I live in the US and grew up in Switzerland. My parents are in a nursing home in Switzerland. This Covid-thing terrified them. TV showed bulldozers digging graves for the 1000s of dead people. Although they enjoyed walking outdoors mornings and evenings, they were locked down in their room for 2-3 months. They could not go to the cafeteria; my brothers could not visit for months. My parents are still alive but their health declined sharply. They became very weak, lost their appetite and the will to live. There was fear-mongering and virtue-signaling everywhere in that country.

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Piling on about Wikipedia- one of its entries:

Michael Yeadon is a British anti-vaccine activist and retired pharmacologist who attracted media attention in 2020 and 2021 for making false or unfounded claims about the COVID-19 pandemic and the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. The Times has described him as "a hero of Covid conspiracy theorists" and "a key figure in the antivax movement". He previously served as the chief scientist and vice-president of the allergy and respiratory research division of the drug company Pfizer, and is the co-founder and former CEO of the biotechnology company Ziarco.

Wikipedia is ok for strictly technical topics. I'd never rely on it as a source for anything touching on politics or history.

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Big Pharma lackey monitors the Wikipedia info on Vitamin D to keep marginalizing it's true value as a hormone to mange 3000 gene responses in humans. They continually want to define it as having value in maintaining bone health only. Helps them sell more drugs to manage disease states for life of patient.

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Wikipedia is about as trustworthy and reliable a Chat GTP.

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Who, other than me, thinks that Big Pharma and/or investment firms like BlackRock have infiltrated the supplement industry, those producing/formulating the ingredients found in the supplements? I can tell when the D3 product I take is working and when it is not. I’ve switched several times.

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Cannot say about supplements but read that virtually all generic drugs are now being manufactured in china. That cannot be good

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If you look at the supps in WM they are all from China, they say so on the label.

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Well, there you are. We are truly screwed

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I buy mine online and not through WM. A few years ago, for D3, I noticed many sellers were removing the source (like fish liver oil) from the label. Then I started to see new comments on D3 products saying buy the lanolin products they are the best. Now none of the D3 supps say what it was derived from. The local groceries carry forms of frozen Salmon/steehead and the packages all say wild caught. Which means they are farmed and then let loose to catch. I'm sure their D content is not as plentiful as those fish that fight upstream to spawn.

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I like Seeking Health D3, with or without K2. Their site has a bogo special on now...

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What to do? Keep talking about this scam, keep publishing the truth, more and more people are starting to get educated.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your question is one for the ages. It is the question we are all asking. What can I possibly do that would make a difference? It is pretty discouraging out here in the hinterland. It is very hard to see a meaningful path forward when one looks at all that is wrong.

It looks to me that the only hope we have is to open enough eyes to the truth that sheer numbers overwhelm them. To that end I try to support people like yourself that have both expertise and platform. In many ways we are dependent on folks like yourself. I also use social media myself, although I am not very skilled at it.

In my case I live in a small community and am well known. We each have a circle of influence. We should be influencing as best we can. One of the things I find is that many people will not read articles written by experts because they are to long or technical. I think there is a place for people like myself who can condense and share salient facts in a form a larger group of people will read. There are areas I believe I do have some expertise in so I post in those areas as well.

Life is very busy even for many retired people and worse for those working and possibly raising a family. It is difficult to find time. However the question you ask and our response to it is critically important.

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I wouldn't know which sites to trust if it weren't for Wikipedia telling me which ones aren't government sponsored. If wikipedophile says a site promotes conspiracy theories, I drop everything and head over there to meet allies.

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Wow... this was a blast from the past. That meme from March 2020 was prophetic! This was the biggest media hysteria in recent history.

I remember watching the news and seeing China shut down and was like, "wow, there's no way the US will shut down." Next thing you know, we shut down for two weeks.

Then masking came. I used to write on Medium and I wrote an article, "Why I won't wear a mask" and it was essentially showing how masks didn't stop anything and why they shouldn't be worn. Then mandatory masks came.

Then the vaccine came and I was like, "there's no way this will be mandatory..." I should've known, because sooner than later, it was mandatory. All for a disease with a 99.5% survival rate.

Those 2020 through 2021 were crazy times and we may be living in even more crazier times now as we're seeing the downstream effects of those 2020 times. What's worse, is that we're seeing the media, instead of fueling the fires of hysteria, they're turning a blind eye to the hysteria. What a time to be alive.

Thanks for this blast from the past. This motivated me to get my old Medium articles (the ones that got me censored) and place them on here. Climate change is rearing up to be the next "scamdemic" and thank goodness it appears that more people are waking up.

If anyone's interested, here are some substacks on COVID and "the science"





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Notice a ref in there to the Princess liner. That ship told us everything we needed to know about just how dangerous this new virus was and that was not very.

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I did the research and calculations of the Lab test (Ship) and concluded that the hysteria would die down by May 1 2020 after the politicians were told by the experts the real story. My mistake in assuming a good in human nature; the shit storm continued for another 2+ years. While even today the CDC is requiring students get the COVID experimental drug to enter school.

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023

Yes Micheal, again, Zach Bush did an analysis of the Diamond Princess early on.

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A lot of people did. Not much analysis involved. Only 1/4 of passengers/crew infected, 19(?) died and all who died were 70 yrs old and had greater than 2 comorbidities.. I saw those numbers then and have been outraged by how our gov responded to this fraud

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The US government was part of the fraud.

The origins were covered up so that a mRNA vaccine could be pushed. If the public have been told about the gain of function research, and US funding of Wuhan Institute of Virology, that likely lead to the virus, who would want to inject themselves with a spike protein that was developed by the Chinese military? Putting the pathogenic properties of spike protein itself aside, the push to vaccine was to normalize a novel platform/delivery system (and gene therapy). It was never about protecting human health, and now we see their true intentions going forward.

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Can't speak for Bush's motivation, but Mercola "sells stuff" to avoid ads of all kinds. He's indebted to no one. The stuff he sells is extremely high quality. Like D D, I also use Ion Gut Health, and the pet version cleared my tiny dog of the adverse side effects of his last rabies booster.

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Terry, Have you looked at his products and read about them? My family uses the Ion Gut health and for the animals too. There is nothing like it on the market. I am very careful about what I buy. Both husband and I are in our mid-seventies with no meds. and no illness.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

IT IS STILL HAPPENING: The hysteria is starting again, targeting rural parents and their children. Dr Malone, your White Coats talk on the 27th mentioned environmental viruses from animals in addition to biological warfare engineered viruses. Had you read the NYT’s 7/25 article “Could the next pandemic start at the county fair?” FAA and 4H have been crucial to the nation’s food supply teaching animal husbandry. Many of these children then further their education in every associated field. They are the mainstay of this industry.

One day after the NYT published their piece Fox 2 Detroit reported that a Michigan man has tested positive for swine flu after being in contact with a sick hog at the Oakland County Fair last week. https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/swine-flu-from-oakland-county-fair-linked-to-human-case

The NYT’s piece was not the only one. Outlets such as New Scientist (requires free signup to read), Euro News https://www.euronews.com/next/2023/07/28/swine-flu-strain-passed-from-humans-to-pigs-nearly-400-times-since-2009-new-study, The Fairfield Sun Times https://www.fairfieldsuntimes.com/arts_and_entertainment/health/swine-flu-strain-has-passed-between-humans-pigs-hundreds-of-times/article_f1289ac4-b5cf-5df9-85da-1ec149b18c7f.html, and more, have all published identical headlines warning about swine flu. Even the New Zealand-based publication Stuff reported: “‘Swine flu’ H1N1 one of the main influenza strains circulating in Aotearoa this winter.” https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/300937291/swine-flu-h1n1-one-of-the-main-influenza-strains-circulating-in-aotearoa-this-winter

This is from one of the websites I listed in your SS that I follow for news. https://winepressnews.com/2023/07/28/new-york-times-push-propaganda-that-the-next-pandemic-could-start-at-the-county-fair/

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The truth is coming out, bit by bit, because of the work you, Dr. Malone, and others are doing.

But I think the full force of the truth will come forth in the worst possible way, with the increasing illnesses and deaths caused by the vaccines. Right now we are barely in the mid-term period of effects. And they're already terrible. What's going to happen in the long term?

The truth will force itself on people when it becomes personal. And then the rage will be overwhelming.

So I'm going to continue living in the present, filling my life with as much joy as possible, while preparing for a very uncertain future.

And I also continue to wish everyone a joyous day.

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This documentation proves unequivocally that Covid was never a disease pandemic. It was a Testing pandemic followed by a public health mismanagement and maltreatment pandemic.

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exacerbated by local air pollution

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It wasn't mismanagement. They meticulously managed it as planned.

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Very true! And good point

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What can we do about it?

1. Keep relentlessly exposing it. The truth will out, albeit more slowly than we would like

2. Just say No. We are hearing about a Climate Emergency, the next pathogen, the digital currency.

3. Target specific groups with information and sunlight. For example pediatricians and pharmacists are particularly important groups. We need movements within these groups to counter the pressure they are getting and will continue to get. This Fall is a particularly important time.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The main force against truth is propaganda by corporate media that is eagerly lapped up by non-critical thinkers. Unfortunately a large portion of the population is unable to determine the difference between truth and falsehood - they are the cattle that are herded through fear. Yes, the important question to be answered is, how are we going to get the truth to be recognized/acknowledged/heard by a critical mass of humanity.

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Incredible documentation. I might have said the sheep are so easily herded. Yet they are not really sheep, feigned ignorance is their specialty. More like vicious sycophants.

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Thanks for bringing this into the open. By all means we must break this spell. Next Plandemic they will get all the corpses out of the closet, and saying here we already got the solutions and again billions will be hypnotized.

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How many people thought it was possible for government, public health and media to lie at that scale? I don't think they can pull it off again.

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You wanna bet at the risk of losing your life?

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I would argue all of the unvaxxed and regretful vaxxed have been inoculated against these types of government psyops. I am optimistic the breakthrough rate will be low.

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Duty, I expect they will try but they will have to adjust their program to account for more early resistance. Still they might be able to carry it off if they can jail masses of early dissidents and scare the rest to stay quiet. It’s going to get ugly quickly so those who will oppose will need to organize ahead of time to fight back tooth and nail.

Now if we can manage to convict and lock up several thousands of those who sponsored this particular campaign that might leave a lasting impression on others who would be tempted to impose another round. If, however, we forgive and forget what happened to us all we will be doomed to yet another cycle of lies and manipulations.

Power knows no boundaries except the ones that are set by those who are more powerful. The example: the French Revolution which to this day still plays out in French politics. The powers there get out of whack like everywhere else but they know better than to push their program too hard.

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There was the discussion that most of the elderly who died in northern Italy had received the newish quadrivalent influenza vaxx a few months before covid struck. What role did this vaxx play in their deaths? Also, why is ivermectin still not available over the counter? Here in the UK, why aren’t GPs advising every single patient to take a Vit D supplement. Why aren’t nsg home residents given a Vit D supplement daily? Some of the most simple findings continue to be ignored. Why?

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Early on, Dr. Zach Bush advised no flu vax, vit. d (the best being sunshine) and air pollution (cyanide) to be major problems. Dying alone was the worst to see from a hospice doctor, as well as family experience. What a crying shame.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I knew something was amiss when basic epidemiology was not discussed including prevalence and case fatality rate for COVID. This obfuscation was done to make COVID appear to be much more deadly than was actually the case. Neil Ferguson's "2.2 million" US deaths was based on 3-4% mortality when he estimated that only 10% of symptomatic cases were known. By definition, his modeling was off by 90%. If his predictions were more in line with reality ().3% mortality leading to 220 thousand US deaths), then lockdowns would not have occurred.

Of course, fear was needed to get the majority of people to accept an experimental vaccine when something like Vit D may have been as effective (and much safer) than a COVID vaccine. Kids, as a whole, drink milf fortified with Vit D, and it may be their low incidence of Vit D deficiency that may have offer robust protection against COVID in this cohort.

Pfizer's "95% effective" claim was against "symptomatic disease", but for those who developed disease after vaccination, there was a 5-fold increase in "severe" disease (1 in 8 = 12.5% in the vaccinated group compared to 4/162 - 2.5% in the placebo group) in the 2-month period of their RCT. If their vaccine had actually provided a short-term (2-month) benefit in reducing hospitalizations or death, they would have aggressively advertised this fact. Despite heavy manipulation os clinical data, their vaccine did neither. Moderna's trial was not even blinded, so it was even less meaningful in terms of providing quality, randomized, and reliable results.

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