Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Note that the good news is coming from red or at least purple states, and that the bad news is coming from Democrat controlled California and federal government. I don’t mean to bash the run-of-mill Democrats of days gone by. But the Democrat Party that is now controlled by the radical left, along with their compliant media, are the enemy of the people.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Of course, I’m just preaching to the choir again. The other side just doesn’t want to hear it.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Check out these examples of people who were victimized (killed) by the shots. And these are just a few of the many. I feel so bad for their families. It was so unnecessary:


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Australian MSM re vaccine injuries on a footy show - the panic is plausible here https://twitter.com/risemelbourne/status/1513090210682503169?s=20&t=pmNYm6mh2iQ51JvWaIW6lw

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I keep hearing and seeing " FDA approved" ...I started to complete the sentence to friends/family last week "FDA approved for EUA. EUA is not the same as a regular FDA approval. Shots still experimental ". When I search the question, are the COVID shots still EUA? filters take you to comirnaty. When I explain to family/friends comirnaty is the European name for the BioNTech which is under Conditional Marketing Authorization (like our EUA) the response is shrugged shoulders. Yes, I inform them of the resistance to releasing data by the FDA, the court order and the 70+ year requested delay...again shrugged shoulders. Scares me that people who realize they were lied to, will die with the denial of this and take us with them. Please, if I am wrong on facts let me know.

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That all sounds about right to me. It scares me too.

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I will never unite with the sick, radical left. Enjoy your trip to Disney, lefty.

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deletedApr 9, 2022·edited Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS
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I hope your elections are not rigged as they were here (US) in 2020 (and most likely prior elections).

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Amen to that, BSM.

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Australia's two party system has ALWAYS been Tweedledee and Tweedledumb and completely interchangeable. Both Federal and State parties are OWNED by the CCP. In a short 4 years (possibly at max 15-20 years), with strategic use of immigration and international students, real estate businesses, Chinese communists have severely infiltrated Australia (see United Front activity in every state and Chinese consulate deep involvement) and are working FOR China and NOT Australia. Military-civilian fusion and both Fed parties are too scared to outlaw United Front as foreign interference. Just how and where the commies want us to be. In the meantime australia is flooded with cheap labour from overseas yet price for accommodation is through the roof. Standard of living has declined immensely in the last 20 years. Can't believe what has happened to Australia and all those ratbag politicians

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THIS^^. Feel very sorry for Aussies. Criminality and treason.

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The corruption is everywhere and the his situation is not unique to Australia. All western countries have been infiltrated. Look at Hungarian President Orban who is a WEF acolyte, doing business with PLA/CCP Huawei https://gettr.com/post/p144ys0d57a

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The only way this could be fixed is 'civil disobedience by the people'. But this will never happen because people are too worried to lose their comfort. And, sadly, those who followed the mandate will find out too late what evil has been done to their bodies.

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Hang in there and hope for the best, Rose.

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No. I won’t do that. It is the radical left that has divided us. I will never unite with the sick and depraved, radical left. They must be politically destroyed and driven back into the holes from which they emerged. I will never relent. And if you wish to be united with them, then you are every bit as sick as they are.

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Ahh, there it is right out of the lefty playbook. Anyone opposed to the depraved left is Hitler. Capable of an original thought?

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That’s right.

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Master’s with honors, loser.

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My Substack is devoted to the political destruction of radical leftists like you. It’s called DEFIANCE - Defying the Radical Left. See for yourself, and get a little education:

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

These legislative updates are helpful. I’m getting to some very resistant-to-the-truth folks with stuff like this so thank you.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for providing so much information, Dr. Malone. I live in Tennessee and question whether I would ever have learned about the new law concerning Ivermectin without your post.

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I too live in Tennessee and it was news to me, lol.

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Congratulations! Truly a win of progress. Keep her Red.

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I live in Williamson County, Tennessee and have spent 30 faithless minutes searching for party affiliations for local candidates Tom Tunnicliffe and Chalfont. Is this information top secret? No wonder our "Democracy" is so susceptible to graft an d corruption.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Seems to me living in a Red state is much more conducive to Medical Freedom.

As a Canadian I wish we had the same options available.

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You'll have to form citizen organizations and work for that. One small step at a time.

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I’m so sick of these shitheads. They all need to be yanked out of office by the scruff of their geeky necks and publicly flogged. To the doctors who refuse to treat, push these f’ed up vaccines and pharmacists who refuse to fill certain prescriptions, you best be concerned. A day of reckoning is coming and although I’ve always been completely against capital punishment, I can make exceptions for those who willfully murdered millions around the world. I am fed up. The lawsuits need to start.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself!

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

California's terrible state management, including totalitarian laws to take away personal freedom, is going to continue to cause a mass exodus from the state. Please, please don't come to Florida. We don't want our beautiful state destroyed by stupid Leftist ideas.

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Ceding policy control to Bill Gates controlled WHO is a terrible idea.

Look what happened with a Bill Gates sponsored and promoted "malaria vaccine". This so called "vaccine" is only "30% protective against severe outcomes". Despite that, Bill Gates controlled WHO, Unitaid, GAVI etc are approving and praising it. Even the so called "experts" promoting this non-working vaccine are Bill Gates funded.

Of course, a lot of adverse effects like meningitis in infants are swept under the rug

What are the real goals of Bill Gates?



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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The WHO are quietly inviting submissions by the public and interested parties regarding their role in any future pandemic. Unfortunately, the closing date is tomorrow, 11 April. Did anyone hear about this on the MSM?


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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

No thank you. I will pass.

Smells too much like a Hundred Flowers.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone - you are amazing. I am looking forward to 'seeing' you on EpochTV later today.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

SB 1993 and SB 920 were shelved, for now. Re: SB 1993, it's important to note that the author got a huge pushback from Unions across the state- they didn't feel private business should become medical police, so they are working WITH her to rewrite it. Contact your local union if you belong to one (and reps if you don't!), and voice your opinion against it so it stays shelved! SB 920 is a disgusting mess as well (lawyers are working hard on it too), so continue to contact your reps to keep it shelved too!

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Really appreciate this state by state update. Many of us are wondering which states to move out of and to. Not on your list, but I'm concerned about Colorado's far left GPolis just signing full term abortion into law. He seems to be on the same path as CA, almost Wanting attention from the far left.

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Thank you for sharing these examples of bills focused on protecting people from medical tyranny. We need to go on the offensive to help defend against future attempts at encroachment, which we know will come after the midterms, if not sooner.

Regarding the California bills, for those who aren’t aware, it looks like SB 920 and 1993 have been shelved for now as per Justin Hart:

“SB 920 pulled. Would have allowed medical boards access to private patient records. / AB 1993 pulled. Would have required Covid vaccine for all employees and independent contractors.” (https://covidreason.substack.com/p/podcast-transcript-10-bills-we-need)

Dr. Malone, I assume your last line is a hint about the giant steps being taken toward One-World Tyranny under the guise of the WHO. I have been working on a letter about the proposed international pandemic treaty. I’m guessing you’re familiar with James Roguski’s series on the topic but will share in case others want to learn more:


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Dr. Malone,

Whether you intended to or not, you have emerged as a global leader not only in the medical front, but also in political, governmental, economics, societal, technical and many other fronts.

There is hope that through emergence of new apolitical types of leaders such as you, Elon Musk, and many others, we can redirect the country's currently disastrous course.

Thank you for your selfless leadership.

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Robert: Thank you for your integrity and commitment. Your important work is deeply appreciated.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Lovin’ Louisiana’s moves right now.

I might just move myself back there!

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Critical that all reading this understand the depth of this problem. Would make living freely (not) in the WORLD unbearable to a large swath of humanity. 🫵🏼☠️🙏

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I just can’t imagine people with half a brain continuing to live in California. I escaped Hawaii 6 years ago and I would never consider going back as it’s another California. We’re done if we give the UN power and control of us.

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it's so annoying that they dominate all the really extraordinarily beautiful places.

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And when they move to another state many of them vote for the same policies that made California the way it is. I stated that in a different way to Joel Portillo and I in no way implied that he was one who would do that as I have no idea what his political preferences are. I see it all the time in my state from those moving here from both the east and west coasts.

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Exactly right. I know people right now who are moving from my east coast city to Florida; and there is no question how they'll vote (for more of what they're escaping from). The spell is real lol. This is also true of people escaping hell holes from all over the world and coming here and voting for exactly what brought about that state of affairs from whence they came.

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Florida is just one election away from losing its freedom.

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The thought has occurred to me that passing a basic civics and logic test should be a requirement to vote lol.

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