Sep 30Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

DeSantis is a good man. He puts together a good strategy for success. God bless him.

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Yes, he put together a good strategy for success - for the state of Florida.

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Sep 30Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

With a cringe-factor of 9.9/10 that I cannot mentally overcome, the CCP is just the cherry-on-top of Walz’s shit-pile of weird - I’ve “turned the page.”

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

October was always my favorite month…except in an election cycle. Buckle up, folks… it’s about to get really bumpy. The 'October Surprises’ are going to be massive. **Yes, God bless DeSantis.

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Everyone keep their eyes focused on the Hoover Dam - sayin’...

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Israel is not helping.

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I think a lot of this may come down to ‘alignment'. UN aligned, re: China controlled or Israeli aligned, US control? Maybe, too many moving parts.

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Yup. Read a piece today about cognitive warfare China is using against Taiwanese and Russia with Ukraine. Just adds more to the moving parts mix.


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Well, I tried to respond with my thoughts about all the 'rain-making'... must have said something inappropriate.

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I must have used verboten words or names... regarding my questioning possible of alignments. Anyway, my opinion is that 'rank-choice voting' is an end-run around the American voter and threatens the actual democratic voting process. The dock worker strike is either an 'October surprise' or part an aim to destroy the American economy. Who is demanding this obscenity?

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Israel sucks huge.

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The Democrats "October Surprise" this year is that multi-MILLIONS of illegal immigrants WILL vote - for Harris/Walz.

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Is there a way to prevent that? Can we get in our cars, drive to these felony states, sign up to vote and out number them? Some have same day registration!! What info do you need? An address? That ought to be pretty easy to lie about.

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THAT would be a felonious act, Barbara...

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I’ve always loved October - there’s a stirring of things to

come on the air. I prefer Autumn to even Spring.

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Sep 30Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Wok is getting Hot!!🔥🔥🔥🦾

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Very good ha

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The fact of the matter is Kamala is briefed daily and knew all about Walz ties to China. His ties too China and all of his creepy affects were known long before she picked him which should leave everyone questioning what her objectives are for her presidency. He went to the Michigan Minnesota football game on Saturday and was caught cheering for Michigan. Here is a clip of him being booed by Minnesotans..,


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Yup JG....CREEPY is the proper operative word for Tampon Tim.

When you sign on to be a midwest political left character...

you will need to hone to perfection your lizard based Chameleons skin.

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Thanks for the link James. No doubt crowds love 45.

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Hard to believe this is a close race!!

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Probably why I don't believe it! Polls are tools of persuasion.

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Polls conducted by statisticians. Remember Twains comment re them

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Remind me Micheal, I've forgotten or perhaps never knew??

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There are liars, damned liars and statisticians.

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The Dumbing of America is nearly complete. Schools/Colleges/Workplace.

Ignorance of forced bad Vaccines plus bad Admin actions have rushed in like coastal Tides bringing the oceans of mindless fear debris along with it.

Sharks love high tide for optimum prey victimization as well. Stay very alert.

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Sep 30Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Holy Moses 😳😳😳

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Lol!! You love it too, Malone.

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I thought Walz had been vetted. By Eric Holder.

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Like saying philby was vetted by stalin

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Who needs vetting when we have the Biden connection to continue?

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Oh yes. And as the US Attorney General, Eric Holder was sending AR-15’s and maybe AR-4’s to the same Mexican drug cartels that are importing the precursors to fentanyl from the CCP in China. It is truly a circle “you know what”.

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M-4…mil-spec version of AR15 with a 14 inch barrel and different selector switch. Otherwise much the same.

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And adam shi_t.

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Good one - I’m LOLing in Cali.

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Yeah, well Obuttheads henchman - Eric Holder - is yet another "CFR" member.

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He needs to be referred from this point on as Tampon Tim.

Purposely placing women's Vaginal products in young boys school restrooms.

Hinting that it's ok for shredding the masculinity of boys becoming men,

Into pussies instead. And this guy served in the U S Army ?

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This is breaking news from Austria. Maybe we will be fortunate enough to see the same results in the U.S. https://www.petersweden.org/p/huge-win-for-right-wing-party-in

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And they’re (THEY) are trying to make NAZI associations of the the more right leaning opposition.

Feckless freskazoids.

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Whistleblowers are becoming really common now. That's the fraud-fighting immune system at work. I'm so glad to see this. Its a real "trend change" - and it will terrify the gang in charge.

We just need a Walz laptop now. "10, held by H, for the Big Guy."

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Whistleblowers die mysteriously, have their lives ruined, and are hauled before Congress to no avail - it’s like we’re ghost-streaming a live docudrama with eternal episodes - like being stuck in an endless Groundhog Day mind-fuck. Hope it’s ok to say fuck. If not, sorry.

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Best fact checkers we’ve got!

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Ya’know, I can understand multiple trips to Chai-Nah for business, even a few "pleasure" trips over the decades (shoot, my Marxist sister went with her daughter 20ish years ago - in retrospect surprised she returned 🤣); BUT 30 (THIRTY) trips to Chai-Nah for an army reserve enlistee, teacher, congressman ( oops, sorry, congressperson) and guberner over 20-30 years - I can smell the stench out here even over the forest fires this summer.

MALONEANS: if y’all have the ability, relief orgs are/have mobilized to my old Appalachian homeland and they sure could use your help. I made a contribution to Samaritan’s Purse this AM, an outfit I’ve been supporting for decades - but there are many others lifting the burden of those suffering from Florida to Bristol, TN; Samaritan’s Purse is headquartered in Boone, NC which itself has experienced horrific, if not catastrophic flooding.

Personally, think this hurricane was directed over all these mostly red states/counties by our gummint’s 3-letter agencies spearheaded by HeelzUpHarris herself to tilt the November elections.

What’s that you say, making a partisan political statement is uncalled for at a time like this⁉️ Well, if memory serves me well (yeah, I know, don’t laugh 😆), didn’t elements of the demonrat party make similar claims during the Bush 43 presidency?

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I've donated to Mercury One, Glenn Beck's charity. They are on the ground in the effected states. His followers never fail to engage in times of needs, they show up and do the hard work. MO has loads of four wheel trucks that pack and roll quickly.

This may also be time for the SP donation, which I make at year's end for general purposes. Such a fine organization.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

SP is on the ground with supplies and Trump in Georgia. NC Appalachia is a difficult to access at this point I gather.

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I just heard that, too: too of the hour newz ( 🤷‍♀️ maybe) but definitely when Mark Levin brought it up and commented. Valdosta, GA (?), semi loads and at least one fuel tanker. Funny aside: almost bought a nice two floor house in some acreage back in ‘21 — right smack dab in the midst of the NC devastation near Asheville.

Where are HeelzUpHarris and 💩 💩 🧠 ⁉️ Out in hollyweird soliciting resources and sitting on the beach checking out the girlz he wishes he could be hair sniffing on.

What I wanna know: have either of those turd-burds reached into their very deep pockets?



Hel.. aw, never mind.

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Yay 😃 Shelley - I’m an end of the year giver as well, guess it got pushed up 😊

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Make that "head-over-hee,hee-heels Harris.

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One of my talents is/was gis. NOAA has a database of 100+ years of storm tracks and they are influenced by the Appalachians. Joe Bastardi has followed this system for months and he said no one would listen even to the nation’s weatherman!

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I have some concerns about the Vance-Thiel connection, but I like his chances for scoring some points against Walz. From what I've seen of Vance, he's good on his feet.

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Ditto that.

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Thiel is a stuttering mess. The only time he stopped stuttering and over-thinking what he was going to say, was when he went after the Catholic church. Wonder what happened to him when he was a little boy???

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Sadly and criminally, we already know our corrupt government has and will continue to protect Mayorkas’s blatant treason, when he again ignores another congressional subpoena!

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IF the CONGRESS would just READ the U.S. Constitution - the part in ARTICLE IV., Section 4., about "Protecting the States From Invasion" - "CFR" member (and) Secretary of Homeland Security - Alejandro Mayorkas - Impeachment should have been , but for the NO vote by more than a few "Republicans" a done deal.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

Would be great news though we've learned over the last few years, subpoena's don't matter. They are brazenly disregarded unless of course you're MAGA! No one is held accountable, no one is detained in any way. It's truly become a farce mechanism. Merely performative sadly.

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While Representative Comer is at it he should also investigate "Mitch" McConnell and HIS long-time ties with the CCP via his Wife - Elaine Chao - and her Chinese families mega fleet of commercial shipping vessels. Oh, and BTW, Elaine is also a longtime member of the "CFR" - as well as former Secretary of Transportation.

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Timely news. I hope the Admin is nervous that people from within are stepping up to foil their plans.

I watched the first 2.5 hours of Rescue the Republic live before need to go get bird seeds. Found the entire video on Rumble so was able to see certain portions I missed. Ron Johnson is a super hero. Great talk by you Robert. Kory was good too. Dell Bigtree said something that needs clarification as to my hearing it right. He said Trump had asked RFK Jr. to investigate FDA approval of vaccines in 2017 and Bobby asked Dell to help. Is this true, happened in 2017?

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Shelley, I heard that also. I watched a lot of Rescue the Republic. Yes, enjoyed the talks by Dr Malone, Dr Kory, Ron Johnson, RFJ Jr and the rest. An enthusiastic crowd!

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I kept scanning the crowd hoping to see the younger set, 20-something there. Some but not as many as I had hoped.

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The date is accurate. Back when Trump was first elected, he had agreed to work with RFK Jr (and Del Bigtree) to investigate the childhood vaccine behemoth.

Unfortunately, it was scuttled shortly after it began. Apparently, Bill Gates got in Trump’s ear and convinced him that going after vaccines would have catastrophic outcomes for human health.

Clearly, Trump was surrounded by a lot of snakes, many of his own choosing. I have some sympathy as the media/establishment had made it clear to all and sundry that working with the Trump admin was career and social suicide. He had a hard time finding any competent people or getting good advice.

If he wins this election, I’m hopeful that the personnel will be of a much higher calibre this time around.

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Thank you! Interesting that RFK Jr reached out to Trump back then.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

Walz may be the straw that breaks the Kamal’s back. If so, my prayers will be answered.

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