Jan 25·edited Jan 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you will remain a pawn in someone else's game" —Evita Ochel

A deep dive documentary that everyone needs to see on the subject (we are mercilessly being manipulated six ways from Sunday by DARPA, the NSA, & the CIA), Shadow Gate: https://bitchute.com/video/sICZOGcJdREA [82minutes]

"If you catch 100 red fire ants as well as 100 large black ants and put them in a jar, at first, nothing will happen. However, if you violently shake the jar and dump them back on the ground the ants will fight until they eventually kill each other. The thing is, the red ants think the black ants are the enemy and vice versa, when in reality, the real enemy is the person per shook the jar.

This is exactly what's happening in society today. Liberal vs Conservative, Black vs White, Pro Mask vs Anti-Mask, Vax vs Anti-vax, Rich vs Poor. Man vs woman, cop vs citizen.

The real question we need to be asking ourselves is who's shaking the jar...and why?" —Shera Starr

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"The thing that worries me most, actually, is that whatever is driving this is not composed of diabolical geniuses who at least have some plan for the future; but it's being driven by people who actually do not know what kind of hell they are inviting."

-Bret Weinstein to Tucker Carlson, in video interview published January 5, 2024 on Tucker's new TCN site.

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Unfortunately James, they know exactly what they are inviting: hell on earth. It is what they want...

Predictive Programming Video Game from 2005 Nakedly Exposes Globalist Plan: https://bitchute.com/video/5IzaytCKYL5r [2:17mins]

Remember who their father is:

"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." —John 8:44

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It was a fascinating interview. I must admit, however, that I fear you are correct.

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Completely correct.

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ShadowGate time-code 24:39: Let it sink in that these official documents suggest the [US] 'Congressional Knowledge Management System', outsourced to a private contractor, is hosted, managed, and stored on servers in Germany.

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Good to know

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This just needs to be household knowledge.

Priming is another important aspect to this in our modern times. How many films or “sci-fi” depict some kind of post-apocalyptic or “fictional” doomsday scenario. These are meant to play out in the imagination, making people rehearse and visualize dire scenarios in their minds.

But it’s just a movie, right?

Demoralization is the result.

Say the banking system crashed. The actual correct approach would be to have a banking holiday, break up the banks, have a bankruptcy re-organization and then launch new productive programs to revive the physical and productive sectors of the economy.

But the films and stories we’ve been reading, even in alt media, have led most people to rehearse something quite different.

Enter the world of priming, predictive programming and fifth generation warfare.


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Jan 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Here is a horde of predictive programming, David. It may interest you:

Predictive Programming In Netflix Series Utopia: The Vaccine Sterilizes Mankind: https://bitchute.com/video/HCH7OZH760cn [3:33mins]

Vexille - Vaccine Catastrophe Predictive Programming Shown in 2007 Fumihiko Sori Animated Film: https://bitchute.com/video/isrMGiIRbZWB [1:54 mins]

Predictive Programming: Meet Ms. Kovid, A 2019 Project Runway Fashion Model Complete With Face-Mask: https://bitchute.com/video/wiOxq7fJKaj3 [17seconds]

Smart Mark Zombies - 5G Predictive Programming in 2018 Children's Netflix Cartoon Stretch Armstrong: https://bitchute.com/video/YBcjtl5s2HRG [3:49mins]

Predictive Programming, America Starved to Death: The Birth Pangs of a New World Order: https://bitchute.com/video/iOvw3kx0QYxr [1:36mins]

Predictive Programming, Lesser Magic, Revelation of the Method, Secret Societies: Silence is Consent: https://bitchute.com/video/QDmHCVcWwkwr [5:03mins]

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That's so funny. I've been observing lately that the mask-obsessed on social media really behave like we're in a zombie apocalypse and that other humans are simply sources of some evil humanity-destroying pathogen. One woman I know was freaking out in a checkout line because of a BABY who was coughing. The conversation degenerated into looking for signs that the mother was actually married and not working full-time and therefore didn't have to bring the coughing baby out. The idea that you could see an infant as a source of death and not joy--that she was brainwashed so much--was startling. She has far greater chance of dying from any number of causes on the way home, but the focus was an invisible miasma of germs, much like people used to think Satan and witches floated undetected among them.

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You just hit a grand slam with this insight, Lowen:

"The idea that you could see an infant as a source of death and not joy--that she was brainwashed so much--was startling. She has far greater chance of dying from any number of causes on the way home, but the focus was an invisible miasma of germs..."

They've been so successful at weaponizing military grade propaganda to activate our innate fear response and then send it into hyperactive mode. They've turned this reaction into an apex weapon in order to destroy our common bonds and basic decency:


"The danger of the crowned virus was never more than an invisible notion: no more threatening than climate change or middle eastern terrorism. But just like these forbearers because it went unseen it was everywhere: in every corner, on every surface, in every breath; and it was also nowhere. It was simultaneously disease and death and neither. It was capable of anything and nothing, depending on your point of view. Like terrorism and climate change, it was a virus of the mind.


The Darkness is Spreading from the television and radio where naked lies program minds with fear and distrust. Where the ties that bind unravel, replaced with flooding darkness at six foot intervals. Where critical thought is drowned with panic and unmasked eyes regard all others with suspicion." —https://tritorch.substack.com/p/the-gathering-darkness


The question is what will we do about it?

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TriTorch, Don't you think the response to the perceived threat is instinctual. Nothing new here, except the awareness of the psychological understanding has increased very little, but a little...stay tuned.

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I'll def check out your Substack. Thanks. Well said.

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thank you!

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There are so many instances right?

Utopia on Amazon Prime was a wild and spectacular ride.

Let’s not forget that one of the key techniques in both Neuro Linguistic Programming and Psycho-Cybernetics is visualizations. They’re very powerful, and can be used to prime, creative new affective relationships with new images, alter self image.

In fact, the term “self-image” was initially coined in Psycho-Cybernetics. These concepts would go on to be applied in the SRI’s Changing Images of Man in the 80s, which would be all about reframing the traditional Western Judeo-Christian and Renaissance view of man around a new gnostic/pagan image with an “ecological ethic.”

Naturally, the devil always overplays his hand. The bad guys are operating on the assumption that human beings are just blank slates, or “hackable animals.” In reality there is something deeper and good, and they hate this, or simply have no knowledge of it within themselves and can’t see it in anybody else.

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Yes indeed. We are just cattle to them.

World Economic Forum Chief Advisor Yuval Harari: Human Rights Are Fictional, Like God & Heaven: https://bitchute.com/video/B1tpAf0V1H9e [1min]

Here are a couple more on the predictive programming front:

2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony: A Blatant Satanic COVID-19 Predictive Programming Ritual: https://bitchute.com/video/IBQWyCKxc9r5 [11:33mins]

Hordes of 911 Predictive Programming From the 1970s Onward: https://bitchute.com/video/5CEKFcayVNRL [27:05mins]

They're playing with the mankind's spirit which is an indistinguishable raging fire and they are going to get burned. Badly.

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They are Godless.

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Thank you, Maxwell Maltz.

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Haha. I have his Psycho-Cybernetics on my table right now, along with The Structure of Magic I & II, Bandler's Trance-formations, and Dianetics.

The origin of the self-help field, much of it inspired by Cybernetics (Hubbard's Dianetics being a dopey adaptation), is a very interesting story.

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Read all of those lovely books. Threw away Dianetics for obvious reasons. I’ve been speed-reading literally every questionable book since I was four years old. I have been reading all the comments not just on this Substack but many others as well. 99.99% of most Substacker’s topics and comments are old news to me. As in, I literally obtained that information YEARS ago. Please don’t take offense. It’s simply the blessing and curse of retaining and understanding information at an extremely high level. And not all Mensa members are blithe, arrogant sycophants. I just cannot have normal conversations with people. 🙏🏻

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Alternate thought,.

Using the collective resources of conscious/unconscious experience,the creative artistic fantasy driven mind is constantly trying to anticipate the future for possible threats .Commonly accurate

to those individuals,groups who harbor the particular shadow.

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Jan 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

At the very root of the tree this is spiritual warfare. The spiritual realm is of far greater significance than the cognitive(conscious) and physical realms that appear to dominate our daily existence. I use the word “appear” because we live in a world of appearances. We are driven by appearances, but the reality behind the appearance is far deeper and of far greater significance. We are, in fact, spiritual beings much more than we are physical beings, although of course we are both. We are told in scripture that we wrestle not against flesh and blood(appearance) but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. Within that framework cognitive warfare is a form of spiritual warfare. It is a battle for control of our minds by first gaining control of our spirits, our very souls.

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Such a comment is unusual here! What are your principal sources?

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My source is the Holy Bible, the very word of God

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Thank you for letting us know.

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Brien, do you really think the bible is the very word of God, or the interpretation of disciples hearing these words thru the filters of their time. God's words are heard thru the mentally unstable too. It's all a matter of degree.

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For better or worse, I agree with this. I am familiar with some research that definitely puts in question the exact details of some Bible stories.

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Jan 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In this psychological war, a big and very successful "bomb" was dropped decades ago. It involved the claim that weather changes were being significantly caused by humans, and the word 'weather' was replaced by 'climate' in order to make it sound more permanent and ominous.

CO2, something that is only a small proportion of atmospheric gas, and is vital for life on earth, has been named as a big culprit in 'climate change'.

Fallout from the climate change bomb now pervades the education system, industry, and the speech of most people, and is driving them towards increasingly irrational, futile, and/or detrimental actions. Their brains are so coopted that they ignore the weather and temperature patterns that they can observe daily and seasonally, which would inform them that the climate change claims are utter nonsense.

Water vapor is the actual warming gas and it is also vital for life. Clouds are water vapor. Now, watch the weather and the skies and temperature changes and experience this for yourself. Pay attention to day vs. night temps and cloud cover.

Once you can do this, you will be more equipped to detect and deflect other psychological warfare which is being used to control you.

Since I had understood these patterns when I was young, my brain was 'immunized' against the fallout of this climate change "bomb".

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DO NOT FORGET that it was the UN-ELECTED and UN-ACCOUNTABLE nomenklatura and apparatchiks at the "United Nations" who INSTIGATED the climate FRAUD upon the global populace - back in the early 1970s. And do NOT forget "WE" pay their salaries!

Get the U.S. the hell OUT of the "UN" - DE-FUND the MADNESS!

The UN's latest plot for the final CONCRETE establishment of One-World-Order is via its Document "AGENDA-2030" - now just (6) SIX years in the future.

IF the 2024 elections are again RIGGED by the SOCIALISTS & COMMUNISTS parasites that swarm America like locusts and maribunta - and Biden "wins" again, America is a dead duck! FINITO!, KAPUT!

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UN is detrimental to everyone, especially when they get into those developing countries and traffick humans. Also their ties to the Hamas activities in Gaza has been exposed and a select group of employees is apparently getting all the blame.

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NO DOUBT the so-called "United Nations" UN-ELECTED and UN-ACCOUNTABLE nomenklatura and apparatchiks think its their RIGHT to "resettle" the population on planet earth to the Western world so they can get their (free)"fair share" of what OTHER people PRODUCE!

NOTICE, there is NO global "resettlement" into COMMUNIST CHINA, COMMUNIST CUBA, COMMUNIST North Korea, COMMUNIST AFRIKA, or the COMMUNIST nations in South America.

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Tom Deweese has been battling Agenda 21/30 for thirty years. He operates the American Policy Center and yesterday delivered a call to duty, one of his best yet, to put a stop to the insanity. "Tyranny ends when free people stand strong. That is our duty for this new year." He gives a blueprint - let's follow it.


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Well, Shelly, I've been writing op-eds; contacting so-called "representatives" of BOTH Houses; writing essays - and sounding the alarm since the 1970s - with results much like spitting into the wind. Been called crazy as a loon, a damn fool and laughed at for over a half century.

All I can do is what I have been doing and NAMING the enemy WITHIN - and will NOT stop. "they" will have to murder me.

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I've never been able to get others involved. I too, have spent years spitting in the wind. This is going to be a very bad year in my state - with the legislature. They are already acting out of order and there is public infighting between the State Auditor and the SOS, who is running for governor. We have traders in the ranks and at the top of the chain.

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No doubt, Shelly, you meant TRAITORS. Same in my state (think ROMNEY).

What ever happened to the notion that committing TREASON was a capital offense = DEATH - by hanging, firing squad; or in the case of jolly old England, being "Drawn & Quartered" - which as I recall meant being stretched out on a Rack, then having head, arms and legs severed from the traitors body.

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Jan 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Military intelligence is not the only entity that can affect the subconscious, alter our perceptions of reality and deceive our brain in order to affect decision-making. The greatest trick the devil ever played was getting people to believe it didn't exist. We are in a spiritual war as well as conventional against our own governments. Never underestimate the value of Christian faith in this fight.

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Jan 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We take the print edition of the Epoch Times. Way more fun to rustle the paper than to sit in front of a screen. And now, other benefits, too.

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Jan 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Darkest subject to grasp. Let alone to fathom the horror of understanding. If that one day of dead curses against other folks turns to my violent behavior of a destructive tactics upon others because I am cold hungry angry and there is nothing left to lose,

I won't be alone. 100 million mad others can dare to choose a side.

With the horrible mindset they too have nothing else to lose. IMO.

And No...this is not what crosses my mind on any daily basis. But really can't deny the images we have been bombarded with the past few decades as some bizarre preparation to the fall of USA.

Unresolved conflicts deepen the wounds. Leads to hurt. Hurt to anger. Anger to violence. Then violence to unforgivable forever wars of the minds of men. Look as an example the middle east and a few thousand years of unresolved conflicts never end.

If this topic is the source of the New American demise then it has deep rooted already upon the land. Sigh.....

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"There are no rules."

Nor are there any government assurances (wrt citizen rights and protections) that are meaningful.

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I would think the strongest defense against this type of insult would be a strong helping of common sense. Is that asset inherent or acquired? I would say most have it but lose it by atrophy from being under used. Take the last 4 yrs. Some study and a little common sense would tell you the virus was really not all that dangerous. Some study about vaccines and some common sense screams a warning not to take the jab. All the needed information was there, just not the common sense required to employ it wisely.

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Subconscious attacks bypass the mechanisms of "common sense." If you want to defend yourself against them, you must work to clean up your own subconscious.

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Clean up your subconscious? Huh.

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Jan 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Christopher Nolan’s “Inception” - a documentary.

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Jan 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Learn to meditate. Now. Those who resist the effort required are the ones who need it most. (Ain’t that always the case?).

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Do you have direct evidence that meditation practitioners are more immune to these attacks?

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Oh quit, more splintering. Don't do this to an area of knowledge that is nothing but positive.

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There is no area of knowledge capable of being "nothing but positive." That meditation has a good reputation even in the medical community I am afraid only makes me more suspicious. However, I am no expert and should not try to pontificate, I agree.

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Yes. Here is my evidence! I can’t realize it for you… but you can. Try it for awhile. You will notice changes in within yourself almost immediately. Seriously try it. Get a book on it. Any book on it will do. Then do it. Keep doing it. Find out for yourself. It’s the only way

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Well, that's fine. But it's not evidence, is it?

There have been studies on the benefits of meditation and "mindfullness" as a therapy. They have been unable to demonstrate that it is superior to other interventions. I personally prefer to not recommend any kind of "therapy" short of studying subjects that interest you. The therapies I prefer have not been tested in the academic community, so I can point to no "neutral" opinion about them, though there is some evidence that some of these interventions help people stay off drugs.

I know one person who has achieved incredible results with the help of meditation. But this was someone using it as a spiritual practice and getting results (past life recall) in the spiritual realm.

Further, meditation has no theory of operation (that I am aware of) and no particular stated result. It may be good for people, like a walk in the forest or a warm shower. But the subject before us is Cognitive Warfare.

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So, have you tried it? Say, maybe 20 minutes a day, for, say, a week? I’m sorry this ancient science doesn’t fit your idea of evidence…. But here’s the rub: if you aren’t willing to look for it, you most assuredly will not find it.

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I have my own version of "ancient science" that I prefer to use. But this is not my area of interest here. I seek no personal salvation. I only want to see thinking people take the next step and extend their intellectual curiosity into the field of Spirit.

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Ooops. See my second post above… it was meant as a response to your reasonable question.

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for covering this timely topic. Motivational research has been in the works at least since the 50ties. How to psych viewers to buy products. Advanced to today's how to herd peoples to act as one wishes them to. Appreciating this is vital. I would suggest that appreciating what we have in today's people is also vital. The recent demonstrations of the philosophies we have emerging from our elite universities ring warning bells. A series of recent articles on today's products emerging from law and medical schools also focuses concerns. The likelihood we will need to be aware, alert and ready to think critically has increased exponentially! Personally have generally reflected on how I'm responding to issues - emotionally or intellectually (after considered reflection). Have made a concerted effort to avoid emotional answers or unthinking deferring to the answers of the masses. That can be seen as harsh. In view of the points in these essays, I get the impression we will be needing more thinking before responding asap. The forewarning is appreciated.


Your latest initiatives are genius! Hugely looking forward to both! Much success!

Bestest Always♡♡♡

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You are right Jean, they aren't done with us yet, so we must be vigilant and stay the course.

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Dr Malone posted a recent extended interview with a Canadian interviewer today. They covered a wide range of topics including his take on what the WEF is working toward as an end product of we the people. If I understood him correctly he posits they want uniform genetics, composition and thinking. The interview should be avaliable on all his social sites. My take is we will need to be well informed, identify and be ready to invest in critical thinking on potentially impactful information we will be encountering. He offered positive comment about the New American and JBS..

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Thank you for this info Jean.

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Jan 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Cognitive warfare seems like a misnomer: maybe that's the first step of the gaslighting! :-)

"Cognitive" can't relate to their "field of operation," if its targets' unconscious assumptions and lizard/mammalian brain functions... Maybe they thought Emotional Warfare sounded wimpy and used the term "Cognitive" to make their strategy itself seem logical, rather than accurately describe the "field of operation." Or maybe they thought Psychological Warfare sounded too last century and Unconscious Warfare sounds funny (and too honest--since all warfare is unconscious on some level).

Are they then referring to the essence of _their_ strategy, rather than what they're influencing? Are they using CBT, relational frame theory, linguistic metaphor analysis as ways to influence others' unconscious values?

Cognition usually refers explicitly to conscious internal linguistic narration (at loosest) to structured logical thinking, writing, and communicating with others. Inference. Analysis. Comparison and contrast.

Our cognitions are influenced by early developmental assumptions, cultural values, and even scientific paradigms in which we _think_ we're being as objective as possible.

But that body of impulses and unarticulated associations is by definition not a body of cognitions. Emotions? Associations? Embedded bodily memories barely articulated? Sure.

Once again, it comes down to the stream of human ego--cognitions are usually the revised end-products, while lots of b/g noise generates them. Shutting all of the noise up while still awake is a strategy to detach from some of the crazier limitations of one's bodily-driven ego and not identify w/ it as much. What they're proposing is just a yuckier manipulation of that knowledge--keeping targets enmeshed in the noise so that they don't see when certain assumptions are being reinforced or discouraged. Torture really will be 1984-like--keeping us tethered to a stream of noise 24/7 so that meditation is physically impossible.

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Would you prefer “amygdala warfare” or “limbic warfare”?

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Isn't that what so many have already done to themselves? Surrounding ourselves with a soundtrack for our lives day and night: Watching all forms of entertainment at last 7 hours a day = TV "PROGRAMS", on line gaming, YouTube, Radio, Tic-Toc, porn - soft or hard, and not least of all, our cell phone leashes. When does one get a moment of silence? a time to actually meditate? Or even take a short restorative nap? In the late 1960's Ken Kesey (of the merry pranksters) moved to the country and decided to turn off all media for a year. I am wondering if I should do that myself. Can I even do that in this day and age?

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I think that no TV or newspapers between 1985-2009 was my buffering. Two years ago I dumped my Dish, but 1984 was the last time an alphabet news cast was viewed by me.

For the last 30 years my informants have been G. Edward Griffin, Alex Jones, Alan Watt (Cutting through the Matrix), Glenn Beck, Trevor Loudon and my sons.

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When I moved to a rural area in 1975 there was no TV reception and I did not watch TV unless we were at a motel on trip until 1991 when a neighbor gave me his large Satellite dish when he moved. For a while I caught up on some TV I thought I missed out on. Turned out there wasn't that much worth seeing for me. So, as the internet got more dynamic we got more of our info there. Right now I feel overwhelmed by the flood of info, both good and bogus. Today we have a TV but I don't even turn it on more than a couple times a week. I would rather read other when I want some escapism like when the 2 Jack Reacher seasons came on. (I have read all the Reacher books).

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Jan 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Interesting. Thank you. It appears the devil is in the details, otherwise we have mainly chaos theory, don't we?

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Fascinating and scary at the same time. Most people don't understand how easily they can be primed and manipulated. Thank you for this article, which I will share in my group.

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Jan 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Vrry interesting. Thank you Dr Malone.

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