Refused all C19 injections: check

Refuse to wear mask: check

Ignore anti-social distancing: check

Refuse to fist/elbow bump and instead shake hands (or kiss for ladies): check

Got covid: check

Refused quarantine/isolation "advice": check

Feeling great: CHECK!

Number of people I have killed so far by my refusal to comply: zero

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A true health hero!

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Exactly like me!

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I realized this morning that this will not end until the interlocked systems of government, money and ideology have been completely and absolutely discredited, and every person knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were never designed to be on our side. It's worse than them not caring if we live or die--it's the intention that we die, and that's been the reality for the 3500 years of 'civilization' since the invention of coinage and the way that it enabled blind obedience to their manipulation.

Since there's nothing we can do to change this, and since nothing else would ever have changed our obedience to the system, I'm thinking we should be planning for what we want to replace it when that moment of realization hits the world, all at the same time.

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having read your substack, I believe you may find this of interest:

I lean towards the following Klaus Schwab is aged,,, Mr. Trudeau is being groomed for high position at the WEF.

Based on my experience in life/business I surmise the following:

There are several candidates for the higher positions within the WEF. Trudeau/ Macron/ Arden as potentials, I am sure several more.

I highlight these individuals because the Machiavellian ethic they employ to dominate/force/impose a program they must know is so flawed fatally, literally.

The position will be awarded based on a performance evaluation, in a fashion similar to any sales contest. As all tests require a grounding/rules and benchmarks, a criteria. This performance test is based on commitment to the program vax'ing, CBDC ,Passport Organization, willingness to overcome, sacrifice of the innocent etc.... all the things we the informed have been talking about.

Basically those leaders that get the most needles in arms, suppress their citizenry and effectively replace democracy with ??????? Orwellian horror maybe. get awarded the gold medal the top ribbon the position of authority, the jump seat in the WEF.

Undoubtedly the winner gets to appoint his loyal lieutenants to positions of rank. Which I believe is the only possible reason for Mr. Singhs outright betrayal of the Canadian people,,,,,,,,,, that includes all the Canadian people regardless of the political views they hold or held.

I have written other postings about this if interested I hope you will go to my site.

Speaking for myself only, I find its easy to be angry with they/those and them, to allow myself the warm blanket of self righteous indignation. Lets keep in mind we fight for all, our noble goal is to to protect all. Even those that think we are wrong.

IVERMECTIN/HYDROXY work Who knew/ when did they know/ who suppressed it.


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Trudeau may not live long enough to replace Schwab at the WEF. These vaccines are very dangerous. The safety signals within VAERS (and elsewhere) are alarming. I saw somewhere where 50% mortality was predicted within 5 years. Let's hope Trudeau is in this group -- the world needs fewer dictators.

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He didn’t get anything in his arm! None of them did! LOL!

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most likely it was saline solution all just for optics

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Thank you, Shawn, for reading my Substack! You raise some interesting speculations, none of which I'd discount. I think that, leaving nothing to chance, they'd have a carrot and a stick. For the stick, I'd guess the Satanic rituals with all their lurid details and the pedophilia with the children who, now grown, have testified to their grooming--some at Deep Creek Lake, where my family used to vacation when I was growing up. Still makes me shudder to think of that going on somewhere in another cabin while I was playing Uno with my grandma.

Men can be rufied, yes? If I was an evil mastermind, that's how I'd do it. I'd show them the videos and promise to 'release' them if they ever spoke about what happened.

But your theory of the carrot makes sense with the stick. Gavin Newsom, in my 'hood, is being primed as US President, he could be a contender. And Australia, if your list didn't include there. Austria, Germany.

However, I have a future episode planned called 'The Face Cards Are Not the Player.' I think Klaus Schwab is a distraction. He's public, says things on record, and is way too easy to ridicule with his stereotyped Nazi accent and Dr. Evil facade--he only needs a mini-me to make the parody complete. So who's behind Schwab? My bets are hedged between China, Israel and the City of London/Royals.

I completely agree about the goal of fighting for all, and having forgiveness and compassion for those we think are wrong. Thanks for responding to me!

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"Mr. Trudeau is being groomed for high position at the WEF."

1. He is no "Mr."

2. He is only an useful idiot; if they cared about him, they would have prevented him from taking the toxic shots.

To paraphrase Alexander Mercouris "if you believe that the WEF gives two $#!+$ about Turd-eau, I have a bridge to sell" :P!

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damn that ole' bridge. I have to give ya that one. the depth of their caring is equal to a small puddle.

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And I'll check out your stack!

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Well said, Tereza.

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I couldn't agree more with you, Tereza! An empire needs to dismantled! I do have thoughts on replacement - but it must not be debt based money - and, in fact, the thing that replaces money must not, itself, have value that could be "traded" for goods and/or services. The interconnectedness possible with the internet or an alternative (an alternative can be created) can allow for goods and services to be matched to needs and wants. This certainly means that the rich and super-rich need to be prepared for "sacrifices" for the common good, as, infinite wealth accumulation must not be permitted, as per this article! https://survivingtomorrow.org/why-do-we-allow-infinite-wealth-accumulation-ba773c617cc6 There must be a maximum any one individual or family can accumulate. More later!

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Thank you, Howie, for subscribing to my Third Paradigm! As you've seen from noticing my book, I have LOTS of ideas on the replacement. I'm posting an episode today on The Constitutional Convention Coup (from Robert's Article 5 guest post by the JBS) that talks about Ben Franklin's land-backed money, the Pennsylvania colonial scrip, which is the model mine is based on.

I think that when we live in a house another generation built, and receive the knowledge another generation found, it does incur a debt--but to the community, not the bankers. We owe it to the previous generation to enable them to live out their lives in comfort and dignity (something close to your heart, from your Substack) and to pass the gift on to the next generation in a better form. We can't just take what's been given us and have it end there.

If housing and education are priced in local 'carets', as I term them, the rich and super-rich can accumulate all the dollars they want, but they can't buy our property or lives. My plan puts a limit on how much accumulation local residents can convert into carets each month, in line with the cost of housing. Beyond that limit, it charges $2 for ^1, so rich outsiders or investment funds pay twice as much for property, and it taxes carets to dollars at 50%, so outside purchases cost twice and outsider profits are half. Here are a couple of episodes that talk about it:



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Hi Tereza - Well, replacement of money with another system, certainly, is needed. Backing of money is not needed, as that just places some commodity, and the producers of that commodity, in a position of wealth and power. Not that I oppose wealth and power, it's just that infinite accumultion is obscene.

I've been involved in monetary reform (MR) ever since I met Dr Steven Zarlenga, who had a group that he founded, American Monetary Institute, along with authoring a very comprehensive book (with a bibliography almost as large as RFK Jr's C19 related book on Fraudxxi), "Lost Science of Money". It seems that such organizations have been infiltrated by the bankers -- as the path they are taking doesn't lead to a success plan for MR.

Scrip is just another name for money. Land. If there was a way of preventing infinite accumulation of land (we need look no further than Bill Gates) and breaking families from more than one generation of ownership, that would be a good start in fairness to all. Real understanding comes from realizing that an economy is just the trading of goods and services to satisfy wants and needs. With robotization, computer integrated manufacturing, etc., common products and services do not need as much human "labor" as before the industrial revolution.

I did a post today on Jon Rappoport's substack, which you may want to look at. More later.

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Hi, Howie. In my book I distinguish between money, which gives power over others, and wealth, which gives power over yourself. The accumulation of wealth by families should be the purpose of local gov't and the accumulation of wealth by communities should be the purpose of federal gov't.

I define money as a means of organizing labor in the interests of whoever issues it. In our case, that's the bankers or, wearing their other hat, the venture capitalists. Mortgages create 94% of dollars and so our labor serves them, no matter what we do.

Personally, I think the robotization of labor is a Yuval Harari myth. As a farmer, you should ask Robert if robots are going to replace him and Jill.

And it's triggering for me whenever someone talks about 'breaking families from more than one generation of ownership.' I think the WEF would like nothing more than to pry all property out of family ownership so that we will "own nothing and be ... servants." Why should every generation pay again with 30 years of double-income labor before they have the security of owning a home? Conflating your average family with Bill Gates and making your rules accordingly makes it as if security and obscene riches are just degrees of the same evil.

How do you organize labor, enable trade, and facilitate the transfer of wealth (housing and knowledge) between generations in your (or Zarlenga's) system? I've certainly heard of him and the AMI but haven't looked at it in awhile.

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A sane person! Yipee.

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Me exactly...

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CHECK!!!! 🥳

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I am 2 shot vaccinated, circa dec 2020 / jan 2021

I did not take the first booster

My kids did not take any

I will not take the 2nd

I will not take this bivalent shot

There is no scenario save for a loaded gun to my head where I would even consider it. And if means being shut out from society, so be it.

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Me too. Got the Pfizer in Dec 2020 and Jan 2021. Now I know I was mislead and fooled. Not again.

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Sep 12, 2022·edited Sep 12, 2022

I was resigned from my job last year because I would not report my “vaccine status.”

I noticed on LinkedIn recently that a few of my former colleagues left that organization this past July. I now wonder if they finally said, “NO!”

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I hope so. for their sakes. the people I know who got the vaccine and some I don't are sicker and many died unexpectedly of blood clots etc.. I still have delayed sort of symptom from when I got it this summer but nothing like the folks I know who got the vaccine. I am still trying to figure this out. One thing I know for sure: Corona was for sure a designer virus (CRSPRD) by Chinese .. and other culprits. that is a really good post..

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Good for you! Neither my husband nor I am vaccinated and we feel the same way.

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The dumbing down of society...

...worked better than planned

Now even MDs are idiots...

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it surprises me the arrogance, coupled with the lack of critical thinking that most (not all) that carry that "MD" after their name. Or it's fear? All of the above?

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In my area, private practices have been bought by corporations that own the hospitals , the hospitals mandate the practices and control the physicians! "Medical Centers" depend on grants from NIH etc, so they are certainly not going to jeopardize their funding by going against the narrative. It is extremely sad, and what's even worse INDIVIDUALS do not even question what and why things are happening and it's right here for all to see if we only READ , THINK, and QUESTION!

As an RN, thankfully retired, I am grieved, and frightened.

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If you go to a naturopath, there are no "hospitals that own the practices." Just a thought.

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I have been to one here, but states differ in licensure.

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No, I'm in NC

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Sep 13, 2022·edited Sep 13, 2022

My institution expects my personal views to "align" with the institution. Most of my coworkers fell for the ad in the NEJM. We could not ask any questions or raise any concerns about vaccination. I have felt from the beginning that money drove the hospital response from inpatient treatment to vaccine mandates. My CEO did not like me calling the hospital mandate "coercion", but he also did not like me sending an email to the state hospital association in which I said all health systems in the state were colluding when they recommended that all hospitals adopt a mandatory vaccination policy (the CEOs of all the health systems in the state voted for a mandatory vaccination policy, and the state hospital association then recommended this policy to all hospitals in the state) Can you say conflict of interest?

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MDs are.needed,.dont get me wrong, but I.live a.disease PREVENTION life, and I have.found that best found in more holistic modalities. That's my personal experience.

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Yes. But they have no clue about the natural.healing modalities that almost always have NO side effects.and....oh. no big money.

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Not even a loaded gun to my head would obtain my consent.

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A loaded gun won't make me comply either.....I will gladly go to be with my Savior, in my Heavenly Eternal home....a much better place to be than what this world is becoming, sadly. I WILL NOT GET A SINGLE "SHOT"..... haven't yet, never will!!

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Amen Donna!

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Me neither.

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I rather take the bullet to the head - at least it is over faster. No way, no how am I going to take one of these jabs. Our company went right to the wire and then backed off about making jabs mandatory. I was not going to quit but I sure want to quit now. I have no repsect for the company anymore, none.

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Uptake of each booster has decreased by 30%. Only about 50% of those who received the first 2 shots have received 2 boosters. Only the mandate in healthcare is keeping vaccination rates high in health care settings (for the moment), but I know many nurses who will not get the boosters even if they will be fired (or as my institution calls it, "voluntary resignation").

ps. I think you did the right thing by getting off the endless vaccination wheel. Canada is now saying boosters will be needed every 90 days!

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What can I say? The world has gone totally insane. Our sermon yesterday was based on Revelation 12. We are in a spiritual battle which is intensifying every day. In addition to spreading the word about the toxic shots, my husband and I are teaching high school students at our church. These young people face unimaginable forces and dangers and we are committed to doing our small part to help them navigate the insanity with their faith intact. May God help us all to cling to His promises and to support one another as the world continues to fall apart.

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I’d say the world’s not totally insane and that the majority, by now, know what’s up. They just can’t speak it loud enough because the MSM megaphone’s volume is at 11.

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Cautionary tale …

Pilger: Silencing The Lambs - How Propaganda Works

“She told me that the “patriotic messages” of her films were dependent not on “orders from above” but on what she called the “submissive void” of the German public.”


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There is more to the German story than most people know...

Please consider this:

A piece of gruesome, little known, historical context...

The Childhood Origins of World War II and the Holocaust



NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society.

Furthermore, childhood adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.

The "masses" are essentially clueless and unaware of their own conditioning...

Aware Parenting website:



"... The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

Full article by Alice Miller:


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Excellent post. IMO, the REAL problem in health care (and, society)is life trauma

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Hoping the Rapture comes soon… but so many still need to be saved…and …

Eternity’s long…

Keep up the good work w/those high schoolers, you two!

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Dr. Wilson, psycho: check

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Sep 12, 2022·edited Sep 12, 2022

The good news is that the "doctor" has had all of his injections, soooo.... Just a matter of time! Wonder how many times he has had COVID? Several, I would bet.

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He doesn’t look very healthy, that’s for sure.

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He has had all those injections but still wears that thing "to protect others".

From what?

Doesn't he even realise he is undermining his own message?

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Completely brainwashed and certainly not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

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And it's a cloth mask which even the CDC admits is completely useless.

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And a very punchable face. Sorry but it's the truth.

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😂🤣😂 definitely psycho!

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lol. ok got a laugh out of me. :) gotta go anyway. :) thx

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Sep 12, 2022·edited Sep 12, 2022

I have an acquaintance who was shot up and is now having clots in his legs so bad its hard to walk. He also said the doctor told him half his heart has stopped working. Of course its just what he says, I really don't know. But I do know this; a few weeks ago he told me he had an appointment at Mayo to get fixed and I asked him to ask the doctor if this could come from this COVID injection.

He looked at me funny.

Well I saw him a few days ago and asked if he asked the doctor about the injection. He didn't answer but instead he told me its from a pinched nerve. After a few moments I said, That's ok you can do what you want but I would like to know if you think there is such a thing as having a bad reaction to an injection?

He looked at me funny, looked away, and said its time to go.

The business owner, who now has a face with a drooping eye and lip also was sitting with us and she said nothing too.

Defending those types is a waste of time. These people are unwitting volunteers. Governments are doing nothing to stop this. In my view its all about defending those who don't volunteer for the death shot reduction of the human population.

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Most all crash test dummies suffer a similar fate. Not much is reusable after testing.

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What I have said about being a lab rat. Outcomes usually not too favorable for them as sadly too many who have been jabbed have discovered

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A claim that its already too late for those injected...

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Next time (if there is a next time) send him the link to howbad.info so he can look up how deadly his vaccine batches are. I believe curiosity will get the better of him and he’ll eventually want to see what it says.

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Almost 30 million checked!

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It sounds to me like those two are caught in the hypnotic grip of the mass formation that surrounds covid.

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Maybe, or they have always trusted doctors and the pharma products and to reject one is to question all those other help aids they believe are helping them.

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I am 80 and the generation before me (mom) had that faith you described. It cut both ways. She had a doc she really didn't like all that much but she did what doctor told her and he kept her going for 10 yrs. After he retired she fell into the hands of a group that previously had killed her on the operating table. She again did what doctor told her and they finished her off in a,few months.

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Sorry to read about this. I have a similar story but it includes my nurse sister who sped up mother's death, even insisting on cremation to hide the evidence.

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Bivalent. I had to look it up.

Bivalent: having a valence of two

Valent: Having one or more valences

Valences: Assuming they are not referring to curtain tops, it has something to do with combining capacity. So these vaccines combine something and it's so fundamental, they used it in the name. Or they are just messing with us because it sounds significant. Or maybe they DO mean curtains - as in, "It's curtains for you..."

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😂 😢

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Don't you just love the trickery of these folks use with the word power they employ.

I often look for the "root" words in the English language, and am surprised by it.

This is perfect a example. Nicely done!

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I believe what bivalent means here is the vaccine is targeting, or intended to target two variants of the virus. I am not a Doctor. 🙂

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Frankly I don't understand. There is now an avalanche of information that proves the COVID "vaccines" are very dangerous. Just this morning alone several articles popped into my email from highly reputable sources indicating the extreme adverse events and the "excess deaths." Big Tech can't prevent this information from getting out.

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I'm a pristine blood 68 year old, but I was a bit of a bad boy in my yute. I may have taken a few drugs that might have been illegal at the time, so I have a question for folks that have gotten the injections and continue to take the boosters:

Is there a "high" associated with them?

If not, why would anyone choose to squirt unknown substances into their bloodstream?

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I think for some, the high comes in a form of virtue signaling.

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But the "virtue" of taking the injection to protect Grammy and Grampy has been thoroughly debunked to the point that even the Left of the Left don't consider it a viable action.

I just don't get it !!!

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The alternative is that you don't take the injection which makes you part of the other side and that is simply not an option so you "signal" that you are not part of the other side by taking the injection. I'm pretty confident that a reasonable percentage of vaccinated people will inject themselves to death before they will be associated with the "wrong" side.

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A self correcting problem, eh?

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Again, those in the grip of mass formation are oblivious to anything that does not align with the approved narrative.

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I am not visiting Canada while PO S Commie Trudeau is PM. Doesn't matter if he drops the Jab mandate to enter the country. I wouldn't waste my spit on him or PO S Commie Xiden.

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We have to join together and say "No!"

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It really is that simple. If everyone just refused there wouldn’t be an issue.

I’m afraid the sheeple just can’t help themselves.

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If folks were conditioned from infancy to only eat with their right hand, I believe a significant number would starve if that hand was lost to paralysis or amputation. That sadly seems to be an essence of human nature

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Yeah, I miss Montreal and have resigned to the fact I may never visit again.

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It's funny that I can go to Europe from America now without being Jabbed but if I wasn't an American citizen I couldn't return. Commie Dem Xiden and his Regime are the Enemy of the State.

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Trudeau is the poster boy for sociopathic leadership. He's a graduate of the WEF Young Leaders program who in my opinion is shamelessly trying to prove that he deserves a higher position in that organization.

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There is no excuse that he was able to win PM again. Canada seems trapped in Commie Land. I have read all the excuses but their is something very rotten with most of these Commonwealth Countries. They all have totalitarian Green Agenda governments. America is in the same situation now with Commie Dem Xiden but there is a chance we can change direction although I am very suspect of the Commie Dems cheating again in their Urban Hell Holes and their suburbs.

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Dominium Vote Machines is a Canadian company.


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Previous discussions on this substack have suggested that the people really in charge in the US are not elected officials but rather billionaire oligarchs (with their big-money influence over elections, politicians, mass media, etc.) and their foot soldiers the "deep state" (who remain on the job across administrations). I agree. As a result, I'm not as confident as you seem to be that a change in administration will derail any of the damaging longer-term plans toward increased electronic surveillance, social credit system, central bank digital currency, and in general a technocratic totalitarianism.

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I agree but I think America has a better chance than Canada and other Commonwealth countries. America still barely has the Republic and America is heavily armed.

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What can one even say about the fascist Mr. Trudeau? Who would ever have expected Canada to lead the way toward Schwab's Techno-Hell?

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I lean towards the following

Klaus Schwab is aged,,, Mr. Trudeau is being groomed for high position at the WEF.

Based on my experience in life/business I surmise the following:

There are several candidates for the higher positions within the WEF. Trudeau/ Macron/ Arden as potentials, I am sure several more. I highlight these individuals because the Machiavellian ethic they employ to dominate/force/impose a program they must know is so flawed fatally, literally.

The position will be awarded based on a performance evaluation, in a fashion similar to any sales contest.

As all tests require a grounding/rules and benchmarks, a criteria. This performance test is based on commitment to the program vax'ing, CBDC ,Passport Organization, willingness to overcome, sacrifice of the innocent etc.... all the things we the informed have been talking about.

Basically those leaders that get the most needles in arms, suppress their citizenry and effectively replace democracy with ??????? Orwellian horror maybe. get awarded the gold medal the top ribbon the position of authority, the jump seat in the WEF.

Undoubtedly the winner gets to appoint his loyal lieutenants to positions of rank. Which I believe is the only possible reason for Mr. Singhs outright betrayal of the Canadian people,,,,,,,,,, that includes all the Canadian people regardless of the political views they hold or held.

I have written other postings about this if interested I hope you will go to my site.

Speaking for myself only, I find its easy to be angry with they/those and them to allow myself the warm blanket of self righteous indignation. Lets keep in mind we fight for all, our noble goal is to to protect all. Even those that think we are wrong.

IVERMECTIN/HYDROXY work Who knew/ when did they know/ who suppressed it.


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This fall/winter is going to get very interesting to say the least. Will this wake the sheep? We can only pray.

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I say we work to keep this fall/winter uninteresting!

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Mzlizzi, that may be difficult to do in the USA because there is an election on November 8, less than 60 days. People are chomping at the bit to vote the current crop of politicians out.

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Oops! I should have put “uninteresting” in quotes!

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To be replaced with?? History tells a sad tale re angry voter outcomes. Same type vermin replacing previous vermin

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Sep 12, 2022·edited Sep 12, 2022

Dr Nash, try this site. It has state by state info on particular candidates. It my be useful for you: https://ivoterguide.com/

We have to vote in huge numbers for candidates who put America First.

Please keep the faith.

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Thanks. Looks like a good site

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This is why gun and ammo sales are through the roof.

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As I have said, these progressive freaks are deconstructing our constitution to the point where the 2nd amendment will be the only remaining protection of our natural rights given us by our Founders. Then ????

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I meant the protection was our heritage. The rights are default. Sorry for the ambiguity.

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myself wife and son at college in MA ( religious exemption thank god ) have taken NONE of these mrna gene altering experimental blood clot shots, i smelled a con day one, i sleep nicely every night know this poison is not in my system, my jabbed friends who use to mock my me have now gone silent, they know, deep down people know its all going down as the greatest medical scam in world history. Pureblood out !!!

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Insane. Last weeks Russell Brand YouTube explains the re-naming convention. Not a “boost” - a vaccine. Mandates must go.

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Russell Brand has been 100% spot on lately, and he makes me laugh too! So glad he’s on Rumble, I subscribed to his channel there.

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Truly shocking his brilliant contribution to this Gobal Shift… with clever humor. Rumble? Great.

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Having seen Mr. Brand make fools of those passive-aggressive monkeys on MORNING JOE, I am convinced he will be the Will Rogers of the 21st century.

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Have you seen the photo of Brand kissing Yuval Harari on his head?

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I think that happened prior to Brand’s understanding of the Great Reset. He gets it now.

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Sep 12, 2022·edited Sep 12, 2022

I don't follow Brand...I don't really "follow" anybody...so I don't know what his current stance is. But I would guess Yuval Harari's views haven't changed much in a very long time.

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No, but I am watching a video of Yuval Harari and Russell Brand right now. I never heard of Yuval Harari before you mentioned him. Thanks.

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a bit lengthy from my perspective... I enjoy Russell Brand's politics but I have trouble with his accent.

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Armstrong et al showed that infectious disease mortality from measles, pertussis, diphtheria, polio, TB, typhoid, dysentery and the flu became statistically insignificant by 1955 - decades before most of today's vaccines became available.

If the CDC and NIH want to prove vaccine efficacy, they could do it with a "retrospective study" that tracked and compared the health of ~30,000 vaccinated and ~30,000 unvaccinated people over a 30~40 year period. Such a study would cost less than what the pharmaceutical industry pays every year when they settle injury claims. Such a study would affirm or disprove the claims that vaccinated people are healthier than unvaccinated people - which is why the vaccine industry would never do it.

Had such a study occurred, most of the world would've known better than to trust the vaccine industry over what we now recognize as the Covid debacle. A billion+ people around the world will die from this avoidable fraud.

1900-1996 https://www.omsj.org/reports/Armstrong%201999.pdf

1980-2014 http://omsj.org/2020/jld160031.pdf


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