When I read articles such as this , all that comes to my mind is, fooled me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. COVID in my mind was a bad flu made worse by a government and medical community working for ulterior purposes. Those purposes I will never find out, nor will I ever participate in mass vaccination or home confinement again. I no longer trust the medical, media or government because of their previous behaviors, actions and inability to say, we got this wrong. I will try to stay under their radar for as long as possible, what a way to live out my remaining years.

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Ditto, nothing more to say about Covid and future infections, although there is the issue of the Laboratory origin and my personal impression that the Covid vaccine was designed to kill people. I had Covid very early and could see no use in the vaccine so ignored it, but in my 70s am still recovering from the de conditioning of the blasted lockdown!

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Saying covid shots were designed to kill people gives them too much credit. The damage is a result of reckless greed and shocking incompetence.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

No doubt, but I consider this genocide as well as greed and incompetence. I was a big Pharma investor in the early to mid 90s and with a scientific background although my background is not medical the business was not hard to understand. At that time Pfizer was living on Lipitor earnings, but the patents were running out with nothing that big on the horizon. Pfizer, you see, has too big a bureaucracy to be a discovery company, but has enough cash to be a top carnivore in the industry. I thought they had little growth potential and my money was better invested elsewhere so I sold. There was also a concern about ethics as I have some background in mineralogy and realized Johnson and Johnson, yet another carnivore, was lying about the carcinogenic problem with their baby powder. Boy, was I right! There’s the greed and incompetence, but association with the World Economic Forum brings up the fact that that body advocate what is in their mind thinning the herd, but in my mind is advocating genocide. If I am correct they have outdone Nazi Germany and deserve similar consequences as this should never happen again! They knew exactly what they were doing, but fail to understand the basic intelligence and caution of some of we little, inconsequential people.

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Well said!!!

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I'm left wondering whether this rash of respiratory infections in China might be because the Chinese population have had their immune systems compromised by their covid-19 vaccinations.

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They did not use the modified mRNA jabs. They made their own whole killed virus product.

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You're the first I've read to touch on that rather interesting fact. I was under the impression that although Sinopharm made a killed vaccine, the CCP distributed mRNA jabs as well (Perhaps mostly to tourists? IDK.)

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Knowing that the CCP reporting is always suspect...are the Chinese experiencing similar levels and types of post jab/multiple jab adverse events?

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11-26-23: We will never know, considering the complete and total absence of honest data from the Chinese Communist hospitals and government (mirroring exactly the perfidery of our own WDC "health" mafia).

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Didn't western big pharma companies try to create coronavirus vaccines with the traditional approach for many years, but kept running into problems like ADE? I thought the main reason they switched course to mRNA for coronavirus was because they accepted the traditional approach as a failure.

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This is nothing new, the sequence of death quota and infection is the stuff of sci-fi. Welcome to the New World Order.

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Interesting. I was just thinking the same. More so since I had just previously read an article by Alex Berensen on his 'Unreported Truths' stack stipulating it was Omicron+ variants, not the jabs that stopped the plandemic. His article, with charts, and Dr. Malone's both make me wonder if subsequent (true) covid deaths, especially in the 65+ cohort - that are tracked and reported in these studies, were/are exacerbated by multiple jabs...possibly aggravated by flu, shingles and other jabs. Meaning these analyses are also skewed.

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As I predicted on Laura Ingram show

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Thanks. Didn't catch that. Stopped watching after Tucker firing and other stuff.

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It was long before that.

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No doubt. In the States I personally suspect their treatment protocols made a major contribution as well.

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I think I was editing my comment even as you were replying.

A point I was trying to make is that these studies are also skewed, conservative at best. Unless they are able to stratify those with confounding factors...such as jab 1,2,3,4 etc.

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I saw that Berenson article. For the record, that's a very old opinion. I don't see a date on the article I've linked below, but it's at least a year or two old. I take no position on its claims; it speculates that Omicron was lab-created and released possibly to service as a "vaccine."


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and extended lockdowns. The kids were unable to inoculate each other naturally.

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The Chinese seem to love their masks. Here in Canada children were forced to mask up, with the result being that we saw a lot of pneumonia last winter in the schools. That's what happens when kids wear a soggy, germ filled mask all day. Surprise, surprise.

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Or their face diapers, being an integral part of their lives and culture?

I know maskholes here in america who are sick constantly.

Just sayin..

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deletedNov 26, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023
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One of the reasons I like to read substack comments is learning about related issues. Thanks for the link on alum (non)safety.

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the update. We’ve been turned into a world of hypochondriacs that have forgotten that it is a normal part of life to get sick occasionally. Lord, help us all.

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Did you hear about the hypochondriac who specified that his headstone would read, "See? I told you I was sick!"

If you think that joke is bad, let me tell you about the time I went to a shrink and told him I was worried I was a kleptomaniac. He told me to take something for it.

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I'll be here all week.

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a huge fan of Vitamin D for good immune system function, I would like to mention that when taking vitamin D supplementation, it would be wise to take a vitamin D product that includes Vitamin A and Vitamin K2 along with the Vitamin D. The reasoning behind this, is simply the Vitamin D will increase your bodies ability to absorb calcium and we need vitamin K2 to get the calcium into our bones instead of into our blood vessels. These vitamins are fat soluble vitamins so taking more Vitamin D alone, can create a deficiency in Vitamin A. Many people are unable to convert Beta Carotene into Vitamin A (the Hypothyroid for example) so taking Vitamin A along with the Vitamin D is important. Vitamin A is needed as a first step in modulating immune system cells. Since these vitamins are Fat Soluble, you should take your Vitamin A-D-K with a fat containing meal (like eggs) for the best absorption. Vitamin K1 found in dark green leafy vegetables has a more profound effect on blood clotting issues while Vitamin K2 comes from animal sources and usually is not as problematic for those taking blood thinners. As always we recommend you consult a Doctor who understands nutrition to monitor you if you are taking a blood thinner. Stay Well America!!!

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A doctor that understands nutrition ? Having a real hard time finding them .

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Seek out "integrative medicine" specialists

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They are not trained to keep you healthy, otherwise they would be sitting somewhere not having anything to do

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This is why I subscribe, to weed out the BS from critical sciencific evidence. Thanks Doctor Malone for the update and Happy Travels!

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Thank you for your support

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023

This sort of leans toward the idea of: 1. Get plenty of sleep, 2. Drink plenty of water, 3. Eat a moderate diet, 4. Get enough exercise and fresh air. AND if you feel stressed, STOP what you're doing and find out what you're doing wrong. The solution is: if you find you're in a hole too deep to climb out - STOP DIGGING.

Oh, one more thing - DON'T live in congested cities. That not only saps your strength, it ruins your health.

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And take vitamin d3

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So, let me get this correctly. Children without a cough or difficulty breathing, but have a fever (how high a fever, I ask) have to wait 2 hours to be seen in a CCP controlled emergency rooms to be medically evaluated.




Hell, that would be a record to be seen for a medical evaluation by our emergency room staff during an influenza or other type of respiratory infection endemic in the USA!!!! That's an incredibly good response time during an endemic!!!

So, my bigger concerns have to do with the CCP (reporting as Chicken Little) the sky is falling!! So, I ponder: why the "sky is falling" report from the CCP so close to a meeting with the CCP dictator, Xi Jinping and FJB?? Was this part of a secretly agreed upon plan?!?!

Can We the People expect to see another USA shutdown by Takeabribe FJB on the heels of the 2024 POTUS elections?!?!

Will We the People, again, be subjected to unconstitutional quarantine and Freedom of Speech censoring by the corrupted FJB administration, in conjunction with the leftwing mainstream media, the leftwing propaganda social media, the Demonratic Party, and with a bunch of help from the World Health Organization?!?!

Our Champions Against Unconstitutional Executive Orders, like Robert Malone, MD, MS, must now be closely followed and listened to if We the People are to find out the reality of what's going on! We the People need to know what is really going on!!!

TAKEABRIBE JOE FJB is in deep doodoo with a majority of We the People regarding next year's POTUS election. I truly believe Puppet Joe's controllers will do anything to keep their gravy-train going, and they need FJB in power as POTUS to do so.

So, be on the alert, my Fellow Patriotic Americans!! Another FJB shitstorm may be on the near horizon!!!

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I had a similar thought about the wait times...

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Canada: 8-12 hours, depending on time of day.

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Indeed. It is insanity in our E.R. here. I went to an Urgent Care here down the street from where I live. It was no emergency, I was stunned when the doctor saw me withing 45 minutes, took 5 minutes gave me a script, that actually worked. Bonus.

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There are some with The Epoch Times who are excellent investigative journalists. But there are others who are ill prepared to study the subjects they're reporting on. These are the writers who are perfect prey for the leftwing propaganda agents of the globalists who are excellently organized and well funded to manipulate these weak-links.

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Just read that in Columbia it can be up to 24 hrs.

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2 hr wait times in E.R!!! I have stories..... of mega nurse shortage, half day wait times and people leaving AMA.

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I've heard of wait times in USA ERs throughout a night into morning from many of my patients over a 23 year career. I wouldn't think a 2 hour wait time for a non-emergency health problem would be a big deal. Most, if not all, ERs have triage to determine the priorities of a patient being seen. But, your point about ER staff shortages in the USA is well taken. Shortages in the USA cause delays in receiving healthcare services.

So, this China endemic/epidemic of respiratory infections in children during the seasonal start of virus-causing illnesses does not seem like a new version of a civilization ending bug being around infecting China's children. And, given that influenza viruses always seem to begin in Asia, this should be expected as normal this time of year.

But, writing here about influenza, wouldn't it be interesting and educational to hear from our Substack experts on the vaccines used every year to prevent getting an influenza infection? An up-to-date by Substack viral vaccine experts on their safety and efficacy would be enlightening. Any takers?

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Yes, ERs triage the patients in an effort to correctly distribute the scarce staffing resources. But 12 hr. wait times for anyone means there's a staffing shortage. With the unusual heart and circulatory problems for the younger set, the standards used for triage need updating, as some young patients are dying due to the ER wait times.

Now that I have left health care employment, I am choosing not to get a Flu jab.

(In 2020, 2021, when there was very little testing for flu, I don't know how they could have come up with a figure in the U.S.)

Given the various flu jab choices, and hit or miss choice of virus coverage, it's not so easy to get real data on efficacy in preventing / mitigating infection.

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Well Dr. Malone we have high vitamin D season and low vitamin D season here in North America. It’s definitly good advice to take some D3. And, the flu vaccines do not work. These vaccines have absolute risk reduction around 1.2% same as the covid vaccines. Useless. The last time I got a flu vaccine I got the A type flu and then a month later I got the B type. Ever since we’ve been taking zinc, quercetin and D3 we haven’t had a cold or the flu. AH, but there’s an election coming up. Mycoplasma pneumonia is their ticket to another election victory. Wonder if we’ll hear from Fauci soon? It’s dejavu all over again!

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Good point!

Maybe that's why Fauci never gave up his govt office and govt car....?

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And armed protection. Wonder why he thinks he needs that?

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Behind his Vail he knows he's guilty, and more, of all he's been accused of. Not sure but what someone will deliver his just do!

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Still...no reason we should be paying for that security detail, let alone his exorbitant pension. I wrote my blue congressmen...for whatever good that does these days.

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Gotcha! Tend to agree. He can hire his own (like they are forcing RFK Jr to do) or just let him reflect about it!

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excellent point

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Cochrane review (2018) gave slightly better absolute risk reduction for flu vaccines in older patients, roughly 2-3% absolute risk reduction. Note that’s for merely catching a flu, having nothing to do with serious cases or hospitalization. In fact, the review said that it made almost no difference in hospitalizations.

On second thought, points to you – for healthy adults Cochrane reports a 1.5% absolute risk reduction.

The protective effect is very modest, and there was no tracking of adverse events.

The pneumonia vaccines are of even less value.

At the risk of belaboring the obvious, these vaccines (they are – or at least were – true vaccines) are all but useless. The fact that they have been sold for decades and mandated for many is a prime example of what’s wrong with the medical-industrial complex. Alas, such low efficacy (or proofs of safety) are a very common, recurring theme with their goods and services. Let the buyer beware.

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Yes indeed. I decided to check the efficacy of statins when my primary physician decided I should take them. By the way my LDL is fine but I'm older so of course I should take statins. So I got hold of the clinical trial data on the statin he wanted me to take and what did I find....same thing they don't work. In fact all they do is lower the LDL but have zero impact on morbidity and mortality. Sidenote: A colleague of mine nearly died from taking statins. He turned yellow the statins apparently damaged his liver.

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I poked around and found this paper on vitamin D and mycoplasma pneumonia - specifically on "bronchial mucus plug" formation. Most of the people with BMPs had low OH(25) levels (below 40 nmol/l - egad). I don't really know what a BMP is, but it doesn't sound like fun.


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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

BMP=bronchial mucous plug = thick mucous produced in response to the infection that is thick enough that it plugs up some bronchial tubes in the lungs, interfering with the flow of air in and out of the lungs. In plain language, a thick booger in your lungs

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We have corrupted idiots in too many important jobs and leadership. My voting criteria are now:1) did you endorse the jabs? If so no vote;2) did you stand up for medical freedom-yes gets you in the plus column; 3)did you support mandates? If so a huge NO vote; I have some other criteria but these are primary.

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I've heard Nikki Haley has covid restrictions in her events... if so ....

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Not to mention censorship promotion...

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That’s right

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Nikki Haley is in this to enrich herself. No thanks!

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Well, gee, only one solution now. Mail in voting for November '24. With early voting starting in July. After all, we gotta be safe. And, save our democracy.

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Better point out you are joking or expect outrage

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Nah, this audience is too good to worry about that. Been out covering tomatoes, so a little tardy in getting back... Oh, I forgot; Orange Man bad. And Bidenomics good...

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I thought the USA was a Republic, no!!

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Upon consideration of my reply to your objection to my post re "sav(ing) our democracy", please be assured that sarcasm was dripping from all of it. Unfortunately, some 48% of the population would have agreed with it, to my amazement. It simply shows to what extent the quality of education in this country has fallen, and how far the culture has deteriorated, also due to the loss of the Judeo-Christian character in our national psyche.

But your voice is important! We are on the same side! Please keep on pointing out that a pure democracy, such as Ross Perot's never-realized "town hall", is a prescription for disaster. Perhaps you are as sick as I am of hearing the Democrat mantra, "...to save our democracy" when they are the ones most responsible for destroying it. Rather, as you point out, "...the flag...and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

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I guess Dr. Nash was right and so are you.

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have a friend in Beijing with a vulnerable young child who is susceptible to respiratory infections. The ineffectiveness of azithromycin in such cases could be valuable information for a parent in such a confusing situation.

Be safe and enjoy your globe-trotting; I hope all your travels go smoothly and your luggage arrives when you do.

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And your passports stay safely in your possession! 🤗

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Yes back when I visited Dubrovnik, the hotel and I got in a huge fight as they wanted to keep my passport for 3 days they said. No fkn way I would let that happen, the manager was called. I entered his office, he offered me a shot of brandy, it was excellent, I pointed out what was written in my Canadian passport. I got to keep it went happily to my room. I just had to add that when I saw the previous comment regarding the passport.

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Walking pneumonia tossed around as a generic diagnosis at least when I had it in the Air Force in 1966 with a pneumonia that began life diagnosed as a beta hemolytic strep throat that morphed into bronchitis and then “walking pneumonia” that was nasty enough to show itself on a new hire X-ray (they did that in the 60s)nearly 4 yrs later.

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I got it in the USAF too.

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Good to know. Thank you! Have never been vaxed and, but for one untreated episode (got a cats blanket for their Rx), never had flu like symptoms. As a youth lotsa beta strep. Will carry on sans shots and expect the best. You folks keep healthy what with your big schedule.

Very bestest ♡♡♡

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but how can I be happy if I own something? A raving sociopath told me I had to own nothing. ;)

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Tell that lunatic you will take all his belongings, so he has nothing in order he be happy!

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Vaccine crippled immune systems manifest in greater cases of all known disease.

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