditioning for a cabinet spot should the unthinkable happens. I don't know anyone who has read anything this seersucker has written since he's become an activist for the lemocrats.

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