Sounds like a superb event. Wish I could attend. Will it be available online? Yesterday my husband and I stopped for breakfast and I left a white wristband and a slip of paper explaining its meaning. I intend to distribute all of the 100 I purchased.

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May 2, 2022·edited May 2, 2022

Good morning Dr. Malone! Did you see this court decision? I shared it tagging you on Gettr: Italian Court Rules Mandatory Vaccination Unconstitutional, 'Fatal Side Effects' too Risky -> “Who would determine the percentage of disposable citizens? It is indisputable. Otherwise, it results in Nazism.”


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Thanks a bunch Bettina. I am posting forward on FB and Twitter. Blessings.

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Thank you so much too! All the best! 🌷☀️

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In case anyone has reservations about taking ivermectin I will share my experience with you. I, my wife, both my brothers, and the wife of one of my brothers have been taking ivermectin for quite a while as a preventative. I have been taking it once a week since last August as has my wife and we have had no discernible side effects. The dose is 0.2 mg/ kg of body weight. None of us has had any type of cold during this time and all of us are unvaccinated. We all escaped Omicron and I have no idea if that is attributable to ivermectin. We also have never had Covid prior to this. One of my brothers and his wife had very sick house guests who were diagnosed with Covid and they never caught it. I was thinking of stopping taking it but then I became aware of a study that showed ivermectin might be effective at preventing colon cancer. Our sources for this are a prescription by a doctor made by a compounding pharmacy and a place in India recommended by Brian Ardis. If nothing else we all should be parasite free!

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You can now eat sushi with abandon!

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Actually, I believe you are right! I don’t eat raw fish mainly for that reason, especially since I know someone who suffered terribly from parasites due to eating raw fish. I’ll probably still pass on the sushi as eating raw meat of any kind doesn’t appeal to me.

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Same thing happened to my sushi-fiend friend.

She ended up in the hospital with one huge parasite. She doesn’t touch the stuff anymore!

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Okay! Now I know for sure I won’t eat it. Many thanks. I will eat the veggie ones.

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I don’t think I’ve ever anticipated anything in my entire 63 years of life as having the opportunity to shake the hands of you and Jill tomorrow night at the dinner in Columbus. I pray I have meaningful and appropriate words.

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I will be praying for this event: for protection of all those participating and that there will be ears to hear and that the eyes of the blind will be opened to the truth.

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Wow...wish I could attend. I attended the Take Back Our Freedom tour when it came to Jacksonville, FL one week ago. I met Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Peter McCullough. The information brought out was disturbing and jaw dropping. This conference will do the same. Glad to see your wife, Jill, will be at the conference too. That'll be nice for you both.

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I'd give anything to attend! But a bum knee will keep me home this time. Know this, Dr. M, thousands of us are extremely grateful to you for your courage and integrity and are praying the angels surround and support you and all who are on the front lines fighting for our freedoms and the continuance of American Constitution!

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We have a right to try. Doctors have a right not to prescribe. Pharmacists have a right not to deliver prescriptions. The problem isn't rights, it's integrity. Doctors who refuse to prescribe, and pharmacists who refuse to deliver, are a menace, as guilty of assault and murder as any two bit mugger. We need suits for malpractice against medical tyrants, and prosecutions of egregious cases. Whining about rights is simply amusement for the tyrants who abuse us.

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Sounds great! For those of us not anywhere near Ohio, can this be viewed online?

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Hope is more than just an inspiration when larger numbers gather to eliminate unjust wrongs.

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I would love to attend but live far away. Thank you for continuing to fight for every one of us.

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This is how IT gets done; People helping People. No Fear! ONWARD - - - ->

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Oh how I wish I could be there!

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How I wish I could go!

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A powerhouse of truth! Wish I lived in Ohio. God bless you all.

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