It beggars the imagination that people can be so oblivious to the psycho-sociopathic agenda which is playing out now and destroying everything that matters - including and especially our children. If we cannot find the courage to protect our children we are a failed species indeed.

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Sadly, they are most likely subject to narcissist manipulation in their personal lives so they don’t really see what’s going on.

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deletedMay 17, 2022·edited May 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS
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exactly, let them boost

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They have it exactly assbackwards!

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May 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hello Dr. Malone,

Today I became a paid subscriber to your Substack. I had been a free subscriber for months but today I paid for a subscription to the Steve Kirsch Substack and since you are so courageously and selflessly fighting with us for Truth, Justice and the American Way as he is, I wanted to help fund you a little.

Cheers and best wishes!

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Dr. Robert Malone's and Steve Kirsch's Substack communities are lovely, active, vibrant, thoughtful and diverse in a stimulating way. Yet another milestone in their repertoire of amazing accomplishments.

Some Substack spaces are more a place to publish articles followed by a few comments, which is fine for certain topics. But I am guessing those places will fade away or stay limited from the lack of interaction and enthusiastic support. Substack authors with similar topics of interest who only want to publish occasionally might consider consolidating, with each writing columns. Some Substacks might end up looking like mini-journals, with follower submissions, as an alternative to the failing and compromised research journal space. Those options could encourage increased paid subscriptions and ease the burden of keeping up the content and energy, which must be immense.

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May 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Don’t believe the WHO will stop at viruses and diseases. They will be able to declare climate as a health emergency and ban fossil fuels. How about declaring “gun violence “ a health emergency. There go your personal firearms. Good luck with that one in the US. This IS the Great Reset or at least a major part of it. Even if this goes through I don’t see how they can enforce it UNLESS WE LET THEM. No matter the outcome of this we better have the balls to resist and not to comply.

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Indeed, COVID is just an excuse. That is all.

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dont you find it interesting that they will use climate and that many countries cloud seed?

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I believe in what you say but not to much faith in the later, look at what happened in the last two years. It's heart breaking!

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people need to watch old WWII documentaries on how the Nazis rose to power. Its all happening right now. The bloodlines from that era are in power now. These devils never left society, they hid, gathered, groomed and now are acting

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We don’t seem to learn from the past but instead we relive it and don’t even realize it until it’s too late.

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May 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Humanity is on a slippery slope to oblivion because Fauci and his disciplines believe they can improve on gods design! With each injection the risk of having ill Health compounds!

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billions took gene editing experiments, humanity is most certainly in trouble. These people who are doing this are psychopaths, Godless and want anyone who has a soul dead because they were born without one

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May 17, 2022·edited May 17, 2022

When will the EUA expire? What is the trigger? Is there a trigger? Is it when Moderna and Pfizer have run out of product?

I used to think eventually people would wise up... stop throwing themselves and their kids into the fiery mouth of Moloch. But no. The only hope is that all do not have to inject poison in order to buy or sell.

Maranatha. (Jesus come quickly)

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Right, it's the only real solution!

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Really, does anyone know the answers to these questions? Part of the reason I pay a subscription here was a promise made that questions would be answered. I ask, others, also want to know and nothing. I realize people are busy, but sometimes I ask actually science related questions I have searched on and am unable to find answers. A person with science background or as in here - a government person - any answers? It is like shouting into the void sometimes. Is it "It will be done when the lords say it is over? Never? July 14 2025?

Just take the declaration that questions will be answered. Why promise it.

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Not a scientist, but .... IMO they will extend the EUA as long as it gives them some benefit, as long as their complicity and frauds remain hidden, as long as they can get away with it or until WHO takes over with the EUA still in place. No doubt the WHO would continue with our being subject to the EUA in the same manner. The goals are likely - control, coverup and submission of the assumed Nations.

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That is also my feeling. A while back RM told his readers how the EUA for these new vaccines was put into place - how two people sort of made sure that it happened. And he named them. If you know those sorts of details, my questions would probably be easy answers as well. After Lancet had to admit the article they published about hydroxychloroquine being fake and that it showed actual effectiveness in treating COVID there was no effort to get the EUA lifted. To stop the child jab - which seems of primary intererest at this point. If the desire is to get people to rally around things and get energy, getting the EUA removed seems like a good start.

Thank you for answering. : )

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We are about one week from ceding our sovereignty to a plan that has been in motion for decades and not a SINGLE seated politician or corporate media outlet has uttered a peep!

Silent. Tedros the terrorist. Silent. Gutierrez. Silent. Overturning lawfully elected leaders in Italy, Greece, Czech Republic, Israel, Nicaragua, Chile, Peru, Honduras, Bolivia, Netherlands

The fake US/NATO created Ukraine/Russia war, Jan 6, Plandemic, US election, political opposition prisoners,, deliberate border invasion,, racial fanning, preventable mass shootings, supply chain disruption, lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates, education destruction, tribalism, false narratives…

What is the GOP response? Banning abortion, doing nothing to diversify the party or modernizing t the platform or contemplating reality. Instead of dissecting the pattern of distractions and endgame, they dig in to the social issues espousing hyper-fundamentalist Christian ideology, confusing dogma with the Constitution, Bill Of Rights and religious freedom.

They have not touched upon the technological science of mRNA as medicine, Fauci’s decades long history of failure, corruption, sadism, torture , death and coverups. Not a word about Event 201, Operation Dark Winter Glade X, the epic history of CIA FBI/NSA /DOJ/FISA failure, corruption, coverups, false flags, persecution and targeting of American citizens and whistleblowers,The UN/Military Industrial Complex, Pharma, Tech, CommunoIslamoFascism, the UniParty Duopoloy…

, decking population and infertility, Chinese infiltration, CAIR, our universities, corrupt politicians.. Why didn’t a single Republican call out McCai, Kerner and Paul Ryan’s involvement in the IRS Scandal, Fast and Furious, Keating, ?) why haven’t the Republicans excoriated McCain, Flake, Burr,Graham, , Corker’s unholy alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood? Or the corrupt US players in Ukraine aside from Hunter Biden, I. E, McCain, Graham, Soros, Romney, Bush, Kerry, Mueller, Fiona Hill, Nuland, Kent, Bolton, Devine, Cofer Black, Schoen, Pelosi, Clinton, Lanny Davis, Rick Davis, the Podestas, Atkisson, Yvonovich, Volker, McMaster, Atlantic Council, Brookings, Band, Klobachar, Leahy, Schiff, Vindman, Murphy, Lofgren, Brennan, Baker, Menendez,Kramer,Crowdstrike,Epstein,Issakoff,Kristof,Cardin,chalupa, Glenn Simpson, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Cheney,Bulger,Wicker,Kerner,Bernie, Rice,Abedin,Durbin+ or the Nazis, particularly the Azov Regiment.

Why with all the “ Russia, Russia, Russia” did they not call out Uranium One, Mueller’s role or that the whistleblower is now in federal prison? Or the backdoor deal allowing Russia to sell arms to Iran? Or that Ukraine was used as a hub to transfer weapons to Al Qaeda in Libya under the Arab Spring rebels guise to destroy Gadaffi and pilfer Libya and Africa’s natural resources? That Benghazi was a CIA operation?

Lachlan Murdoch , a WEF “Young Global Leader” is the current Fox CEO ( thanks Rupert), which explains the Fox Board Of Directors support of Buttegieg , another WEF stooge in 2020. Hence, the bizarre ban on mention of Soros. It was quite bizarre when Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch was banned from Fox for “ Antisemitism” after calling out Soros. Farrell is the least antisemitic , honorable American hero in recent history.Lou Dobbs was canceled, Gingrich was silenced and most recently, Lara Logan, an incredibly esteemed investigative journalist was also removed.Ditto Jon Solomon, Sagar Enjeti, Isaiah Washington,Ami Horowitz, Zhudi Jasser,Elon Musk, Niger Innis, Ian Miles Cheong,Andy Ngo, Jim Hanson, Dov Hikind, , Greta Van Susteren,Raheem Kassam, Tony Shaffer, Diana West, Drs Malone, Risch, Gold, Kory,McCollough, RFK Jr, Dave Reaboi, Nan Hayward, Ayaan Hirsi Al, David Harsanyl, Lee Smith, Darrell Scott, Glenn Beck… Tucker is dying to spill the beans… pushing OAN off the air

Not a mention of Trudeau, Goodland, Blinken,Macron,, Ardern, Australia,Sanjay Gupta, Gates,Juncker,Bancel,Zelenskyy,Alicia Garza,Ibrham Kendi,Stephanopoulis, Ashton Kutcher, Jack Ma, Leona Wen, Bloomberg Johns Hopkins,Nuland,Nikki Haley, Chelsea Clinton,Bono, Merkel,Blair,Harari,the new presidents of Nicaragua, Peru, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Diden’s BlackRock/Vanguard/StateStreet,Xi,JP Morgan Cabinet, Fed,

WEF Schwab/Fauci/Gergen/Gates/Soros/Bloomberg/ Kissinger/ Ashcroft/Fauci/Fink/Buffett/UN/NATO/Globalist “ Great Reset” Build Back Better “ You will own nothing and be happy” ripped from the pages of Huxley’s Brave New World. Transhumanism hybrid mutant fiefdom ruling over serfdom .

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Nail on head!!! Why aren't the majority of writers on Substack delving into and emphasizing this issue instead of harping on what we already know about the consequences of the vaccines and the last two years. Given the upcoming elections in November, what pressure can be brought to bear on the political candidates hungry for our votes?

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Check out Naomi Wolf , Russell Brand, Kim Iversen, Glenn Beck, Dr McCoolough, Dark Hourse ( Brett Weinstein)

Naomi Wolf is really in depth

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Thanks, I'm familiar with all those mentioned and quite a few others.

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The effing politicians are under control of these fuckers.I’m absolutely furious with Trump. All talk

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I think Oz was the one who was going there

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This is the reason the left is terrified of Elon Musk. I hope he can hang on. He was inside of the goings on and has been leaking the horrific details

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Wow! That's is a BRILLIANT takedown of the entire global sociopathic cultural paradigm. I've been sharing this with family and friends but most people are oblivious to the fact that we are on the precipice of complete annihilation. They actually believe with their whole hearts that their government cares about them, that it's all about protecting our health, that the price of safety is freedom. Future generations will curse our name.

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Thank you. I’ve been taking notes for years.

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We all now realize this plan has been in the making for decades and that our leaders for the most part groomed into their roles or held in captivity through kompromat.

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Great review.

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Here’s the question Dr. Malone…

I am a Mama bear… I raised three children and fought for them tooth and nail. I held them accountable when they messed up … but had their back come hell or high water. God help the bureaucratic Dr…. teacher.., or social service guru who thought they would tell me how to raise my kid… or dictate a medical procedure.

Where are the parents…. And when will they say with one voice.., “ Hell no !!! We are mad as hell and we won’t take this any more…”

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May 17, 2022·edited May 17, 2022


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We are still here! I am much like you. Mama/Grandma grizzly bear who will still fight with my last breath to protect my adult children and grandchildren. I have always been extremely protective of my children, and made them responsible for their actions and behavior at the same time.

From the beginning of this plandemic, I've known something was very wrong. I suspected the vaccines were dangerous based on limited information then. Our eyes and ears have remained open. I joined Gettr late last year. and found Dr. Malone and others who are highly knowledgeable about viruses, vaccines, and other important information. I trusted our family doctor while our children were young, and my doctors who've played a huge part in surviving late stage cancer. I still do, but, I'm doing more and more research about my health, and now about viruses and vaccines. My education and experience are much different than Dr. Malone and others. However, I have a great gut instinct and a drive to find the truth. Like a dog after a bone, I'll dig until I find what I'm looking for. Time is something I have since I'm retired. Globalists and others involved best realize we're not all stupid and gullible sheep. My family means everything to me, and I will defend them to the very end. With my last breath if necessary.

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Love and respect to you mama grizzly… always follow your gut and intuition… and I truly believe that as time plays out … the truth will reveal it self …and we will see this whole dehumanizing manipulative ploy for what it really is.

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Love and respect to you too,, mama bear. I agree with you - it's just matter of time before the light of truth exposes everything and everyone involved.

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Thank you for the links. I am a 75 + grannie with children all in their 50s.., one woke child and grandchildren leaning that way.., but I remember the fierceness I held in my heart… and the best compliment I got from my oldest “ Fiercely loyal…forever caring…feared and respected by all our friends growing up…you never did fake the funk…” that in and of itself makes the fight worthwhile.

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Not all parents care. Some parents are barely there physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically. Not all parents want to do the hard work, establishing good communication skills, skills that are really needed, handling anger, disappointment, the unfairness of a lot of things. If the government, schools, teachers, churches can do it better then they abdicate all responsibility to someone or something else..

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May 17, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Either this is for profits or something far more nefarious. Either way it's sketchy as heck.

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The problem is much bigger than the Covid madness, and we must think big in our response. Two examples of why I say this: First as an environmental attorney representing farm workers exposed to neurotoxic pesticides I became deeply familiar with the intersection of "science" and public policy---or rather with the control over science enjoyed by for-profit entities that amass unfathomable wealth and power....in that case the Chemical Industry. I know all about how failure to do needed studies, failure to publicize studies that don't enrich the pesticide corporations, lousy study design in their own studies, massive media promotion of warped interpretations of their studies, and more add up to the same sort of thing we're seeing on Covid. Farm workers and their CHILDREN and others exposed to incredibly toxic chemicals (despite safe alternatives) for the enrichment of the corporations with Dem and Republican complicity.

Second, I am fighting Gender Identity Ideology. Big Pharma- and Big Tech-connected oligarchs have funded phenomenally effective strategies...which in an extremely short time have led to the capture of medical and other institutions, Gender Identity instead of biological reality being taught in schools, evisceration of major civil rights, and of key relevance here: horrific harm to children. Skyrocketing numbers of our most vulnerable kids are being "affirmed" as having been born "in the wrong body" even as very young children; they are put on puberty blockers as young as age 9, and then wrong sex hormones, and tons go on to surgeries. The maiming, osteoporosis, cardiovascular damage, sterilization, sexual dysfunction, and other harm done to children is staggering. And the suppression of those of us who object is absolute. The scientific basis of "gender affirmation" "medicine" is outrageously scant! Who wins? Big Pharma. And the Medical Industrial Complex.

The parallels between both my examples and what's happening on Covid are too extensive to lay out adequately here. There are massive similarities.

What we're up against is an economic system that is based on enriching the few at the expense of the many (the gap is more giant between the .01% and the 99% each day.) And the power differential that goes with that is more skewed each day. We cannot win on anything unless and until those of us with the clarity and courage on various fronts to point out that the Emperor has no clothes.....and the strength to defy cancel culture ...find each other, talk, listen, and figure out the way forward. I hope the event you mentioned above is an opportunity for that conversation?

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With you guys on this attack on our children. The timing is too coincidental. A Dear strict meeting to review the math and reading books being pushed in best schools is outright filth. The NEA Union and Federal librarian lead for our public libraries have a pointed political agenda to

Bring more chaos-Marxist theory to our lives. I have read some EAU nations do not push mnra jabs for teens and younger.

Yet this mess is a plan unfolding… quickly.

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Dr. Malone, we have compiled extensive information on possible mechanisms of injury induced by the COVID-19 vaccine on our Substack blog:


We are absolutely convinced that there is a high risk of autoimmune injury, amyloid fibrin clots, and perhaps even systemic amyloidosis with this vaccine.

It is absolutely shocking that these substances would be given to children. This is unmistakably poison.

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Go Spartacus!!! Excellent site, start from the beginning of the writings!!

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If you have not yet come to the realization that this situation, in its entirety, is based solely on personal profit of various degrees, you can no longer deny it. As Matthew 6:24 says...“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money." This will be the demise of humankind, in my humble opinion

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We need to study North Korea, they are now reporting Covid outbreaks, are not particularly nourished or healthy, and have zero vaccine. They are reporting such low deaths that no one believes them. Could be a super interesting study.

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You made mention of the things to come in your broadcast discussion with Tucker Carlson.

Yet another great defining moment for your remarkable commitment to the reality of capture.

This Pit Bull like tenacity by the Admin and CovScam crew is relentless. We need those Data dumps to show the world the unscrupulous evidence against the CDC/FDA/NIH/etc/etc.

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If THEY can tear it all down, then WE can too in a constructive way.

As a former HHS scientist and program officer who loved her job but left it over a decade ago, I see clearly that most of these agencies within HHS must be completely decommissioned. If anything starts in its place, it would be small with new rules and be built up with a process of input of all states, not just US legislature dreaming up something with lobbyists. The best thing that government can do and has done in the past is to convene stakeholders sponsor planning and disseminate findings. There is a limited and carefully constructed role for regulation, safety monitoring and approvals. But we all know that system is broken and captured to the point of being meaningless.

HHS is not too big to fail. It failed because it got too big and lost its purpose and integrity.

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Do these ill educated nurses realize the damage they do by giving it to children? They literally have blood on their hands.

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The only good nurses left are fired or on leave without pay. The dollar is more important to the majority of them. Same for doctors, not sure how they all sleep at night.

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Naomi Wolf was on Steve Bannon’s War Room yesterday and had documents with such explicit detail I feared an imminent heart attack. When I attempted posting to Twitter, it was removed.

Musk had posted a tweet proving that Twitter secretly removed posts and how to find them. When I followed his instructions, scores of them showed that they were “ unsent” or deleted. All contained key words- Klaus Schwab, WEF/Bloomberg- Johns Hopkins, “ Great Reset” , Young Global Leaders, Huxley Brave New World, transhumanism, chimeric hybrids, BlacRock/Vanguard/StateStreet, any combination of Gergen, Ashcroft, Bancel, Tedros, Fauci, Collins, Gates, Kissinger, Rockefeller Foundation, Atlantic Council, Buffett, Gates, China, Larry Fink

“ Operation Dark Winter GladeX, 1976 Swine Flu Epidemic that never happened and the vaccine disaster, Fauci/ 17000 AIDS victims who died of PCP pneumonia denied Bactrim, tortured to death in agony by Fauci using known toxic chemo drug AZT( among them Freddie Mercury and George Michaels- Magic Johnson opted out and is alive today), orphans,disabled wards of state and Foster children used as guinea pigs or vaccines and AZT w/o consent- many died, others disabled, forced gastric feeding tubes, the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Coverup, the persecution of Dr. Judy Mikovits, Stephen Hatfill, Bruce Ivins ( Weaponized Anthrax Mailer:Not), NC previous lab leaks, patent theft, lies about HIV/AIDS origin , human guinea vaccine guinea pigs in Africa and India,shelving of Remdiscivir, AZT, Malnupirivir and again used by Fauci, unbeknownst or w/ re- certification by FDA, Charles Ortleb, Dr Sri, Al-Qaeda biolab connection, Fauci/Gallo/Collins/Daszak/Bright/Grady/Gates/WHO Pharma,Biden-Deep State BlackRock/Vanguard/StateStreet admin, Bush/Cheney STEM cell bioweapon creation green light, Mueller’s decades of corruption, lies, false prosecutions, cover ups, the Broward/Dade/Palm Beach County CI/Criminal, Cartel Collaborative Community, Event 201, list of WEF “ Young Global Leaders”…. Anything that relates to the pattern of the coming technocratic Kleptocorporate multinational UN/NATO /Bilderberg dystopian global order.

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What a revelation about how your Twitter activity has been constantly trimmed.

Musk's contribution to Twitter has been immense whether he ends up owning it or not. The spotlight is bright.

Project Veritas and bot hunters like SparkToro followed suit and are really digging up the dirt.

Twitter is a highly constructed and curated social space with an agenda without most of its users grasping this fully. We are learning how dangerous this has been for civilization to let social media infringe on legally free speech.

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And where the hell is the GOP on the horrific chimeric mutant research, xenotransplantation, transhumanism, AI glass technology ? I’ve long suspected Biden is sporting AR sunglasses and contacts.God only knows what the hell he’s being given at his Delaware home

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