Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I (like many conservatives) disagree with RFK Jr on many of his ideas but I think we all agree with his ardent support of free speech as presented in his testimony.

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I think it is hard to argue that there is another candidate more intelligent and comprehensive of the American ideal than him.

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If that American ideal is what his uncle talked about in his inaugural address, it's not my idea.

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What they did to RFK Jr is shameful .

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Feel free to name a more qualified candidate, I am open.

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The only thing that qualifies him is the same thing that qualified DJT. Neither is a politician. All of the presidents in my lifetime, except DJT and Eisenhower, were politicians. And only one of them had the same world view as me and that was Reagan. Our country has been so out of wack since Reagan because every pres after that but Trump were/are globalist. I am looking for someone, anyone that will say there is a new world order underway, how long it has been in the making, and that I'm going to stop it by doing a through z. I'm still waiting.

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You might like to subscribe to the RFK, Jr's Children's Health Defense newsletter. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

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You have no idea about what President Reagan stood for. In his muscular defense of America and American ideals he was the antithesis of a globalist. From where do you get your warped ideas? And, to the contrary of them, America was restored by Reagan; energized and strengthened.

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Please read my post again. Perhaps you just skimmed it missing important words?

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Strange times - in this one act, we now “see” Sen Bernie Sanders. He has been completely captured by big pharma.


Before he was screwing over Rand Paul with regards to Big Pharma, Bernie Sanders was screwing over Ron Paul on Auditing the Fed.



So I am not too shocked about his most recent development -- Bernie can always be counted on to roll over for the establishment when it really counts.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Jimmy Dore has some excellent rants on Bernie Sanders. Sanders outed himself as a war pig too. A true man of the people!

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"Bernie" is a Brooklyn socialist.

Nothing more. Oh wait, a raging hypocrite, as well.

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Yup....yet just another Mr. Magoo cartoon act upon the people and un-serving the people.

He's at the top of the list in regards to the "Money Fo Nuthin" Gang.

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Has he even explained himself?

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I believe about 83 Republicans in the House who voted against having the astute pilots who rejected the jabs from being rehired speaks volumes of how Big Pharma controls the medical narrative here in the US and around the globe! That issue is as large as the Free Speech issue that needs to be fixed! RFK is embraced in Europe but silenced in the USA because your right to free speech is being subverted! Time for everyone to wake up to the manipulation of our personal rights for financial gain must stop NOW!

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Indeed and yet another most disgraceful part of our day!

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Military pilots or commercial? Was this vote in the NDAA?

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Commercial. Airlines do not have enough pilots to fly their routes. Pilots have been dropping dead in and out of the airplanes. Others have permanent injuries and cannot fly any more. The industry is demanding the remaining pilots to fly outside their contracted time periods. It makes sense to hire back the pure bloods. If they did, eventually, that would be the pilot cohort. Jab Karma is coming to everyone who fell for it or allowed themselves to be bullied into it. May as well get ahead of the curve.

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HavN’t got a clue! All I know is the are perpetuating the BS!

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dems are a disgrace - fully on display.

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Totally agree. I'm a Kennedy Dem, and I was shocked by the disgraceful behavior of every Democrat on the committee at the hearing today. They have devolved into shockingly rude closed-minded people who are clearly comfortable with censorship, manipulation and shouting down any rational opposing views. I hope that the sunshine on their behavior is the disinfectant it needs to be. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have imagined that congressional representatives would behave that way.

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It was DESPICABLE behavior today! Disgusting to watch! 🤬🤬🤬

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It is long overdue to publicly state and restate that we have been and are in the middle of largest US conspiracy ever.

Conspiracy led by Hillary DNC team (including St. Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Schiff, etc.) and Deep State (FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.) and also select RINO GOP collaborators.

The unprecedented and on-going CONSPIRACY includes

• Russia-gate 5-year hoax and major election interference,

• coup in Ukraine and attempted coup against elected US president,

• Hunter laptop premediated lies, silencing of US president in social media and resulting stealing of 2020 election,

• protection of Biden and Biden’s family major corruption,

• Jan. 6 armed insurrection set-up (with almost ten dead according to AOC),

• Building a major censorship apparatus led by CIA and FBI executives in State media, Internet, major universities and technology giant firms – that is still maintained

• Persecution, prosecution, and silencing leading 2024 presidential candidates who are opposing the US War uni-party

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I'd like to add that I'm a Kennedy Dem who also greatly admires Tucker Carlson and Simone Gold, and I'm deeply grateful for them and all of the other truth tellers.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’m happy we have Senator Rand Paul not giving up seeking truth. I pray for RP and RFK. RFK lineage is filled with trauma inflicted by our United States government. Sad that the “state” always grows to consume its own people. I hope for better. I pray for “better” for the people of the USA and around the world. We have so very much in the USA and blessed beyond measure comparably to the world. Peace be with you all.

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Never stop praying,miracles happen.

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Beautifully said.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I watched the testimony today with Kennedy & yesterday with IRS whistleblowers and it was astonishing to me, that the democrat members are either knowingly lying purely for political power, or they’re sociopaths‼️

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

They did the same thing to Taibbi and Shellenberger who reported on the 'Twitter Files'.

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Those racist rants yesterday made me so angry! They had nothing to do with the topic at hand; even citing events from 70 years ago!

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They never care about the topic at hand, just getting out all the talking points on their lists.

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They ALL have been knowingly lying for years, including J6 and Russia-gate

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it's sociopathic to lie purely for political power (or political survival), and idiotic to do that on the record. Clearly they are all of that.

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RFK's speech was so impressive this morning, I wanted a copy of it. I loved his book, THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI. He speaks the truth. The truth is not popular, and many people are not familiar with the issues he brings to the public--they just jump on the bandwagon against him. I couldn't agree more with the comments of Robert Malone regarding RFK.

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I’d sure like to see some of Kennedy’s clan speak out in his defense.

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Jul 20, 2023·edited Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I did it, I watched the whole thing.

Are the Ds trying to upset people? I was particularly disgusted with Sanchez and Wasserman Schultz, who was the worst.

(Just a side note, and I rarely comment on peoples appearances, but, my goodness, all that frizz tamer she is putting in her hair is making her go bald, someone tell her)

The insistence to cancel Kennedy as a witness, the moral impunity the Ds embrace, the interrupting, the clear and consistent violation of the rules, why? Oh, because they are on the moral side now right.

"I take issue with that question"

I've been seeing that a lot, Ms. Wiley.

I just ran into this type of reasoning on my recent family get together. Apparently, I do something called, "begging the question".

But when you look it up, what that means, it doesn't mean what I was doing. There is the real definition, "is an informal fallacy that occurs when an argument's premises assume the truth of the conclusion."

And then there is the common usage, "The phrase "begs the question" is also commonly used to mean "prompts a question" or "raises a question".

I did the latter, which is basically the Socratic method, keep asking.

But I was accused of doing the former! These rhetorical tricks taught and bred into the left these days are the reeds of destruction, because they are all wrapped up in a moral sentiment, in the exact kind of moral sentiment that allows people to commit atrocities.

The performative ignorance in the display, the nah nah nah finger in the ears approach is disgusting and despicable.

I am going to go chop some wood. I have to burn this off.

[Edits for typos and punctuation, natural pause rule is not a real comma rule]

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’ve chopped wood for the last two days and still have lots more to do 🥱

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We heated a 3200 square foot house with solely a wood burning furnace… I had 16 cords, at least, on hand. Dang, I miss that. And Yes, I wear kevlar chaps, eye and ear protection🔥🏴‍☠️, Ed

Edit- The Very Best beer of my life was at the end of those days. I get my big saw back next Tuesday. I am going to use it to saw up a samsung refrigerator and drop it on their service center doorstep🤣.

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This form of dialog has become its own linguistic art form. I think they are taught it. I remember the nonsensical things Obama used to say. After a huge shift in Congress, he said I still have things I must do. I heard all of you that didn't vote. He was good at retorting with a strawman flushing any idea of a dialog down the toilet. Their best word play is to start with an accusation so you must answer that before any dialog can happen.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm Canadian.

I like RFK, have read the Fauci book.

Impressive speaker.

Impressive researcher.

Can't wrap my head around his Climate views though...

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That's the problem with the guy (as president) in a nutshell. (He's bought into the climate nonsense, hook, line and sinker.)

He's done an incredible service to this country by putting out the book on Fauci, which is remarkable when one considers the members of his own party who are still lying prostrate before the man. But this doesn't qualify him to be president.

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What qualifies him to be president is his knowledge and commitment to upholding our constitution.

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He has made the statement that he would change his mind on climate change if he learns new facts! The overwhelming manipulation of data to push the climate con for profit is the problem!

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Is biden qualified to be president? I’d take my chances with RFK if given the choice.

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I'd take my chances with a stranger whose name I pulled from a phone directory, but that wouldn't make the stranger qualified for the job.

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I believe he just hasn't seen the full data on climate yet. I just got some climate data about 3-4 months ago that convinced me that the fear mongering on climate change is not based on manipulating the facts. RFK Jr has done far more homework on other issues than I have, so it seems possible that he just hasn't yet fully studied the climate data to see the manipulation.

A few weeks ago I sent his campaign some data to look into that might change his mind on another key issue, and was impressed with the very simple, straightforward appreciation expressed in their reply. So it may also be helpful to send them data on the climate change that reveals the manipuations.

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correction: the fear mongering is based on manipulating the facts

(delete “not”)

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Jul 25, 2023·edited Jul 25, 2023

But isn't this the same problem (albeit in another direction)?

A person who knows 7% of the subject matter but will fill up the other 93% with emotion and then dictate as a zealot?

I don't care if the mandates are based on Covidiasm or environmentalism; if the person in office (or trying to get there) doesn't know what he or she is talking about, then a bit of humility and a lot of general human decency demand that we should keep our mouths shut until we do.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

If we keep our mouths shut, we don't learn where our ideas are incorrect. I agree that a bit of humility and a lot of human decency are needed, and from what I've seen he exhibits those characteristics very consistently. What environmental mandates are your referring to?

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Environmentalism is all about mandates. It's about government mandates on auto manufacturers to produce smaller cars, it's about NYS mandating against gas stoves in new construction, et cetera. (These are the benchmarks by which the environmentalists demonstrate their piety.)

RFK Jr is on a podcast that hit Rumble recently (it was either Joe Rogan or Bret Weinstein). During this conversation, RFK is arguing that the anecdotal evidence from his life experiences is proof of global warming.

He's an emotional thinker, which means that he can't be allowed to be a decision-maker, at least at the level of the presidency.

Let him lead the team that prosecutes Fauci and all of the other lunatics; he will do far more for the country in that capacity than he would do as President.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

The ban on gas stoves is a policy of the people RFK is running against and has nothing to do with the environment. Whatever “mandates” there have been for smaller cars have clearly been for virtue signalling. SUVs are among the most popular cars on the roads, truck abound, and a car I purchased this year which is advertised as one of the smaller cars on the market has an absolute fit every time I pull it out of my one-car garage. 🙂

An emotional thinker could never win the court cases he has won, or give the testimony he gave during the onslaught at the recent Congressional committee hearing. The humility and human decency/emotional intelligence you advocate may be mistaken for emotional thinking, but that’s a mistake. RFK Jr is a master at anchoring in his frontal lobe which operates synergistically with his emotional intelligence.

His success during his long career indicates that he’s a very wise decision-maker.

The evidence from his life experiences have shown him that there has been far too much destruction of the earth’s natural habitats and resources, including forests that sequester CO2. Like many others, he has mistakenly bought into the claim that the lower CO2 sequestering is causing the rise in the atmospheric temperature. He’s correct that the destruction of habitats, which leads to desertification, is a serious threat to our longterm survival (see Dave Foreman’s Rewilding North America).

Let’s see what RFKs solutions are for the rise in temperatures. If the solutions include rewilding our habitats, revitalizing our farmlands with regenerative farming (see the documentary The Biggest Little Farm), and cleaning up our water sources, those will be solutions that prevent desertification and species extinction as well as making our air healthier, so they are beneficial for all of humanity and for future generations. It’s also reasonable to expect that he will learn about how the data on rising temperatures has been manipulated for the purposes of fearmongering.

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There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad gear. Ed

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Saunders just showcased your average socialist.

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Being a socialist activist is his first and favorite job. Leading a generation of our youth into socialism is his major accomplishment. I found it interesting in the 2016 primary, all the other candidates tried to best his socialist ideas.

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hiding conflicts of interest is not socialism, it's sociopathology.

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Corruption, right out in the open on full display. When will Americans awaken, en masse, and clean house?

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It's doubtful more than a handful of people watch congressional hearings. But I'm sure many read online headlines that encapsulate the take-a-way message. I quit thinking after 2022, how can normal people vote these creeps into office. There are so many of them and some have been there for decades.

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i'm not voting for any politician who has given executive orders or voted in favor of laws that don't represent my values, starting with the 2022 election. Hope other voters will join me in that.

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Americans exist beneath a heavy wet blanket of poor diet, too many pharma products, propaganda from every direction, bad employment, over entertainment, debt, and a weird mix of desperation and convenience.

That is the prison.

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Federal government employees get paid with tax dollars. They work for the people. The fact that they can and do hide their conflicted sources of income AND are protected by establishment politicians to do so AND return redacted statements when FOIAed proves that the corruption is pervasive, entrenched and in charge.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sanders has never been much more than a $10 hooker.

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Most sex workers have more self respect than Sanders.

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A lifetime of drug use will do that to ya.

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I was really hoping Bobby would rise more in the polls by now or consider being VP for Trump or DeSantis. I'm losing some hope on that. I can't stand these people who think they can just censor people like this. And destroy them.

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We have lots of proof that they can censor, they know it works and they will keep doing it. How does one rise in the polls when the alphabet news channels, the internet home pages and the go-to lefty social media sites either never mention him or do so with distain.

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Yep, I know. It's a disaster.

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Polls are for people that don't know how to research the candidate and use that info to make a decision.

They also work well to sway stupid people's votes.

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They aren't accurate, either, of course. But I was still hoping to see Bobby up more than this. It's early for him and DeSantis, though. Trump wasn't really on the radar yet in 16. But Kennedy is a more known political entity. I was hoping he'd be more like 30% or so by now. They are keeping him censored pretty good and doing the demonization tactics--the Stalin approach to power. Control the media and you control it all.

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I agree. Dems are like hypnotized lemmings the way they vote, u could March them right the hell off a cliff if they were told that it would get them the results they wanted.

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re: Bernie Sanders - Is there anything more despicable than a fully bought and paid for socialist?

Even among politicians, there is no lower being in the swamp.

The Democrat Party made a huge mistake when letting socialists, Marxists and communists into their party.

Is RFK, Jr the last REAL Democrat?

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The democrat party always was a corrupt "anti" party. Think KKK, think how they went against Lincoln because they didn't want the 'nigger' (not my word- theirs) to vote, then the 5/6 rule (the vote of the black man only counted as 5/6 of a person, the abortion with Sanger, removal of the black fathers from the home with promises never kept. It has progressed to their continued and more abundant lies and broken promises and more sophesticated cheating on elections. Along the way they became more Marxists /Communists.

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Nostalgia works better when one forgets the details. You're right. It pays to remember.

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Now RFK, Jr is feeling his party's distain. He knows what they did to Bernie and if he is only partly aware of what they have been doing to Trump for eight years he should know the battle is useless. What major entity could be counted on to hold a fair debate between three primary winning candidates if RFK, Jr ran 3rd party.

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"He knows what they did to Bernie and if he is only partly aware of what they have been doing to Trump for eight years he should know the battle is useless."

That's why his presentation here seems almost a bit disingenuous.

He's certainly entitled to defend himself against the smears he has endured, but there's someone who has endured FAR more than he has. (When the Feds raid Hyannis Port and rifle through his closet, he'll be in a better position to realize how low they can REALLY go.)

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not seen the full speech yet, yet a clip on Larry Kudlow was so powerful. I only watch him as he is economist and worked for Reagan and Trump. His guest are more economists. Today, he spoke of two testimonies: Censorship! RFK and such grievous disregard. It was beyond barbaric! The other topic was the tape Grassly brought with a testimony from

Some heavyweight from Burisma which he was forced to pay 5m to each Biden. It was the Biden’s who threatened him as he stated. This has been a travesty of pure greed and humiliation and now they want to call RFK to censorship and our Pilots have no jobs AFTER Covid. I’m most fond of Rand Paul. This man fought to get the truth

Of Natural Immunity! He is tireless.

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