Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is fantastic..having such strong voices gives me hope in this broken, corrupt world.

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Excellent -- and “thank you!” Hopefully, this sanity will let cracks of light into the abuse rampant in governing bodies in our world. Hopefully.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! She's one of very few in the House who keeps poking at this. Bless her.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Even though I'm not fond of some of MTG's attacks and attitude about other situations, I am glad that this hearing is happening and that you are speaking. I always know that the facts you present can be backed up, and that is why you insist on data to back up claims. Anyone can say anything, true or not, and start a movement, but when it comes down to legal enforcement, this is so important. Thank you for never giving up.

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Thank you, DD; well stated, from my perspective.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We need moral courage. We need Elected Representatives with moral courage. We need Judges with moral courage. We need Law Enforcement with moral courage. We need Media, God knows, with moral courage.

And we, The People, must have the tenacity to hold the perpetrators of this CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY ACCOUNTABILE!

Call your elected representatives, daily, if need be! Chew on their staff with questions, comments, information, statistics, and the whole planning of the "Lockstep" Coup on our Nation.

The Deaths. Bankruptcies, Suicides. Disabilities. Fear Porn & Out & Out Lies.

Forced Medical Experimentation.

Chew, chew, chew!

Chew on these people!

And don't stop until the facts finally break through the mind control & preconceptions & psychological operations & misconceptions & ignorance preventing them from actually seeing what has been done to us, intentionally.

This is a take down of the Formerly Free World, and especially the United States of America, on every single level-


In our Health,


Our Media,

And All of our Rights have been Violated,

And Our Currency has been Destroyed as Well.

Prices for many items are double what they were before the Plandemic.

That's our dollar's purchasing power being torn in half, OVERNIGHT.

We witnessed the greatest movement of wealth out of lower & middle class Americans up into the hands of the Billionares in Human History.

And they are the "perps" here if you ask me. The Davos crowd.


crew of thieves, murderers, and sociopaths, who got their hands on the steering wheel of our nation and every other First World Nation that followed them down the road to destruction.

So get a hold of every American with a brain, in a position of authority and start explaining one piece of this organized crime against every single person on Earth, but especially against the Former Leader of the Formerly Free World.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Beautiful! Hear, hear!

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It's astounding we have come to a point we need to call for moral courage to just approach these issues with common sense and the observation of long established law.

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Yes, but look at what's happened; totally catastrophic effects ALL induced by governments, worldwide.

Gain-Of-Function in the first place. Withheld medical treatment. Withheld effective early treatments. Lethal protocol incentives, fully indemnified on hospitals empty of all other patients and so desperate for dollars.

Forced business closures. Endless lies in Media.

And the killer Quack Zeene. It's a Coup.

All the receipts are on Substack:

Katherine Watts,

Sasha Latypova.


Sage Hana.

Jessica Rose.

El Gato Malo.

Covid & Coffee.

We have a Nightmare Takeover and it goes all the way back to 911, & before that to the assassination of JFK.

This is NOT a Free Nation anymore and if we want it to be we will all need to get involved.

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A great synopsis of the nightmare before us.

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

Katherine, Amazing that you can write on Dr. Malone's Substack when you agree with John Visher that Malone is a "deep state fiend" and that hopefully he will see the light, if so. (on letter to Robert Malone) Just wow for the ability to speak out of both sides of your mouth. I can only hope you listened to the whole three hours of the hearing today.

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Lol, I've never said Malone is a Deep State Fiend. Nor have I said he's as Pure As The Driven Snow either!

Who knows?

I actually said that while no one can ever see inside another person's heart, some of Dr. Robert Malone's activities have concerned me deeply. I know I'm a mom, with a daughter who has three of his, (Mr. Inventor of LNP encased ModMRN,) new technologies installed in her body, and I am very angry about that.

It does give me pause.

And, I believe men, & women, inside the bio-weapons industry are the most reckless human beings on the planet, and that's saying something.

But I do genuinely appreciate all that Dr. Malone has brought out.

For real.

And, lots of lovely, informed, intelligent people read it as well.

And I also know that everyone gets a bit worked up over their perceived "demons" & "heros!"

However, I

am more furious over the Coup pulled on the entire Formerly Free World, with these highly toxic, deadly products injected into 60-70 % of the women & men & (many of the children also,) on Earth, and worst of all it bio-accumulates in ovaries. And women's eggs are already in them before birth, so when you fool around with genetic experiments with the above properties, you are playing God with the future of the human race!

But to go back to your point, I will always say, about anyone in this Medical Freedom Crowd, you don't know what's in their heart. Judge them by their actions, not their words. And, it's not going to be up to "them" anyway, it's up to us, to take back our Freedoms.


"Who Is Robert Malone" is the very title of his Substack. No one should be one bit surprised that people come to very different conclusions for the answer to that question. People do have opinions, and if you get on the big stage you shouldn't be surprised by that fact.

; ))

But no matter Dr. Robert Malone's deepest motivations, which I do not get to know, when he does or writes something commendable I appreciate it. And acknowledge it.

And when he sued the Breggins, I said that I thought that was a terrible thing. Ditto the swipe at Dr. Mike Yeadon, who while I disagree with him on the "no virus" stuff completely, I happen to admire him most of all for calling out the intentionality of the entire Covid Coup & Toxic By Design Injections.

He has opinions. So does Malone. You have opinions and I have mine. Take any or leave any, it's your choice entirely.

And that's how debate, and Freedom of Speech function, if we are all healthy enough to work through this hall of mirrors we are currently situated inside!

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What I said was you were in agreement, You said "personally, I agree". That kept you from actually saying it?(Look your self,at your statement) I can see that unless you find peace in yourself about your daughter being injected, instead of blaming Dr. Malone , you will continue to be angry . Prolonged anger is poisonous too.

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I blame all men and women ignorant or malevolent enough to dabble in Gain-Of-Function, DURC, or Bio-weapons research development & Chimeric creations.

And I blame Government officials ignorant enough or malevolent enough, or under blackmail enough, to decimate economies, bankrupt businesses, destroy currencies, harm

children, (severely, for large numbers,) kill people with propaganda, fear, terror, isolate and kill their elders, with lethal protocols, lack of fluids and nutrition, all the while they lie about effective, inexpensive and stunningly safe early treatments found by many different doctors who actually treated Covid-19.

And then there is Remdesivir. What a pick out of the hat that was! My, my, my.

Was Matthew Crawford correct?

I frankly don't know.

But all so we could force the Holy Vax on the Entire Formerly Free World! Lol. Yes, I'm angry. Anyone with a soul is, imho. Even Jesus got angry. And that anger makes you act to ensure Justice is done.

So "Who Is Robert Malone," I don't know.

Neither do you!

He has put himself out on center stage, not I.

And, as I said, I'm very grateful for his work.

Is he CIA? Or a pal, thereof? Well, he kinda said so, didn't he? Lots of multi-million dollar contracts for the Military Industrial Complex, yes? Lots of friends in the Spook Department. Right?

He's the one who said he's an insider, not me, lol!

So, if I come to the conclusion that's who Robert Malone is,

aren't I just agreeing with the man?

I never said he has mal intent. I said be careful, that's all.

Who knows the inside of anyone's heart?

Not I! But his suing the Breggins was a huge red flag, to me.

I do hope he fights for Human Freedom.

But, I have my doubts, as I do with anyone who has that background.

And maybe he will prove all us doubting Thomas's wrong in the end; now

wouldn't that be nice!

: ))

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Well said!

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Chip. Chip. Chip. Praying for you, Dr. Malone!

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The people showing bravery today will be the leaders of tomorrow. Think of what we are going through now as a selection process.

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Covering you and the Team, Dr Malone, with blessings of divine intervention and purpose, so that you can take a stand and get something done to remediate and stop this crime against humanity! Thank you, Marjorie Greene, Tom Massie, and Tom Renz for persevering in this fight!

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If you want to see how truly desperate and despicable the Left is, do some investigating about whether Congresswoman Greene actually made a claim about "Jewish Space Lasers." That seemed over the top, so I did. Just like so many lies of the left - such as Trump saying that the supremacist marchers in Charlottesville were "good people" this is a complete fabrication of what Ms. Greene said. And while I don't agree with everything she says, the lies shrieked about her reveal everything about the liars.

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I agree. The left and that includes MSM never stops defaming.

Same with Senator Johnson

Same with Governor DeSantis - the left in particular, takes fragments of FL bills, things that he said - and blows them way out of proportion.

Same with Kennedy.

Same with Trump.

Read Kash Patel's book - the deep state feeds lies to MSM. MSM prints - knowing they are lies. The deep state investigates based on MSM's "reporting." The MSM reports on the fake investigation. Rinse and repeat.

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Thanks, Doc. I'm halfway through Kash's book - upon your prior recommendation - and it's just a damning indictment of treason, treachery and monumental mis- and malfeasance on the part of our government. Really shocking. Keep up the good work. You are truly appreciated.

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It is the same circular process the deep state uses for its mis/dis/mal information suppression mechanism.

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OffTopic: Let me state again, I still don't think there will be action on this. I do expect both of us will want to be aware and know the particulars, just in case. Epoch has an article today under their Opinion section, relating to Convention of States. Article is a change of opinion from no to yes.

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I also passed it along to EagleForum who has been fighting this for years.

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Haven't read it through yet. I come to the issue through Mark Levin, who initially combed through the Constitution for any avenues to address issues that had arisen. He identified this as the only other means of addressing the needs, wrote a book and covered the content with his listeners. I appreciate the merits of the issues he identified as candidates. That said, there are so many checks and balances I greatly doubt it will ever get underway. It certainly isn't likely it will be any time soon. Not worth pursuing down the rabbit hole now.

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Same here Jean. Read his book. Sounded good until I came across his opposition. For the last couple of decades, states have been playing loose with their Constitutions through ballot measures - rarely is it in the right direction. At least the 'people' in the states get a say. Too much at stake to let Congress grab this like they did before when saying only 2/3rds of the states had to ratified our Constitution. The Document and its wisdom has not failed. Those that operate under it have.

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Thank you Jean, I will take a look and pass along to my area JBS director.

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I don't see the rationale for politicizing this, liberal vs. conservative. How is political polarizing helpful? Just more divisiveness. This whole genocidal mess is global wide and an assault that crosses all lines: political, religious, racial, economic, gender and age groups. While there may have been and are differences in the contents of the injection solutions I don't think those administering them are getting instructions to give a lesser or deadlier dose to persons based on their political views. Yes, they could send different cases, or lots, of the products to particular locations in the U.S, known for their either liberal or conservative demographics. What about the rest of the world? Regardless, your testimony was quite good.

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Leslie, but where were the dems?

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The distinction is really simple and quite obvious. The media is in the hands of the political Left, as is the Democrat Party. All one needs do is look at the Hunter Biden laptop fiasco. There was a coordinated effort, not only to suppress the news but also to round up the "51 former intel officials" to create the false impression that the laptop was a plant by Russian intel. Which it patently was not. Just as the "Steele Dossier" was a concoction of the Clinton campaign, yet it set our country on a wild goose chase of utter nonsense for four years and tainted the entire Trump presidency. So there is no "rationale for politicizing this" - it is entirely of the making of the Democrat party and their media allies.

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023

Immediately after I read your post I found this prayer while searching for Carl Jung's quotes about synchronicities. He believed that they are always meaningful and should not be ignored. This prayer is by Michel Quoist (June 18, 1921 – December 18, 1997) a French Catholic priest, theologian and writer. He is best known for his book Prayers of Life. 

The Sea 

~ Lord, grant that I may avoid useless quarrels that tire and wound without achieving results. 

~ Keep me from these angry outbursts that draw attention but leave one uselessly weakened. 

~ Keep me from wanting always to outstrip others in my conceit, crushing those in my way.

~ Wipe from my face the look of dark, dominating anger. Rather, Lord, grant that I may live my days calmly and fully as the sea slowly covers the whole shore. 

~ Make me humble like the sea, as, silently and gently, it spreads out, unnoticed.

~ May I wait for my brothers and match my pace to theirs, that I may move upward with them. 

~ Grant me the triumphant perseverance of the waters. 

~ May each of my retreats turn into an advance. Give my face the light of clear waters. 

~ Give my soul the whiteness of foam. Illumine my life that it may sing like sunbeams on the surface of the sea.

~ But above all. Lord, may I not keep this light for myself, and may all those who come near me return home eager to bathe in your eternal grace.

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Quite beautiful.

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Will be interesting to see just how much press coverage this gets. Msm loves to savage M.T.G. can they ignore her now?

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for going!!! Yes, she is not afraid to stand up and be counted, despite how “they” try to discredit and belittle.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is one small step for Congress! We need ONE LARGE step for humanity when the Senate has an open session on mRNA injections! Starting to wonder how many believe eugenics is the answer to the

global population explosion. From 3 billion in 1940 to 6 billion in 2000 to 8 billion twenty-two years later.

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Or how about hearings on the true origin of the COVID-19 virus, how it was spread and China's role in it? And if found responsible, what reparations from the Chinese Communist government should be?

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The official COVID-19 Committee is ONLY focused on the origins. They have no interest in vaccine damage or issues with the vaccine. This hearing is a start to try to change that.

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Politicians want to keep pretending the shots are fine, but Pfizer and Moderna's horrible stock performance is the elephant in the room.

Their stock prices are now lower than before their shots were forced upon the world, reflecting the absurdity for politicians to still pretend nothing is wrong.

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Keeping chewing on them! Lol, we will break through the mind control & out and out ignorance eventually. Especially the ignorance/wickedness of using Lipid Nano Particles which cross every membrane of the human body to install a genetic code which forces your own cells to produce a HIGHLY TOXIC SPIKE PROTIEN. Then your immune system attacks your own cells, it does appear, and you are uploaded with the Chimeric Spike Protien too.

No wonder 40% of women who took this experimental injection had menstrual problems, their ovaries were hijacked. And their uteruses full of Spike, and clots. Some experienced "untethered decidual casts!" What a nightmare.

.Ditto those who died of Spike induced "Mad Cow," because the TOXIC lipid nano particles cross the blood brain barrier also!

Then you have Spiked your brain.

Ditto those dropping with heart attacks and strokes; Spike damaged hearts and blood vessels.

And then there are the clots, blood clots like never seen before, and this experimental crap sheds, too!

Stop ALL Gain-Of-Function research.

Ban ModRNA Genetic Treatments for anyone but those terminally ill, with untreatable cancer or Genetic Disease.

This is NOT something to use on healthy people, especially women of child bearing age and children.

Men, and scientists are wildly reckless with human health, at best.

Prosecute these people for crimes against humanity, for that is what these products are!

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China will pay reparations after Africa pays reparations for selling their folks into slavery. I don't think either will ever happen. But nice to at least identify China as the father of Covid.

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The hands of Daszak, Baric and Fauci are much dirtier than Shi Zhengli's. She could not have done anything without them.

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China or don Fauci? Daddy CCP or daddy don?

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks to all of you!!! Go MTG and all of you truthseekers

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

MTG knows the truth, she needs to get the truth into the Congressional record. Thank you Dr. Malone for your wisdom, time you devote to getting the truth to the people.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

FYI An additional source. Epoch TV is listing it as a hearing they will be covering today.

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Thanks! I’ll watch for it since the hearing cut out while trying to watch. I get Epoch Times

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Injustice never sleeps.🤔

Truth is the light at the end of those dark tunnels. 🌞🙏

Shine that light Dr. Malone!

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