What is their right-speak for anti-vaxxer? People who think critically

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023

Gotta love how referring to a human with a penis as "a man", is "stignmatizing" and "unacceptable" and "harmful"; but referring to nobel laureates and eminent scientists who are trying to save the planet, as "fringe" and "liars" is practically mandated, despite the real suffering and death that their maginalization has caused.

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This is great!!!

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yep, that was my first thought. And as to "conspiracy theorist", there is a useful definition in the last Sunday Strips, may be we should suggest that to the CDC.- PS, for those who haven't read New Years Strips: I'm not a conspiray theorist, I'm a "things aren't adding up and it's pretty obvious"- theorist. (it goes without saying you needn't even be a theorist for that, and by the way: Consider some people could be offended if you call them ~theorist)

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Enemy Alien , Alan Richards.

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Check out Balliwick News .

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we don't count

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I’ll say it again; every federal agency not specifically identified in Constitution needs eliminated and the original intent of National Security & Defense needs implemented, period. Just think how much our taxes will go down and these career Washington politicians will no longer be.

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Time to defund & decommission the various bureaucracies excepting those required by the US Constitution.

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“The proper term is ‘people who smoke.’ We wouldn’t want to offend smokers…” 😂

These linguistic contortions are yet another way to shift people’s mentality from one of empowerment to victimization. Instead of taking responsibility for their actions and changing their lives for the better, they are encouraged to wallow in their victimhood and blame others for their sorry state. And, of course, this produces dependency on authority and makes them easier to control—just as intended.

Robert, I want to call your attention to the poem I published yesterday to inaugurate the new year:

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem)

As one of the leading spokespersons of the medical freedom movement, you are in a unique position to help articulate what I feel is a clarification of absolutely vital importance: what happened during the COVIDcrisis was NOT a mistake.

To use language such as “bungled,” “incompetence,” and “mistakes” is to set the stage for the perpetrators to escape justice, and to allow that to happen is to not only permit crimes against humanity to go unpunished but to send a message to philanthropaths, tyrants, and colluders that they can get away with atrocities ad infinitum.

We must hold them responsible. We must avoid using exculpatory language. I myself have been guilty of this in the past, as I noted in the updates section after the poem, and I know I’ve expressed my concerns (https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/the-dilemma-of-the-vaccinated/comment/10606169) to you about this before.

Please help me get this message out so we don’t play into the stratagems of the perpetrators to absolve themselves of guilt.

Thank you, Robert 🙌

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Your poem linked above is absolutely ON POINT and undeniably true. Everyone, stop being perplexed and dumbfounded at what looks like ignorance and incompetence by all the ones in authority. Once it’s understood that ONLY the victimized populations at large have been the ones who were ignorant, it will all make sense.

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Thank you, KRNapa. SheThinksLiberty said it beautifully in her comment at Meryl’s repost of my poem:

“This is too stupid to just be stupid.” (https://merylnass.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem/comment/11563241)

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I always remind Epoch Times on-line article commenters, regardless of the topic, that the atrocity was purposeful, and the consequences were known by the perpetrator in advance. Many folks are still saying I don't know why such and such........

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And just added it to Twitter too! I am doing some small part to open people's eyes. Please read or watch what Whitney Webb is writing and speaking out about. She has done some deep dives into how people are connected and she doesn't speculate or make crap up. She does the work of looking into things and giving names. She has written a couple of books. I have so much reading to get to, that I can't get them now.

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Whitney is amazing! We are fellow Nevermore Media (https://nevermore.media/) contributors.

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Fact-chokers is now my favorite new word 😂

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As Dr. Malone made clear in his interview with Rogan, he, not being a mind reader, is unwilling to speculate about other's intentions. His approach is to propose an hypothesis and then to offer supporting evidence of it. This is wise, especially from a legal perspective. Recently in other publications/media I've noticed increasing use of headlines and captions formatted as a question. Alto irritatingly monotonous, I can appreciate wanting to avoid lawsuits.

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That is my philosophy as well, Leonora, and that’s why you will never find me making accusations about someone being controlled opposition as I don’t have evidence to support such claims—even with someone like Alex Berenson, whom I called out in this piece (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-alex-berenson-on-world).

That’s also why I link nearly ever word in my essays—I show my homework and provide my sources so people can pursue their own research if they have questions about any of my statements.

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You said this much better than I did, thank you! :)

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I posted your article on FB. And my post added. 'Amazing poem.' I am a rebel.

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Thank you, Helen!! I hope you don't get unpersoned 😆 You are a Badass German:

• “Are You a Good German or a Badass German?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/are-you-a-good-german-or-a-badass)

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I always thought a “lab leak” was when you had to go pee in a lab.

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Robert, I think you will find many studies on this subject in the Journal of Irreproducible Results, or Journal of the American Bullshit Association. This is evidently where this double-speak originated.

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023

All I know is that as a white racist, cis, breeder, cracker, honkey, ultra maga terrorist, anti science, deplorable, bible thumping, gun toting, culture appropriating conspiracy theorist, I'll maybe consider it when the left adds all these things they keep calling me to their quaint little list. Maybe.

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I used to read the Journal of Irreproducible Results faithfully -- one of the best Journals ever. And you are right...appropriate for that.

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Those aren't official c.d.c. publications????

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Ha, ha...

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Those clowns at the CDC just can’t seem to help themselves. Do they even realize the Covid/ Vax hole they’ve dug already? They just keep digging.

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I love that expression the Covid/Vax hole! That is a absolutely brilliant and witty!

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How about instead of saying “I” we should say “the person or synbio transhuman who is temporarily occupying this physical body”?

If nothing else these forays by the CDC into realms that have nothing to do with health add a lot more unnecessary words.

Happy New Year to all.

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It is all about mind control! We are living in a controlled security country where compliance to the goals of the security state take precedence over our inalienable Rights of free speech! Reminds me of Russia where everyone was secretly checking on their neighbors and reported those that didn’t comply with the directives!

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I believe Trump, while campaigning the first time, called it 'political correctness'. All of this language stuff makes my brain hurt so I'll just say it's all BS.

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My brain hurts too! All the BS flowing from DC!

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The CDC (and the rest of the useless feeders in government) can kiss my ass.......pardon my French.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How far we've come from "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!"

In re CDCs messages- Within the last couple days I noted a CDC/NIH recommendation re a new drug. I had an instant revulsion. I realized that thanks to their Covid behaviors, I've wholly lost trust in them. It's severe. Personally I need an alternative source I feel I can have confidence in. My Doctor is still recommending vaxes, so she wont be a help on new medication/CDC issues.

As for the rest of this foolishness, I'm generally fairly compassionate and considered. That's going to have to do. I'll work on thickening my own skin as needed.

Doesn't the CDC and the Government have more pressing issues they should be learning about and then pursuing any needed credible actions to be taken.

Thanks so much for bringing this falderal to our attention. The governments waste of our tax dollars is surely legion. We do need to be aware!

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The CDC needs to be shutdown. That is the only solution but it will never happen.

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Or rename it CDP Center for Disease Proliferation.

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Good one. The CDP needs to be shutdown.

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Now it goes:

Sticks and stones may be dodged when thrown,

But words cut all the way through me.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Ma-Lion/ess! ’m going to read the list and use all the words, ditto Stanford list. Judgement means to employ discernment.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Off Topic Speaking of Lions and Lionesses - It's a pleasure to see (our good Drs) your lion wall piece at the back of your new broadcasting studio! Love it :)

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When Stanford published their woke nonsense, they went further into the abyss of nothingness. (Is that a word?)

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Do not comply with "Newspeak".

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Obviously "english majors" have finally found a home in healthcare!

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Well, none of that works on Truth Social with its limited characters. When one noun can be used to relay a point it's foolish to arrange an entire phrase to replicate that noun. As Michelle (or Michael) said we will have to change our language.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Truly clown world. Between this and the Stanford list...

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"Where does this end?"

It doesn't, unless enough of us refuse to accept this sort of nonsense.

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(I say sarcastically), maybe these Idiots will address 'the Blonde jokes', the Olie and Lena, the Polish jokes of days gone by.

Maybe one day they will realize that 'woke' does not exist, it only exists because We allow it.

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Q: How many Pollocks does it take to make the CDC look like a joke?

A: None. They do it to themselves.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

People Who Inject Drugs - vaxxinators.

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