I'm definitely sharing this with friends and family. A couple thoughts - I agree it's going to get worse before it gets better. The motive to push the clot shot the first time around was primarily money, with a secondary bonus of testing global control and, as an extra benefit get rid of the elderly who are dependent on Medicaid and Medicare. But I fear that what is looming just ahead is focused on poking us to rise up in protest so that they are justified to either jail us or kill us to shut us up once and for all. And, no, I am not a conspiracy theorist - I'm a practical realist. And, for the record, Fauci is a classic malicious narcissist. Most tyrants can be diagnosed as such. They always find ways to rise to power. The irony is how the brain dead masses are so easily manipulated to worship these demons. My only consolation is knowing that God always keeps a remnant. Be a remnant.

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And silly me, thinking that the reason msm is so biased is because of the indoctrination package that is part and parcel of a liberal arts education today. But, "Follow the money." Duh.

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Seems to me the reason is always about the money first (but let's not forget desire for power). But dumbing down the general population through the education system sure makes it easier to get the money. This takes time though and is the result of those willing to play the long game. I used to say we are living in the Matrix but I am starting to see more comparisons to The Truman Show, where the whole illusion is founded on the making of a hit show. Unfortunately we have been conditioned to desire and therefore expect certain parameters that define a perfectly perfect illusion of a 'good' life. Thus common sense and discernment have been leached out of us, a sip at a time.

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Which is another reason for them to disavow the existence of a Supreme Being; gets in the way of the script. "Be a remnant." Amen!

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Oh yeah. Of course I always see things from two different angles. The human side, which is generally a result of the unseen things going on in the spiritual side. Fortunately, this keeps me from despairing. I am well aware 'they' can hurt my body but not my soul. Even if it does get worse before it gets better it's all going according to plan. Where demons trip themselves up is arrogant belief that they are gods. Oldest lie in the history of ever.

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Meemanator, I too keep from despair by knowing that the spiritual side is always in charge, and yet our free will can trip up the plan.

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Yep. That pesky thing about free will is closely related to what Oswald Chambers defined as God having a 'perfect' will and a 'permissive' will, which means we are like toddlers who want what we want when we want it so sometimes God lets us have it our way. Sometimes we learn from the experience and reset our will to His and sometimes we fuss about why people claim God is good when bad things happen, never seeing our contribution to the problem. It's a deep and wide topic for sure.

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Dr. Mattias Desmet said exactly that, “It’s going to get worse before it gets better”. Better stop there. 🤬 Ed

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As did Dr. Malone - and quite a few others which is comforting to know common sense isn't completely dead. It would be awesome if we could stop what is surely coming but I'd rather be aware and prepared by a tough truth than blindsided by the illusion of a sweet lie.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drs Malone you both are so inspiring and amazing! Keep on keeping on~ you are doing important work! You are GREATLY APPRECIATED! For such a time as this….✝️💜

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“ I have walked the World and made it out alive”. Drs. Malone.. Rock On, Ed

Edit: I have found it very difficult in the uk to find intellectual individuals… oddly, My Best Friend is 16 YO. Smarter than most people I have met. If I’m getting ready to something stupid, tell Me, same in return. If there is a better way, tell Me, Same in return.

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I do fear that we have yet to see the worst of this. They are purposely, systematically destroying the middle class. This has to be done because the middle class has enough awareness and financial ability to fight back. This is the one thing they cannot allow. So...take precautions!

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Basically, if you are not one of "them" you are not allowed to drive the economy in any manner and the middle class does exactly that. There can be no middle men interfering with goals or siphoning off "their" wealth. Plandemic closed businesses, told everyone to stay home to reconstruction the model economy to rich/poor - the poor forced into an existence of government stipends for total control.

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The middle class has been the main target of socialists since marx.

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And yet he and Engels were rallying the paupers when there was no middle class.

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Which was where they had their greatest succeses. It was those countries with a strong middle class that were the most resistant to their messaging. So the middle class became the prime target for world dominion by socialism

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Yet another more true statement cannot be made. 🤬, Ed

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Very illuminating interview, kudos to Ms. Ferber and the Malones. Connects the dots on what transpired, why it transpired, and the timeline behind the recent madness.

It has been very much underreported regarding the early history, especially the problems that led to Dr. Malone's abandoning the platform despite having done the early research on mRNA. (The only other time I've seen it mentioned was during an overseas interview when a Dutch interviewer noticed the inconsistency in his career path then asked about it.

Very telling, that. I wish Robert spoke about it more often. Thanks again, for filling in the timeline.

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Thanks, but it is not about me....

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A great interview. Ties up all the threads as we currently know them and puts them in perspective. Endgame: Living a simpler more independent life yet dependant on trusted truthful support systems....and yes, I too think it is going to get rougher. Thanks for being on the frontlines and taking the hits. You are both national treasures.

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National treasures- I so agree! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Spot On…Dang, Another More True Statement That Can Not Be Made. Ed

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a joy to have a family interview! Appreciated the insights as to how it works behind the scenes. From what I've heard about lions, behind every successful male lion there's an able hard driving lioness. Seems that does fit. So far, have come across 3 articles on modRNA. The changes to your base product made a creation with its own unique formulation, usability and risks. Glad you alluded to the difference. You folks are a powerhouse together. We, our world, couldn't be more fortunate to have you on our side. I'm especially grateful for the community you've provided for us here. Wishing you another glorious day on the waters and islands as you contemplate the wonders of our world and the prospects of our tomorrow's.

Very Bestest ever and always. ❤️ 💜

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Actually, I believe that it is the lioness who is the more active hunter in the pride. The male mainly poses for pics in Natl. Geographic.

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GETTR TOK Had a great video of a park ranger visiting the lions. There was a tree with grasses around it in a desert like setting. He called and the whole family emerged. The Gorgeous Male came up and they stood together in a hug. Then the ranger squatted among them with pets, face brushes with the male and all the rest. Them cats were all smiling. My impression is the lioness is a primary hunter, but also spurs the lion into action when he needs to be involved. From what Dr Robert and Dr Jill said - that sounds alot like the way it works with them.

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There apparently two …”dr jill” and And Dr.JM/Dr. Jill Malone… Just sayin’. Very Best, Ed

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The three that stalked us in Tanzania were lioness…We saw males sleeping lazily. 🤣There are and have been amazing people…just to name two..the Sheepeater tribe in Idaho & the Massai warriors (their histories are fascinating). I wish our Founding Fathers were still around.. We could use their help. Ed

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It was so much fun seeing the two of you together in this podcast! I wish everyone would read the portion where the two of you talk about your role in developing the mRNA platform and how you DID NOT develop the covid vaccine. You've said it many times before, but the lies continue. I agree with Robert, we are in for rough times. Some pastors are saying that we may very well be in the end times, as prophesied in the Bible. A well-known pastor in California, Jack Hibbs, preached a very interesting sermon recently, giving his explanation of UAPs. He believes they are demonic spiritual forces and I think he may be right. There are prophecies in the Bible that seemed so outlandish and impossible in the past, but seem very plausible now. https://calvarycch.org/in-the-daze-of-deception/

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My father also states these UFO are demons!

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8/21/23: Do aliens exist? Glenn asks one of the few men who has walked on another world, Apollo 16 astronaut Charlie Duke, what he believes. Duke, who became a strong Christian after visiting the moon, explains why he wholeheartedly believes that UFOs exist, but that they're better described as "demonic" than "extraterrestrial." Plus, he shares his testimony and why faith in Jesus is the only thing that could top walking on the moon.


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Shelly, this belief completely disregards the possibility of benevolent forces from another dimension. IMO there are always "helpers" working towards supporting us humans in waking up. UFOs and aliens are words that are over used to scare people. Did the people from long ago understand when the Angels showed up?

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1604. Ed

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Aug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023

Ed, I don't know what that means. 1604 supernova?

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I know nothing of another dimension. I understand forces of good and evil that may directly impact the world as we know it. Our knowledge is extremely limited regardless of how much we 'discover'.

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Shelley, Here I go again... Dr Malone just cross posted an article from David Marks, he must value his perspective being that he has posted other articles from him. Try reading Arial Phenomena Revealed by David Marks SS.

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I prefer the term 'extra dimensional'. :-)

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Jack Hibbs is not sensational at all. He stated that he knew there would be those who disagreed with him, and that many pastors would avoid such subjects because they're afraid of upsetting people. He cites a lot of scripture. I, and others, have been saying that satan is out in the open now, and still people cannot see him.

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Pastor Jack's radio program "Real Life Radio" is on Botts radio network in KC at 11:00 PM and possibly other times as well. He is a master at scripture and actually preaches the Gospel..

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It definitely looks that way

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My mother also said she thought ufos were demons. This was back in the sixties.

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Anne, How can demonic and spiritual be in the same breath?

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I am not answering for Anne, but here is scripture that supports The Adversary (Satan the demonic) is a spirit. Why, because demons infest our souls.

Here is what Paul said "We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12)

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I get what you are saying and I don't agree with the idea of "being Infested" too victimy for me, not that there weren't possessions happening.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"...she dragged out a large box of data that we kept..." Now there's a morsel of wisdom! And the

Amish reference! In the face of this 5th gen warfare, the more unplugged we are, the better.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fantastic interview! I'm forwarding this to everyone in my sphere. The Malones are priceless.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love you Dr Malone, but it was SO nice to hear from Jill in this one! ♥️

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Ma-Lion/ess! It's so good to see you Dr. Lioness! I enjoy reading your works that you and your husband take the time and effort to write. It's deeply appreciated and sanity saving for us all, love you both and love your coat!

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Every time you need to do an interview such as this, it must dreg (dredge) up all the insidious crap you two have gone through for decades, not just these last few years. P.T.S.D. is certainly understandable. Thank god you two are resilient and capable of handling the stress. Thank you is hardly sufficient for all you go through, but for lack of better sentiment, Thank You!

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The travails of the Malone family only point to my sincere belief that medicine and science should be kept as separate as possible and not as conjoined as it has become today. When they become too conflated you are gifted with a certifiable asshole like fauci declaring he is science. A more implausible statement is to me unimaginable but there you are.

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Also, too many of the clinics and doctor offices have been consolidated and absorbed by hospitals allowing for more control. This is especially true for those under Medicare. Options are very limited and you are stuck with under performers, literally.

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I sorta lived during a major change here. I went to uni in the 60s sharing classes with pre-meds. They heavily leaned towards kids driven by at least some altruism and many were scions of medicos continuing a family tradition. The period of the Buick being the "doctors car". Then medicare came out and entirely changed the paradyne. Money quickly became a prime motivator to become a doc and the Porsche replaced the Buick. Also of course medicine became much more institutionalized as you referred to. It has not been a good path taken since 1965.

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023

So, I'm in my "Doctor's" office about 20 years ago. I stopped in to try and get my MIL an appointment, as she couldn't get through on the phone for whatever reason.

So, I'm in the waiting room, which is right next to the hall to the main office and the exam rooms. The "DR" is there, talking with two people in suits, once male one female, carrying briefcases. Since he had no idea I was standing there, there was a conversation happening which he wasn't aware I was privy to. I never intended to eavesdrop, but hell, when in Rome, eh ?

So he was bitching at the reps (pharma) that he wasn't making enough money (kickbacks) on the drugs he was prescribing. Complaining that his patients were not big enough consumers of the drugs, and he needed more of a rate of return, so that when he retired a few more years down the line, he would be happily set, financially. The convo went on for a while, and being repulsed by his words, I walked out. I went home and told my MIL (who lived next door at the time), that I couldn't get an appointment for her, that she needed to do it herself, because I thought the guy was a real dick, and would never go back to him again.

It was right about then I began to realize that these "Doctors" weren't at all concerned about their patients health, but it was more about how much revenue each patient generated for them. I realize NOT all doctors are equal, and YMMV, but it was a real wake up call for me to know that the Dr.s were in bed with Big Pharm. It was ALSO right about then that I was told that Santa Claus was fictional, and my brothers actually ate the cookies, carrots, and milk on the kitchen table.

So much for childhood fantasies.


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Thank you for that history. I think that Obamacare added to the medical misery. Congress has also failed us with the controls they have put on the medical industry with their purse. The US is understaffed by at least 100,000 doctors and it is my understanding that there are controls on accredited teaching entities and where their funding comes from, which by default limits the number of doctors and which fields are covered.

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A lot of those claims of doc shortages I suspect are akin to claims we have shortages in i.t. Hence import. They were bringing over m.d.s whose English was so bad could not take a history from a patient. Been told that was fixed but v.a. hospitals were loaded down with them. Something also little mentioned is when they stopped drafting docs the medical care for active and retired military and their families took a really big hit.

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I was researching this issue in 2020 when my Rep was touting getting restrictions removed to get foreign doc for rural America. I found out that it is Congress that funds medical training hospitals. At the time we were down 90,000 doctors, mostly general practitioners. It is as you say. USG wants the foreigners, has for a long time. It coincides with the downgrading of our country.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A nice read, but scary too

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Good read, thank you.

Where do you think this will end? Will this dystopian system eventually implode like every other communist regime?

When people are forced to cash out their 401ks, will the financial overlords lose power, or are we beyond that point? Can we simply unplug the machine?

The arrogance at the top may ultimately be its downfall. I work alongside many white collar professionals who support the current bullshit. They would have a quick demise if there were no internet, Amazon/Whole Foods delivery, psychotropic meds or blue collar servants. Nobody in leadership at my job knows how to read a map, shoot a rifle or even use a drill!

I too have bought land, am buying machinery and preparing for the worst-but I’m still hoping for the best.

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023

Very nice seeing Dr. Jill on the podcast, and hearing her perspective, the behind the scenes activities, and the interactions between Dr. R. and Dr. Jill. Nice to finally get her viewpoint, as my curiosity since joining this substack, was what she was actually thinking on all of this going on today. You two make a really nice couple, and work well together, which is more and more a rarity, today. Being with my wife over 34 years at this point, I concur.

My wife will like this podcast, minus the sexual overtones of the hostess, which I agree are a distraction from the interview. I sat through the episode because I wanted to hear their combined perspective of Dr. R. and Dr. Jill together, over the past few years, not watching, just listening. The host's voice tones which are somewhat "valley girl" to me, which I find irritating, but that's just my personal opinion, and no reflection upon the Dr.s.

Striking a nerve with some..... as I will do sometimes:

I know people say, oh she's (the host) beautiful, and smart, and yada, yada, yada. Yes, she may be, but if this was Joe Rogan, wearing a body builder's show trunks, with the camera pointing right at his "Junk", I think there would be some outrage, or at minimum, some disapproval of his attire.

Just saying....

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I listened to this interview and read the comments a few hours ago, and upon reflection of some of the comments such as this, I felt the need to say something.

I think some people may be missing the forest for the trees. Yes, I recognize that she wore an outfit that flatters her. She is a beautiful woman who is intelligent, asks probing questions and is "on our side", and doing a great service. As a heterosexual male, I did enjoy watching and listening to her, but I personally did not find it distracting -- if anything, enhancing. She's projecting her self image, just as we all do, in our own ways.

I have to wonder if criticisms like this may sometimes be coming from people who have their own insecurities about their physical selves and level of charisma. Be that as it may, I think we should not be so nitpicky and be thankful that we have people like Robert and Jill Malone and Taylor Ferber, etc. taking risks that most of us are not willing to.

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Nice stretch. Keep wondering, and deflecting, and maybe you'll get somewhere

Or not.

Some of us have a higher regard for the past when media people whos "profession" was interviewing important figureheads usually regarding what was intended to be a serious topic, and actually had to put some forethought into their physical appearance so they kept focus of the interview on the topic, and not a pair of breasts in a tight sleeveless dress. This woman obviously didnt think that far ahead, but as society continues to devolve into the abiss where any-thong goes, and every-thong works, if it sells. Why not add background ntro music of the WAP song? That will help sell clicks and views, eh?

Sure, that will help.👍

Sexuality has its place, and IMO, serious discussions over national, or world topics, isn't the place for it, as it's not relevant, nor does it contribute to the point of the interview. Its clearly a distraction, as look how much time is being spent on this part of the interview alone.

Yet, according to some of you, a pretty face and body makes it more interesting, so "no problem, Joe". I'll just follow your lead and "wonder" about all this.

There isnt anything wrong with being an attracive woman with something intellectual to talk about. Period. Most will agree, i would think.

How about not muddling it up by wearing appropriate attire that didnt detract from the topic at hand ? Such as the real professionals in the group, such as Dr Malone and Dr. Jill. No boob shirt for Robert, or Jill, now was there?

Good thing, eh?



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Well, we will all have our own opinions. I feel you may be overthinking this. I think she should be thanked rather than criticized.

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T, What a great analogy with Rogan, just the vision of it cracks me up!

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Well, the truth can be entertaining, at times.


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"There's no business like show business..." Whatever works.

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