Jul 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If the government is finally investigating UAP/UFOs it can only mean that it has some plan in mind to use the so-called disclosure information for its own purpose. And it likely won't turn out well for us. "Trust no one."

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Trust no one? How about don't trust a government that has been caught lying constantly.

No disrespect to Dr. Malone, but to take anything like this from them seriously is absurd. All they do is lie.

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This is a gross over-generalization of the situation. Don't get caught up in that game. There are liars and honest people in almost every group.

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Given the current backdrop, given the institutions, given subject matter.

Nope, nope and nope.

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Thank you for revealing to us your true opinions on these matters.

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The timing of it is laughable.

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Well yes, but similar reports fom many decades from multiple nations, are in existance. The timing of this government outing however is likely serving some useful "squirrel" look here, to distract attention from their many crimes.

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That's true.

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Right. Disclosure has been here for a very long time, just not in "mainstream".

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I'm sorry Larry, but you're naive.

There may, in the past, have been government employees who have wanted to do the right thing. TPTB are doing everything they can to weed them out. Forced vaccines in the military were a tool for that. As I understand it, some of the FBI whistleblowers were summarily fired, and have no income. If whistleblowers have a valid cause for whistleblowing, their pay is not supposed to be interrupted.

My brother works at a high level (SES) for one of those three-letter agencies. Do I think he's one of the bad guys? No. But I do think his kind is a vanishing species.

I'll add, his thirty-something daughter is also an employee of one of the TLA's. Do I trust her? It pains me to say it, but no, I don't.

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Well, we will see, perhaps, in the coming months or years, who was the most naive.

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Back in the day there was a saying, "Don't trust anyone over thirty." The new saying might be "Don't trust anyone under thirty." Not dissing all these younger ones, but they have been psyop'ed to the max and we see evidence of this everywhere. Kudos to those who homeschooled some members of this generation, they may (as a group) remain trustworthy and our best hope for a sane future.

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What makes you think that this testimony means that "the government" is "finally" investigating this phenomenon? Roswell happened in the 1940s. The government has been involved in this for a very long time. That is what Grusch is trying to tell us. Listen to him!

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This is a real story, a long time in the making. One of the greatest cover-ups of all time.

There are key references to understand what is going on, including this:

Lyne’s book Pentagon Aliens reveals the history of how the monumental discoveries in ether physics by Nikola Tesla, over 100 years ago, were being used to build and develop UFO saucer craft throughout the 20th century. This understanding of how energy can be tapped from the ether and used to provide free energy, anti-gravity propulsion and super-advanced aerial and space-craft, has been one of the Illuminati’s biggest secrets. In order to keep the development of such craft secret, a monumental hoax was engineered by the Illuminati’s top military and Intelligence community, resulting in the alien visitation belief system which is currently rampant in the world today.


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And this

Illuminet Press presents "MILABS," the first book to document the amazing evidence connecting covert military mind control and the "alien abduction" phenomenon.

In this well-documented book, the authors review top-secret mind control projects ARTICHOKE and MK-ULTRA, and utilize unclassified documents, photos, and firsthand testimony to expose the shocking story behind alien abductions.

The authors take an in-depth look at the history of behavioral modification experiments, focusing on alleged kidnappings of "alien" abductees by covert military-intelligence personnel.

The book touches on the activities of "black helicopters" in connection with UFO contactees, and "otherworldly" journeys to what actually appear to be underground military facilities.

Are we heading toward a "controlled" society that applies what has been learned in these sinister MILABS experiments, such as remotely monitored human implants (for tracking and surveillance) and genetic manipulation?

If you think you know the truth about alien abductions, think again... "MILABS" will open your eyes to the dark forces linking mind control, flying saucers, and the abduction/mutilation phenomenon.

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You are absolutely correct. If you want to know more about what is really going on, look up Dr. Steven Greer and/or Michael Salla. Consider what you learn and then decide for yourself whether our Cosmic neighbors are a threat to us. Indeed, they are a threat to the Deep State/Military Industrial Complex (a.k.a. "National Security" and their ever increasing control over us. You are wise to question this.

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Dr.Malone. This is obviously a huge psyop campaign to divert the public’s attention from the truth about the horrendously evil covid lockdown and vaccine scam as well as the immense corruption occurring under the Biden regime.

Not to mention the news of the impending trial against the billionaire Epstein associate who was abusing a 16 year old down syndrome sex slave trafficked by the Epstein associates.

With the daily reports being released of bidens absolute corruption and looking to be and have been on the payroll of our enemies for years if not decades, this UFO psyop is perfectly crafted to divert attention from the truth.

talk of UFO’s especially capture the attention in the younger demographics (GEn X, Y, Z) many of which enjoy vaping THC and talking about Aliens. Meanwhile Rome burns.

Just my take.

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UFOs and now UAPs are probably the most effective government obfuscation programs ever developed. Except for actual war.

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Thank you and I am greatful that there are others like me who are not falling into the UFO distraction. The Biden corruption story is the big story this week

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It isn't. You can be quite sure of that. If you want a psy op, look at what the ETs have been doing on Earth for thousands of years. Now, THAT'S a psy op!

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??? Thousands of years ? Too much TV !

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Nope! Too much Courtney Brown. Who do you think helped us build the Great Pyramid?

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Our brains.

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Well, that's a cute idea, but I've never seen a brain lift and move an 80 ton block of stone. In fact, I've never seen a brain do anything but respond to external stimuli.

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They used the earth's magnetic powers i.e. brain was involved.

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Logic would dictate the near impossibility of “confronting” any interstellar-capable species. Such highly evolved, successful, technologically superior beings would certainly be able to do with us whatever they desired. But to have survived to reach such technological heights without destroying their own civilization, odds are, they will not be “evil”

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I find it odd that these beings are advanced enough to get here from a minimum of several light years away, yet can't seem to keep from crashing like inexperienced pilots.

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Hahahahaha! But wait a minute. You’re being logical!


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MS; it seems like no-one can get past the "crashing" and there is the reason for invalidating this phenomena. Why the crashing is to be believed and not the rest of the testimony, is a trap for the rational mind

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There are a lot of implied 'IF's in all this.

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Agreed. Expressed as “odds.” But regarding this topic, how could there not be?

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I was listening to a Shawn Ryan 2hr and 45 min interview with Dr. Greer. Though he's quite controversial it was fascinating, particularly the parts about zero point energy and the extra dimensions embedded within our 3D spacetime matrix, or web. He mentions US military EM phased weapons downing a few ET UFOs with non-humans inside and over 100, I think he said 170, ET UFOs with no ET beings inside have also been downed by this weaponry. You'd think that such advanced species would catch on before that. Unless they're Trojan Horses. Yes you clever humans, please collect our downed craft wreckage and take them to your hidden underground reverse engineering and weapons development facilities.

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I have no idea what "logic" you are using, but it has driven you into a truth that you then proceed to assert could not be! Yes, a "superior" civilization would be able to do with us whatever they desired. And they do.

You wonder why they have survived without destroying themselves. I wonder, too. But why do psychopaths still exist, even though their self-destructive tendencies are considerable? They find a way.

If you were a cow, would you consider that rancher who feeds you, keeps you safe, milks you or slaughters some of your companions for food to be "evil?" The rancher is just doing what it thinks is necessary for its own survival. For some reason this does not mean, for these ETs, to destroy Earth or invade it and take it over. But that does not mean that we are not being deceived and manipulated.

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Keep thinking that way...even though the last sentence is strange reasoning.

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bill Clinton, years ago, said that the best way to get the public to accept global government is if we needed to protect ourselves from aliens.. That, alone, makes it plausible to me that this is a psyop. Regardless, even if there are super-human intelligences doing what they claim, WHY would I be more afraid of them than the globalist governments of the world?! Who's doing the obvious destruction of humanity and human flourishing?

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Could be both real and be used to scare people into compliance

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No doubt. Maybe it's just the timing of the disclosures that was picked for a distraction at this time. I'm still more concerned about governments of the world than super-human intelligences which, if active, are not doing anywhere near the amount of obvious damage to humanity. That's why I'm not going to get distracted by it until that changes. And I'm not sure what I could do about super-human intelligences, anyway. Don't even know how to plan for it.

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read right after ny post, Ha

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...or tyrannical use of real reports for ulterior motive. The potntial truth of UFOs is orthogonal to Government using that as distraction from crimes and FUD. (Fear, Uncertaintiy, Doubt)

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Ronald Reagan said something similar. And he was "read in," from what I know.

The Roswell incident was a psy-op. Project Blue Book was a psy-op. When are we going to realize that this entire planet is a psy-op? Can you remember any of your past lives? You should be able to. Why can't most people? Psy-op.

You should be concerned about these creatures because they are WAY better at doing this than any Earth government ever was or ever will be.

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Yeah, now that the government is a uni-party beholden to the deep state, and we see the globalist plans they have, how can I ever believe anything they say when it so clearly looks like a distraction from the things they know concern US? This is how they can manage to get re-elected without solving the big problems.

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Our government involvement with ETs is one of the biggest problems we have!

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Because of collaboration with ET's? I'm not sure what you mean.

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Ruling groups have had to contend with ETs for a very long time.

The modern version of that has not yet been covered in any public congressional hearing. If you prefer to wait until that happens, be my guest. I know it is a huge leap of faith for most people to take.

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Jul 27, 2023·edited Jul 27, 2023

What do you mean by "contend with?" How long back are you talking?

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Supposing this testimony is accurate, what does it indicate? I'm doubtful, on general principles, that traditional UFOs are space aliens -- you know, life-forms, independently evolved, visiting us from far-away solar systems. It's pure science fiction. If they wanted to make contact, they would make contact. If they didn't want to make contact, they would stay hidden. They wouldn't just goof around and occasionally crash-land. However, the fallen-angel idea has much to recommend itself. You could create quite a stir, and much confusion, pretending to be space aliens. Confusion first, defilement following hard upon.

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I'm going to agree with you. Christians know there is a spiritual battle. Since it appears we may be in what the Bible calls the end times, I could imagine this somehow fitting in with the amazing, horrible things that are going to happen. If we are amazed at the technology of these UFOs, why can't we be amazed at the creation of our world and attribute that to a Creator God? We are all accountable to that God.

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As a Christian, I also agree that this is a supernatural phenomenon. However, seems like these open congressional hearings are an effort to condition and prepare the public to accept the ET, off-world alien narrative. And that “they” now pose a serious national security threat. And that it’s time for the world to understand, confront and deal with this threat. It just seems highly orchestrated. But the existence of this phenomenon can be traced back to ancient times according to Jacques Vallee, who takes a very logical, scientific approach in his research. Even his thinking has evolved over time - from ET, now to inter dimensional beings. These hearings may bring answers, but they are unlikely to be the truth.

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I remember a book by Dave Hunt called Peace, Prosperity, and the Coming Holocaust where he predicted that UFOs would be part of the end-times deception. If there is anything to what the government is seeing, then I have little doubt that demons are having a field day. If it is made up (and any of those guys testifying could be lying, duped, or mistaken), then the timing is a bit too convenient. Sadly, the most sceptical among us are no match for satanic deception. A good many political, governmental, medical, financial, cultural, and religious things, et al, appear to be converging toward the tyranny of the antichrist.

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The antichrist will likely be an AI.

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For those who know the truth, think about it... With all that has gone on over that last 3 years and continues even now. The evil one has completed his trial run, which he has to do to know when it is time for him to implement his final plan (refer to book of Job). I mean, how hard would it be now for satan to get people to take a "mark" in order to buy, sell, travel, etc. etc. Just tell them all that there is a panic-demic and they will bend over for the injection, so they can get a mark. (The Mark: the name of the beast, or a number. The scan mark on the vaccine passports actually convert to a digital number that directs to the webpage that proves validity, keep in mind that computer operation all drills down to zeros and ones).

ALIENS, perfect time for this subject to be brought to the fore. With the coming rapture of the faithful, how do you think they will explain the sudden disappearance of millions of people? The evil one will certainly not want the mass bodily exodus to be explained in the light of the what the Bible says, can you imagine the problems for satan should a huge portion of those left behind have the opportunity to realize the truth of the disappearances. Well folks, here is the storyline that will be used, the old alien abduction story.

By the way, you will notice that in all the recent testimony on UFOs, there is not a single first-hand account from those who have supposedly seen or dealt with the remains of an alien life form. Further, you will notice that despite, all the ‘crashed UFOs’, there has never been a physical collision between a UFO and one of our aircraft. My best surmising to explain this is because, what the spirit world can make appear to the human mind, and maybe even eye, has no physical structure in this realm.

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I am profoundly disturbed that this testimony would not at least move you to consider the possibility that the story we have been told is a bunch of BS.

They HAVE "made contact." But unfortunately, they are for the most part deceptive groups who don't want us to know the truth about them or about ourselves. Beyond these basics, it is mostly a matter of what you are willing to believe is possible and which researchers you are willing to believe.

Don't dismiss this information. At this point, that would be a very big mistake.

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Beginning to believe Roswell was for real, and there was a military cover-up. Some believe fiber optics, and other advanced technology was extracted from the spacecraft that did crash. When a retired Air Force pilot confides in me that he was scrambled out of Dulles back in the 1990 period to check on a UFO and was flying next to it at 550 knots and it accelerated and disappeared within a minute, speaks volumes about UFOs being real! His comment to me was: “ it was not from this earth”. When you consider that 99.99% of all the planets are rocks and the earth is an anomaly, could it be that there is another planet like the earth that is just 1000 years more developed than the earth. Is that where we are headed with the technology not only in electronics and energy but also in medicine? It would be interesting to be around in 100 years and see what the earth looks like. Our problem is we are going full steam ahead without caution, which can be the beginning of the sixth extinction of the earth.

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"Our problem is we are going full steam ahead without caution, which can be the beginning of the sixth extinction of the earth."

Absolutely on target! I agree!

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You got it right Dr. Malone! We are exploring and manipulating the blue print of life on a kindergarten scale! Humans and all other living animals and vegetables evolved over millions of years, but now our molecular explorers are interferering with the evolutionary processes and we haven't a clue what will transpire with this rush to improve on nature's/or God's design!

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The complicating factor in events like Roswell is that intelligence services can grab control of the narrative. Something genuinely unexplained may have happened...and then a disinformation operative added some false information to the true observations of actual witnesses, doing that to achieve a political goal. Since the lie itself has to remain classified, the truths that created the opportunity for the lie must also be hidden. This epistemologically obstructs any scientific inquiry because nobody hears from the primary sources.

It was recently declassified, during the Obama and Trump Administrations, that Hitler did not die by suicide and lived in Argentina under the protection of Fascist dictator Juan Peron, and that a group of Nazi atomic scientists continued working on an atomic bomb there, until Peron was overthrown in a coup. The FBI maintained a contingency plan to arrest Hitler if he ever left Argentina, it was revealed. So at the time of Roswell, the US, the Soviets, and the Nazi group all had active efforts to build an atom bomb.

A well-publicized "eyewitness account" from Roswell describes a mystery metal that if crushed, would return to its previous shape when released. Reading through "Gmelin's Handbuch den Änorganischen Chemie" about the element Beryllium, reveals that scientists on Earth knew Beryllium could unwrinkle itself exactly as described. Oppenheimer's "Fat Man" atomic bomb relied on this property of Beryllium to provide predictable behavior if a sphere of Beryllium foil were rapidly crushed with explosives. The "Fat Man" bomb, tested at White Sands, NM and then used in the Nagasaki bombing on August 9th, 1945, used a film of plutonium that was electroplated onto beryllium foil. The key question for the Soviets and the Nazi group's nuclear ambitions, was "Did the US have enough beryllium to do it again?". Anyone hearing the Roswell story and jumping to the conclusion that the US Army Air Force built an experimental plane out of beryllium and wrecked it in Roswell, would have found that ominous, as it meant we could keep making more "Fat Man" bombs.

So is it possible something of nonhuman origin appeared at Roswell in 1947, and then human opportunists hijacked the story and turned it into propaganda about the strength of US nuclear capabilities?

Those are the kinds of ugly questions that will need to be answered. Truth, when mixed with lies, is difficult to sort out.

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Interesting Insight.

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Didn’t know about beryllium. Interesting.

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Ehh ...I think UFOs as we're being told (i.e., Aliens from other planets) are a huge distraction and psy-op. What are we going to do? More dollars to the government to form a space army?

We've given loads of money to Elon and he hasn't shown anything with his space adventures (read more here):


I do think we need to examine the concept of UFOs more, not from what's being told to us, but for two reasons. One, We need to come to terms with the fact that there is classified technology that exists that is told to us that it's from UFOs. This technology is the technology that Tesla worked with that being "hidden" soon after his death:


Two, we need to really understand our solar model. This heliocentric model, falls under the same guise as virology, "scientism," and dinosaurs. Heliocentricity is "Sun-worship," also known as Baal-worship in the Bible. When we return to geocentricity, we can see reality for what it is and not fall for these distractions or illusions that take away our time and attention:


Interested in any insight/feedback/or comments from anyone :)

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What I've heard is that if the earth was really flat, cats would have knocked everything off it by now.

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Thank goodness. 15 upvotes for a flat earther. It is true, humans can reason themselves into or out of anything.

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Humans support what they already believe.

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I glanced at the article about SpaceX, etc. The notion that space does not exist strikes me as pretty daft. We know for example that we have communications satellites, and that they do work. Otherwise, we would not even have good long distance telephone systems, which depend on satellite transmissions.

That said, I agree that there is a possibility that the current stuff about UFO's could easily be a psy-op. Anybody can testify about anything. "Evidence" can be manufactured. And the utility of such a psy-op to the powers that be is obvious.

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So communications satellites would be considered a hoax as well in my book and the reason is because 99% of our communications don't occur via satellites, but via cables on the ocean's floor


One of the biggest things about space is this, from what i've seen, we can't go higher than 72miles straight up from the earth. If you look at Bezos and Bronson, they were well under that 72 mile limit (which is what is claimed to be the firmament).

The only things that have been past that 72 mile limit are:

1) Us going to the moon -- which has been proven to be the biggest propaganda in recent years

2) satellites -- which i just mentioned don't exists as our communications happen here on earth

3) international space station --- which just happens to be destroyed in 2030, with no remains being saved (which is what happened to our space footage any many other things)

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In the mid-1960's, the Telstar satellite was launched. It allowed for the first long distance digital telephony via satellite link. At that time, undersea cables were copper, analog signal devices. Long distance telephone via those cables was quite limited in quality. The satellite link allowed for better quality.

I was alive at that time, and I not only remember the first reports of Telstar, but also remember seeing some of the first television broadcasts to be relayed by satellite. Before then, to see an event happening in, say, Europe, it could only be seen by tape or film delay--the video tape or film would have to be literally flown to the U.S. in order to be broadcast. Undersea cables did not have the bandwidth to handle video signals at that time. Satellite video links changed all that.

As for your other comments, well, if you believe all the space shuttle flights were faked, that the Hubble telescope images were faked, and if you believe all the "moon landings were faked" stuff, I'm not sure it would be possible to talk to you about much of anything.

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Hmm, I'm not sure about the Telstar satellite. As the article states, "In our wireless, satellite-broadcasted (this is propaganda to me ;) world, it's easy to forget that most of our electronic communications still run through wires. This includes the vast majority of international calls, text messages and Internet transmissions, which must be ferried through cables that stretch across continents at the bottom of the ocean."

If most of our internet, text messages and international calls, today are run through underwater cables, why wouldn't we use satellites?

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Today's cables make use of fiber optics, which allows a level of data throughput that cannot be equaled by wireless transmission.

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the flat earth theory has been around conspiracy circles since at least the 1860's. It is carried forward and rewritten periodically for unknown reasons, much like modern propaganda, propaganda did exist but was not as pernicious

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Here's where I would disagree. Ancient texts and religious scripture all state the earth was stationary at the center of the universe. There have been clocks made (i think the oldest clock is from the 1600s) which accurately depicts time to this day, that was made from a flat earth model.

This is what I mean when I say, we've been told the earth is round, and we wouldn't know what a flat earth looked like because everything that we see as a sign for a flat earth, we've been told is actually signs of a round earth:


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by all means, continue to believe the world is flat, that is your right as a free person. However, at the end of the day it's a dead end, and that is my belief as a free person.

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Aww man! But what if I told you it wasn't a dead end?

Like Carl Sagan mentioned, "do you want to believe or do you want to KNOW?"

I think, especially from a spirituality perspective, once this topic is seriously looked into, it makes things a lot clearer.

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"Ancient texts and religious scripture all state the earth was stationary at the center of the universe." Nope, in fact a geo centric earth was a short period of human belife in very dark times.

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Of course this issue will be used to justify more government spending. But billions of dollars of our money have already been spent on it. Aren't you interested in getting some return on that (forced and secret) investment?

ETs are one of the most real unrealities that we face on Earth today. ETs are more real than God. They are as real as the immortal soul that has been reincarnating continuously for billions of years. We are dealing with "realities" that are non-physical or otherwise obfuscated. If you can consider the reality of these "unrealities" it will greatly assist you to understand life and what you can do about the situation on Earth.

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Amazingly, this all breaks when Biden is about to get impeached and Hunter about to finally go to jail.

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Except it isn't getting much press coverage. Mitch's health and cognition issues and his fall last month is the big story now...

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Jul 27, 2023·edited Jul 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

and Mitch's health seems to be Parkinsons symptoms, freezing is common in many as is the blank stare, frozen fascia (shoulder) is also an early symptom

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I'm seeing it on what the left labels "alt right extremist" news sites that I frequent, but TBH I never look at MSM anymore, so honestly don't know if they're covering it or not. Plus I've followed UAP for years since I learned about WW2 "foo fighters", and naturally gravitate to articles that may not attract others. Maybe that skews my perception of how much its being reported.

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I believe these witnesses. I do not believe these are aliens from another world.

Our government is so vast, and has so many compartmented, moving parts. I'm conditioned to believe they lie to us even when the truth would serve better. I suspect some kind of government trickery.

I've written in these forums before, if you want to think I wear a tin hat, I'm OK with that.

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There is certainly some hidden reason why all this is coming out now. But there have always been good people in government who want to do the right thing. I would, in fact, be more suspicious of the corporate world, since it has a very different moral framework than our Constitutional Republic. Grusch is telling the truth to the best of his ability, while trying to avoid being killed.

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Not trying to argue. However...

There may, in the past, have been government employees who have wanted to do the right thing. TPTB are weeding them out. Forced vaccines in the military were a tool for that. As I understand it, some of the FBI whistleblowers were summarily fired, and have no income. If whistleblowers have a valid cause for whistleblowing, their pay is not supposed to be interrupted.

I share your suspicion of the corporate world. But that's driven by the government's ability to strong-arm any company.

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We will leave it there for now, then. I consider this to be one of my key interests, and I have already over-extended myself in my comments.

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

intelligence community individuals that the US government is operating with secrecy above congressional [00:48:00] oversights with regards to UAPs...

I may be mistaken, but it appears that EVERYTHING from the Ruling Intelligence state is secrecy above Congressional oversight...

...of course they redact their political graft as well

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is a “democracy?” No. How is it the intel folks set the rules? Their money and their work both off limits to disclosure. No accountability = unlimited power

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm going to have to take my time to read this but I was hoping that Dr. Malone would address this topic soon so thank you very much Dr. Malone. I tried watching the hearings but my truth radar was on a higher than usual skepticism mode. You may know this, but many Christians are not adverse to the belief in alien beings, read Ezekiel chapter 1. Many also believe that the beings/objects described in Ezekiel's visions are beings/objects of God and He Himself - the Lord - is described as well

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Dr. Steven Greer maintains that ET’s are not a threat, that many UAP’s belong to the Deep State, that we are more of a threat to the ET’s and to ourselves than they are to us. His work is worth looking into. Let’s not be fooled into fearing yet another “threat”.

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Greer is an apologist for the New Age. Believe his conclusions at your own risk.

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Spot on

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This is bullshit. Nothing more than a psyop distraction.

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And you, my friend, are wearing a blindfold. I urge you to take it off. The glare may be uncomfortable at first, but at least you will no longer be totally blind.

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It has happened before

DarrenJBeattie (@Darren J. Beattie 🌐) Tweeted: Well would you look at that, when the CIA wanted to distract from its machinations in Guatemala they floated the idea of planting "flying saucer" stories in the media

hmmm.... https://twitter.com/darrenjbeattie/status/1684711943666651137?s=66&t=cDmaiTY_x7iU6MrD2vS9mQ

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All I can say with 100% accuracy, is that once you see one - you'll never unsee it and I don't give a rat's butt what the naysayers say because what I saw was @ 64 years ago and I remember it as if it happened yesterday. Few years ago, an author was asking for folks to share what they experienced and after I described what I saw he said, "Thousands have reported the exact same thing." And to think that we're the ONLY living creatures in the entire universe, is just plain arrogant IMO.

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Most interesting to me is the TIMING of these revelations..........why is the "government" interested in bringing this out now?

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They keep it in reserve, along with several other programs that can be used to take up the vacuum of slow news days. Stories like these have always been good for distractions. Especially when you put 'believers' in positions expected to be 'experts' in their field.

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Sounds right.

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For another take on this topic, see REBOOTING ☙ Thursday, July 27, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠 by Jeff Childers: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/rebooting-thursday-july-27-2023-c

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