Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

They hate truth tellers the most!

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If you look at the comments from your readers, you get the impression of very savvy insight. I believe that as these top-down controllers have plied their venom, they have also awakened the average person and educated them to recognize what these people are trying to do. Most people do not have time to read inputs from 2 doz sources every day. They are busy making a living. It does not mean though that they do not comprehend BS being tossed about and who is doing it. This is Trump's base and these people are motivated to attend his rallies even if they do not post on line or subscribe to substack.

I needed house work done using multiple skillsets, excavator, electrician, plumber, carpenter and etc. Every one of these people were aware of freedoms being eroded and let me know, sometimes subtlety, that they were Trump supporters is due to his support for protections of free speech and individual property rights. There is a silent majority present that only becomes apparent when Trump draws 10s of thousands from hundreds of miles away most of whom are not expressing their opinions online.

There is a firedup populace that is not overly visible and not terribly articulate, but it is there and there for the right reasons.

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The only way you can get an informed opinion is being confronted with ideas from multiple different and opposing viewpoints. This is the problem we face when our government tries to control all media. This is why podcasts and places like rumble, sub stack, X, truth social, telegram, gab etc. are looked at by our 1st amendment hating government as the enemy of democracy, their democracy. Even people that are aware of these techniques, like myself, can form an opinion by hearing just one side, it’s happened to me. Then someone mentions a different view and the light dawns on Marblehead as my father used to say. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve enlightened friends, family and work people about things they were brainwashed by MSM on. This is nearly a a daily occurrence. When I watch the local news on say ABC I’m shocked how benign it is. The world is burning and they talk about a brush fire in Brookline Ma. Or an illegal bake sale in Newton Ma. High School (yes they outlawed bake sales in Newton Schools). This is the news for many friends I have. It’s Truly Unbelievable!! J.Goodrich

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Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

An example: Chat GPT: While watching a Dr. John Campbell video on Youtube, he referenced a link to a study which had to do with the vax. I asked a question on Chat GPT -with the link. It came back with a totally different study on a totally different topic. I double checked the link and tried again....SOS!

Can ya say preprogramed?

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I resigned from a part-time job after 5 years partly due to my team's pressure of using Chat GPT to write copy for social media posts for summer camp listings. As soon as I heard of Chat GPT I was immediately wary of its nefarious intentions. It was a gut feeling. I did a test. I prepared 5 posts starting with all Chat GPT copy (that my team members emailed to me) and gradually used less Chat GPT. Post 1 and 2 were all AI, 3rd post half AI half me. Posts 4 and 5 written be me. The stats on the posts went from low to high accordingly. Small, one time test though it "opened my eyes".

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Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My mother was retired from teaching when the teachers' union emerged. She was aghast. "What about the children?", she would say.

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I like to think of the public sector unions as the original communist party in the U.S.

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Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for writing this. I had a general awareness of the manipulation but didn't know how it was being done. I'm sharing this with my family and friends and hopefully they'll read it.

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Thank you, Karen

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Beauty is truth, truth beauty….. Keats

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and women are the only true form of art....

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While it's clear that handsome may not be definable as beauty it has solid merits in itself, particularly if defined on concert with character. Personally, perhaps more, appreciate handsome men and as including their expertise and character.

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Amen, but I believe you've been reading my mail. <BG>

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The essence of what I have learned from Dr. Malone's many SUBSTACKS is "question everything I see and hear and experience." Surprisingly, the naievete that accompanied me into the pandemic has been replaced by an intense scrutiny of the world in which I now move and interact. If space allowed, I would elaborate particulars. It does not. My observation is that beyond a few persons whose relationships have proven themselves over decades and specific experiences, I question everything, messages, behaviors, even the most minute. I am practicing and perfecting "the art of inquiry." I strongly commend this path to determine what is really and truly taking place. I thank you, Dr. Malone, for your teaching and your adherence to ferreting out the trutch!

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Agreed. Me as well. Some family members think I have become pessimistic when I am merely questioning any info or side presented. I never thought 4 yrs ago, I’d become the person that I am now. Our world has irrevocably changed.

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Good points, SJ. People of good will don’t want to be cynical, but it’s foolish and dangerous to not be vigilant and discerning.

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What have you looked into so far?

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Among other rabbit holes, banks and their contracts with customers. Sign nothing until you've read the fine print. Otherwise, a heap of trouble may lurk!

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It took me over a year to realize that GAB was one such platform, it always seemed to be inciting people act out. An IC honeytrap for those whom they seek to label as ‘Christian Nationalists’, perhaps? (Create a category, target your audience, get them to sign on, nudge them to act-out…label them as right-wing extremists?) Seems to me there are probably many cover website pages, that actually are there to undermine the very group they are supposedly catering to. I am really beginning to think the 'Christian Post' is one of them.

Surely though, there are other nations… including ones we call allies, that I would suggest might be 'the tail wagging the dog’, and we are the ‘dog’.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Interesting, I haven't engaged much on Gab but I presumed it to be genuinely patriotic. But as much as I'd wish otherwise, I am very suspicious of "X" as it seems to be what I would call a "patriot-trap", where shady Elon riles up all the conservatives with his mostly-meaningless but-very-sensational woke-bashing memes (that's the "honey" for the "trap") and then what results is effectively a large database of self-identifying patriots (unfortunately myself included as I was probably too slow to catch on). But who knows, maybe Substack is also a "trap" in this sense, or ultimately who cares; can't run and hide – but what sent off warning alarms for me on "X" was the obvious shadow banning that never went away. I don't sense any such shadow banning here on Substack (yet), and Substack is thankfully devoid of distracting memes and junk.

Also, it's yet to be falsified or contested, but whoever he is, Dr. Shiva's scathing claims about Elon using "X" for exactly these purposes (by keeping the back-end surveillance connection intact with government agencies) really made me concerned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KOXvsmQvTQ

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FB, NextDoor, Twitter/X, Telegram, all of them - always skeptical never joined. People do share posts from X that have interesting tidbit . . .

So far, comfortable here on SS, but pick your stack wisely.

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Ditto, Shelly...SS only - always leery of so-caleld "social media".

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Make that - so-called! ...damned dyslexia.

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Honestly, I am to the point where nothing would *completely* surprise me anymore. I guess that’s a bit sad, however … it has made it clearer than ever where my Hope, Peace and strength come from. Gloria Patri.

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Cristo Rey

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

I’ve gotten off almost all social media, I tried Twitter for about a week about 8-10 years ago… can’t remember. I quickly learned no one actually wanted to have actual conversation about the issues of the day. Obviously, I am still here… but I’ve pulled back. I am trying to read more, focus on the things that the Lord is pointing me to. Everyone has their own calling.

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

Twitter has dramatically changed. Long, detailed conversations and videos are now the norm on X. It is still far from perfect, which Musk admits, but among the largest social media apps it at least provides the greatest opportunity for conservative free speech to a massive audience. Because of that Musk has become one of the most hated persons by the globalist and deep state leaderships. We all disagree with Musk on a number of significant issues but if you are trying to find the perfect social media company, there is not and never will be one. They are all businesses, some much better than others. but most have unfortunately turned into enemies of freedom and truth.

We should be patient and see how X turns out and in the meantime take advantage of what it has to offer for getting out truth. So far, there have been many incredible, record-breaking instances of success on X for conservatives that we should be grateful for instead of griping all the time about what it was or what we disagree with Musk on. Because it is going in the direction of a truly free speech platform, there will always be postings on it that we vehemently disagree with, but there will also be wonderful, massive promotion of principles and information that are of huge importance for us and the world. That is how free speech works. Twitter is revolutionizing the news world and one result will be the inevitable end of all the cable news channels in the near future. Substack is also playing a significant role in this postive information revolution.

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Social media is not my priority.

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Fine, but for many it could be the difference between life and death, slavery or freedom, war and peace. It has been having massive influence in the world - for both good and bad. It is not for everyone.

We can't let the bad control all the information dissemination. The good must play a greater role and that has been starting to happen as we are seeing in X and in Substack. It has changed far from a lot of useless chatter on X and in Substack. There are now many in-depth, exceptionally useful and impressive conversations and videos in some of the social media. Others are a near total waste of personal time.

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Pray, first. Act, second.

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Always remember it is we the taxpayers who made Tesla go

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You mean the tax-takers, right? Taxpayers make just about everything go. We should collude.

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Any opinion at all can suddenly become "illegal" in our ever changing times. I took note of the interesting back and forth between Elon Musk and the people who run the Babylon Bee, that occurred before he took over Twit. I think he actually meant to open Twit up. His ability to hire the right people to get it done is another story. I believe that people still get shadowbanned, and that'll happen until he moves Twit-X to the flyover country.

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There are some fake religious publications, and huge numbers of fake "right wing" sites that have popped up. Gab grew a lot when the COVID censorship started. It does have a lot of trolls that seem to want to incite trouble. As a rule they have very few followers, and very few posts relative to the time they were signed up. Gab has a really nice block feature, when needed. Don't know how well it works, but there's an interesting "untag" feature too. Gab was the best place to watch the live coverage of Canadian Truckers when they protested COVID jab mandates.

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Can you say TikToc. I seem to have a natural ability to block this stuff. I pay no attention to any govt. or social media. I am on FB only to keep up with distant family but I don't post. I may give that up. I have a number of news sources including Substack that I visit everyday but I know the truth is somewhere in the middle. I guess I've developed a sensitive BS detector. Many authors here on Substack have helped me to recognize that I'm not crazy or alone.

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I gave up FB several years ago. I had issues with fb & google getting ads denied for ridiculous reasons. All that stopped when I stopped posting. Heck of a coincidence.

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All true. We suffer what the Chinese call "unrestricted war" and most call "5G warfare." WE ARE LOSING. BADLY. OUR BORDERS ARE WIDE OPEN AND MANY (OR MOST) OF OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS HAVE BEEN "CAPTURED." Our elections are rigged, at every level. Americans are dying at about the same rate they did in WW II, and the Biden/Obama policies are disastrous.

See our books "Mindless War Two" and "Invisible Treason in America." The latter was the "#1 New book on Amazon" in October.


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Jan 27·edited Jan 27

I have really noticed an uptick in how brainwashed the people around me are . It's amazing to me that common sense seems to be over-ridden by ideology, even for ordinary, every day issues. i greatly appreciate your writing about the manipulation going on in social media because it lets me know that this is a real thing, that I'm not just imagining it. My own way of avoiding the manipulation is that I have no social media accounts and I don't listen to any legacy media (news or TV shows). I decided back in 1990 that I couldn't stand the media bias, so I simply stopped watching or reading anything they say. And that extended to most of the TV shows. Since then, I only get information from sources that are telling the truth, including this substack. For me, it's a really great solution. When there's a topic I want to know more about, I get tips from the truthtellers on how to learn more, or I ask the universe to give me the answers. (Some may think that's "woo woo" but both work incredibly well for me.) Early in the plandemic, many of my friends and family were expressing concerns that the msm is biased. I was so glad to hear that they were realizing that, and expected them to switch to truthful sources. But instead they seem to have become more entrained. I know not everyone is, but my take home is that it's even more important to me to not read or watch any of that content. I know enough about what's in the media just by the nonsensical things I hear from those who pay attention to it.

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You are a good example of how to extricate yourself from the morass that has been running the show for so ever long. Stop playing the game and free the mind! Nice to meet a fellow traveler.

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While I am trying to learn more, I am inexperienced and have limited understanding about cognitive warfare. However, from reading your articles about it, my gut instinct is that the most effective way to avoid getting targeted information is by staying off of social media and choosing a limited variety of reliable news sources. Would you agree? Are there other techniques to avoid manipulation by those who want to do so?

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#1 Be highly suspecting when words that you think are great and sweetly informative are not.

Ever day keep noticing the "two words" phenom that can describe in short order a provoking thought. There are "thousands" of such dialect or dialogue. The legal profession uses them in great details to describe an "Action". My Father in law had dozens of them he repeated in 25 yrs, I was blessed to have known him. To him these were like sunshine. There were so many, I'm too tasked to remember. Blacks Law Book is full of them. But here a few prime ones. "Attractive Nuisance's"(swimming pools/Loud pipes/ Outdoor Rock concerts/Yacht's/etc.)/ "Assumption of correctness" ( needs no explanation) "Irreconcilable Differences"/(unforgiving) "Uncontested Divorce"/( forgiving but want out of contract) "Eminent Domain"/ (gov decision and takes over possession)/ "Intellectual property"/ (that may the worst one of all) " Promissory note"( Documented promises to pay or else?) /"Plausible Deniability" ( Best COV 19 impunity Tool ever) /“Cross examination”/( Able now to again question prior examination testimony and in the case of COV19 Lie again). (Squirm little man!)

#2. Do your best to never have hire an attorney or special counsel because you're up to your neck in any of these. And that list is endless if you see the point of all this language. It's Baffling isn't it?

Needless to go on. This is by design. "Safe & effective", REALLY? And the rights to confuse you!

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As Jefferson, Madison and surely others said long ago, a free and ignorant people has never been and never will be. Because power corrupts and the ignorant are defenseless against its wiles.

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That is why wilson and dewey subsidized ignorance in the publc schools

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I don't doubt that some strategize to get dominance over others. But I suspect that at some points along the road to a society's subjection to tyranny or collapse there are those who are just arrogant enough to believe that they're much smarter than they are. In those cases, their goals are way too utopian, and they cause way more harm than good in the long term. And that same arrogance prevents them from recognizing the error of their strategy even when it is obvious to others. Arrogant people are always very stupid in one or more senses.

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Some aphorisms nail it like….the road to hell is paved with good intentions. However I doubt good intentions from wilson. He,fdr and others were committed europhiles and willing to bring down our Republic just to insert us into a european dominated “world governance”. The fact that europe was socialist no hinderance

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I defer to your knowledge of history. It seems that men who rise to high levels of power have very reckless theories of utilitarianism at best. So I wouldn't be surprised if most don't even have good intentions.

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Hanlon's razor re-tooled for the 21st century: never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice, and always sequere pecuniam.

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Jan 28·edited Jan 28

I agree in the sense that some kinds of irrationality can only be explained by a corrupt mind. To say otherwise seems to mean that many people are oblivious to the most basic understanding of logic. And yet the fact that they function in life day to day and for the most part speak coherently proves otherwise. They use logic when it advances their interests, IOW.

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No so much knowlege of history as agrowing awareness of forces that have been at work in our history from maybe our revolution working to drag us into alliances with europe now meshing with the socialism movements there

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Cult-like forces, it appears.

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Very nice piece Dr. Malone. Gain a very large audience on this and perhaps most people will learn that they can stop saying “what’s happened to us.”

Why are eggs and bacon a staple American breakfast? Edward Bernays. Most of you remember this “And that’s the way it is” – your humble news anchor Walter Cronkite. That is how easy cognitive warfare can be. No doubt removing every natural truth that mankind has ever held and replacing with lies and omissions is not the hard affair one might think it would be. It’s been working for a very long time. It seems unstoppable.

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Agree - The effort is unstoppable. On the other hand our recognizing (and teaching others) it and taking strong steps to overcome its impacts should become unstoppable as well. Many positives thoughts in that regard.

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