Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It bears repeating. There are two types of people: 1. Those who trust government, and 2. Those who know history.

The same can be said about the main stream media.

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I worked for government...I don't trust government.

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When Wilson passed the 16th he changed the contact. We now work for the gov.

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There are 2 types of people. Those who distrust the government & idiots.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

No one has ever described the situation more clearly. Thank you Dr. Malone. You are a National Treasure.

Watch your back.


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A brilliant stack! Truly a national treasure! God bless you Doc! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If the MD's an PhD's who know what a disaster these vaccines were and are, and what a hoax this "highly lethal" virus was and is, spoke up like you have, we would be out of this mess. Thank you for your bravery. Thank you for being an example. Thank you for thinking about more than just yourself. And thank you for continuing to do so. May God bless you

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

But in the “through the looking glass” world of COVID post late 2019 . . .

This sums it up for me. As Dr. Malone so masterfully details, our government has essentially fallen and we are subjects of the Deep State. It remains to be seen whether or not we can overthrow these tyrants. The coming year is going to be a tough one, I believe. The community of people who are aware of the danger must come together and support one another. I would suggest also that we must look to God, where our only sure Hope can be found.

Don’t fear those who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul; rather, fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10:28

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens. Ephesians 6:12

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

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I’m sorry but we need a strong separation between belief - whether religious or scientific - and state, imo. I don’t think we want government to be an “armed preacher” (Alan Watts) or armed doctor forcing its view of how we should live on us. I think we want a right to life (access to basic necessities), liberty and the free pursuit of happiness as long as we don’t infringe on the equal right of others to the same.

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If you take away belief you will continue to get what we have and it will only get worse. Nobody is calling for an armed preacher or doctor. Most of what we are experiencing is because people have discarded not just faith, but basic morals, character, sacrifice, commitment to truth.

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I agree. I was speaking of the response of individuals. Thanks for your comment.

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Thank you for clarifying. Note I edited my comment while you were replying so you may want to adjust your response.

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The comment that I am seeing now is what I responded to. I am not trying to make this a state sponsored Christian nation, I am merely saying that I think trust in, and submission to, God is the ultimate answer for life. What we have seen, in my opinion, is evil beyond understanding, other than to attribute it to satan. I have heard numerous nonbelievers say that there is a level of evil that they don't understand. Back in 2020, when almost every government worldwide followed the same script is when I realized that no human could make so many people go crazy at once. I am glad that we can discuss this in a friendly manner. I enjoy chatting with people who might not agree with me, as long as we can keep it civil. Take care.

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Thank you for your cordial response. Unfortunately I don’t have time for a philosophical discussion right now, but you may want to consider this alternative interpretation of the teachings of Jesus, which I find somewhat compelling: https://youtu.be/afLevQv5kwk?si=QQgyL_mDCZ_Bhknv

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I listened and he definitely has some insight into spirituality, but I'm not sure he understands Christianity and the difference between it and other religions. He also appears to base some of his views of the Church on the lives or words of some pastors or Christians. There are interesting, positive and troublesome thoughts throughout. Here are a couple of the latter he makes towards the end:

"Yes these other religions are very good! God has no doubt revealed himself thru Buhhda. Now obviously it is a matter of temperament. You can be loyal to Jesus just as you're loyal to your own country. But you are not serving your country if you think it is the best of all possible countries. That is doing a disservice to your country. It is refusing to be critical where criticism is proper. So of religion. Every religion should be self-critical. Otherwise it soon degenerates into a self-righteous hypocrisy."

"But you see what happens in our ecclesiastical goings on is that we run a talking shop. We pray; we tell God what to do; or give advice as if he didn't know. We read the scriptures. And remember, talking of the Bible, Jesus said: "You search the scriptures daily for in them you think you have life." I think the Bible ought to be ceremoniously and reverently burned every Easter. We need it no more because the spirit is with us."

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Watts is an obnoxious blow hard who takes pleasure (with an English accent, of course, to convey intellectual seriousness) in dismantling the Christian faith. You see, Jesus was but the ‘boss’s son’ a weirdo born of a virgin woman etc.

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Perfectly said!

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This article brought to mind the horrific Tuskegee Experiment upon unsuspecting participants beginning in 1932. Diabolical is too kind of a word for that outrage. What word best describes a scheme that affected a million times more people under the guise of "what's good for them," while withholding information vital for informed consent?

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excellent reference

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Don’t forget Henrietta Lacks either . 😞

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In a December 10 comment posted to Dr. Malone's Substack, I advised regarding Sen. Mike Lee's (R-UT) introduction of the "Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle (DEFUND) Act of 2023," and of its House counterpart introduced by Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX). These would get us entirely out of the UN and WHO. As predicted, these are currently stationed on the desks of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, though it is still too early to call them "stranded." The bill numbers, if you'd like to weigh in with your reps and senators, are HR6645 and S.3428, and these are now partially listed at congress(dot)gov.

On the marginalization of the people's elected representatives, both domestically and internationally, I wrote this message to my rep and senators:

"Last Thursday, December 7th, Senator Mike Lee of Utah spoke on the Senate floor about his introduction of the Disengaging Entirely from the United Nations Debacle (DEFUND) Act of 2023. After watching video of his remarks on YouTube, I subsequently learned that Reps. Chip Roy of Texas and Mike Rogers of Alabama are making a similar introduction in the House. I am writing to each of you to request that you support these Senate and House bills. I have grown very concerned, very sad, and very angry about growing unconstitutional influence and control increasingly exerted by internationalist organizations over American governance and our way of life. I see that previous bills submitted with the intent to limit the encroachments of the WHO have stalled on the desks of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs (HRs 7916, 79, 343, 1425) and the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (S.444). I find that curious, but remain hopeful that the DEFUND Act will make more progress.

These last four years of the COVID-19 era have caused me to pay much closer attention to the activities and trends within the federal government, and to form an opinion about the federal government’s conformance with the US Constitution and the definitions of the branches of government contained in Articles I, II, and III. My opinion is that the legislative branch, for many years preceding the COVID-19 era, has progressively allowed itself to become subordinate and deferential to an overactive and overassertive executive branch. Another way of saying this is that the will of the people has been progressively marginalized as unelected executive branch bureaucrats increasingly rule by fiat. Thus, federal bureaucrats decide or attempt to decide, regardless of the will of the people and the people’s multi-generational way of life, on matters such as how we will or won’t cook our food; the future of internal combustion engines; the accessories permitted on firearms; the medical treatments we’ll be mandated to take; the medical treatments to be withheld from us; the face coverings that we’ll wear; how many millions of aliens will flow across our border, etc.

I observe grave and repeated abuses of executive branch agencies as I watch House and Senate committee inquiries that often reveal non-responsiveness and deceit on the part of executive branch agency representatives. In the cases of FBI and DOJ, I note from their budget documents that they have been punished by legislators with annual organizational pay raises over the last few years. I do not expect substantial reforms so long as that is the practice of Congress.

How much weaker shall our representative government become as the executive branch in turn outsources policy and authority to the UN and the WHO? They’re doing it, and they’re making international treaties without the approval of 2/3 of the Senate as required by Article II Section 2 of the Constitution. Did the Framers intend for constitutional requirements to be defeated by clever semantic games like calling a treaty an agreement, an accord, or a pact?

Your staff can access the current version of the Proposed Amendments to IHR (2005) by pasting in this URL:


Here is the URL for the WHO Pandemic Agreement:


I find many salient points of concern from these documents, including but not limited to those listed below. For the sake of brevity, I will here address only concerns about the IHR:

-In Article 1, definitions of standing and temporary WHO recommendations strike out the word 'non-binding' as descriptor for its 'advice.'

-In Article 2, the WHO’s arrogated province is expanded from 'public health risk' to 'all risks with a potential to impact public health.' Does this open the door to climate issues? To an attack on our 2nd Amendment?

-In Article 5: 'WHO shall collect information regarding events through its surveillance activities…'

-In Article 13: 'States Parties recognize WHO as the guidance and coordinating authority of international public health response during public health Emergency of International Concern and undertake to follow WHO’s recommendations in their international public health response.'

-In Article 44, WHO announces its censorship role in 'countering the dissemination of false and unreliable information about public health events, preventive and anti-epidemic measures and activities in the media, social networks and other ways of disseminating such information.'


We see the WHO assigns itself the right to make changes, amendments, updates to these documents, for which they are not answerable to the people bound by them, or by sovereign national representative bodies.

This is medical tyranny, it is unconstitutional, and the people’s elected representatives and senators should not allow this to happen."

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Thank you for this, the mere fact that you/we need to do this due diligence to understand how we are all being undermined, should mobilize every one of us. The effort is worth it

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Plus, WHO is basically run by the Chinese and Bill Gates, wonderful!!

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Consent of the governed"

...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness... July 4. 1776

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And when Citizens of the United States of America went to Washington, DC, they were infiltrated, castigated and imprisoned as insurrectionists, having their Constitutional rights about a fair and timely trial with being held incommunicado, Solitary Confinement; and more? And this is what has become of the Republic for which we stand? The same Republic that many of us gave 2, 4, 20 or more years of our lives believing in it?

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And here we are, "whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends" such that the Biden Administration considers these to be "the biggest threat" to "our democracy" and guilty (in advance) of domestic terrorism. The CPC lab in California and probaly others throughout the country and who knows how many infiltrators across the southern border, no problem. I knew Biden was going to be bad, but who could have foreseen how bad. Literally unbelievable. And 34 out of 100 would still vote for the guy?

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You'd be SHOCKED @ the # of Veterans who would vote for Joe!?!?!

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Very sorry to hear that. Would be worthy of an in-depth investigation as to why. The only thing that makes sense to me is that they have swallowed the orange-man-bad pill from the MSM and believe every word because "it was on the news." Couple that with the abysmal performance of public schools and you have an electorate that is incapable of critical thinking and therefore ripe for propaganda, but I would have hoped for better from those who have served.

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Yes. A sad state of affairs!

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And starting with our second president:

The Alien and Sedition Acts were a set of four laws enacted in 1798 that applied restrictions to immigration and speech in the United States.[a] The Naturalization Act increased the requirements to seek citizenship, the Alien Friends Act allowed the president to imprison and deport non-citizens, the Alien Enemies Act gave the president additional powers to detain non-citizens during times of war, and the Sedition Act criminalized false and malicious statements about the federal government. The Alien Friends Act and the Sedition Act expired after a set number of years, and the Naturalization Act was repealed in 1802. The Alien Enemies Act is still in effect.

The Alien and Sedition Acts were controversial. They were supported by the Federalist Party, and supporters argued that the bills strengthened national security during the Quasi-War, an undeclared naval war with France from 1798 to 1800. The acts were denounced by Democratic-Republicans as suppression of voters and violation of free speech under the First Amendment. While they were in effect, the Alien and Sedition Acts, and the Sedition Act in particular, were used to suppress publishers affiliated with the Democratic-Republicans, and several publishers were arrested for criticism of the Adams administration. The Democratic-Republicans took power in 1800, in part because of backlash to the Alien and Sedition Acts, and all but the Alien Enemies Act were eliminated by the next Congress. The Alien Enemies Act has been invoked several times since, particularly during World War II. The Alien and Sedition Acts are generally received negatively by modern historians, and the U.S. Supreme Court has since indicated that aspects of the laws would likely be found unconstitutional today.

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I’d sorta like to see that alien friends act resuscitated. Texas just had to pass a law making it a crime for non citizens to enter the state illegally. Naively I would have thought it already a crime but it appears not in the eyes of lawyers who have made a dog’s breakfast of our legal system

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Agree. Those acts were quite the vetting/enforcement system.

I am saving that: lawyers who make a dog’s breakfast of our legal system for my list of sayings not famous yet.

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Was it necessary to mention that 2 bedfellows of the c.c.p., the d.o.j. and the a.c.l.u. are appealing this law?

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The Alien Enemies Act? I guess that is not a surprise given the USG wants the aliens here in the first place.

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The replacement act, destroying national sovereignty and order.

Amazing how people who live here, who have family,here, will go along with the destruction of their own homeland

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And if it wasn't for puzzle bowls, i would have 2 dead beagles who committed suicide by eating too fast

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From last night, many Chinese just Emerging from Darien Gap. This was first group we found tonight but we found many more. Had some dramas but we okay. Some Chinese aggressive and dangerous. https://gettr.com/post/p2xfnw61a75

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I love reading your posts.

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This one is straight from Wikipedia.

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You Scoundrel !

How dare you !!! Wikipedia ??

Oh, me lord !

Oh, the travesty !

Be dashed, demon!

May your hooves be ranking with funk and corns !

I don't wanna talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"

Now that's that out of the way.....I still found it interesting.


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I could hardly take credit for something I copied and pasted! I wanted to show the country lost it footing early on and in this instance, I got lazy. BTW, thank you for spending time today using your wit as a come back, loved it!

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This so perfectly captures everything, it’s the basis for a political movement.

One, I pray God, we can set aside our micro differences and unify behind.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What continues to haunt me is the fact that even those elected representatives that seem to agree that the vaccines are not sufficiently safe either don't have time to push the issue or don't understand the mind-bogglingly serious nature of it. In either case, it's giving the "bad guys" way too much time to continue their damage and to make plans against us.

I wonder if the Republican ones realize that if they push the issue they will create chaos for their party. If that is deterring to them, I hope their long-term utilitarian calculus works for them. I'm not convinced it will, yet. Praying for us all.

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There is no longer a two-party system in the United States. We have a Uniparty of mostly bought-off or blackmailed figureheads pretending to be Statesmen [-women] but not taking responsibility to serve The People as their jobs demand. Those with the courage to buck the present totalitarian regime are few and far between.

Our "salvation" will most likely not come from government but from a sufficient awakening that a significant number of people will see through the lies and the scams and just stop complying with the crap!

If NOBODY had worn masks (a traditional symbol of slave status) or nobody had sheep-like lined up on stupid little circles the arbitrary six feet apart for Anti-Social Distancing, and nobody had submitted to untested, unproven genetic modification bioweapon injections, where would we be now? And enough people had gotten effective early treatment , for instance with hydroxychloroquine, the non-pandemic probably would have "burned itself out" by the autumn of 2020 like most respiratory viruses, and the whole thing would have been long over with.

Instead, COVID (and then the shots) WAS a WEAPON against humanity, born in the minds of sick psychopaths, brought to fruition in bioweapon labs, then loosed onto the world as an excuse to terrorize the public into complying with a mass Mind-Control Campaign pushing Bioweapon Gene-transfer Injections that deploy viral-toxin-replication genes for long-term poisoning and potentially fatal results. This is nothing less than mass genocide by deranged, Satanic-influenced Death-Cult Exterminists hell-bent on killing off at least 90% of humanity (as depicted on the Georgia Guidestones and in the Globalists' own writings).

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"Our "salvation" will most likely not come from government but from a sufficient awakening that a significant number of people will see through the lies and the scams and just stop complying with the crap!"

I totally agree with that. The problem is, even if there are people who might be on our side if they knew the facts, they aren't apt to hunt it if they haven't so far. It would take politicians and/or doctors to speak up for them to be confronted with the relevant information. And it doesn't seem that is going to happen.

I once knew a conservative Christian geologist who thought that Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a good justice because GOP members on the judicial committee voted for her. That's how lazy even otherwise freedom-loving people can be.

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023

However, it is becoming more apparent all the time that an Awakening is underway. Now, it is surprisingly frequent that I make a comment about the COVID fiasco or the Globalist attack on humanity and complete strangers agree with me! Remember— the American Revolution was successfully prosecuted with only about 3% of the Colonists on board with it! It took several really tough years, but those Patriots whupped the most powerful empire the world had ever seen!

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I hope we get the numbers we need. Because resistance can (and probably always does) cause more harm than good when done WITHOUT success. I'm speaking of illegal resistance to the government. Currently, they don't like what we're doing. But it's not yet illegal. But the fact that we currently have no opposition party to the insanity is disconcerting.

And so as it stands, I think that if we win it may be more likely due to divine intervention than to our numbers and competence. I'm not even sure divine intervention wasn't involved in the secession from Britain. Regardless, IMO, we are obligated to use all means that seem to us to be honorable to resist their agenda.

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023

"Divine intervention" is involved in a lot! We live in a Conscious, multi-dimensional universe that we are inextricably "intertwined" with. We ARE that Consciousness! And difficult situations in people's lives trigger intense desire for change. The power of that emotion, and Intention, opens channels for rearranging the energy patterns of our physical universe/world in response. Everything is energy and is maleable! There is no such thing as "solid matter". And people are very manipulatable by psychic influences/inspiration to change their behaviors to bring about "miracles".

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I hope "situations" don't have to get really "difficult" before a change of direction kicks in. :)

Horrific things have been done by governments over and over throughout history before a change could get some momentum. Praying for us all.

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Well said, concise, and an excellent synopsis of what I personally believe what we have all lived through.

This process we're in right now is not a recent thought or an idea someone had a few years ago. The US and other western nations were being conspired against by the few families who control the world through banking operations which they own. The Federal Reserve should have never been implemented in the US, as again it was part of the overall plan to "boil the frog", slowly turning up the temperature until that frog is overcome by the heat, and can be then fully cooked. The idea that we were "SOLD OUT" before my departed mother was even born makes me even sicker than I already feel from what is happening today.

Imagine a world where your representatives bring in people from other cultures which have no real wealth to contribute to your society, nor do they possess the intellect, or educational understandings of how a proper, well behaved society is supposed to act. All you need to do is look at the European countries now overrun with immigrants who are terrorizing the original, indigenous populations. Raping, torturing, killing included.

I watch videos of beautiful places that were centuries of centralized societies, generational families, and nationalistic populations now inundated with violent criminals at behest of their political leaders. These political leaders were captured by the very same elites, who are propped up by the same families who control the banking functions of the world.

Does anyone in America know what is happening in Ireland ? The systematic elimination of the indigenous people ? Replaced with slime from other lands who have no qualms whatsoever in murdering, raping and destroying the people who's land they're attempting to occupy ?

Or this ?

Can you imagine you live in Wales and see this commercial being played, exploiting 14 year old children, advertising this influx of vermin from other countries ? I couldn't believe it, but yet here it is:


Who authorized this?

What parent would allow their child to do this presentation ?

What happened to the human race that we now accept pedophilia as a norm ?

These "bankers" who regularly fund both sides of wars, are now at war with humanity in total, as they are at a point that they think that they have enough braindead toads working for them to accomplish their end goals of owning the entire planet.

Wake up, or die. It's up to us.

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"What continues to haunt me is the fact that even those elected representatives that seem to agree that the vaccines are not sufficiently safe either don't have time to push the issue or don't understand the mind-bogglingly serious nature of it. In either case, it's giving the "bad guys" way too much time to continue their damage and to make plans against us."

John Adams' warning (“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”) is now crystal-clear. The shortcomings of having a country of immoral and non-religious people have become obvious, and I think it's going to take an outside force (perhaps an angel) to get the United States out of this mess.

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Yeah, the ignorance that exists seems to be explicable only by intellectual dishonesty. People are used to lazily jumping to conclusions even when a weighing of evidence is the ethical thing to do.

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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023

No way are most members of Congress not complicit in the nation’s undoing over the last 60 years. During the covid scheme they were exempt from the jab, just played along with the lies and never showed up for work.

House Stats: 10 Dems & 8 GOP members are retiring. 9 Dems & 2 GOP members seeking a Senate seat. 3 Dems & 4 GOP left office early.

Senate Stats: 5 Dems & 2 GOP are not seeking re-election. 1 Dem & 1 GOP left office early.

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They are all well paid puppets playing their part in the theatre/The Great Distraction

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There are other conceivable explanations for some of them. But they are all REALLY bad, too.

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So not for money then? Love? They love being pieces of shit because they don’t believe they have a soul? One of the Georgia Guidestones “guidelines/laws” was “to get rid of useless officials and unjust laws”. That one made sense.

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It can be money just for doing what they think gets them re-elected and therefore rich, independent of any agenda.

It can be a fear of negatively impacting biological warfare "prevention/mitigation."

They're all crazy reasons, IMO. That's why those people literally freak me out. I have no idea where they would draw the line if it costs them their own comfort zone.

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No doubt about it. It's horrifying.

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I think a large part of the reason is that, just like practically everybody else, politicians were snowed by the Fear Porn and the propaganda. Consider that as part of the federal government they were subject to the same masking requirements and vaccine coercion that all other federal employees had. (And even though they may have exempted themselves from the mandate, I'm sure a large portion of them took the jab.) Once you are jabbed, it is hard to admit that you were fooled and made a mistake.

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True, but you would think they could put 2 and 2 together and get 4 with all the language about the worse pandemics to come. Or do they know they'll get an exemption again? If so, it speaks volumes about how little they care about the rest of us. No matter how I think it through, they seem to be either moronic, evil or both.

Even if they think they need the flexibility of mandates in the case of biological warfare, the risk is huge with the current mad scientists at the helm. It seems clear to me that they are responsible for way more deaths than the virus itself.

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I think it’s called cognitive dissonance. They can’t add 2 and 2 and get 4 because that doesn’t fit the narrative they are laboring under and “step out of line and the man come and take you away.”

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They're not competent to be leaders whatever the explanation. Where much is given, much is required, right?

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Unfortunately competence doesn't have much to do with it these days.

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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When the People begin to tell their elected reps that they will be held accountable for the decisions made by these unelected usurpers of our liberty maybe then Congress will begin to rein them in. Maybe.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone highlights an essential theme: the State. The “State” worked globally and in unison with their authoritarian mandates and pernicious attacks on opposing voices such as Dr. Malone. Pandemic tabletop exercises highlighted the absurdity of masks, shutdowns, forced government medical intervention, and school closures. Yet, when the “pandemic” struck, the State eschewed the data / lessons-learned and in global synchronization, acted with impunity against those who simply questioned the reasoning.

Forced jabs, redacted data, financial gain, 5th Amendment rights, bullying, etc. Why? We know why. It may seem to be a Gordian Knot, but with the courage of Dr. Malone and his allies, the immutable light of truth will serve as Alexander’s sword.

Continued thanks to you and your bride, Doc.

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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this outstanding reveal of the course of actions and the effects as relate to the COVIDcrisis And as relate to the character of our Nation's governance.

To me it illustrates the abject dangers to our constitutional rights, as deceit has been progressively condoned. Our publics beliefs that our Government, our Public Health authorities, our own elected officials are each and all acting faithly in our interests have damned us to cooperating with incredible deceit and failures.

As you point our Government, our Governments hired help and our MSM (mocking bird press), to name a few, have managed to keep most among us trusting. To keep most uninformed. To keep a majority deluded into thinking they live in the best of all possible worlds - threats effectively addressed.

IMO, given the documented duplicities and intentional actions to assure we the people remain uninformed - we can't be stopped from getting informed and engaging in (hopefully effective) opposition.

Thank you for so eloquently spreading the truths and setting a courageous example. Would that we can take up the call and further provide these lights for our fellows.

Have a good rest of the day and on.

As Ever, Very Bestest ♡♡♡

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Indeed a core topic, thank you. Informed Consent has two words for a reason, imo. Element 1: information to enable a competent decision - benefits, costs, risks presented in a clear understandable manner. Element 2: an unfettered offer to a sovereign individual who may freely choose to accept or decline, by definition including a right of refusal. There is a third element undergirding the first two, acknowledged by Nuremberg’s medical ethics. Element 3: competence to make the decision - the offer cannot be ethically presented to those unequipped to make such a decision. The largest cohort to be excluded, by way of example, is children.

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Who is going to decide who is unequipped? I think there are people under 18 who are smarter and more mature, emotionally, than many over 18 and that minors should be allowed to file a “Declaration of Adulthood” at any time, by which they would be granted adult rights and responsibilities. There would also have to be a corresponding test to ensure they understand what they are doing and are not being coerced or misled by anyone.

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Our society and secular/non-secular institutions establish minimum ages for voluntary acts such as drinking, driving, voting (as Dr. N notes), religious confirmation,and other things, not because there can’t be individuals who are capable, but to gain a simple measurable means to assure a reasonable balance between self-harm by those not yet ready vs. limits on those who are ready. It’s an issue that may be debated separately. Within the confines of this tradition, and without the benefit of a better process, we use age as a proxy measure for ethically offering medical interventions with informed consent that carry a risk of immediate or life-long adverse consequences.

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So if a 15-year-old's parents demand that he or she take the Covid vaccine, you think the child should have to comply?

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i believe it is unethical to give experimental medical interventions to children (Nuremburg - informed consent), who furthermore are not at risk, get no benefit, and who may experience adverse effects

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la, did that answer Jon's question?

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Am I right guessing you would grant 16 yr olds the right to vote?

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what an awful idea.

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Yes, if they filed such a declaration and it wasn’t nullified for the reasons stated. But I’m not sure all adults should be allowed to vote, just as all adults aren’t automatically allowed to drive, there should perhaps be some kind of test to weed out people who have no familiarity with or knowledge of critical issues.

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Is a good civics education and knowledge of the works of our founding fathers a pre-requisite for granting the vote? Otherwise are they truly equipped? One may make a case for that. However it’s an interesting question how many barriers to place in front of the Will of the People.

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Had a friend who thought himself a lib and drove my step dad nuts with his take on Econ matters. Epiphany occurred when introduced to f.i.c.a. He ultimately became a pretty conservative c.p.a.

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Well you are talking here to someone who would have it raised to 25.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone for making this 'public'. The two topics you masterfully laid out for consumption should get minds thinking in a different light about the last three years. Should be quite effective in removing the haze of fear porn many live under. Share widely!

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All of these systems are corrupted including government, medicine, media, academia, food, and more.

When all systems have become corrupted how can we restore trust?

We make new systems that are trustless (the highest form of trustworthiness) - through radical transparency, decentralization, and group problem solving technologies.

How? Three simple steps:

Step 1: Make new high-trust transparent systems (Network States) that we build and control 100% as citizens, then migrate to them as a place to solve problems together and block out the propaganda and noise around us.

Step 2: Use Human Swarm Intelligence and/or think tanks (idea labs) to problem solve and control the direction of the new high-trust systems in a decentralized, highly aligned, careful, and educated way.

Step 3: Plug our new high-trust systems into our current corrupted systems in order to fix them.

That’s it.

All problems are solvable, and the corruption of our systems is the biggest problem humanity faces. Are you a problem solver? Help us figure this out.

Learn more: https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/how-to-fix-corrupt-government-in?r=7oa9d&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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I don't agree that any social system can be constructed that does not depend on trust. The problem is to provide a mechanism by which one can be declared to have fallen out of trust, and then may be restored to trust.

Do you really think that the corruption of our systems is the biggest problem humanity faces? I think our biggest problem is our own ignorance of our true situation, of psychopathy and how to handle it, and the workable basics of ethics and justice. What we need is a broad study of this knowledge and then to act on it.

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No need for any kind of vaccines. All we need is for the medical profession to stop lying to us about the RDA for vitamin d and to stop trying to frighten us out of our wits about sun exposure and tanning beds and to use high dose vitamin c intravenous in ICU's for pneumonia symptoms as a matter of course.




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Generalizations like you just offered are a slippery slope. Ever ask why families were so large back in olden days? Diphtheria was one reason as it was very effective in cullling kids. Not unusual for very few to reach adulthood. That vaccine, for all its faults, halted that carnage. My step-dad had typhoid fever as a kid and it nearly finished him (I suspect made him susceptible to histoplasmosis which was endemic where he lived).If I ever went where typhoid is active that is one jab I would take.

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I think you both have valid points. My cats only received the distemper shot - period. What happened to longevity after 1850 is beyond me.

I have one eighth of my family history back to late 1550s. Births and deaths included. The Church was very adept at logging and preserving those records in England and in the ‘new world’. I built an excel spreadsheet with birth/death ages of married couples and same for their children from about 1550-1850; 300 hundred years. The incidents of 6 to 12 children were the norm as were 90% of children reaching adulthood. Only a few died as infants with more of the younger drowning or killed in Indian raids. The average life span of males, if not killed fighting, was over 70. For women, at least 60 on average. For females that arrived in Plymouth in 1623 to join husbands, most lived into their 80s, one reached 90.

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Still a bug I would not like to see running free here. Another part of that shot, anti-tetanus is also one I approve of,possibly because mom’s younger brother contracted it from being scratched by a cat and died,.,..horribly. Her discomfort with cats led to my being a bit leery of them. Which makes my present servile attention to 2 of them ironic.

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Oh my. Tetanus is something I don't think much about but I believe I've had a shot in the last 20 years. My horses get one every year. In my 20s I got a cat scratch on my hand that swelled and turned red for the longest time. Did not think to go to a doc. In 1960 a brother was playing with a squirrel and got bit. He had to have about a dozen shots in the stomach for rabies.

There is a need for vaccines against deadly agents if they are effective with limited or mild side effects. Your cats are lucky that you know it’s not them but bacteria.

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We get into trouble thinking that if we got a shot, it would prevent something. They don't. It's been a farce since the beginning. Read Suzanne Humphrey's Dissolving Illusions, or Turtles All the Way Down or Sanctity of Human Blood.

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There is that too. Perhaps a placebo effect with no side effects....

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When 3 I got nipped on the lip by a mutt that went a.w.o.l. They assumed I had a brain that need protecting so I got the needle in the gut. Only a few cause mutt showed up o.k. BUT from that day on giving me shots was not a happy meal. For the school shots was dragged out from under 3rd hiding place and 3held me down on the floor and then had to threaten to call in dad. A cop who carried brass nucks and 2 saps. That is when I surrendered. So no,I am not per se a really big fan of jabs but do know when they are needed (I think).

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As an adult, ever own a dog?

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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023

Or was it better nutrition, adequate sanitation and clean water which halted the carnage?

Dtap vaccine Patient Information Leaflet:

Risks of a vaccine reaction

Soreness or swelling where the shot was given, fever, fussiness, feeling tired, loss of appetite, and vomiting sometimes happen after DTaP vaccination.

More serious reactions, such as seizures, non-stop crying for 3 hours or more, or high fever (over 105°F) after DTaP vaccination happen much less often. Rarely, vaccination is followed by swelling of the entire arm or leg, especially in older children when they receive their fourth or fifth dose.

As with any medicine, there is a very remote chance of a vaccine causing a severe allergic reaction, other serious injury, or death.

What if there is a serious problem?

An allergic reaction could occur after the vaccinated person leaves the clinic. If you see signs of a severe allergic reaction (hives, swelling of the face and throat, difficulty breathing, a fast heartbeat, dizziness, or weakness), call 9-1-1 and get the person to the nearest hospital.

For other signs that concern you, call your health care provider.

Adverse reactions should be reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Your health care provider will usually file this report, or you can do it yourself. Visit the VAERS website or call 1-800-822-7967. VAERS is only for reporting reactions, and VAERS staff members do not give medical advice.


Possible adverse effect of typhoid vaccine: anaphylactic shock. So the vaccine could kill you before you even get there!

Personally, I would avoid areas of the world where typhoid is endemic and if I had to visit I would make sure my serum vitamin d is 100 ng/ml (which it currently is btw) and I would take plenty of n. acetyl cysteine, lipospheric vitamin c and lipospheric glutathione, and olive leaf extract with me. Maybe some bentonite clay and charcoal tablets as well. If I was going to India I would find out what the Ayurvedic remedy for typhoid is. There are 8,000 medicinal herbs in India. I'm sure there are several that are effective for typhoid.

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Diphtheria worse. It is airborne so improved sanitation/ water not a factor. And by the way, it is coming back now across our borders.

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I would gargle frequently with a weak solution of Hydrogen Peroxide, and take 1 gram of lipospheric vitamin c every hour up to 6 doses and olive leaf extract. Olive leaf extract can have a strong detox effect (particularly if you are not healthy to start with) so I would take lipospheric glutathione to combat any Herx reaction. To protect my heart I would take half a teaspoonful of cayenne pepper in water twice a day. I would treat any lesion on the skin with cabbage leaf cataplasm. See here:


Note: I am not qualified to give medical advice. I'm just saying what I would do. If you have any of these symptoms, seek medical advice IMMEDIATELY:

Upper respiratory tract illness with sore throat.

Low-grade fever (above 39 °C (102 °F) is rare).

An adherent, dense, grey pseudomembrane covering the posterior aspect of the pharynx; in severe cases, it can extend to cover the entire tracheobronchial tree.

The symptoms of diphtheria usually begin two to seven days after infection. They include fever of 38 °C (100.4 °F) or above; chills; fatigue; bluish skin coloration (cyanosis); sore throat; hoarseness; cough; headache; difficulty swallowing; painful swallowing; difficulty breathing; rapid breathing; foul-smelling and bloodstained nasal discharge; and lymphadenopathy. (Wikipedia)

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Hope it does not come to that

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