Jun 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The "Far Right" is now defined as anyone who opposes a totalitarian "One World" government. The Left is pretty clear about who they are -- the totalitarian wolves in sheep's clothing. It is hard to imagine how they can keep a straight face while singing the praises of Fauci and Biden. One wonders, what is a centrist nowadays? I think the Left has eliminated them from consideration. That's what totalitarians do: you support the party, or you are the enemy of the party. The sad thing is that there are many on the Left who actually are more centrist, but have been swept up by the anti-far-Right false rhetoric into endorsing the totalitarian agenda of the New Left. These recruits, as so many soldiers who mean well, have no idea what they are fighting for or against. They are tools of sophisticated bureaucrats with big egos and big ambitions. Hopefully their fall will be as big as their egos.

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Mark, Perhaps that is what Kennedy represents: Centrist.

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I agree. The Left wants to cast him as Right Wing and the Right views him as too Left wing. It's quite a knife's edge to walk the center path.

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P.S. Did you see this latest video with Kennedy? Very moving. Such rare honesty and openness. https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1799914954952429929?cxt=HBwW0sXSva_HyvoxAAAA&cn=ZmxleGlibGVfcmVjcw%3D%3D&refsrc=email

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Thank you. Kennedy as a unique force in the world. I am a strong supporter.

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Mark, I subscribed to your substack for 7 days in order to read your latest post on Bucky Fuller, whom I greatly admire. But it won't let me read it. Keeps asking me to subscribe...Oh well...

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Sorry about this, Leonara. I will try to see what the problem is.

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Jun 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We watched "MI5" on PBS, "Spooks" in the UK, when it first appeared over 20 years ago, and are revisiting it with a now-jaundiced eye. The subterfuge, deception and misdirection employed by the IC is off the charts. Season 3 opens with a failed effort to incorporate all of the IC in the UK under a political wing. Who could have imagined then that this would happen in the U.S.? You know, 51 former IC bigwigs signing a document that Hunter Biden's laptop "had all the earmarks" of Russian disinformation. And now? What's next? Tactical nukes in Ukraine before the election? Because the lie has been exposed about the vax and that orchestrated fear won't work? Self-preservation is a powerful motivation and there is no restraint to the evil that drives their bus. We need to get our country back.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

I still can’t ‘like comments’, however… but assured they are still at it. Once brilliant and funny British television is pure predictive programing.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

Hope springs eternal. This morning (ET advises is CCP inspired) my Newsbreak reports Moderna is reporting their new Covid-Flu Vax is more successful than their stand alones.They hope to have it approved and out by August.

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I don't want to be a nattering nabob of negativity, but why would we start believing anything big pharma claims now?

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

It seems they're trying to escalate the war as fast as they can. I hope the upcoming elections can stop the escalation before it goes utterly catastrophic. Putin was originally thinking he was dealing with sane people. But unfortunately, he's not, Praying for us all.

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Beware Creepy Joe. Never trust a man whose uncle was eaten by cannibals!

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We have met the enemy and he/she/they is US.

And EU. And WEF. And MSM. And WHO. And CIA, And FBI. And so on.

Basically, we are surrounded and compromised all around.

But God.

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As always, the government of any country is the cause of misery for it's people. Money and power always is the objective while claiming to make the world a better place. BS.


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Jun 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a man and gentleman, Dr Malone. Your heartfelt MEGA support is of great value for us patriots and Eidgenossen loving the Helvetic Confederation. Slowly the spoiled and materialistic Swiss start to wake up to reality, just see the voting results that will shake up the ***seven executives (Bundesrat)*** in Bern who are looking down on the "souverain".

Haughtiness has no place with us Eidgenossen.

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I'm just a simple nurse, trying to enjoy the start of my "golden years". Trying to take care of my family. Sometimes when I'm overwhelmed with the utter ridiculousness of the world, or my country or my state... I lapse into reminiscing and that is dangerous. You can never go home again. Or back. There is no back. So then I sigh, pull up my socks and go do something that needs doing.

But the question that keeps reverberating in my pea brain is why do the elite so desperately, deeply desperately, want globalism? It truly can't be just power. It just feels like there is something more to it. And not obvious of course. Like why does Soros, the Soros family, spend their money (and Gates too) on the stupid crap they spend it on? How did they become that dumb? Or misguided or what have you. There are so many other things we could be spending our precious time and energy on. Sorry. I inadvertently went down that rabbit hole.

If you take the entire world situation and level it down to a kindergarten class, it is really easy to solve, isn't it!? So why can't we do that? Why doesn't someone do that? Maybe that is the "bad orange" man's job. (TIC) We shall see.

I would prefer not to live in interesting times, if anyone is asking.

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Simple answer. The so called Elites wish to be God. And direct the universe and everything in it. What they don’t understand is that they know nothing at all about anything that is important and real and true. They will in time, but not now.

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They also seek immortality. The quest for fame and immortality underpins and motivates many sins

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P.B. - The Eaters get in the way of The Elites - clutter up things. Now, with robots to do the actual work to keep civilization going, The Elites no longer need the unwashed masses.

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While Trump was not my first choice, Biden was and will be my last choice. Trump is a polarizing character and for too many negatively so. I would like to see our next election campaign morph from extoling and decrying personalities to doing the same of party platforms. Trump already has the competency contest won, so comparing conservative values and goals to woke-ism, illegal immigration, anything and everything minority and foolish premature investment in climate change should further sane election success. The conservative election Achilles heal is abortion. Much like prostitution and laws against both, they always have been and always will be. Better to encourage adoption and like abortion alternatives than to make a fearful mother a felon.

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Or as it should have been done, leave it up to the states.

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As was the case prior to the phantom clause in Roe.

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I found this link posted on As A Mom this evening. Living in TX, I'm sure you are familiar with this 1977 AP article about Johnson's 1948 Senate seat win.


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That was the origen of the rayburn/lbj crime syndicate whose offspring are many (most?) of the rinos we deal with here today

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Well, no one has tried to make the toxic mothers a felon, not sure where you got that idea??

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Up to birth? Even the Europeans shake their heads at that. Could we start with a limit a 20 weeks and work our way down from there?

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Sure. That would be an improvement. It is telling people what they cannot do with their bodies that alienates them and their votes.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

Dr Malone. I have “noblesse oblige”. Loads of it. Here is the short summary to all our elite betters…..

Shut up and leave us alone. Completely, and also go away now and crawl back into your caves in Timbuktu. We don’t want EV’s and Solar panels. We want fossil fuels and small powerful packaged nuclear power stations that can increase power generation exponentially for the next 50 years in very small spaces with extremely high density , continuous, baseload , reliable technologies of the future. Solar panels and windmills pollute the landscapes and kill wildlife, destroy forests and farmlands and oceans, and just plain contradict the beauty that God Almighty gave us to live in peace. We want the EPA emasculated and muzzled and stripped of their power to kill industry, mining, logging, and mineral extraction. We want all government agencies to allow farmers to farm as they are able and stop trying to regulate them out of business. Why? People need food. We do not want a repeat of the Holomdor in the USA. Stalin used this to kill 11 million Ukrainians to raise cash to buy capital equipment and technology for production from Western Europe. They cared nothing for the people. They just demanded cash. Sound familiar?

We want mass deportation of all of the criminals, rapists, looters and shooters back to their home country. No trials. Just deportation. We want all funding coming from Islamic or Chinese CCP sources into our universities to be banned and the funds returned. We want all government services to illegal aliens to be illegal and zeroed out. We want a restoration of legal immigration based on merit, not DEI privileges.

We want the public schools to defund and exterminate all DEI programs like Governor DeSantis did in Florida already. We want the homosexual lobbyists to be removed from public schools and all Drag Queen Story Hours to become illegal. Why? We want more grandchildren and fewer psychotic disphoria influencers involved in our daily lives. We want a restoration of free speech and religious freedom. And a new DOJ and FBI management team that doesn’t target normal common Americans while ignoring drug gangsters and international sex and work slave trafficker slaves, literal chattel slaves, that are being pushed into our communities. Business owners or individuals who traffick in people need to go to prison for life or receive public executions.

We want the USA to stop creating new foreign wars and get our troops home from 2/3rds of the countries they operate in. We want all military and support funding to Ukraine and Europe to cease immediately. We want the military to secure our borders and then attack the drug gangsters in Mexico and other places that are flowing the fentanyl, cocaine, crystal meth, heroin, and other dangerous drugs to our teenagers and young adults.

And the medical industry? I will leave those suggestions to the Venerable Dr Robert Malone, who understands this area far more than his readers

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From your lips to God's ear. Damned tough to find fault with any of that.

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Tom, what an excellent explanation of what us sane people desire for our beloved country!

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Cannot like any posts today, so: amen!

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Wait a little bit. They take naps. Try again in a few minutes. Dr Malone loves us common folks.

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yes, but no one is common.

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Jun 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Doctor Malone, we were blessed by our concierge Doctor in summer 2020. He told me and my lovely wife to take Ivermectin, Hydroxychloriquin, large vitamin C doses and zinc piccolate and other vitamins. He had a book on his desk titled “never wear a mask”. He told us never take a covid vaccine. We are still unvaccinated. This happened six months before any covid vax was released to the public. Knowledge matters. Good doctors who love you matter.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Jesus Christ loves even the least of these people. I do as well. I have difficulties with arrogant people who are ignorant and unloving.

Odd people are interesting if you ask them to explain their lives. Everyone is interesting if you love people. I do.

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Thank you for the great summary and your ‘hopeful’ message on making headway. Bravo To The Freedom Loving Citizens of Western Nations - Congratulations!

Meloni’s party is part of the ERC.

Macron has call for snap national elections on June 30 and July 7 and the dissolution of the National Assembly in a few weeks after getting 14.6% of the vote. "The rise of nationalists and demagogues is a danger for our nation and for Europe," said Macron "After this day, I cannot go on as though nothing has happened."

76% of Germans think the SPD-led (Social Democratic Party) government is not governing successfully. 570,000 SPD voters from 2019 instead cast votes for AFD on Sunday.

Spain’s People Party with 34.2% gained 9 seats and the PM’s party lost a seat.

Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom in the Netherlands gained 6 seats.

Austria’s Freedom Party (part of the ID coalition) placed first with 25.7% of the vote, gaining three seats.

Belgian PM DeCroo resigned after his parties lost. The New Flemish Alliance placed first and its leader, Bart de Wever will likely become its next PM.

WaPo was indignant: “"'cordon sanitaire' erected by more mainstream parties against the putative descendants of Europe's fascist movements had collapsed" and that "a new age of right-wing politics in the West" had arrived. Thank You WaPo, although we do not accept the ‘fascist’ designation.

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I hear rumor that Germany may dissolve the Bundestag now

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I hope that is the case. The Telegraph indicated that less than a third of German voters cast ballots for the ruling parties combined. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/10/afd-germany-election-vote-olaf-scholz-coalition/

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Thank you for this Splendid News, so deliciously described. Pinned to my phone late last night, hoping for some positive news. Delighted to learn my favorite tigress has continued to prevail.

One hopes Europeans and our voters in the US will elect to forego the fake climate scare with its enrich the oligarchs solutions and tighten the belts of our welfare states.

So glad there is a glimmer of a dawning on the horizon!

On our local level our illustrious Gov continues to burnish his bona-fides doubling down on climate causes. This reportly includes doing away with gas furnaces (including mine?) and all ? gas appliances by 2025. On the other hand, his 'no new taxes this year' generated 325 new forms of picking public pockets going forward. A prime example of what we could look forward to.

THANK YOU again for confirming the heartening signs of a return to rationality. It's so gratifying to confirm the progress all of you have made in getting that boulder rolled up the mountain! A process for all of us to join and commit to.

Have a great day! I gather a heat wave is on the way.

Bestest Plus ♡♡♡

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Three cheers for the sane folk in Europe, Hip Hip Hooray!

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Yay for Europe! If people banned together for the good of the country and with the help of God we can accomplish good things. Action not reaction.

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Greed plays too big a role in our history. Immigration serves to illustrate. Rather than any serious attempt to insure beneficial immigration it has been an exploitive tool to support our self styled elites. When a war time draft was initiated during the Civil War, quotas were met by the Yankees conscripting Irish immigrants right off the boats in NYC. Rather than pay living wages to workers in our ballooning industrial development we imported boatloads of illiterate and largely unskilled laborers to be banished into virtual slavery; bound to sweatshops and sickening living conditions beyond our belief today. Of course this ultimately served to help progressives in their quest to socialize us by leading to the creation of unions (also a boon to organized crime, which not so oddly, finds itself a bedfellow of socialist enterprises such as robbing banks and its union members). However, the mass of unproductive humanity pouring across our border today may now annoy progressive elites since they have offshored so much of our labor intensive manufacturing and do dislike having masses of hoi polloi cluttering up their venues.

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Explanation for the Country being known as a "melting pot."

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Cute name for poor policy.

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Jun 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You got me at "nattering nabobs of negativism" and the envelope please, I will need to take some time to digest all of this info. In the past I didn't spend much time assessing the European elections, I have a lot of catching up to do. Better late than never, as they say...

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Jun 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the voice over

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