Aug 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Whatever happened to the Nuremberg Code? Infuriating.

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So during this crazy times of 2020, when we were faced with decisions, I looked into the Nuremberg Code and tried to use it with my institution, but I realized it wouldn't be able to stand up in court.

It sounds good of course, but when we looked into the nitty gritty details of it, it sounds nice, but doesn't necessarily have much applicability if that makes sense (when it came to mandatory vaccines at least) -- Hoping that comment make sense.

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Yes, but the Nuremberg investigators had even less to go on. They had to invent the process almost from scratch. The code they came up with is still a great resource for dealing with our problems today

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Thank you.

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We in Holland were totally not informed

Even as a Pharmacist I was not informed.

Only people at the top were advised NOT to take the jab.


Ministery of Health


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Any source for the top in Holland advised not to take the jab?

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

If you have a very strong sense of self-ownership (with only your Creator as a higher authority over you) and the Constitution as your affirmation of this, the answer was, and is, a definite 'NO'. A healthy dose of skepticism is a wise and increasingly necessary survival trait. I'm am so thankful for those two OSHA specialist nurses who came forward so early on... because things didn't add up.

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I was just about to make a comment about this! I was able to stand up against the mandates because of the Constitutional rights when it came to religious freedoms which concerned how I saw myself and my body, with the Creator.

I don't know if many were aware for this, but we all have this right and this is the beauty of America. And as we're coming up against this trans agenda, we can also use this strategy there as well: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/elmo-and-a-rock

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Question: “Were you adequately informed about the COVID-19 treatment risks and options?” Answer: Yes

I have been adequately informed about ALL healthcare treatments since I began my career in pharmaceuticals in 1971. For example, I learned in 1971 that no one should EVER trust anything ANY drug company says about their products or their competitors’ products.

Package inserts should be read using maximum skepticism on all drugs. If the medication does not have a generic competitor, it hasn’t been fully tested. (I take only three prescription medications and all three are supplied by a generic manufacturer.)

In 1971, I learned that the FDA was there to protect the American people from unsafe and ineffective medications. I also learned in 1974 that the FDA was obviously working with the pharmaceutical industry when the FDA approved Motrin (ibuprofen) for inflammation. (Motrin is, and was, no more effective at reducing inflammation than aspirin. And, aspirin is a lot cheaper. But that’s not what Upjohn said at the time.)

I learned in 2009 that Wyeth sold itself to Pfizer, which was like a priest selling his soul to the devil. If Pfizer makes it, I won’t take it.

I could go on, but you get the point. Yes, I gave informed consent NOT to take the Covid-19 shot. Besides, I hate shots.

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Agree. I blame the FDA for approving the vaccine knowing Pfizer had refused to guarantee it.

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Here I go again, sending this out to more people, (including a lawyer client who thought Fauci was trustworthy). This is an excellent overview with footnotes to boot. Something will eventually have an effect on the sleepwalking, or am I naive? Some people will never see or hear the truth, they are too far gone. Brainwashing is strong medicine.

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

agree on your comment it being and excellent overview incl footnotes done by a confirmed Legal practitioner of many years in the medical type business. far too many people I know in the not so Great Britain , dismiss the sane medics we all know like Malone, Cole, Mccullough, Malhotra etc who have given sworn testimonies, had their careers killed off for telling the truth as conspirators due to their believe in the psyops project fear we were all bombarded with. It is really hard to find things that might convince them that maybe I am not a nutter just a very disgusted and appalled citizen who wants to help others see the light. I will be trying the link to this work to all my contacts and every relevant youtube video I come across. It has to make some impact somewhere, I will not give up till the perpetrators are in the courts round the world.

Thanks to Dr Malone and all the others for keeping us informed.

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you are welcome. thanks for your kind words

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Right? I have a fully vaccinated friend who thought that Fauci was probably a 'nice guy' and would be 'interesting to talk to'.

I'd like to talk to him, on his way to the gallows. (Should he be tried and convicted for capital crimes.)

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Can i be there too? I have an old squirt water pistol I could fill with some noxious, stank ass fluid, so when Fauci gets to the gates of hell, they know he has arrived

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Dr. Malone great essay!!! This essay is devastating to what our medical establishment has inflicted on the worlds population. With obvious government and a complicit media censoring every spoken and written word that would inform the public of not only adverse reactions in the present, but more frightening what unknown medical disease will result in the future, informed consent has been denied. How can there be no recourse for people against the governments censoring of information and forcing this on people. This is to me the very definition of evil. The idea that the people in government had knowledge of these reactions, hid them from the public, and then forced uninformed people like my wife to take three poisonous shots is a crime against humanity. I can’t believe these government officials are allowed to walk away, continue to receive large pensions and benefits, and live out their lives with no consequences for the horror they knowingly caused. Dr. Mengele would be envious of the hero status these devils have received. It’s an absolute disgrace. J.Goodrich

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"How can there be no recourse for people against the governments censoring of information and forcing this on people?"

Because our population has been the "boiling frog" for a very long time, and conditioned to not fight back. Ridiculous, as it is repulsive. Well, I'm no Kermit fan, and I jumped out of the water a long freaking time ago, so they're just going to have to run me over with their SUV, and squash me on the road, flat as a pancake to change my thoughts.

Very surprised to hear that your wife took the jab, as you seem so up on it, and would have convinced her otherwise. Perplexed, but I guess there is a reason for it, I'm sure.

(By no means am I besmirching, or demeaning you, or your wife.)

I was on top of this "sniff test" of the jabbo, from day one, and I warned everyone I knew. My wife listened to me, as well as a few friends and acquaintances. Everyone's circumstances are different, as some ignored my plea, and some didn't. I can tell you that there isn't one person on the freaking planet with half a brain that is looking back and saying " Damn, I really wish I took that jab, even though it's 3 years and it's gone, and I survived just fine". OTOH, some are regretting it now, who took it anyway.

Not saying I'm special or gifted in any way. I simply watched the jabbo become a political football, and how each side reacted to the other side in charge. I'm skeptical of any jabbo, no matter what it's for, and this was a no freaking go from day one after watching my pup die 25 years ago from being vaccinated too often. My suspicions were confirmed, as time moved past the initial roll out, and things started happening that were out of the ordinary.

This entire premise of "warp speed" was beyond reckless, and I blame the orange dude for it, even though I voted for him twice, loved the first 3 years of his term, and I would have stood in front of an assassin to save his life. I was, no doubt, a blind Trumper Thumper, and proud of it. Little did I know things were very quickly going to be altered from that "perception" I had.

All that changed when this planned-demic took over, and he just followed along. His actions, his demeanor all was weird when he did his daily briefings on live TV, which I used to watch a lot of. I never trusted that Jerky Scarf chick Birx, and I smelled a bag of dog shit when Flim Flam Fakechi came into it. Nothing he said made any sense to me, and I knew that this "wonder drug" wasn't going into my body. It was about a month and a half when I started hearing stories about people who got jabbed, and died within hours, cementing the deal forever.

To this day, because the Orange dude will NOT ACKNOWLEDGE the true harm that the jabbo has caused, I've lost faith in him as a leader. I mean a lot. I put up with his "I got the ventilators schpeal for a long time, and just fluffed it off, as him just being eccentric. I won't forgive this complete disregard for the jab deaths and injury he's continued to perpetuate, even today.

Orange Man is, IMO the worlds best vaccine salesman, no doubt. His actions have also convinced those on the fence to say no, I'm sure.

I would still vote for the big Orange muffin head again, but I saw how his own party blocked him every step of the way, like the Demoncrats did, and my biggest fear is that he wouldn't be able to accomplish much, anyway.

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The courts have upheld universal vaccination requirement in the past.


around 1900 smallpox vaccination was mandated and a $5.00 fine was levied on those who refused the vaccinaion. This goes to show that governments can and have mandated vaccination in the past rightly or wrongly. The court case goes on to point out that when vaccination is necessary if can be mandated. If Covid had been deadlier and if the covid jab had actually worked as advertised then it might have been a winner. Instead it was part of a scamdemic introduced to enrich some people and support WEF depopulation efforts. There was never any doubt in the jab trials that the product was deadly and ineffective. From the list of ingredients it was obvious to the designers of these products that severe health risks were present.

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If it had been smallpox or any virus with a high mortality rate with a high infectivity rate, very few people would have refused the vaccine.

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You would first have to prove vaccination necessary. With small pox not a big reach. But given all the data about how unleathal the delta variant was (Princess liner for example) and how less lethal onicron variants are, that would be a pretty hard sell

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023

I 100% agree the cruise ship should have been front and center that the virus was not lethal. Passengers had no PPE, the people were in the closest proximity, little if any medicines, the majority passengers were elderly, and yet every one walked off the ship after many weeks of the media touting it as a ghost ship unable to find a port. No rationale for why it wasn't full of body bags.

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Media was definitely pushing the death rate. Especially to the elderly.

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from the safe and effective drivel that the UK government continues to spout via govt spokespeople, it seems to me that inspite of the unsafe ineffective evidence from round the world, governments will still be pushing to mandate and will be happy to use that 1905 case to help them in their mission to remove vast numbers of us from the planet. SICK.

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Mandated is not a law, and anyone who wants to jab me, can kiss my Mandated Ass.

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We were informed.

If I remember correctly, we were informed that if we didn't take the vaccine we were selfish and wanted grandma dead. (This I didn't understand either- since my grandma has been dead for years.)

We were fully informed that the vaccines were efficacious and would save us from a horrible covid death.

We were informed that virtue signaling harpies wanted the 'refused-to-vaccinate' put into prison.

I remember a particularly 'caring' woman posting a video where she expressed about how she wanted the unvaccinated, and their children, to die. (Probably a school board president somewhere).

Hmmm...what am I missing here?

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she died...

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As will we all. But not by injection.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

"She died"

Funny you said this.

Sheila Oliver, the demonseed who signed the order (along with Poodle Hair Murphy) ,to send sickly hospital patients back into nursing homes, which euthanized 8,000 residents, just died the other day.

Speculation is her death was from blood clots from the clot shot which her former administration is still peddling today

Goes around, comes around. Enjoy your stay with Satan

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If the greatest plan to a Data/Beta medical experiment ever devised was in a blueprinted shadow?

Why not paint it all in a FEAR FACTOR to the totally unsuspecting? I myself have been highly open eyed aware that this entire Launch the thing @ Wuhan was an exact 9/11 theater unfolding.

At no time ever did I believe for one second it was anything but! QUESTION AUTHORITY is the rule.

Not the exception anymore! As Robert has indicated from the beginning, this is a War on humans.

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Indeedy! Another false flag steaming pile of death and destruction.

There is something perverse about being a billionaire while millions live in sheer poverty. Millions who, with a little help, could turn their part of the world into a beautiful productive land.

But no, let's not show them how to have clean water, a stable food supply, how to work to a collective common goal.

No, let's jab the third world with chemicals which will reduce their fertility and retard the growth of the young.

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So we can steal their resources...

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Can you imagine the first time ancient man, returning to a walnut or apple grove which had fed his ancestors for a millennia, only to find it fenced off? A 'service charge' or worse, no access at all.

Suddenly it became a race to possess. The resources of earth belongs to God, given to men, to share.

How we have fallen.

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Villains to untold immeasurable victims.

Now for certain....

We've seen the needle and the damage done. They dun tried to force it in everyone

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Hahaha. Sadly I can't separate Neil Young's voice from the parody, but I used to love his music...so...

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Haha, that sounds like what a Rockefeller would say

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Universal healthcare is on it way here in America...there are bills being proposed in various states ....informed consent , not for the useless eaters. There will be private concierge service for the elites and private wings at hospitals for them .

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the private concierge and wings already existed when I was a medical student at Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago.

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They closed an entire floor at M.D. Anderson to treat Sam Walton back in the late 80s

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Money talks,

Being a regular, tax paying human, walks.

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Hutzel Detroit did too… it’s the universal healthcare that is most worrisome….

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Will there be any public dissent about the new CDC director advising the flu vaccine with a "booster" together in the fall? Should be interesting to see the direction this will go. From the old days, "Does anyone feel like a broken record?"

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There will be...lots of public dissent and lots of physicians and scientists speaking out.

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i truly hope so but I cant say i share the optimism.

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Thanks for the support, We can all use some!

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This is the most thorough, well documented, rebuke of the Covid-19 debacle that I have seen. I will definitely be sharing.

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It’s great to have all

this documentation. But I have to mention regarding the implementation of the mandate by my corporation in 2021 ... no doubt conducted the same way by others ... the informed consent TOTAL failure consisting of critical public information hidden from view ... constitutes violation of the EUA terms and violation of consumer protection laws in 50 States. Three law firms so far will not touch it. I changed strategy, asking for a paid consultation with no specific action required ... the proposal is to review my letter to the PA State AG and indicate any risks (blowback) I might not understand, given our corrupt DOJ. Likely I will need to formally repudiate the confidentiality agreement I foolishly signed before I understood the DOD sourcing of the shots, never disclosed to employees. This and the failure to point out the blank package insets are simple pieces of data provided by an insider (me) who refused the shots. My draft letter to the AG is pasted as are reply to this comment.

The unmet requirement of informed consent and the unannounced suspension of consumer protection laws by private corporations has led to extra-judicial killings if employees by the shots. These employees were deprived of information without which informed consent sent was impossible to provide as their jobs were leveraged to encourage compliance.

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Dear PA Office of Attorney General

I will elaborate below on this basic question: were PA State consumer protection laws suspended in 2021 and do they remain so? Or does the breaking of these laws by private corporations carry on under the radar of the AG office, pending investigation?

I solicited advice from three law firms none of which would even grant me a paid consultation. So, with deepest gratitude in advance, I seek your comment.


Until Sep 17, 2021 I was working as Senior Hardware Engineer in Breinigsville, PA. On that day, almost exactly my 43rd service anniversary, I left the company because the 1st COVID shot deadline of the vaccine mandate was to be the following Monday, Sep 20, 2021.

I was informed that there was no exemption for natural immunity (NI) and I would not be admitted to the building to report for work going forward starting on Sep 20.

Since that time I learned of public information available at the time … several issues … that seem to bring into question the legality of the mandate on several counts. I am most troubled by this and ask that you comment on the relevance of PA State laws in this context.

The first item is that the COVID shots are NOT a Pharma product. I can provide references but I trust you are thoroughly familiar with this fact. The shots are sourced from DOD subcontractors using way substandard manufacturing practices. Among other problems, metal particulates were reported by inspectors in Japan in August 2021 while DNA contamination, both human and monkey, are known.

Given these facts can you imagine anyone in their right mind accepting these shots? Does mandate compliance not require hiding the truth from employees? There are several issues to reconcile regarding the implementation of the mandate:

1. The DOD sourcing was not reported to employees in the run-up to the mandate. I expect this would be a violation of Federal Law regarding the employer’s responsibility to provide adequate criteria for informed consent from employees whose jobs were leveraged to encourage compliance with the shots. You are aware I am speaking of terms stipulated by the EUA.

2. As the shots were not standard Pharma manufacture in compliance with cGMP statutes but rather contaminated product of the DOD’s subcontractors, does this not constitute Affirmative Misrepresentation banned by Consumer Protection laws in 50 States? This means consumer fraud carried out by the employer for a business purpose, but not serving public health as claimed.

3. As the shots have only blank package inserts does not the failure to point this out to employees constitute a cover-up of undisclosed risks hidden from view by manufacturers who likely had no safety data to report, as is customary on the package insert?

4. VAERS data in Sept 2021 showed extraordinary risks of death and injury from the shots … the only problem being the denial of this fact by the FDA, unwilling at the time to investigate. Even the PREP act is violated by forcing extraordinary risks on the public. Again, we see important information left out of the notifications to employees facing the mandate.

What jurisdiction does your office have over these matters? If you open the company’s records, what evidence of death and injury from the shots would you find? Surely the State has an interest when employees die within days or weeks of their shots. As you know, this phenomenon is called “SADS” or sudden adult death syndrome. National statistics all but preclude the possibility that you will NOT find examples.

So when I ask the question “Why did I lose my job,” the implementation of a vaccine mandate beset with serious irregularities that may constitute serious wrongdoing comes to mind.

Consider: In 2021 there were over 100 papers in the medical literature documenting life long natural immunity for unvaccinated citizens recovered from SARS-2 flu. I was one of them, but denied exemption.

Contrast this with affirmative misrepresentation exploited by the company, but banned in 50 States, to falsely assure employees of the quality and safety of the shots. Indeed, facts were hidden from view that responsible adults desperately needed to weigh against the narratives in making a life-and-death decision.

Mass non-compliance with proper information at hand would have forced the company to modify it’s policy and I would still have a job. Instead, I lost my job and people died from their shots. My knowledge is both anecdotal and by inference of national statistics, worthy of an investigation if not yet worthy of a court case.

Please comment on what you see as the State’s interest in enforcing its consumer protection laws.

Do you find acceptable the suspension of any all laws as the HHS agencies see fit, Federal and State, even when such suspensions result in extra-judicial killing and injury to citizens … with impunity?

If you tell me there was a public emergency in 2021, I will ask you how you support that statement. If you tell me there were mass hospital fatalities I will inform you by documented studies that “COVID” deaths were NOT the virus, but, rather, unethical hospital protocols never investigated by law enforcement. Instead, hospital deaths are currently litigated across the country by citizens on whose shoulders fell the investigation and litigation when their relatives were literally tortured to death on the remdesivir/ventilation protocols.

Thanks for your consideration. If you think I am confused or don’t have anything straight, please help me out. As a citizen I have a legitimate interest in the answers to these questions but cannot get legal advice on these matters anywhere. So I turn to your office for assistance. My deepest gratitude in advance.

If you can confirm reasonable likelihood of wrongdoing by my company, it may help me get my job back, or compensation for lost income, even if you take no specific action.

If you ask me the name of the company I’ll reveal it. I left it out for the moment because I signed a confidentiality agreement I would NOT have signed had I suspected wrongdoing by the company. Whether that agreement applies to contacting your office, I’m not sure. But I do consider myself deceived. As the company hosted an on-site vaccine clinic, the mandate itself can hardly be considered company private. But what I have told you regarding informed consent may be.

As mentioned, I approached

three law firms for advice and none would even give me a consultation. Is this topic sensitive because it bears on informed consent nation-wide?

If you ask me I will tell you the COVID shots are deadly and medically worthless, a position even your own medical advisors cannot refute in the face of data, even that available in 2021. Even if you disagree, surely the issue of enforcement

of consumer protection laws, de-facto firing of non-compliant employees unwilling to accept risky injections and the deaths and injuries to citizens all of which occurred because these laws were unilaterally suspended by a private corporation is an issue your office would have an interest in.

There has been too much breaking of laws on a “catch-me-if-you-can” basis. Look at the barbaric attempt to build internment camps in NY State. PA is better than that. Will the buck stop with the PA AG’s office, politics aside?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,

Edward Flynn

Summit, NJ

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Thank you! I’ll try Mendenhall! I think these firms are all very busy and I’m not exactly suffering. Folks who are really messed up are having trouble finding an attorney with time for them.

Maybe for this the AG will do the discovery if they have a reason to look into it.

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Thanks! I wrote to Mendenhall this morning. Mastriano is a fantastic idea! I’m in NJ but I was rooting for him for Governor. I am asking the AG office to just do their job! Mastriano might be able to help.

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Medical Rape

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Excellent questions!

As to informed consent, the manufacturers of vaccines using mRNA technology could not offer any ideas on adverse drug reactions (ADRs) to their vaccines simply because the did not test their vaccines using phased clinical trials. Therefore, these BIG PHARMA companies couldn't know the ADRs, and, they ignored warnings from scientists like Dr. Robert Malone (who were instrumental in the basic scientific development of mRNA &/or had other scientific expertise) about potential ADRs

What Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson did was get an Emergency Use Authorization from the corrupt Biden administration's Food & Drug Administration to use a new technology, mRNA, & whipped it on the World's population.

And, what was their primary motive for doing this? I believe it was for monetary profits!

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It appears to me that this was more about the globalist oligarchy's war against humanity in their quest for all the marbles. Profiteering by medical industrial complex was a big bone offered up to accomplish successful injection of billions of people and furtherance of technological enslavement.

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We Pharmacist were forced to deliver a nonregistrated medicin.

Refusing resulted in a visit of the health inspection. Eventualy closing the pharmacy.

The ministry of Health had a secret service: Werkgroep Desinformation, Every mail was checked. Canceling happend every day. In my case LinkedIn.

The work of a pharmacist is as follows.

We only deliver medicins with a RVG number ( Registratie van Geneesmiddel) the Ema number . The FDA registration.

We as pharmacist go to jail when we deliver a product without RVG number.

When we know absolut sure that the product is working well with reasonable side effects we can advice the patient and the docter that it is ok.

Furthermore we check the interactions with other medicins .

We can only check the interaction when we know what’s in the injection,

We didn’t know it in this case.

We had to work illigal.

The vaccin is not registrated and there is no long term knowledge of side effects,

Conclusion, the Dutch Government forced the Dutch Pharmacist’s to work illigal. The Dutch patient’s are in great danger,

We were forbidden to have critic.

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