Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Keep it coming Doc! I can report that I have had a constant (small, but increasingly larger) stream of clients that are quietly stepping off the endless booster train. While there are some that simply will not even entertain listening to what I have to say, more and more each week humbly ask me for a little more information...and then advice.

Your tireless work helps our little voices on the ground continue to speak up. I never have to worry that someone just opening their eyes will come across anything that you've written that isn't solidly rooted in science and integrity. Thank you.

I read hundreds of the comments on your Substack yesterday and I sincerely hope that you are able to hear what is being said. You and your beautiful wife are enormously impactful in the most altruistic way. This impact can never be tainted by the words of a few. Hug each each other and then pat yourselves on the back. You are both stronger than most.

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Thank you dr for all this information. I was prescribed Ivermectin and a plethora of vitamins when I contracted COVID and it was gone in 3 days. It’s deplorable that so many physicians were told these life saving products would not work. I appreciate your bravery and tenacity to explore the studies and render your own findings.

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So, I see you took my advice to continue to roar! I knew you would because you are a lion in a world of sheep. Thank you (and Jill) so much for putting together this important vast amount of detailed information. You always acknowledge that Jill contributes to these substacks so thought I would say thank you to the lioness!

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the audio feature. Another sign of how much you care about your readers.

Re peer reviewed retractions, I have just started reading the "Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine" by Jureidini and McHenry where they expose how ghost writers are hired by pharma companies from PR firms, to write academic papers that authors in academia and medicine just sign off.

Re Australia, Professor Dr George Clooney MD, whose medical qualifications are second only to Professor Dr Bill Gates MD, was extolling how the Australia response is the paradigm the whole world should follow. That includes locking up people who chose not to be injected. He said this while his wife, prominent human rights barrister Amal Clooney sat by smiling and nodding.

I suppose that rules out George playing your part in a future film about this whole drama. Which is a shame because he is almost as good looking as you ;-)

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Robert for this work. The section on Peer-Reviews is brilliant; really needed publishing. I for one had my suspicions after having read about some 'peer reviews' shenanigans.

The part about Australia has not been published anywhere that I know of. Yes, it's true there was no provision for early treatment of Covid in this country and equally true that all medications used for early treatment elsewhere in the world were forbidden in Australia, including veterinary Ivermectin.

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How can you have any faith in the medical profession when the corruption of medical science dominates for the profit motive and not for restoring good health?

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I have faith in God and good people like Dr. Malone. There are others too, of course, those Doctors that signed The Great Barrington Declaration.

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And those that signed the Global Covid Summit:



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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

love this feature!

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great idea!

I prefer audio because I'm not stuck in a chair but, more importantly, I can speed up voices to 1.5X or even high if necessary to speed through a three hour radio show into ~75 minutes. I can also "re-read portions (or the whole thing) to pick up anything I missed.

As for the Wiley retractions, John Ioannidis' work on scientific fraud and incompetent peer review is well documented, although I don't think he went far enough. If we factor in the fraudulent references that are used to support new publications, I suspect that the rate of bad publications is closer to 100%. Just as a faulty pin or fan blade can take down an airliner, the progeny of bad science is more bad science. Once you dig through everything with an objective and intellectually curious eye, it becomes clear that much of our library must be burned down, completely. Enduring truths will survive.


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I agree with you. John Ioannidis is a lovely man and highly intelligent. I think he is well respected. Let's hope there is at least 1% which are correct. Hope. I has lost my hope. I am clinging to that 1%.

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That one percent should be easy to find because it usually comports with easily verified and reproducible common sense. And because common sense is so easily understood, there's little need for more than a free online library of meaningful work that's available to everyone, including serious researchers. Charlatans and alchemists could not survive such a scheme.

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Your collegial problems stem from persons who violate the first and fourth of the Seven Deadly Sins, i.e., pride and envy. You have been, and continue to be, one of our very few modern heroes. Keep the faith.

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Indeed, and when the hooligans and rapscallion's take pride and envy to the next level,

pride and "denial" become the exact same things.

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Yes, I see that. Pride and evny. I think you are correct, Mr. Keeney.

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr.Malone! This audio is great so I can listen while being active-Perfect length too!

I hope you & Jill have a wonderful day!

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The cabal has indeed sent its tentacles into everything everywhere. Peer Review... compromised by plan to rid us of the truth in health journals... i could see this coming as the universities failed. Postmodernists infiltrated academia and the day became night.

My jabbed son with masters degree in pseudoscience of drug development quit the PhD program but still is skeptical of truthseeking skeptics like me. Alas. It isnt intelligence that matters nearly as much as openmindedness to the possibility(fact) that it IS possible for the cabal to infiltrate at all levels and pave the way for an evil that makes itself the only legal thing before us. May God help us all as we in the west face the wrath of truth.

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Constantly scheming for more power and total control over others is their game and joy ...they can't leave other gumans or nature alone, they are sick people.

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love this voiceover. It was clear, concise and a pleasure to listen to. I especially like that there is no background music or noise. I hope you are able to continue with this feature. Thank you for everything you do, Dr Malone!

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Jen, me too and I read it as he speaks and love it!

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a great option! Listening while exercising!

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Took one of the cats to the vet yesterday. We previously had not talked much re china flu (they have been swamped--he said vets saw increased interest in pets health during all this china flu mania) but this time seemed quite interested and specifically brought up in the man made or natural question. Suggests to me a growing momentum to be better informed about this subject. Gave a hearty recommendation to this site and he seemed amenable. Interest in the truth is growing

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thank you

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I do not know a single person who got the covid vax and did not get covid. I also do not know a single unvaxxed who hasn't had covid. The vaxxed people I know who got covid were sicker than the unvaxxed people I know who got covid. I do not know anyone who was unvaxxed who died of covid. I knew several people who were vaxxed that died of covid. Granted, I'm a single observer of a limited dataset, but there is also nothing remarkable about my vantage point of observation. Multiply this same story millions and millions of times over and we have to ask what the hell do our medical authorities think they're doing?

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Gee...same here more or less, with few exceptions.:

My vaxxed 96 year old aunt got Covid this summer, my cousins refused to take her to the hospital correctly assuming she wouldn't make it out alive. Instead she was at home with oxygen and recovered 💯.

Strange that being

unvaxxed + abroad traveling all summer I didn't get infected. I probably have natural immunity through asymptomatic infection plus vit. D3, Zinc etc ...

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The "window"of protection with the initial 2 shots for the Wuhan strain was 6-20 weeks (if we believe Pfizer's data where there are plenty of reasons to question their data analysis, or falsification of data). Each booster offered a shorter period of protection so by the 2nd booster, "protection" lasted 10 weeks or so. Outside this window, there is negative efficacy and an increase in all cause mortality (Dan Horowitz has talked extensively about these two issues). So, the "benefit" of any shot is closely tied to when exposure occurs with high risks outside this "window".

What I find particularly interesting is how some people have minimal to no symptoms after infection or injection, while other people are deathly ill. The spike protein is pathogenic and adverse to human life, and it is likely worse when injected because spike protein is already past natural barriers (respiratory mucosa, basement membrane of vessels). For some, the spike protein seems to trigger a severe hypersensitivity reaction much like molds, and in these people, they are very sick for a long time.

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Sep 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Appalled with the list of medications and treatments known effective against Covid not allowed to be used in Australia. Abominable for the Health Professionals to advise as they are and if any proof was still needed to verify the Neo-Feudalist predation consistent with the Globalist Agenda to include 'Depopulation', this seems to remove all doubt.

Whole family has been religious with taking the Zelenko Protocol almost since it was first announced. Whole family had Covid inclusive of the senior-aged and the supplementation worked as magic when Ivermectin was added while ill. Nobody has been seriously ill and all have recovered in less than a week. There have been no repeated illnesses and since those not taking any supplements now do; there are reports of increased well-being in life overall. There is also greater productivity and less necessary days missed from work and school than ever before. Only one senior family member was vaccinated one time.

Thanks be for the good Doctors working towards Public Health having the courage, knowledge and stamina necessary to oppose the Medical Complex created by the incompetent and corrupted. Without the 'GOOD GUYS in White Lab Coats' instead of the evil mannequins, it's impossible to know where the world would be? Don't believe the Sociopaths reached their 'Depopulation Quota'. Aw-w!

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