I see in my clinic that the majority of people who were enthusiastically getting the vaccine are now pissed off. They are verbalizing their opinions that they were "lied to". So far they are not doing anything with their anger and frustration. I think the more sick they get the more they will be willing to speak up and demonstrate. (There is a still a fear of being judged about being "anti vaxx".) As a clinician for 33 years I can say that have not seen a wave of weird illnesses in my full time general practice since it began. The vaxx's did something and it's not good.

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Fortunately, certain batches were saline only it seems. The false reassurance is on record and cannot be erased. The most they can do is to deflect and make excuses. I have been accused of being anti vaxx, but I always correct with 'Oh, no, I am committed only to being risk aware, and experiments are risky.' I saw somewhere Dr. McCullough noted there was, and I am not sure on the virus name, but I think he said SV40 found in the shots. That can cause cancer. And billions of people have taken the shots. I can only imagine the anger if this information became common knowledge. All the government officials who took the shots may finally change course. No vaccine should be required for any child, not just the C19. The benefits do not outweigh the risks for harms either immediately or further down the road.

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The scam has been around for centuries. This is a painting by Bosch called The Extraction of the Stone of Madness, painted 2 years after Columbus stumbled into the Caribbean.


This is not new but people continue to get fooled. It is great that people are opting out now. Thats good. But can we look at what we did? At what happened?

A recent interview I heard dealing with parents who let their children transition, the psychological effect of choosing wrong and living with it, that they can not do this, so they do not admit what they did was wrong.

I am running into this phenomenon with people who took all the vaxxes and then stopped. "Dont need it anymore" they say. "Did you ever need it?" The room gets uncomfortable.

Very similar to the Iraq Invasion, when it finally became clear there were no WMDs, all the war supporters just kind of uttered and muttered and shuffled off and "moving forward" became the cause.

No. Absolutely not.

It is imperative we get off this absurd hamster wheel spun by a small collection of insane people.

And the way we do that is to not move forward, but to look back, examine, and get it clear to everyone what happened here.

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Aldous- yes to getting off the hamster wheel!

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Funny you mentioned this phenomenon where people received one jab, then had enough. I know 5 people who did just that, and now their main concern is long term health effects, specifically cardiac issues, that is their main concern.

Imagine being sold a cure to some disease, you go for it, and now you spend the rest of your life worrying about it.


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I did my Very Best to warn My Family and Friends. I am now at 21 adverse events. Some oncoming fatal or sentenced to a life of misery. I strive not to hate; but; This has made that impossible. Ed

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I had done extensive work on a Boston surgeons home. The hospital had forced the shots on all employees including my wife (3 shots). After the 3rd shot this surgeon had a stroke and has not been able to go back to work. Because the hospital had forced employees to take the shots shouldn’t he be able to sue to get a remedy for his lose of income? If not how could this possibly ever be corrected? J.Goodrich

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The fine print on those 'vaccines' offer protection for all involved.

The correction will probably come after heII freezes over or the next revolution. Which ever comes first.

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I do not think USG offered immunity applies to entities who required the shot to remain employed which is why "they" are moving heaven and earth to deny by any means possible the virulence of their precious jabs. Once it is totally out there the ambulance chasing brigades will be out in force

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Uhhh…I know some very, very vicious litigators…They are rich. They do it for “Fun”. Ed

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Our brain surgeon representatives gave the immunity they can take it away if fraud is involved

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The fine print also stated on my Moderna form for the pharmacy: not for any person under 18 in addition to a long list

Of possible side effects. No thanks.... they had no liability... I planned to observe.

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Moderna told the government

that they did not have time to properly rule out side effects

FDA approved the vax knowing that. A combination of fault.

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Truthfully I'm surprised China didn't make the vaccine. They routinely analyse everything approved by the FDA and start producing their own. If the test kits sent out by our Government came from China, wouldn't surprise me if the vaccine did too.

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Most surgeons have disability insurance.

Until life and disability insurance companies ask for covid vax status, the unvaxxed will be effectively subsidizing the vaxxed.

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I believe your right. My wife had spine surgery and had disability insurance. I’m sure he did as well.

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The hospital will blame the government. The Fed government is insuring the vaxine. He would have to sue those who made it mandatory

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Sorry about your wife, James. Hopefully no negative long term effects

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According to the chart you shared, 95% of those in my age group had at least one vaccine. I think this is a very high estimate. Most of the people I know personally did NOT have it. I think there may be sampling bias.

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Opposite for me. Where I live (Bay Area/CA) I still feel like I belong to a secret society. I have not met one person my age who chose not to take this shot - only a handful of young people.

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We found that number to be a bit extreme too. Consider from where they pulled them they might not pass the smell test

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There's an amazing amount of modern research from that source.

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Smells like fresh Dog poop to Me. Ed

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The nuance is appreciated

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In 2021 there were multiple states claiming that 100% of their seniors were fully vaxxed. There must have been massive federal financial incentives to make that claim. Plus it was useful for propaganda purposes.

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Nursing homes had huge numbers dying. That motivated many elderly to get the jab. Fear promoted by media and politicians.

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Yep. No doubt. Of course, I'm in Florida where smart old people live.

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They are deathly afraid of Donald Trump as well.

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Has Donald Trump admitted that Operation Warp Speed and mass vaccination were a mistake?

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not in so many words, but he's beginning to discuss the bad advice he listened to. Since he's not a virologist or even any kind of clinician he has to depend on the word of the 'experts'. The swamp had a lot more 'experts' protecting 'experts' than he could have imagined.

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And there you have the major problem. He did not come to d.c. with a cadre of dependable people who could assist him in decision making. And people with the ego he has co not admit to mistakes glsdly.

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You are correct.

But I still support Trump and I will definitely vote for him.

He has learned the deceitful and vicious ways of the swamp the hard way.

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They are vicious.... safety I pray

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Well he was also fighting the Democrats who from day one were trying to impeach him. Hindsight is a teaching lesson. Now we know better, and Donald Trump knows too.


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Also suggested ivermectin and HQ.

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He did....and got thoroughly lambasted by Pelosi et al for it. Interesting, though, that when he got covid (as did Melania and Barron), Dr. Zelenko was one of the doctors who treated him. Wanna bet that ivermectin and/or HCQ were a part of the treatment protocol (note that he recovered promptly and completely!), and that by then he realized that he couldn't publicize his treatment without the Left launching an all-out assault on him?

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From the looks of things, that cadre didn't exist anywhere.

People that were thought trustworthy by those far and wide wound up as just another swamp dweller. Remember the old saying about elbows, a*holes and alligators? It used to be a joke.

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But had he had a crony who advised him wisely he would have fired, i.e. accepted the resignations, of all the US attorneys and fired Coney outright. Then repopulating the upper tiers of the d.o.j. just might have curtailed a lot of the grief

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And you just explained the urgency by the Left & Company getting General Flynn out of the White House.

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I am not brilliant; but, could have done a better job in some respects. I refused true hate until I saw fauci. Ed

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It's somewhat encouraging that he's now saying he recognizes viable appointees. But we must not forget,

should it get to that, we have the demons from hell set to attack them.

Whose side will the appointee really be on?

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All politicians have massive egos. George Bush not admitting Iraq a mistake. Hilary Clinton yet to admitt the Russian dossier a mistake. Intact no one in the Democatic party had admitted trying to impeach Trump.based on that info was a mistake.

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Trump did suggest the Wuhan Lab. Was called a racist.

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Have you admitted that Democrat Tony Fauci is a rat who lied to Trump and the American people regarding COVID, vaccines and the Wuhan lab? As Thomas Sowell sagely advised ‘Democrats start their arguments in the middle’. Fauci was the “root cause” of our problems, not President Trump. I’m a physician btw.

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I don’t believed that the Ruling intelligence State briefed President Trump on the 40+ Ukraine Bioweapons research facilities or that Hunter had stake in one...

...no, I’m pretty sure the NIH Gain-of-Function funding to Wuhan was NOT briefed to Trump

Meaning the Ukraine phone call Impeachment Hoax was actually a treasonous coverup by the Intelligence State not briefing the Commander in Chief...

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Fauci definitely lied to Trump. But Scott Atlas and Paul Alexander were counterbalance. They were forced out.

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Pence turned out to be one of 'them'.

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Every suggestion he made was shot down. He was laughed at. We have to be honest. Most people were screaming for something. Anything to stop the deaths of mostly elderly and those with poor health.

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The vast majority of elderly who died during the pandemic who were labeled "COVID deaths" , actually died from the Fauci NIH, CDC hospital protocols. Many middle-aged also died from the hospital protocols. There were most likely tens of thousands of deaths in hospitals and elder care facilities that could have been prevented if the patients had been given early treatment of hydroxyclhoroquine and ivermectin, zithromycin, and therapeutic doses of vitamin D3 and vitamin C (and there were other meds on the protocols established by the FLCCC physicians who promoted early treatment during the summer of 2020. These physicians were targeted and threatened by Fauci et al. I know many elderly people in my neighborhood who contracted COVID and were never vaxxed and described being sick with COVID as having a bad flu but recovered from it with receivng treatment from some physicians in our area who were willing to prescribe ivermectin. And they were taking vitamin D3, Zinc, and vitamin C, melatonin. The public was deceived by Fauci and Birx and Collins about the death rate from COVID. The physicians were instructed on declaring the majority of hospital deaths that occurred in 20 and 21 as COVID deaths.

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The hospitals recieved money from the federal govt for every Covid death. Again we didn't know they were playing a numbers game for cash. Sadly many prospered by playing a very cruel game. Let us hope this will teach us a lesson. Let us hope it can never happen again.

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This was a World catastrophe. We will never know how many died in 3rd World countries. We knew people in nursing homes were dying at an unusual rate. As time passes more will be disclosed, however, at the time we had to go with what we were being told. The mandates were against everything the USA stands for. Who knew what and when will eventually be known.

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5.9 million people World-wide are reported to have died from Covid. According to the UN 30,000,000 people starved to death because of the lockdowns destroying the economy.

Think how many are slated to die from the "global warming" initiatives...

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That will make Bill and Klauses little toes tingle with joy to hear those numbers.

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Targeted and threatened because when you have an EUA out there, one of the stipulations is that there cannot be any available conventional alternative treatments out there to utilize, as it subverts the reasons for the EUA to be utilized.

When Dr. Zelenko came out with "the Zelenko protocol", i immediately started it on myself, and family. I told everyone who would listen about it. Neither my wife, nor I ever got sick all throughout the Planned-demic, and i worked the entire time, busier than I had been in the previous 3 years. I credit Dr. Z. with his immunity boosting protocol with help keeping us healthy throughout that time period. I still follow it today

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I agree. There was a huge misperception people were dying everywhere from covid, but as dr. Malone has pointed out, a huge percentage of those reported deaths were propoganda, and not reality.

All through covid i kept hearing anecdotes of misrepreaentations of deaths which were from other causes, being blamed on covid. Car accidents, pedestrians hit by busses, hospice patients dying already. All blamed on covid, yet died of other causes.

Thats when I knew this was a scam, especially when i spoke with people i knew who worked in hospitals, who confirmed the hospitals were empty, as politicians screamed their lies of hospitals overflowing with bodies.

Kept telling people to turn the damn television off, stop watching the news, and live their lives, and yet even today, 3 years later, you still have these idiots walking around in masks and rubber gloves in public

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It's shocking how many times he needs to get booed by his supporters until he wakes up to such an awful mistake.

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Nope. Captain Warp Speed has done enough.

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Well there was pressure from at least 3/4 of the population. The advice from Faucci, that's what Presidents do. They seek advice from those who are knowledgeable. Sometimes that advice is wrong.

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Frankly, these numbers are extraordinary. Parents are no longer vaccinating with this experimental vaccines.

The vast majority of adults have not had a booster!


That's the real free market at work -- people making their own choices based on circumstances government has no clue about.

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Big pharma, corporate media, government and public health officials viewing these figures

Are we out of touch?

No, it's the vast majority who are wrong.

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Yes, huge credit to you and others who stood up for truth and spread the word. Many are no longer blind to the corruption. They stopped mandating the boosters (early in 2022), soon after the majority were noncompliant, which is another important point.

We now need to noncomply with digital currency, QR codes, 5G, fake meat, products laced with PFA (including Glide dental floss), and the WHO's next moves.

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If you haven't already seen it, mamavation.com has the results of many studies that identify which brands are safest for avoiding PFAS ("forever chemicals").

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Part of the issue with the elderly is that we accept that they will die. I said no one I knew amongst our 75 and up friends had any reaction. Today I remembered my dear friend Mary. She started to just fall over. Was totally healthy prior. Dr.s could not find the cause. Then she had a stroke and died. She was a vibrant 77, wore a strapless dress to her grandaughters wedding in 2019.

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Thanks so much for these heartening updates and reinforcement. In that we hear our public health advocates are planning up to 3 'vaxines' for our fall menus (and no doubt more servings of psyops), we have time to develop useful insights to share.

It's also encouraging to learn, despite the fierce opposition the House Hearing on Government Censorship was held. A witness noted that it was telling that there were such harsh efforts to cancel the Hearing and cancel testimony. Surely a great example of the bounds the opposition will go to, for noting for the Louisiana - Missouri case.

Hope all is receding well (P&S) from the kick. You folks are appreciated big time! ♡♡♡

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I was the only person I knew that Fought to say : no thx. I’ll watch a while. It took on- line Dr.’s ... the Brave to affirm that I had a right to think about it.

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Tory, I too am one of the few I know who was told to wait (by my voice within). Even people I thought were savvy enough to wait...

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I live in a small world of Family and Friends. The amount of devastation I have ssen related to “the jab”…I might be slightly pissed off. Only 17 years in hematology, chemistry, some microbiology, neurophysiology, orthopedics, physical medicine. Ed

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I can’t “like” this Bro. It’s pure evil.

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It’s maddening, utter insanity… all of it .

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Pregnant women were fired if they said no. Even though it was obvious the vax had not been tested on a pregnant woman.

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I spoke out and was gone …. Called an “at will” contract/employee . Any hospital employee who was not vaccinated are slowly being removed . #troublemakers .

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Thank God people are waking up to their government’s knowingly willingly & with intent poisoning them & it’s not just the jabs‼️

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Not enough. My husband is one unfortunately. Walks out of the room whenever I attempt a conversation regarding the subject.

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Concerning the first article, it looks like approximately one out of every one thousand vaccinated persons had a stroke of some kind within 21 days of vaccination. This seems pretty high to me. I wonder what the background rate is for stroke. Meaning what is the average person's chance of having a stroke within in any three-week period. Here is the report excerpt:

"Overall, 473 (9.498 per 100 thousand) had ischemic stroke, and 87 (1.747 per 100 thousand) subjects had developed hemorrhagic stroke within 21 days post-vaccination."

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Facts are emerging. Can't be ignored. The vax should not have been mandated. Pregnant women were terminated for refusing the vaxine. I was surprised to see the test kits for COVID came from China. Another ?

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