For those who received this as email, please note that I have added an audio/voice track.

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The first I heard about "controlled opposition" (c.o.) was approximately 6 months ago from a friend who told me that the person whose podcast she follows closely, believes that you are c.o. Her statement hit me strangely.

The first thought that occurred to me was, "Do I think Dr. Malone is c.o.?" I concluded that if you are c.o. you have done a hell of a lot to bring us facts and truth and that your sponsor should be thanked because they've shot themselves in the foot.

I don't believe, however, that you are c.o. because I have cross-checked all of your statements that I can and I have found you nothing but truthful. You have been consistent and open with your thoughts. You have sacrificed your peace, your reputation and arguably your wellbeing to address vitally important issues. Your voice has given us all hope that we are not standing alone.

I next considered your motivation. You don't appear to be collecting money for money's sake. You had a life and family you loved. You stated your motivations, one of which is truth. If I am wrong about your motivations, then, once again, you are educating us all and we appreciate your efforts. So keep at it! You have been communicating with us long enough that if you were trying to destroy us, you would have done so by now.

Next I looked at your background. Your experience in "biodefense", without further investigation, seems to be the only and major indictment of you. While your career raises natural suspicion, for me it is a minor consideration concerning your current motivations. I look around me and find that those who are the greatest advocates of medical freedom once worked for Genentech, had a career at Blackrock; were mainstream physicians, occupied positions on a medical boards, etc. etc. We need experts in all fields to guide us through these times - including experts in intelligence tactics.

I may be wrong but it seemed that the attacks against you coincided with your support of Mattias Desmet's theory concerning Mass Transformation. I didn't like his theory (I don't think he holds the individual responsible enough for their choices.) In response to my opinion, the whole world should say "so what!" It is in the same voice, "so what" that I dismissed your support of him. I respect your opinion but I disagree with it and the fact I disagree does not make you c.o. Nor does it give me cause to question your motives. Your support of it is simply misplaced (hahahahahaha! O.k. I don't presume to be smarter than you).

And now, I will make a confession. I didn't even read his book so if I investigate further and perform due diligence, I might agree with you both. Comedy aside, the whole point is, however, that his theory is just another input, another way to try to understand what is happening and your support of him does not make you c.o. It simply means you support his theory. In the meantime, you continue to support medical freedom in every possible way.

I am truly bothered by the dissent and bickering that has arisen. Science is supposed to be an investigative process. There will be ideas that are born out and others that fail. We have seen that throughout this process and all those ideas coming from well-intentioned truth-seekers.

Now that we are not currently in the heat of Covid pandemic, perhaps some substack editors have grown bored. They should be looking for ways to cooperate and compliment each other (not in the sense of saying "thank you" necessarily) rather than calling out their personal idiosyncrasies and occasional gaffes. The latter are counter productive. Standing over someone who is bleeding to death is not the time to tell your fellow samaritan that you don't like the color of her truck. Focus, everybody. If you see someone reach down, pull the wound apart, and start pouring dirt in it - now we have c.o. That is not Dr. Malone.

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Thank you for the audio

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Great to have the audio track. I will use it when I drive the highways, but for me, I can be in the 'now' better by reading, when I can. I tend to get lazy about focusing when I have the audio, sometimes doing more than one thing at a time. I'm really enjoying the thoughtful column and comments.

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Twitter's value as a tool for black propaganda is part of the reason why I think the Left has devolved into hysterics now that Musk is in charge.

Slow, inexorable change is the only way to refashion society as radically as the Left wants, and it necessitates significant influence over, if not firm control of, discourse. Such change must be subtle enough that, over time, people are desensitized to the subversive processes unfolding.

Similar to what Itamar Even-Zohar calls “culture-planning,” it's basically a concerted effort by the Left to arrange a semiotic environment via structure-engendering devices like narratives that naturalize schemas of social control favoring left-wing interests, and, over time, make considerable swaths of the country predisposed to the resultant culture. Such is the benefit of controlling the media and social media alike.


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Notes on Alan Schom's biography of Napoleon Bonaparte (HarperCollins 1997; highly recommended), as they relate to fraudulent accusations intentionally made for depraved political and personal reasons:

A failed assassination attempt of Napoleon in Paris occurred on 12/24/1800.

While Napoleon, Lannes, Bessières and Lauriston, uninjured, survived the blast without losing their composure, Joséphine "was hysterical for hours afterwards" (p. 274).

In the aftermath, "with the panic came the inevitable anonymous denunciations... as in the days of Robespierre and the Reign of Terror [1792-94] --- neighbors denouncing neighbors against whom they had [had] some long-standing grudge... well over thirty such denunciations reached [police chief] Dubois's desk alone, all... unsubstantiated... some even vicious, permitting thirty innocent names to enter police records.

"Even... [chief police inspector] Limondin finally got fed up.

'We must speak out, for if this awful system of cowardly anonymous denunciations is allowed to continue, who among our honest and law-abiding citizens cannot be tainted in this manner?' " (p. 275).

Nothing changes.

Atlantic Monthly magazine recently (this was written in September 2020) ran an accusation that Trump on a European tour of military bases and historical sites had uttered nasty slurs upon American soldiers who had fought in the battles.

Evidence? Six or eight anonymous sources. Needless to say, the outrage provoked was as intense as Limondin's, and for exactly the same reason.

(The issue died an almost instant death. As Ric Grenell famously lectured the jackals in the WH Press room, "No one is listening to you any more!")

Post Note (12/12/22): Ironically, Schom himself became a Trump Derangement Syndrome case study, and a serious lunatic about the issue, at that. I can only assume that this condition became evident long after 1997 when the book was published.

[End 12/12/22 4:53 a.m.]

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Great post, Doc! (and very important) - a fine deconstruction of a classic Hegelian Dialect scheme on steroids - one that is so complex, it provokes some intelligent minds to go "blue pill" just to stop their head from hurting. We all need to keep our heads on straight and our eyes one the ball as the bullshit gets deeper and deeper in response to the lies becoming exposed.

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Hang in there Jill and Robert! You are shining a light in the darkness, and the darkness howls.

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So glad you addressed the Logical Fallacies. IMO this is a huge part of their playbook. Here are five common fallacies they use regularly.

1. Appeal to Authority: using the opinion or position of an authority figure or institution of authority in place of an actual argument.

2. Ad hominem: attacking your opponent's character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument.

3. Slippery slope: asserting that if we allow A to happen then Z will consequently happen too; therefore, A should not happen.

4. Appeal to emotion: manipulating an emotional response in place of a valid or compelling argument.

5. Strawman: misrepresenting someone's argument to make it easier to attack.

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Just got your book in the mail. Thank you for everything you do.

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Thanks to you both. Jill and I put heart and soul into the book. Our second, but the first was virtually burned by Amazon. I hope it helps you and others on your own personal journey of sensemaking.

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Amazon is the Trojan Horse of American fascism. My book seller, on the other hand, zipped "Lies" to us instantly, and in this respect, I suspect that Amazon is the lonely censor. And Jill, it worked out for the best that you weren't credited as the co-author because the Introduction explaining why not is worth its weight in gold. (12/12/22 4:57 am)

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Can’t wait to read your book! ‼️‼️

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I’m left speechless, again. How do you do this day after day without letting despair take you over? Your intellect cannot seem to be halted and I find your courage to be contagious. As an elder, I find myself worried about you...like a mother would be. So, you rest well tonight and let me worry. My gratitude is immeasurable.

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You and Jill are such a gift and I am very happy to be a subscriber! God bless you both! ✝️💜

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I’m planning to gift subscriptions to my friends and family this Christmas instead of gifts they don’t want. Keep up the great work we need you more than ever.

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Very interesting and important information

which should be understood by every American

able to think critically

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Thanks to you and your wife. I don’t understand all the opposition but when I see/hear someone speak against y’all (and not just a critique-opposing view) I try to answer. Don’t understand it all as to why they would do it and just move on.

It’s only in looking back and healing from abuse (Love Dr Simon on manipulative people) that this is what lead me to stop and step back.

I’ll give as long as I can - prayers for you both!

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To better understand censorship, it's helpful to read Edward Bernays' book "Propaganda" (1928). It was Reich Minister Goebbels handbook, and remains so today within media & US Gov't. In 1950, US propagandists replaced the P-word with "social marketing". http://www.historyisaweapon.org/defcon1/bernprop.html#SECTION1

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During Russian Communist times, some of the most brilliant authors and poets were censored, books burned, religion not allowed to be practiced all, “for the betterment of the country”, people were taken care of, but they were slaves to their gov’t, do we want America to look like that?

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Great information, great job....

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Wait a second: that's not Confucious. That's Morihei Eushiba. Quit playing with our minds, doc.

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Robert, thank you for your and Jill’s efforts! Life is teaching so many of us lessons. Not many of these lessons we would have ever wanted to learn. Just wondering if you have looked into the Jesuits. They have a very troubling history. I’m an outsider on these things but their tactics in history seem to at least parallel in some aspects to those used by three letter organizations. On a separate note I’d like to leave you with one of my favorite verses, 2nd Timothy 1:7: For God hath not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

God bless you both for you are in my thoughts and prayers.

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