Jul 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Such an interesting stack this am Doc! You simply amaze me with your vast knowledge and experience! YOU MAKE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE!!!! God bless you and Jill! 🧡

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, the efforts to brand you, and all us here, really, as extremists needs to be countered with accurate counter-branding. “Woke” never made sense. NWOke explains everything.

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Clever, NWOke.

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As an NWOke warrior in California, I've written a couple of op-eds entitled "Santa Cruz Hates Homeowners" and "If Wishes Were Houses, Beggars Would Reside." I compare the situation in SC to my Appalachian hometown where I published another called "Bloom or Bust? Cumberland and California." I put the texts of these into a recent episode called "Home is Where the Hearth Is" that talks about how we could solve the problems of both by taking mortgages back from the bankers and using them to fuel our community economies:


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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022

Tereza, we need more like you on our team! (edited to spell your name correctly)

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Thank you Steve! On Matt Taibbi's Substack, I started a lively conversation based on two young white men, 20 and 21, who burned rubber driving over a BLM 'mural'--consisting only of those words--painted on the sidewalk in front of Santa Cruz City Hall. The NWOke mob is seeking $100K in damages (far in excess of the budget to paint it originally) and 5 yrs in prison. A black resident says he can't go to work somedays because he's so afraid. Blacks are 1% of the county. Latinos are 33%, but they seem able to go to work. If the kids were black and toppled a statue they found offensive to their heritage, the NWOkers would be lauding them as heroes. If these two kids felt that their lives DIDN'T matter, haven't we just proven it to them?

There are also 285 tents camping next to the County Courthouse, complaining about their accommodations. NWOke activists say we need to be ready for hundreds more. And their point is?

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They are doing their expected part-- ignorant of their elite masters’ goals-- to create hate and divisiveness.

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I also just submitted this LTE: In the State of Homelessness editorial, fourteen MediaNews papers asked its editors, “Do people in your area claim that most of the homeless people are from somewhere else, and if your city would just stop all the ‘great benefits,’ they’d go back to wherever they came from?” These ‘false narratives’ led to their project. But they didn’t answer the question. Were our homeless born in Santa Cruz, do they have family here, were they residents before they became homeless? That would be easy enough to verify by asking for their place of birth and last address. In 2017 CA had 22% of the nation’s homeless with 12% of the population. That indicates at least 10% of the country’s homeless have come here from elsewhere. In addition to the second highest cost of housing, we’re each taking responsibility for twice our share of the country’s homeless. And there’s no end in sight.

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How would you call 1000 banksters at the bottom of the ocean? "A good start"!

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HaHaHaHaHaHaHa! I'm a lawyer, and I resemble that remark! HaHaHaHaHaHa!

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You have competition now; you have to try harder :)...

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To let our friend Steve off the hook, I think you've got the number too high. The people who create the money from mortgages aren't spreading that ability around. They're not the 1%, they're one in 100M or the .00000001% (if I've counted my zeroes right). I'd say no more than 80 oligarchs in the world.

And WORSE than throwing them in the bottom of the ocean, where their impotent rage would be extinguished, would be taking back the assets and labor that backs their money--or bubble gum wrappers as Putin calls it.

In the immortal words of the Godfather, 'Take the assets, leave the money.' The money will only shoot you in the foot.

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022

Hahahaha! I’m not worthy. What can I say? Thank you Teresa. Hey Hubris, let me give you an unsolicited opinion: don’t be messing with an Awakened Economist :)

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You are definitely a nice guy, with a sense of humor :)... NO trip for you to the bottom of the ocean - ha, ha!

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"And WORSE than throwing them in the bottom of the ocean"... would pollute the oceans :P...

Would you prefer cremated :P?

Sure, there are probably few people in control... but don't forget their minions, and those are counted in millions.

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Hahaha. I actually did develop a plan for the oligarchs in one of my episodes: Yuval Harari & the MetaWealth Miniverse. Since they're into fake lab-grown meat and 24/7 virtual unreality, what do they need Earth for? We can just shoot them into space in Elon's cockrocket (as Russell Brand calls it) and they can live out eternity there--since death is for peons. Some minions might choose to go serve them but not millions. And then they can leave the rest of us alone to dig in the real dirt, see friends in real life, and make babies the real old-fashioned way ;-)


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That's Bezos' cock-rocket... (https://www.indiatoday.in/science/story/blue-origin-new-shepard-launch-snl-pete-davidson-jeff-bezos-space-tourism-1925475-2022-03-15)...

Same Megalomania, Different (psychopathic) Billionaire... (SMDB)

("psychopathic" is redundant when describing "billionaires").

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Hey. I just spent some time watching your linked “home is where the hearth is.” You tackle relatively complex subjects in a really friendly, relaxed style. I really enjoyed it. You’ve quite talented. I’ll check out more of your work for sure. Thanks for doing this!

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I'm honored that you checked out my video, Steve. What a nice compliment. I'm really enjoying the YT/ Substack format. I'm finding people who are engaging with those relatively complex subjects and my relatively complex ideas on them ;-) I'll look forward to your thoughts when you check out some more. Glad to make your acquaintance!

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Gentle, thoughtful, supportive… full of history & pride. Also why we grandparents need to keep in relationship with the younguns. A welcome relief/break from all the “news”

Hearing Reagan recite the poetry brought a healthy tear to my eyes ! And your youthful photos put a smile in my heart.

Thank you, Jill & Robert! ❤️🙏

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Ride Drs. Malone. Ride ride ride!

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. M... Come to Flori-gia. Just hop on I-10 and head East! Horse country here. A young couple from the Bay area just settled in across the street from us! Our largest land-holder is Ted Turner at tens of thousands of acres. We migrated here from the Seattle area in 2018 and haven't looked back. Still some remnants of the "old" America that, though flawed, was so much more "Human" than the crumbling country that we inhabit today. The vandals were able to breach our walls and gates sometime in the 50s and 60s and their destruction of our society (all of the West, actually) has been wildly successful. As remarked many times here, we are at the point that EVERY institution in this land has been captured and corrupted by the heirs of Hitler's Lebensraum, Stalin's purges, and Mao's Long Marches. Pol pot's genocides are next, I suppose, and doubtless will be embraced by our "intellectual" class when they commence. My wife is a survivor of the Balkan Wars (started her own NGO to provide humanitarian relief on the ground with mortar fire as her daily soundtrack). We have each slogged through some challenging times and have found a measure of peace here in the countryside of N. Florida.

As to trying to support our old schools, I fear it is way too late. I am a product of the University of Tennessee system and It is similar to all other institutions of "higher learning" in the country. My father was an Ag Prof at UT Knoxville and began to suffer under the rising institutional "PC"-ness of "higher education" in the 70s and 80s. I am convinced that the daily stress of dealing with the admin/bureacracy at the university contributed to his early death at 61 -far too young...

Thanks for sharing your life stories with us. Thankful for you voice...

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022

Excellent assessment and diagnosis Doc! Now help Dr. Malone lead with interventions. Having just been "retired" from a 15 year career of lecturing pathopharmacology at Purdue I agree it may be way too late. I pointed out in class that the new mRNA products had not been tested in pg, lactation, and childbearing... The institutional "PC" police have overwhelmed competence and critical thinking with woke ideology. We have had a famous fiscal conservative as recent President but he did little, or was ineffectual, at holding the line against enlightened academics. So we still have determination and grit, trying to figure out the course correction for our country and our grandchildren. My father was an Ag professor at Purdue and I'm glad he did not live to see the current state of affairs.

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I'm with you! The state of things today would have certainly done my father in even though he was pretty tough (Navy TBF pilot in WWII).

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Sometimes I look at all my my old 'Go Vols' stuff and sigh....

Thankfully TN took the stand for Ivermectin among other things.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sigh… when my husband prevailed on me to leave my home state California for his home state of Texas, I went but not happily and oh I hated Texas. Fast forward, have spent the best years of my life (outside of my childhood) here, but so often homesick for what I have come to accept was a time and place that is dead, buried beneath the trampling feet of the oppressed leaving, and the third world ‘immigrants’ taking their place. I graduated high school in 1973 at a time when California had the best science campuses in the country, the state had surpluses, and there was still a feel of that the dust of the old ranchero days was filtering in the golden sunlight. Can anything new be built in the current environment? Maybe not in the traditional sense, but a parallel society as evidenced by the young people standing up that you cite

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022

California needs a Moses and 40 years wandering in the desert until the old, corrupted generation dies off and a new generation can take its place.

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The last two plus years have caused me to go through a mourning process as well. For over twenty years we traveled to various countries on mission trips. We spent three months in Ghana, managing a missionary guesthouse, and made many trips to Central America. Romania was my first destination out of the country. We met so many wonderful people and are still in touch with some. Required covid vaccinations for travel ended that. Even though things are (temporarily, I believe) somewhat better now, I don't think I will ever leave this country again. One day I decided to be happy that I met all these people and traveled to all these places, instead of sad because it is over. Now I can think back on those times with joy, as you do your childhood in California. Take care.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love these young people! It gives me hope that THEY have hope! They are blessings.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone you are part of a dying breed of what I call a real man. You are not afraid of physical labor. Probably know how to fix things around the house, hunt, fish and plant crops. But you are well educated and smart. My husband and father are both educated, but men that are salt of the earth. Unfortunately, that’s not very common now. Keep up the good work and the good fight.

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"Dr. Malone you are part of a dying breed "

Ugh... I believe that Dr. Malone is still healthy and strong :P...

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I sure hope so too! We need him and his wife Jill. They must outsmart their enemies by living a long and happy life. And of course the evil ones, not so much.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Through your Substack I think of you as a dear and treasured friend. It makes me smile that anyone could try to label you "far right." I bet you've never voted Republican or conservative, unless you voted for Youngkin in the last election. (I consider him a mild conservative). However, I kind of think you may be voting quite a bit differently in the future.

The Biden administration is going to make many, many people "far right."

I am in Florida and our fear here is that all this California migration is going to ruin our delightful state as it has Colorado. Californians have progressivism in their souls. They won't realize that what makes Florida work so well, with a few liberal enclaves in the state, is its conservatism.

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I felt the same way as you about people moving from CA to FL. However, I now have a neighbor and a good friend who moved from CA and I swear they are more conservative than me! Lol

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Hey! I know people who moved "a bit" further - to Russia!

Frankly, I would too, if I was younger.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Native Californian. Raised 3 very successful kids here. Husband has been a self employed businessman for 48 years I was a nurse. We have finally had it and are packing up and selling I am not going to pay the states weather tax any longer. I don’t think CA has a chance to come back in at least 3-4 generations due to the harm that the democrats have done here in the last 3 decades Our votes don’t count due to corruption with ballots, homelessness is out of control in every city of size, regulations have become overbearing on businesses, The whole covid tyranny. Horrible management of our forests resulting in massive fires every year. One of the things that finally did it for us is the water issue and the state refusing to build any increase in storage (a dam was torn down last year in our area for retrofitting it will never be rebuilt in my lifetime). Water is released thru waterways to save fish life creating manmade droughts thru the years. Electrical blackouts and now we need to have electric cars! It’s unsustainable when you wrap your head around it. Thanks Dr Malone for all you do!

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Here in central Texas we are having water problems mainly due to developer greed over developing our water capacity. One city here boasts of being the 6th fastest growing city in the US and has been on stage 2 water restriction for most (all?) of the16 yrs we have lived here. Thanks to drought we just entered stage 3 restrictions

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Such a good read. I sent it to everyone who still believes in a shared experience of land and people. Some thing made over generations and bestowed with honor. Not shoved down our throat by “leaders and representatives“. These are deep channels in our collective memory, cut by people we never knew before us, who thought about us, as we should think about those beyond us. Thank you so much Dr. Malone, for reminding all of Americans what we have to lose, and what we should preserve

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was born in San Francisco and lived my entire life along the West Coast - up until 2020 when we moved to beautiful East TN. Spent 15 years in Portland most recently, but grew up in Seattle, Salem and spent 15 summers through high school in Southern CA. I remember the wonderful things about California - there was no other place like it. Like Portland, I’ve watched the state deteriorate and crumble right before my eyes. Self inflicted wounds with no end in sight. Dr Malone, I used to blame state and local leadership too. Governors Newsom, Brown and Inslee are all horrific. Local DA’s have opened the floodgates to crime. City Mayors have defunded police. However, I ultimately realized that it was the people - the woke Progressive citizens - of which there are many, who continually approve and applaud this behavior. They demand justice (whatever they want this to mean) at unspeakable costs. I’ve talked to plenty of West Coast Progressives and it’s downright scary to hear what they have to say. As you know, they defend the actions and policies we decry. They’re utterly, truly lost. I fear for this country when so many of its people are not just willing participants in their own demise, but demanding of it.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nice piece. I lived in Santa Barbara for 15 years and loved it. I still love it and it's a great place to live and to visit. But I agree with you fully about the insane Covid policies that both Newson and local politicians have imposed in CA. I live in Hawaii now and alas it was even worse much of the time in Hawaii even though Hawaii had an extremely light impact from Covid (far far more damage was caused by lockdowns and vaccines than the virus in HI and CA both). Fingers crossed that my fellow liberals wake up eventually from their Covid nightmare and realize just how incredibly botched up their policies were. https://tamhunt.medium.com/how-covid-19-stats-are-grossly-exaggerated-a-brief-summary-of-the-arguments-53a5b4237c4c

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If you are in Hawaii I recommend you watch Dr. Jordan Peterson's latest interview with Michael Yon. Michael Yon has a Substack too. Sobering to say the least.

If I was in Hawaii highly dependent on supply lines and shipments, I would be putting up loads of non-perishable food now while I can still get it.

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Mahalo! I've been prepping pretty seriously for a while now and have at least a couple years of food stashed away. Plus a garden that is steadily improving, plus solar power, electric car, and rainwater catchment.

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Until the CCP shuts down the entire electric grid and “poof” goes all digital storage including the Cloud. One of the reasons I tell my grandkids I still read real books not Kindle.

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Not to butt in, but I claim Dr. Jordon Peterson as one of ours, a Canadian genius.

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No, no, no....not just Canadian. He belongs to the world.

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I totally agree with you, but seldom these days can one claim anything positive and be proud of in Canada, hence my selfish claim to Dr. Jordan Peterson. Cheers.

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Canada is a wonderful country full of wonderful people. Unfortunately you have Trudeau.

Here's a tidbit. I was a member of Knitting Paradise and had been since 2011. It was sold to new owners in Canada.

I had replied on threads and I supported the truckers. I tried to explain their position and why Trudeau was a totalitarian. I thought I was polite.

The new owners required all members to re-apply. When I reapplied I was banned from this forum.

The Woke rot and cancel culture has infected everything.

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Wow! I am so sorry to hear that. The last 5 years have been horrible here. I can't believe that I can despise a person for what they have done to our once beautiful and respected country. At times it is hard to get used to these woke monsters, I refuse to align myself with them, that. Here is hoping and praying that it can turn around, with our Lords' help.

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We are truly thankful!

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So thankful for Dr. Jordon Peterson. My sons have listened frequently to his solid counsel.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

God knows the truth. And God bless you! Both you and Jill are heroes and will be remembered by many as such. As horrific as it must be to be discredited in this unjust, unfair, totally false way, it must be a real booster to the self to have your back, take your stand and be the true warriors that you are in this lifetime. Self-love is a great thing, because it helps you support the world out of love and desire to share. I salute you and would bow to you both if I saw you on the street....not to mention all the tears I would shed for helping me get through this difficult time, inspired by your courage. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, I read your story with great interest. I too was born, raised, educated and raised my family in Orange County, CA. I graduated from UCSB in 1979 and those four years were some of the best in my life. I met my future wife there. I graduated from UCLA med school in 1983, completed my Internal Medicine residency in 1986 and went on to practice in Orange County. I moved to Tennessee in 2013 for an amazing job and more importantly to escape the declining state I was born and grew up in. I share many of your feelings and experiences. Keep up the good fight.

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Did you ever rotate onto UCLA’s 1-West Neurology or the Neurology Clinic in the Neuropsychiatric Hospital? I trained there, did a neuro-otology fellowship with Bob Baloh, and served as Chief of Clinical Neurological Services from 82-87. Did you know IM resident Helen Blumen? A surgeon and I joined Helen in writing clinical guidelines for Milliman Care Guidelines for several years. But I saw the “writing on the wall“ for the practice of medicine in California with the onslaught of so-called managed care. I got an MBA at the Anderson school of management And was a medical director or chief medical officer of several different medical entities, always staying focus on utilization management, to preserve doctors the freedom of practice. But I think it was ultimately a lost cause. My wife and I happily retired away from Los Angeles but because we have 10 grand children here i’ll probably die here. Best wishes.

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I was in medical school in class at UCLA 79/80 and 80/81. I did the majority of my 3rd and 4th years at Harbor. I did my IM residency at St Mary’s in Long Beach and did most of my UCLA rotations at Harbor. I was Chief Resident at St Mary’s 86/87 then went into practice with Bristol Park Medical Group in Orange County. I don’t remember a Dr Blumen. The only Neuro-Otologist I work with was at Hoag hospital. I still have a few cousins and aunts in CA. My dad and my entire family left in 2013. Keep up the good fight. Dan

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Harbor was one of our neurology residents rotations. Great place for medical education. Bristol Park had an excellent reputation. I see you have an MBA. I got one at the Anderson school when I began to realize that our profession was going “managed-care“. I ended up managing large medical groups but always focused on making sure that utilization management looked out for the patients , As that was the department that could truly do harm to them. My wife and I retired four years ago to San Diego and the only reason we’re still in California is we have three children and 10 grandchildren still living in California. Best wishes.

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I lived in California for a decade before returning to my home state Florida, the year before Wuhan. I thank our Prime Essence every day that I did. I empathize with this exceptional assessment as California and the majority of its people are truly beautiful. Its governance, on the other hand, is as ugly as “leadership” can get … ironically, in the name of tolerance! Dr. Malone, embrace the compliment …you are definitely far right, as in intellectually correct.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, you are a hero to me and I’m sure many people feel the same…

…keep up the yeoman’s work

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Forgive me if this is too personal an observation but i find it compelling. I believe your life typifies the story of America. The first nation to have a foundation built squarely and solidly upon the values and principles of the Christian faith.

A beautiful culture emerged featuring unprecedented freedom peace and prosperity.

As is the ancient pattern, this prosperity fostered a move away from God toward a belief in man’s ability to provide for himself.

For some decades the benefits of the founding faith lingered even when the faith was gone.

But California was very prosperous and moved quickly down that road to what we now see. Wicked corruption. Debauchery. Loss of freedom. Poverty. Crime.

As this planned pandemic has descended like an evil dark cloud I’ve seen quite a number of people with enough remaining vision for truth break free from the mass formation psychosis that has been progressing to this culmination. A progression in step with the void left by loss of faith.

This vision is purely a gift from God. It is independent of human intelligence and wisdom (does this exist?). You have it. God is using you to open the eyes of many. And to provide support for many suffering rejection, discrimination and persecution.

I am thankful. We physicians in particular are in need of such support. It’s like manna. Please continue. I pray for God’s blessing to shower down upon you.

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