If I were an NFL player I would demand that I be prescreened for myocarditis before playing another game. The players looked horrified. Primarily their teammate’s life was in extreme peril. But, secondarily, they are likely aware of the huge number of sudden deaths of athletes, post vaccination.

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I agree, I would get tested immediately and often if I were an NFL player who got vaccinated by mandate.

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The Players Union should halt the season until the proper tests are transparently done. Steve Kirsch states Hamlin is probably brain dead after talking to his medical contacts.

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This was a great shock to these athletes in their peak to confront mortality. It is just awfully frightening even to admit that the jab may end their life or career. Pre screening for cardiac status is very reasonable but would even a few of these jabbed athletes consider it?

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Mandating the vaccination was unethical and immoral, but mandating medical screening for the protection of the employee is ethical, moral, and would probably survive a challenge under employment law.

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Does Covid cause myocarditis? I'm suddenly hearing that....coinkidink?

Is the myocarditis/heart conditions the result of Type 2 Diabetes, brought on by lockdowns?

These are 2 assertions being made in a different forum. I just wanna know the truth.


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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone for your clear-headed, rational and responsible perspective on this tragic event. I was watching the game when this happened and could not help but wonder if his "vaccination" had some impact on this horrible event.

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023

Add to your files: It is no joke....





A new Christmas song - It's beginning to look a lot like...mass genocide.

It's beginning to look a lot like...mass genocide. The new world order wants you dead.

Video of the victims dropping dead in real time.


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There is in no way that most, if not all of the tests that Dr. Malone suggested should have been or should be run...

...million dollar athletes and corporate desire to win and protect assets

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Great comments. I have been asked many times what may have happened. I saw a case of cc at our little league 15 yrs ago in a 13 y/o struck in the chest with a batted baseball. Luckily he survived because we had a defibrillator readily available( i was the medical director and demanded we have such). We have to wait and see what the cause of Hamlins cardiac arrest. His physicians must be open to the possibility that he had subclinical myocarditis...

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023

When this boy was struck - was he out immediately? I ask because I have read a couple of accounts by people with a similar CC experience who have said the victims were lifeless immediately upon impact. Damar Hamlin got right up after what appeared to be a routine hit/tackle, stood and adjusted his helmet - and then collapsed.

From what I have read commotio cordis is SO rare, and doubly rare in football - as it's associated with being hit with a projectile. A line drive, a hockey puck. The pre-packaged graphics that we keep seeing don't even include a football.

Sorry, I don't buy it. At all.

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Chest protection for decades has minimized the hardest of blows to that body region.

It has been the head/neck protections that has been the greatest concern. Even the changing of the rules and assessment of fines against head hunters is immense.

Never have we witnessed on live TV what all these soccer players are blacking out from.

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Your kids were lucky you were so prepared.

There are reports Hamlin arrested again in the hospital. Would that be consistent with CC?

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Did the boy get up after being hit, or did he fall immediately?

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He did get up and then fell right back down. It’s shown on the video above. Very sad.

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I did see the video of Hamlin. Above Dr. Kerner posted a boy being hit by a baseball in the chest. My question was did he, the boy, collapse instantly? I don’t think a person gets back up after the initial hit. Dr McCullough was on Tucker Carlson last night and said it looked like a typical heart attack. He also said they would test for clot material in his blood which may show a connection to the vax. I think the only way the public finds out if it was vax related is if the family gets angry and goes public. They will probably be paid off to stay silent though. I can’t trust any of this process any more. Everything has been so corrupted. I prey the whole Covid narrative collapses, the sooner the better…

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Just more of the same...

whizzing on everyone's shoes while explaining it's only rain.

Seemingly an endless hypnotic potion, and still it remains.

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I agree with most of what you’re saying. However, I don’t think we should be quick to judge that a parent will accept being paid to keep silent. As a parent myself, just thinking someone might think I’d do that would be hurtful. I think most of us love our kids too much to be bought off. Those that might I feel are truly the exception.

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CherylB, I know your probably right. It’s just seeing so much corruption over the past 2 plus years, it’s sometimes hard to think of anyone not being paid off. I hope your right.

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I feel like you the same, but I think it’s important we be mindful of this young man’s family during this terrible time and not assume the worst. So many people still being duped by the lies, but slowly many are also waking up about the vaccines. I work in retail (natural health) where many of my customers have gotten the jab, but are now questioning it because of their own odd symptoms, etc. Many have expressed still in disbelief their doctors didn’t warn them of side effects or when they have them not relating it to possible vaccine reactions. It’s quite sad. Sadly, it’s probably gonna take a lot more deaths before things start turning a corner 😢

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023

Yes, Damar got up. We want to know if the boy Kerner is referencing was conscious after the hit, or not.

I notice there has been no answer.

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The major issue is that we know for sure that if it IS vax related, they will lie about it.

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Absolutely no one that is awake thinks the Government, Big Medicine, NFL or media will ever them to run the tests necessary for us to know because they already know. This is exactly how they planned for it to happen. 🤷‍♂️

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Sadly, you are right. Let's pray that his family will push for the answers

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That could benefit him and his fellow athletes. All for this, but well understand the risks for the professionals involved.

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Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023

I don't necessarily agree that this whole mess and harms were planned. I think the motivation was far more likely to be monetary gain rather than deliberate population reduction. But I do agree that we will never learn the truth behind this because no one will be willing to expose the fraud and corruption that caused it, especially by those that committed the fraud and acted corruptly. The perpetrators control the narrative and the arena in which this could be discussed. We should "post mortem" the whole covid situation, from origin, to corrupt vaccine testing, to corrupt EUAs, to vaccine harms, but we won't, I'd bet.

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Even if it was not planned, they have known for many months now that these shots were harming and killing many and they continue to lie and coerce people to take them. I don't know what to call that, except evil.

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And yet there are still 1000+ colleges/universities requiring primary covid vaccination series on our kids...absolutely criminal.

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Let’s not forget the possibility that the elites are doing the eugenics and depopulation thing because they truly believe that they are preventing some population caused catastrophic event. Recall the words of David Rock fellow from 1970 paper Healthy population 2000 “the world need not know how it is achieved just that population reduction is necessary for the future of Earth”. IMO they are fearful of the numbers of the population and that we the people can choose not to comply which takes away their power.

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the CDC held an internal meeting in Oct or Nov 2019, and gave a long list of expected adverse events, which tracks with VAERS reports, before we had a single case, and a year before the vax

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

p.s. I really love your suggestion that all athletes be screened for myocarditis. Certainly they should request it and have the money for it. That could make a huge difference. (Also might shed light on this whole issue if there was in fact transparency.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I truly appreciate how you're looking at this event by considering the many facets, citing studies and applying your extensive & invaluable knowledge. This is why I have the utmost respect for you Dr. Malone. I've been listening to you and many other notable experts and have a debt of gratitude to all. One of the best lessons my father taught me was to THINK. It has been the greatest gift over the past few years.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The reason covid vax as a cause should be summarily dismissed is because there is zero evidence that it would cause such an event. Just like there is zero evidence that smoking causes cancer. /sarcasm off

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You had me. I thought you might be David Gorski. Lol

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They never would have done those tests after the vaxx because the owners and NFL would be liable.

I hope this young man can recover

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They can have tests done privately--they can afford it-- and if they do, the news will get out. I think that likely might happen now even if we aren't aware of it initially.

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Unless like pilots if a cardiac condition exists then they will not be allowed to play and their careers are over. I am assuming most will not say a word. Especially if they look around and nobody is having a heart attack.

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Or sue the NFL!

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Yes, for forcing them to be vaccinated maybe. Though the government was putting pressure on all these companies to do this, so they are really at fault.

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The NFL needs to take full responsibility for this one

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They more than likely will when it should be Biden and Fauci who are responsible. Jerks.

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I am thinking that’s what will happen as well 🤞🏼

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a youth lacrosse coach (and a player) we were always aware of and more than a bit terrified by commotio cordis. The sport is catching on to CPR and defibrillator availability and training. Just hoping that the vaccination mania and mandates for young men and kids doesn't increase the occurrence of these tragic accidents. Sports should be fun, not life threatening

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The 1st three paragraphs here articulate the sanity and respect for life and others that all such discussion will do well to adopt as a standard. Thanks for sticking with equanimity Doc! peace love

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Civil. Respectful. - What a perspective!


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This is the first I’ve seen the play video and by no means was this a severe hit, & although my gut goes straight to vaccine, unless proper testing, we will never know.

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If in fact it wasn’t the Vaccine, this will be the first time this has happened in NFL history.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well considered Doctor Malone. My thanks for your considerate contribution.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Have been very skeptical of you and your perspective up to this point.

At this time a welcome voice of reason and calm Dr. Malone.

Thank you as we will never know this mystery as the young man is a public figure.

Your well thought out and reasonable response is much appreciated and respected.


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Let the data tell the story. Pray for the young man's life.

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But the data will most likely be hidden. I do pray he will recover, though it seems unlikely at this point.

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I think it will be hidden and we will be lied to.

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