Dec 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for all your work, Dr. Malone. Those of us who are rational are aware of what you have done for us. God bless you and get some well-deserved rest.

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I think it's important to note that in the story, the kid was the only one 'brave' enough to call out the Emperor because everybody else was scared about what other people would think about THEM. Only the child "didn't know better" -- and was therefore the only one willing to speak.

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Indeed.....the only one not yet culturally indoctrinated

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In today's world, the kid would have been given a "helpful" drug cocktail and told to shut up while the adults are talking. Maybe an involuntary stay at the asylum for good measure so the State can call him crazy.

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Damn the Authoritarian torpedoes... Full Speed Ahead!

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Merry Christmas Dr. Malone. Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do. You will always be a hero in my eyes.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for that heart felt story. I’m sure you’re not the only scientist who had their work co-opted by the forces of greed and evil. But, you are one of the few courageous scientists who has effectively exposed the forces of greed and evil. Stay courageous and persistent! Merry Christmas and have a happy, healthy Holiday Season!

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Heartfelt indeed! The baring of his soul for any and all not too callous to care. Many do care, and we greatly appreciate the sacrifices and unfounded abuses endured along the way. Our culture has been utterly corrupted, but who could have foreseen such a manifestation in this instance?

There are those who will mock at the idea of the Son of God being born of a virgin. The very concept of Christmas itself has been corrupted. Yet, "For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given..." and later in Isaiah, "For the Lord God will help Me, Therefore I will not be disgraced; Therefore I have set My face like a flint, And I know that I will not be ashamed."

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Amen, that is our only hope in this world, and the one after.

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That farewell to the idealism, excitement, hard work, sacrifice, hopefulness of earlier days and career was poignant. A tragic loss to society at large. An experience and sentiment felt by many certainly. Count me and my husband in on that theme in our own spheres of work--what did it all mean, what good did it do, why are the accomplishments being purposely destroyed, obliterated, tossed aside?

Looking to 2023 on a hopeful note, your Twitter Spaces round table the other day with Dr. Kheriaty, Lara Logan, Sen Ron Johnson, Jan Jekielek, Dr. James Thorp and a lawyer or two is having an impact and getting some buzz. The fact that it happened is astonishing. The introduction to 5G Info Warfare in a formal way, the description of the global nature of the warfare, Dr. Kheriaty's detailed description of the history of corrupt societies and regimes and their inevitable fall, and his suggestion that the resistance find a way to pull threads to hurry along that collapse, is reverberating and getting attention and traction among other podcasters I listen to. Ron Johnson's presence and full participation is also notable and shows he is ramping up for the next steps. The Twitter Spaces format can be quickly arranged, announced to a large audience, can have a panel of varying sizes, with a large number of listeners as desired and recorded for later listening. It looks like a new way of being responsive to news of the day, and drawing people together quickly from around the globe. So I am excited for that.


On a minor note, your last few interviews sounded great so I assume you have some upgraded audio equipment!

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yup. I have tried to up my game. Mostly Sure SM7B microphones. Twitter spaces does not play as nice with laptops, so I have had to find a solution to get the SM7Bs to play nice with an I phone. Also new studio with a three camera Sony 4K rig will be fully operational in the new year. My new career, so it seems. Thanks for noticing.

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It makes a difference. The recent interview with RFK Jr. had wonderful audio somehow it gives your voice even more gravity and intimacy. The Twitter Spaces round table had great sound quality, like being in the same room. So you made good choices in equipment and space. I think I caught a glimpse of your new studio coming together in a Rumble thumbnail with diplomas and certificates on one wall, big microphone in middle and lion on the other side. I've been admiring the extensive set equipment of the duo Natali and Clayton Morris on The Redacted. Hope you are having fun with it, something else you likely never imagined doing.

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Thank you the link to the Twitter round-table discussion.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You brought me to tears. God bless you and have a Merry Christmas enjoying the real gifts of life. You are appreciated.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

God bless you, Dr. Malone. Don't be too hard on yourself. Your eyes have now been opened, and you have helped us open our eyes. Many, many thanks!

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The advent of the Lord makes all things new...

...daily I turn my life over to Jesus (ADHD)

May this Christmas season bring Joy and Peace throughout the New Year

Thanks again for all your work, Dr. Malone ✝️

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks to you and Jill. You have sacrificed much. God be with you

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Robert for a year of such service and wonderfully engaging and informative communication to help keep us sane.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One of your best essays. I will share it. I have a friend: a PhD psychiatrist doling out psychiatric drugs for decades and also a Nurse Practitioner - a PA in these days. Doling out drugs most of her career. Just now retired and hoping to travel and frolic in her retirement even though she vaguely sees what I've been hammering at for the last 3 years. Largely because she was harmed as was a grandchild. For awhile she dedicated herself to alternative medicine. Energy medicine for which there is bucket loads of research and history of such and usage. She supported most forms of alternative medicine and even my budding career in TCM and herbal medicine. Got me certified in energy medicine as well. But she never gave up the toxic drugs and promoting the toxic vaccines. She is now confronting all of that and is not happy with my own little outreach as I post these substacks and other articles as well as my own thoughts and the results of my own research and reading as I do follow the linked papers and such. To see for myself. She is facing her own "dark night of the soul" that many of us had to face decades ago for one reason or another. Mostly for the failure of conventional medicine and the arrogance that went along with those failures plus the corporate abuses many of us endured and then walked away from. Recovering most of our sanity after much work and effort and many paths: some useful and others dead ends. Those differed for each of us since we are each different and our requirements are all different. Your story is good. You have risen above your time of truth and you are using your energies as you are called to do in positive ways to try to stop all of this insanity. It can't all be stopped but maybe we can turn that Titanic a wee faster and maybe away from some of those icebergs and give the ship a chance. Attacks and losses are inevitable. This IS a war. We need to find common ground and find ways to pull that ship around together rather than pushing and pulling in multiple directions - no matter how well intentioned. You are one of the folks who see the icebergs and shout out to the turners of the ship as to where they are. Including the parts that are underwater and hard to see. As in hard to believe in. Blessings on you both for your willingness to see Truth and to act on i in spite of the costs. As one who could never go along with seeing clothes on an emperor that were not there, I know those costs. Rest a bit from your labors. You must strengthen yourselves and tending to home and body and mind and soul is required every bit as much as jetting around the world.

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For the entire history of species Homo sapiens, it was believed that disease had spiritual causes. It was therefore necessary to consult an individual with the ability to communicate with the spirits, in order to ascertain diagnosis and cure. Anthropologists use the catchall phrase of Shaman to describe these individuals. In contrast to this, science-based medicine, a comparatively recent anomaly, posits that disease has physical causes, and that therefore diagnosis and cure can be effected by physical means i.e., injestion of physical substances, surgery etc. without involvement with the spirits. These two approaches can be classified as traditional vs. modern science-based medicine. In an attempt to appeal to modern Western man possessed of a science-based belief system, it has been necessary to cloak ancient spiritual concepts with pseudoscientific terminology. The use of such terms as polarity, magnetism, positive-negative, grounding, and energy balancing are an effort in this direction. Modern man dismisses a witch-doctor-shaman dancing around a fire in a feathered headdress. If however, this individual dons a white lab coat, hangs pseudocredentials on the wall, and spouts pseudoscientific terminology such as the above, modern man will listen.

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Since energy medicine and the energy biofield have been proven as well as the energy meridians in Chinese medicine what you say is only partially true. Humans were more connected at one time and are, with some exceptions, mostly disconnected from the world around them. “Science” is the study of life. That should be all aspects of life and not just the visible. Spiritual issues DO play a huge role in the health of a person. The psyche does as well. The shamans and other,older healers DID help heal folks. Their songs and dancing and drums are part of a long tradition of medicine that also incorporates the use of plants and minerals and animals to bring a patient back into harmony internally and externally. We have dismissed all of that in modern times as useless. And to our peril.

Our bodies are chemical, electromagnetic and piezoelectric in nature and that is just the stuff we know. It can be changed for the worse and it can be changed for the better. The first causes illness and the later helps heal it. Chemistry plays a part but it’s not the sun total of who we are or what can help us heal. Our many imbalances with our world allow the microbes - always with us and part of us - to sometimes get out of hand. They - and we - can be brought back into balance through many avenues and many traditions as well as help from what we have learned in recent times. The later is quite limited and if that is all we rely on, our health, too, will be limited.

There are folks out there who wish to deny all of this and our connectedness and to foist that denial on all of us. They are not in balance and are sick - just look at their pictures. Most LOOK ill. Because they are and not just physically. They want us all to be just as sick as they are. Maybe so they feel justified that it is all phooey or that what they have is “all there is.” Such a limited outlook. There is nothing wrong with science as we know it in modern times. Where it’s all wrong is where we have let the other, non-modern knowledge go. The spiritual and the psychological and even the physical where we no longer practice balance and harmony with our world; each other; and with the Creator. I taught and practiced integrative and alternative medicine. I’ve seen some interesting things in my 30+ years of practice and I can tell you the stuff we think we know is only a wee tip of a ginormous iceberg.

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I very much appreciate and respect your point of view. Surely both traditional and modern medicine come with their own unique set of problems. It seems that the best thing we can do is educate ourselves so as to make informed choices that utilize the best of each philosophy that fits our own unique circumstances. Thank you for your reasoned reply.

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Agreed. Ultimately self education is our best bet. It’s our life. Therefore we are responsible for it.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The meek shall inherit the earth. God bless you, Dr. Malone and Merry Christmas!

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important to remember what that term meant, "Meek", back then rather than now. It was more aligned with "humble strength" or something like that.

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And that definition, Dr Malone, is exactly what my comment intended. YOU epitomize humble strength. Stay strong!

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prautes Gk: denotes meekness...The meaning of prautes is not readily expressed in English...It must be clearly understood, therefore, that the meekness manifested by the Lord and commended to the believer is the fruit of power." (Vine's Concise Dictionary of the Bible p. 236).

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thank you for all of your hard work in trying to save what is left of our civilization. We all appreciate your exhausting efforts to stop the madness.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for a hopeful Christmas message. Half way through your book I will off this unsolicited partial review: Dr. Malone's very methodical approach to the monstrous lies and distortions of the covid epidemic and the malign choreographed response to it gives valuable insights to the scope of the war against truth, freedom of speech and health. The book is written in a very personal way. It is interspersed with much autobiographical and sometimes meandering cogitation of a philosophical nature. Once you get used to this style which is completely consonant with his other articles and videos, you get more comfortable with the profile of a man who himself is wrestling with a most uncomfortable revelation. Namely that he has spent his life laboring to advance biomedical science in a realm that is overrun by charlatans, censors, propagandists and psychopaths. This must surely be a bitter pill to swallow and then regurgitate for all the world to see. I believe his aims and intents are noble, and his particular talent for scientific analysis in the disciplines of biomedical technology have propelled him to the front lines of our common fight against health tyranny and totalitarianism. Now back to the book. Get them horses covered.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bless you and yours this Christmas for your stouthearted defense of the truth and bravery in the face of this pervasive evil which has taken over most of the state and private sector. May you all have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and great health and resolve in the next year and beyond.

Danny Huckabee

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a beautiful essay Robert to conclude 2023, I had a tear when I got to the end. Millions of us around the world have heard you, seen you stand up with honour and integruity, seen the attacks that have been directed at you, and recognise the extraordinary efforts that you have made to contribute to the counter narrative, along with so many of your colleagues worldwide. I had the benefit of an expensive classic education in Britain, but chose to become a tradesman (cabinet maker) and musician (Uilleann pipes), and I have never regretted that choice. It has always provided for myself and my family, (not the music, that's just good for the soul), we live a natural rural life, much like you do when you get the chance, and in that we have arrived at the same place. As I approach my 60th year in a couple of weeks, I can rejoice in a debt free slide to early semi retirement, without holding any keys of intellectual knowledge that could carry any influence, other than encouraging self reliance to anyone within my very small reach that will hear me, though if you want anything made or fixed, I'me your man, "perfectly practical in every way", to almost quote Mary Poppins ! However, your choice to pursue your academic career, and the research and discoveries that you made, qualifies you to perform the incredible and critical role that you have played over the past couple of years, and present us with the factual science that has enabled so many of us to resist the propaganda, and make truely informed choices for ourselves and our children. We all choose our paths in life, and no tradesman could do what you have done, so my prayer for you and Jill, on the cusp of 2023, is that you will soon have free time to spend at home, on your land, with your animals, living the life that you have created from your dreams. I am not a religeous man, but bless you Robert and Jill Malone, the world truely owes you, and so many of your colleagues an incalculable debt, which will never be forgotten, no matter what happens next.

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Dec 22, 2022·edited Dec 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"A flawless design

In the cloister of the mind

But will the pattern unwind

When put to the test?

When the fabric meets the flesh

And veils fall in soft caress

When art devours artifice

And we stand naked nonetheless"


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"If you’d plan to span the globe

Clad in royal threadbare robes

Well, every strength comes along

With weakness born of being strong"

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