Sorry to be a pessimist but with all of the tyrannical BS these liars continue to force us to swallow, I can only think this is another distraction technique in the tyrants distraction tool box. At the end of the cadaver and chiefs term we will be around 50 trillion in debt if an all out nuclear war isn’t purposely started as another form of distraction. I personally think we are living under a new Soviet style constantly lying government. I don’t believe anything that comes out of their lying mouths.


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I am truly sorry that I must agree with you.

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Me too.

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deletedJul 17, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023
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They don't wish to harm us ?

But They (aliens) did leave Kamala Harris here for us to deal with, so. I do believe ultimately, they have harmed us!

Those speeches are minutes in our lives that we've lost, and can never get back.

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Kamala Harris. Brilliant. Thanks for the laugh!

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Can I get an amen?

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Does this mean that you don't believe there is any reality behind the UFO phenomenon?

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It means that our government has become so corrupt that I question every single thing they say or do. Why do we have this rush to make things public at this particular time? Questions and curiosity about this subject have existed during my entire lifetime.

Given what we know about the development of the universe I am doubtful that there is extraterrestrial life. With everything that is going on in our world at this time my own curiosity regarding this subject is somewhat low.

With developments in our proxy war with Russia life on this planet may be in jeopardy. We can only hope cool heads will prevail and nuclear options will be avoided.

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OK. But remember this is not "government" saying anything! This is a whistleblower making an assertion that Corporate is still unwilling to talk about. You have to keep in mind that "government" is composed of individual people and they don't all want the lies to be on their consciences forever.

I have very good corroborated data that ETs do exist, have existed for billions of years, and for all intents and purposes created Earth in its current form. For humans to be unwilling to even discuss this information is, I think, contributes more to our ultimate destruction than a kooky border war in Russia ever did or ever will. I think people have their priorities severely mixed up.

I hate to be so petulant about this, but I have been living with this data for most of my life, and to find so few people taking it seriously after all this time is an atrocious oversight that needs to be corrected.

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Excellent point Tony. Furthermore, Chuck Schumer is behind this latest gimmick of aliens designed to distract people from the lies of the media and the wicked evil of the Democrat Party. (yes there are also some bad Republicans). You know...Chuck Schumer. The lying snake who went on television everyday for two years claiming the Russian Collusion Hoax was real. If CHuck Schumer is involved, don't walk to the door - RUN!

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I covered this in this thread below. Here is a short version. Yes, there is reality - but it is not the "reality" of little green men from the so called "History" Channel. The reality is they are demonic entities. For those who think this is far-fetched, they should remember they are the ones who believe in little green men. I am not trying to be mean; I am just pointing out the absurdity of rejecting the facts of demons which is written about extensively in the Bible, which is the best-selling book of all time, vs. blindly accepting propaganda from the "History" Channel. Any good detective will tell you that the most typical explanation for an occurrence is usually the simplest. Read the Case for Christ https://www.amazon.ca/Case-Christ-Journalists-Personal-Investigation/dp/0310350034

Award winning journalist investigates the Bible and historical proof of Jesus Christ

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I don't consider the Bible a particularly accurate source of facts. I can understand why so many do, but it makes no scientific sense. Many researchers, using reasonably scientific methods, have located ETs both on this planet, in their ships, and elsewhere. You can condemn them for not being Christians or you can be a reasonable person and look at their findings.

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Yes - option 1) advanced aliens flew across the galaxy and then somehow crashed into a tree; option 2) this is just another distraction to the 50 trillion debt caused by garden variety human idiocy - after covid, Ukraine and whatever else are no longer captivating the public's attention...

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number one option - that was awesome - you are hilarious!

option 2 - nailed it. exactly. 100%

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Do the research yourself. They are thousands of books, hundreds of people having contact, military witnesses and whistleblowers. Because you have believed the government narrative for so long you find it impossible to think otherwise. If you seek you will find.

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I have a theory.

Our little planet is way off the beaten trail in this galaxy.

The odds that an alien race ever finds us, is vanishingly small.

Humans, with this fine brain, have been here at least 300k years.

We know for a fact that this "current" civilization, has gone from nomadic tribesmen to the moon.

Mainly because we have not have a large sustained cosmic bombardment (asteroids, comets) in the past 10 thousand years. And a lot of emerging evidence of sustained planetary bombardments 13 thru 10 thousand years ago

We "could" have reached the stars 2 or 3 times, and got basted back to the stone sage, a couple of times.

The odds that these ufos are just humans coming back to check on the home world, is way higher than some aliens finding us.

Here is the fun part.

These would be OLD world humans, with old world diseases.

Which could wipe out the while planet. (see also natives in the new world that met humans from the old world)

Which would completely explain why the covid vaccine was forced on so many people on this planet.


How's that for the best conspiracy theory ever . Priceless.

Wait, lets add the old humans need new humans to fight in their cosmic battle, with an alien race THEY encountered (with a nod to several SF writers that already covered this)


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Were not the country's laws in 1955 sufficient to soundly operate our country? Fed laws are one of three things: to gain a political advantage (Civil Rights Act); for power to control the people by increasing the number of regulatory institutions and then their size and scope; and to boost party's election war chests by constructing favorable laws on behalf of donors and their non-profits and think tanks. This one is extremely lucrative when one industry sector wants the law and another is against it. Peter Schweizer calls this a 'two-for'. Any combination of these reasons also occurs (LED light bulbs). How does one explain “The Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act”?

Tucker had Lue Elizondo as a guest on a few times. He worked for the Pentagon and had a UFO cable show on the History channel. There are other similar cable programs about aliens watched by millions. For decades now Coast to Coast paranormal stories can be heard on radio (Art Bell the founder was killed by FBI agents on his property) and there is Caravan to Midnight (Ark Midnight) with John B Wells who has guests you might know that discuss everything. Are these loosely affiliate entities somehow involved with this? That’s doubtful but perhaps they have an inkling as to why it’s out there now? I know that the founding financial families, Klaus, Soros and Gates have an understanding about the universe most of us don’t share.

Until someone with creds coughs up valid reasons both parties want to give our gov more areas to cover-up, I’m with James Goodrich.

BTW, our gov, secretly within the military, developed the ability to form holograms in the atmosphere. I wonder if anyone has seen them look like alien craft that can move like no other.

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I doubt holograms, as such, can be created to produce such sightings.

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Then if you see any such sightings they are real.

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James, If you take away the BS and all that goes with it and just look at the bigger picture, you will see a completely different scene. Our military and "intelligence" arms are scared shitless to reveal what they know. The other dimensions that are referred to are so far above our abilities and they know it. I believe there is a method of dis-assembly and re-assembly of molecular substance used and much more advanced methods of travel. I have been to the pyramids in Egypt three times with special allowance to some areas (The Sphinx) and let me tell you , these are more than man made structures! There is so much more to know that doesn't fit into our limited knowledge of these events.

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Possible, but why the fear, and why now?

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David, As I commented earlier, the chance for nuclear war is too close. Humans in their infancy of real knowledge and harmony with this Earth, are a danger to all in this galaxy. We have been "observed" and monitored for some time in ways that we have no clue about. (A rare few do)

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They say when there are nuclear explosions it tends to stir up alien activity. Let’s hope the aliens begin by abducting the people that are responsible before they get a chance to murder anyone.

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James, I know you are spoofing me, but that's ok. The lifting up of certain people of value (people of higher consciousness) certainly will happen, to repopulate the earth after the shift of the axis, these ideas are rarely spoken of. The cleansing of the Earth is most likely close, we cannot continue on the path we are on without a cleansing and re-balancing. As Zach Bush speculates, the 6th extinction is close.

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I may be spoofing you on the abduction part but I have heard when they were testing nuclear bombs there were alien sightings. I think it may make them interested what the hell we are doing…

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In your world, what is the color of your sky?

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Smart ass

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I have a theory.

Our little planet is way off the beaten trail in this galaxy.

The odds that an alien race ever finds us, is vanishingly small.

Humans, with this fine brain, have been here at least 300k years.

We know for a fact that this "current" civilization, has gone from nomadic tribesmen to the moon.

Mainly because we have not have a large sustained cosmic bombardment (asteroids, comets) in the past 10 thousand years. And a lot of emerging evidence of sustained planetary bombardments 13 thru 10 thousand years ago

We "could" have reached the stars 2 or 3 times, and got basted back to the stone sage, a couple of times.

The odds that these ufos are just humans coming back to check on the home world, is way higher than some aliens finding us.

Here is the fun part.

These would be OLD world humans, with old world diseases.

Which could wipe out the while planet. (see also natives in the new world that met humans from the old world)

Which would completely explain why the covid vaccine was forced on so many people on this planet.


How's that for the best conspiracy theory ever . Priceless.

Wait, lets add the old humans need new humans to fight in their cosmic battle, with an alien race THEY encountered (with a nod to several SF writers that already covered this)


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My Best Friend has high security clearance. We have talked; but, there are questions that He “can’t/won’t” answer.🏴‍☠️ Ed

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I have a theory.

Our little planet is way off the beaten trail in this galaxy.

The odds that an alien race ever finds us, is vanishingly small.

Humans, with this fine brain, have been here at least 300k years.

We know for a fact that this "current" civilization, has gone from nomadic tribesmen to the moon.

Mainly because we have not have a large sustained cosmic bombardment (asteroids, comets) in the past 10 thousand years. And a lot of emerging evidence of sustained planetary bombardments 13 thru 10 thousand years ago

We "could" have reached the stars 2 or 3 times, and got basted back to the stone sage, a couple of times.

The odds that these ufos are just humans coming back to check on the home world, is way higher than some aliens finding us.

Here is the fun part.

These would be OLD world humans, with old world diseases.

Which could wipe out the while planet. (see also natives in the new world that met humans from the old world)

Which would completely explain why the covid vaccine was forced on so many people on this planet.


How's that for the best conspiracy theory ever . Priceless.

Wait, lets add the old humans need new humans to fight in their cosmic battle, with an alien race THEY encountered (with a nod to several SF writers that already covered this)


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I have no doubt that the propagandists will handle this subject as a distraction.

But the fact is that this subject has been around a long time, and most of that time governments have denied its validity. I am quite confident that it is a valid subject that people should take seriously.

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I am in a state of disbelief. I know there have been numerous wars/military operations; and some justified or some for the military industrial complex, profit, Evil; however, I just wanna buy You a pint and and laugh along with an interesting and reasonable discourse conversation. I find it very, very challenging to find those people. 🏴‍☠️, Ed

Edit - Ever gotten stuck twice in a primary AIDS care clinic? “I walked “The Well” and made it out alive”. Hi-Rez

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I have a theory.

Our little planet is way off the beaten trail in this galaxy.

The odds that an alien race ever finds us, is vanishingly small.

Humans, with this fine brain, have been here at least 300k years.

We know for a fact that this "current" civilization, has gone from nomadic tribesmen to the moon.

Mainly because we have not have a large sustained cosmic bombardment (asteroids, comets) in the past 10 thousand years. And a lot of emerging evidence of sustained planetary bombardments 13 thru 10 thousand years ago

We "could" have reached the stars 2 or 3 times, and got basted back to the stone sage, a couple of times.

The odds that these ufos are just humans coming back to check on the home world, is way higher than some aliens finding us.

Here is the fun part.

These would be OLD world humans, with old world diseases.

Which could wipe out the while planet. (see also natives in the new world that met humans from the old world)

Which would completely explain why the covid vaccine was forced on so many people on this planet.


How's that for the best conspiracy theory ever . Priceless.

Wait, lets add the old humans need new humans to fight in their cosmic battle, with an alien race THEY encountered (with a nod to several SF writers that already covered this)


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Uhhh…There are between 100 and 200 billion galaxies in the observable universe. Just sayin’. Ed

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if that is an opinion on whether or not aliens have been by our little world,

include distances from those other stars, and maybe an estimate on gas mileage per light year.

If you are planning on making the trip to one of those other stars, , bring a lunch. and a book

Even warp 9 takes a while to get to the other quadrants in this little galaxy

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This is not at all an argument…reasonable discourse. There, in my humble opinion, is so much We do not know about galaxies and universes. The speed of light, potential extremely rapid travels; and, to question that to me seems reasonable. Very Best, Ed

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Absolutely, almost all theories are good until the correct one pops up.

Hell, I am still buying into Scott Adams simulation theory. THAT explains a lot.

Better yet, God has a godlike sense of humor.

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Search Mrs. Brown’s Galaxy Song…All statements verified. Ed

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Whenever life gets you down, Mrs. Brown,

And things seem hard or tough,

And people are stupid, obnoxious or daft,

And you feel that you've had quite eno-o-o-o-o-ough,

Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving

And revolving at 900 miles an hour.

It's orbiting at 19 miles a second, so it's reckoned,

The sun that is the source of all our power.

Now the sun, and you and me, and all the stars that we can see,

Are moving at a million miles a day,

In the outer spiral arm, at 40,000 miles an hour,

Of a galaxy we call the Milky Way.

Our galaxy itself contains a hundred billion stars;

It's a hundred thousand light-years side to side;

It bulges in the middle sixteen thousand light-years thick,

But out by us it's just three thousand light-years wide.

We're thirty thousand light-years from Galactic Central Point,

We go 'round every two hundred million years;

And our galaxy itself is one of millions of billions

In this amazing and expanding universe.

Our universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding,

In all of the directions it can whiz;

As fast as it can go, at the speed of light, you know,

Twelve million miles a minute and that's the fastest speed there is.

So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure,

How amazingly unlikely is your birth;

And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space,

'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth!

Just sayin’. All verified. Ed

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Very possible. I do not discount the possibilitie, or the sightings. However the reports of numerous recoverd ET spaceships, appears unkiley. With faster then light technology, likely required for interstellar travel, I would not expect multiple crashes here. I expect it may very well be a "Look squirrel" ploy.

From the post...

"you have Kristen Gillibrand who is as far to the woke left as you can get and you have Tim Burchett who is as far to the right as you can possibly get on the cultural wars. These two people who are natural enemies, are working in lockstep on the UFO issue"

They may be natural enemies, yet the conflict is simple, one wants to tell the other how much to give, to whom to give, and how to conduct their life, the other simply wants to be left alone.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Let us hope for a simple plot twist on an expected trope: the aliens land and instead of asking, "Take me to your leader" they demand that we "Follow the money".

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Hahaha, good one!

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Yes. Except as with many latest events, the concept of "Space Cash" has already been explored on South Park! Go to: https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/vcdra2/south-park-no-space-cash

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The 'aliens" likely will bypass earth, since the current cost to fill-up would stretch their vacation budget all to hell...the Galactic Conde Nast listing put it in the bottom, below blistering lava planets..

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You don't believe that ETs really exist?

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or "beam me/us/them up ASAP."

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So now that the majority of the literate world are wise to the nefarious intentions of the Great Reset advocates and the Plandemic Pushers, an alien invasion will serve as yet another great fear-invoking public distraction that the totalitarians will use as yet another excuse to impose authoritarian dictatorial control over our formerly democratically run Constitutionally sovereign U.S. The War Monger politicians are salivating over this new opportunity for them.

No thank you.

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You got it! It’s their final card to play-global protection of a ‘foreign enemy’ and a great need for global power. A mass majority falls for it because it’s so much easier than thinking for yourself. I’m a simple person and this card is simply demonic. Unfortunately, it will succeed.

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We are not talking about an "alien invasion." We are talking about getting the truth out of the government about retrieved objects and bodies that it has been studying since the 1940s. Those objects and bodies are quite real.

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I have a theory.

Our little planet is way off the beaten trail in this galaxy.

The odds that an alien race ever finds us, is vanishingly small.

Humans, with this fine brain, have been here at least 300k years.

We know for a fact that this "current" civilization, has gone from nomadic tribesmen to the moon.

Mainly because we have not have a large sustained cosmic bombardment (asteroids, comets) in the past 10 thousand years. And a lot of emerging evidence of sustained planetary bombardments 13 thru 10 thousand years ago

We "could" have reached the stars 2 or 3 times, and got basted back to the stone sage, a couple of times.

The odds that these ufos are just humans coming back to check on the home world, is way higher than some aliens finding us.

Here is the fun part.

These would be OLD world humans, with old world diseases.

Which could wipe out the while planet. (see also natives in the new world that met humans from the old world)

Which would completely explain why the covid vaccine was forced on so many people on this planet.


How's that for the best conspiracy theory ever . Priceless.

Wait, lets add the old humans need new humans to fight in their cosmic battle, with an alien race THEY encountered (with a nod to several SF writers that already covered this)


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While we may be "off the beaten path" relative to the rest of the galaxy, "we" have not been silent. We have been sending out RF signals of various frequencies for many decades. And NASA / DOD only know what signals may have been sent outward from space-based (orbiting) platforms. Intelligent life that's located or traveling anywhere within 20 to 50 light years of earth will have detected it by now.

If the 1947 date is true about increased UAP phenomenon, there must be a reason for that based on multiple nuclear detonations in the 1940s or powerful RF signals reaching distant inhabited locations or those signals somehow breaking through time/dimension layers.

As far as diseases go, the Creator designed our immune system to handle anything encountered on Earth. He may also have designed us to deal with any pathogens in the galaxy or even universe, since he knows all about everything. I'm not worried. Only humans screw up human immune systems (like making bioweapons and calling them vaccines, pesticides, herbicides, and GMOs).

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He did not do as good a job making the "new world indians" immune to "old world diseases", so I disagree with that one.

Otherwise we have been sending out radio signals for about 150 years, so anybody that could listen, within 150 light years, would hear something.

I would like to point out, we are also listening and "if" someone had heard us, they would also be sending signals back. Unless of course, the invasion fleet is still on the way.

My point is the odds.

There is a much better chance humans reached the stars in past civilizations, and have come back, than some random aliens finding us, here.

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Pat, God made our immune systems just fine for most anything the “new world” has with which to challenge us. Problem is, people haven’t eaten properly to maintain our natural immunity and that only got worse since satanic big money (Rothschilds, Rockefeller et al) inserted themselves into Big Oil, Big Pharma, and Big Agriculture over 150+ years ago in this nation, and further back in the old world. Processed Food, gene meddling in plant and animals and almost all of “modern” medicine today are 95% of the causes for bad human health.

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keep reading my comment, I am speaking of historical fact, not what if

Plus, the indians were as healthy as horses, (not the horses that died out 12k years ago) exercised every day and ONLY ate natural foods, and damn, over 90 percent of them were wiped out by "old world disease".

See also malaria, small pox and typhus.

What you say is true, but has zero to do with my comment.

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If you are going to come up with creative theories, why not use the abundant evidence regarding ET contact that has already been collected?

It might be fun for some people to make fun of this whole subject, but I interpret this as similar to the nervousness of wrongdoer who knows he is about to be caught. I can't convince anyone that the information developed by the various people who have studied this subject is accurate or reliable. But I am convinced that much of it is, as different researchers with different methods have arrived at very similar results.

There is a supporting baseline of work being done by real academics. We have reincarnation and the separability of the "soul" pretty well pinned down. We have the reality of ET contact documented. We have some form of Intelligent Design as the best explanation of how biology came into existence - much more scientifically defensible than Evolution.

And from the less academic researchers like Courtney Brown, we have a story emerging of long term ET involvement with Earth. Yes, Earth is at a remote point in the galaxy. But this makes it useful for various things. Not as a hub for an advanced civilization, but certainly as a kind of laboratory. Brown's work is clear and consistent; we have been visited; we are being visited. Roswell and a host of other incidents and sightings were real.

Now we have a government researcher coming forward to tell us that the government has been hiding the truth from us for all these years. I strongly advise you to stop fooling around with this and take it seriously. It is in fact important.

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jesus H christ, I actually believe my theory way more than the impossible one about "aliens".

Columbus discovered American because the indians were every where over here. and America was between europe and asia.

Nobody knew the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentinelese were there until that island was in between two destinations.

We are at the end of the galaxy here,

no one has found a island near the Antarctic with humans on it, and no one will look, because there is nothing there. Just like where we are. It takes an enormous amount of resources to go exploring for nothing.

Now, unless the aliens have created an ansible, that can magically pick up radio signals, which we have only been broadcasting for about 150 years, they dont know we are here. . So any alien's more than 150 light years away have not even had a chance to hear us

I wish it was aliens, but odds are you will win the lottery every year before that chance occurs.

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You can believe all this if you want. And of course, you will not be alone. But your belief ignores considerable evidence from a wide variety of sources. At this point Corporate totally relies on your continued incredulity, as we are getting closer and closer to busting this subject wide open. Dave Grusch is but one example. Courtney Brown has been working very hard on this, and earlier researchers have left their own legacies of data.

What is so "impossible" about a longstanding existence of human-like intelligent life in this universe? Can anyone seriously believe that a totally random process such as evolution resulted in what you see now on Earth? It is a ridiculous idea and a kind of religious belief all in itself. It makes much more sense to believe what our own memories have been telling us - through these researchers - for decades now. Intelligent people should AT LEAST have read some of this material so that they can discuss it. It seems that is the least that someone who is actually interested in having workable answers could do.

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The people who control that “area of study” have no intention of presenting the truth as you (we) would prefer. They intend on copying the advanced technologies and using them only to further the narrow and evil interests of the Deep State / New World Order as it is sometimes called.

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Yet there must be some explanation for why Grusch was allowed to come forward with his information, which I am quite sure is accurate.

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I have a theory.

Our little planet is way off the beaten trail in this galaxy.

The odds that an alien race ever finds us, is vanishingly small.

Humans, with this fine brain, have been here at least 300k years.

We know for a fact that this "current" civilization, has gone from nomadic tribesmen to the moon.

Mainly because we have not have a large sustained cosmic bombardment (asteroids, comets) in the past 10 thousand years. And a lot of emerging evidence of sustained planetary bombardments 13 thru 10 thousand years ago

We "could" have reached the stars 2 or 3 times, and got basted back to the stone sage, a couple of times.

The odds that these ufos are just humans coming back to check on the home world, is way higher than some aliens finding us.

Here is the fun part.

These would be OLD world humans, with old world diseases.

Which could wipe out the while planet. (see also natives in the new world that met humans from the old world)

Which would completely explain why the covid vaccine was forced on so many people on this planet.


How's that for the best conspiracy theory ever . Priceless.

Wait, lets add the old humans need new humans to fight in their cosmic battle, with an alien race THEY encountered (with a nod to several SF writers that already covered this)


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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That was quite the Monday Morning read.

I do believe there has to be other intelligences out there besides humans. To believe otherwise is downright depressing, as in we're as good at it gets? But my rational side tells me this all just one giant perpetual psyop. Looking to the U.S. Congress and Big Tech to deliver the truth only reinforces this suspicion.

Trust No One.

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Yes, “trust no one”, & I question everything- especially from the evil mouths of the government!

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Jul 17, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023

BradK, Us humans have the sad ability to block and not be able to see what is in front of us, as the last number of years will testify. We are too close to nuclear war and the other dimensions and galaxies will be affected, could be part of the reveal at this time. Take the crooked government out of it.

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How about starting to trust yourself?

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One question is from WHERE does the billions of "off-budget" dollars of so-called "black money" that for over a half century continues to fund CIA and U.S. military "secret" instillations and facilities - in Nevada and other locations ORIGINATE from - if not the U.S. CONGRESS?

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Since 2000, there has not been an audited financial statement from Washington. By 2000, OIG cannot account for $4 trillion. The thought is there is a lot of shadow money and black money funding these things. Catherine Austin Fitts of solari.com use to write a lot about this. She served as assistant director of HUD during Bush 41. Much of this is buried deep in the past in her site.

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CAF is a hater, conspiracy monger and frequently off the rails. I have no interest in anything she has to say about anything.

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You defaulted to using an overused and un-Godly word from the Left's vocabulary. It implies we know what is in the heart of another person.

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Your expertise is at minimum, science. But do you have expertise in finance and banking? Considering much, if not most, of what we are suffering is due to a banking cartel, she might be a source of information worth paying attention to. Personalities always have the potential to be off-putting, but I hope you'll keep an open mind.

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I'm with fellow Virginian Malone...always. CAF is useless.

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She does seem to run a reasonably successful financial advice business....

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Agree to disagree :)

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Some evidence on these allegations would be nice.

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I have a good friend in the weeds; because, She was targeted by a neighbor. Sorry, until proven otherwise, You will not get My Trust. I have chatted with Her about what She is dealing with. There are some “individuals “ out there that hide their true colors extremely well. Choose Wisely. 🏴‍☠️, Ed

Edit - “Not everyone needs to know everything thing all the time” (RIP Rex).

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I think you should reconsider your view of Catherine. I don't know her as a "hater" and don't know what information you have that makes you think this. She advocates mostly for a decentralization of the financial system and thus a revival of local economies. She has a slight religious bias, but other than that seems quite sensible.

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Speaking of "haters", it is time to withdraw your punitive lawsuit against Dr. Breggin. He and his wife have been defending the American people against the onslaught of Big Pharma for 50 years.

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Again, James - unless Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution has been officially Amended, it is still the US CONGRESS that is charged with originating SPENDING bills - ALL spending bills.

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There is a serious lack of accounting..

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But: Do they know what they are spending the money for? Are all the agencies telling them the truth and being perfectly open about their activities?

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You ARE being snide, aren't you, Larry?

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I guess you could call it that. Does the DoD even tell the Congress committees in closed session why they need hundreds of dollars for hammers or toilet seats? Of course this is a gross exaggeration. But as far as I know, even the Congress oversight committees don't know what the money they are spending is actually buying.

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Whaddaya mean "you guess"? And How do you know?

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The black operations are funded by a variety of means, mostly all illegal. CIA is involved.

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By WHAT 'means' ??? Again, Article 1., Section 8., of the United States Constitution sez that the CONGRESS is the ONLY one of the (3) branches that has ANYTHING to do with 'funding' of any and all aspects of the federal government....NOT the executive, nor the judicial.

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Why don’t you watch the Steven Greer documentary called Unacknowleged. It would answer your concerns. Agree, there is a law, but it’s not being followed. Also, his new documentary, The Lost Century, also addresses this very issue.

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It's NOT a "law"...it is explicitly delineated in the U.S. Constitution. ALL FUNDING MUST originate from BILLS that are created in the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate and passed by BOTH.

Once again, exactly WHERE ELSE does ANY funding for ANYTHING - off budget on on - ORIGINATE - except via the House & Senate? Should the treasury department be involved in ANY such shenanigans, whistleblowers - those federal government EMPLOYEES who still DO believe in the precept of the Constitution and this Republic - would have blown the lid off of what would amount to OUTRIGHT treason by UN-ELECTED treasury department Appointee heads and or staff long ago.

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Watch this Tom: https://youtu.be/uruF0xEr_LM

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Very interesting, L.L. Thank you for sending the link.

Unfortunately, Dr, Greer did not delve into precisely WHY what he describes as has been "secretly" in play within the U.S. since the 1940s is still active - which from the 'human' standpoint MUST be a generational phenomenon, indeed, a kind of "Ground Hog Day" scenario of 'life' on this planet.

One aspect is inarguable: the so-called "Homo-sapiens" species of animal has inveterate nihilistic tendencies built in to its DNA that have not changed from its inception - or "creation".

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I know the answer! The source of that "Black Money" ?? = The Space Aliens!

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You could be right, Leonora! LOL!!!

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Yawn. Aliens again because there’s nothing else going on.

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"Aliens" (ETs) are almost ALL that IS going on!

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I believe that the new emphasis on Aliens is so that the Military or Government can use Aliens as another population control technique, when they want to

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Look Balloon !

Oh, snappo ! Here I am looking at another train derailment in Pennsylvania. What an idiot I am, not paying attention to little green men who want to stick probes in my butt. I'm sure Mike Pense is available for that, should the aliens need to do more tests on willing subjects

(Notice I replaced "humans" with "willing subjects.)


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Wow and oh boy, file this under: what else are they not telling us? We are not told what is in the vaccines, what is in our food, our water, our air, our electromagnetic spectrum, etc. Why must the elites, across the centuries, keep secrets from the commoners?

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It's above our pay grade.

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It's really sad that Dr. Steven Greer and his Disclosure Project is left out of discussions as he alone single handedly and with a few associates has amassed the most evidence of ET life in our solar system and beyond, and has a thousand whistle blowers or more ready to testify to Congress. And there is no mention of the June 12, 2023 National Press Club event where direct eye witness evidence was recorded for YouTube on a 300 foot disc with black ops that spoke perfect english taking human slaves , guns AND DRUGS WO USE FOR THEIR BLACK BUDGET AFFAIRS. THIS IS A SICK CABAL BEHIND THE SCENES THAT PRES. EISENHOWER WARNED US OF LONG AGO BUT NOBODY WAS LISTENING. AND NOW WE ARE LEARNING OF THE ATROCITIES OF HUMAN SLAVERY FOR A BREAK-AWAY SOCIETY WHOSE WHEREABOUTS IS UNKNOWN.. IT MAKES ME SICK THAT THIS IS NOT AT THE FOREFRONT OF OUR NEWS BECAUSE HUMANITY COULD USE THIS TECH FOR GOOD PURPOSES.

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I don't agree with you that Greer is the biggest star on this issue. Many have been involved in many aspects of this subject for a very long time. Greer has what I call a New Age attitude on this subject, which I consider in itself a government psy op. That said, Greer's witnesses are for the most part very sincere. Recall that Greer tried this whole thing before in 2001.

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Surely, because they did not arrive with the proper paperwork, these must be undocumented aliens.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a wonderfully comprehensive article! Thank you Dr. Malone!

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Sorry my opinion of both parties in DC is so low that I think all we’re going to get is more Kabuki Theater. They won’t disclose JFK. They won’t admit to the FBI activities on J6, or explain why they never seriously investigated all the election “anomalies” of Nov 2020.

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Stop the presses, check the ambient temperature in Hell. Chuck Schumer actually said something with which I agree. Egad.

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And in other news:

Orson Wells was just dug up out of the cemetery plot he was entombed in, just for this special occasion. No one knows just how Mr. Wells will respond after all these years of being dead, but for the most part, he cannot be much more annoying than the current Resident of the United States of America.

And now here's Tom with the weather.

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I can't help but hear Aaron Russo saying the last step would be an Alien Invasion and it would all be fake. Just like 9/11 - Something to terrify us so much we would submit to the one world government. And what makes me REALLY think this is the case - I can't find the video of Russo saying this any longer. In fact, the search engines have become almost unusable. Anyone else noticing changes?

I highly recommend watching Aaron Russo's last interview with, of all people, Alex Jones. I watched it trying to find the alien invasion clip. It makes crystal clear how we have been played and how we've made no progress against the agenda. Same script over and over. Boy, are we dumb.

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When all else seems to be failing another psyops in the works for a few years explodes on the scene and is conveniently sponsored by both parties. It will keep us distracted until enough people read section 6 and find that the usual reasons for keeping info classified is found here also.

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What is section 6?

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Here is the link to the entire bill.


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There is this 2 minute video where he explains the one world order including digit currency. Insightful guy given he died in 2007


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That is a clip from the Alex Jones interview. Russo states that all of these things were told to him by a Rockefeller friend. It wasn't insight, it was/is all planned.

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The last video with Russo in it I saw was a cameo in the 2021 movie The Greatest Reset. Obviously from some prior interview.

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