The vaccines were experimental. Millions could have been spared the risk if we had been willing to recognize the inherent superiority of innate immunity in the young, and natural immunity in the recovered. There are safe prophylactics against covid that weren't used because repurposed drugs are unprofitable and experimental treatments with EUAs are.

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We? If WE had been willing? We had nothing to do with it, except to provide warm bodies for the mad scientists to experiment on.

It was an inside job planned years in advance by many mad scientists, many of them employed by our tax dollars. And our government is so rotten that none of those mad scientists wii be prosecuted.

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And it doesn't matter who wears the hat or sits in the big chair.

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"You were informed that it was experimental and you made a voluntary choice to take it anyway, so you alone are liable for any consequences." - signed US government

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Agree, but appears to also be much worse than the fact that “The vaccines were experimental” because, in the video below, Dr Yeadon seems to present a pretty solid case (to this layperson at least) for these shots being designed to injure, maim, and kill. Have summarized his key points in words, as understood by this layperson, for those that do not have time to watch the video. (see 11:00-16:06+ of https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/o/3/7/w/o37wi.caa.mp4?u=8msc5&b=)


Dr Yeadon concludes from the following points that covid shots were designed to injure, maim, and kill:

* Spike protein, known to be injurious by itself, was selected by all covid-shot companies as the part of the virus to be made in/by the body, so as to induce an antibody immune response (which btw never delivers antibodies to airway linings as required to prevent airborne infection in the first place)

* Lipid nano particles (LNP) -- known to deliver their payloads to the entire body (roughly a decade before covid scam), not just to injection-site tissues as claimed by the supposed experts -- were used to protect the fragile mRNA in covid shots from the body’s immune system while in the bloodstream and lymph system, and then enable its easy entry into virtually all cells in the body (including those in the brain, after penetrating blood-brain barrier).

* All mRNA-based shots cause the body to attack itself because any cell, making a non-self-protein, is automatically marked for violent destruction by “complement” (killer system #2 in body), which throws every weapon the body has at such cells because they have been marked as very dangerous to the body.

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Dr. Peter McCullough was trying to draw attention to 1200+ deaths reported to VAERS in early 2021. The fact that even now, years later, they are still pushing these shots is an indication that there was malevolent intent. It was never about public health.

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So true, was max-evil for MDs to ignore such clear signs their Hippocratic Oath was being violated. Even worse in my view is the fact that MDs also ignored the fundamental flaws of mRNA, revealed by Nobel-Prize-winning discoveries that have been taught in med-schools for decades. (eg, Chapter-1 of “Roitt's Essential Immunology” would be a good place to start, and a free pdf can be found online)

Alternately, one can acquire this lifesaving knowledge wrt mRNA shots much more easily by watching this Dr Bhakdi video, which explains these most-basic of flaws in terms simple enough for this layperson to understand (00:45-22:00+ of https://rumble.com/v1p3855-friday-roundtable-worrying-developments-with-michael-palmer-m.d.-sucharit-b.html).

This knowledge is lifesaving because it provides, what appears to be, very solid first-order evidence that all things mRNA are unsafe, at a time when our current reality is that all conventional shots are quickly being converted to mRNA (even those mandated for kids and babies, is max-evil once again).


A quick summary of this knowledge follows in layperson terms, for those without time to watch the video.

Basically, when a cell is infected by mRNA, it is tricked into making foreign, non-self-proteins, which essentially marks this mRNA-infected cell for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2 in body), if antibodies are present (as they would be after 1st shot). Thus, mRNA causes the body to attack itself, making all things with mRNA unsafe:

* Blood vessels damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks, which then enable damage to surrounding organs

* Above mechanisms explain sudden death and most other mRNA injuries

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I'm so thankful my husband and I did research and refused the shots.

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Me too, and the job of the aware is now to spread the word far and wide

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Glory be to God!!

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Please let us give credit to Geert Vanden Bossche amongst the first to put out a video interview in regards to these evil jabs. I am grateful I listened almost 2 years ago I would not have received them anyways, but Geert cemented that for me. Many others can be added to the brave outspoken ones. Cheers!

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John, Dr. Malone has an interesting take on Yeadon, on X.

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Link? Or possibly summarize Dr. Malones thoughts on what Dr. Yeadon has had to say? I don't have an X account.

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I'll see what I can do.

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"Show me the receipts or go home. Yeadon can talk like that all day long and get lots of clicks and likes. Preaching to the choir.But all it does is delegitimizes him with the persuadable middle. Do we want to win this or are we playing tiddlywinks? Proof or shut up." (Yeadon being interviewed on CHD T.V.)

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Yeadon engages in too much hyperbole and speculation, sadly. He's clearly very well informed on all of this but doesn't really understand how to influence people effectively. It's too bad cuz he's so credible if you take the time and are patient with him. But he doesn't get that he's coming off as a wild eyed loon at times.

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Thanks, D D. I don't know the context, so a link would be better than quoting. Nonetheless, I have a suspicion that Dr. Yeadon may have been talking about reduced graphene oxide and self-assembling nano-technology in the jabs. I don't have a proper microscope or knowledge base, so how to independently verify (ah . . . the receipts)? Nonetheless, a number of sources (some of which I deem credible -- it's not just Stew Peters!) have made similar claims/observations. If interested, here's a conference in Madrid, Spain earlier this year:


They do make a pretty compelling case. But such things can be staged. Nonetheless, what's the motive? Somehow, I don't think it's clicks, fame and money.

I recognize that Dr. Malone feels he needs to be cautious, because he's a credible voice that so many people trust, so I'm sure he as well as us don't want to blow that. In fact, I thought that episode he did on Lahaina and the possibility of DEWs might be considered by some to be on the edge (and yes, I believe the evidence points to DEWs of some nature and a kinetic war against us by elements of the government and big money/power).

Still, I think we dismiss people like Dr. Yeadon at our peril, although I completely understand the point about the persuadable middle and -- ultimately -- needing the receipts.

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DD was it a plus or minus point of view? Mike seemed on the level to me.

But I have placed a trust in folks early on in this that now rings a dull thud.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023

randall, here goes. "Show me the receipts or go home. Yeadon can talk like that all day long and get lots of clicks and likes. Preaching to the choir. But all it does is delegitimizes him with the persuadable middle. Do we want to win this, or are we playing tiddlywinks? Proof or shut up." (Yeadon on CHD T.V. interview)

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wow....interesting. When the view from above is grander than I assumed. Put up or shut up!

To me he is the shy Poindexter grad lab scientist with a British accent. Ten points on accent?

Fool me once shame on me.....fool me twice etc. 67* high for Weds. State fair is over. Haha

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Thanks for the lead

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Mike and a large host of other knowledgeable individuals rallied to the false claims.

But it was like standing on the blown out ruins of Mt. St. Helen and shouting a warning that few would ever hear. Worse was they'd never share what was being witnessed!

3 yrs later, seems little has changed. Can the fear hypnosis be a permanent one ?

Yeadon opened the can of whoop ass push back as facts in evidence of the storm.

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Seems there is maybe more to my limited view of understanding much of it.

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Not an expert on this type of stuff, but here are some things I think I’ve observed for consideration:

* One size of “red-pill” does not fit all (ie, need to incrementally expand a person’s Overton window, in accordance with their realities, until they’ve worked their way up to the size of “red pill” they need to swallow for their own good – otherwise, they will ignore facts, etc)

* Virtually all “truth-tellers” are controlled to some degree (ie, even the best ones of these must self-censor to protect themselves and their loved ones – so, what is said is often truth with some key info left out)

___* Yeadon and Bhakdi are major anomalies in this regard, so their “red pill” messages need to be softened, and then incrementally hardened, by people like us who are trying to help spread truth to the unaware.

___* Laibow is a similar anomaly who’s truths – wrt the fully-funded program to sterilize Americans on a large scale via forced vaccination in 2009 – show some in Govt have seriously evil capabilities and intentions (ie, too big of a “red pill” for many to swallow today without some effort to open up their Overton windows).

(see 1:05:12-1:09:50 of https://rumble.com/v2jbo0g-top-whistleblower-dr.-rima-laibow-warns-globalists-preparing-new-bio.html)

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Nailed it Brad

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Imagine the tragedy of getting vax injured and then dealing with this broken healthcare system. Doctors that tell you with a straight face we have no idea what it could be, but we know 100% what it can't be.

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Thank you, Doc 🩵 I can’t take the cruelty of our government these last several years 😞 It’s too much to bear. And yes, we unvaxxed are very concerned not only for our vaxxed family and friends but also for ourselves who are subjected to shedding 😞

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Any scientific evidence if it sheds in saliva? Anyone know or done research into that?

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I too need to know about shedding. My unvaxxed daughter was just diagnosed with MS - dates a jabbed boy for past 1-1/2 years.

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Sorry to hear about your daughter. My friend is unvaxxed has had MS for over 20 years, she has been on a study in Toronto for the last 13 years regarding a drug for MS. One of the do-called doctors there was bugging her to take the jabs, she refused, then threatened to withdraw her from the study. Finally she had to go to McMaster Hospital here in Hamilton, the specialist asked if she was jabbed, no she replied. Quietly he told her, good thing, for did not, but I did not say that. I hope her doctor is honest, trustworthy that she is able to ask him/her about the shedding and get an honest answer. I mentioned it before on here, a couple of weeks ago my family doctor gave me scripts got IV and HCQ no questions asked, they are sitting in my pantry with the expiry date on both. I asked the pharmacist I trust to do that. I am no doctor, but perhaps your daughter can ask for complete bloodwork making sure they do her Vitamin D levels. Here in Canada if you want to check V3 you have to pay for that unless there is a medical issue. Best of luck to your daughter. God Bless.

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Tell your friend about this. Drs. Swank and McDougall have proven the efficacy of nutrition and plant-based diet in treatment of MS. Dr McDougall on his website has numerous patient testimonials.


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Thank you, I will.

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Thank you for your great reply. I so appreciate that. God bless.

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Drs. Malone, sorry for the book I just wrote on here. Much love and respect to you both. Canada loves you. God Bless!

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Well, for one thing - as we all saw in the great white north, peaceful public outcry got your bank account frozen....frozen by a government employee telling a banker who had no problem doing so.

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For those interested in seeing this 'guilty party', the link to the questioning of the public servant who froze bank accounts:


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Michael Sabia - Canadian citizens - remember that name.

Michael Sabia - froze bank accounts of citizens that had not been charged or convicted of anything...another useful idiot in the Trudeau WEF led UN controlled canuck government. Thanks Jagmeet Singh, you're as big as traitor as Trudeau/Freeland et al.

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I concur, I was one of the Canadians that rushed to the banks when Castro jr. pulled the emergency act out of his ass, as I donated to the Truckers Convoy. It lasted a few days, then banks pushed back as many of us were withdrawing our money. This was brought up in Europe, can't recall what summit, whatever it was, but glad Castro was roasted by them. We could not believe that Castro tried to deny many of the things he enforced as not true. Video's out there to prove a different story. Too bad the camera's only pointed him out for a quick second, perhaps he was doing a number 2 in his pants and socks. That thing JT makes a normal Canadian citizen ask their drs. to have Lorazepam on hand. Can't stand the sight of him, many of us feel the same.

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It certainly is infuriating. How to wake people up is just as infuriating. People have substituted Fear in place of Faith!! Then, there is the insulting amount of 'restitution"! Right up Biden's alley - along with his $700 to citizens of Maui! He's a real gem of corrupt greed and self-importance. Every day there is more young people dying - but you'd never know it by the silence of main-stream media. Until it hits home, they will forever play See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No evil. Maranatha.

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023

No problem authorizing $100 billion for Ukraine to include funding of retirement and healthcare for their citizens. However, don’t you dare think there’s anything left for you poor pleb citizens of the US. You are here to pay the tab, nothing else.

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Biden Giving Illegals $2,200 Per Month Welfare, Only $1,400 to US Retirees. "In an important story out of Arizona" Gheen told KTRH, "The Biden-Harris administration has ordered the border patrol to weld border gates and fencing open, and that should tell them everything that they need to know about illegal immigration is happening."

It's happening because the Democrats want it to happen. The ultimate goal is to radically change our country, and to get more votes.


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Traitorous disgrace

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Thank you Dr Malone for all you and the Front-line doctors have done to expose the truth, and the deception and lies from corrupt pharmaceutical individuals, corporations, and more. Very proud of you for sticking to your guns and reporting the truth regardless of any attempts to smear you. You are an example of a courageous and honest person that many more people should garner ideas and actions from!

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Dr Malone and friends have done and continue to do so much for medical freedom and accountability and I too am so grateful!We the people who read and follow their work know quite well what is really happening and not happening. Those that do not know who is Robert Malone and are steeped in mainstream and social media propaganda do not know this stuff. They have not and do not want to be exposed to alternate points of view that conflict and counter the mainstream narrative. Too much inner turmoil for them to deal with. 🤷‍♀️How do we get them exposed and open to hearing the truth? Some of these folks were my closest friends and family members until 2020 followed by subsequent mandates maddeningly enforceable by the oligarchs in control.

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I think scandal fatigue has been induced in the American public. Nothing surprises us anymore. We have little expectation there will be justice for these poor souls.

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Or justice brought against the perpetrators of the madness.

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those paying attention are well aware of all this. love to see you comment on vaccine shedding. i have a non vaxed friend who now has blood clot in her brain. hangs out, was intimate with vaxed person. do we know?

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It’s so sad my deceased uncle’s wife at 70 was very healthy and worked every weekday at her office job at a small town hospital. She was required to take the jabs and all the boosters to work at the job she’s held for 40 years and had never missed a day at work. She loved her job and never missed a day until she suddenly began feeling extreme tiredness in June, headaches intensified in July. Her doc ordered tests, discovered she had a fast growing, untreatable cancer, it had ravaged her brain, her entire body and they recommended hospice. She died last week only 6 weeks after being diagnosed with this rapid growing cancer. There was nothing they could do. I realize this happens sometimes and we have no answers. But, it seems this is happening too often to people I know personally. Her sons, aged 44 & 40 are devastated. I will always believe her life was cut short by the medical community that required these jabs and she trusted an untested drug she felt safe taking.

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Robert, to your question: there is no public outcry because most of the public trusts their mainstream information sources and has no idea of what is actually happening. They think vaccines have always been safe and are still safe and that it's always been normal to need multiple shots per year to stay "protected". They think VAERS is compromised rather than the agencies that created it and which are supposed to protect them. They think the excess deaths are either fake news or unrecognized covid deaths. They think "atheletes have always died of heart attacks... and likely in similar numbers to what we are seeing now" because the government and the msm don't validate the actual data on these fronts. Fear inspired thinking won't let them face the truths because it means they were wrong. It means the deplorable unvaccinated might be less deplorable and it means they may have a ticking timebomb inside themselves. Heads in sand is much easier. They are too busy dancing on the deck of the titanic - the lights keep them them from seeing ahead to the increasing amount of ice in the water and the music is drowning out the sound of the ice scraping against the hull.

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If any honest reporters ever start talking to insurance actuaries the scales would soon fall off of their eyes. They have the real data and absolutely no reason to prevaricate.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

And yet they prevaricate too, according to Dowd and Kirsch. I mean they are not differentiating insurance rates based on jab status for instance - like they do with smoking. Ed and steve say they claim things like their numbers come from undetected or underreported covid.

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The reason would be the embarrassments they never wish to reveal as poor integrity.

The go along to get along sunshine bums will have nothing but rainy days. Tis my hope

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Every sentence of the above statement is exactly what I am hearing from friends, relatives and my own adult children. And I’m the crazy , conspiracy theorist. I keep telling them I am a prophet, because everything we said that was going to happen- happened. Of course if listening to Rachel Maddow or CNN every day, they are only hearing one side along with most of the doctors, nurses and hospitals. Beyond frustrating.

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An intelligent, accurate reasoning behind the blindness of most Americans. Many of us have family members and friends who fall into this category. It is frustrating to those of us who are “in the know” to realize we cannot “make” them see the truth. I may hear a friend question an event and think they are finally opening their eyes. But then they fall back to MSM talking points again and my hopes are dashed.

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There needs to be legal action and since the d.o.j. is corrupt the only recourse I see is in state courts. There should be criminal indictments handed out and trials. If these fail to pan out, then take the same perps back in civil court. Often these cases win even after the criminal cases are lost.

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I wonder how many AG's will be allowed by their Governors who authorized opening up Jab clinic all over their states, in public buildings.

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Maybe one of those "Joints for Jabs" states?? ;)

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AGs in those states wouldn't even consider suing anyone but 2nd people and pro-lifers.

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IAs Dr. Mattias Desmet put it, “Frustrated”. Just name three…Brain, Heart x 2. Ed…add that by another 18. Medical background. My Lovely Bride laughs at my reading material. My P.T. has one of my books, I loaned Him, on sensory peripheral nerves and motor function. He Rocks; but, grasshopper. Imagine Me as a Patient…Ha! Ed

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Some times we're the windshield. Some times we're the bug. (so to speak)

No fun bein the injured mio-cardio induced but vaxxed bug.

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I have Duct tape for my mouth…Transpore is more comfortable removing. . 🏴‍☠️. Ed

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Roger that Houston !

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Edit Again…Our Friends here should have an underground BBQ. No stupid people. From Texas…might know my way around a BBQ pit. Ed

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The system is under Ft. Knox style lock Vault and Key. (illusionary?)

It's tighter than 2 coats of dried paint for sure.

As such will be painted over and over again.

And more of what we do not want to have happen...just keeps showing up!

If a brighter day exists, it can only come from a major court deciding .GOV Big pHARMA Vax fraud is real and determined punitive and prosecution has won the case.

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When wondering, "How in the world does big pharma and Biden Admin expect people to step up and take the new VAX after so many adverse reactions and non-effectiveness of the old VAX?" And it occurred to me, they may not really care... perhaps they just say 2 billion took the jab while they put all the $$$ in their various pockets, and the reported number really are not administered. How do we know the big hospitals and all the jab sites really administered the number of jabs they report are given? And, if the number of jabs given is overblown by 50% or 75%, then it would mean the adverse effects are extremely higher than previously thought because the number of people receiving the jabs was actually 50%, 75% or whatever % lower. Hmmmmm

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81 articles analyzed confirmed cardiovascular complications post-COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in 17,636 individuals and reported 284 deaths with any mRNA vaccine. That was only cardio problems and only from those 81 studies.

325 million in the US. If no one under 20 took a jab and all over 59 got two jabs plus booster and 75% of the remaining age cohort got two jabs plus booster that’s 606 million jabs. Short of the 675 million jabs shown. Even adding 100% of those 15 to 19 with two jabs falls short. As Audra posted, that ends up being a cardio problem or death of roughly 0.00265%. We know the jabs did not prevent getting covid or spreading it, so all complications from the jab were preventable. And they are lying about the number of jabs.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, I would like to hear you thoughts on a new Governement department, along the line of the VET ADmin, with billions in funding, just to pursue and rigorously investigate, ameliorate and give succor to the millions who are suffering from the covid synthetic gene therapy shot. that for starters, and then more relief to the untold thousands of damaged children.

I have never lost sight of Maddie Garay.

it is time to to make this THE NATIONAL priority, the salvation of the medically injured has the highest moral purpose, esp becusae they were all duped, cheated, lied to, decieved, deliberately misled.

Thank you.

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And the now hundreds like Maddie, sharing this unfortunate fate,

that became the greatest warnings of a "Canary" in the Coalmine.

"We just want to be heard!" (Crickets)

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Keep in mind that in September 2021, the CDC changed the definition of a vaccine to match the product that our federal health officials were pushing on everyone. If that doesn't constitute fraud, then I do not know what does. I too, can call my dogs, horses. That does not, in fact, make them horses.

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Before the mandates they also updated the definition for anti-vaxxer to include people opposed to vaccine mandates. And at the same time called anyone warning about mandates a conspiracy theorist!

All of it is beyond absurd.

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Along with the dozens of other rapid changes to similar posted written product liability descriptions already decades old on the sacred go to books. Hitler tried to burn all theirs.

Guess that didn't work 100%. But worked just enough to carry the fear campaigns.

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It is like been in the Titanic, water is pouring in and people are still dancing in the ballroom.

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Let’s see, when I tried to bring awareness to people I trusted in the Church I was called Q something and other things.

I think they set it up to where if you spoke out you would be labeled and ostracized.

Of course, my ODD worked in my favor this time.

Plz keep talking.

Never Again

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I continue to have a hard time dealing with the fact that so many Christians refuse to see what is happening. They seem to consider this a taboo political subject. Apparently the Holocaust was also taboo in many churches. People are hurting and dying, but so many Christians (and others) are happy as long as they are not affected personally. Have you read Eric Metaxas' book, Letter to the American Church? He calls for the church in the United States to be different from the German church during the Nazi era.

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I haven’t read it. Will have to check it out. Ty

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