What I don't understand is how the liars think they're going to get away with the lies in the face of overwhelming evidence.

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Easy! The following is how! When will we look at motivation and identify the people who created this pseudo pandemic and hold them responsible. It is reported that National Academy of Medicine who used to be called Institute of Medicine is going to examine the origin and etc. They are Big Pharma driven and will water down the facts. NAM manipulaties medical science for the profit motive and has about 2000 Directors that have propritetary interests! If our brain dead politicians in Clown college DC allows them to be the final word, we will have achieved nothing and will have held no one accountable! Fauci will waltz away free!

The fact that billions are being invested in pushing these nano drug/mRNA injections, that the FDA has approved these injections for our children that have less than .1% chance of being harmed, the fact that Moderna is raising their prices on their mRNA injection which is not a vaccine speaks volumes. This is the new 21st Centruy allopathic medicine model to treat disease states for profit and NOT good health.!

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"This is the new 21st Century allopathic medicine model to treat disease states for profit and NOT good health.!" With the known outcomes of the jabs this new model hardly ‘treats’ disease states but rather harms the perfectly healthy and protects no one.

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You got me convinced. How do we convince the clowns in DC?

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Here is what ex CDC director Redfield says about that:

“I believe the great pandemic is still in the future, and that’s going to be a bird flu pandemic for man. It’s gonna have significant mortality in the 10-50% range. It’s gonna be trouble.”

“So now that we have new technology like the mRNA technology: it’s great that I can make a vaccine in 2, 4, 6, 8 weeks. But it doesn’t help me if I can’t manufacture 330 million doses. So, this is a serious issue. I don’t think our politicians are focused on the magnitude of this issue. This needs to be approached with a budgetary perspective measured in multiple aircraft carriers, not in the 5, 8,10 million dollar budget we spend on public health on this nation.”

Let's hope the 'politicians' aren't listening.

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Not a vaccine! Going down the wrong road!

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There are certain clowns in DC that must be removed - soon. Too many stories out there about Avian Flu - The World Org. for Animal Health is doing simulations on AF in Nicaragua and Guyana this month.

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The politicians are doing as they're told.

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Perhaps this will help as we have been here before – started almost 20 years ago. They are still winning that round so they were confident they could pull it off again. We have a better chance this time because of the uptick in conservative social media, but odds are not on our side. This will be familiar to all because it has been beaten into us for years, but also because of how TRUE SCIENCE is denied and THEY ARE GETTING AWAY WITH IT. I think that the Drs. Malone and others can personally relate to these excerpts on something similarfrom February 2014 on something similar.

Powerful forces at the UN, in national governments and INSIDE THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY make life very difficult for scientists disputing the conventional wisdom on climate change, both personally and professionally, even though the REAL SCIENCE is on the side of the skeptics. That's the assertion of Dr. Tim Ball, a former professor of climatology at the University of Winnipeg, who revealed the true cause of climate change in a radio interview for WND. The modern climate-change movement finds its roots in the Malthusian notion that the population must be lowered to avoid running out of food and other resources. He said that theory led to the demonizing of industrialized nations and, in turn, fossil fuels and carbon dioxide in particular.

He also explained how Maurice Strong used his position as head of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, to set a POLITICAL AGENDA purportedly backed up by the latest in CLIMATE SCIENCE. Ball also said the U.N. then collaborated with the World Meteorological Organization to present the IPCC findings as SETTLED SCIENCE and shamed or denied funding to any scientists who disagreed with their conclusions. For scientists bold enough to speak out anyway, finding any interest from scientists or the media in hearing opposing viewpoints proved very difficult.

"It made the counter-argument almost impossible because one of the things they started is that they defeated the SCIENTIFIC METHOD. "Scientists create hypotheses and what would normally happen with a hypothesis is that other scientists would challenge that and those other scientists would challenge it as skeptics because all scientists are skeptics or should be.” Climate-change ACTIVISTS turned that natural, professional skepticism into a public buzzword that branded Ball and others as part of an ideological fringe. "We were marginalized in blocking the SCIENTIFIC METHOD. And then, of course, we were marginalized because of public relations attacks based on who was funding us or what our agenda was," he said.

"I've often thought if I had to do it again, I wouldn't do it," he said. "Until you have experienced, like some are having with the IRS attacking them in the U.S., you cannot relate to other people exactly what it's like when you are sitting in your little condo and you've spent all of your savings on legal fees. And (when there's) a knock on the door at 4 o'clock on a Friday and your wife starts crying because she's afraid it's the sheriff delivering a legal summons. People have no idea what that's like. I'm not sure that I would do it again. I'm almost at the point where if the world wants to be fooled, let it be fooled. I'm not going to fight for it again. "That's why a lot of scientists said to me, 'We're not prepared to go through what you've gone through.' I sort of sympathize with that, but like Edmund Burke said, evil triumphs when good people stand idly by.


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They may well "get away with it". There is plenty of data out there to support a well thought out plan to control the entire global population (from one place) and to subjugate the population of 'governed' into genderless drones, with zero rights ever conferred upon them. People will be born into jobs.

However, these parasitic acolytes of depopulation, from the planners to the janitors 'in on it', they also have an expiration date. And their number is getting pulled sooner than they think. It's always sooner than you think, I'd expect. Almost.

Nonetheless each mans future is already finished, the math is done, the 'score' totaled. How well you used this human body to navigate against the tides and odds, in complete 'naïveté,' to finally learn that "what-you-do" matters. Now and forever more.

Godly behavior/integrity always builds-up; ungodly/humanity-hating behavior always destroys. Always.

Noble honor. What a rare ancient to behold.

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still getting away with JFK murder even though all the people who did it are now dead. So, yeah, they are going to get away with it. The average liberal out there believes we are causing the planet to burn up, they believe (as in religion) that the answer is more government, not less. These same people believe that the blue states pay for the red states programs. This small coterie has enough people bribed that they can flip any election. When I see those people who can do something about this start to fight back I will be the first to say so. until then Go Galt, let God help those who help themselves.

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To fear God, is to fear nothing else

To do anything else is to fear everything.

"If God is for us, who can prevail a against us (our souls)?" It ain't flesh and blood (at the moment, blood may well soon flow) that we battle. It is an ancient sleepless malevolence that seeks a dead earth.

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Dear Dr. Malone,

My husband, son and I plus THOUSANDS of others are ETERNALLY GRATEFUL to you and Jill for your COURAGE and IMMENSE SACRIFICES in speaking TRUTH regarding early treatment and the dangers of the shots. ALMIGHTY GOD led me to you and the other medical FREEDOM Fighters early in this nightmare. I listen, read and watch as much of the info that you provide as possible. ALMIGHTY GOD has been and continues to use both of you as His MIGHTY vessels in INNUMERABLE and IMMEASURABLE ways.

Based upon what the two of you and the other Freedom Fighters have taught me during the past three years, we did not take the shots and when COVID-19 struck my husband and six others (including myself) we were already equipped with a COVID-19 Doctor that provided EARLY treatment and continuous treatment throughout our illness. We all seemed to have the "wicked bad" Delta variant which turned into pneumonia for five of us. Our COURAGEOUS, SACRIFICIAL COVID-19 Doctor provided for our every need (including oxygen) AT HOME from beginning to end...via text. My husband and I believe that without the knowledge that you and the other medical Freedom Fighters provided, we would have ended up in the hospital on their HORRIBLE corporate protocols (Remdesivir, ventilator) and died...leaving our child an orphan.

May ALMIGHTY GOD provide both of you comfort and strength in knowing that you are both helping save lives daily! And may ALMIGHTY GOD continue to provide you both His RICHEST BLESSINGS!

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Can you say how you went about finding such a good doctor during the "pandemic"? I live in the Phoenix area, where it is dry as a bone in more ways than one.

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M. Maria - Here in Oklahoma a group (Oklahomans for Health and Parental Rights) put together a list of local, INDEPENDENT physicians and physician assistants that were willing to provide prophylactic and early treatment. We chose a doctor from that list, paid her fee which basically retained her as our COVID-19 doctor for six months to prescribe Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine prophylactically (if we so desired) and to provide early treatment if we caught COVID-19.

After six months, we can pay a reduced fee to retain her for an additional six months as our COVID-19 doctor. Which we HAPPILY have continued to do. We have not had COVID-19 again since late December 2021 but our son was exposed about three weeks ago. I contacted our COVID-19 doctor to find out what she recommended my husband and I do to try to prevent us from catching it again. She told us the dose of IVM and HCQ and number of days to take both. We did not catch it even though we were in the house with our son while he was ill. Maybe it was the natural immunity we developed from having it in 2021 or taking the IVM and HCQ while he was ill? We are just IMMENSELY THANKFUL to have a doctor to help guide us.

The list I have won't help you since it's specifically for Okies. But there are four relatively new tele-health services that I would recommend and plan to use personally if we ever lose our COVID-19 doctor in OK:

The Wellness Company


Drs. Peter McCullough and Dr. Risch are both associated with this new company.



Dr. Simone Gold & Americas Frontline Doctors are associated with this new company.

Dr. Pierre Kory has started a tele-health clinic. He is also associated with FLCCC.



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Thanks so much - I actually have a daughter who lives in OKC - maybe I should move there! ;-) In the meantime, I'll check out those great resources that you listed. I appreciate you taking the time to put this together, DOTK - it's very helpfull - I'll share it with my friends too. God bless you and yours.

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Bless you too and all you love.

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Dr. Grellner is on the list. He is in Cushing.

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M. Maria - Born, raised and lived most of my life in OK. It is not a tourist attraction but is a good state in which to raise a family and enjoy the liberties and freedoms of our constitutional republic!

Okies ALWAYS WELCOME new FREEDOM LOVING citizens that will help us in the good fight!

And may God bless you and yours as well...

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It has its charms - even OKC seems way more laid back than Phoenix, and I kind of like the wide-open spaces, being able to see from horizon to horizon. Plus you get rain! Thanks for the invite - maybe we'll be neighbors someday - put the coffee on! :-)

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Ivermectin is an amazing medicine, but the most effective prophylactic / treatment for Covid19 has been the 1% povidone iodine nasal irrigation, however this form of iodine is 99.95% plastic and continued use is not recommended. IoNovo Iodine is a pure form of iodine - 150PPM USP grade iodine and distilled water on the FLCCC protocol. Dr. Joseph Varon, Chief of critical care at Houston Memorial Hospital, is still treating patients with IoNovo iodine, that have Covod19, influenza, colds and Strepp Throat with IoNovo. Increase the RDA to 15 sprays/day (450mcg) and 1-3 days patients are symptom free with only positive side effects. After illness subsides, return to 5 sprays/day for cellular health. When you spray a pure iodine in your mouth it will kill bacteria and deactivate viruses before it converts to the only element that our thyroid uses to produce t3 t4 hormones. t3 t4 hormones penetrate every one of our 30 Trillion cells to the nucleus to activate them. We are all iodide insufficient and this is why there is 150 million prescriptions written each year for Synthroid. IoNovo Iodine is the 21st Century iodine technology, 100% pure and natural.

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Phillip Coles - VERY interesting! THANK YOU for sharing.

IoNovo Iodine - Do I understand correctly that FLCCC has a protocol for the use of this as a prophylaxis? If so, is it listed under the COVID-19 protocol? Just wondering where to find it since the FLCCC has many protocols now.

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But the cdc here has no problem warning everyone about eye drops.

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Like sheep led to slaughter. Tragic and horrible. We MUST get loud.

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There is a book called "Ordinary Men" available in paperback, on Amzon, that tells the story of a group of mid-level business owners in Germany who joined a 'special police group' just after the invasion of Poland. These men volunteered thinking to avoid the brutality of war by simply 'policing' the captive civilian population.

They were tasked, to their initial horror, with cleaning the Jews out of villages (men women children) and taking them out to a secluded area together, then separating them in groups, marching one row at a time out of view, up to the edge of a deep trench, and shooting them in the backs. The gunshots were clearly audible from the hundred or so feet away where the group was congregated, awaiting their turns.

In they were marched down the side of the trench, men, women, and children looking into a gash in the earth full of the dead. Their friends and family sprawled grotesquely before them, most with eyes open, a look of shock on the deceased.

One incident is described where the SS rounded up a large number of families utilizing a brutality and abruptness that made it clear what was going to happen to them. As the Jew's began to understand this, that only Jews were assembled, and about to be marched behind trucks full of heavily armed men to a solitary place. A terror began to build, the horrible truth becoming clear, loud panic overwhelming the crowd.

Suddenly, a calm overtook the entire assembly all at once, inexplicable to the German soldiers witnessing/participating in the act. An unseen force calmed hundreds of people, like a wind through the grass, rendering the Jews placid and stoic. Even the children.

Brutality exists and is easily coerced from reasonable men and women, which is why I mention this amazing book/story. To look into the face of hell, is to be less shocked when it is finally revealed.

But in response to your comment about being time to get loud I say "Amen" with the caveat that I expect things to get real 'loud,' maybe soon, and then fall very quiet once the parasites begin to feel truly threatened.

A bizarre incident will trigger the run. Perhaps Bill Gates' jet will 'auger-into-the-dirt' from an overloaded aircraft, the burden of 'karma' exceeding the aircraft's weight specifications. It'll be something that is 'not-suspicious' at all, but the roaches will still run for their share before the flames are out on Gates steaming pile (an apt metaphor) and then buttons will start going down among these back-stabbing murderers. War will fill the sky.

But really, what the hell do I know? I thought getting old would take longer!

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Amen, and Amen. Antisemites aren’t the only ones denying the Holocaust. Every murderous despot on the planet prefers us ignorant to the horrors of self-centered centralized control. In a previous lifetime, I took a bunch of 8th graders through DC’s Holocaust Museum. I’m sure the bus trip back to the hotel was the first time in their lives they were speechless. It’s not like they hadn’t learned about it, but seeing is believing. I hope you’re praying with me that our nation will believe before it has to see.

The silence before the execution is oddly comforting if it reveals they put all trust in God’s hands and His eternal salvation. Pray we arrive at that trust before the last minute.

But, yeah, what do I know? I got old before I even recognized I need to outgrow my ignorance and immaturity. I’ve barely moved the needle. Maybe I’ll recognize my final moments when I finally pipe down.

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You echo my sentiments with great intimacy. Feeling less alone by way of your words, we work out our salvation with fear and trembling.

And lastly: Death-the final wake-up-call. With Awe and Dread do I look with joy to the awesome nearness.

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Amen, and thank you. You point straight to the heart of our hope. “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). The overtly unstable emotions, temper tantrums, and hyperventilation of those who resist the Spirit “show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them” (Romans 2:15). If I may paraphrase Christ when He knocked Saul down a notch on the road to Damascus, “Resisting what you know is true is making you miserable!” (Acts 9:5). Looking to the future, those who don’t know Him can’t see beyond their pain and struggle. They wallow in misery, and because misery loves company, they multiply it wherever they can and expect nothing ahead but The Void. You and I know “it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment” (Hebrews 9:27), so NOW is the time to get right with God and “set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you [already!] died [to the flesh], and your [spiritual] life is hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:2-3). As soldiers of the cross, we have much work to do. Let’s continue prayerfully and lovingly reflecting and sharing the peace, joy, and assurance of salvation, a gift only Jesus Christ can give, the one “who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4).

I know I’m preaching to the choir. Just offering mutual support, my brother. Stay strong and in the Word!

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Sharing. Heaven is the equal fearless giving and taking by all. All in harmony in complete light.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023

So 125/1X10^6 = 0.0125%, therefore compared to 0.0003% chance of dying from the disease; 41 times as likely to die from injection as from disease? What is the denominator for the 125 deaths? Per million, per population? Sorry for the late edit, my first math was incorrect.

Of course when the group who worked on the virus which led to its release is the same group as the injector folks, um, none of these details really matter, it's only being specific about particular abuses while the abuser is still abusing.

What DOES matter is God is in complete 100% control and now is a great time to cry out to Him with the full self. The perpetrators of this bad stuff are being watched in infinite detail and honesty, and have a 'day ahead. For the believer it's non-scary moving into everlasting Love.

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A mix of Dread and Awe. There is going to be hell on earth, even before the last believer has been martyred. I'm opting for something not involving voluntary 'suicide-by-state', myself.

What do I know?

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It was one thing to read the post but it really hurt to read the list of victims, even if anonymized.

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Best way to build distrust in allopathic medicine forever. Tragic.

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Here is an interesting question for readers, I suddenly feel a strong aversion in the last year to getting routine blood tests for anything. I just don't want to do it unless absolutely necessary. I wonder how common that is becoming?

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I don't get routine anything. At my age I know my body pretty well and trust my intuition as my indicator of any need to be seen by a doc. I don't advocate this as a way for everyone.

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Me too.

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My feelings exactly.

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I just wonder earlier this week if my D3 level had dropped over winter. That interest faded when I thought it through. Is someone building a reference database of a pure blood supply for the WEF?

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Hard to believe that they won't want to know.

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They have the cure. They can't fix stupid (within their ranks) but this poison has it's Krytonite.

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I had sepsis developing in my leg last August and needed a strong anti biotic to treat it. The doctor offered me a tetanus shot and I lied, telling her that I had one in the last 10 years. Trust is an issue now for sure.

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Stunning--The insanity of messing with your immune system with an unneeded vaccine in the middle of a life threatening infection. I hope your leg returned to normal.

Once that event had resolved I would have given them a piece of my mind and then walked elsewhere. The idea that we have to artfully dodge questions from medical practitioners because we don't think they have our best interests at heart is the new normal.

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Betsy, completely agree. There is freedom in not running like a hamster for what has been “routine “. I just see data collection and greed. However, there are essentials. It is big business.

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Pilots are taught to do a walk around inspection, making sure that everything is tip-top, before getting into the plane for the run-up. Men practice this very thing, every few years, near a mirror.

Anything that requires a doctor now goes straight to the THE Great Physician.

II Chronicles 16:12-13. "Asa had an infirmity in his feet, but king Asa consulted physicians instead of the Lord. So he died of his infirmities (two years later)." ibid

Now I ask the Lord and He heals me.

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So perfect! Amen.

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Just recently in for a quarterly evaluation. As in my last prior visit blood was drawn. There are evaluations for thyroid issues, bglucose, vit D, calcium levels that could be meaningful. My Doctor said she felt nothing meaningful would be identified. Like last time have not received post analysis information or review. So I don't know if relevant testing happened or whether what was done was in fact irrelevant.

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deletedMar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023
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Thank you for the additional input! Actually I'm assuming Medicare paid for the tests. I never receive a billing. As a former Social Security Disability Examiner at the State and Federal level I do appreciate test results are contingent on current norms and frequently the test lab reporting them. Your point is well taken. If relevant tests are taken, one should know and the import of the results.

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Me too. I would like to know if my blood is collecting heavy metals. Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD goes into details that are quite frightening. And I want to share what she says with others. Some of what she says is along the same line, I was reading from you. You posted some alarming concerns in the area of metals. In fact, you were the first one that I actually saw the evidence. Because of those things Dr. Ana Mihalcea, mentioned in treatments, I soak my feet in epson salts.

I am thinking about how to get doctors and nurses together from all over the United States in Tulsa at the Mabee Center and have a conference. I have thought about if I am up to the task of putting something together like that. Inviting you, Martin Kulldorff, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger as well as others. Just a massive amount of credentialled professionals and tape everything. I know they had a conference in Atlanta, but we are in the middle of the country and easy for everyone to get to. I am just wondering if it is time. Of course, we have the media problem here just like everywhere else, but if it was so big that drew a big crowd, they would have a hard time in not covering it. The Mabee Center has 8,781 seats. I wonder if one physician with any of the hospitals would show up. That would be very telling.

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Thanks so much! Very useful. The next time I see my Doctor (June if no issues) I will see whether she can confirm there have been no issues identified, if she can and will order relevant testing and if not will she be agreeable to the test source you are recommending. I appreciate the forewarning re ramifications of routine testing. And, I appreciate your advice re a source for meaningful testing!

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To point to the allopathic model is futile thinking. All models have their corruption and with more prominence comes more corruption. It’s not the model it’s the humans.

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Yet holistic medicine has fewer villains since big money is seldom involved. Few physicians are interested enough to learn functional root causes to support lifestyle and nutrition choices. Many doctors are punished for going in that direction (think heavy metals, chelation, even obesity). Patients do best with choices, but limiting them to “standard of care” and pharma alone means countless uninformed patients. I see it in my own medical, skeptical family. I’ve experienced it firsthand. And yes, there are always villains…

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It’s true the medical establishment is deeply corrupt. But there are many of us doing our best to practice in a holistic way, which if complete includes spiritual health and acknowledges God as the source for all truth all healing and eternal security that transcends physical wellbeing.

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I’m thankful. I have one physician who does the same and health and wellness include ALL we absorb. Amen to your inclusion of the critical third leg of the stool: body, mind, and spirit. The latter is my center, as we are divinely made and the source for truth. Your comment made my day!

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While I despise what is being done to us via the pandemic I am thankful for opportunities to connect with others who know God, and opportunities to introduce many to the truth who are open to it because they see devastating evil clearly for the first time in their lives.

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Amen! Easter is coming!

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How do you find someone that incoruptable?

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As a former school teacher, I am crushed once again. Several months ago I went to a website that showed the numbers of deaths among EU children after they started getting vaxxed, and the increase was 755% over the previous year. 755%!!!

I'm not a drama queen, but since vaccines kill people--even Pfizer reported 1223 deaths in the clinical reports a judge ordered released--anyone who ordered or supported a vaccine mandate has probably committed murder and should be tried for crimes against humanity for forcing people into experimental medical treatments. And I'm including Biden and the Supreme Court Justices who supported his mandates.

Thank you, Dr. Malone, for you continued courageous reporting.

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This is beyond maddening. Why aren’t there people in the streets crying bloody murder to these murderers??

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I am reminded of a post I saw before the 2020 election. Someone said their neighbor took their Trump sign down. When he/she asked the neighbor why he said his brother just died of Covid-19 and it was Trump's fault. It makes me wonder how many people now believe if a loved one died after taking a jab or two it was Biden's or Trump's fault.

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Trump never called for mandates. Biden did.

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Where are the parents???

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They allowed it.

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Because the Kardashians are running all weekend.

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Not enough deaths to raise the eyebrows of the elites. Now if they could murder say, 7 billion that would look like some serious progress to them. We are all just pissing in the wind if we expect someone in government to do anything. The Mussolini Treatment is the only antidote for this Plandemic. 💀 It's "Do it yourself time".

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Just like they exaggerated deaths from china flu it is dead certain they under report deaths caused by the jab and probably by the same amount

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It is little noted that while covid may have killed a few people, it cured the flu during the last thee years. Zero deaths from seasonal flu. That's a 100% cure rate. It also severely reduced deaths by car accident, since people is horrific crashes were, according to medical reports, actually killed from covid.

Viola, A Miracle!

The list of miraculous benefits from covid are endless as they are absurd.

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According to data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMET), the diagnoses of myocarditis increased by 130.5 percent in 2021 when compared to the average number of diagnoses from years 2016 to 2020. The data was downloaded by a whistleblower in 2023, about a year after the Pentagon announced that it had corrected a data corruption problem with the DMED system. According to the data, cases of pulmonary embolism rose 41.2 percent, ovarian dysfunction climbed 38.2 percent, and "complications and ill-defined descriptions of heart disease" increased 37.3 percent. When presented with the data, Sen. Johnson called it "concerning."

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Do you hear about any deaths on the “news?” Nope.

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Don't watch TV so don't know. Yes, for on-line website news.

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Yeah lots. For unexplained causes

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if they work for government a) too stupid to comprehend or

b) comprehends and is a psychopath

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Hang 'em high, and hang 'em long. The Clowndemic planners, one and all.

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What I want to see is any follow-up that has implications of real action to be taken. Will this be just another statistic with no ramifications?

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I have to believe that a day of reckoning is coming albeit slowly. Even a year ago, we the unvaxxed were pariahs. Today, there is at least some admission of harm from these horrid shots. There's at least some progress. This is a war against the biomedical security state and sadly our side is experiencing the big casualties at the moment.

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‘It’s All Being Covered Up’: Sen. Ron Johnson on Missing Batch of Fauci Emails, COVID Origins, and Silencing of the Vaccine-Injured

“We’re spending tens of billions of dollars on research. Are we spending any money on vaccine injuries at all?” March 25 7:30 PM Eastern


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It makes me so sad and angry to see all these senseless deaths. It is so hard for me to even imagine how a person or persons could, on purpose, kill children. You read about all the atrocities that are happening with child abductions and now this. So much evil in the world. I pray to God that all the people involved in these crimes to be destroyed. They are not going to be held accountable here. Too many powerful people involved.

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Look at what money grubbing pediatricians are doing to kids by gender modification and with full approval of their association. As bad as that is it is not unlikely a similar % of these will die from suicide as are killed by the jabs

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knew a pediatrician once who's own child was vaccine injured........... he kept on giving injections and was so indoctrinated that he refused to see the obvious. All I can say is that the mind-control is advanced.

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Propaganda disseminated by the WEF and its acolytes seems to have effectively intellectually dumbed down a large part of the world population, sparing almost no one regardless of educational experience. The medical proxies to self-mutilation by kids doing gender modification along with jab-related maladies and deaths are likely only the most publicized versions of these abuses...more to come?

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That is so sick.

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Aren't Natali and Clayton Morris from the Redacted situated in Portugal? They may be especially interested in the follow up if so.

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so if I go make a vaccine composed only of sterile saline, and call it x-500, and offer to produce vaccination cards for those injected...

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President Joe Biden’s order that federal employees get vaccinated against COVID-19 was blocked Thursday by a federal appeals court.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans rejected arguments that Biden, as the nation’s chief executive, has the same authority as the CEO of a private corporation to require that employees be vaccinated.

The ruling from the full appeals court, 16 full-time judges at the time the case was argued, reversed an earlier ruling by a three-judge 5th Circuit panel that had upheld the vaccination requirement. Judge Andrew Oldham, nominated to the court by then-President Donald Trump, wrote the opinion for a 10-member majority.


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Why does Congress continue to allow this murder to go on, unimpeded?

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