
Fox was not to blame for this in any way. The producer apologized to me after. One can heard the moderator in the background saying that guests shouldn't attack guests. Fox was blind-sided too. This was not even the topic to be discussed - which was censorship -and the pressure on Spotify to now censor their podcasts, including censorship of Joe Rogan. That is 270 people in the science, medicine, healthcare write a letter complaining and then main stream media calls for Spotify to censor their podcasts.

This is a conversation that needs to happen now. As Spotify is now having Rolling Stone calling for them to censor for "public health reasons" If Spotify goes down that garden path, we all lose another alternative news source. That would be huge.

If Spotify censors because 270 doctors write a letter, but ignores the 16,000 that have signed the declaration - it would be a new low in the censorship battle. The move towards hard authoritarianism that this country and many countries in the world are moving towards is real. That is authoritarianism to maintain fascist (really Oligarch) control of big tech, pharma and social media. This is not about public health policy. To remind people, the censorship includes covering up a lab leak that kills millions of people (intensional or not?). They are covering up about why the USA has one of the highest death rates in the world, why the USG has stopped/suppressed early treatment, why the USG refuses to study the adverse events or allow reporting on the adverse events, why Fauci/Collins are allowed to conduct smear campaigns by using big media (such as against the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration), etc. The list goes on and on.

Instead of that discussion, I had Berenson attacking my credentials and early treatment.

Yeh, that seems like controlled opposition to me.

The question did someone who paid him to do that?

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm shocked he did that--it looked very bad and unprofessional. Thank you for throwing the facts and evidence right back at him, and then redirecting the conversation back to the topic of censorship.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If AB doesn't post an apology or at least an explanation within 24 hours, he is co-opted and let's move on. There is too much important work to do by the esteemed Dr. Malone to deal with this trash. AB can beg for his job back at the New York Slimes or be a talking head at CNN for his next moment of fame.

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Seriously, that was just gross. he came off as an opportunist trying to keep a foot in both sides, so he can perhaps regain some of his "friends and and influence" on the left while not totally losing the support from the free speech adherents on the right. Pick a side dude. Attacking probably the most selfless participant in this war right now (Dr. Malone) just comes off as sleazy and gross. I lost 90% of the respect I had for AB, over the course of ONE TV segment.

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Dr. Malone- Please, Talk with Alex and ask him why and where he got that information. Please clarify what happened. You are both on the same side of Good. We need both of you and no one should be cancelling our unsubscribing from Alex to show loyalty to you and I hope you convey that sentiment here to your group.

“A house divided can not stand” ~Abraham Lincoln.

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How do we know he is not a plant to divide the opposition to this CoVID propaganda? Why should Dr. Malone talk to him? Alex smeared Dr. Malone. So it Alex's turn to apologize. I just canceled my subscription to him.

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I am in agreement with this, at least for now. I still believe that at the heart, Alex and Dr. Malone are fighting for the same thing. I would like to see Alex apologize for choosing that forum--incredibly inappropriate and damaging.

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I agree!!! He doesn’t believe there was election fraud. Whose side is he really on? I see the election fraud as related to covid and all that has occurred in the last 2 years. He made his mint from the book and subscriptions, perhaps now ALL he really cares about is HIMSELF! I don’t trust him.

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Yes. I didn't vote for Trump, but the 2020 election was obviously stolen using several techniques:

1) the decision to scare-monger a virus that had been circulating world-wide for a year and a half into a pandemic and emergency that could justify onerous policies including unsolicited mail-in ballots in many cases not even signature matched. This allowed deep state actors first to steal the Democratic nomination and later for mules to stuff drop boxes with fraudulent ballots and get them counted.

2) a summer of riots unconcerned with the "pandemic" and an objective of discrediting DJT as either a dictator or ineffectual.

3) suppression of anything negative about Biden including Tara Reade, Hunter's laptop and Biden's own bragging that he interfered in an internal Ukrainian investigation that might have unearthed his son's shenanigans.

4) the false report that DJT called out the guard to clear rioters from the streets so he could have a photo-op.

Even Time magazine admitted that the election was "fortified," with never-Trump Republicans like Lawrence Wilkderson making significant contributions.

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I disagree there. One of the problems with society these days is that bad behavior is not punished. Unsubscribed.

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No, they are not. Alex Berenson is much like Bari Weiss, trying to preserve the reflexively leftist worldview while having to make common cause with us troglodytes. It makes him nervous to be on Fox and not sliming conservatives, got it? The two of them should be rejected utterly by the Right. All their monetization now comes from us, let's save our cash for actual thinkers and leaders like Dr. Malone. Journalists used to be considered low people in general due to their famously bad ethics and practices. For some reason people have decided that they are something more. But all they do is talk about things others do, yes? That's not much when it comes right down to it. Compared to the work of Dr. Malone? It's not even worth a giggle to compare the two. Stop following Berenson. Yay - he hates it when the govt lies to us and kills us. How does this make him a hero? Cuz he couldn't work in the most dishonest, political journalistic hellhole anymore? The NYTimes has been garbage forever. There is a great book on it, The Gray Lady Winked. It catalogues the shameful history of that rag and it's arrogant and dishonest leaders. Like if you work there at all, you are a lowlife. Perhaps with an Ivy degree, but a lowlife nonetheless.

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Great idea.

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I agree. The more I read his stuff, the more I view him as being in the category of "journalists who never left high school and are competing to be in the in-crowd". Very immature.

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That is indeed the real issue/topic to be discussed. It was really shortsighted, unprofessional and disgraceful for Alex to behave like that...

Thanks a million, Dr. Malone, for everything you do!!

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Dr. Malone - so sorry you had that experience with Alex. I was one of his original subscribers. I cancelled my subscription and his email. He has become totally self absorbed unfortunately because I think he has information that is valuable but his need to be so cutting and cruel out weigh his information. Last I looked at the count it appears about 800+ subscribers have ended their subscriptions, they were offended at the way he spoke to you. No one objected that he had a differing view it was his manner. Keep up the good work and remember the team that squarely appreciates and supports your work. Onward! The ship is turning!!! Save the children - please!!!

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Perhaps you should be thankful. Better show his true colors in full opposition than pretending to care early on, than do much greater damage down the road, whatever his motives are.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

agree again

seeing true colors of Alex and not to ignore him

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022

Another amazing aspect is that Berenson had hardly anything to say about his own lawsuit against Twitter, even though he posts regular updates on his Substack.

Why would he miss the opportunity to talk about his own battle against censorship? Certainly that would've been more interesting to Fox listeners, than the gratuitous BS about Malone and Ivermectin and the other pablum he came up with.

I dropped my paid subscription to Berenson's Substack weeks ago, because of his pot-shots against anyone with questions about election integrity. It's fashionable right now for Democrats to argue that voting machine totals are the Sacred Truth. But it's no more true now than it was when Dubya was elected, or any other time.

And if I hadn't quit paying then, I would've quit when he made brief, ridiculous quips against Ivermectin and early treatment.

When those things happened, I wasn't completely alone in complaining. But it was nothing compared to the hundreds of subscribers who are protesting against this latest outrage.

If Berenson doesn't make some sort of reply, it makes it completely clear that he doesn't care what his readers think, and he doesn't care how much revenue he gives up. What sort of author doesn't care about his readers, and about his income?

It does seem that the evidence supports Malone's bold accusation. Something or someone else is buttering Berenson's bread.

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He’ll never apologize. He’s King of His Domain over there lol 😂

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I agree with you. I noticed his arrogant comments before and hoped he would get a better perspective. His arrogance is unfortunate he has many talents which would be really helpful now but he can’t stop. It’s his greatest weakness unfortunately . And excuse me but where the hell does he get off on declaring Ivermectin doesn’t work - how many patients has he seen

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Alex has a tendency to say what he thinks. He's not always right, but he is consistent in his approach. His fearlessness is what he is about. If Spotify attempts to censor this, it won't change what happened and it will be out for there for all-time for everyone. Their censorship will simply drive up interest among the population that already does not trust the Mainstream Media (latest poll shows only 10%). The MSM, as mouth-pieces for the deep state, understand they have completely and forever lost their credibility and history tells us when they begin to censor, its over for them. It's only a matter of time. We must talk to each other and ignore "trusted sources". The generations that came before us has used the entire system of slavish respect for "credentials" to produce scientists who can't science, teachers who can't teach, journalists who can't investigate and an economy that is not working and is going to break down. Each of us must listen to the evidence of our sources and decide what is truth. Dr. Malone, you are easily the most credible person in this battle right now, not because of a patent that was issued 33 years ago, but because of your careful, cautious, scientific approach that is not coming from a place of fear or desire to control or self-promote. Ignore this. Let Alex be Alex.

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Jan 16, 2022

Alex can be Alex on his own dime. I canceled my paid subscription. This isn’t the first time he’s been a total jerk, and sometimes he disses his own subscribers. I don’t want to pay for that. He danced on my last nerve.

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You are so right. Thank you.

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His ego creates blind spots/biases and an unwillingness to look for/accept disconfirming evidence (which we should all look for.)

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Disagree. Alex is fearless and says what he thinks. He also clearly stated that everyone should have the right to offer their opinion & facts and that healthy debate was needed. Don’t fall into the trap the Deep State sprang on the Tea Party, which ended up grenading the movement until Trump brought it back to life under a different title. Alex can say what he thinks and time & debate will determine truth. The issue is censorship! Truth is not a cult.

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Fearless means you say what you think and don't temper your words or thoughts for fear of .... things like this. Look, Dr. Malone is rising to the forefront right now. He's already suffered a ham-fisted attack by the Atlantic Magazine, which is one of the primary mouth-pieces for the deep state. All Alex did was throw out a couple of general statements that could have been a capsulation of the Atlantic attack. He did not call for Dr. Malone to be censored ... he allowed him to respond and stated very clearly the main issue: censorship and why we should all be against it. The issue isn't whether Alex agrees with Dr. Malone 100% or not. It's about scientific discourse that leads to truth. Both Alex & Dr. Malone are on the same side of that fence, period. If your goal is to simply create an echo chamber, where everyone agrees with 100% of everything you think, you are going to be no better off than the Marxist parasites that the globalists have so skillfully manipulated into an offensive weapon. Don't let them divide you. Welcome dissenting opinions & voices. Dr. Malone will face much harsher criticism & outright lies as time goes on. He handled himself well against Alex. In the long run, perhaps this was a good thing. Understanding that there are always conflicting agendas & positions at play at any given time is part of entering the public arena.

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He's perfectly well entitled to be fearless if he has the facts on his side. If he's going to spout CNN/MSNBC talking points that have long ago been shown to be false, he's not "fearless" he's "full of **it".

If he feels like taking on Malone or anybody else in the world and he has the truth on his side, then I would listen to his arguments, no matter the reputation or credentials or connections of his target. If he's going to spout baseless crap, then he's someone not worth listening to.

I've been a free subscriber to Berenson for a month or so. My goals for this weekend included 1. sign up for Spotify and listen to the Malone interview, and 2. throw a few bucks Berenson's way. I guess I can scratch #2.

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I have seen or read little of Alex and now I will completely ignore him

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Love Gato Malo!

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Jan 16, 2022

Malone's handling of Berenson was spot on. Even if FOX was in on it, the whole thing backfired spectacularly.

Doing the body language analysis of all three on screen shows it was game, set, match Malone in what? 25 seconds flat? And then Malone immediately goes back on topic.

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Berenson is (was?) a New York Times reporter. 'Nuff said.

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 17, 2022

Exactly. There are so many head-scratching elements to this. It would be different if he was brought on to oppose you. It would be different if the moderator had asked him what he thought of your credentials. It would be different if that was Central to your claims about the vaccines. This was completely out of left field, literally uncalled for, off topic and had nothing to do with the central truth that both you and he are driving at. Did you have any previous inklings publicly or privately that he felt this way? Not that it really makes any difference - he didn't need to bring this up. Basically you and he were on the same side heading out to battle and he turned and thrust his sword into you. With allies like that who needs enemies?

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Agreed - that attack was planned and reeked to high hell of his being 'paid off' - financially or in a 'we'll take care of you' way, who knows? I have read his stuff for a bit and he does do some great analysis so I do not buy that he was just too stupid to know what he was doing.

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Totally deliberate!

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Berenson went out on a limb early in this mess. I think he is scared now and wants to get back into the tree. The payoff is re-entry into the group.

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I was surprised Alex said what he did, especially considering the evidence that IVM works against covid-19 is overwhelming. I don't think any paid his to that. I think he was just being a dick in order to get attention.

The thing is, Alex has gotten it wrong before on medical stuff. Some years ago he wrote a book claiming that marijuana use makes you psychotically aggressive and said he came to this conclusion based the experiences of his wife (a ER medical person) treating drug overdose cases. I know people who smoked a lot weed when young. None of them had the kind of psychotic breaks Alex described in his book. In my experience, long term marijuana use makes one stupid and lazy (which is why I will not touch the stuff).

At the end of the day, Alex is a journalist and novelist, meaning he is somewhat of a attention-seeker. I suspect it was is need for attention that made him make the comments he did. In any case, they will adversely affect him. Lots of comments from people on his substack saying they are unsubscribing from his substack. He clearly put his foot in his mouth. Yes, his comments were quite unprofessional, not to mention unrelated to the subject matter at hand.

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I watched the video and I was stunned to see Alex immediately go off-topic and attack your credentials.

He is married to a doctor, and I got the impression from his book that she and her colleagues were unhappy with his going against the mainstream. I think it's more likely that placating his wife was the motive for this rather than a check from Pfizer. If it was about money--he's lost a bunch of supporters. He must have known that would happen.

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This is also plausible.

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I was willing to give Berenson the benefit of the doubt until his posting over the weekend which essentially doubled down on his remarks on Fox. Here is what I posted on his substack:

"Yes, the stint on Fox was bizarre and this posting only compounds the problem.

So add me to the list of ex subscribers. Bad behavior has to have consequences. I will see everyone over on the substacks of Malone, Kirsch, and Eugyppius."

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Here is the clip: https://www.bitchute.com/video/DaNgNhGbe1UP/

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for posting this. Why Alex started off with a personal attack is beyond the pale. His comments about IVM are completely erroneous. What is he smoking?! I'm sorry you had to endure that and I hope he will apologize publicly for what he said.

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just cancelled my $6 month subscription to Berenson...and will apply to Dr. Malone who i trust !

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So did I. This attack was the last straw for me.

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nice !! what an idiot....Berenson is, just a complete an utter BS ..move by him ....

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Same here... poof. Gone. Joined here instead.

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I cancelled too....sheeeesh....people ultimately reveal themselves but what a shocker

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I went to cancel mine and realized I signed up for the one year payment plan. I'll only sign up for monthly plans in the future. Great reminder.

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I did the same thing but it let me change to $6 month. I will wait a day and see if I can cancel altogether. Alex went way out of bounds and his promotion of his book is getting old.

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Inexplicable. Alex's behavior reminds me of another rude, narcissistic NY-er: Donald Trump.

Cancelled my Alex Berenson subscription and picked up one for Dr. Malone. Dr. Malone, thank you for your work.

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I got that same vibe. I’m well acquainted with narcissism and it was almost like this odd jealousy lash out. It’s very unfortunate.

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Me, too!

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I just did the same!

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I am in the process of doing the same, I did enjoy Alex's questioning of the 'only 1 truth', but he needs to address WHY he is ignoring all the patents and proofs of Dr. Malones, for now I unsubscribe from Alex.

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"What is he smoking" is especially hilarious for those familiar with Alex's previous crusade...


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I had the same thought 😆 Given what a threat medical marijuana poses to the pharmaceutical industry, I wonder if there were ulterior motives there, or perhaps the studies he cited were cooked, in any case …

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Also new study shows CBD from marijuana inhibits replication of Covid.

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Wow, awesome to hear since I take it nightly as a sleep aid! Do you have a link to the study?

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I have a link that will get you going:


(Just gotta love Jimmy Dore!)

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I've looked into this a few years ago due to Chloe Swarbrick a NZ MP pushing it. It's well organized. The industry is currently controlled by (strictly speaking illegal) small distributors. Making it legal would, in my view, mean that it became a Pharmaceutical product. So I wouldn't connect them with Alex on the basis of that book.

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Right, it was only as I was writing that comment that the possibility occurred to me, and if it's not intentional, there's always the likelihood that the studies were funded by pharma. I understand your argument, but with a non-patentable plant that anyone can grow themselves, the threat it poses to pharma is far greater than any profit they would obtain from selling it as opposed to pushing patentable pharmaceuticals.

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The legislation as proposed by Swarbrick seemed designed to remove the small distributors from the market.

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It was intentional.

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He ain't smoking that good stuff. haha

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Too much anger. Must be a drunk

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That's a bad take. I bet it blew his mind when he found out weed helps prevent Covid

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Wow, you handled that beautifully. Berenson has a problem that he is out of his league when confronted with strong science (and scientists) because he lacks the background to understand it. I saw him on Joe Rogan also, and although he did an okay job it was clear that there were aspects to the data that he got completely incorrect. I joined the FLCCC with Dr. Kory when they first started up and there is no doubt about the efficacy of IVM. Berenson needs to educate himself or shut up on these issues because he only made himself look like an ass there! (At least he doesn't support censorship though- so I will give him some credit for that)

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He apparently also doesn't know how to search patents at uspto.gov, using Public PAIR...

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This is such a worn out topic too. These patents have been circulated already, and Dr. Malone is very precise and humble about his role in mRNA technology development. It’s just mind boggling, that Alex gets this so wrong.

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Well taken, and now I will switch my substack payment from Berenson to you (I can't afford to pay them all I pay Matthew Crawford too)

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I read Pandemia and it kind of shocked me to have him chiming in on the 2020 election. He obviously has no problem with being obtusely, willfully blind about certain subjects. To anybody with the barest sense of fairness and curiosity, the sheer masses of questionable practices, criminality, and inexplicable data mismatches leads to a virtually inescapable conclusion of serious, widespread election issues. To dig in his heels and state otherwise--without citing any specifics--is just crap on AB's part.

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Berenson is a bit of a single topic guy and that's Big pharma. So overall health, preventative cures etc. Doesn't interest him.

I also remember a post where he said "if you are going to get jabbed get the J&J" and his community went nuts at him. He's been really good since.

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Jan 16, 2022·edited Jan 16, 2022

His wife doesn’t want him to know about it, is my guess.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm taking notes on how to handle potshots from out of nowhere from you! I'm glad the Fox News anchor gave you the opportunity to respond.

I'll have to take what Alex Berenson says with larger grains of salt from now on. In an odd way he may have done you a favor by inadvertently giving you an opportunity to respond to a critic directly.

Your swift and efficient response was beautiful to behold!

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I totally agree. You remained completely calm and were able to formulate a factual composed response on the spot. Well done!

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022

Great response and so true. Look at the bright side. Berenson lost hundreds of subscribers, at least. His loss, your gain.

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He lost me, but I’m sad about it. I don’t really know why he has to be such a jerk sometimes. I’m just tired of it.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

good point

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’ll be unsubscribing from Alex substack now as it’s obvious he is controlled opp. That was an obvious hit job.

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Alex does a good job in what he reports on. He is not a medical doctor. Alex's substack does a real service just as Dr. Malone's does from a different perspective. Surely we are not in the cancel culture business. Give Alex another chance. I am sure this was some sort of brain fart and on reflection he is probably sorry.

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He has a nasty habit of taking hard positions on things he's only cursorily researched, if that much. He admits he doesn't dig and then complains there's nothing to see. Some NYT habits die hard it seems.

I was giving him the benefit of the doubt but this was just plain cheap. He knows full well if he has a disagreement he can bring it openly. It was the last straw for me. There are other sources of info more worthy of my support.

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Unsubscribing from his Substack is not in any way “Canceling” him. Let’s stop with the hyperbole folks.

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Maybe not, but it sends a message, especially since he’s trying to sell his book to his subscribers, and he makes money off of those who pay.

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Alex is a Great Journalist and you are correct he is no Doctor. His understanding of Early treatment really lets him down. However when an interview that could really help stop censorship is utilised for some other reason one can only question Berenson's Motives. I was a Massive Fan and a Subscriber. He has a long way to crawl before I would resign. Cancelled Subscription tonight. Will review if he has some mind blowingly good reason for being and Ass Hole.

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He is a good journalist but has his eyes on the prize of being a pundent-- hence the timing of the book etc. His work re: challenging Twitter is great. His info on stats of what is going on is ok-- not great.

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Is it cancelling when the person not only gets facts wrong, but actively promotes the bad facts? Do you continue to listen? I would call that being discerning and valuing my time. Why subscribe or PAY for bad information? It is not a disagreement on opinion and then shouting out for one "bad" thought they must go. That would be cancelling.

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I'm not sure switching subscriptions is the same as cancel culture. I enjoy Alex's Substack, but I too have been put off by his constant hawking of his book and his frequent exuberant emails heralding data that point to vaccine failures. It feels like he revels in that stuff, and that's caused me to refrain from paying for a subscription. Btw: Somewhere I either heard or read Alex say that Merck was the pharmaceutical company he respected most. I was surprised to hear that, because at the time, Merck had issued a statement warning that ivermectin (the drug it had sold for many years when it was under patent) was suddenly unsafe, without disclosing that it was about to push a "new" antiviral to market. I did some DDG research, but couldn't find a factual basis for Alex's positive assessment of Merck. Does anyone have any relevant info about this?

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If he said that, I don't know of a legit reason why. I think maybe they've been fined a little less than some others, but that's like killing fewer people than Son of Sam. Not exactly an accolade. They had Vioxx and have participated in every other major scam.

Their new "antiviral" looks like junk even in their own study. I guess maybe that could be considered vaguely less dishonest? Could just as easily be they realize they jumped on the train too late and wouldn't make enough to offset the lawsuits.

I don't see how any of the major pharma companies, or anyone they finance, could be in any way considered trustworthy.

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I don’t want to PAY for his dumb pi$$ing matches. That’s not what I signed up for. This was the third strike for me.

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Cancel culture is censorship by taking away a speaker's platform, something that originated on campuses when (usually) right-of-center speakers were invited to give a talk. Leftists, if they couldn't get the talk "canceled" through complaints lodged with the administration, took "direct action," and would remove the speaker's ability to give the talk by occupying the stage, turning off the sound systems, pulling fire alarms and so on. This matured into big tech platforms censoring, like twitter or facebook, or by search engines burying links of organic searches.

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Alex counts on paying customers to read his substack. If I don’t like his position, the best thing I can do, is no longer pay for his service if it no longer serves me. That is Capitalism. Create a product people want/need for a price. If people no longer want/need the product goes away. Berenson’s product has become the buggy whip of the Substack sphere. Plain and simple Capitalism. He failed to serve his subscribers.

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I agree. It sounds like we're both supporters of the free market and understand that having a good product-market fit is important to success. I cancelled my subscription to Alex's substack today, too. There was wider conversation in this thread about not participating in "cancel culture," by canceling subscriptions. Cancelling a subscription because of poor quality is not cancel culture. Taking active measures to censor someone is more in line with cancel culture. That was all. Perhaps I should have included some preamble to my post for clarity.

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Yes, cancel culture is not it. Think of Alex as a young talented boy blinded by his own arrogance, and who was not taught how to respect the wiser elders in his own tribe. A good slap on the behind or bank account may help him see more clearly. Alex is an important member of the Health Freedom movement, but he sure needs a lesson in teamwork and sportsmanship. Insolent boys gotta be taught how to become men with tough love sometimes. He needs a little spanking, but NOT cancelling (yet).

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Unfortunately he doubled down today. He apparently likes spanking. He gives the impression that he doesn't like his audience all that much. He will eventually cancel himself. If I bought his book, I think I would try to return it.

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Yes, I just read it. Would have been easier to apologize.

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Perhaps a better path would have been to invite Alex to a one on one talk. Division is not helpful. The bigger person is the one who extends a hand. We’re in a fight, ppl. It’s unwise to let ourselves be divided.

A truly brave person is against ALL MANDATES for the mRNA C19 Jab.

A truly brave person speaks up for the millions of ppl being harmed ( and killed) by these experimental jabs. Anyone looked at VAERS lately? Anyone looked at deaths by all causes since the inception of these jabs????

As an ICU RN, all I see, day after day after day are the injured & the sick. Some of my patients will never recover their health. Pharmaceutical companies & the employers that are mandating these HORRIFIC Jabs have absolutely zero liability. Lives are ended and destroyed. Families are left trying to pick up the pieces of shattered lives. No one cares.

Life Insurance and Long Term Disability companies are refusing to pay claims on ppl recently injected. Most policies contain clauses nullifying the contract if the payee partakes in EXPERIMENTAL TREATMENT ie the jab. No matter that these are MANDATED. No one cares. Nor are they likely to, not until tragedy comes knocking on their door.

The medical profession has completely caved. We’ve known about early treatment since March 2020. But the MDs backed down and caved to big Pharma & to Hospital Admin & their Marketing teams.

I work at a large teaching hospital. We’ve been conquered. No one objects to wearing filthy masks. Not one single MD will fight for the use of effective C19 treatments. Instead, they are going along to get along. They prescribe Remdesivir which craps out the kidneys, causing pulmonary edema, leading to ventilation. It’s a triple bonanza in terms of payments to the hospital and the MDs. The dirty “secrets” of healthcare.

The concept & practice of airborne & contact precautions has been perverted & lost entirely.

MDs had better start speaking up. The delivery of evidence based healthcare is being completely dismantled.

It’s foolhardy for ppl to think themselves protected from poor quality of care because they have wealth or a position of power. The US healthcare system is teetering on the precipice. Mediocrity and cowardice abounds. Everyone should care.

Hospitals are the new Gulags.

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I am an RN too and I applaud your contribution to this discussion. After watching what has happened to doctors such as Simone Gold, and Dr. Kheriaty, both of whom have lost their jobs because they have chosen to stand for truth, it is sobering reality for most doctors. I wish they were braver and could stand up as well but I can't judge because I don't know their situations. They probably have families to support and are not in a financial position to be able to lose their jobs. Some physicians have been threatened by their state medical boards with forfeiture of their licenses over their support of early treatment with hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. This is unconscionable but it's the way it currently is. We now have emails, obtained through FOIA requests, between Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins showing their efforts to ruin professional reputations.

Doctors and hospitals have chosen to stand by CDC guidelines as a way to protecting themselves from lawsuits. It's so sad. Everyone loses when disngenuousness takes precedent over the truth.

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My advanced practice license is under review, for the second time, for spreading misinformation. I have been written up so many times for warning my patients and their families about the use of Remdesivir I could paper my entire unit with them. Educating our patients and advocating for them is part of our job. Or it used to be.

I don’t have a back up plan. I don’t have the wealth, power and prestige of an MD. I have only my conscience. I do judge ppl who remain silent in the face of evil. They may keep their jobs and feed their families but it comes at a very, very high price: the loss of freedom.

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WoW, another incredible share... ThAnk you, so much, for that!! This is the kind of stuff, the kind of discussions that aLL those refusing to see what's happening need to hear/see. Ugh...SO incredibly sad!! Stay strong!! Stay safe!! And, ThAnk you!!

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Thank you for saying this! I am working on the website Dr Malone mentioned in his vax injury post. We are looking for medical professionals who have submitted reports to VAERS, ideally both for traditional vaccines in the past and for these covid vaccines. We have strong suspicion data are being manipulated.

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022

I think that is, perhaps, the understatement of the year. Most MDs where I work won’t even fill one out (VAERS). The reporting process is either “too time consuming” or the MD cites lack of “ evidence”.... usually the same MDs that are eager to prescribe Remdesivir.... which has now a wealth of studies showing it to be completely useless and harmful when used in late stage treatment

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Yup they are and frankly for a lot of them that is a good thing. Too much stuff that can be dealt with fairly easily pushes people to go to Emergency. I see it all the time. These are people who don't trust their bodies NOR their decisions. I am hoping that people will flee them, perhaps look at other ways to deal with their health. Its time people started taking responsibility for themselves and their actions.

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WoW, incredible share. ThAnk you for that! ThAT's some honest and truthful reality right there, that SOO many just don't have a clue about. Stay strong! Stay safe!!

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I don't know Alex personally and can't evaluate if he is a manipulative pseudo-outsider. Certainly he is not a troll. He is a liberal and thinks like a liberal although he may not be a Lefty. He is going to be most at home with the mindset of the NYC media circles in my estimation. Dr. Malone is certainly brave but so is Alex. His ego may have gotten too big for his britches and he was certainly out of line in denying Dr. Malone's patents for mRNA vaccines. However, we need all the warriors on our side we can get because we are fighting against a behemoth that crushes all it can. So, no matter how flawed Alex is, we need him on our side. The Greeks recognized that heroes had weaknesses, hence the term "Achilles heel." Everyone has one. Even me, and even you, and obviously Alex Berenson. We need all the Achilles' we can get on our side of the fight to save our civilization even if they are flawed.

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I think your ego comment comes close/

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You don't know me. What a thing to say. Good Lord.

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022

You are quick to form uninformed opinions. How do you know I don't believe in early treatment? I have certainly not EVER attacked Dr. Malone or Dr. Simone Gold both of whom I hold in the highest esteem. I do believe in early treatment and prevention. I follow the FLCCC.net guidelines, and found a telehealth practitioner who prescribed Ivermectin. I currently have 2 Rx of Ivermectin in my cabinet so I'll be prepared when I get COVID.

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022

I disagree. You could say that WE, the anti-mandate, pro-choice mob of individuals are suffering a mass formation event if we will instantly turn on a warrior for OUR cause like Berenson just like that. We are the Jacobite's turning on each other after we run out of the filthy rich.

How about we focus on all the good reporting Berenson does, try our best to persuade him of his flaws on this issue AND November 3rd election rigging? I know that we have instant reflex type reactions to seeing Berenson being so loudly rude and incorrect, but it is far better for us to keep him in the fold and mend his ways, or allow for them, than to banish him.

Churchill had to work with De Gaulle, Stalin and Roosevelt et al, some glaringly different opinions and personalities and still project strength and unity of purpose. We must do the same.

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Alex is uninformed about many subjects on the Covid. I would send him articles and videos for months and finally I gave up because he's not interested in the facts.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

ThAnk you so much for sharing that!!

And...O...M...G. WTF Alex?!?

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone!! OMGoodness, I'm SO embarrassed. Just noW saw yoU posted the clip, good grieF me!! I was quickly scanning comments before I commented myself to you, saw "here's the clip", watched (OMG), thanked commenter, Ha!

My apologies!! I would have directly addressed you hAd I been paying attention. : ( I'm so sorry!!

Concerning Alex... WOW. HOly heck!! I'm so very sorry you had to endure that, that unnecessary, senseless attack! I don't get it. I'm seriously in shock!! Something seems off, and has felt a bit off lately on occasion with Alex. Watching him closely in that clip... maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, but he seemed almost agitatedly nervous... like he was mentally preparing himself, while yoU spoke, to compLEtely turn on you, a teammate/colleague, and be a tOtal jackass!! UNbelievable he did that, and being the first thing out of his mouth!! Incredibly low. Just wrOng.

You handled yourself, and Alex (haha), impeccably... perfectly!! Well done!! I too am cancelling my subscription with Mr. Berenson. Heading over there noW!! : )

Much Love and endless gratitude, appreciation, Dr. Malone!! ❤️

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I agree with you, totally! In his body language and expression he looked as though he wasn't really listening, rather nervously waiting for the right moment to attack. I too am shocked. Had been reading his substack for a while now, but no longer. Uuugh. People.

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He looks like the ionic balance was disrupted in around his kidneys. Looked like there was significant inflammation in the HPA axis. Felt nervous as hell. I hope he recovers, and gives Dr. Malone the apology that he deserves.

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Thought the same thing. The look of ready to pounce before a single word was uttered. This is easy to see because it was off subject.

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YES!!! Exactly what I was thinking and noticing too!! You just said it all wayyy better, haha... Thx!!

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I was looking for it on YouTube. Couldn't find it. Watching it now. "Disservice that he calls himself the inventor of mRNA" "No evidence for Ivermectin". Ugh

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Your above written response calling him an asshole and controlled opposition is equally unprofessional and discredits you more than his comments could. Not only that but it's clearly divisive amongst those of us who look to you both for leadership. Getting wrapped up in this crap isn't worth your time. He shouldn't have said that on air, but you could've chosen the higher ground instead if getting involved in a pissing contest.

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Alex cast the first stone here, and soiled his own journalistic integrity, unprovoked. I think Robert's doing the right thing in defending himself. This is important.

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...and it’s okay to be human and have a heated cuss-laden moment 👍🏼

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AGREED!! It most certainly IS okay, and back to 'Dabney'... espEcially with US, his "teammates", HIS Substack, HIS community, HIS SafeZone. He handled himself and the appalling situation by ALex with class, on FOX. He didn't stoop to Alex's level and condemn him there on national TV. Dr. Malone diD take the "higher ground" there, with dignity and respect, which is waY more than Alex deserved, and was incrEdibly professional. In thIs space, we're like one another's support group. Dr. Malone had eVery right to vent his frustrations heRe. He needed OUR support, and DANGit, he's got it.!.

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Dr. Malone doesn't strike me as the sort of personality that 'needs our support'. He is dealing in facts and science. This should not come down to tribalism and "support groups". It's not emotional allegiance - Just the facts ma'am.

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DAAANG..... please don't vote me off the substack!! ; ) Haha...kidding.

Again, poor choice of words in describing the substack space, my bad. Facts first and foremost, mOst definitely, Agreed!! That's why we're here after all.

For myself, and a few others I've spoken with though, there iS an emotional allegiance here. When your entire family and all those surrounding you are all jab'd, and under the blind, hypnotic spell of the evil tyrants, this mOst certainly becomes a space of sharing like ideologies, cheering on progress of exposing Truth, aka Facts, and jUst being human. What's wrong with that? We're in this together, on the same side, are we not?

You don't care to get on an emotional or personal level with anyone, that's totally your choice. But please don't make that decision for me! Please just ignore the non-factual based comments and move along. I do appreciate you calling me out on my poor choice of words. I'll be sure to be more careful. : )

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Defend, yes, absolutely with dignity and respect. Claiming Alex is a jealous, asshole doesn't help anyone and only causes further division. All these people below taking sides and unsubscribing from Alex's substack. That helps no one.

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You don't seem to understand. Alex had nothing to gain, and everything to lose to volunteer what he did. He wasn't asked about Doc Malone. He wasn't asked about Ivermectin. Here's a guy who we thought was "on our side" of a war suddenly spouting propaganda of the enemy.

But like I said in a comment below, soon as Alex posts again, I will copy and paste link and ask for an apology.

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Exactly. He didn't help himself or any of the ideas he's presenting by saying that.

I think Berenson has done great work distributing information on the virus and vaccines. That doesn't mean he has to express every thought that pops into his head.

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I posted a comment on an earlier post by the Doc concerning that Indiana life insurance CEO complaining of a 40% increase in death benefit payments in the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2021.

I mentioned that this was the second "disinterested" set of data suggesting major problems with the "vaxes" (gene therapies).

The first set came from the Scottish government which has been reporting weekly all cause deaths for 42 years and counting. In the middle of 2021, their data shows a spike in all cause deaths that stayed above the 42 year pattern for the rest of 2021.

Alex is the person who provided those Scottish data links!

I said it before, I'll say it again: WTF, Alex!??

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...or scratch that itch again.

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It's like someone being liberated from a concentration camp complaining about the US Army taking too much credit for invading Europe. ("They weren't the *only* country liberating us!")

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Alex really messed it up. Maybe he only needs to take a 2 week vacation, smoke some joints, dance, drink some beers, and then come back and apologize for what he did.

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Reminds me of Sen. Ted Cruz's recent verbal debacle, calling Jan. 6 "domestic terror attack." In addition to being completely stupid, it echoed the enemy's language and terms, thereby giving them cover.(Formerly a huge fan of Cruz.)

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Completely agree. I'm a Cruz constituent, and wrote him a nasty-gram about that ill-considered remark.

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You are the kind of person who would bring a purse to a gunfight. These people aren't interested in a reasonable discussion anymore. They are out to destroy their opposition.

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I'm sorry you feel that way, but Alex just confused the sh!T out of everyone that's been following him, counting on him to continue the honest, trustworthy work he's been providing, then pulls thIS stunt!?!... making us wonder if he's flipping sides, if he's no longer fighting this war with US!! What Alex did was no small slip. It was HUge, on so many levels. Just heartbreaking... : (

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Freedom to chose who to listen to isn't bad. For me this isn't the only reason to move away from Berenson, it was just the last straw.

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100% truth. I am very disappointed to see Dr Malone lash out. It’s human to want to defend oneself. His post, though, helps no one. It serves to further divide us.

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I don't think so -- has anyone here every had an argument before, maybe even a family one? I bet we all have. So is the best thing to bury your head,or suck up your words, most times no-- best to get it out and not let it fester. I see horrible secrets, grudges etc. in families I treat and it comes out bigger and badder if you don't let it out.

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I'll say it again. ThIS space is noT national TV, or a time slot for an interview... This is like Dr. Malone's space, oUR space together, to stand with and beside one another. He got gut-punched, sidelined hard...reacted with class, then came back here to us, needing our support. He's got it!!

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He does not "need our support" this is not a tribalistic support group where we all cheer eachother regardless of truth. Malone is a man of science and facts. He needed people to see the facts.

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Oh please.malone's response can hardly be called a "lash out". He did not denigrate alex in nearly the same fashion that alex did.

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Sure it does. It helps Alex think twice about wrongly stabbing and burning, lest he feel the pain himself.

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Said it twice-- we get it - thats what you think is best. Good.

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accept you're wrong already. You're literally advocating for being a pushover to never "look bad" even when someone throws you under the bus. This spineless attitude is what's deplorable, everyone has a right to stick up and defend themselves. Alex is jealous because he's unqualified and gets many things wrong. He has ZERO published research

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Did you watch the video? Did Doc Malone attack Alex? No, Alex attacked Malone's integrity FOR NO REASON. (Sorry for the all caps).

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022

Yup, watched it. Definitely a surprising low blow and yet--- the above written response by Malone sinks to that level which was equally disappointing. I'm sure it's deeply unsettling to have your credibility attacked on air from left field.. but getting pissed and firing off the above post with name calling?...doesn't exactly command respect either. United we stand, divided we fall.

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Dr. Malone has been under constant assault while citing, discussing, and explaining the true "science". He is an MD and a Scientist. Berenson is a cheap shot 2 bit journo from the New York Times, who isn't fit to wash Dr. Malone's white coat.

Berenson is truly an ASSHOLE and a puny little man who has been gotten to.

Dr. Malone handled it with dignity and facts while on the air.

This is the place to let 'er rip.

And Dabney, we are united. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

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Don't mind the heat. I also get to express my opinion here too, same as you. My response to Alexs behavior is, "what the hell, why on earth?" My response to Malone's.. well, he handled it very well on air but this post above is below him. Can't believe he took the bait and is actually throwing gas on the flames. Men and their egos. Lame.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh, well, Malone comes across to most of us as a humble man that has held back offending people far too long. He has more patience than the average person. Perhaps, Mr. Berenson, needs to think more about his presentation on national TV in the future.

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Dr. Malone is entitled, through a lifetime of accomplishments, to his "ego".

Berenson lit himself on fire, and I wouldn't piss on him to extinguish it.

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You lost me at "Men and their egos".

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@Dabney, cheap shot. Now who has lost her credibility?

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Women don't have egos? Have you been paying attention to politics and media for the past few years?

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Yes you do but how can you be united if you are always wondering when someone is going to throw you under the bus or attack? Intentions, values unite.

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"Men and their egos"? Time to reassess your moral indignation. Everyone needs to vent and it's his substack.

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dabney, youre completely wrong as the backlash is proving to you. You're "never fight" attitude is a major flaw in some women and their unwillingness to stand up to ppl. Enough with your sexist nonsense, it's good men defend themselves against a "friend" who stabbed them in the back, and shame on you for suggesting he didnt do anything wrong.

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I cannot blame Robert for getting angry because he probably did not expect to have defend himself from someone allegedly on the same team. What Alex did was to serve the enemy, by picking an unneeded fight among people who should be allies.

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I am not disappointed. I think Dr. Malone reacted quite reasonabily after such a discourteous display of poor manners. Why would Berenson do such a thing? Really, he is just a writer. He does not have a science degree. Sure, his wife is a doctor, but one cannot claim knowledge, one does not possess. Fox should have asked him if he knew how to look up patents.

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"Discourteous poor manners"... that's a bit like saying Hiroshima was "mean".

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@Dabney, Dr Malone responded very well and very professionally in the heat of the moment. In fact, he only enhanced his presence and credibility by his response. I am very impressed. He was sandbagged, for no reason, in an interview that had nothing to do with such accusations.

To later write an essay publicly challenging the unprofessionalism of his accuser is neither a low blow, nor undignified. It is absolutely the proper response. You mischaracterize it "getting pissed and firing off..." Who else is better qualified to challenge his accuser? He should be personally and professionally insulted and angry. Much like the famous (infamous) quote: "Where do I go to get my reputation back?"

There is no dignity in allowing others to besmirch you or your credibility and reputation without calling them out publicly. Alex deserves it, and should issue an apology or issue his proofs. I agree with Dr. Malone, it is most probably a professional jealousy rearing its ugly head, as there is no other reason to bring it up in this interview.

How can you say "united we stand, divided we fall" when this interview was the exact proof of an undivided, un-united public attack? Clearly it is evidence that we should be very careful about thinking we are united at all in our opposition and our public leadership. We all seem to have a 'feel good' going in our community of dissidents; maybe we should re-evaluate.

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Very well said in addition to being stated sans malice.

That being said I have been somewhat disturbed, confused and concerned regarding all the players in this resistance. Dr. Malone strikes me as someone who is honest, articulate and extremely well spoken. I personally judge a person by how well they speak not what it is they have to say. He never repeats himself nor is the least bit rehearsed. I find him to be credible regardless of his accomplishments.

In the beginning there were so many players on this stage and I wondered who was making a name for themselves versus fighting the actual cause. Although I have the utmost respect for Peter McCullough I often find myself asking what his motives are. I get the feeling he is simply gunning for Fauci's job. He always mentions how he still see's patients - has done hundreds of interviews and written hundreds of papers. In fact, I believe he always states how he is the most published in the world. I just wonder how he has the time for ALL of this? Of course I now mean no malice as it merely alarms me.

You seldom hear and see Dr. Tenpenny who was one of the original pioneers. I use RFK Jr as my baseline. If he's friends with them (done interviews together) they must be credible. In fact he just did an interview with Alex which now must place him in a terrible predicament.

There was also a scathing piece about David Martin a few days ago. Now what? Last night as I watched a Reiner Fuellmich interview - he mentioned a tour coming up in March with RFK Jr. and how he just signed the contract?!?

I spend my life reading - I do not own a TV nor ever have and just find myself confused - who's on who's side especially given what just happen with Alex - does anyone else feel the same?

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You bring up an interesting point. The recent RFK Jr. podcast where Berenson and he hashed out disagreements. Could the timing of that just before this have contributed? Such that it prompted him to intentionally stir up trouble for the sake of a performance art "debate-as-necessary" installation (even though it came off as a very Twitter way of conducting himself)? Or he had the residual need after that podcast to launch his views against another prominent figure (got a taste with RFK Jr. and wanted more)?

Not trying to excuse what he did and how he did it. Just spitballing.

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So well stated, thanks Dana-- I totally agree

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You can also fall if your horse is too high.

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And that is exactly what I think happened to Alex-- believing his own press clippings

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Key word being "low blow" therefore deserving of no respect. It was clear this was premeditated - the looming question is why? Secondly, he then goes on debate tangent. Perhaps this is what it was all about wanting more air time for himself.

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Unfortunately, and I may be wrong....FOX News probably has way more viewers than Dr Malone has subscribers.....Not acceptable on both sides, however, unless Alex apologizes on FOX, his comments will be a great CNN/MSNBC snippet for some time. Dr. Malone could have expressed himself on FOX the way he did on HIS substack, but in a classy way, he did not...and you could see Alex nodding in agreement it appears (I may be hallucinating there, but that's what it sort of looked like.) I am also sure that if Alex does apologize, that Dr Malone will do the same on his substack.

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I could not possibly - possibly agree with you more. Not only was it a low blow it was a lethal blow. The opposition will be playing this clip non-stop 24/7. It has taken so long and such enormous effort to finally establish a concrete, inarguable irrefutable counter argument and yet, it one fell swoop I can't believe the damage Alex created. There is clearly something more sinister than mere professional jealousy. I know he was relentless promoting his book (which became annoying to say the least - release countdowns., etc.) which for the record, RFK Jr. complimented him immensely during their interview. Alex did however say he wasn't in 100% agreement with RFK Jr either. He also stated he DID NOT feel there was something much more nefarious behind all of this which shocked me because ALL THE EXPERTS agree on that. What would you call deliberately withholding proven medications and lying about the number of deaths and injurie's? Sending the geriatric back into nursing homes only to infect others? Denying organ recipients transplants because they are NOT injected? And the latest, evicting families from the Ronald McDonald House who're also not injected? Barbaric certainly suffices. Has anyone also noticed Alex has said nothing on his Substack account. Maybe they banished him for MISINFORMATION!

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deletedJan 16, 2022·edited Jan 16, 2022
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Malone showed grace while constantly being disrespected by Steve Kirsch on the Dark Horse podcast, and he showed Grace on the fox interview. On this particular thread he proved his claims and only cast very minor aspersions towards his assailant. I think he's been quite reasonable.

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I do not think Kirsch was deliberately rude unlike Berenson. I agree with you and thank you.

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Sigh, very different responses, very different intentions-- one aggressive attack for? reason and one a reflexive response (a f**k you). Apples and oranges

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FFS, it was a few words. My wife and I go through this every once in a while, been married 38 years.

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022

Dr. Malone “fired off” a very solid post

I wish I could fire off as adeptly!

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Dabney..is your middle name "Karen"? Dr. Malone was quite gentlemanly in his retort. By watching Alex's face while Dr. Malone was stating his proof by patent, I think Alex had a "pucker" moment.

If you're offended by Dr. Malone using a well placed "adjective" to describe Alex, I would hate to see your reaction when viewing PG rated movies😂 oh wait...you DID use the word "pissing"... Guess your hypocrisy could be weighed by the comment "to take the higher ground"😂😂😂😂

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think Dr. Robert Malone, calls it like it is. He is the inventor. He has the patents and surely, Mr. Berenson should have looked them up before he went to to make himself look badly. Berenson cannot blame others for his lack of judgement.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Weeeellll I think Malone is accurate on the assessment. There are things that cannot be allowed to slide, and I don't think Dr. Malone is wasting his time calling it. I don't think the "It's Divisive So Don't!" argument should even apply here; I am uncomfortable and dismayed about it, but Alex getting spanked doesn't seem unreasonable to me, for what it's not worth.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think Dr. Malone has always been professional. Alex blindsided him. Alex doesn't have a medical agree. He's a very smart journalist but that was awful.

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A lot of people WITH medical degrees are assholes, too. We need plenty of assholes, but they need to be leashed. Nice guys finish last. We need the win.

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David - probably a good percentage are. The biggest one starts with an F and he's the highest paid public servant

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Way down in the thread, I posted my hypotheses about what was behind Alex's attack:


(1) Alex has some kind of social mental malady that causes him to sh*$ all over himself in certain public situations


(2) Alex has been "captured"

If that Fox interview was about (1), I will agree with you that the Doc's "name-calling" of Alex was unfortunate, but very understandable.

But if that Fox interview was about (2), then the Doc didn't go nearly far enough. Nor have any of us.

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I've cancelled my paid subscription to Unreported Truths, and remain a subscriber here.

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When you cancel your paid subscription, do you still have access? I want to cancel mine's too but I have an annual subscription which doesn't expire till July 2022. I don't think I'll get part of my money back so just trying to find out what happens when I cancel an annual subscription

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I read his substack but I have no subscription. Sans argent, you cannot post comments there but you can read others' post.

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When you cancel, you still have full access (ability to comment, etc) for whatever period your subscription is paid up through. I was on monthly, so I'm only good for another 10 days or so. I'll continue to read his stuff, but I will not support him financially unless he apologizes.

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Divide and conquer. Joe and Tony are thrilled that their adversaries are fighting. That's not a winning strategy.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Divide and conquer". Do even know what this means? Let me slow it down for you. It's when your enemy (Say Joe, CNN, NYT, NPR, etc.) interviews the Doc and Alex, and asks questions trying to pit Alex against the Doc and the Doc against Alex.

That isn't even close to what happened. Fox -- the sometimes friends of we the Resistance -- was hosting a puffball interview over a topic that all of us agree on -- Alex, the Doc, and every person on this thread. That topic was: censorship is bad, including censorship of Joe Rogan.

Alex, **unprompted**, took it on himself to attack Doc Malone with an easily debunk-able falsehood, and added an **unprompted** false statement about Ivermectin to boot. Fox never asked him about the Doc or about Ivermectin.

There's only two possibilities:

(1) Alex has ADHD or some kind of social mental malady that causes him to sh*$ all over himself in certain public situations

(2) Alex has been "captured"

I hope it's #1.

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Fox was not to blame on this in any way. The producer apologized to me after. You heard the moderator in the background saying that guests shouldn't attack guests. They were blind-sided too. This was not even the topic to be discussed - which was censorship -and the pressure on Spotify to now censor their podcasts, including censorship of Joe Rogan.

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Hey now... I have ADHD...and I never sh*$ myself in ANY public situation 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Blame something else, would'ja?😂

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Sorry about that. I know there are people that have great trouble in social situations who end up saying "inappropriate" stuff that even they don't believe. Sorry that I threw in ADHD. Thanks for catching that.

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LoL... I didn't say I didn't say inappropriate things in public...just that I didn't sh*$ myself doing it 😂 It's all good, I like my ADHD, I'm rarely bored, and if I am, I forget why!☺️

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I guarantee you it was #2. The deep state is in panic mode and they are going to throw any and everything at this. Just look at the letter to Spotify about Joe Rogan. He's the biggest thing on the internet. And Spoyify is going to censor their golden goose?

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Yes, Alex was wrong. Get over it. The righteous indignation being expressed here is just as wrong. Counter productive. You need to decide what your objectives are. If it's attacking everyone you disagree with, they'll certainly attack you, too. You lose. If it's winning the fight against tyranny, you're attacking the wrong direction.

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The win is a loss if you bring people along that have intentions (personal fame etc.) who can ( and will) throw a grenade to destroy the win.

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Success in battle comes from managing imperfect warriors. Those seeking perfection always lose.

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But the whole point is that Berenson WAS wrong and deserves to hear it both here and at his own site. When someone acts like a perfect ass, it's only counter productive to pretend nothing has happened.

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He's been told. Turning it into a gang bang is mob tactics. The mob never realizes how stupid they are. Internet mobs are the worst. They can lynch someone, shut down their computer and go back to pretending they're better than other people.

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"Fighting adversaries"? What is this, free cover charge for "Karens" night on Who's Dr. Malone? I've seen bigger scraps watching day old chicks at the feeding station!🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣

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Take a moment and consider whether the enemy of your enemy is necessarily your friend. Divide and conquer works all kinds of ways.

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Yep. And some do it better than others. In the workplace, continuous training is a key component of success. Continuous punishment is a common failure mode.

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Please they are too worried about what is coming next for them. Both have MUCH bigger problems

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They're worried, but haven't stopped fighting. They can still win if we destroy ourselves.

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Many Americans in particular are tired of feeling not only lied to via propaganda, smears, etc but also of being muzzled about what we may say and how we may say it. Calling something like it is including with an explicative strikes us as real and real is what we value. Which is why many of us found Trump refreshing. I’m not comparing Malone and Trump overall. Clearly they are different. But many of us find both are unafraid warriors not practicing in the mirror.

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It was assoholic of alex though. And completely off topic and uncalled for. Didn't help anyone.

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All those who have never offended any thin skinned crybaby, line up over here to thrash Alex. Everybody else, calm down. We need everyone to pull together, 7nless you like being abused by the government and hypochondriacs.

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David you and Dabney should get together. Having worked in vipers nests , govt, medicine for a good chunk of my life I will tell you " cant we just get along" people are two types, one --they are uncomfortable with controversy and just want to ignore problems or two--they want to win SO BADLY they are blind to the knives out for them. Seen both-- neither makes for a good ending"win"

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I don't know Dabney, but if she's interested in winning this fight, I'm with her. If she's only interested in gestapo cleansing of the ranks, I'll fight her too.

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So robert malone is a thin skinned crybaby for being offended by a completely off-topic, uncalled for, theatrical ambush by alex? Alex could have expressed this in private. He didn't just ambush malone, he ambushed alternative treatment. This sort of self-sabotage will get no support from me.

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He's legally obliged to protect his patents, but he is as interested as Alex in successful opposition to medical tyranny. Picking a fight is counterproductive. Alex is well known as a jerk. It's his style. It's what makes him effective. Managing jerks is a necessary skill for anyone who wants to succeed at anything. My suggestion to both of them, and the hysterical posters here, is try meditation, learn to deal with your emotions.

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How is he picking a fight? He has offered proof of his claims.

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Unlike the leftists now trashing democracy in our country, most of us have no need to fall in line with "our party," "all its denizens," and "its official line." We are still free to call an ass among us an ass when its merited. Berenson was braying in unmistakable fashion.

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Similarly, I support berenson's right to call out inaccuracies on either side when he sees them, if asked, or if on topic. But he should have done it privately or perhaps on his substack first and then gone from there, depending on Robert's response.

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And I believe that is what is fueling the fury both here and at Berenson's site is his bad form. Alex hardly acted like a gentleman in this instance.

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That's why you lose.

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Lose what? You talk as if Berenson is somehow indispensable to ... well, to what exactly? The only reason the Left "wins" and we (that's everyone with at least a functioning brain and an accompanying sense of decency) "lose" is that leftists have learned to steal elections; we still think that's inappropriate behavior. Alex, of course, thinks the most well-known braying ass, the one in the Oval Office, actually won an election. That alone says more about Alex than it does about the braying ass in chief.

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Alex apparently also doesn't know how to search patents at uspto.gov, using Public PAIR... or else he wouldn't have made such easily falsifiable accusations. His credibility with me is gone.

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But wikipedia says otherwise!!!


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Wikipedia is unreliable.

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That’s putting it mildly. I avoid Wikipedia altogether now, it is worse than ever.

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Truth is a difficult concept. I lost confidence in authoritative truths when I learned my own parents had misled me all those years about Santa Claus. Information is always subject to interpretation, and more information seems to work better than less.

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A health reporter

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If you only allow perfect allies, you'll be lonely.

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Oh please. Huge difference between an imperfect ally and one who ambushes you with a lie, on national television. When you turn the sword on a leader of "your side"... when no one even ASKED you about the topic, that is not an ally.

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Yep. We're surrounded by imperfections. Some deal with it better than others.

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The trouble is, is that Berenson has done this before - backing up the 2020 elections as fair, when even rudimentary fact checking would reveal massive fraud. I've got 24 hours of testimony given under oath on video, with documentary and video evidence which demonstrate precisely that; dismissing ivermectin outright, and even a bit of work would show that it's safe and effective when used in early stages - in fact, there's good evidence it has broad antiviral activity, see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC7564151/ - and there are other examples of this from Berenson where he makes similar sloppy mistakes, not doing his research but just reinforcing the official narrative. So this current example is pretty much the last straw...

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The enemy of my enemy is my friend. He's been very effective against my enemy. And your, presumably.

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Division is the last thing we need.

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Actually it isnt , lies and subversive actions are the last thing we need.

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"Hanging" traitors is exactly what we need.

But that is only one of two possibilities I can think of explaining Alex's false statements on Fox. The other is that he suffers from some kind of social malady.

I don't buy the Doc's theories of "jealousy" or "unprofessionalism" or "assholism".

Alex is either better than that -- i.e. he's just suffering from some head disease -- or much, much, worse.

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Or just having a bad day. If cranky is a hanging offense, none of us will last long.

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on national TV for a guy with a book deal and maybe an axe to grind?

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Sure. But it's 8:23am PST and no apology post from Alex yet. I'm still holding out hope.

Be cranky, but then apologize. It's the American Way.

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Are you his dad or something?

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That wouldn't change the facts. The most important fact to consider is were being assaulted by powerful governments. We probably can't win if we do stick together. Doomed for sure if we don't. Some people prefer martyrdom. Always a religious thing.

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A bit over the top comment Dabney. Since when is it okay that a health reporter who is basking in the limelight of his book/new Substack attack someones background which can easily be searched? Why would a former reporter do that?

Also when I get ambushed I tend to get aggressive back as MOST people do. Unprofessional?

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I disagree. You smack the bully hard when the bully bullies. Alex was being a bully and deserved the smack down.

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If that's more important to you than defeating fauch, go for it.

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mutually exclusive

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Yeah, probably would have been best to take the high road and not descend to ad-hominens. However, Dr Malone wasn`t always a doc, he started off doing a trade and you pick up any curse words you might not have hear before pretty quickly on a worksite! So, his substack, his choice to label Alex , if he chooses.

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responding to the baseless attack is not "equally unprofessional", youre an idiot to even suggest defending yourself is wrong.

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So turn the other cheek kind of thing? Nope, this is all or nothing.

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You handled it beautifully, especially considering you must have been shocked. In denigrating Ivermectin and repeating the lie that it doesn't work he is joining forces with his former employer ( NY Times) of "horse dewormer" fame. He is also in the company of hospitals who have refused to allow patients to have it. As everyone here knows, court decisions have forced many hospitals to give very sick patients Ivermectin and found that patients recovered. It happened in Buffalo, NY and elsewhere. Berenson actually puts himself on the side of the murderers, sorry if that sounds hyperbolic, but that's how I see it.

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You are a class act sir.

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I'm shocked by Berenson's attack! Out of the blue, irrelevant to the subject matter. He looked agitated. Hope he apologizes. We need to stick together.

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I noticed that also. It’s as if he planned to say that, but was nervous about it. He knows he’s wrong to do it and wrong on the facts.

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He looked nervous.

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Paid in full...

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Alex was an important part of the opposition to the medical industrial complex. I read some of his substack articles, which were informative, but for the past 6 to 8 weeks it's all been about hocking his new book. He failed as a journalist to investigate IVM. My go to person on this subject is Dr. Tess Lawrie. If you haven't looked at her work and you want to comment on IVM, well just STFU. I was able to obtain IVM through doctors at the FLCCC. I have given it (along with the protocol vitamins) to both my daughters that had CV19, and it worked like a champ within days.

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He has stuck to the line all along that there are no treatments without saying so explicitly, I think. He has been an important voice in questioning the official narrative, that’s true.

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I think you did an amazing job at not allowing any emotions to show on your face as Alex made that off-topic attack. I reckon you should look at a new career in high-stakes poker after this madness is over, you have an excellent poker face! And THAT is a compliment, Dr Malone!

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Haha I ws thinking that too! I thought "who will flinch first?" It wasn't Malone. Might as well start the rumor here: Full face botox.

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Thanks for that - I have not seen it yet!

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Berenson should have checked Public PAIR at USPTO - he would have quickly found out that he was totally out to lunch. So far as I'm concerned, he's lost his credibility - and a subscriber - me.

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Just cancelled, what I thought was a fellow member of The Team. We certainly don't benefit by eating our young...er, our not so.. since I'm there, best to drop it. Like I did AB.

Dr. Malone reminds me of the several scenes from my favorite 'post-modern' film, The Book of Eli...daily missions with a 'forcefield.'

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I’ll keep with his sub stack. He is great for keeping track of Covid truth vs media narrative. He does express a strong opinion on things he is clueless about at times however and seems to have terrible “gut instinct”.

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Yeah, one need only look at his take on our most recent election. It's not that you can't disagree with upset Trump people, but I've never seen any sign from him that he ever engaged with the claims being made. Not that the admin did themselves any favors there.

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I'm not going to cancel him for a single misstep. Hope it's not the start of a pattern, though.

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He’s had several missteps. For me, this was the last straw. I just cancelled.

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This is a pretty big mis-step. When claims have been made about patents - like David Martin did with Rainer Fuellmich - they can be checked pretty easily, by searching for patents at uspto.gov, using Public PAIR... Before putting such claims on my Substack, I take care to nail them down, first. Berenson is supposed to be a professional journalist with decades of experience on papers like NYT. This is either the mistake of an amateur, or a direct attempt at deception. Sorry, this doesn't fly.

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OR someone taking on too much-- the Twitter case, his book, interviews etc. Not sure he is suited for all the exposure he is courting. I am not cancelling him ,But I will be watching and seeing.

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Great comment! I just subscribed to your substack — you have a lot of good pieces there.

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What the hell was that all about?

Ok...attack on Robert aside... if he wants to say that ivermectin is not effective, then he is eliminating alternatives to the vaccine, and making the argument for vaccines, stronger. Which seems to be his claim to fame - the denigration of vaccines and the vaccine push.

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Exactly!! I don't get it. Completely in shock man...

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If you remember Alex's Rogan interview -- Joe took Ivermectin-- there was a bit of tension between them about that. Alex seem to give him a pass because Joe took a "cocktail" of stuff.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bummer. I subscribe to Alex's Substack. Nice job with evidence. Hope he sees it and apologizes.

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Just watched the video that the good Doc posted in the comments. My jaw is hanging on the floor. The purpose of the segment was to discuss the censorship of Joe Rogan. Alex, without any prompting, takes this as an opportunity to attack the Doc. WTF?!?

Now, I'm one winter away from 60. 20 years ago, I would have cancelled my Alex subscription 10 minutes ago.

But what I'm going to do, is copy this link, wait for Alex's next post, copy and paste it, and ask Alex to apologize.

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I already canceled my subscription to Berenson.

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Good on you. Get there early, make sure it's not buried.

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Yeah, that's my strategy with comments. In fact, I'll try it three times, and see what happens before I cancel.

Must say, I feel right now what I felt when Jimmy Dore pushed "force the vote" last January and AOC revealed herself to be a traitor to the people. There were signs before that she had been "captured", but her response to Dore was unambiguous.

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True! It's already crowded over there what with all the elbows...

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People are already commenting on Alex's last posting: https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/boosters-are-over/comments

Unlike the Doc, Alex never "likes" any comments or posts any of his own. So who knows if he even reads them.

But if one of us can get the first comment in on his next article, that might get the ball rolling.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Actually, the link above was the top posting on his page. The last post is this one: https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/the-government-of-alberta-says-you/comments

Holy comments, Batman!

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Just read this on those comments and it may just sum up the whole thing

"Or perhaps in the game, Malone is a bigger player. They just sacrificed Alex to try to take down the bigger player. We'll see..."

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he'll definitely respond to the mass unsubscribe that is happening.. i believe he did this to distance himself because he is suing twitter, and since Malone also mentioned lawyers contacted him about suing, he might see this as a strategy to make his own chances better.. but really it was a cowardly and stupid calculation IMO. Malone's patents speak for themselves, the ignorance of random ppl on the internet mean nothing when the facts of the matter are considered carefully in a court of law with a jury

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022

I posted the following draft post to https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/the-government-of-alberta-says-you/comments. But that page has >2000 comments and the velocity of commenting exceeds Substack's ability to make the page useful. So here it is for you:


Well, it seems like Alex has writer's block this morning. Let's see if I can help ...

Title: I Apologize!

Subtitle: I really f*%ked up

As many of you know, yesterday on Fox I lost my mind. I am deeply sorry for my behavior and will never do anything like that again.

I don't know what happened to me. I suspect it was sleep deprivation plus the combination of some sleeping pills and pain medication that put me in that altered state.

I'm not making excuses. My behavior was unacceptable. I've reached out to Doctor Malone privately to mend fences.

Please, I beg for your forgiveness and ask for another chance to win your trust.


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Exactly 20 years ago I would have done the same. Now its time to get an explanation from Alex and an apology to Dr. Malone

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Agree. I am definitely interested in his response. I am a subscriber as well, and as many on here note, to this point both Berenson and Dr. Malone have been "on the same side" for the most part. Why he would do that, especially when the topic is censorship, is stunning.

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Why would he suddenly throw out a personal attack on Dr. Malone during a discussion on censorship? I'm guessing he was told to.

Dr. Malone is one of, if not the biggest, dangers to big pharma and it's supporters. Just look at the publicity he's getting and the harm it's causing them.

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Well, I said below that I would give it a couple days. But the amazing number of comments on Alex's last post yesterday -- 99% of which agree with the 99% of us -- told me that I needed to wait only for the next Alex post. That next post finally came today at 3pm PST.

Did he use it to apologize? Sadly, no. Just the opposite.

I just unsubscribed. For posterity, here's my last comment over there:


Welp. I was hoping Alex's much delayed next post would be an apology. But, evidently, that's a bridge too far for him. This will be my last comment. My next step after hitting POST will be to unsubscribe.

Sadly so. Not with anger.

I support Alex's right to speak however he wants ... I'm a staunch First Amendment supporter. Re his lawsuit with Twitter, go Alex go! To me, he's now like the Nazi or Communist asshole that has the right to stand up and say stuff that the vast majority of us barf over. He has the God-given right to lie about Doc Malone and Ivermectin and anything else he wants to avoid researching to get it right. That's America ... the good, the bad, and the ugly.

So while Alex deserves the full protection of our Constitution, his behavior over the last 24 hours tells me he doesn't deserve my $6.

Good luck all. I'll connect with some of you on Doc Malone's Substack.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Baffling. Makes no sense. Why the circular firing squad when we have a much bigger enemy?

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"Controlled opposition" makes all the sense. Unfortunately.

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Even more unfortunate is that if "Controlled opposition" is on the table, then we have to call it what it really is: "captured opposition".

I've read Alex's book Pandemania and I've subscribed to his Substack for the past month. Nothing in any of these writings has suggested he is "controlled" by anyone ... even by his wife, who he says in his book complained about his Twitter addiction.

For a "wild horse" like Alex to do what he did on Fox tonight is head-spinning.

Either he's a traitor to the Resistance, or he suffers from some kind of mental illness -- one that makes him able to write in an intelligent and entertaining way.

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Sometimes people just make mistakes and have verbal diarrhea. So, for this transgression Alex is booted off the stage permanently? That doesn't make sense either.

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We'll see how he responds. Unfortunately, he's been obstinately wrong on a few related things now. Elections come to mind.

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There are many forms of control. Sometimes a light touch is all that's needed.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm cancelling my paid subscription to him. What a POS.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Same here. I should've known he was a POS after he attacked Dr Simone Gold from AFLDS, who has been doing nothing but helping people.

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I stopped reading him a couple months back, but this is sort of shocking. I really wonder if Alex was threatened or bribed...

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Maybe AB got a visit from the DNC massage therapist who attended to Bernie back in 2016.

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See if he joins the Black Eye Club in the next few days...


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I have a theory with almost no legs.. but since berenson is suing twitter, and malone mentioned lawyers contacted him about suing twitter.. perhaps this is some weird strategy to distance himself so he has better chances of winning the court case? It is a huge stretch but its just so out of left field that it makes no sense he would attack him out of nowhere

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Oh wow, I didn't know about that, that's not rational - bigtime not rational. All of the "quirks" are not adding up to eccentric but rather something darker. I will not reinforce Alex' behavior choices with my rather modest monthly subscription support, perhaps the trickle will become a gully washer and prompt a reassessment (epiphanies do happen).

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I'm a little bummed because it turns out that I only had a free subscription so couldn't cancel a paid subscription.

Anyway, while some of his posts were good, I could never convince myself to sign up for a paid subscription. I felt like he wasn't nearly as accurate as some of the other writers like Dr. Malone.

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I just cancelled mine too and hope hundreds of readers cancel if not more. In the comments to explain why I wrote, Alex threw Dr. Malone under the bus on FOX and lied to do it. That gets no help from me.

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I did the same thing. Only room in the budget for one subscription, so I cancelled his and now subscribe to RW Malone.

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Too bad I’d already canceled mine 😆

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I don't sign up to the big guys. They don't need my money. Although saying that on my calculations you'd need at least 25k followers to be able to earn an income capable of sustaining yourself from this platform.

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You've never, ever done anything stupid, wrong or shameful in your life? Really? Sometimes we have to recognize that people are human. Dr. Malone can stand on his credentials and life's work. Alex can't degrade or demean that. It can't happen.

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Yes, we are all human and make mistakes but that does not include portraying ourselves as experts on a controversial issues and taking an MSM platform to throw a leading voice in resistance under the bus. It was a calculated move that looks to carve out some MSM credibility by chipping away at the truth. That's opportunistic betrayal and Alex can pound sand with that. He can be forgiven but not supported.

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022

I think it is helpful to read widely and form one's own opinions. I am very conservative politically. Politics makes strange bedfellows. In the recent past I would not have subscribed to Alex Berenson, or Bari Weiss, or become a fan of Heather Heyring and Bret Weinstein. I trust myself to be discerning and pick out what is useful and discard what is not. I subscribed to Alex Berensen and Bari Weiss because the Left was attacking them and canceling them, and not because I am wholly on the same side politically as they are. Bari Weiss invites other liberals to post articles on her substack. I dislike some of these and like others.

I admire Dr. Simone Gold. She is a brave woman and stands by her principles even after losing her hospital position because of them. I didn't know anything about Robert F. Kennedy Jr until his interview on Tucker Carlson. I bought his book and the information on Dr. Fauci is horrifying. I don't agree with RFK Jr on all of his vaccination positions. I support vaccinations in principle although the COVID vaccines are not vaccines at all in the way we have always known vaccines. If I don't agree with RFK, Jr on his vaccination opinions does that mean I can't respect him and believe what he has written about Dr. Fauci, Big Pharma, and the collusion and corruption of our government agencies?

Long ago I read Judith Viorst's book "Necessary Losses." She makes the point that we all have facets to our personalities. You will never find anyone with whom all your facets line up with all of theirs. You are lucky in life if you find someone who has some facets that match your facets. None of us is perfect; only God is.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The check from Pfizer must have cleared..

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hahahahaha, hilarious

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

dr malone, i was watching tonight and admit that i was shocked at what alex berenson said to you. i felt bad that you were attacked like that and embarrassed for berenson. i follow his writings and heretofore gave him credit for his publications. i don't think i'll view him the same way again.

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Wow, that’s seriously disappointing. I’m sorry you had to endure that from someone who’s supposed to be fighting on our side, Dr. Malone. I hope Alex gives you a proper apology.

Thank you for providing this arsenal of evidence in the meantime as it will be handy when disputing anyone who tries to memoryhole your record of accomplishments.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Right on - what’s going on with AB? Has he lost his mind? Or is this some kind of suck up, perhaps he’s losing his nerve.

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Perhaps he's bribed or blackmailed. He's painted a big enough target on his back this past year, and his recent past is full of unsavory New York Times types.

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Or his wife might be getting attacked and no invites to the cocktail parties.

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i started having my suspicions over his complete 180 when he attacks the credibility of ivermectin, despite the hundreds of studies, the clear examples of entire countries using it with almost no covid deaths.. it seemed so different from his seemingly "challenge authority" position against vaccines, yet his attacks on treatments made little sense.. now im starting to think Malone is onto something with controlled opposition .. gain trust of the "opposers" then inject weird logic to manipulate them in some direction. Ivermectin works amazing, i just had omicron and i was sick less than 2 days because i followed the proven evidence of ivermectin, zinc, vit d/c, quercetin etc so for this fool to attack ivermectin and then claim malone exaggerated his contributions when theres a bunch of proof saying otherwise.. i think he is a fraud meant to manipulate ppl he pretends to be friends with.

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No, it's a personality ah ... pattern. Unfortunate, because Alex has some talent; obviously he has some very nice accomplishments for himself. That ugly insecure need to tear down other people to feel superior? special? elite? There is no way to control that without serious work. For those so afflicted, it's a no shit existential threat to them to acknowledge anything, let alone contemplate changing. Even if the consequences of not adapting, not growing, not choosing healthier behavior costs them their marriage, their health, their reputation, it is still an existential threat to them.

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Jan 15, 2022·edited Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Berenson was the first person that I subscribed to on Substack because I thought he had good information as a journalist about the whole pandemic. But then it all went wrong.

Prior to his book, Pandemic coming out, he started promoting it endlessly with each post. I thought wait a minute, I paid to subscribe to your newsletter; I didn't pay for self promoting a book. I also got tired of his whining about being kicked of Twitter, like a spoiled child.

However, what really did it for me was his maligning people with Long Covid as some sort of malingerers on Tucker Carlson. I know, Dr Malone has suffered with long Covid and it's well established by many researchers. As anyone in the health field knows, post viral sequelae are not uncommon. I've seen it in my practice over the years. For Berenson to deride––especially women––who suffer symptoms like Chronic Fatique is just so wrong and unprofessional. He blotted his copy book with me, as far as I'm concerned.

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Alex is not a medical doctor and gets in trouble when he makes medical judgments as with long Covid.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Y’all are on the same side. Not sure what happened tonight.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What other folks do reflects on them and this is a very bad look for Alex. On a personal level folks who are willing to burn others to feed their own egos are dropped from my trust list. It didn't have to be a contest, but since it is, Dr. Malone you win by a country mile!

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Berenson is a journalist, not a scientist or a doctor. His media appearances have given him a swelled head.

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Maybe he is desperate to regain the approval of the old media elite. Poor choice, if so.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I didn't see the segment, but people are giving him hell over it on his sub stack.

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he deserves hell if you ask me. what a disappointment.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your substack and his are the only two I subscribe to. I feel gobsmacked.

I'm so sorry that happened to you, after all the slings and arrows you've had to endure. Please be aware, so many of us are deeply in your debt for your efforts on our behalf. (Although, after the last two years, maybe it would have been better if you actually hadn't invented mRNA vaccine technology...just kidding)

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You should subscribe to Steve Kirsch’s substack instead! His and Dr. Malone’s are my must-reads. Alex’s has gotten less and less useful... and now I’ve cancelled.

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I cancelled last month also. His content was not up to par.

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Ah it's your fault..

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Alex has been very suspicious lately. He has always created doubts in the ivermectin despite tons of evidence in multiple studies that can be found in the FLCCC website. Always reluctant to learn or discuss about what happened before November 2019 despite all the evidence that reflect a high level of certainty that it was all planned years ago. Since the very beginning Alex has assumed Biden won despite hundreds of irregularities and thousands of harvested mail-in votes that many people didn’t even requested. Alex has had many chances to correct but he keeps doubling down. Not good.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’ve cancelled my subscription to Berenson. Sorry that happened to you. Grateful for what you are doing.

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