Dec 27, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I hope you will be able to convey this to Mr Ramirez, Dr Malone.

Dear Mr Ramirez - my heart goes out to you and your family. I will be scattering some poppy seeds in my garden which I received from a friend today. I saw them in her garden and they are a beautiful deep burgundy colour. She had promised to save some for me. They will bring great joy to the many bees in my garden, which also make sweet honey for us. Poppies are a symbol of remembrance and I will plant them in remembrance of your beautiful son, Junior. I cannot begin to imagine your loss. I am so deeply sorry.

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I will

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Noticed the newsmedia is claiming Covid cases in children are rising since Omicron. All the new Covid cases in my circle over the past two weeks are 100% vax’d people, and no children.

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this, Dr Malone. I am going to use that myocarditis study to hammer it home to the university where I work to cease and desist their irrational mandate, for the sake of our students.

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone- I've been following you on Twitter for about 8 months now and very pleased to see you branch out into Substack for more substantial observations. This kind of consistent summary of research is exactly what I need, especially having just finished nursing school as a second career! Thank you!!

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"As I have written many times before, the risk benefit ratio to vaccinating children is upside down."

The only upside is that every shot on CDC recommended list for kids under 12 comes with lifetime immunity from liability for shot makers. That's why flu shots were added & they offer perfect protection for the profiteers.

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Right-the only immunity from this Vax is to pharma

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for surfacing the most worthwhile articles to read on the reality of where we are with omicron!

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As an endocrinologist (retired), I have taken great interest in how the ACE2 (angiotensin converting enzyme 2) receptor and imbalances in the renin angiotensin system (mediated through the far better understood ACE1 receptor), along with immune dysregulation lead to Covid pathogenicity.

The ACE1 receptor converts angiotensin 1 to angiotensin 2 and this hormone then promotes vasoconstriction, angiogenesis, thrombosis, inflammation, and fibrosis.

Angiotensin (1-7) (Asp-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro) is a metabolite of angiotensin which binds to the AC1 receptor as a counter-regulatory pathway to angiotensin 2.

These parallel pathways are similar to the counter-regulatory actions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

Our endocrine, immune and nervous systems work together to keep our body healthy.

But sometimes the toxins we eat or breathe, medications, chronic stress and/or diseases and aging simply take their toll and these systems go awry.

After spike-mediated Covid infections (and presumably immunizations) ACE2 receptor loss is seen; and that contributes to pathogenesis, especially for the most vulnerable whose chronic stress has been cranking up angiotensin 2.

Your hypertensive crisis, Dr. Malone, was surely due to this. As we can also assume other adverse cardiac events from both Covid-19 and vaccines are mediated by angiotensin imbalance.


Functional ACE2 deficiency leading to angiotensin imbalance in the pathophysiology of COVID-19

Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders (2021)



SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, uses angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) as its primary cell-surface receptor. ACE2 is a key enzyme in the counter-regulatory pathway of the broader renin-angiotensin system (RAS) that has been implicated in a broad array of human pathology. The RAS is composed of two competing pathways that work in opposition to each other: the “conventional” arm involving angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) generating angiotensin-2 and the more recently identified ACE2 pathway that generates angiotensin (1–7). Following the original SARS pandemic, additional studies suggested that coronaviral binding to ACE2 resulted in downregulation of the membrane-bound enzyme. Given the similarities between the two viruses, many have posited a similar process with SARS-CoV-2. Proponents of this ACE2 deficiency model argue that downregulation of ACE2 limits its enzymatic function, thereby skewing the delicate balance between the two competing arms of the RAS. In this review we critically examine this model. The available data remain incomplete but are consistent with the possibility that the broad multisystem dysfunction of COVID-19 is due in large part to functional ACE2 deficiency leading to angiotensin imbalance with consequent immune dysregulation and endothelial cell dysfunction.

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"...this extensive review has now been permitted to be published." Sounds normal for a dictatorship.

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Thanks for teaching us...

Is this a pandemic of doctors withholding safe and effective treatments causing the deaths of hundereds of thousands of Americans?

And is this now also a pandemic of the "vax" injured?

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It would appear so from the numbers, wouldn't it?

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone: I just tested positive for COVID19 and may have the opportunity to receive monoclonal antibody treatment. What are your thoughts on this technology? (Not asking for medical advice, just your opinion)

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Dec 27, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm just another reader - not a physician - but if you read one of the articles Dr. Malone quotes, it clearly states that monoclonals are NOT very helpful for the Omicron variant. Nevertheless, if I tested positive, the first trip I'd make would be to my nearest mono AB's clinic, especially since your PCR test does not indicate which variant you're carrying. I'd hit it with the Ivermectin and every other "elixir" in my drawer. Good luck!!

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Omnicon suppresses innate immunity in healthy unvaxed? Can you clarify.

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The paper compared Alpha with earlier isolates, so the extension of the findings to Delta or Omicron are just theoretical - but at worse it means that this "upgrade" to the virus is already a year old.

"Orf9b" is a protein that goes to the outside of mitochondria and stops TOM70 from setting off alarms. The original virus also makes ORF9b, but this new paper finds that Alpha makes a lot more.

They infected human airway epithelial cells with Alpha and the older types, confirmed that just as much overall replication was happening, but found that Alpha was making more Orf9b and the cells were sending out less IFN-I. The alarms were being more effectively silenced. There was also less detectable double-stranded RNA in cells infected with Alpha - dsRNA sets off alarms when viruses are doing their work. They proposed that Alpha is also making a bit more N protein and the N protein is helping to sequester dsRNA, but they weren't conclusive. None of this actually demonstrates clinical relevance - but it matched earlier guesses for why Alpha seemed to outcompete other strains.

The innate immune system can detect viral replication inside a cell even without these alarm signals, when cells present viral proteins on their surface. And folks who have recovered from infection will have Killer T Cells that know what to look for with any SARS-CoV-2 variant.

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Steve Kirsch indicated you were looking for some studies related to children COVID-19 vaccination risk v. benefits, but I don't think you got my list. It's too big to fit the list here, but you can download the word doc from http://authintel.com/covidresources/VaxChildRiskStudiesBobLeithiser.docx or you can also get it from my substack at https://boblphd.substack.com/p/studies-pertaining-to-risks-to-children?r=ubp8z&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Dr Malone I want to thank you for your courage, willingness and commitment to speaking out as well as for the way you deliver information. I’ve worked in Clinical development and RA for a major pharma co since I quit journalism >15 yrs ago. you share expert facts and info in a scientific manner (always evolving and exploring) and explain the trial/approval processes as clearly as a properly written informed consent (funny and true!). I wish I had you as a professor in college!

I had COVID in late Feb 2020 of course pre-dx testing. By the time any of the 13 APPROVED antigen tests (w varying cycle rates) were available the one I took at Quest came back negative. How do I know I had it - as you and others know, if you’ve had it YOU KNOW IT! I haven’t had a T or B-cell test (not sure I need to) and despite my decisions to limit mask use and decline the shot I have not had any COVID symptoms since.

I’ve been fortunate to have excellent health my entire life with worst illnesses being HongKong flu as a kid and an appendectomy in my 30s. Since recovering from this virus I have developed PAD, elevated WBC, mild-hypertension, severe fatigue and brain fog. I used to jog and do body weight exercises a few times a week and now going up a flight of stairs or walking around the block is huge effort. It’s been 2 yrs and I fear at my age I will never significantly improve.

I believe these are all long COVID-related but I’ve heard nothing about LT effects this far out from initial infection. Are there publications you can suggest or any ongoing or proposed “longitudinal” studies that I could follow or participate in?

Also - why don’t we hear more about Ralph Baric’s “contribution” to this virus. My laymen’s hypothesis: early U.S. cases of the virus (many/most un-dx’d and unreported) and anecdotally as far back as Nov 2019 emanated not from WuHan but from Chapel Hill. Is anyone working with him to study the impact of his work or looking at him in any of this? I feel like I’ve become a conspiracy “nut” but it seems like almost NOTHING is off the table at this point. Sorry for the long post. I wasn’t sure where else to try to communicate with you and I’ve just finished your Rogan interview. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.

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NOTE: D5 symptomatic prescribed 10d amoxicillin slight improvement as of D10. D14 decreased symptoms 2nd Dr prescribed 3d Z-pack. ~D120 Several symptoms ongoing/chronic. Dx: Long Covid

~D700 chronic illness

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The second research paper clearly reveals why the CDC wants isolation dropped to 5 days! Raises the infection rate in the general public and creates more fear to drive more booster shots.

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Thank you for all you do to try to give factual information in light of great misinformation. I am recovering from Omicron(retired RN), and am surprised by the lingering effects - lethargy, excessive mucus (sinus drainage).

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I understand you were looking for some studies relevant to the COVID-19 vaccine safety issues & risks/benefits for children. I posted a few here at https://boblphd.substack.com/p/studies-pertaining-to-risks-to-children?r=ubp8z&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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