Scum rises to the top. I am afraid, as you well know, that we need more than the purging of a few people from the “health”agencies. We need to defund them and start over, but of course that will never happen.

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It's a positive sign that the Jabs are not selling so well, worldwide. It's starting to show in external valuations of the producers. I will continue to encourage and instruct people to look after their own health, so that they will depend less on pharmagov and healthcorp.

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Agreed - defunding them and starting over will never happen.

But I wonder to myself, "is there something we can do with this kind of information?" And the best answer I know is to 1) make myself aware of this practice of "bullying information" and 2) identify the key players who "bully information" and the work they put out. First Hotez and now Offit. (Got it, check!)

The third piece, which is almost like a bonus is, "wait, if they're bulling or hiding this information, what is it that they don't want out there?" That's where we've learned the truths about the vaccine and all and that's quite powerful.

When we can tell they're lying and we can see the truths (and spread to others) what the truth really us.


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My guess is they know they stole their careers from other's efforts. They do not want the exposure is what they fear and loss of position. Sociopaths are like that. A lifetime of conniving to the corp structure could be gone in an instant.

I only hope so!!!

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We need to take back our government from the scoundrels. We can do it, too, if we have faith in ourselves.

The late Dr Gene Sharp was a Harvard professor who spent his life studying nonviolent civil disobedience. There is a documentary about him called How to Start a Revolution (not as bad as it sounds) and he wrote From Dictatorship to Democracy, which tells us how to do it. He discovered that nonviolence is more successful when trying to change your own government than violence.

I recommend his work to everyone.

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Or as a phd friend of mine once said, “sh__ floats”

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How haunting, how soul-crushing these last 4 years have been. I keep wondering if/when will it all turn, when will the juggernaut grind to a halt and begin rolling back, when will it dawn on a majority just what is up. I hold out hope that people are beginning to see.

I've come to believe, whether in politics, media, or medicine, that the most important priority is NOT to always be right. I can accept mistakes. I accept that those with good intentions may be thrown off track by a psy-op/info war that camouflages truth. I think discernment and instinct may be as important as science in my personal navigation through all this mess.

Optics matter. And anyone paying attention can see how you approach interviews. To sit down across a table from an interlocutor, to be prepared to examine facts and evidence in the light of day, these are approaches that merit respect. These exist in stark contrast to those who snipe, who evade (see Hotez vs. RFK), who rule by edict.

At this point I give little weight to decorum. I love Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz and Ron Johnson for being ready to go at it. I am okay with throwing some elbows and wading into the trenches. I think there may be something healthy about your sparring with detractors on Offit's substack article. I think it all highlights the cowardice, tyranny, and corruption of the other side.

As far as I personally am concerned, Dr. Malone, you have nothing left to prove. I'm sold on the notion that you are the real deal, and that Offit is a fraud and a criminal of the worst kind.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I particularly resonate with your last two sentences, James.

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Me too!

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Hear, Hear!

"I think discernment and instinct may be as important as science in my personal navigation through all this mess."

Indeed! I can't even describe how pleased I am that I followed my gut on this deal. From the very first my gut was telling me this thing stinks like a sh!thouse door off a tuna boat. Even though I was pushing 70 at the time with some COPD problems I said there's no way I'm getting involved in this for at least a couple years, time for the side effects to show up. And, as I feared... show up they did.

Gut - 1, Fauci and co. - 0

"As far as I personally am concerned, Dr. Malone, you have nothing left to prove."

Indeed, Dr. Malone, you are a brave man, Sir! I fear though, the leftys probably aren't done with you yet. God speed to you.

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So well said! Dr. Malone is a truth telling hero and patriot who I completely trust and so admire! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Very disappointing these whores like Offit and Hotez are so well compensated. Children incapable of protecting themselves from these toxic, patented, chemical injections are collateral damage in their quest for money and ego gratification.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It would appear that narcissistic sociopaths and nihilists are running the country.

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Dec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yesterday I watched a video that you posted of an interview with Dr. Offit. To a non medical person he was very convincing that the Covid shots were not at all harmful. In fact he said his son who doesn’t listen to him, I wonder why, was told by his girlfriend to take a third shot so he did. One thing that stood out to me was him calling the VAERS reporting system, a suggested vaccine adverse event reporting system, as if all of the people I know that died of heart attacks, have had strokes, blood clots, heart inflammation, and many autoimmune diseases etc. we’re just normal medical problems everyone gets. Well Dr. Offit you and your cohorts have blood on your hands. Dr. M. you are completely right, he should be thrown out of his position and stripped of practicing medicine. If for nothing else but injecting pregnant women with this poison. They all new what was happening and they ignored the injured to make a profit. The cure was much worse than the illness. Offit lied and people died. J.Goodrich

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Many of us who have known the dangers of vaccines for many years have been dealing with this psychopathic narcissist for decades. He and Fauci and so many others need to pay for what they have done to our kids. When will society wake up and purge these people from their thrones?

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm sorry for the injustice you've seen. And I thank you for exposing it, clearly and specifically with names and examples. I hope your information precipitates corrective justice in this malevolent system.

Two sayings come to mind: "Time heals all wounds." And its corollary "Time wounds all heels."

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I believe firmly that the nexus of evil in our world is comprised of those who do harm to children(in or outside the womb) while cloaking their motives and behaviour in expertise, professional stature or achievement and an aura of persuasiveness. The worst of the worst are the soft talking, articulate camera seekers who are the ‘Jim Jones on Steroids’ of our day.

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Dec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As someone who has experienced this firsthand in many ways, this must be terribly frustrating and anger producing for you. The best that can be done, it seems, is to keep blowing the horn . Those that know of what you are talking about will perhaps listen and have a "come to Jesus" moment with themselves. These unethical habits have built on each other to the point of the takeover of most of the potentially honest humans in these fields. It is a most terrible/wonderful trait to have integrity. I started to watch the video of Prasad and had to turn it off after "Doctor Evil" as they laughed...

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

RE: Bullies, PsyWar and the COVIDcrisis, RWMalone MD: Offit fits the description of a sociopath. He has built his career being a bully to others and at the expense and the expert contribution they make to society.

These people are fearful of losing power, position and self-identity. They become totally disconnected and even psychotic when their careers are threatened.

The same personality resides in DC at the top of every power-pyramid. The future will prove messy in my estimation as these folks feel the walls moving in.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for your courage to stand and speak truthfully.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this article, Dr. Malone. It brought to mind our experiences as newly minted and quite naive Masters Degree members of technical staff at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey, late 1970s. The one-upmanship at meetings and in boring technical presentations was astounding, with everyone trying to be the smartest guy (mostly guys then) in the room. Two years of that was enough for us, though -- true confession -- the “Bell Labs” entry on our resumes opened other doors later.

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Another door opened into the unscrupulous world of “elites”. Thank you Dr Malone for continuing to allow us to look behind those doors.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Reading your post and the link to Ofit’s post both appear tame although a little confusing from a technical standpoint. However reading the comments from Ofit’s post reveals the true acrimony within those who appear to have a better technical understand of the science than I do. The level of rude and unprofessional behavior reveals much more than either post about the vitriol and overly defensive nature of the scientific community. They act like 5 year olds who never had a time out.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I now understand why "academia" never held any attraction for me. My "professors" just weren't all that competent in their alleged fields. At best, they were "B" players. Ok, maybe C+ players. When i reverse-engineered the code they wrote - it was pathetic. I mean, who doesn't check return values from system calls? It turns out - the "full professors" don't do this.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I understand what you went thru in grad school as I went through the identical thing at Caltech. The only thing that got me back in the lab was marrying another grad student from there and him doing a postdoc at Klaus Schwab's old haunt, the ETH. When we didn't have enough money to eat and I had to work, I was hired by a chemical company and basically forced back into the lab which brought back many bad memories for a while. But after a time of being treated decently, I started enjoying chemistry again. My husband didn't like the way many professors treated their students, so when he became a professor, he treated his students extremely well and what happened to you and me would never have been tolerated for a second in his group.

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