As an immigrant and political asylee here who has, in all likelihood, embraced the American ideal even more fervently than some native Americans, I watch this travesty—attacks on fundamental freedoms and deep corruption of the system—unfold with deep dismay and true horror. Whenever I see truly great men like Dr. Malone and brave warriors like Robert and Cameron who fight to rescue this deeply wounded country, I am moved almost to tears.


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Thanks for the heads-up on like-minded office-seekers!! We need to know who to support.

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Aww, I am so happy for you to read this!! After all these attacks on you, someone like Cameron calling you for support is just wonderful!!! All the best for Cameron Hamilton!! This made my day!!

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It’s great to see that people who love our country are still willing to get involved to try and save it. Unfortunately, the majority of the people in this country support a one world government and assuming we haven’t already lost our country, we’re one virus outbreak away from losing it for good.

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Al Hurst .. good article about where this country is headed . https://www.hoover.org/research/americas-new-jacobins

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“The European Union and the United Nations, not the US Constitution, are more their paradigms of social justice.” Sums up the progressive movement’s justification to shred our Constitution.

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And Edmund Burke: "These vices are the causes of those storms. Religion, morals, laws, prerogatives, privileges, liberties, rights of men, are the pretexts. The pretexts are always found in some specious appearance of a real good. You would not secure men from tyranny and sedition, by rooting out of the mind the principles to which these fraudulent pretexts apply? If you did, you would root out every thing that is valuable in the human breast. As these are the pretexts, so the ordinary actors and instruments in great public evils are kings, priests, magistrates, senates, parliaments, national assemblies, judges, and captains. You would not cure the evil by resolving, that there should be no more monarchs, nor ministers of state, nor of the gospel; no interpreters of law; no general officers; no public councils. You might change the names. (FROM: The Policy of the National Assembly Criticised)” https://oll.libertyfund.org/title/canavan-select-works-of-edmund-burke-4-vols

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Dickens' "Tale of Two Cities" is a primer for current events.

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It's certainly the worst of times.

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Interesting. As I'm watching with concern, the creation of O'2. Similar trajectory, up a similar staircase. If it succeeds, I surely hope our opposition is prepared (just in case). Of course then maybe Michelle could be the challenge. Still a while ahead. 🤞 Hope it's lesser challenges.

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I hope lesser challenges Jean , but don’t think so .

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I do not believe that the "majority of the people in this country support a one world government”. Where do you draw this conclusion from?

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The majority support a one world government?

Are you basing that on corporate media polls or Dominion votes?

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I was thinking the same thing. The loudest voice is quite often the minority voice.

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..rend our hearts...heal our land

imo personal and group outcry to the One is the way that works, always has been

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👍👏🇺🇸This man sounds great. He has the grit and experience to fight the domestic war being waged against Americans.

Everyone, please ask your favorite conservative podcaster, Substacker, and blogger to interview him. For example, I just emailed Charlie Kirk (freedom@charliekirk.com) asking that he please interview Cameron Hamilton, VA Candidate, House of Representatives as “another example of a battle-tested patriot and family man stepping up to the challenge.”

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Thank God for people like Cameron and you!

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Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Jill Malone = Warriors!!! Safe Travels and Very Best, Ed

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"Hope and change" was a slogan abused by Obama. In his hands, change destroyed hope. In candidates like Cameron Hamilton, the is a glimmer of hope that we can stop the endless division and support our country and not our individual interests. Lets get together and support candidates like him!

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Candidates like this are to my mind a good reason to reinstate the draft. There seems to be an inverse ratio of veterans serving in Congress and a willingness to embroil us in senseless wars. Not any of the hawkish neocons I can name can claim a distinguished war record. Also, if we hand our military back to soldiers rather than a flock of pandering misfits recruits could be reintroduced to our Founding principles by persons to whom they carry great meaning. Sincerity is a great teacher. The kids today are obviously not getting this from their schooling

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With its present woke leadership - Vax for all, trans coverage, et al - volunteered or drafted - are the armed services really a place to go?

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No it is not which is why I said the military needs to be taken from the woke perverts that have their grubby hands all over it. But I do believe a stint in. service would do more to counter the spoon fed propaganda kids are fed today in school. The idea of 18 yr old kids voting with the misinformational background they have today is truly frightening and I cannot come up with a better way to combat it in the time frame we are being given by the progressives

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Absolutely agree with your concerns and sentiments! However, with what I've read and watched am super concerned with the source. Our state wanted voting at 16. Not sure if they got it. What other ways can we reach these youngsters? We do seem to have some budding entertainers. I don't know any uoung people so don't know what they are focusing on.

The next question, to what extent (post HS) are they focused on elections and voting?

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It comes down to the foundation, the data base on which they base their decisions in the voting booth. And right now the evidence is alarming. Wilson and Dewey, both progressives, began the 100 yr undermining of our foundational principles as taught in schools. It progressed from diluting the impact our Founders had in their revolutionary approach, to increasing degrees of outright misinformation until now the kids are convinced the Founders were a pack of slave owning critters of whom we should be ashamed and the only cure to to morph into socialism. To overcome this requires overhauling the entire ed system from root to branch.We need a quick fix

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Absolutely with you on this one. Need to sweep every shred of woke out the door and bring in some Hillsdale type history and civics for starters. Either that or form at home or home style groups to bring their kids in and focus on meaningful content

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We need more brave patriots like this - people with the principles and courage of people like Thomas Paine and Patrick Henry. What's happened is the "Julian Assange treatment" has cowered most potential leaders into remaining silent. The Censorship Industrial Complex uses carrots and STICKS to intimidate the people who could drain the swamp.


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As a fellow VA'n, you have my vote and support, Cameron. We need to replace A.S. And with your background and experience. Looking forward to your campaign and win!

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We ALL need more Cameron Hamilton serving in our government or we’ll never save our Republuc ❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸

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I would love to support all the patriotic men and women currently running for office even those outside California which happens to be a lost cause. Thank you Dr Malone for spreading the news about people you trust since I don’t have the time to research every candidate I would like to support. I can only donate a small amount but every little bit counts.

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What a WINNER! God bless him and his family!!! ✝️💜

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Gives such a ray of hope that there are still honorable people running for office.

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One small bone of contention. You referred to the need to return to Judeo Christian values. While this is laudable, it fails to account for the growing population of our Moslem brothers and sisters, our Jewish brethren (the 'Judeo' part of Judeo Christian tends to get swept under the rug), Buddhist communities that have grown widely over the years, and folks like myself who don't subscribe to a particular faith but consider ourselves spiritual in thought and deed. All of these religions have shared values of lovingkindness, compassion, tolerance, community, charity toward others and a will toward social justice, some where in their respective canons. We are not just a Christian nation. We are a nation of multiple faiths, all of which can, and do, make important contributions to American society. It is important to remember this.

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The terms "Judeo-Christian" and "Constitutional" are nearly interchangeable. The Founders gleaned from the Bible various clues to the human condition to formulate a system of government that recognized both man’s propensity for power and advantage, while at the same time acknowledging man’s Divine origin and potential. Notice that the Constitution does not mention God, unlike the Declaration, but the principles of freedom, and its attendant responsibilities, which allows for the Islamist, the Hindu and the atheist to prosper, result from a time in human history when the tenets of the Bible were of paramount influence in the general culture. The term “Judeo-Christian” does not imply “theocracy”, rather “freedom”, rightly defined.

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Well said.

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023

Connie, Very well spoken and include me in the mix of multiple faiths.

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For the record:

I expect we could observe our Nation was founded on a Judeo-Christian foundation. On the other hand we've grown and peoples of other faiths and no faith have joined us. You note shared values. Might it not be helpful to focus on the beneficial values we all share (and as embodied in our J.C.underpinnings)?

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Disagree. Either we have a culture distinctly ours or we do not. I believe when progressives finally discombobulate ours, as they have been doing for over 100 yrs, they will have won the war and our Constitutional Republic is truly dead

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We do have a culture that is distinctly ours. It is pluralistic, or at least strives to be. Who wants to live in a monolithic polity that only recognizes or accepts one faith or ethnicity? I know I don't. I believe that is called a theocracy. Immigrants come here because they find the freedom to be who they are, and worship as they choose and are probably the staunchest patriots because of this. This is not a left vs. right issue.

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The term is Judeo-Christjan ETHIC. That means a set of cultural standards around which that culture developed. Should not be a,surprise not all cultural standards are compatable. Tough

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Then it would have to include the Native American, which is such a small minority for good reason. Genocide will do that to a nation.

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So glad some good people are running. Thanks for letting us know. We need more, and more, and more... let's make it exponential!

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