Thank you, Dr. Malone, for your courage and dignity and for creating a community that will stand together, fight together, and help the lion get the truth out.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So grateful for those who did not cave to the intimidation. Thank you Dr. Malone.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The people who have villified, slandered, and ruined careers should be held to account. They themselves need to learn the evil they perpetuated and pay the price.

I am surprised no one has sued Dr. Fauci, or the state of California for pulling medical licenses over "misinformation."

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it is coming, First the red wave must happen. Vote.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Of course, I will vote and yes, the red wave must happen. I don't think it will be enough to save us, but only a start. I truly expect this fight to last for many long years ahead.

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Agree. Long war, this has only been a battle.

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You are going to be very disappointed if you think Rep. politicians are going to change this censorship.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Voting is important but not enough. We have to financially support the “real” republicans (Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, Matt Gaetz) and call/write/pester our own representatives at local, state and national levels after the elections. We must also boycott businesses engaging in or supporting persecution.

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Any newly elected office hold has to be HELD ACCOUNTABLE from the first day in office.

That is OUR job.

Phone calls, visits, letters, emails. Unrelenting pressure. From We the People.

Otherwise we do nothing? Its just Not in my bones to roll over.

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This is more important than you can imagine. I have spent many long years on the periphery of Congress. Those people start out overwhelmed by how many things they are supposed to know/do and many just retreat to doing whatever the party says to do. Both "good" and "less good" people often succumb to this.

But incessant noise about an issue will get their attention. Visit them when they are in town -- make the appointment in their local office and use it. Visit them in DC if you are going there. Be polite but never back off the point.

I have spent personal time with over a dozen of the candidates over the past six months. I have made it clear that many of us will not tolerate a repeat of the last time there was a Republican Congress when nothing happened. Whether it does as much good as I wish (or any) we will have to wait and see -- but they have heard me.

They need to hear you, too. The day they win, and weekly thereafter, let them know by email/letter/phone and especially personal visit if possible that this is the top of your agenda. It will make a difference.

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Sorry Dr. Malone. As much as I hate what the dems are pushing with the jabs, there are too many issues the r’s are pushing to harm especially seniors. I (67) and my husband (71) are unjabbed and plan on remaining that way. I think the R’s doing the right thing regarding the jabs are doing it for the wrong reasons. They don’t care about you or me. They only want to make The dems look bad, whatever it takes. They want to take away right’s, not make it easy for anyone. Our daughter was injured 37 years by the DPT. Learned the hard way and have been learning ever since on this issue. These are very very difficult times. I really don’t think the R’s will make it better overall. Sorry to disagree on this one, but I truly love your writings and follow you. Thank you.

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Plus, I am not sure what rights Republicans want to take away from you. If you are specifically referring to abortion, that is state rights issues. Personally, I thought abortions were supposed to be rare, but they are a million dollar industry and they use body parts of aborted babies to do obscene things. We've had this discussion in ethics, related to the scientists that experiemented on Germans and Jews during the Hilter regime and most people believe it is unethical to use ill-gained knowledge, because it may cause more ill-gained efforts. And, it has. I have fallen for medical misbehaviors, myself and even unknowingly been a part of it in the past. Never again. I am sorry about your daughter. It is not fair. It is not right!

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I don't think that is true for all Republicans, but you are correct. Richard Burr was one of the people that heard those testify in Congress several years ago and he listened and didn't do one thing. I think he voted for big pharma.

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The biggest problem with lawsuits is finding honorable judges. Look what happened in Austin, Texas with Alex Jones. There are those people that may defend the Judge's behavior and do not defend Alex Jones because of the absolute horror of those children's deaths at Sandy Hook. In the end, we either have free speech or not. What happened to those children is not defendable in any way, shape or form, but Mr. Jones is not the one who killed those children. He cannot be blamed for killing children. How many judges rely on the the trickle of money from pharmaceutical companies through lawsuits? I don't know, but maybe we need to find out if their donors are affliated in any way. I remember Sonia Sotomayor stated during a hearing that required health care workers to get the manditory injection that “We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition, and many on ventilators.” That was in January, and even after the correction, it did not change the outcome. That is why I won't work. I refuse to give poison to anyone, even if they want it. I refuse to take poison for anyone.

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How many times have we read that Democrats "shop" judges.

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Lots and it is always surprising to me as I keep trying to remember that these are people too and they have family they love too.

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Would be great if you and Dr Malone help organize physicians to retake medical leadership positions away from Leftists in AMA and other medical societies, maybe with Bannon’s help, as he helped Mama Bears organize to take school board positions . I’m a physician and I’d join in a second

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is a comprehensive account of the nightmare we'd only expect to see happen in the most repressive governments...yet here we are. The globalist plan for a One World /New World 'Order' was built on a plan to destroy the Old World Order first. This long term plan is now in the end game, every system is under attack...not only our medical system and health but food, economy, energy, security/stability, family/traditions ...even identity. I've been beating this drum since Obama bombed 7 countries and 8 years which created a migrant crisis to destabilize Europe and now the open borders are destabilizing the US. We can continue to talk about all the dots but at this point the picture is clear. What exactly are we going to do about it? Filling the streets with trucks and bodies is not working. Massive strikes?..will they hurt us more than them? We need a plan.

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Swarms of FBI agents armed with search warrants raiding the Gates Foundation would be a good start to my mind. A bit of tit for tat

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I think we lost the FBI...and how much has the CIA ever been on our side?

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I know, just wishful thinking. But the feds stank once before Hoover (say what you will about him) made it maybe the best crime fighting team in the world. Hope that can be done again. CIA created by fdr to fight nazis, and not to bother with other form of socialism for obvious reasons

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FBI or CIA will just sit on or destroy any incriminating information...we need military personnel to do the job....and vetted military personnel at that.

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

Raids at all levels of law enforcement are needed, depending. For instance, local hospital emails about covid need to be collected for court cases. Gag orders that turned into unexplained deaths from "don't say vaccine caused it". At the federal level, federal agencies. A lot of evidence will make for robust changes and a change in narrative. If it only happens at one level, most people will ignore. If it happens at the level of their local hospital and state medical boards (licenses being pulled) people will see that it directly affected them. Nursing homes where relatives died. For people to feel safe going to the hospital (not that many of us ever did, so maybe semi-safe) we need transparency and to kick out people who were directly involved and sanction those who saw but never spoke. Getting rid of Fauci will mean nothing to many people who trusted the system.

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Totalitarianism will have its way with humanity. The good news is that all regimes of this nature fail. Unfortunately, millions perish in the process.

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We need their plan to fail faster. Totalitarianism has HAD its way. We are humans who use tools...can't we use the advanced tools at hand to help us with this complex problem? For instance how populations failed to act in time historically are the data points to put into the supercomputer and what are the means at hand for us to neutralize the plan?

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I hear again and again from commenters all over the globe, on the wars and on false COVID narratives that only the US has a strong enough constitution and history to overcome it all and lead the way. Many people are looking to us here which is sobering. That is, those who haven't given up on us and are forming their alternate multipolar world. I see all this turbulence as an opportunity to reformulate the collective West differently than globalist planners had in mind.

That is why the vote matters, the result shouldn't just be a wave but should feel like a stampede. That is at least a start.

Meanwhile Substack interaction and consolidation of readers and authors helps, as well as in person conferences and rallies. Keep the lawsuits coming. Maybe Twitter will open some new frontiers.

We need to seek out and embrace the new independent medical practices being started. It will be rocky at first, but some of us can help by being charter members. That helps to defund the status quo.

But I agree with "DyingOnThisHill" we need a comprehensive plan that incorporates and outlines all the good and practical ideas out there, and how to possibly get started on execution of components of the plan.

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I read Dr. Tess Lawrie's thoughts about how it was affecting her, in not being able to save people and she said she had to absolve herself to not take onto her shoulders' what she was uanble do anything about and that was comforting to me, as I have a horrible time with feeling like I am not doing enough. I made a copy of the first 3 pages of the paper you (Betsy McDonel Herr Ph.D.) posted on the ingredients of the jabs and gave that to our future Senator and to our governor's wife. I told both of them that it was a preprint and mostly pictures. I very much appreciate you! They both know that they are dangerous, but again, they are unable to stop them, completely.

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Every doctor, I have spoken to locally, with exception of two doctors, are fearful beyond belief. They speak quietly and quickly and leave if anyone else comes up during the conversation. Interactions with doctors and nurses alike are mostly superficial. The rallys help. The formal education presentations are helpful too.

I appreciate that the FLCCC Alliance is doing them for CEU's.

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I spent time today talking to the veterinarian today as he was excited about mRNA vaccines upcoming for dogs. He listened, I gave it my best. I really liked him, but these local practices have all been bought up by corporations which make them toe the line on protocols and approaches that would be otherwise more tailored. I won't be going back, and will look for an independent holistic vet like the one we used to have in rural Virginia where we used to live. This stuff is just everywhere and they are planning to inject livestock world wide with it. It is like voting, we each have to spend time trying to make an impact but it is exhausting. And often you find that you will never have contact again, whether a professional or an acquaintance or a friend.

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Exactly...agree with all of the above Betsy! As a generalist designer my head is swimming with ideas but my big idea is how good and practical ideas can be brought to light as well as how we can execute them ...I just need to win the lottery tomorrow night to do it! : )

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I read 'execute them,' and my mind went off for a moment to Fauci.

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Lots of ideas for how to spend that lottery winning!

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Honestly? I don't know. Even Desmet's part 3 in his The Psychology of Totalitarianism left me scratching my head. Trusting the higher power that has all the answers just doesn't satiate the human desire to fix problems of this magnitude. Or maybe that's just a reality that we cannot bear to accept.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Liking the heart on substack is glitchy and not fixed yet!... as many times it doesn't register...like now

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Refresh the page, go back and like. It always works but very annoying.

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Yep.Yep.Yep. As Dr Robert says! I am attacking the heart on substack but i got nothin'.

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Another method is to return to the beginning of the thread you're interested in and tag that heart. Proceed down the line until you reach the one you intend to 'like' and then return to undo the ones you don't want selected. It's a PITA.

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I think of it this way: It's about spirituality. Marxism is a replacement for spirituality, and that is one of its "superpowers." At the same time it denies spirituality and makes it invisible. Spirituality is not about utopia, as Marxism, Jonestown, etc. demonstrate. A vibrant spirituality is about dealing with what is around us and handling that with the spirit of love and perhaps even hope. Dr. Malone and a number of others like the FLCCC doctors exemplify this. Not perfect humans and with sometimes limited answers to enormous problems, but also doing their best.

Also, speaking up where one is able, even just to another co-worker or friend is about this. If there were no hope or love, we wouldn't care. Breaking people's spirit is what they try to do. So, perhaps we derive our inspiration (inspirit) from these leaders. In that there is hope. Solzenhyzen (sp?) survived in the gulag for spiritual reasons.

I don't rule out religions in this, either, but many people are spiritual and don't attend a church. Some churches are mainly cults and most these days have been taken over by Marxists. There's a reason for that, to kill the community of spirit by taking it over like a sinister virus. If a person's church is taken over they may no longer attend.

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'Hearting' not responding but YES agree!...they have infiltrated all entertainment, academia, churches, media...and we are sooooo lucky to have leaders like Dr. Malone to step out and step up as speakers of the truth for us who don't have the platform. We can just speak to a co-worker or friend with hopes we reach them to just do more research. (What is most concerning to me is what I see as an attempt to link into our brains to the cloud and trap us in this dimension. Sounds too sci-fi to be real but after decades of studying near death experiences ...misnomer to throw people off...these are death experiences, my sense is that this is not just about transhumanism but also soul capture.)

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The higher power is within. This GoOD that we are born with craves love at birth... infants left without touch, attention and love... die. This energy of love is why we have the desire to end evil. The mistake is to imagine a God outside of us that has the answers and will do the work for us. Those who honor GoOD, do have difficulty accepting high levels of evil...proven throughout history. (Great book : On Disbelieving Atrocities by Arthur Koestler). While our optimism bias helps us get out of bed in the morning and keeps us motivated for a bright future ahead, it also has people staying in their homes in Ft. Meyers for instance saying, "It won't be that bad, it won't hit us..." rather than getting in their car and taking a vacation NW. Wisdom of Boy Scouts...'Prepare for the worse and hope for the best' rather than just hope for the best. Positive thinking alone is a death sentence. We can positively fight back and prepare THEN hope for the best when the work is done. Still, a plan is required.

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In order for humanity to 'progress' its first needs to learn how to think rather than react. What separates us from the 'animals' is our ability to think and figure things out. Luckily for most of our history good things came as a result of the group thinking rather than reacting. I think it will be the silver lining that COVID happened to wake up the sleeping giant in America that has been the silent majority - after shutting out politics because of the TDS and biased media for so long. MAGA is about getting back to the basic things we LEARNED to teach our children so they grew up to be productive members of a caring society that builds wealth and has real virtue. The Marxists have never had a cogent plan since their inception, except to sow discord and use violence. The Left are like toddlers throwing temper tantrums because just screaming about their unhappiness should be enough to get what they want.

The spanking these petulant should get next week in the polls should help correct course. But I am not sure if I can trust the outcome after so much lying from the press, for so long. In my opinion, The boy who cried wolf will be forever be changed to the media that cried Trump and we got COVID.

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Yes...critical thinking vs. emotional 'thinking'. Meanwhile, 2-year-old grocery store meltdowns are now the norm, a result of soft parenting (everyone gets a trophy) and now they are encouraged to act out by Soros & co. (their 'useful idiots'). This madness would be given zero attention if the media were honest. Clearly, conquer & divide is one aspect of their strategy and it's working... and this is why part of the plan must be the continued passing out red pills. For the one that takes it, another 100 will throw them back in our face. Still...Fight the good fight!

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“Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. It is the ability to work for something because it is good, not because it stands a chance to succeed.” --Vaclav Havel, author, former dissident, and first president of the Czech Republic.

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Agree...that's why it's best to prepare for the worst (your optimism might tell you that it's not necessary to prepare) and then hope for the best.

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I'm now a Calvinist (total dipravity of man is a given) and visit this site regularly for deals: https://www.cheaperthandirt.com

I guess you could say that I have a plan. LOL!!!

Seriously, keep telling the truth is the only plan that will slow the totalitarian Woke Ness Monster. The 30% that leads the mass formation must be challenged at every turn...regardless as to what phase of totalitarianism we are in.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert and Jill. With tears in my eyes I thank you for these reminders. INTEGRITY DIGNITY COMMUNITY. These three words must pound in our ears every single day.

And we must know that voting next Tuesday just may save the lives of our children and grandchildren.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes. That event…the March was so amazing and needed for me. I had just lost my mother to the vaccine in the cruelest of ways.

I went with a friend to DC who had lost her vaccinated mother 9 months before to COVID (that was when Fauci said if you are vaccinated you are protected and breakthrough cases are extremely rare) after they jammed a vent down her throat and gave her Remdesivir. She had done well, holding her own for three weeks before that.

We had both felt so alone and isolated in the craziness. It was so reaffirming to meet and be in the presence of others who knew how wrong things were.

Hard to describe….but an experience That will not soon forget.

Thank you Dr. Malone.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you!! My husband (who is also a physician) was 2 weeks away from losing his job last fall when his hospital pulled the mandate. I have no idea what we’d have done for income for our family since my training is also in healthcare… Somehow we’d have found a way. I’m grateful for and proud of the doctors who will not cave!

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, Dr. Malone, for reading the articles to us. I am an auditory learner. This makes a world of difference to me in how much I am able to retain. We admire you greatly.

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Yes I echo this and really appreciate the auditory presentation You and Dr Jill are the truth warriors along with so many of your brave colleagues who found themselves in the same position to make the truth come out-one day at a time.

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

I can read but have problems with it so my reading is limited. I appreciate your reading to us, too. I used to read widely and am not an auditory learner, but right now it's the best way for me. I can listen to the "substack robot" read, but that is a bit difficult due to the slightly off cadences of the "robot" reading, perhaps an auditory "uncanny valley.". You have a wonderful reading voice, Dr. Malone!

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Great article. Thank you! I am collecting all the books written during this period to preserve an unaltered version of what happened to us. I would like to ad Jill’s book to my collection. I cant find any place that has it. Can you point one out to me. Thanks so much for all your hard work.

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It cannot be found. It has been virtually burned. We have an electronic copy.

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That is dreadful and unthinkable. I am sick to my stomach to learn this. But glad you have an electronic copy.

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That must have been one dangerous manuscript.

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The Novel Coronavirus - by Malone MD & Jill Glasspool Malone Phd (Paperback) book? Or another one?

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Is it possible to be shared as a pdf?

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Dunno. I DuckDuckGo'd it but came up empty.

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This is an excellent plan. My son recently commended me on collecting DVDs and Blu-Rays over the last 2+ decades because apparently even film is not immune to today's censorship and 1984-style re-writing. Scenes removed, dialogue replaced, "sanitized" versions of older movies appearing in our midst. Certainly the evil at play will infect every corner.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drs. Malone--some deep part of me wanted all of this to be false, for you to be wrong, and for me to be wrong in listening. Normally I do not "feel" very much, but this has sliced deep. I think the reason is that I hate my anger which is like a beast that needs to be kept at bay. This post excites that anger and I hate the void it creates. God help us.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Is it somehow possible to forward this to Scott Adams (Dilbert)? Just a few days ago, he was saying the vaccines are safe because no doctors are saying they aren't safe.There has to be a way to break through the censorship and if Adams is still in the dark, a huge percentage of the US still is.

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Maybe Adams has been "Mass Formationed".

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...and, like most in the 30%, doesn't even know it.

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Mr. Adams appears to have fallen prey to the absence of evidence = evidence of absence false equivalency. I doubt that he would be interested in anyone's suggestions on this topic. If you are a supporter on his Locals platform, he does entertain DMs occasionally.

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Nov 2, 2022·edited Nov 2, 2022

interesting - but Substack is as "social" as I get...

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I haven't listened to Adams in a long time - I'm very surprised he hasn't seen through all of this !

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Me too. I just stumbled upon a Youtube podcast of his and found he was cancelled from 77 newspapers. You'd think that at least would give him a heads up and spark a little curiosity. Plus, there'd be SO much material for Dilbert - getting locked down, getting jab mandated, getting plexi-glassed at work, masks, permitted speech, etc.

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Totally agree - so weird that he's not hooked into this.

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That doesn't sound like the former Scott Adams.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

GG tweets – extracted ~Nov 2 period https://twitter.com/ggreenwald

Note the intensity of Glenn’s activity despite a serious health emergency in his family

• (re-tweet) unusual_whales @unusual_whales

JUST IN: Treasury Department officials have begun looking into whether they have the legal authority to start an investigation into the Elon Musk’s Twitter purchase because of Musk’s ties to foreign governments and investors, per the Washington Post.

Everybody knows exactly why this is happening.

• One day after a major story from @lhfang and @kenklippenstein proving the US Govt and Security State are directing Big Tech on what to censor, the #2 Senate Dem tries to radically restrict what "free speech" means in a way that contradicts all 1A caselaw:

Senator Dick Durbin @SenatorDurbin –“Free speech does not include spreading misinformation to downplay political violence.”

• By the way, one day after this massive story about the US Govt directing Big Tech censorship was published by a Dem-friendly site, with a popular left-wing figure as one of the reporters, neither CNN nor MSNBC invited them on, and no Dem politician has mentioned it.

Why is this?

• 2015, BBC: "Meet Twitter's second biggest shareholder, Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal"

If DC Dems want an excuse to investigate Musk's purchase of Twitter on "national security grounds" because he won't censor for them, they'll need a better excuse.

• Also, few things are more darkly hilarious than Dems pretending to be so deeply concerned about Musk's involvement with Saudis when it's the US Government that is single-handedly responsible for propping up the Saudi regime with arms and surveillance tech

• Americans are being conditioned -- by "journalists" of all people -- to believe it's immoral or mentally ill not to immediately and uncritically accept whatever institutions of authorities claim.

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald weighs in on the Paul Pelosi attack: "Skepticism itself can never be wrong ... Even if evidence does emerge later on to prove it, the skepticism itself was not just valid, but necessary."

• To this very day, you can read articles in liberal corporate outlets branding as "conspiracy theorists" anyone asking about Nuland's comments - same for those who questioned claims about COVID vaccine efficacy and mask mandates, or *any* claim that the US Security State issues.

• The US corporate press is trying to train Americans to believe the first and most solemn duty of citizenship is instantly accept whatever institutions of authority tell you to believe. No wanting to see evidence, no noting contradictions: just happily recite what you're told.

• Rather than obey France's censorship order, Rumble turned its services off for France and will sue. But France should have no right to impose its censorship laws on the world.

• This is why I'm so proud to be working more with Rumble and why I believe in their free speech commitment. The easy thing to do would be to obey French politicians and remove anyone foreign governments demand. Rumble would rather lose France then submit to them.

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Nicely worded Mr. BP especially the TV News sacrificial tribes of talking heads.

And for your word viewing pleasure, the rhythm and rhyme of 1973 Frank Zappa (the slime)


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Thank you and I also love Frank Zappa, however -- I am just an admirer of incredible work of Glenn Greenwald and enjoy reading his daily tweets on Twitter -- so I decided to extract some of them and share them with wider audience.

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PS: The text of Frank Zappa's "Slime" is magnificent -- what an artist and poet !!!

Thank you sooo much !!

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I so agree with you. I'm in France and Rumble is effectively gone. I've got to find somewhere else to listen to the Warroom. I listen to quite a few people on Rumble I hope they win their suit. All because France wants to censor Russian content - well you wouldn't want to know what your adversary is saying right ? What idiots. I've heard Macron is in trouble (I don't even follow French politics) l hope he goes down.

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I commented on my local online liberal rag, Minnpost.com, in a discussion about the differences in covid ideas between my Gov Walz and his challenger Dr Scott Jensen, that Jensen had my vote on this issue alone, jabbing kids with mRNA every year is a Rubicon.

They wouldn't print it.

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Many thanks to you and all the doctors and scientists who courageously stood, despite personal loss and hardship, to fight the good fight for truth! If we don’t collectively do the same I have an overwhelming feeling that like the proverbial “frog in the pot”, we will soon wake up in a world exactly like the one average Chinese citizens wake up to every day. And Dr. Alexander Tyler’s “Cycle of democracy” will have come full circle.

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Thank you for another excellent newsletter. You always present relevant, important information in a logical, well-organized, incisive and analytical presentation. The entire falsely-inflated covid narrative is a planned, concerted, lockstep operation - all for the end results of global vaccinations, enormous amounts of wealth, and political control. All carried out by new world order players WEF, Rockefeller Foundation, Rothschild Foundation, Gates, Pharma and a few globalist corporations like Blackstone and Vanguard. The ultimate goal of this NWO alliance is global, feudalistic governance and control of the world's population and material resources.

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I stood at my door today and told an individual canvassing my neighborhood for our current US democratic senator who is up for re-election.

I told him that for me the election was largely a one issue vote….and It’s NOT abortion.

For me, it is about the COVID toxic jabs and especially about protecting the children. Come he’ll or high water….if they mandate the COVID jab in my state for school age children….which I expect they will—-I’ll do my best to stand in the gap and protect the health and freedom of our children.

This cannot stand.

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Churchill once said that in wartime, truth is so precious that it needs to be surrounded by a bodyguard of lies. We are at war of many varieties, we are in a constant continuum mindset of wars.

All is quite needless and remarkably childish. Images of peace, calm, and compassion must return.

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