Mar 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone… I have lived a long time. I am a 75 year old wife.. mother… grandmother .. and tiller of the soil.

I was born and raised on poor dirt farms… never vaccinated except for tetanus and Hep A and B… because in my latter years I scared myself to death and sailed the Caribbean for four years with my husband. (Drylanders don’t take easily to the sea )

In all my time walking this earth I have never seen a global disregard by the majority of physicians… for their Hippocratic oath…yet still retaining their ability to practice… in truth it has worked in reverse.. help a patient… get fired.

As a mother .. raising small children… you do what you can.. cold cloths and aspirin for fever.. antihistamines for allergies..whatever it takes to help the ones you love… and here.., In our time of fear and uncertainty.. beset by an unknown virus.., we are told “ go home…quarantine… if you can’t breathe…go to the hospital. No medical advise about.. aspirin… vitamine D… quercetin…zinc…, just a callous silence that breaks your heart and destroys forever your faith in Doctors… as healers.

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Beautifully said!!

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I no longer consider "doctors", doctors. I call them EOMMO's (employees of monopolized medical organizations). They should be tried and executed for crimes against humanity.

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I don’t know whether this treads water or not … but I read this on one of Dr. Mercolas fleeting 48 hr truth headlines.


I hope it’s true… I pray that there are archangels who will

join the fight and return this world to sanity… and humans with integrity…who will have the fortitude and will to demand … that justice will be done.

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Mar 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Way to go, Florida!!! 🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎉

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Mar 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Please Gov. DeSantis! Please Please Please run for President!

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I almost wrote that - I so agree.

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Definitely Presidential material, a great man! It was announced today that his beautiful wife is cancer free

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This came up in the comments on my letter to DeSantis (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-governor-ron-desantis/comment/5209333), and one of my commenters noted:

“DeSantis has stated, several times, that he is not running for president. He said he can accomplish more in Florida for people in 10 weeks than he could in 4 years in DC because it is SO corrupt. I live in Florida and I hope he remains governor for a long, long time.”

That actually makes a lot of sense and increases my respect for him even more, although it sure would make things interesting to see a DeSantis/Gabbard ticket …

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DeSantis has protected Florida over the past 2 years. If we hadn't had him here we would be like California or New York. God help us if we had gotten Gillum.

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I like this, but don’t think it’s likely. The nomination is Trump’s if he wants it. But that would be a lot better than what we have now.

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Oh, he wants it, alright. The problem is he does infinitely more good for the opposition as a Goldstein than he does for his own party—look how unbelievably powerful TDS was for achieving their objectives. Not to mention the fact that he’s lost more than half his base by doubling-down on praising the injections so he can take credit as the world’s Savior while simultaneously denying the existence of vaxx injuries and deaths.

Unbekoming summed it up perfectly in this post (https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/the-unbekoming-express-edition-4):

“I don’t like writing about Trump. What is there to say really? He got played like a fiddle and still believes the horseshit he was fed. If he doesn’t believe it, then it’s even worse.”

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I may be cynical, but I very much doubt that there is any way out of this mess through elections; remember JFK?

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Dr. Malone-we sooo appreciate you and so many others. If DeSantis doesn’t want the presidency there’s a whole lot of us that would vote for YOU to do so! Its high time someone with honor, integrity and guts take the helm!

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Except we really don’t want to lose him as governor here in FL!

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Florida won't last long as a free state if we don't restore a loyal federal government. Florida is already in great shape, and DeSantis has 3 years to perfect it and hand it off to a protégé.

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Totally understand! What about him moving to CA??? We sure could use someone like him out here!

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California is insane. You honestly believe California would vote for a DeSantis?

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They would but the CA elections are rigged.

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Understood ! It’s called a Dilemma !

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It is beyond disturbing and even downright bizarre that a governor had to mandate that doctors are allowed to be doctors and prescribe long since approved meds to their patients, but yes these two would be a welcome sight in DC!

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Sorry....we need to keep him here in Florida as long as we can. He is up for re-election in 2022. He has a young family with 3 children under the age of 5. He needs time to enjoy his family. We'll take Trump in 2024 and DeSantis in 2028.

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Covid taught us something priceless


2 min ago

We are normal people, not terrorists, not nazi’s not supremacists. We love our children and your children. We sacrifice for total strangers we understand heartbreak. We are good.

The current event described as a pandemic has snapped us to hard attention. Did we need that snap to remove ourselves from the stupor of subservience. Have we finally escaped Gilligans Island.

Should we be thankful. Yes.

I see it differently now, I see news anchours as news actors portraying the script. Each one designed and hand picked by focus group? This one appeals to that demographic. This one to another. Now deliver those lines, we all depend on you. Practise/deliver practise/deliver deliver your lines hit your mark sell it, sell it, sell it. Seque now, new anchour, female face female voice, moves a little differrently, tremendous facial expression, really good eye contact, new demographic, same message. sell it, sell it, sell it.

I am awake now. I admit I always wondered but I was so darn comfortable.

I am awake now.

We are normal people, not terrorists, not nazi’s not supremacists. We love our children and your children. We sacrifice for total strangers we understand heartbreak. We are good.


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For what it's worth, regarding the two words of denigration above: We should never use the smear lexicon of the America haters even in rebuttal. Not only never argue it, speak as though it didn't exist and not pollute further the air and our own lips with their cursing.

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very wise words

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I so agree with that.

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thank you for replying please do share it we need a wee lift.

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Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022

Thanks for sharing the good news & continuing to be a voice for the people! We should all be living in the land of the free - thanks Gov DeSantis & Dr. Ladapo! 👏

"If you think about what they've done, Fauci is in the witness protection program. Now they don't want him out. They've never supported any of these policies that were so destructive." - Gov. DeSantis. https://rumble.com/vw9kdr-where-is-dr.-fauci-now.html

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Mar 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


(And ignore the president’s veto.)

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Mar 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love your trailblazing optimism 🙏

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Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Way to go Gov. DeSantis and Dr. Joe Ladapo! It is amazing it took so long but progress on this was mired in a nearly criminal liability set up by the feds. It’s time to resurrect the idea of subsidiarity, where decisions are made on the lowest competant level! Protect that and you will protect individual rights, doctors rights, family rights. ( we could go on forever). To HELL with the new corporatist fascism.

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So thankful for this report on Florida and how the Governor is leading his state to "live with the virus" I have many US friends who have moved there in the last year or so from Blue States. Canadians....have you followed the policies of Florida and what it is really like to live in relative freedom from mandates? Let us keep fighting for our Canadian provinces to do the same. I am doing best to write to my Premier Kenney and the UC party to look to a great example in Florida. For a call to live in Freedom instead of Fear.

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Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022

Hoping Canada will be able to be as free as FL soon! I saw this today about a Bill put to parliament: The Trudeau Regime has already introduced a bill for a guaranteed annual income where "you will own nothing but be happy" (Klaus Schwab).

Bill S-233 (First Reading December 16, 2021):

"This enactment requires the Minister of Finance to develop a national framework to provide all persons over the age of 17 in Canada with access to a guaranteed livable basic income. It also provides for reporting requirements with respect to the framework."




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Thank you for sharing this information.

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👍 but get rid of Kenney

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Mar 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

EXCELLENT!!! I soon have to leave Florida to return to the unhappy state of Michigan and OH HOW I WISH we had someone like DeSantis up there instead of our wicked witch of the North, Gretchen Whitmer.

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Mar 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone for this bit of encouraging news! And thank you Gov. DeSantis and Dr. Joe Ladapo - thank you all for taking a stand for truth, medical freedom and paving the way for other states to follow Florida's great example of freedom for the people of this country.

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Mar 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone for your work in this collective effort leading to this decision!!!

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Mar 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

From the freedom fighters on steps of the Lincoln Memorial into law, let doctors be doctors! Bravo!!

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Mar 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


CCF announces legal challenge to Trudeau’s invocation of federal Emergencies Act

¨TORONTO: The Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) has announced it is launching a legal challenge to the federal government’s invocation of the Emergencies Act. The challenge will be by way of urgent application for judicial review at the Federal Court.

“Prime Minister Trudeau has set a dangerous precedent by invoking the never before used federal Emergencies Act to address the current situation. The high threshold for declaring a public order emergency in the Emergencies Act has not been met. The Act has been invoked to address a failure to use existing legal tools under the Criminal Code, which were used effectively on the Ambassador Bridge. The federal government has invoked the Emergencies Act as a matter of political convenience. This is illegal and violates the rule of law, and that’s why we are challenging the government in court,” said CCF Litigation Director, Christine Van Geyn.

The Emergencies Act was enacted to replace the discredited War Measures Act, which was used during the Second World War to intern Japanese Canadians and Italian Canadians, and during the FLQ Crisis in Quebec. The Act is drafted carefully and narrowly, to ensure the federal government cannot abuse emergency powers ever again. The Act defines a national emergency as “an urgent and critical situation of a temporary nature that (a) seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians and is of such proportions or nature as to exceed the capacity or authority of a province to deal with it, or (b) seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada”. It also requires that the federal government demonstrate that this situation cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada.

“Emergency legislation should not be normalized. The threshold for using the Emergencies Act is extremely high and has not been met. The decision to invoke the Emergencies Act, which has never been used or interpreted by the courts, is unprecedented. If Parliament authorizes the proclamation of the public order emergency, the courts will be the last defence for the rule of law”, continued Van Geyn. “This isn’t about the convoy versus the city. This is about the rule of law.”

The CCF is represented by lawyers Sujit Choudhry and Janani Shanmuganathan.¨ Read More


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By the way, we still have mandatory c vaccination for all federal employees here in Canada.

Trudeau Taken To Court Over "Illegal Use" of Emergency Act 11:03 min https://youtu.be/cJQWi2UjMEM

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Mar 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Prescribing drugs off label prior to Covid-19 was routine-definitely not controversial. What changed and why? Evil.

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Mar 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks no small measure to all the efforts and particularly by our GREAT Doctors.. This is a start. Hopefully the Administration won't be able to stop it. But it couldn't be a better time to get the issues out and being pursued. Ordered the book. Will share this with my local top talk show host. May the power continue to support this ever so just effort!. All your hard work and advocacy has been/is appreciated!

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Mar 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh, I wish NV Governor Sisolak would follow the leadership of "Florida First State to Allow Doctors to Use Off-Label Drugs for Early Treatment of COVID-19" instead of just following the sheep........!

Florida First State to Allow Doctors to Use Off-Label Drugs for Early Treatment of COVID-19

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