Thank you for introducing us to Theo Schetters and sharing this valuable data, Robert. I hope the Netherlands and other nations will quickly follow Denmark’s example and forbid the injection of children (and everyone else, but children is a great start).

P.S. Desmit > Desmet :-)

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I understand insurance actuaries are seeing the same numbers and coming to the same conclusion. Do not think it will be so easy to shut these guys up because the bottom line is their bible

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Here's the newest actuarial report Edward Dowd has been sharing.. lock a whole flock of Black Swan events hitting working age folks w deaths and disability claims.


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This link doesn’t seem to work.

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Works fine for me. Thank you for sharing.

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I must be doing something wrong. Thanks for letting me know that the problem is on my end.

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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022

Edward Dowd has done a great job on that, has been sounding the alarm for several months.

The Mystery of Fall 2021

Edward Dowd presents another set of data that backs up his claim that Millenials suffered a catastrophe one year ago.


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Yup. They will be the whale that breaks the camel's back.

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Right. No only do they have to pay out money but they have to sell policies and sure do not want to sell a $1M policy they are pretty sure will have to pay off in a 10 yr window

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The you know what is going to hit the fan!

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Pharma DOES write checks for their mistakes/misdeeds.

They write them out before their shit hits the streets.

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pHARMA operates like Chicago mobsters in the1920s.

The whole crew gets to dip their beaks.

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Hoping your evaluations are to be illustrated by events in the near future.

So, what began as a big scam by BigPharma


will end as a general financial collapse such as should have been allowed to happen in 2008. This time it will be even uglier. But entirely necessary.

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I agree to a certain extent but would go back even further to a point where we started running deficits and used the dis-association of the dollar from gold to "cover" those deficits.

The longer we delay the monetary reset, the worse the pain will be.

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check out the post on Celia Farber today:


Covid Is Not An Epidemiological Story; Covid Is A Crime Story

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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

His cautions should not be ignored. I don’t feel we’ve EVER had a thorough, professional risk/benefit analysis on this thing. And that is malpractice, in my opinion.

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Everything they have done since the"2 wks to stop the spread" has been criminal malpractice

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They weren’t even honest about what the word “risk” even means!



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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, this was an important check on my critical thinking and perspective. I found myself forcibly holding my bias/prejudice/preferences in check as I realize some of my disdain for mRNA wants to scan for the outcome I strongly believe is true, rather than objectively reading for truth. I need to digest and I thank you again for helping me to exercise my brain in rational and objective thought with data, we (I) lose credibility when I refuse or want to refuse an outcome or truth I dislike and then I'm no different than a sheep. Thank you for being a great shepherd in this difficult and politically charged climate.

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes! So very important going forward.

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Schetters' findings are something to ponder on this, the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Code. Below are a few of the Ten Ethical Principles of the Code.

1. It is essential that research participants voluntarily consent to participate.

5. No research should be conducted where serious injury or death are potential outcomes.

7. Research participants must be protected against, and preparations made for, the possibility of injury, disability or death.

10. Scientists must be willing to terminate the experiment at any stage if it is likely to result in the injury, disability or death of participants.

My friends with vaccine injuries had no idea that the shots might be dangerous and, certainly no preparations were made to help them. I want justice for all who have been harmed.

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Here are two Children's Health Defense links for more information about the Nuremberg Code and the 75th Anniversary:



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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Schetters acknowledges that "it is not possible to establish causality" without more detailed data. I appreciate that very honest statement. We are all susceptible to confirmation bias and this is a good reminder that we need to be disciplined in not jumping to self-affirming conclusions. That said, there seems to be strong circumstantial evidence to support the causation argument, and I worry that circumstantial evidence may be as good as it's going to get. With the causes of death spanning the spectrum (including a temporal factor that's all over the map), it's messy. At the risk of sounding paranoid, I must admit that I've often wondered whether this (the difficulty of proving causality) was by design - a diabolically genius design. Then again, I have to remind myself of the adage: never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. I hope time will tell.

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Shouldn’t health agencies have been required to gather consistent data as a condition of any CARES Act funding? It boggles the mind that this lack of data was permitted to occur in the first place. We have spent taxpayer money on this boondoggle, and yet only Big Pharma gets any benefit out of it whatsoever.

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Jessica Rose demonstrated that VAERS and EudraVigilance data meet the Bradford Hill criteria for causality. Norman Fenton and others demonstrated that the VAERS data is accurate, though underreported.

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bravo to Dr. Theo Schetters for telling the truth! "The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth." - Lao Tzu.

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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I keep coming back to the pseudouridine. I know RNA is a bear to work with-- my dissertation and post-doc spent sequencing the bloody stuff. The question is are pharma too incompetent or too rushed to package it in their liposomes or is there another factor involved? However you look at it, it appears safe ussge would dictate the pseudouridine should be ditched.

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deletedAug 20, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022
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The name of the game is liability free whack-a-mole for the toxic jab makers.

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you again for giving us more information. I love that you and Dr Jill bring other expert’s analysis for us to learn and gain more information.

I think most of us don’t know where to find this info. You have so many professional friends who can teach us as well. Now to share this info.

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you to Dr Schetters for his excellent research and graphs. A doctor who is committed to 'Do No Harm'.

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How about a study comparing Vacc’d within 14 Days vs Truly Unvaccinated. Is this data being hidden under lock and key? Furthermore, the vaccines may cause Covid in some cases (e.g. ADE). So the reality is even worse than this presentation shows.

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The goal from Day 1 was to eliminate the control group. So yeah, data on the unvax’d was never supposed to exist.

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We are currently on the cusp of another campaign for vaccinating and boosting with the NEW formulations addressing the original version and part of the Omicron variants. I’m seeing an increasing number of horror articles clearly designed to assure participation and garner holdouts. The CDC will be less available as they scramble to effect their smokescreen of shuffling of their chairs.

In the meantime we have Dr Schetters and Ed Dowd’s analyses. The Insurance Companies are suffering a major hit with Death and Disability Claims (incidently in the US we should be seeing increases in Social Security and Supplemental Security Disability Claims as well). The question for the Insurance Companies would seem to me to be how to price and word their death and disability coverange/claims going forward.

With the current analyses you have shared with us, it will be very interesting and informative how this goes forward.

Of course, for one, I’m all the more convinced its best to sit this one out too - following all the guidance being so generously shared by you and your cohorts.

Thank you both ever so much for continuing to keep us abreast and well informed so we can reach our own conclusions with an enhanced degree of confidence!

Have a very pleasant weekend and continuing well deserved satisfactions. As ever, very Bestest!

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deletedAug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022
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From your words to the Universe. Let it be so.

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I definitely agree that is a possibility. On the other hand when we review the WEF participants it looks as if Blackrock,, State Street and a couple others own pretty nearly everything. Their goal is to topple us and take control of everything - their totalitarian rule. I suspect they might help decide what the Insurance people do and whether such an outcome fits in with their plans. That's why I felt watching and seeing what happens will be interesting. Hopefully as we watch, we'll be watching for any exploitable opportunities.

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not coming from a medical background, but instead engineering, I can follow the general technical discussions but it can get complicated. Regardless, the endpoint seems to be elimination of mass vaccination programs. What is the sequence of events that gets the world to that point? Not clear to me that is attainable because the massvaxist planners have this gamed this out and will be prepared for the response. My guess is that the massvax programs are still going per plan and the recent setbacks are anticipated. Their response is always to double down, triple down, 4x down, 5x down, etc... until the general public is conditioned to accept all government orders. So much positive talk occurs but with the same leaders in charge all we are going to get is more of the same. Their game plan is to just keep introducing more distractions to an already apathetic public that hasn’t yet realized their lives are at stake.

I have no confidence that insurance industry data that shows vaccine injury and death will be enough. All major players in pretty much all globalized industries will do whatever fraud is requires to follow the globalist script. What industry isn’t bowing to globalist ideals?

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

An honest presentation of the data as he sees it. No hyperbole. If anything, Dr. Schetters' interpretation tends to be more charitable towards the jab than other scientists might be given the many red flags he points out. Nevertheless, his point is clear: These unexplained deaths are correlated with the jabs. His data can't yet prove a cause/effect relationship, but we must stop them until we can prove otherwise.

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Here's something I'm hoping will move the needle 💉 or at least show the bumps in the road 🛣. Not data driven 🚗. PUNishing though🤕.

Unsafe at Any Speed!

Would you buy, drive, or let your kids ride in a car whose manufacturer:

* Made cars that were mandated and paid for by the government?

* Could not be sued if their cars injured or killed you?

* Did NO initial safety tests on crash dummies and NO long-term safety or build-quality tests?

* Hid and lied about substandard parts and negative safety outcomes?

* Repeatedly made cars that were recalled and fined for safety and production violations?

* Made cars that didn’t work but had to be bought repeatedly even though they didn’t work?

* Was widely touted by media as producing high-quality, safe, and desirable cars?

* Sold cars with side effects such as:

--- Driving off cliffs without warning?

--- Crashing unexpectedly into walls, trees, and houses?

--- Steering unexpectedly into oncoming traffic?

--- Emitting toxic fumes?

--- Leaving you stranded on the side of the road?

If the answer to any of these questions is NO, why would you let yourself or loved ones be injected with an untested, unsafe, unnecessary shot for a highly treatable disease? Just asking!

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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well, this work is surely impeccable, but it seems dubious to rely on government data for any of this, particularly from the Netherlands, where the PM is not only a loyal WEF stooge, but one who denies it directly. This isn't to say the data is doctored, but we should be curious about the kind of classification policies implemented behind the scenes in this country.


Here's his WEF profile. Agenda Contributor, eh?


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