"Should you be concerned?"

YES, because "our" government will pretend this is a thing!

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They are already priming the pump for universal mail in elections for 2024. They will do whatever has to be done to stop Trump including releasing new viruses as a pretext for a new round of lockdowns that of course will require universal mail in ballots "so democracy can continue and elections can still occur during the new pandemic". Sadly, nobody has faced charges for crimes against humanity for the last manufactured pandemic, so now they are completely emboldened.

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Yep. That's the excuse they need, and they don't care how flimsy it is.

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As President Ronald Regan famously said: " the 10 scariest words are "I am from the government and I am here to help"".

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Oddly enough.....He said it...like he meant it as well. Not some willy nilly bluff an fluff.

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"Should you be concerned?" No, I just ...

Pick up my guitar and play Just like yesterday

Then I'll get on my knees and pray We don't get fooled again

Yeah Meet the new bug Same as the old bug

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Obviously, fewer of the shot survivors will get fooled again... but the WEF government branch in US doesn't care if we believe them or not - they are becoming increasingly authoritarian; we become more and more the Soviet Union... In those times, one had to PRETEND to believe their narratives , because if you said otherwise, you could land in prison or labor camp - I believe this is where we are heading.

I could be more optimistic, but looking at Ukraine, whose people are being sent to slaughter by their own Nazi government, I see no reason for optimism.

If we don't have a regime change here fast (unlikely), we will most likely end up in a radioactive pile of ash.

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I am with you on the lack of optimism, which is why I replied with humor, even though it be dark.

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Are you familiar the with history of Ukraine? It's very... colorful and today's Ukrainians and their geopolitical environment are result of their history

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I tend to agree. A "dissident" writer I follow shares the sentiment of many, basically that matters have deteriorated far too long for anything to be "fixed" by normal means. I mean, even in normal times, the concept that politics will reform itslef? The very concept is ludicrous. Too many people and groups living at the expense of others. Does any rational person think they'll voluntarily swear off, for the greater good? Eras like ours can go on for decades, sometimes centuries. But sadly, history tells us that they often end with boxcars, people hanging from lamp posts or some other combiantion of unhappy events.

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Yes, all democratic means have been exhausted.

As for "politics will reform itself" - that's a funny one - never heard such thing... "Give him some time - Satan will come around" :P...

... no offense here :-)...

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

Soviet Union? Um Snowden is there and can do research and interviews FREELY. ZERO forced vaccination, Russian developed vector vaccines only. NO GMO food allowed into Russian borders and has been a capitalist country since 1991. Russia isn't the problem, your lying poss government is. ya got clan members and pedos running America.

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Let's not mix things up.... President Putin's Russia is very far from the Soviet Union... I am old enough to have lived those times and I can tell you that it have many common elements with what is going on in US right now...

As for Russia, it was very far from what it is now during the drunk Yeltsin's time... the man who made all the difference in the world is President Putin, whom we call "a thug"... but I guess that it just projection.

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agreed, but most people don't know this and think soviet union equates today's Russia. Use China, people understand this. Im old enough to have celebrated the falling of the Berlin wall and partied with East Germans. Putin saved his people from this catastrophe, unlike our leaders, killing us softly

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Uptake of the recent new and improved jab was reportedly well < 20%. There are still plenty of dumb sheep out there, to be sure. But word has gotten around that the mRNA jabs weren't all they were cracked up to be. In the investing world, Pfizer is well off its highs, but still not too badly battered. One trick pony Moderna, in glaring contrast, now trades at 1/3 its peak of almost exactly two years ago. Don't cry too much for the Deep State, however, because it's still way above what it was pre-pandemic, when, presumably, they invested most heaviliy.

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I'm ok with the idiots taking it, they got us ALL here. Let them boost

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Well it’s been quite a road for me these past 2 plus weeks. My 79 year old mother in law burst her appendix. She was taken to Framingham Union Hospital, an armpit of a place. They refused to treat her and there are no beds available through the entire city. So there she sat and waited for a week, no drain, no surgery, no bed at a place to fix her. My wife and I had gone to see her as her kidneys were becoming overwhelmed with the poisonous infection. She was slowly dying of kidney failure. We have connections to 4 major hospitals in Boston and finally got her into Beth Israel Boston. They installed a drain and day by day her kidney function had slowly come back. The can of worms for my wife and I was that she tested positive for Covid, which my wife and I had got from her. I feel mostly better now but my wife has a nasty cough. I have to admit there was one day that I had a hard time moving, I was exhausted. I basically worked through it not knowing it was Covid. It was no joke. I still have brain fog. But am past the point of being contagious. All I can say is protect yourself, your family, and the vulnerable. J.Goodrich

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There is hope. My doctors office has a video on covid vaccines running 24/7 in the waiting room. It’s so blurry and the sound so bad nobody watched or believes. So far, last 9 months, the doc has said not one word about vaccines to me. Not one. None of them. I don’t think he is recommending them. Neighbors say same thing happening with their docs too.

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Why would he be running the video if he's not a believer? Drs. get compensation for the number of people they diagnose and treat for Covid. Or so I read. Please be careful.

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The entire medical field is being bullied and forced to follow insurance, medical licensing departments, hospital protocols and stupid bureaucrats or give up their practice. That TV is very probably a requirement of the larger medical group he is in. But behind closed doors he can, if brave, be the doctor. We need to stand up for them. Throw a tantrum in the hospital waiting room the next time they say “mask up!”

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Not fun being sick because no guarantee of getting good med advice. Hope you shake it off.

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Thanks Doctor Nash I’m feeling about 80%

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023

Good to hear. I follow the Zelenko protocol, and i do not get sick to the point of being bed bound.

Zinc, quercetin, Vit C, Vit D,

I add a few other minerals and such in as well, just not in the same timeframe.

Sunlight. 20 minutes, minimum, no sunblock. Makes me feel alive. Keeps the immune system functioning well.

Now I guess you have to care for the MIL, and get her back up and cruising again?

Make sure you disconnect the cable TV line to her place, so the MSM cant creep into her psyche during her recovery. Negativity is a greater factor in health than germ exposure, IMO.

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Dear Jim, hope you find remedy and wellness rushing to your side ASAP.

Being sick and tired, of being sick and tired is horribly exhausting and debilitating too.

All of us wish our very best. And very soon.

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I dont even know James, and here I am worrying about him.


Obvious, he's good peoples.

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023

James, What a hell-hole, glad you are feeling better. My husband and I got sick these last couple of days too. He first with cough, me next with scratchy throat which i got rid of with homeopathic 'cold calm" next later, fever, aches, headache. I took flu homeopathic, zinc, C, and lots of lemon water. Gone after a day. We didn't test. I always say the good news about getting sick is how good it feels to feel "normal".

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The ambulance just took her to Framingham. I believe this is where we all got Covid. She was there for a week and they never tested her, so we didn’t know we were exposed. She found out in BI Boston. Un real. I’m glad you both are feeling better. I guess to look on the bright side we both have natural immunity now.....

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This "getting sick" is intentional. Most people are not open to the concept that our government is purposely making us sick through different processes. Most do not believe it, but here in the NE, all anyone has to do is to simply look up into the skies over the last 4 days, and see what is being dumped on all of us. Its not all just about weather modification, and my lymph glands will agree

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T, This takes some introspection, getting sick through different processes, is wide open in its meaning. In the meantime , you know what to do to stay healthy. So do I, to the best of my ability.

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Has the hospital tried pushing remdesevir yet? Eris demands a sacrifice.

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No funny she didn’t get to sick from the Covid, maybe because she had so many other problems. They did give her steroids though to treat the Covid, at least I think that’s why.

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That did cross my mind

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So glad a hospital took your mother-in-law! How scary and frustrating. Hope y'all get better soon. Be blessed.

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Yes, the spike protein, in the virus or the vaccines, can and does cause a very wide range of illnesses. ( Yes, the CFR is low, yet MOST conditions caused by the spike in COVID are NOT attributed to COVID.)

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Sorry to hear, James, that's serious stuff; it's amazing she's still with us! Hang in there!

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Stay strong! But how do you know it was COVID, as so called COVID virus has not been isolated yet using true scientific methods?

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I finally tested myself and was positive as well as my wife. Really was depressing.

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False/positive tests results, read by BIG PHARMA -- give me a break...

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Anything Bill Kill-em Gates has his paws into, cannot be beneficial to humans in general

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I mean everything that follows with honorable, thoughtful, benevolent intentions:

Do you know who Kary Mullis WAS ?

Are you aware that the PCR tests do not accurately test for any disease? Kary Mullis died shortly after exposing Dr Flim Flam Foulchi as a fraud.

Im sure ill get some flack for this, but if the guy who invented the PCR test says its not accurate, nor was it ever designed to diagnose, nor indicate disease of any type, including the one you said you tested positive for, then how can anyone honestly believe the test works? That you have this virus which has consumed everyones life for the last 3.5 years?

Do you know what ethylene oxide is, and what it can do to humans, or animals who are exposed to it ? Do you know how these swabs are manufactured, and what they are sterilized with?

Call me a conspiracy nutjob, but me thinks you should research these "tests", and at least for now, refrain from self testing with products that are not only not accurate, but can cause severe illness when used.

Not trying to be a dick, belittle you, or insult you in any way shape or form. I simply care about good people, and I'm just attempting to entice you to research some of the contoversies that exist out there, regarding the "tests" that you may not be currently aware of.

Kary Mullis right before his "mysteriously timed" passing


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Hmm, you both are vaccinated? - it's a rhetorical question, no answer is needed.

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Prayers for your mom, as well as you and your wife. God helps in struggling times and think positive. I wish the best for you.

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Thank You, It’s amazing the phone calls made to just get a bed. Dozens of specialty Doctors called to get her in with no luck. I finally called a customer that personally knows the president of the hospital to get her in. We really are turning into a 3rd world healthcare system. You always hear of this happening then it happens to you. You feel helpless. It’s eye opening. She is slowly recovering, not sure if she will ever fully recover.

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Let's all send your mother and you and your wife our most powerful prayers.

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Thanks Cindy so much need and appreciate that!!! Her mother will be moving in with us probably after a stint in rehab.

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It is still getting worse. The gout med I take has suddenly become rare as the dodo-- my supplier claimed none shipped in weeks. This is bad news for gout sufferers and that will include folks on chemo since it induces gout also.

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The first of this year there were reports from hospitals that there were certain medication that they could not get in quantity that were regularly required for certain illnesses. They are no longer complaining in public. That is another way to generate deaths, stop the flow of life-saving medications.

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If you can't get your gout med, you might go to duckduckgo.com (no tracking) and type in "gout non pharmacological therapy." Maybe there are alternatives that can help...

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Thanks. May have to do that. Hope this is temporary.

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So do I. Can you get your med from another place--is Canada still illegal? What about another city or state...If you use a pharmacy that's part of a chain, perhaps the pharmacist can get it for you...

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I may be ignorant to this, but is gout treatable with strict diet intake? Restricting the wrong types of foods?

I really dont know, which is why I ask.

A quick duckduck go search found this. All natural and lots of reviews


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Seen the diets. Some work maybe but .... My problem is not gout so much now as no attack in 18yrs but last time uric acid levels wacked out had kidney stones. Now that was fun. So I take my allopurinol and all is well. Thanks for the suggestion, appreciate it.

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Have you tried an oxalate free diet? Perhaps it would help?

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At 81 am pretty well set in my ways. HEB came thru and I am now in possession of my meds. Thanks for the thought. As long as I can have my Shiner beer every nite I am a happy camper

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That is just terrible. Give her vitamin D3 , zinc, vitamin C. Now you and your wife get better. Try famotidine . It helps with virus’

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023

If you add quercetain, you're following the Zelenko protocol. The zinc is problematic entering the cellular structures where its needed, and the quercetain facilitates that absorbtion

Read this:


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It was very fortune that you knew the 'right' people James.

The only thing that medicare and medicaid will actually pay the full costs of appear to be Covid. No docs or hospitals like to have government insured patients of any kind but Covid.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s very frustrating that people are actually concerned by this. Call me naive but I really thought we were in “fool me once…” territory. My husband and I were hit with a bad cold last week (thanks to sick grandkids - but I wouldn’t change a thing) so we did what people have always done: rest, fluids, supplements. It’s hardly a crisis.

The West is so spoiled with easy everything we can barely handle a hangnail. It’s incredible.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“Another helpful tip is to find a doctor that you trust, now!” This is the dilemma!. I’ve been trying but how does one find such a physician? I don’t care if he/she is a medical doctor or naturopath, insurance supported or self pay. I just want to find somebody who will listen to my needs and treat the whole me without all the unnecessary tests and pharma. At 71, I am blessed with good health and require only one prescription for thyroid.

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roger that

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No-one has given VALID CONSENT to Covid-19 vaccine products.

No-one has been properly informed about these unnecessary medical products, no-one has given informed consent.

Voluntary informed consent for Covid-19 vaccination has been trashed.

Who has failed us the most on this issue? The medical profession - along with treacherous politicians, academics, the legal system and the mainstream media.

The medical profession should have refused to cooperate with mandates, they should have refused to participate with mandated medical interventions...but they went along with it...it’s a disaster.

The medical profession has violated voluntary informed consent, a most important ethical principle in medicine...along with 'do no harm'.

For more background, please see my presentation to the PANDA group, given in April this year: Considering jab mandates: Voluntary informed consent and mass population Covid-19 vaccination: https://rumble.com/v3a28f6-considering-jab-mandates-elizabeth-hart.html

Also on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PanData19/status/1693664393500803534?s=20

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https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/naomi-wolf-pfizer-docs-show-the-covid-jab-murders-babies-in-the-womb/ This is how they got the doctors & obstetricians to go along with lying to pregnant woman about the safety and efficacy of the shots during pregnancy.

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The primary problem is the prevalence of the psychopathic mindset at the top of powerful corporations.

The recent Netflix docudrama ‘Painkiller’ illustrates this beautifully with the character of Richard Sackler and the other board members of Purdue.

The psychopaths wishes are carried out by unwitting servants/flunkies.

How else could we administer an untested new drug to pregnant women and children?

‘Painkiller’ also illustrates:

1) How easily corrupted by money people are

2) How easily seduced by sex men are

3) How destructive addiction is

4) The dangers of connection between regulatory agencies and Corporations

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As always, follow the money!!! Despicable people, impersonating real doctors that care for their patients, do despicable things. Thanks, Doctor Malone.

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023

It's all about scaring the public into accepting lockdowns heading into the 2024 Primaries and General election in November. They REALLY WANT tens of millions of mail-in ballots again because it is such a convenient way to steal the election —stuff those ballot drop boxes with millions upon millions of faked ballots!

This has NOTHING to do with health! If the government cared one teensy bit about our health they would be disseminating accurate information about early treatment so NOBODY would end up in the hospital. But no! Hospitalization is the GOAL. That's where the money is! Exorbitant fees for ICU stays, $3,200 or so for each five days of Remdesivir, then $$$ for kidney dialysis treatments when the Remdesivir kills their kidneys, and an excuse to put patients on ventilators when their lungs fill up with fluid because of the kidney failure. What a racket!!! 92+ % of patients on ventilators died, many BECAUSE of the ventilators!

Does anyone know if our Evil Federal Government is STILL paying hospitals bonuses of tens of thousands of dollars for each COVID patient, each one they ventilate, and MORE $$$ for each one they murder???

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It’s a money game! Who knows who they will pay this fall to keep pushing RNA injections!

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Thank you

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Also remember, monster Bill Gates said with a smile, that the next “pandemic” will get your attention. 😡😡

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Here we go again but this time we know better! WE WILL NOT COMPLY!!!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

These comments help me feel grounded and not alone. Crazy times.....

Love to all beings

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Ypu are definitely NOT alone

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023

My preparation steps

* Took Dr. Malone's and others' advice about supplementing with vitamins

* Re-started weight training in April, 5-6 days a week, one hour per session (I'm older, so that's enough)

* Cut out most processed foods and sugars

* Walk 4-5 times per week, at least 30 minutes per walk

* Lost a bunch of weight (also from Dr. Malone's advice, although he didn't tell me personally...) and continue to do so via intermittent fasting and from bullet 3 above

* Keep blood pressure down via bullets 2, 3, 4, 5 and trying to maintain a healthy outlook (this is the hardest part by far)

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Me too! Bullet 1 and 3 and attending cardiac rehabilitation and following exercise instructions for home, growing and canning my own food but like you said, staying positive is the hard part! I try to do at least one community service project per week. This week I transported an overdue Amish mom to the hospital with dad and midwives ( nobody goes alone here) and came home with a 9 lb 9 oz bouncing baby girl. Now that’s an upper!

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The community service project caught my eye, as did the growing/canning. I grew up with all that food prep (canning/freezing of all kinds) and although I hated the tediousness of it at the time, now I miss it. It was so cold here in June that we did not grow much this year.

Nine-nine? That's like 2 babies : )

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I'm reading, seeing, hearing that the Fake Resident, and his Fake (Obummer run) administration will begin their attempted masking, distancing, into lockdowns again beginning mid September.

The canadian variant !! Oh, Snap, let's be scared again'

Supposedly, the TSA will start their lie-campaign with masks on planes, which will morph into our daily lives acroas the USA. Time will tell, I guess, if this all comes to be.

Lunacy accepted:

Morris Brown College in GA already instituted masks, distancing and covid propogandists policies, and the attendees are already being subjected to lunacy in a place where their young spongecake minds will most likely "follow the Fake Science", capitulating to this madness.


Crazies want this. They crave it. They welcome it. They feed on the being controlled aspect. This is a conditioned mental illness which benefits the 545's eternal quest for power and control, and anyone with even caveman mentality can see whats happening, except the crazies, of course.

Conditioned mental illness:

Sheeple need to be scared, and told how to wipe their own butts by authorative figures, so they can't be held responsible if they missed a spot, and wind up smelling up the bus in the morning. Just a big cop outfor having to think for themselves, i guess. Repulsive.

I see people here locally, in my gym, supermarkets, and on the streets outside who never removed their paper face diapers since 2020. Nonsensical, and truly pathetic at best, yet they continue to follow the "Fauchi-ism", and cannot contemplate any other contradictory factual data exists.

Really? You're really that stuipd?

"Yes, we are, thank you ! " they reply.

Well, what do i say?

I'm with Eva Vlaardingerbroek, and i say "stick your jabs, face daipers, and social distancing where the sun don't shine"

I will not comply.


Btw, if you guys never hear from me again, I am not paddleboarding with a dude in a bikini named "Big Mike". That would be a complete fabrication on the part of the coroner, so please keep searching for me.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As always Doc Malone, you are the BEST! God Bless You sir. WE WILL NOT COMPLY!!!!

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And ALWAYS read the label & side effects of anything a doctor recommends and NEVER allow them to leave the room to load the hyperdermic needle beyond your view. You must SIGHT it. Why? They SOLD US down the river.

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