Apr 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In the words of the great Jordan Peterson, to face the challenges of life, a parent’s job isn’t to make a kid safe, but to make them competent.

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

JP’s “12 Rules for Life” is a landmark work. Full of profound insight.

The most valuable book I’ve read in at least the last decade. Strongly recommend the audio! JP shows the full range of emotion while narrating.

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I have read the book, you have convinced me to listen to the audio. I do enjoy listening to him speak.

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I’m sold, too!

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Another book I will get.. gotta run.. be back later.

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To make them a functional part of society with aspirations, dreams and responsible. Ie independent

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There is a solution. It is transparency in government and decentralization- both using technology.

With all the division in the world who is talking about bringing people together? Who is talking about solutions?

We are:


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Dr. Malone, this is a bracing set of insights to me. I'm a parent, alongside my wife, of a teenage girl who has completely digested the trans lie, and considers herself a boy. We've spent nearly two years trying to rescue her from the therapeutic-industrial complex of mental health hospitals, trans-affirming psychologists and therapists, and the interference of the state of Arizona's so-called 'children's services," who took her from us because we will not "affirm" this lie. Believe me when I tell you: parenting alone is not the sole variable in this catastrophic cultural experiment.

There are only a handful of outspoken and courageous subject matter experts in this arena, who rarely (never?) receive airtime other than in the growing-yet-small community of parents and friends like us. Stephen Levine, Paul McHugh, Michael Laidlaw, and Paul Hruz are tenured and highly experience professionals, younger voices include Roberto DeAngelo, Lisa Marchiano, and Lisa Littman.

Organizations like Genspect, SEGM (Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine), and ACOP have no real megaphone to amplify the well-supported science of the biology of sex-based differences. Parents like us are met with, by own personal experience, 19 out of 20 practitioners who lie to children under the guise of gender affirmation.

We lost our child. She's as much in a cult, surrounded by groomers within the "children's services" and therapuetic-industrial complex who reinforce lies and tell her that non-affirming Mom and Dad are the problem. After 18 months, she's failed two complete grades, made herself unrecognizable with self harm and weight gain due to off-label drug use. We've been dragged into court nearly 30 days, and spent countless nights researching, trying to find someone to convince an LGBTQ judge to return her to our care given the clear evidence of her decline apart from us.

Surely, we made young parent mistakes, as all parents do. Surely, we could have done more, but this kid wasn't helicopter-parented. She got skinned knees, tons of free playtime in a park, generally unsupervised rough housing day after day outside.

The "algorithmic reinforcement" term must be alongside the thought "what was the first cause, the invasive force of cognitive dissonance," upon which algorithms could work? I haven't yet discovered the answer, yet. Somewhere it is hidden, beneath a miasma of external cultural messages, from harmless-seeming cartoons like Stephen Universe, to amateur cartoonists who deploy gender-bending characters on benign Youtube or Discord channels, to teachers, counselors, even, sadly, woke family members and woke church youth group leaders.

What is it perverting so many young children, especially girls, into trans identification? As a guy who is tangentially connected to clinical science in my profession, though not a physician, I see a lineup of physicians and therapists incentivized to turn children into perpetual victims. I see pharma companies developing revenue streams with off-label usage of Lupron, cross sex hormones, post-surgical "supportive care" to a new target market of perpetual patients whose bodies will atrophy and decay as they are poisoned against God's good design. I see a victim culture that needed to call parental oversight "abuse" and parental guidance "rejection" because the LGBTQ crowd is full of preening hatred of parents and God as they, too, reject a clear ontological argument for divine design written in their anatomy.

Anyhow. Thank you for writing a bit about this, and for your fearlessness on display. I fully accept my own responsibility for our young parent mistakes. Yet, I tell you with grievous experience: There's much more darkness going on here.

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Thank you for sharing your story. I completely agree with your conclusion -there is something deeply sick in our society and our medicine.

I can only offer my condolences for what you are going through.

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Thank you, Dr. Malone. Perhaps there’s a bit of amplification here.

If you’re open to this suggestion, I’d like to share with you my resignation letter sent to our corporate leaders, as my only voice of protest I can register at this point. It’s got too many personal details to share here. It’s the first resignation letter, perhaps, with a series of peer reviewed citations ;)

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I (finally!) became a paid subscriber in order to chime in here. Thank you, Doctor, for this very important post - and for all of your incredible work.

Foghorn is living a nightmare that many other unsuspecting parents may also find themselves in, and my heart breaks for you and your family.

My experience confirms what Foghorn described - namely that the transgender concept is being fed to children by the very adults their parents entrust them to - teachers (in public and fancy private schools alike), camp counselors, school counselors, pediatricians, social workers, and members of the psychiatric profession. Yes, these messages are also ubiquitous on the Internet and in entertainment, but they are reinforced and validated by the "professionals" and other adults who the kids encounter in their everyday lives.

What is most tragic is that a parent who is seeking help or counseling for their troubled teen has nowhere to turn, because at every level of "help" that is available, another "professional" or adult is waiting to introduce, or reinforce - and often encourage - the kid's transgender delusion.

They also scare the crap out of the parents by telling them that, if they don't go along with the charade, the kid will kill herself or, as

Foghorn explained, THEY TAKE YOUR KID AWAY FROM YOU if you don't play along.

What's also interesting is that the trans kids' peers openly accept and embrace their "friend's" new identity. That would not have been the case when I was a teen in the late 80s.

So there is essentially no pushback from anyone (other than the parents) once a kid gets on the trans train.

I've known trans kids to receive "courage" awards from their high school. Being trans is openly celebrated, and highlighted as an accomplishment or a virtue.

It's horrifying.

Parents need to know that this is a very real problem. Thank you, Foghorn, for sharing your very tragic story, and for Doctor Malone for facilitating this discussion.

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This is just horrifying. It seems like parents have very little say in their child’s decision to transition. They can pretend and go along or potentially lose their child. What a horrible position to be in. Foghorn, sending prayers for you, your daughter, and your family. 🙏

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You are full of compassion & gentleness while living through so much pain. You have my respect & prayers aplenty.❤️🙏

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I am so sorry for your daughter’s situation and the suffering you and your wife are enduring.

You are correct about the Darkness in the world today. There is a spiritual battle going on, and the forces of Darkness want our children. There is no other explanation for the evil that besets our children.

Continue to keep your faith and pray that your daughter may return to you. I will do the same, that she may be returned to you and made whole.

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

Amen! I am praying for this family and will continue to do so. I agree with you that this is a spiritual battle. We have rejected the ultimate parent, God, and have chosen instead to worship the created instead of the Creator (Romans 1:25). The only way to right the insanity that is plaguing our nation is to return to God en masse.

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From listening to guests on Megyn Kelly’s show and other places, your experience with your daughter and the medical “professionals” “supporting” her, are becoming more and more common. There are sites all over YouTube from other teenage females encouraging other females to transgender.

Historically, the incidence of females experiencing gender dysphoria is about less than 1% of the population. It is more common in men.

It’s a fad and a cult and the pharma industry has caught on with dollar signs in their eyes. I’m sure they are rushing to set up clinics everywhere they can to “help” these young women with drugs $$$$ surgery $$$$ and counseling $$$$. They do not care whose lives they destroy.

Add to this the Biden administration giving full legal support to the judges to block the parents, and our country has yet another Brandon crisis.

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Its unfathomable how we got here!!! The world has gone insane!!! I wonder if its all a part of the plan to break the spirit of society so the WEF can take over???

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just wait, the MAP folks are an up and coming addition to LGBQT. MAP = Minor Attracted Persons aka "pedophiles". There are professors writing books in their favour, lawyers fighting for their rights with the support of psychologists. I think the latest Disney move exposes just how badly this is wanted. The world is nuts and we got here because most of us are working our asses off to survive and didn't notice. Time to notice

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It appears to be a plan long in the making...... The first Director General of the World Health Organization. Dr. Brock Chisholm (a Canadian), said in a speech to the UN in 1948: "To achieve One World Government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions, patriotism and religious dogma".

There are other groups and organizations, such as The Club of Rome and the WEF, both originating in the seventies, whose long-term patience to bring about their hubristic and tyrannical goals is hard to grasp and daunting to prevail against.

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We will continue to fight

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My eyes are being opened to new truths everyday. But as much as that hurts, it is necessary because you can only correct the problems you're aware of. How to do it, I'm still not sure but it starts with resistance and resilience.

I am so sorry for the experiences described above. Parents can only do so much. Schools, friends, 'the town', even work places all have a big influence. The only advice I might give is to always have an open mind and open arms to your children for the day they return to you. And continue in prayer.

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This is heartbreaking. That anyone could take your child from you because you were ‘non-affirming’ is wrong, so wrong. There should be no such authority, especially one that goes under the guise of child services that almost certainly is full of social workers who are essentially ‘socialist workers.’ I hate them.

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In Canada its criminal to try to treat your child for gender dysphoria. I wish these same people cared as much about all the sex trafficking and child porn issues in our society

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Social services are deeply entrenched in child trafficking. They are physically removing innocent children from loving parents for considerably less than gender identity issues, and placing them with people that have been accused of child abuse, or worse, if there is anything worse. Our state and local governments are so corrupt people do not know where to turn in an attempt to be reunited with their children.

Before you vote in another election please take the time to find out the background of the people trying to take a controlling position in your community, and why.

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Great advice. I am in PA. We have an election in May. I better get researching’

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mzlizzi, I have every confidence you will. Tell everyone you can what you find...

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Is Dr Oz for hormone blockers and reassignment surgery? He would be a no-vote, if so.

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No...not sure what his prior position was, he has been viciously attacked based on his past. Currently he has a purely conservative position. Do you think DJT would support him otherwise?

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I don't know.

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Hate is such a strong statement.You may attract that which you so vehemently oppose.

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You are your child's only hope. Do whatever you must to save her from this evil that has drawn her in. You most likely could use some financial assistance. Contact attorney Thomas Renz. If he cannot help you, he can direct you to someone who can. Ask him to contact Stew Peters. I believe he will allow you to appear on his program. His viewers are very supportive of his cause. Last but not least, never give up hope...God always prevails and will overcome the evil that is attempting to destroy your family

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Lawyers have done all they can. In the administrative courts of this state, the judge is untouchable.

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Everyone reading this, get on your knees and pray like hell...

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I don't believe there is nothing more that can be done. You have not talked to the right lawyer yet. Are you actually giving up on your child? There was a parent on Stew Peters today, here is their story: https://rumble.com/v12ojh4-tx-baby-stolen-in-name-of-racism-fmr-marine-and-wife-stripped-of-baby-for-r.html

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He has become despondent after two long horrifying and costly years. We would go to the ends of the earth of our children, but most of us become emotionally drained. It feels hopeless. I can't imagine keeping up the kind of mental drain for two years. After working in psychiatric field and witnessing abuses of unethical psychologists, I can understand why he feels helpless and hopeless. Some psychologists get into the field because they have serious mental issues themselves. Anyway, that is what I have seen. That is why I see Jordan Peterson, like a breath of fresh air.

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Forgiveness is the fragrance of the flower... on the heel that has crushed it.

Peace begins with me.

St. Francis of Assisi

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I am so sorry. Your words ring true and describe the situations of several friends and family members. I pray that you get your daughter back.

You seem very well-educated on the trans cult subject. Assuming you’ve read Abigail Shrier too?

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Thank you for your prayers.

Yes. She’s a heroine. For sure.

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

Foghorn, I am so sorry you and your family is going through this. Part of the problem I see is that we’ve convinced ourselves we can only affirm people, we can’t ever say anything negative for fear of ruining their self esteem.

Too often, therapists just agree with their patients’ own self diagnosis, rather than search for a true root cause. I understand just like doctors during COVID, they must toe the line and spout the dogma or lose their license. How we are controlling our professional class is just Orwellian. I’m a scientist as well and I’m agog at how readily my fellow scientists fell in line with this whole upside down bizarro COVID “science”.

Sadly, young girls are particularly prone to these fads. In my day, it was anorexia. Then it became about sexuality - so many believed they must be lesbian. Then it became transgenderism. I believe if a therapist just worked with them to explore their feelings and where they’re coming from, most would realize they have a different problem altogether.

There’s no way we go from a historical 1% or so of the population to 5-10% in a few years as a true rise in cases. Just like COVID fear, this is driven by the constant talking about it.

I hope your daughter will come back to you some day. Keep engaging and letting her know you love her, no matter what.

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“There’s no way we go from a historical 1% or so of the population to 5-10% in a few years as a true rise in cases. Just like COVID fear, this is driven by the constant talking about it.”

Agree 100%. And your words make me wonder whatever happened to the Left’s favorite, “It’s all a construct!”

Time to throw it back in their faces and deconstruct the artificial transgenderism that they are creating (and let the truly transgender be).

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Girls. This caught my attention. Why mostly young girls are affected by this aberration? Although I hate to say it, depopulation comes to mind. Why now, though? Seems like the 1300’s plague would have been sufficient to accomplish the task for the Devil.

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I am so sorry you are going through this, even more sorry for your daughter... the enemy seeks to kill, steal and destroy. So many parents, including us, are dealing with the fallout of the demonic inspired LGBTQ agenda. Praying for you and your family.

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Wow, pretty rough stuff. To lose a child is one thing. But to witness in real time a child's degradation on a daily basis must be heartbreaking. I have 3 now in their 30s. To wonder what tomorrow will bring for them is always there. More now than ever. While there is hope.

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I do not understand how trained professionals are not putting two + two together on this TREND of Trans. Unlike the tatoo or ring in the nose Trends, this is ridiculously dangerous for our teens as it locks them to physically altering changes that cannot be reversed. Did they miss their Developmental Psychology classes? As a SpEd teacher, my awareness of brain development helped me as a parent to understand why my lip kisses with my kids slowly moved to cheek then ear, then around 15yo, to the back of the head. The brain in adolescence is firing up, causing all sorts of confusions. One ex is Metacognition- a kid who would dress in front of you, suddenly is shooing away the eyes of the parent - the teen's brain is able to think about other's thinking.

Sir, I actually believe your daughter will come back to you. My trendy kids, about 25 yo started to want lip kisses again. It shocked me every time! God bless your fight to protect her body from irreversible changes she will probably regret.

We need to go after the professionals allowing this to happen to our children. It's criminal in my opinion.

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I am very touched with your situation. It does call for forgiveness for everyone involved. I will quote a prayer I heard. “ I ask that forgiveness set me and everyone free” . My prayer for us all even as Jesus prayed Father forgive them for they know not what they do.

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This story is heartbreaking and one has to realize it can happen to anyone. Once the state gets a hold on you, they do not let go unless it is in their favor. Sue the state of Arizona.

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

Your experiences are truly heartbreaking. I can only hope for a better future for you and your family, that your daughter returns.

There was a guest on a Tucker Carson program some months age which detailed the financial foundations of this transgender mess. Although I imagine you are familiar with her, Kara Dansky, a feminist leader, it was very instructional for me. In case you wish to see it, teaser link here: https://www.foxnews.com/media/transgenderism-womens-rights-tucker-carlson-today.

I believe many of these issues partly evolve from our culture's flight from farms, real labor, and natural reality. Last Sunday we had a young family my wife works with to our ranch. Their 6 yr son had spent the last year recovering from chemo, and he wanted to see lambs. We penned a group of about 40 ewes and lambs together, letting him and his 8 yr sister wade, catch, and pet through them. Their excitement and wonder was magical. If our nation's kids could again see and participate in the process of birth, the importance of a mother's nursing and colostrum---and no, the commercial substitutes don't cut it, our lambs or calves are dead within a week with that, or so sickly---the bonds of mother and baby, of fearful lambs bleating and running to an equally loud bleating of mom, I think they would begin to realize and rightly take pride in their natural gender.

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

BRING BACK BULLYING. And playing outside. And games with scores. Now I must apologize for this comment. I’m Canadian after all.

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I am ever so grateful for having had the choice to go to college or go to work right after graduating high school.

At 18, I chose work--in an Italian restaurant owned by three brothers and their mother, who came to the US to make good money so they could eventually move back to Italy.

In their restaurant , I developed my work ethic and my hard shell . . . .

After Claudio caught me walking past a dirty table without stopping to pick up a thing, his scolding words ensured that my hands were never in my pockets again. After Marcello yelled at me for neglecting to fill the bread bin, my eyes were always on the lookout for an empty container and my hands were always at the ready to grab the knife and slice the long baguettes for refills. After Luigi shook his head and rolled his eyeballs when I gave the cold veal piccata to the customer who ordered the chicken francese hot, my mind invariably checked and double-checked every order for accuracy and consistency and then my legs sped the burning plates to their respective tables. And, Mama? Mama had the sweetest evil smile. And I knew she was constantly watching my every little move, ready to snap if I did something wrong. So, I continually worked hard to make sure all my moves were right—I did NOT want to be snapped at again.

. . . . Maybe there are young people in the workplace now who are lucky enough to have a similar experience with employers like this, but I bet they are rare. I can’t imagine a young person of today allowing themselves to be “trained” like I was.

*By the way, the brothers and Mama were very good to us in all sorts of ways, especially once the lunch dinner rushes were over.

**I did eventually choose college—a late start that I have never regretted.

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That’s not bullying. That’s breaking in the new worker. Sink or swim!

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Looooove this!!!

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Thank you—I’m guessing you can relate! 😉

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My exact background - waitressing for a few years and then the university - so glad I did it that way. Waitressing also paid for my studies. No student loans for me!

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I was in Canada last week and taunted a Canadian regarding extreme politeness. He laughed and said, “ Ridiculous, isn’t it? Someone drives their car on a sidewalk, hits pedestrians and the pedestrians apologize for being in the driver’s way”

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🤣just another day in Canada

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You aren't a true Canadian until you apologize to the wall you banged in to.

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We had a lady working for us in food service who was, at best, inept.

she kept saying "I'm sorry" after every screwup.

She conned a guy to let her borrow a snowmobile which she promptly crashed into a tree.

I asked him if she said she was sorry.

He said 13 times.

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Reminds me of the old saw. "If you don't like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk"!

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deletedApr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022
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It is the geeks of high school that end up winning decades later. The jocks by and large are overweight, their famed jockhood having no outlet.

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Yeah, geeks like Bill Gates.

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A geek wannabe, I’m told.

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

At the risk of seeming insane, I’m seeing a pattern so nefarious as to appear unthinkable. Depopulation as a means to greater control. What does all of this have in common?

Pushing the dissolution of the nuclear family, fear, despair, isolation, environmental fascism, endless war,promotion of gender dysphasia and human contact… A barren, sterile, childless outcome. Same sex and trans youth cannot procreate. Lockdowns deter procreation for fear of poverty, illness and an uncertain future. Covid hysteria has created a fear of human contact , emasculation and feminizing men creates a sexless society, hatred of men, segregation and fear of condenation and cancelation, supply side unavailability and the constant “ human caused” climate catastrophe, militarized “isms”, wealth redistribution, abortion without any sane parameters.. encouraged.. forced vaccinations, arrested childhood development… the Weatern birthdate is at the lowest historically.

An interesting read is Douglas Murray’s “ The Strange Death Of Europe” illuminating Europe’s childless leaders, infertility and takeover by Ismamic migrants who are having a multitude of children

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Hungary is openly promoting large families. They are trying very hard (with much outside interference) to preserve the nuclear family as we remember it. If I were younger I would think about relocating...

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If I were a younger woman, I would think about having children at a young age. School and career, if desired, can come after having healthy children.

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Deborah I just went over to your stack to have a look and read the Rus/Uk Big Lie. Did you know the bitchute vid is an anti semite video? I'd have commented on your stack, but no can do.

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Which BitChute video do you think is antisemitic?

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Thanks for asking for clarification Deborah.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/KortZGsbVe6y/ It is hashtagged Jewishproblem and the title is "Jewish Infiltrator", the guy who posted the video has an Israeli flag burning, and the description of the video starts with "Ukraine is hijacked by mentally ill enemy JEWS. " I'm thinking you aren't anti-Semitic.

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Raptor, you are correct, I am NOT antisemitic, but I AM anti Zionist. There is a difference. The video of Zelensky's performance is available from other sources. I can replace that particular one with one that is not posted by an antisemitic but it will not change the meaning. The man is evil.

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I don't believe you are far off the mark.

It all seems to come back to the religious-like cult of global cooling/warming/climate catastrophe/sky-is-falling belief which requires abrupt declines in population.

There is no doubt in my mind that we are over-breeding with the end result of a lessening quality of life, but they are targeting the wrong populations to kill.

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Yes, I see all of this too, it is clear as day. Unfortunately the majority are just going along with it because "it is the road most travelled" going along is easy

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Constant fear/stress/chemical dependencies are not an ideal condition for procreational males' inserting such feeble swimmers. Worse there are less of them to reach the fertile eggs.

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Am seeing the same while trying not to see this scenario exclusively.

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Hmmmm definitely food for thought. 👍

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent perspective, thank you Dr. Malone. Those of us who are 60+ must do all we can to remain healthy, mentally fit, and intellectually current or face a world led by cowards and crybabies...we cannot rely on them to care about us and our welfare in those 'golden years.'

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I have been thinking about this too.

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Right on! It's about time that parents realize how they are harming their children by 'protecting' them from everything. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade instead of complaining about the injustice of it all and trying to change social norms for the 'good of all'.

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Mr Malone, u do the christian a great example of how a man should be honest, caring, and obeying our Fathers' rules. Please continue Doc. Thank u very much. GOD bless u.

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert Malone for President. Seriously, please.

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As what? If he tried for the Dem nomination, he'd get cheated out of it by the Dems, and if he ran as a Republican, well, same idea in the general election.

Outside the box, though, if the 3rd party ticket of Gabbard/Ventura had as part of its platform a pledge to appoint Malone as Surgeon General concurrent with dismantling the FDA/CDC/NIH/ETC...

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While I agree our Good Doctor would be an ideal leader, in our present state of the Nation, I would suggest he could be more effective mobilizing as an outside advisor (Necessarily with the clout and support needed to effect action). A trick of our Governments is to hire in anyone likely to upset their apple carts. As President, there are influences that all too frequently confound the best of ideas.

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Only a few prefer freedom. The rest seek nothing but fair masters." (Sallust)

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If you had included a checklist with this article to indicate agreement with every point you made, I would have ticked every single box!

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This analysis explains why so many are susceptible to these neuroses, but not why the neuroses have become so acceptable to less neurotic people. They're being manipulated, just tools for political actors who seek power, and rely on fealty from "useful idiots" to obtain it. It's easier, and probably more effective, to attack the manipulators than to convince the manipulated they've been duped. Ultimately, we need to deal with both, but outing and blocking the manipulators is quicker. Everyone who publicly defends trans or other neuroses should be promptly and loudly criticized. It will soon disappear. Gender fetishes are the most obvious and easily definable frauds, and are easily debunked. The mass murders by the covid frauds is more important, but more difficult to define, and therefore to prove. Keep beating the drums. Well get there.

Never allow a lie to stand, uncontested.

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In my prior profession, I encountered several trans hospital patients. The most interesting one was a man who transitioned to a woman when he was young, but transitioned back as a mature man. He wanted nothing else to do with “that scene.” I also met those who had partly transitioned and were ambivalent about completing the surgeries. My takeaway is that for many, this is a phase. However the consequences of acting are so damaging. There needs to be a long period of time in which a physician is prevented from altering a patient’s body when there is no physical disease process. Like five years for a child, two for 18 and over. Dry up the money.

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The actual problem is easy to resolve. The deeper problem is why people who don't suffer that dysphoria themselves, aggressively advocate those who do. The people so frantically pushing the trans fetish are not trans. Why do they push a deviance they don't have? Apparently they're not supporting the deviants, just trying to disrupt the rest of us. It's like drugs -- the problem is driven by the pushers, not the users. The users are just victims. The real crimes are the pushers.

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

David, I agree w/you big time. The trans/Lia Thomas stuff doesn't have a leg to stand on and I get full throated as the parent of two young daughters (I agree w/Dr. Malone's essay but Im also feeling a little defensive cuz I could be accused of being a bit of a helicopter, mostly cuz my father stole my welfare PHEAA college money before he flew the coop and I had to drop out 40 years ago, and promised God I would parent better if given the chance). Anyway (Geez that was a lot about me), they (the crazies) bit off more than they can chew on the trans thing, it feels like it will burn out. But this overall insanity feels like a conflagration of epic forces that had been slowly building to a flashpoint in the last two years, much planned, some natural, some unintended but welcomed consequences, but also -- and here is where I sound insane: chemicals of some sort? Obviously the vaccines are screwing w/natural order but something more? I just wrote too many words which adds to my look of insanity, so I'll quit while I'm not too far behind.

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The stock markets are a good laboratory of human nature, and the madness of crowds, and the maleability of opinions. The markets sometimes exhibit a phenomenon called a blowout top, or a climax top. (Freud would have enjoyed that.) That's where the mob gets frenzied and madly buys a stock, or the whole market, driving the price up way above its norms. It always results in a crash, a reversion to the prior mean. Trans fetish looks like such a top for the socialists, which will surely crash. A year from now we'll all be asking ourselves how we could have accepted such obvious perversion. Everyone has a right to be different, but no right to make us like it.

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God I hope you're right.

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Human nature is usually pretty consistent, just a little rough around the edges.

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My interpretation of Robert's message goes like this:

When I went to school it was to learn how to interpret things I found confusing. Today, it seems, educational goals are to intentionally confuse children of every age. They advise them to question their gender, their sexual preferences, recorded history, race, etc. etc. etc. This is VERY disturbing. If I was at an age of having school age children, they would not attend public school as it currently exists. It is being used more to indoctrinate children to the world that they want to exist than for the world as it should exist.

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Apr 27, 2022·edited Apr 27, 2022

I think you nailed it Deborah. That is why it gets pushed down to lower and lower grades. Confuse. Indoctrinate. “Build back better?”

Also agree with your thesis on Russia-Ukraine. I serious doubt many with Ukrainian flags in their bios have heard of the Holodomor.

So, I am full of sympathy for the long suffering Ukrainian people but we have disgracefully interfered in their elections, propped up corrupt leaders, laundered money for our politicians and scores of other shameful acts in their country. Very underreported…maybe Lara Logan and a few others cover the real story.

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Thank you for reading my piece on Russia/Ukraine. I am going to post another piece today. There is so many irregularities occurring I had a difficult time choosing what topic to address

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Apr 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I always love the trueness to science of Dr Malone’s writings. He presented this as a hypothesis. I think it has merits. If it is true, we are in trouble because everyone grows up with some things they viewed as scary or difficult and all parents seek for their kids to have it easier that they did. Therefore, the natural tendency is a trend toward more and more protection unless parents resist the urge to protect. I am sure this is oversimplified as I am thinking generally of my personal experience

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Perhaps it is - at least to some degree - about reducing population growth.

I agree also - it seems to be about about fostering the need for dependence. "I demand you make the world a safe space for me." Which the WEF promises to do - if everyone just uses that social-credit-enabled CBDC/vax pass like a good little citizen. Online censorship - same thing. World needs to be a safe space.

WEF promises to bring order out of chaos. But everyone needs to be maximally dependent first.

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"You will own nothing and you will be happy." Over my dead body.

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There is no “perfect kid” no “perfect parenting”. I’m old, but very young in my spirit. I was brought up by a very, very over-protective mama. The culture was not “woke or cancel” in those years of my childhood yet, I recognize some of the same character defects in the list by Li, in myself, when I was in my teens & 20s.

I was finally able to find myself when I found God. I grew up via a series of very hard knocks that my mama, an immigrant from South America, could not save me from. It was very painful. I look back & see the tender hand of God throughout my life. I have very few regrets. Government is treacherous & cold & will ultimately fail in fulfilling a parental role.

Each young person has to discover for themselves the Truth of life. Some will pick the right path, others will be lost to violent storms they encounter. What is worse than the overly protective parent, is the lack of critical thinking skills schools are depriving their charges. One must have a compass & be able to navigate. Without this we leave home lame & blind.

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How can today's young people discover the Truth of Life when they are indoctrinated into believing that the truth is what schools/colleges are encouraging them never to question?

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Parents need to teach kids to question the schools/colleges. I’ve seen too many parents view their children’s schools as their own status symbols, never questioning what’s REALLY going on on the inside.

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What you’re saying is really interesting. “But I am increasingly convinced that a large fraction of the population actually seeks leadership that provides the comfort and safety of authoritarian parental substitutes. Many do not want to be free; they want to be told how the world is, what to think, and what to do. And for these many, propaganda, censorship and authoritarian behaviors in their leaders may fulfill what is essentially an immature, child-like need for shelter and protection from a confusing and rapidly changing world with it’s inherent diversity of thought, information, and opinions.”

I’m seeing this too.

I have a hunch that the same evil ones who planned everything else out, also orchestrated in society this childlike and immature need to be told what to do and not have to think for oneself. I think a lot of it comes from the technology they’ve put in everyone’s hand, the groupthink they’ve created with social media, and the “experts” they’re always quoting.

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