Feb 10·edited Feb 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have come to believe the saying wisdom comes with age. Many people have gained wisdom at a much younger age than I am. I certainly still have a lot to learn. After all these years I’m starting to truly believe that if you give your mind and your heart over to the true teachings of Catholicism it opens the doors to forces that are all around us but are unseen. First is acknowledging good and evil. Your post the other day on the crisis summit brought back the thoughts of Fauci, Birx and later Walensky on TV for the daily coercive speeches. Something inside of me didn’t feel right. Was it a sick sense or was it a belief that evil does exist. At the time it wasn’t an easy decision to refuse the shot. Family friends customers and even my doctor kept pushing it. Many times in the past I’ve had a bad feeling about a person or a job and later regretted taking the job or the friendship. There seems to be a higher power inside of us, an intuition. It’s very disheartening to think of people who had this feeling inside and were forced to have Dr. Fauci’s poison injected into them. To me he and all the people that forced others, like my wife, against their will to take their shot WILL burn in hell. I believe god has given us all free will and if you open your heart to it it will guide you to the good. I believe acknowledging these feelings and acting on them is a sign of wisdom. Finally what is the unseen force that has brought us all to Dr. Malones sub stack??? J.Goodrich

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Amoral people do not believe evil, they simply have no concept of it. As Jones says, they are driven almost exclusively by their hedonism….what feels good for them. Having divorced our legal opinions from the Judeo-Christian foundation on which it was built, we are adrift in a sea of immorality driven by these hedonists.

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Not to mention, Michael, that "legal opinions" in (what remains) of our Republic (INCLUDING by MANY "Justices" within the Supreme Court ) - are completely "divorced" from the (7) ARTICLES and (24) Sections of the U.S. Constitution, (imperfect as it was), that for the first time in 5000 years of recorded history attempted to provide human beings with a social structure FREE from ALL forms of coercion and oppression by Kings, Queens, Princes, Dukes, Czars, or Dictators of ANY stripe of "authoritarian" 'governance'.

Like its basis (of) Judaeo-Christianity, the U.S. Constitution - with FEW exceptions in the "American" academy - has for MANY generations - been hidden from the eyes and minds of students of ALL grade levels, K-12 to so-called "higher learning", replaced with ongoing brainwashing in-and-of the liberal insanity of the "religion of communism" espoused by Karl Marx and ALL of the Leftist political "philosophers" from the 17th century to TODAY in the 21st....based entirely on the FRAUD of so-called "social-justice", ENVY, and the absolute impossibility of universal "absolute equality".

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Once you meet and confront truly evil people you will not be taken advantage of again.

As far as how we all got here? We were looking for honest answers that made sense to a five year old.

Not to take away from Doc and Lioness’ expertise at all, far from it. My kids all saw Fauci and company on TV and all three called BS without prompting from Mom and Dad. Doc, Mrs Doc and people like them force you to think. And I have never observed a single instance on this substack where Dr.’s Malone have acted as if their opinion or views were gospel.

Kinda like it that way.

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Discernment JG .

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Thank you Brandon for that. This is what I mean, I learn every day especially right here!!! Thanks…

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Discernment is a gift from God. When I was contemplating on what to do about the vaccine, I got information on the vax listened to Dr Malone’s Dark Horse Podcast then made my decision not to get the vax. I prayed and told Heavenly Father that I had made the decision not to get the vax and gave my reasons why. Then I asked if this was the right decision. A sense of peace filled my whole body and I knew I had made the right choice. Nothing and no one could coerce or guilt me into getting it. I had my answer from God.

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Same here. I recall my doctor insisting I needed those shots as I was 65 and I told her, I’m at peace with my decision. She said please explain. I told her I don’t fear death. I have faith in God, you should try it I said!. The next visits to the doc she said I know the answer, but I’m required to ask if you’ll take the C19 vax. I said you need to write in my record don’t bother to ask! We have access to our medical record via online portal. I was happy to see she wrote, patient has faith in God, so she had declined the vaccine due to religious reasons. That could become very important in the future when they attempt to force older people to take medications and vaccines. That day will come, so make sure you have that in your medical record.

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I pray daily for the gift from the Holy Spirit of wisdom and discernment - when the vax first came out the fact that aborted tissues were used in testing was my immediate NO, cannot do that; against Church teachings. Our 'pope' thought it was fine, but all the devout members of the Church resisted. As everyone around me was lining up for the shots I took the deep dive into this "science??" First, was Dr Ryan Cole, then Dr Malone, Dr McCullough, Dr Kory, and on they marched with the REAL TRUTH. Only 1 of my 4 children and 2 of 5 grandchildren are in "my camp." I think the others are opening their eyes, I say nothing, time is teaching them as so many, are sick, injured, and dying.

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Bravo for your prayerful decision against pressure from doctors and even church leadership. You are blessed for it. “We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). Our times call for that more than we could have imagined.

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As a committed Christian, I have been drawn to writers with spiritual sensitivity as I trust them more than the agnostics. I believe we could be experiencing the birth pains of a revival similar to the end of the 19th century (when Charles Sheldon wrote In His Steps). Occurring every 80 years or so, the last one being in 1965, we are due for another Great Awakening. I am excited. "He has set eternity in the hearts of men..."(Ecclesiastes 3:11)

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Agnostics not the problem (speaking as one) because basically we are neutral on the divinity subject. It is the atheists who raise all the problems I suspect because they have made a religion of being non religious

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"They have made a religion of being non religious". So true more so today than ever before!

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That is so true. Thanks.

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Amen, and from your heart to God's ears!

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Truth and fact will find a way, despite the efforts of rabid vermin to prevent that.

I believe that is one reason why we have come to enjoy the good Doctors posts.

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You’re onto something powerful, JG. I believe that if we’re honest with ourselves, we each hear a still, small voice. Call it conscience, the law written on every heart, or the Holy Spirit, we know right from wrong unless we resist our better natures and eventually sear our own consciences numb to what’s good for ourselves and our neighbors. I wonder what we could accomplish if we took one simple lesson from King David? “God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do’” (Acts 13:22).

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In the final extreme on "the shot", it was a contest between a 20ga.(?) needle and a 9mm. barrel.

Never bring a needle to a gunfight.

Xin loi!

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Feb 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I take a little comfort, when regarding these rabid elite "let them eat bugs" perverts, in the knowledge of how much they remind me of the rabble in the beginning of the French Revolution, the democrats at the beginning of the civil war, the nazis at the beginning of appeasement. and the commies at the beginning of the revolution.

A lot of innocent people die before these vermin join the innocents in death.

We are lucky in the USA, we have the 4 boxes of freedom to protect us from democrat and other rabid tyrants.

The Soap Box (a so called free press)

The Voter Box (supposed to have uncorrupt elections)

The Jury Box (supposed to have unbiased juries of our peers)

and the one that protects them all....

The Ammo Box.

Only to be used when the rabid democrats pervert and corrupt the first 3.

Nice that the democrat vermin have not been able to disarm ALL the victims over here.

They disarm victims only in cities and states that they have coontrol.

Keep your powder dry.

I have read what happened that last time the democrats decided to start a war with repubs.

Apparently, they have not.

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Feb 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The universities are pumping out socialist, Marxist, communist teachers. IMO the first move is to get the children out of public schools and homeschool them.

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It’s a great idea, but a lot of people are struggling for time and money. If I had kids I’d have loved to have done that, but I also know that it would have been extremely difficult to juggle earning money and taking that on. I watched it during the covid period. Even being paid not to go to work, a lot of people were desperate to get their kids back to school.

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Feb 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is why giving the parents the money being squandered on public education, to shop in an educational free market, is the answer. John Dewey, the father of modern American public education, wanted to use mandatory public education as the means to “ bury the rotting corpse of Christianity”

We need to reclaim education, which starts at the dinner table and is continued at church.

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IMO Children are the most important concern. Marxist teachers are turning our children and grandchildren into little activists. Many will grow up to be Antifa and BLM rioters, unsure of their sexual orientation, and whatever else the socialists dream up. If at all possible, parents should homeschool their children.

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Or at the very least grill kids on what they they are “learning” and respond accordingly

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That’s an awful situation to have to Police.

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Agree but where we are today. If kid gives bad feedback use internet to contact other parents and build some big mo. Contact school admin and raise holy hell making them aware not operating in a vacuum. That sort of things

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That's fine when they are very young but try grilling a teenager who wants to be just like her socialist friends.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

My Boss Lady, having suffered with public schools inability or unwillingness to give her children the help they needed sought for and found a couple parent groups with parents who were willing to do home schooling. She has continued to pay attention. Her second choice home schooling group has afforded the better opportunity.

It would IMO be just to allow parents the option to take monies being spent on their childs behalf and use it to purchase education that best meets their child's needs (as they see them).

This may take some focused education for the parents so they are able to identify "best options."

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My younger 2 children went to Charter School. It was great. A big them was you are responsible for yourself. If you don’t get your homework done it is not your parents fault . It taught that no one owes you anything. Your success is made by hard work. It taught morals . Not propaganda.

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Charter schools are also an option depending on the State.

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Feb 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the heads up about this book! There seems to be a new renaissance of insight growing

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Since progressives have stolen education at all levels and control mainstream media we need to fight like the devil to keep the internet out of their grasp if we are to succeed in this battle

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Perhaps that is why it seems so hard. We have little practice 'fighting like the devil".

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Feb 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drs Malone, if i understand your general home base location, you should be very near a bastion of the Trad Cath movement. We found our way into a TLM (traditional Latin mass) in 2021 as noted here as a

Push back to the GR madness and thinking if the FBI is interested they must be “over the target” we have never looked back. In addition to our homestead activities and the connection to the land, Attending the TLM is our weekly dose of sanity and peace that allows us to face the increasing clown world with bravery and peace. Say what you will about organized religion, in particular the Latin mass, but just like our computers have a system back up to a stable point if the system gets corrupted, it’s hard to argue with 1500-1800 years of experience (TLM) that for the most part worked for many of those years. Our system is corrupt so going back to what worked has been a blessing beyond measure for us! I’ll bet if you google TLM near me, you’ll get at least 1 hit. Join us on the, as you put it “cutting edge” of the push back. You’ll be lost, at first but once it comes into focus wow. BTW they didn’t shut down for the lockdowns and most priory’s have doubled or tripled on attendance since 2020.

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Feb 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, I am going to read this book. I am interested in what Mr. Jones has to say. However, before one puts their hope in Catholicism and the Pope as a standard against the Great Reset let me make a recommendation. 1), Read "A Woman Rides The Beast" by Dave Hunt (you will find a brief by Mr Hunt on YouTube). Second, read the Pilgrim Church by E. H. Broadbent. Both of these books provide insight into Catholicism that most catholic's that I know have not been exposed to.

I do agree that hope is to be found in the Church. Eric Metaxas's excellent film platformed on Epoch TV "Letter to the American Church" does an excellent job of challenging the Church to rise to fulfill her mission.

Catholicism could be changing one tyrant for another.

Thanks again for sharing and for providing a platform for opinion and discussion.

Warm Regards

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Metaxas’s 60-minute film was excellent, and for me, obvious for the last couple of decades. His call to ‘Act’ needs to be screamed from the rooftops.

For centuries, the Roman Catholic Church was the ‘thought arm’ of the many empires, and enjoyed financial and legal support and protection. The same occurred with the Church of England during the Reformation, which became the Anglican Church that grew in the British Empire.

To your warning Will, governments should not be merged with any religion, history proves this. It did not work under Monarchies and certainly would not work today. And yet, a call for the people to recognize ‘all’ of the principles God has set out for humanity is the only way to engage in what is specifically, above all else, a spiritual battle G v E.

I watched a Michael J. Matt short video last night on the Remnant. He has for years now been asking those in the Protestant churches to join in the opposition to the evil that has encased us. The video was in response to the forever-quibbling over specific doctrine. https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/item/7020-table-talk-michael-matt-s-message-to-his-protestant-friends. Table Talk is a publication of R.C. Sproul’s Ligonier Ministries that I subscribe to (as a Catholic). His other video, he puts out one each week, I watched before that was called GOD 2024: Globalism & the Plot to Cancel Christianity. https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/item/7014-god-2024-globalism-the-plot-to-cancel-christianity/

The Ten Commandments is the basis for our judicial system but Christianity establishes the Natural Laws. It is obvious that it is these laws (truths) that have been stripped away. Now we have my truths and your truths. Christianity also includes the best reason ever to observe these truths – a reward.

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Shelly, thank you for your comments. I’ll follow up your referrals. I am open to insight into other understandings of Catholic theology. In general I like what the Moravians wrote years ago “ in essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty and in all things grace””.” Warm Regards

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Don't forget Judaism. "Love your neighbor as yourself," is from Leviticus 19:18, learned by the Rabbi Jesus and taught by him. I agree that we need to get back to Biblical religion and that traditional Catholicism has a wealth of spiritual insight and valuable teaching, but please don't overlook or denigrate the foundational ingredient of Judaism and Jews within Western Civilization--not just "back then" from the Jews who assembled and disseminated the Bible and their other ethical teaching, but today. The Jews are a tiny number of people in this world and that is why they make an easy target--but the same people who hate what Jews stand for hate what Christians stand for.

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Feb 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for bringing this upcoming book to our attention. It sounds to offer perspectives well worth consideration. Will be checking out for early sign-up.

Have a super day!

Bestest Always ♡♡♡

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I'm getting carpal tunnel from clicking the "like" button on every comment. Dr's Malone, you’ve created a wonderful Substack family. Many thanks and blessings to you.

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Feb 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So grateful for Docs Malone Substack! A wonderful and smart community that I learn from every day! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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"Among many other deeply moral actions and activities which he has engaged in during his lifetime, Jason has the honor of being one of the first arrested for resisting irrational Hawaiian governmental COVID policies...."

I have thought a lot about this over the last three years. Having read "Nineteen Eighty-Four," having seen the fate of the languishing J6ers, and having noticed the government's facility for maintaining pretenses, I come to the question of what might I expect if the state's cranking vise reaches an interference condition with my expanding disgust. Once the state has an individual buried within their recesses, that individual is completely at their mercy. Wouldn't it be something if I were arrested at a "vaccine" mandate protest, and taken into custody by an unprincipled state who could corner me and inject me at their whim?

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Coming soon via the WHO's amended rules.

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Another very interesting video yesterday from UK Dr. John Campbell on YouTube. He had as his guest Funeral Director John O'Looney. You, Shelley, evidently follow important dissident figures with diligence, and probably already know who these gentlemen are. But if you don't know, they are that: Fine, ethical, brave gentlemen who have been swimming against the tide.

In the video posted yesterday, 2-9-24, titled "New disease," O'Looney describes his efforts to bring his experiences and discovered truths to light; to the attention of indifferent and even counteractive police, government health officials, and politicians.

At about the 11:30 mark, O'Looney describes how he e-mailed the Chief Coroner of England to bring his continued, frequent discoveries of white fibrin/amyloid arterial clots to the Coroner's attention. This was the four-word sentence that summarized verbatim the official lack of professional interest:

"We follow government policy."

After all of our collective efforts to grasp the what and the why of the last four years, we might look among ourselves and ask, "Any further questions?"

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I do watch Dr. Campbell's video when I get a chance and watched one with another person familiar with the clots. I just watched the one with O'Looney. From the top down, the lid has been sealed so his comment that 'this will go down as a biblical crime' won’t, unless the atrocity gets full page press.

And that can't happen - any and all measures at their disposal will make sure of that. They have decades of planning and work invested in their one world order. We are in the same boat here, but maybe not quite as advanced. I wonder when another report will come out from the Life Insurance industry - or perhaps they have been shut up also.

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Feb 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the amazing revelations in this book review. Several confusing items have now been reconciled. Summing up discrepancies is a major part of Problem Identification. And if that engineering step is skipped or in error, an entire project can be for naught, except to drive the engineer back to Problem Identification.

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I agree that deep, true faith is the only answer. God indeed placed within us a desire to know Him. As you know, we chose to homeschool our children in the 80’s before it was popular. We saw it as the only way to pass our faith and values to the next generation. Now our four kids are homeschooling our 13 grandchildren. The biblically based life, listening to the Holy Spirit living within us is the most satisfying life available to us. Child bearing and rearing cause women to act selflessly and deepens maturity. Being responsible for family causes selflessness in men who see their wives constantly sacrificing for the children. Children, properly taught a modest life, with chores and working beside their parents are the most well rounded, sober minded adults. This pattern is all but lost to the modern generation. There is a wave of those who have rejected feminism and a Godless existence, exploring that life is the way forward. We love you guys!

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent but I’m afraid that rough beast will have its day, and sooner rather than later.

What we have in this piece is naturally the archaic model. We always think and experience reality through the lens of the previous paradigm what Marshal McLuhan called figure-ground relationships. The figure as represented by the logic of this piece is always a conception from the past paradigm. This is mechanical thinking. This is pre-electricity thinking, it is our linear, mechanical bride. Basically, this piece is arguing that we have to try harder, all band to together, harken back, re-capture our heritage and reject this false epistemology.

That’s not gonna happen. Wish all you may, but that’s not gonna happen.

Brace yourself, we are going to our destination like it or not. It is not up to us, remember, McLuhan famously said the medium is the message. Oh oh it turns out it is the technology that orders our world, not how we use it.

This is bad news . It means we don’t really know what’s happening to us.

Here’s the lay of the land .

Electricity usurped time and space and collapse the world upon itself. We live in a village, a global village. All people and all ideas and all voices are all present all at the same time. All knowledge and all beliefs coexist, epistemology itself is no longer viable.

The linear epistemology of Christianity, 2000 years of specialization and expansion have been reversed. Electricity has imploded western society, heritage is no longer possible, because all heritage competes, all stories compete and all are known or knowable. Linear order is no longer possible hierarchies are finished as an ordering principle. No church no family no parenting, nice try, but no dice . We need a different way.

“ The mark of our time is it revulsion against imposed patterns. We are suddenly eager to have things and people express their being totally. We live mythically and Integrally.”

Marshall McLuhan

8 billion of us are sitting around a campfire and frightened. Insanity: “ the body of a lion and the head of a man.”

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I had a conversation with my farrier the other day about 1883 and 1923. I told him I am thankful every day when I turn on a faucet, open the refrigerator, turn on a light switch.

So, what year in history does a human wish to revert to, to keep its freedoms, enjoy life, find peace and leave progeny in a good place?

Before Revelation we find in 1 Peter 4:17-19 “For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely to be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? Wherefore, let them that suffer according to the will of God, commit the keeping of their souls to Him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.” I try to always keep this in mind while I trying to do my part to stop the madness.

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"Ordered liberty" has an appealing ring to it. Of course, it can work only among virtuous citizens. Restore virtue, and we will restore liberty.

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Again, most of the people who pass by Substack and comment I would certainly enjoy meeting in person

because most are brilliant and compassionate. And best of all, I can’t stay stuck ANYwhere when prodded to think this deeply.

I would refer you to Substack “Bad Cattitude: “On trading rights for safety.”

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