Aug 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That’s the most cogent and comprehensive summary I have read. Thank you Mr. Allison and also Dr. Malone for publishing it here. As Daniel Horowitz and others have said so many times, this has never been about facts or science. If it was we never would have had the global and national disasters of the past two and a half years. A very dark agenda has been unleashed on the world. I believe this is The Great Reset and it is part of the great and ongoing battle of Good versus Evil. It is not over. The perpetrators of this evil would seem to have all the advantages and hold all the cards. But they have and are making miscalculations and they are not winning every battle. As an example, they appear to be making at least a tactical retreat in the area of propaganda, while at the same time doubling down on censorship. Taken together this represents to me a tacit acknowledgement that they have lost the global propaganda war. If true, and I believe it is, this represents a devastating long term setback. An example of a tactical surrender in the propaganda war is the CDC’s near total reversal of its’ 2 year old public health policy positions regarding vaccination efficacy and the role of natural immunity, essentially agreeing with(without saying so) the principles of The Great Barrington Declaration of October 2020. This was a stunning development. What we are witnessing is less and less ‘active propaganda’ coming from the perpetrators, and what propaganda we do see(eg, peer reviewed position papers still trickling from the medical journals claiming safety and efficacy of the vaccines) appears to be largely ignored - EVEN by the mainstream media!

After a while the lies just get old and stale. The truth, on the other hand, never does.

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Very good points. I agree with most. But, I'm not as optimistic as you that the CDC about face is an admission of failure. I think they'll argue that their original policies only stopped making sense when the new variants emerged and made the shots less effective. They'll try to say it all made sense at the beginning. When we counter that there was never any doubt new variants would pop up like whack-a-moles, making the whole exercise stupid from the get-go, they'll probably claim they always knew they'd need to re-vaxx everybody 2x a year for the rest of their lives but couldn't tell us for fear it would lead to vaccine hesitancy and therefore threaten national security or some such rot.

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Not an admission of failure, but more like conceding the propaganda chess match. They know they need to move their narrative because it has failed with the majority of Americans. Furthermore, these are very smart and educated people. They know their trade. They know damn well they are lying through their teeth and have done so since this started. The are Liars, and to be a Liar you have to know the truth. They know the truth, always have.

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Agree!! The only thing they are going to do with this “restructure”, which is being done by the very people involved over the last 2 years, is cover their asses and claim they need to invade more of our privacy to benefit them to make better decisions in the next pandemic. If they were at all serious Walensky would be out of a job and this restructure would be done by outside, independent source!! It's another 🤡 show! That's all it is.

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"...this has never been about facts or science. If it was we never would have had the global and national disasters of the past two and a half years." If it had been about facts or science, the pandemic never would have been declared. John Ioannidis' study in Santa Clara County in March or April, 2020, showed the true IFR was way lower than what was bandied about.

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The level of “peer reviewed” malfeasance effecting institutional practice is perhaps on par with msm. I never could have been convinced until recently, that the walking dead was a characterization of the modern hcw. Yet....here we are.

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Aug 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nuremberg 2 needs to happen.

Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav Speech at Nuremberg 75

“Never Again” is Now


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I want to be Vera Sharav when I grow up.

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She is a true fighter, has been advocating for the victims of tyrannical medical experiments for decades.

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I've shared her videos on social media and have been astounded that some people's reaction is to laugh. The same people (I assume) laugh at the notion that anyone has been injured or killed by the jabs. I can understand if a person refuses to believe these things, but to mock is just reprehensible to me. It's like they've lost their humanity.

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“God is not mocked.”

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I think, in fact, they HAVE lost their humanity Anne.

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An incredibly powerful comparison between Nazi Germany in 1933 and what is happening today!

Thank you for posting this link!

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I will use what Vera Sharav said in her speech when debating the issue. Many strong and, IMO, undebatable talking points. Thanks for sharing this important speech by Vera Sharav.

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You are welcome! Please share it when you can. It’s so important.

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Aug 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks, more fuel for the fire! They're going to lay this ALL on Tump. Then tell us all these next mRNAs were carefully tested. Repugnant liars.

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Aug 25, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022

Making the “vaccine” available is not the problem. Forcing it on people is the problem. They will never be able to claim that Trump did that. He never did.

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I agree but because the MSM has already started pivoting the sheep will follow along and forget that Biden forced the mandates.

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Keep talking about INFORMED CONSENT: this is medical legal equivalent of agreeing to and understanding what the "medicine" regardless of the outcome is and despite all the disclaimers not withstanding. Informed consent is critical in all cases. Covid and its vaccinations and boosters hiding behind the Emergency mandate .. as well as this horrific attempt by left wing uninformed media, know it all in general "teachers" on the side of actually secretly fostering and promoting pre teens and all MINORS.. (under the age of 18) decisions about their gender and identity: legally children do not have the contractual right to agree to medical changes which would impact the rest of lives without parental consent who are ultimately responsible for the welfare and well being of their children. INFORMED CONSENT. thanks. for that post.

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Nazi Germany also declared a “state of emergency”. That is not a waiver of the responsibility to respect basic human rights as laid out in the Nuremberg Code.

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Facist gov't favorite tool is declare national emergencies history has shown us. As student of Germany history and the Nuremberg Trials.. and international agreements/treaties.. etc which i don't like to use as a basis for comparison to our Constitutional republic: that is really conflating two very different issues. in fact I will take back the fascist govts like to declare national emergencies.. Dems like FDR and also the Weimer republic's constitution which allowed for the declaration national emergencies provided the bases for n a s i s of evil megalomaniacs. No names mentioned.. on my posts. and FDR declared one of the biggest ever. but I need to go. as always.. I am doing research in other areas right now: still tired but hanging in there. :)

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RemovedAug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022
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It should, of course. EC. I was first introduced to Informed Consent when I built a database for the Prostate Cancer and I personally had to get "Informed Consents" for which I had to actually the write the Informed Consent (the language) and get the signature from the Patient in person on the Informed consent which was put into his file. The Informed Consent stated that the Patient agreed to allow his data to be used in a clinical database as well as his agreement to use a certain drug, in 2001. It was much later in my life researching for Cancer articles/book did I really understand how important Informed consents were and the magnitude of what it really means to get an INFORMED CONSENT from any and all participants and patients when I worked in the medical legal arena with disabled patients and later the broad scope of including Informed consent which is implied by the nature of the medical legal transaction. I am not talking about Intenational / Nuremberg war crime scenarios though I get why that is brought up: for context so you will understand why I answered like that. To answer your question directly: YES. Informed consent must be applied.. which means a consensual agreement between parties who are fully equal legally under the law, (age, comprehension, which means the ability to understand why consent is required) in all cases, including your case w/ regard to Darpa. .. it is late. but that is the short answer. Fauci is going.. so he says. I didn't know and will check out about his wife. Get some rest. I will do the same.

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I didn't know he deleted them.. EC .. I totally disagree with transhumanist and futurists. Andrew Sandberg is NOT WHO I WOUILD LOOK TO FOR ANY ANSWERS AT ALL. most of those people (do not believe in God). Sandberg advocates for computer simulations instead of animal modeling which is acceptable in certain circumstances (mice/rats). EMBRACE STRANGE is Ok. sure we are all different. Mentally ill people do sign legal contracts all day long. it is one of the things I could not get over but forced myself because the law does speak to the fact if Mentally Ill and disabled people so are incompetent they can not make their own decisions and need for other people (I acted as their POA..) how can they allow sign contracts to even consent to that but is about long time planning and comprehension of extremely complicated concepts. The issue with using the term N a # i is that Substack is public forum and people can say OH WOW. so and so called such and such a and I agree with that too because the world is filled with nutjobs.. and good people too so anyway I am busy as usual this morning.. NoVA is always busy.. and I mean that. just busy. I got a good night's rest for a change.. just the noise around here.. I will tell you this.. the corona virus which i am now getting over makes one feel like one's head is hurting like that.. but I know it is congestion and my ear drum which had a hole in it. so I am feeling better. I wish I could be of more help to you. :) take care.

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Thanks Dr. Malone. First thing I always do is check the source and it seems like you couldn't have asked for a better lawyer's opinion.

I downloaded the document which I will read with great interest.

I've learned over the last 2 years that no matter how dire the situation and no matter how bad things look, persistence truly does pay off.

A bit of good news in Canada: the University of Western Ontario, which is located in cricket-factory heartland, London, Ontario has mandated booster shots and medical grade masks for all returning students, faculty & staff. They waited until a few days ago to make the announcement.

I was thrilled to learn that the students are organizing and protesting, refusing to comply.

Let's pray for their success.

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That is great news to hear about the students organizing! Since we will never hear about it on MSM, please update how it all plays out.

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Aug 25, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022

Wonderful analysis of the Medical Fraud launched by the CDC and Fauci who has ruled the Center for Infectious Disease since the 1980's with a IRON FIST! Here is my view as to where we are today!


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Imagine reading and researching for 2 years and finally, a kindred pharmacist. I’m headed to your substack now. 92’ RPh grad.

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Thank you, Mr. Allison, for taking the time and caring enough to write this analysis. I wish more lawyers would realize the truth and start fighting for all those who were forced or duped into taking this experimental shot, and to prosecute those who knowingly forced dangerous products on people.

I'll definitely share this article with my JD relative in hopes that "it takes one to know one" will move her from the dark side, where she knowingly denied informed consent while volunteering at several mass vaccination clinics, to the light side of angels like you and Dr. Malone. (She probably did not understand the facts herself, but has repeatedly refused my attempts to share them, claiming I was being political.)

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Aug 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Absolutely! Thank you to Dr Malone and Mr Allison for bringing up and addressing this issue! I have always considered the foundation the HHS and Pharma people have provided as inadequate to support any informed consent regarding their Covid "vaccines." No long term effects offered. Not safe and effectiveness questionable. Better alternatives. Will be reading the rest of Mr Allison's analysis next.

In the meantime the Administration is launching its attack of Former President Trump re the vaccine. All the relevant considerations should be fair game.

Other medical sources have begun to address the Informed Consent issue as well. From GETTR post:

James A. Thorp MD



Informed Consent is IMPOSSIBLE AND IS A HUGE LIE for THREE reasons:

1) Content of VAX unknown

2) CDC/FDA admit they have NOT been transparent with data

3) BIRX admitted she lied upon rollout and in her book stated she KNEW the vaccine would not work


Informed consent is impossible for these genetic injections

Look to the doctors, scientists, researchers and academics who still honour the Nuremberg Code

Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD

48 min ago


Informed consent is impossible for these genetic injections

Look to the doctors, scientists, researchers and academics who still honour the Nuremberg Code

Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD

Your conference looks terrific! Hope Epoch Times will offer some of it later. MUCH SUCCESS!!!

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Thank you, Dr. Malone and Mr. Allison for this post. Here is what "Informed Consent" in the CDC FDA context means to me.

* You have been informed of the misleading, ever-changing story by FDA regarding these "Vaccines", for example, "you won't get sick" is no longer a thing.

* You have been informed of the CDC change to the definition of "vaccine". The CDC has assumed the power to change definitions to match their narrative, (not to mention changing narratives as needed)

* You are informed there is no follow-up by CDC or FDA of the harm signals in VAERS

* You are informed of the legal request by FDA/Pfizer to withhold from the public relevant documents for 75 years.

* You are informed you are really not informed, so there's that!

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In a nutshell!!!

However, what seems to me the crux of the legal position is: "Under the federal EUA statute, people are entitled to be informed about their right to accept OR REFUSE administration of these vaccines,"

If the law states "you have the right to refuse", what possible justification was there for POTUS to impose a mandate, that entirely nullifies that right? Isn't that illegal? Can presidents be accused of acting illegally? The rationale was it was "an emergency" but

the grounds for claiming an "emergency" were very quickly revealed to be utterly spurious given the 98% survival rate, so why are people not attacking Biden with the same vehemence as Fauci? Fauci advised but Biden authorized?

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Some people may not be aware of how cool the Substack search feature is, so I wanted to share what I discovered. I hope this is helpful.

How to Search a Substack

1. Go to whatever Substack you want to search. Example: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/

2. Find the bar that shows New | Top | Community, with the magnifying glass icon on the far right (you may need to scroll down).

3. Click the magnifying glass icon.

4. Type in your search term (e.g., DARPA).

5. Matching articles will appear as you type.

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Thank you!

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Great work by lawyer Mr. John Allison. Isn't it ironic that the manufacturers of the mRNA shots are immune from product liability lawsuits but the recipients of the "vaccine" have no lasting immunity from infection and re-infection?

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This is the result of gov meddling in medicine. Back in the day, the Buick was known as "the doctors car". Not any longer. When the AMA finally got the Medicare package they wanted things made a rapid change and money flowed. Medicare greatly expanded normal costs for care. I have mentioned the head of a pediatric unit in the Texas Med. Center complaining about the greed of of new arrivals. She and others I knew talked of docs who retired after 7 yrs practice to manage their money. HMOs pretty well put a crimp in that and now the cost of medical care has blown well beyond what Medicare pays. Hmmmph. Keep the bloody gov out of medicine!

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Is this “Medical fraud” or is this “Medical Homicide”?

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It is Genocide in plain sight!

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Fraud and homicide.

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Aug 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow! Wow! I am blown away by Mr. Allison’s comprehensive and concise research and analysis on the Covid-19 vaccines and the lack of any kind of patient informed consent. This document is a treasure trove of information and references. Thank you Mr. Allison and thank you Dr. Malone for sharing it. Hopefully this terrific analysis helps vindicate you and helps your lawsuit to succeed.

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Aug 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is really good!

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First of all, it is not possible to have informed consent in any case where the drug is not subject to external testing for quality and consistency. With the COVID vaccines, it is not possible to prove that the contents of any injection contain the specified ingredients and active components - the ingredients and active components are simply not declared. There is not just "no external quality control" because of the legal constraints, it is not possible to do our own quality control of the product being injected. This is above and beyond any discussion of efficacy and risks.

To your health, Tracy

Founder: Healthicine

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