Aug 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Any person who has a life-size portrait of them self in their home office (like Fauci) is not to ever be trusted.

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

REALLY? HE HAS THAT? That's like people who only post selfies on Instagram

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent observation.

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Anyone who keeps people from getting medicine that will potentially save their lives and instead forces injection of something that will most assuredly not save their lives (or worse) is not to be trusted. He can wrap his house is pictures of himself and paint his portrait in the sky for all I care. Trump too, but it is what comes out of the persons mouth - that is what matters. Fauci - lies. Impactful lies.

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On the money!

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well he isn't very big, so life sized is actually pretty small.

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In his mind, he is a giant among men! LOL!

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They should put his likeness onto a little minipad. They wouldn't even have to shrink him. Of course, you will have to carve out his ego which is now being fit for XXXXL SPANX to try to keep it under control (it will not be contained - or so it claims).

Did you know they are offering hot air balloon rides to the edge of space now? Yep. Propelled by Fauci breath. It only works when he is out there talking about his greatness. Theoretically it could remain in flight indefinitely. He has declared himself... immortal. Bwahaha pthththth.

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Bah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

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Actors do that all the time.

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And most of them ARE narcissist

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I would argue all. Same with being POTUS. Who would want that job?

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“Caged animals are safe, but it’s not much of a life.” Reminds of Thomas Jefferson quote: “ I prefer dangerous freedom, to peaceful tyranny.”

Ancient ideas, newer challenges. The struggle for freedom and liberty never ceases.

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“ Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people.” Ronald Reagan

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Great quote, why is it that the celebrities in office seem to make the most sense? They make huge mistakes as well however. Maybe its the speech writers behind the curtain? Irregardless of who wrote it, great message. Reganomics was a catastrophe and put many so deep in debt, the bankers got rich though with the restrictions lifted on savings and loans.

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A republic, if you can keep it...

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The AFTER SKOOL video actually gave me hope.

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I agree.

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have made a couple attempts to give my answer on the Big Why but sound unhinged even to myself. There are many things happening simultaneously and they all add up to a group of people (the WEF?) who are very powerful that are working behind the scenes to destabilize the western world in order to take power and resources for themselves and strip it from ordinary people. Our financial systems are collapsing and they need to ensure that they reap the benefits of that collapse. Unfortunately for us, they have determined a few things which don't bode well for average people.

#1 They have determined that there are too many people which has caused a multi-prong attack on fertility and family. The COVID shots certainly affect fertility and yet that was so completely denied it was laughable. It is a sad day when Nikki Minaj is a truth-teller about fertility problems associated with the vaccine. How about convincing toddlers that they're transgender so you can put them on puberty blocking drugs and outright castrate them or give them a hysterectomy as teenagers? How about school systems covering up their malfeasance in pushing kids in that direction and not telling parents about it?

#2 They determined that they want to set aside enough energy for themselves while depriving the rest of us. The insane policies with respect to energy production make no sense unless you realize that they don't want us to have the power necessary to keep our civilization running. Nuclear solves all of the "climate change" issues and yet countries are shutting down nuclear reactors left and right. Let's all get electric vehicles - oh our electric grid can't charge that many cards - too bad chumps.

#3 They need us fighting and confused so we don't organize a decent resistance against them. Let's marginalize unvaccinated people because they clearly don't bend the knee to coercion. How about MAGA people, let's marginalize them because they won't give up their weapons. Our POTUS now calls Republicans fascists - how about that for some unity? Russell Brand is one person calling for calm and building bridges because we need to start a class resistance against whoever is orchestrating this against the average person.

#4 They plan to starve us which is why fertilizer plants are being shut down in Norway, the UK etc. The war on farmers in the Netherlands and other places has begun because of nitrogen....nitrogen really??? Even if we don't have mass starvation in the US or western Europe, we will worldwide. It makes no sense to go after farmers unless you have something nefarious in mind.

This all goes under the heading, I hope to heaven that I'm wrong. I hope that what I see is just disparate data that I've put together in the wrong order. I may be wrong, but probably not.

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Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022


To quote Sherlock Holmes, "When one has exhausted all possibilities, the only answer left must be the correct one." I have gone down the same road you have and where it leads me is to a very scary place. I never thought this could happen, but it has.

There are "elites" who believe that they should be setting the course of history down a certain path of greater centralized control so that their "wisdom" can lead us all to a better place (whatever their vision of that better place would be.) This is exactly the opposite of the core fundamental belief of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness being an unalienable right of each and every person on this great earth., which is and always will be the great gift of the Creator of all things.

The next question is how can we help others come to understand what is happening? For when they do, the subjugation of us will not be accepted. The problem is that the motivations of the elites are so evil at their core that it is hard to communicate their thinking as being even plausible, until you read their words and see what they are actually doing. When we look at the "solutions" they impose, and their methods of suppression and increased control over our lives, what else is one to conclude? They are "loading the trains and shipping off people", except now it is mandating injurious vaccines, marginalizing or suppressing dissenters, indoctrinating children, and curtailing food supply and cheap energy. The banality of evil rises again (Hannah Arendt).

The answer is that all of those who understand the motivations of "the elites" must seek to first communicate the systemic problems that allowed this to happen. Then later we the people must somehow correct the systemic flaws that allowed this to happen., WITHOUT DESTROYING THAT WHICH IS GOOD AND STILL WORKS WELL. For the good of all humanity, this very dark cloud of flawed governance over all of us cannot persist. The systems must be fixed to prevent elites from taking over our lives, ever again.

We have to remember though what we are working for and against. "One of the most dangerous forms of human error is forgetting what one is trying to achieve." (Paul Nitze)

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesian 6:12 )

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You three have just scared the hell out of me.

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Aug 29, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022

First step is to control one's fear because it obscures clear thinking. Secondly, it is better to be aware than not be. Thirdly, always look at things for yourself and seek to come to resolution as to what you are seeing.

Finally, the troubling side of all this is that I have progressed down this path at all. But the good side is that I am seeing that I am not alone - many others are coming to the same sorts of conclusions. It won't take too many before the awareness grows to such a degree that change will happen. Then if you are a praying person, pray that what happens next does not make things any worse.

The goal is to fix the systemic flaws that allowed this to occur, preserving all that is working correctly.

By the way, this would not be the first time where leadership has been horribly corrupted, although I do believe it has never occurred on such a broad scale before.

You should know I always had trusted the CDC,FDA,NIH. In other words, the system. My Dad was part of the system and he had enormous integrity. What he accomplished eventually lead to his receiving the Nobel prize in medicine in 1990.

So this whole situation has been an enormous shock to my beliefs about health authorities. But over time I have come to accept it.

Now we as a people just have to deal with it.


One final thought - a knowledgeable populace is far more powerful than corrupt leadership. We simply need a knowledgeable populace. That is the first step.

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I was a small fish- a grant reviewer for Health and Human Services. When I became aware the letters of support for the grant were the “only” criterion worth reviewing, I declined my position and left. The entire process was rotten to the core. The year was 2011. I am a part of the “knowledgeable populace.”

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That is precisely why the left sought to take over the education system beginning more than a hundred years ago: to sow ignorance. They knew that if Americans knew and understood history and their founding, they would never vote in collectivist authoritarian masters. Deprived of that knowledge, it's much easier to get people to vote for their own subjugation.

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"The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1990 was awarded jointly to Joseph E. Murray and E. Donnall Thomas "for their discoveries concerning organ and cell transplantation in the treatment of human disease" To cite this section MLA style: The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1990. NobelPrize.org. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2022." https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/1990/summary/ Just sayin' - no pretending going on here...

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Yes, that is correct. I find Robert Malone and Dad to have a lot of similarities. Careful, precise, knowledgeable before sharing opinions, and always seeking the best outcomes. As this whole story is unfolding who knows where this will go? But we will need people in positions of authority who understand the issues, and are seeking good outcomes. Above all who are honest and actually care about their fellow man.

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Again, perfectly written. We must share with our families and friends and pray that our communities become educated as well to help others.

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Interesting aspect of iodine/iodide, is its importance to our intellectual development from conception to age 25. Extreme iodine deficiency is Cretinism, mostly in middle eastern and India because of iodine deficiency in their soil. Iodide was introduced to salt for goiter and IQ in 1920. 150mcg/day is FDA recommendation, but WHO says up to 1mg.

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"I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them for the battle of that great day of God Almighty." Revelation 16: 13,14. KJV. The chain of events listed in the prophecy given by Jesus Christ to St. John, while imprisoned on the Roman penal Island of Patmos, has been set into motion. The wheels are turning. There is no stopping it.

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Very well written and very true. I tried to like but seem to be unable. Thank you for taking the time to write your comment.

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Sometimes you have to refresh your browser page. I have the same problem “liking” on my iPad. Refresh enables me to “like” once again and, often, to see that my “like “ actually had been recorded.

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Well said, thank you. Wisdom of our ancestors is so valuable, as this is not the first time that these psychopathic narcissists have attempted to be adored and rule others, it has been going on for millenniums. Kinda like the "only selfies" group, I am sure there are exceptions, but not many

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Been down this road. Questioned myself because it does seem ludicrous (nah, they wouldn't do that? That's crazy!) But precisely because it does sound crazy is how 'they' get away with it.

Ultimately, it is a very human thing. They literally don't want to share. Just like spoiled little kids. Can't have each piece of chocolate cake equally sliced. Can't even just take the biggest piece; they want the whole damn cake for themselves. Period.

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What makes a little boy pull wings off a fly or legs off a cricket? The elitists must have similar feelings as they take over the world. In their eyes the rest of humanity is just bugs to crush or pick apart while they giggle.

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The fascination of evil…

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Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022

You wrote: Russell Brand is one person calling for calm and building bridges because we need to start a class resistance against whoever is orchestrating this against the average person.


This is the only way to win hearts and minds. Speak the truth in love with those who have ears to hear. We've lost a percentage of the populace who will never be convinced The Emperor Has No Clothes. Our future depends on the many souls all around us, who are starting to smell something funny. I hope and pray we can be available, non-judgemental and compassionate even when they are not.

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"Nuclear solves all of the "climate change" issues and yet countries are shutting down nuclear reactors"...

at one point i was a student at NCSU majoring in Nuclear Engineering, this was during the time period when the unit 2 reactor at the three mile island nuclear plant had a bad day...

that having made it thru most of my 3rd year i decide to change majors due to one factor that the level of math required to predict 3-dimensional neutron fluxes within reactor cores was a bit more than i wanted to play with...

however, another factor which effected by desire to embrace the math was learning about the history of the Manhattan Project which the research from lead to the development of our current BWR and PWR reactor designs...

that there was another option being developed called the molten salt reactor, but the downside from a DOD perspective was that the spent fuel, unlike the spent fuel of BWR/PWR reactors, did not produce material that could be refined into nuclear bomb making material...

so from this i decide that mankind did not have the maturity to play with something as complex and potentially dangerous as nuclear power...

that i belief nuclear power could be done within reasonable risk tolerance if the factor of greed was not such a big aspect of who we are as a society...

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Greed and politically promoted incompetence. Remember in Texas a reactor construction contract handed out to an engineering firm part of the extensive crony system of LBJ. It quickly became obvious hey had no experience in this area

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The global elitists are fools to believe they will be safe and secure when their plans come to full fruition.

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This is so on point. I have landed exactly in the same spot that you have. All I know to do is pray that God uses me to help others find the Truth.

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I am afraid that you are absolutely correct in your observation. If you look at or listen to the work of David Icke, he has pointed to this agenda of the Elite for 40-50 years. My brother was always letting me know about the plan for a one world currency and language, but I recall thinking it was hard to prove and seemed too "Evil Villainish" plus what was I going to do about it? At the beginning of lockdowns, David Icke spoke about the giving up of self respect that the voluntary isolation we were mandated to observe at "THEIR" ( governments) order and what the mask wearing was about all rang true for me. If you know its not helping and you see how ridiculous we all look wearing them in line or on our way to the bathroom, but we don't have to wear them sitting with our meal in a restaurant across from strangers? I could go on, but everyone here knows the ridiculousness of what we have been coerced and cajoled to do in the name of safety and not spreading this virus. "THEY" are counting on a large amount of compliance, calling the masses "Sheople".

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Laura - About the Nitrogen and the nefarious thing the Dutch government (and WEF) have in mind. Epoch Times covered the story of the Dutch farmers (in a 30 min video). The farmers say that the excess nitrogen comes from cow pee and cow poop co-mingling, but there is technology to keep the pee and poop separate in which case, you get minimal Nitrogen. IF Nitrogen were truly the problem it would be way cheaper for the Dutch government to just help the farmers pay for this technology, much cheaper than cost of buying up farms which is part of this scheme - Farmers are supposed to cull their herds by up to 95%. But if you had 100 dairy cows and you had to get rid of 95 - you can't make a living with just 5 cows. The farmers would have to sell the family farms that have been in their family for generations, for some of them. But if the new owner could only have 5 cows on the land, who would buy? No one. But it is the farmer's investment, it was his livelihood - so, no problem, the GOVERNMENT will buy up the land in the proposed legislation apparently. It would be cheaper to buy the new technology than to buy the land - but the government wants to buy the land. OR if the farmer flat out refuses to get rid of some of the cows, then his farm will be confiscated, land that is worth a great deal to the farm family, that they have invested a lifetime in taking care of, is gone with the government paying nothing for it. The governmenet wants a land grab and the Dutch farmers are CERTAIN it is nothing to do with the Nitrogen. Epoch Times also interviewed a Dutch scientist who had been asked by the government to report on the Nitrogen situation. He is someone who apparently provides consultation to the government at times. He says that EVEN if ALL the farms were shut down and ALL the Dutch people evacuated, there are many parts of Holland where they would still not meet the Nitrogen standards. Well, if nature is making nitrogen, why would we think that is bad? Most of the air that we breathe, that people have breathed for thousands of years, has 78% Nitrogen in it. An online source claims the amount of Nitrogen has been stable for the past 100 million years. So if nature is producing some nitrogen, is it a bad thing? Nitrogen makes many crops grow more - so, yeah, if you wanted to starve people, Nitrogen is a bad thing. What the scientist actually said though is, as I had said above, even with no farms and no people, Holland in nature would not meet the standards, AND also, there is no evidence it is a problem - there could be some good things and some bad things related to various amounts of Nitrogen- if there is more Nitrogen, some crops will grow more than they would have withut the extra Nitrogen - but that might be good, or not. There is NO clear evidence of some worldwide disaster if they don't get the Nitrogen levels down immediately this year. None. But if they have to get each farm to reach a specific Nitrogen level immediately, yes, cows would have to be sold off or slaughtered, the farmers will be displaced and have no jobs, and food production will go way down, with shortages of milk and cheese. Since they export cheese, apparently some of the schemers think it will be fine, but if you get rid of 95% of one's herd, and the farmer can't run his farm with only the remaining 5%, perhaps he just slaighters all the cows - there may be no milk or cheese at all. And the Nitrogen issue affects all farmers one way or another, because if you cannot use fertilizer with Nitrogen in it, crop yields will be lower and will not feed as many people, and will not produce as much income from the land. Similar issues. It's about the government being able to control ALL the land, and ALL the food, what little they allow to be produced.

In Sri Lanka, 2 yrs ago, they apparently banned fertilizer AND ordered farmers to immediately go organic. Sri Lanka did have an adequate food supply two years ago - now there is lack of food, people starving, and people protesting. The economy is wrecked. The fact that similar schemes are being tried out in different countries gives a hint that there has been some centralized planning going on. And - you know that "inflation reduction bill" that got passed in the US? As soon as it passed, Chuck Schumer was gloating about this massive "climate" bill they were able to get through - so from his perspective, he thinks it was a "climte" bill. However, in order to help the climate, some have been persuaded you have to control the Nitrogen (which is nonsense, it truly is, scientifically - when I was in 10th grade, we learned that lightning storms put nitrogen back into the soil which is a good thing because it helps crops to grow, also if you rotate crops and plant legumes periodically, it replenishes the Nitrogen which helps other crops to grow the next year - Nitrogen has for millenia been a good thing) - but - this so-called climate bill had various provisions to "help" the environment, like - helping farmers to transition to all organic farming, no fertilizers, like in Sri Lanka. Also - the US always has had payments to farmers to NOT grow certain things at certain times - but now there is more payment for not growing when, worldwide, and including the US, we are on the cusp of a famine. And they want to pay farmers to not grow, but if they grow, then do it organically and no fertilizer. So, I would call it a "famine bill" rather than "inflation reduction act" and I doubt it will actually do anything at all regarding "climate." They have other things in mind.

So - the part I didn't say about the Dutch - one of their members of Parliament was also interviewed. He is in a minority party, and said that he disagrees with the Nitrogen proposal, and that this is all coming from the World Economic Forum. This is their idea.

But actually passing that legislation hardly mattered in my opinion. Because the powers-that-be have been setting this up for more than a year. A year ago, China told the US they were no longer able to sell us fertilizer, and I also started reading about sabotage on trains carrying fertilizer in the US, and sabotage on fertilizer storage facilities. Then with the war in Ukraine, Russia will not be selling any fertilizer to the US. The US has difficulty obtaining fertilizer or the ingredients to make it. There is also petroleum involved in manufacture of fertilizer, and that is expensive and in short supply. So - this whole past year, for the current growing season that is almost finished - we have had less fertilizer than usual, and it's more expensive since it is scarce, plus just overall inflation. Fertilizer that may have been $300-500 a year or two ago, may have been $1500 or $1800 this year, from what I have read.

So, between now and October, food will be being harvested. Food based on the 2021 harvest will be gone, and food from this summer's crop will make it's way into the stores (assuming there is adequate diesel fuel for the tractors and harvesters to function, enough diesel fuel for the trains and trucks to get foods to processing plants, and then to your favorite store. With fertilizer and also diesel fuel being high - what food does make it to our stores will be much more costly, and there will not be as much of it. Another issue is that even though we have way fewer people than China, we import more food than China does. We're dependent on imports, and there will be much less available for import this year. So there will certainly be shortages. Maybe moreso in some regions than others. But worldwide, including the US, there will be shortages - and if it is massive, which I think is likely, it is apparently due to the efforts of the WEF and the leaders in so many countries who the WEF has trained and mentored for so long.

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If you begin reading about British Imperialism, you will soon see that it is alive and well. It is far too complex for me to explain here (not that I could), but suffice it to say, Britain wants its colonies back.

Geo Washington fought for us to make our own goods here, not import them from England. Uhhhh, seems to me we are having that very same fight, and for the same reasons, today. Now it's the globalists, not just England, who are/is trying to usurp our livelihoods and our country itself.

We best prepare ourselves for a cold, harsh, extended winter until we can bring our manufacturing back to our own shores and become self-sufficient again. We can do this!

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If I could give your post 100 stars, I would. Yes. I have been seeing and saying these things myself. The nefarious thing in Holland is actualy, the government just wants to take over all the farmland. I saw a video about this on Epoch Times with interviews with many people - farmers who say they would have to get rid of 95% of their dairy herd. But if they only had 5% of their herd, they could not run their farm business. They would have to sell - but who would buy, when you cannot actually use the land? Well, the government would buy. The proposed bill allows for government to buy up the land - OR if the farmers refuse to comply with the Nitrogen goals, their land could just be confiscated and the government own it just like that. If the government controls the land and the farmers cannot farm - the government can decide who eats or IF anyone will eat. It is NOTHING to do with Nitrogen actually, because a Dutch scientist - who had paid by the government to look into this - says that EVEN if you ceased all farming and evacuated the entire country of all people - Holland, left alone in nature, would not reach the nitrogen goals. You know, Nitrogen is a big part of the air we breathe, and Nitrogen gets into the soil when we have lightning storms. When I took 10th grade earth science, we learned that Nitrogen was a good thing as it helped plants to grow, lightning was good because it put Nitrogen into the soil. But now - Nitrogen is a toxic chemical? Anyway, this scientist said, even without the farms or the people, the Nitrogen standards would not be met - and there is no evidence of this being a definite problem.

The Dutch farmers say they are certain that the proposed Nitrogen regulations have NOTHING to do with the Nitrogen as a genuine concern because there exists some way to keep cow pee separate from cow poop - I do not know this technology, but Dutch farmers do. They say that it is the mixing of cow pee and cow poop that is the cause of the dangerous, toxic Nitrogen that must be eliminated - but you can eliminate most of the excess Nitrogen by this new technology and it would be less costly then the government buying up all the farms, and less danger to the Dutch and the world than elminating all the cows and getting rid of family farms. If the government only was concerned about Nitrogen, they could help farmers to invest in this new technology, but no, they want to force Dutch farmers off the land, and take over the land. A Dutch politician said this is all coming from the World Economic Forum. From what I read, this is also being pushed in Canada, and some of the WEF farming goals were slipped into the US "inflation reduction act" which in my own notes, I refer to as the "famine bill." Other things are going on, and when there are so many pretexts and false excuses, it is not good, if it were good, why do they conceal and attempt to deceive?

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The wetlands produce more methane than the animals. They should start plowing under the marshlands and bogs if they are truly serious...

But, they're not. This has gotten completely out-of-hand. Time to call them out on all this BS. Past time.

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I tried to like your comment but it wouldn't let me.

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You must have been bad...

Just kidding :-D

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Laura, Thank you. I know, for some reason the "like" function seemed not to be working for a while today.

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I answer the Big Why and a few hundred other whys in the essay I wrote in preparation for my Corona Investigative Committee presentation (https://odysee.com/@Corona-Investigative-Committee:5/Session-111-Anna-Alice-Odysee-final:4) as well as my Anatomy of a Philanthropath series:

• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)

“Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship”:

• “Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams)

• “Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-947)

• “Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-3fd)

Basically, it boils down to three motives: profit, power, and democide. Pretty elementary forces but enough to make the world spin for several millennia.

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Incidentally, those of you that read this Substack and do not read Margaret Anna are really missing out. She writes some of the best long form (yes they are really exhaustive) pieces on this and related subjects.

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Agree 100%. No one better encapsulates the complexity of Covid - with all the psychological aspects of it - better than Margaret Anna Alice. And I read/research A LOT.

MAA - you perfectly compliment the efforts of all these vocal doctors - like Robert Malone, Pierre Kory and so many more. They provide the scientific analysis of complex, technical issues with supporting data and you plug their work into your big picture, long form articles that help bring clarity and understanding to this insane situation. I share your articles as often as I can.

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Thank you for your moving words, Jhigh68. You are a dream reader 🤗

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Aww, you are so sweet, Dr. K 🤗

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Thanks just signed up. Her piece on Alex Berenson was spot on.

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Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022

Just read through your "A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation." Coincidentally (or maybe not), my husband and I just watched "Conspiracy," a 2001 movie that dramatizes the Wannsee conference based on the one-surviving transcript/summary of that infamous meeting.

Your quotes of the WEF leadership and their intellectual predecessors read a lot like that conference...cold-blooded discussion of how to efficiently eliminate unwanted populations.

Seems like we have our own on-going modern-day Wannsee Conference unfolding before us. What has changed: Today, they don't need secrecy. They can discuss their plans and the "justification" for them in full view of the world, apparently confident that most people will either concur or refuse to believe it and remain in denial even as the tyranny is imposed and the killing is taking place all around them.

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Wow, sounds fascinating, Susan, and thanks for the rec! Indeed it does sound awfully familiar. The Big Lie strikes again.

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And pleasure. The same sadists who derived enjoyment during junkets to Epstein Island will own the world and make everyone who survives their slaves. I'd rather die.

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yes, a mostly peaceful depopulation, which wonder if a factor might be our long-term festering unresolved fear of overpopulation, that a historical study of soil erosion offers some degree of evidence that this has been an issue/worry since humans began to clear and plow the land...

that i ponder the notion that our long term collective unresolved shadowed fear about overpopulation is possibly leading to the empowerment of an unconscious driven desire for a solution that will resolve this festering unresolved fear...

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As it turns out, the Malthusian fears about overpopulation appear to be overblown and fallacious. I didn’t delve into this in detail in that article but shared a video by James Corbett (https://odysee.com/@corbettreport:0/qfc077-limitstogrowth:6) summarizing the arguments against it in this piece (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams) and referenced the Pew Research projection (https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/06/17/worlds-population-is-projected-to-nearly-stop-growing-by-the-end-of-the-century/) that the population is expected to level off before the end of the century (and that was in 2019, before the philanthropaths started executing and damaging fertility en masse).

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"Dunning-Krueger effect versus intentional evil"...

what i perceive here fits within what i would label as taking sides, which is the Machiavellian way the totalitarian seeking elite use to control thru a tail wags the dog version of social engineering, this being the chosen tool to darkly nurture us such that they can have their way with us...

"In this way, totalitarianism is always based on “a diabolic pact between the masses and the elite” (see Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism)." see Mattias first post...

so this Corbett report, what i perceive is that he is playing right into the elites having their way with us...

like what is he doing, he is taking sides and so is empowering the co-creation of the desired counterbalancing of a manufactured either/or, which here the chest pieces are, problem vs solution...

which here Corbett picks the solution which one might expect would play well for an audience that is socially engineered to pick sides...

"extremely high levels of so-called “free-floating” anxiety, frustration, and aggression, meaning anxiety, frustration, and aggression that is not connected with a mental representation" see Mattias first post...

so as in wonder, might the "not connected" part in the above quote be that, that overpopulation is a legitimate issue, is one of the most difficult issues that all living creatures need to come to terms with...

that the darkness of greed creating nefarious solutions to legitimate problems does not provide valid proof that the problem is invalid...

and from here i could write a book, so questions...

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Interesting analysis, ryland, and TBH, I haven’t had a chance to explore the research on the arguments against the Malthusian overpopulation theory in detail so do not have strong convictions either way.

As I discussed with Wolfgang Wodard in my Corona Investigative Committee interview, it doesn’t even matter if the overpopulation fears *are* indeed true—*no* human being has the right to determine who else lives or dies, no matter how much they believe they are saving the world. Nature has always auto-corrected with other species throughout history and will do the job for us if it is needed.

And remember, these theories are based on modeling, just as the dire COVID-sky-is-falling predictions were, as Malone discussed in this piece:


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thanks for the feedback, Margaret, and i missed the June 2 Tyranny of the Modelers post of Malone's and now that i reviewed the article Why Malthus Is Still Wrong i would come to a similar conclusion that bad solution is driving the concept of must not be a problem...

yet beyond this the article comes to what i would agree is the better solution, that the solution needs to be a bottom-up more grass roots individual decision-based solution and absolutely not this horror show of a top-down driven by coercion solution that is being forced upon us...

then note with overpopulation my contention that the problem has validly is based on way more due diligences than just Malthusian overpopulation theory, that from my background in environmental studies it so clear that i struggle to understand why it is not clear...

however, what is also becoming concerningly clear is that the aggerate us has bought into, has set into motion, mostly unconsciously in appears, derived solutions that are at the level of an extreme overcorrection, as in if Zach Bush is correct about multigenerational effects of roundup, then this factor alone, for the short term, next few generations anyway, our problem has been solved to the degree that it appears that we have created the opposite problem...

such that healthy young couples who eat healthy organic foods and have avoided the death shots need to be supported and encouraged to have children...

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Big Why has two primary elements. 1). The Global Elites want a one world government in the form of basically a feudal society where we are the serfs and they are the Lords. They have been working on this for years, but now they are in high gear because 2). The global debt-based fiat financial system is now imploding. We are well beyond the point of being able to pay back global debts. A good crisis accomplishes several goals. It makes people poorer so more and more assets can be gobbled up by the elites. In a world of funny money, real assets are king. It possibly depopulates the planet leaving more resources available for longer for the New World Order. It consolidates power. The consolidation of power they were able to pull off with Covid was absolutely astonishing despite them not hitting all of their goals. Due to number 2 above, the crises will continue until a new financial system is replaced. They want to go the CBDC/Global ID route for a China style solution. We absolutely can’t let that happen.

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They have finally pretty well killed the middle class everywhere which has always been a major barrier to socialists quest at dominance.

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Aug 29, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022

Punkin, you beat me to it. But some notelets:

The inevitable demise of the current financial-political-commercial ambience has been foreseen for some decades so an element of planning cannot be dismissed.

The income of the "Elite" is largely based on - I would guess - dividends and other earnings such as rental, all of which are based on the financial churn dependent on "development".

If the international standard of exchange is based on the currency of a nation hopelessly and terminally unable to render even a fraction of the interest due, then we can be sure that the "Elite" have seen the broken viaduct ahead and are desperate to do anything to get out of the traffic queue, come what may.

The action of entities either symbiotic (EU/UK) or parasitical (CN) will, having lost guidance from the aforementioned, begin to diverge wildly from commonsense paths.

Meanwhile, snake-oil salesmen like Harari, Gates, and Fauci, and fellow-travellers Soros and Kissinger, not to mention putative dictators like Schwab and Charles Windsor, see a chance to get a widescreen view with comfy sofas, 'licious chix, and (maybe) unmentionable moral luxuries to hand. Whether the Big Families will humour or dispose of such is for a later episode.

But that they have created opportunities for monstrous evil in this world cannot be denied.

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I would point people to Martin Armstrong, who knows global finance from the inside, if more information on the financial side of this moment is desired.

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My cat, Pumpkin, died recently. I miss her every day. She was my best friend. We were living in Indiana and went back to NY for a visit. As we got closer to the City, Pumpkin began having breathing issues. When we got home on Long Island, near the border of Queens, she began having shortness of breath more severely. I took her to the vet who took x-rays and said it looked like heart disease. Her lungs were filling up with liquid and there was liquid surrounding the lungs. Her heart was enlarged.

She was 15, a bit on the old side, I know, but I thought I would have at least another 5 years with her, she was so healthy.

I've lived on Long Island for many years and the worst place for COVID were the Black neighborhoods like Hempstead and Freeport, near where 5G towers were recently installed.

I believe Pumpkin was affected by all the EMR emitted on Long Island, as was the whole populace during the height of the plandemic. They can increase and decrease the frequencies at will.

These people are sick and will stop at nothing to kill us. They killed my Pumpkin. For this, they must die.

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I feel for you and your lost friend.

Having some cats in my home who came in from the cold, I know how strongly devoted they are.

Deep commiserations.

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Thank you. It's tough. Every time I turn around, I think I see her or it's time to feed her. I know this too shall pass, but it's not easy. Thanks again.

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I can't claim to know much about economics but have been a close observer of what has happened to the practice of medicine over the last 65 or so yrs. It is my belief that when when the AMA opened the door to Medicare it also began the process of ending independent doctoring by physicians putting the process increasingly under control of a host of gov agencies. And all that money flowing out of DC has handcuffed licensing agencies who will sell their souls to keep it flowing. The g.p.s Iknew as a kid were much more independent cusses than the average pcp today.

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my husband was an Assoc Prof of Nursing. I remember him asserting that the 'professionalization' of hospital management by former Army medics after WWII, turning the hospitals almost universally from charitable organizations to corporate profit entities, was responsible for much of the change in focus and philosophy of care. The medical schools were taken over by Big Pharma in many respects, and the schools inculcate the new doctors. The AMA has been the primary way to protect continued upper pressure on prices of visits and specialization. The ethical healers all seem now to be in private practice not accepting insurance payments.

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I think a big portion of the decline of Healthcare is directly attributable to the ACA requirement for doctors to utilize universal digital records keeping. Doctors that I know who were previously independent practitioners found it unprofitable to upgrade their records keeping, and succumbed to the lure of large medical groups to manage their practices. Eventually, the large medical groups and hospitals started also managing the medicine in the name of profits, thus leading to poor care and physicians toeing the line on masks and vaccines and so on and so forth and what have you.

Even knowing full well that those measures were worse than useless. My trust in doctors has, by and large, been severely compromised.

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I find it amazing the pull the AMA still has. When Medicare was passed membership of physicians nearly 100%. After passage of Medicare, then the ACA boondoggle membership down to about 18%. But they still call the shots

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Back to basics. Our United States Constitution grants absolutely no power to the federal government over health, health care, health insurance or education. The Department of Health and Human Services and all its sub agencies must be shut down along with all the other unconstitutional alphabet agencies. Think of the effect this would have on the federal budget. We might even be able to pay off the federal debt!

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Agree wholeheartedly. Very much underreported that $$$ spent on Medicare and Medicaid made a huge impact. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

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So true!!’ That is why medicare made all medical go digital in the early 2000s

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, thank you for not shying away from these uncomfortable questions. Until about 20 months ago, I lived a pretty "normal" and comfortable life. I wasn't exactly naive about the world but I didn't give much thought to the various "conspiracy theories" - to be honest, they didn't really impact my life so they didn't warrant my attention. But on the eve of the "vaccines" being rolled out, I had this feeling in my gut that something wasn't right (it's what Eric Clapton described in an interview as "smelling a rat"). That's when I started digging in...suffice it to say that it's been one heck of a rude awakening and I am still grappling with where to go from here. But I digress...

I think the "how" question is a bit easier to wrap your head around and you've already done great work on this topic, including the powerful dynamics of mass formation and regulatory capture. For me, this document (which I came across early on in my journey) was a big eye opener: https://obssr.od.nih.gov/sites/obssr/files/inline-files/OBSSR_VaccineWhitePaper_FINAL_508.pdf. In summary, the NIH hired a team of behavioral psychologists to develop a "communication strategy" around the "vaccines." Upon reading the document, you quickly realize this is blatantly a propaganda and psychological manipulation "how to" manual. They shamelessly discuss things like using peer pressure to encourage vaccination: "The goal of this type of communication is to convey that getting

vaccinated is widely accepted and widely practiced, and not engaging in the behavior might result in social sanctions." Social sanctions?? Yep, they succeeded in making the unvaxxed the filthy lepers, shunned and ridiculed by mainstream society.

The "why" question is where things get very interesting and I've journeyed down some gnarly rabbit holes in search of the answers. To preserve my sanity, I've decided to put that one on the backburner and to simply observe events as they unfold. At the end of the day, all I am confident in saying is that it's not just earthly greed for profits that's driving this. There is something truly evil and dark about what we have experienced the last 2-3 years. I have never been religious in the conventional sense (and I'm still skeptical of organized religion) but I have earnestly prayed to God in the last year to save humanity. I pray every single day for truth, love, freedom, and justice to prevail.

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thank you very much for that link.

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Robert - youtube removed the clip you had incorporated into today's substack entry. Is it available on another platform (e.g., Bitchute, Rumble, Odysee, Rofkin?

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Thank you for your comment and information. I had a look at the NIH nudge squad and on pg.14 I read that the author wrote that the nudge work for vaccines and this pandemic must continue on otherwise a 'lost opportunity' to not to consolidate the work. It sounded like the script from WEF. Lead author's 'expertise' is to quell rumours and misinformation- very CCP eg:


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Great investigative work! That explains a lot about the philosophy of the "NIH nudge squad" (good moniker - that's exactly what it is). I was creeped out by the recommendations regarding "misinformation surveillance." Actually, I was creeped out by a number of things in the document. Isn't it also interesting how they noted the "vaccine hesitancy" among health care professionals (at that time, only two-thirds of health care workers were willing to take the C19 shots)? The mandates pretty much squashed that hesitancy.

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No worries. God wins.

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Fauci effect" is death. He said this in a 1999 episode of NOVA. He knew.

"If you take it, [the vaccine] and then a year goes by and everybody's fine, then you say, OK, that's good, now let's give it to 500 people; and then a year goes by and everything's fine. You say, Well, then, now let's give it to thousands of people, and then you find out that it takes twelve years for all hell to break loose, and then what have you done?"


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To see where we are going read the Book of Revelations - slowly, thoughtfully. Perhaps even consider listening to some commentary on the Book.

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I think Revelations is becoming more relevant daily.

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Yep. We are promised death, death, suffering, more death. And evil is sure to triumph.

The Bible promises the bad guys will win.

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Evil is sure to seem to triumph momentarily.

Seems you missed the good stuff.

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Yes, you finally got around to it. Psychopaths are new to me as well. Remember Occam's razor? One cause is more likely than many. All this dissection ultimately boils down to a single cause. See my summary: https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/ad409d5d-db8b-476f-acce-f9e521b3aa7d

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thank you

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Psychopaths are definitely inhabiting the heart of these deceptions. Big Tech, social media selects (in cultural evolution terms) for psychopathology and toxic narcissism. It’s epidemic.

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seems like you have a point, like the example of the attempted overthrow of President Franklin D Roosevelt, which if Smedley Butler had not stood in the way of then the USA might have followed a path similar to Nazi Germany...

that FDR deciding not to prosecute the perpetrators to any signific degree is haunting us to this day...

yet i might suggest that an over dominant more solo focus on the notion that all the evil is found within the other, that from a psychological perspective this has downsides...

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clarify please

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clarify, wonder, the first part or the second part, will assume the second part but will start with the first part...

that sure if you fact check this on say Wikipedia the claim of an attempted overthrow of FDR by possibly the likes of people like Prescot Bush is a bogus conspiracy theory, but then if you trust Wikipedia....

might add that one source of information for me is that my father who lived during this period of history told me that this was an attempted overthrow which was hushed up...

then the second, and note that this is just based on a hunch and concerns about the concept that to the degree that you feed an evil monster it becomes more and more impossible to bring the psychopathic monster to justice...

that to the degree that there is support in society for Dr Death then this makes it difficult to bring him to justice...

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I started my journey two years ago with two ideas...1; It is completely absurd to think that a VACCINE that is untested would be accepted as unfailingly safe and yet most of society was rushing towards that illusion of salvation. 2; that natural immunity was inferior to the vaccine they were offering. Two years later I am a completely sold conspiracy theorist. I don't believe everything but am very cautious about what I don't believe. I used to think the level of evil we saw in Germany during WW2 was something we were so horrified by that we would never let it happen again. Now just 75 years later I think we are equally evil...just more sophisticated. As a Christian I always understood somehow that people might rationally decide there is no God, but how could they believe there is no devil?

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Reminds me of the song Goodbye Little Yellow Bird sung by By Angela Lansbury in The Picture of Dorian Gray:

"Good-bye, little yellow bird.

I'd rather brave the cold

On a leafless tree

Than a prisoner be

In a cage of gold."


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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Many good comments here and in previous posts touching on the Big What and Why, very much including what Margaret Anna Alice has written. I believe that the easiest of all questions to answer is: Has this been planned? The simple and straight answer, Yes. A casual understanding of Systems Theory validates this answer. Unplanned events all have the look of entropy and stochastic outcomes, precisely the opposite of what we see here. When well meaning people do what we call “make mistakes”, what we actually observe is a combination of both unintended and unforeseen consequences. What this means is that mistakes have a randomness to them, some falling to the left and some to the right of the target. Here we see nearly everything in a tight formation, with outliers on one side only. Only planning produces results like that, plus a great deal of attention paid to implementation.

Where Evil is concerned we will never stop searching for the Why. When I was a young churchgoer I was introduced to the 3 concepts of Sin and Evil: Individual, Cumulative and Systemic.

Without trying to unpack all of this here, I will simply say that Evil is not merely an individual phenomenon. There are evil people, and they can lead and organize and conspire. The effect of their evil becomes cumulative over time, and given enough time and enough garnered power it can take the final step and become systemic - embedded in a culture or a nation or even an entire globe. That is what has happened in our world I believe, for the first time on a global scale. This is spiritual warfare. Systemic evil is the most inscrutable and mysterious of all and has a life of its own. It can capture the unsuspecting, move in very mysterious directions and ways, and enslave entire cultures and populations. Systemic evil uniquely defies the Why question.

But do not lose Hope, for Systemic Good is also present, and more powerful. Evil contains the seeds of its’ own destruction. It does not win.

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That's right.

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Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh, you mentioned our song!

"Talk about conspiracies

And they’ll label you confused

Everyone’s got a conspiracy theory

Fluoride, vaccines, the chem-trail blues

Is it lizard people or the Illuminati

Yes, the details are a little spotty

When psy-ops masquerade as news

The only question is whose

Channel you choose"


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Very lovely and trippy. Thank you. But you mis-spelled "losing". I hate to be this way: I am a compulsive proofreader.

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No, it's fine, we appreciate it. These things happen when you uncross your eyes and see single. Must've been a stuck key.

Is there enough bass?

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Bass is fine. Could use a little more trout, though.

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

> "I try to constrain my interpretations by the boundaries of the verifiable" - music to my ears, I think it is super important for someone in your position to take that approach. You obviously get a lot of ideas shoved in your direction because of your reach and influence. I'm so glad to see you being careful with that. Bret Weinstein's did an interesting interview with Konstantin Kisin on this subject.

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"There is the idea that what has been happening globally is just the beginning of something very dark, very intentional, and very planned." Dr. Malone, I remember either reading or hearing a comment you made in which you said there is some evil force behind all this that you do not understand. I believe that force is Satan. I can't believe that humans are capable of making the entire world go mad at once. It's not just the pandemic/vaccine fraud, it's destruction of the family, it's attacks on our children in an attempt to ruin their lives through perverted ideologies or through death by vaccine, it's the attempt to attack God's design for all humans by making us transhuman slaves. The book of Revelation is an apocalyptic book which I believe is telling us what is ahead. We seem to be speeding down the path outlined in the book. We have to continue to fight this with everything we have, but it may be that we are approaching the actual end of the world. There, call me crazy if you want, but my faith in Christ gives me the assurance that everything will be okay eventually. Not necessarily in this life, but in the next. Look beyond religion and all the baggage found there, and instead, look to Jesus. Begin with the book of John to find out who He is and why He came to earth. God bless everyone who reads this. I am fighting for you as well as my 70 year old self can manage.

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