Apr 2·edited Apr 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Due to the increased access to information we have since WWII days, the available information makes the current BIG LIE at least as obvious as the Hitlerian ones. But one must seek it to find it. And the Deep State knows the majority will never do that. That is the race we're in. Praying for us all.

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Apr 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have mentioned before that the Texas AG has a lawsuit against pfizer for misrepresentation of their jabs efficacy. I suspect he was constrained bythe protective wrapping the fed has provided them but seeing as how they have admitted that the jab they sold was not the same as the one tested seems they are on pretty weak ground. Now if other state AGs do the same maybe a tsunami effect will ensue that may constrain both pharma and the fed from such hazardous behavior.

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I am unsure how to get the so called repubs to do the same dirty work that the rabid democrats do.

MAD seemed to work with classical commies...

seems it would work with these rabid rodents that call themselves democrats.

I suspect it will be a lot tougher, since these rabid rodents are also in a cult, and religious nuts will carry their crusade everywhere.

see also christian crusades and muslim hordes and college democrat vermin

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Baby steps add up

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so true, if not molested or destroyed by democrat vermin, baby steps turn into adult steps.

American adults step very bigly.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The WEF is satisfied with a population of 500 million people here on earth. There are close to 8 billion people on earth. Many of the nations leaders are members of the WEF. If we here in America have a leader that goes along with this goal of 500 million total population, and 1/2 of our country cheers this man on it seems no matter what comes out of his mouth, we seem to have a serious problem. Though America’s influence is waining because of these types of insane thoughts, we are still the most influential country on the planet, at least on the public side of the “closed doors”. We see this not sane man pushing his insane ideas, and as America goes so goes much of the world. Our enemies step right out of our way every time we stab ourselves over and over again. God I pray for an America first leader in the White House🙏🙏🙏. Because of our leaders America holds the bulk of the responsibility for the billions and billions of these shots that have been given. J.Goodrich

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Years before Covid caused chaos, I stumbled on the deagel report with Western countries losing like 75% of the population while more Eastern countries maintained or gained populations.


Looks like it's covered on substack too. https://seemorerocks.substack.com/p/is-the-deagel-reports-2025-depopulation

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I can think of a billion or so rabid rodents that would benefit from natural selection,

so would the rest of us.

I am still optimistic, humans are very good at fixing slow moving disasters, and the left, the democrats and the commies, are slow moving disasters,

We did fine with an ocean that rose 400 feet in 1000 years.

The Mediterranean folks did fine with a Sea that rose 30 feet in a few hundred years,

the rocks that bombarded the planet 13 k years ago, that one took us a while to get over.

Leftism is a slow moving disaster, we just have to reduce the damages these rodents do while they exterminate themselves. Red states seem to be doing that. Conservative countries seem to be doing that.

I suspect when the rabid leftist vermin realize they have killed themselves, they will try to take all of us down with them, now.

THAT is when the vermin get real dangerous.

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Pat, your 2nd to last sentence rings true to me, no doubt.

The false premise of geoengineering is to control the weather.

Yeah, it is helpful during war maneuvers (Operation Popeye), but on a status quo population, just living their lives, it makes no real sense, as the reason its implementation has a false reason for it.

There was a fella name Cooper who talked about the Agenda decades ago, and he flat put said that geoengineering isn't about weather control, but its actual purpose is to toxify land, water and air, and gain control over populations through illness, starvation, inhospitable environmental condtions, and ultimately eugenics. Think hazardous waste spills, and govt boots everyone out, and takes possession of the land, ousting residents, and claiming no entry

Demons in charge at work here.

They (demons) know full well they are destroying this planets ecological systems, but with the end goal of total control, they do not care about the harms they cause along the way.

If the predictions of global ozone layer collapse happens, if there are any survivors they will not be terrestrial dwellers, but cave occupying troglodytes who are the ones behind this entire process.

The goal to eventually re emerge, if it is indeed possible, is the prize. Thats what they're counting on.

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I still think it is a form of rabies, mainly spread by infected vermin

and these non useful idiots have no idea they are just repeating the same old insanity

I predict the conservative preppers will be the next society that survives.

Not to sure about those guys either. I am starting to think like them, and I am becoming scary.

Don't like this direction the leftist vermin are pointing me. Especially since I am at a time in my life where what happens to me is way less important than what happens to my kid, or hopefully, grand kids. Or your grand kids. Been a nurse all my life, and I learned long ago, sometimes, "rotten body tissue" needs to be removed.

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Apr 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is very encouraging, and hopeful his legal initiative will serve as a template for action by others in other countries. I think Dr. Malone should identify what he means by "conservative" for his readership. As I am sure he is well aware, the meaning of Right and Left and Conservative and Liberal have become quite muddled, as Conservatives have come to the forefront of advocacy for human rights and medical freedom, while Liberals have been stuck defending the "status quo" as determined by the State. This is not what Liberalism meant in the 1960's and 1970's. I have outlined these reversals in my substack article: https://greengrowsthegrass.substack.com/p/liberalism-and-wokism. Nowadays, when people identify as a conservative or liberal I'm quite honestly uncertain what that means to them, and what they intend it to mean to others.

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I refer to the historic meaning, as I said in the essay, of being careful, cautious in demeanor and actions.

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Good point. I think the media bias has skewed the idea of what a conservative or liberal is to further divide Americans when we all believe in basically the same ideal- maintaining our individual rights as Americans. Maybe we need to stop using those terms and “identify” as freedom-loving Americans instead. Are you a freedom-loving American who values our rights under the US Constitution or are you a dependent who wants the Government to take care of you?

We the People are the Heirs of the American Experiment and We are Squandering Our American Inheritance!

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

Great idea !

Love America, or suck on its teat?

Getting an honest answer is the difficult part, as truth, honor, and morals do not mean the same to the new breed of humanoids, all from decades of conditioning not to.

A process of separating wheat from chaff needs,to be developed, so that the muddling comes to an end.

We, as humans can easily solve problems before us.

For example, the big issue now is this creation of gender identity, and bathroom use. There is an easy fix, and can be easily rectified.

"Whatever junk you have in your pants dictates which bathroom you have available to you.

Slap a sign (representative drawing optional) on the men's room where it indicates "For use by penis possessers only"

On the ladies room door, the sign :"For use by those with a vagina".

Considering the statistics for actual Hermaphrodytes existing in society, we can let them outside to whizz in the yard, when necessary.

Problem solved. Use the restroom thats designed to compliment the equipment you have attached to ya, and we're all happy.

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Yes! I suggested those very signs to my boss!! No penis in the ladies’ bathroom please, especially since women are more at risk than men. And if a woman or man mutilates their body to change genders, then the penis is no longer a threat to women. Problem solved- except HR said no can do.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

My wife said the same thing to her boss (owner of a diner she was waitressing part time in).

Boss told her "nothing we can do" and capitulated to the mob.

Wife immediately quit that job.

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She’s lucky she could quit! My husband tells me men are at risk too - when they beat up the fella in a skirt who follows their lady in bathroom. Crazy times we live in.

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I wrote a long bit about it on another of Robert's threads a while back.

Long story short is that a dude followed my wife into the bathroom, and used the toilet next to her, as a guy would. My wife flipped out, and that was the end of the career there, because the owner refused to do anything about it.

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Apr 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Holy Toledo! Looks like he's throwing the book at them. Wish him well in this endeavor.

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Just hope any court that hears the case isn’t bought and paid for. We have too many people in positions of power who are immoral and therefore easily bribed. They will use their influence to enrich themselves. Where have all the good men and women gone? We need more good moral people to stand with people like Dr. Malone.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

First, thank you for sharing this with all of your readers and beyond via social media . Hopefully, many will be further sharing these vital messages (including Dr Kruse's analyses regarding the updates of the WHO Regulations and Treaty currently in process - see testimony at Johnson hearing). One of your SS readers noted to me that the Australian Senate has authorized an inquiry on everything covid. On the other hand I'm seeing articles asserting modified mRNA is entirely safe.

The need to get the WHO and world wide Public Health operations in hand and redirected to exclusively performing roles as initially contemplated or in the alternative disbanded and replaced is crucial. In view of the demonstrated intransigeance, it seems clear this litigation is well needed to get the ball rolling.

Again, thanks so very much for your efforts in identifying this valuable source and undertaking to widely distribute it.

Best of days and wishing major success!

Bestest Plus ♡♡♡

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Today's latest blast

COVID-19 Vaccination Associated with Reduced Risks of Thromboembolic, Cardiovascular Complications

Apr 1, 2024

By John Parkinson



This very large study reviewed data, which showed people vaccinated for the virus had a substantial reduction of risk for these types

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Apr 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Truth Train has left the station and gaining momentum! Hurrah!

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Apr 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Count on endless attempts to spike those rails

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As long as the train does not derail, have a seat on the bright side of the track.

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Apr 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Mr Kruse is very articulate. He is kind and compassionate. He reminds me of Drs Malone. Integrity. We just have to keep sharing and talking to people.

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Another serious man in the fight is always welcome and appreciated.

BTW, good interview posted last night between Tucker and German Dr. Michael Nehls.

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When will Trump accept that he was lied to and start hammering on Fauci and all the criminals who screwed us. The information is available for anyone who chooses to look but will never be voluntarily offered by the MSM. The issue is too many are ignorant of the danger or too afraid to accept the tact that criminals are leading us to a totalitarian future.

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Dr. Malone, I think you are probably right, which is disappointing. he will not apologize and admit he was wrong. There’s a humility in apologizing and admitting you were wrong. There is strength in humility no matter who you are we all make mistakes. If Trump was a big enough man to say I was wrong and I am sorry, If I ever make a mistake I will do everything I can to correct it, please forgive me for being led down this path, I was deceived, he would be swept back into the White House. Humility can be very powerful.

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Trump is largely driven by ego and that is one of his warts we are going to have to endure. We have endured much worse.

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Ego can be a strength but when you make a mistake, it’s impossible to move on and grow without acknowledging the mistake. I’m still voting for him. I would look at him as a much bigger man if he would at least point out the mistakes of forcing experimental chemicals on people. Even pointing out the forcing of it was never his policy would help. He should have said at least that a long time ago.

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What made him successful (as much as allowed) was he was a business man and approached the job like one and not a politician. He was told by “experts” in place there we needed a vaccine and one made at unprecedented time. He saw that that happened. That he was given bad advice throughout I believe became obvious to him but I wonder just how much he is being told, or allowed to hear, just how bad those jabs are? Hopefully when back in 1600 e will have more reliable advisers.

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His son Don Jr was aware, and made public the harms of the jab. I guess Trump doesnt discuss stuff with his son either.


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Let's let the leftys finish making their fatal mistake first, then see what Trump has to say. It was obvious to me in the lead up to the vax that the ONLY remedy to the covid problem the noisy left side of the isle was going to accept was a "vaccine". Anything else that was suggested as a possible cure was promptly rejected and immediately banned for sale. Let us also recall that all of the mandating whether it was masks, shots, whatever was implemented by state governors or their flunkies. I don't believe I ever heard PDJT try to mandate anything.

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No he didn’t my fellow oldguy 52. To millions the forced vaccine was an extremely negative event in their lives. PDJT should explain that it was never his intention to force the vaccine on anyone. I think it would be a positive for him and a huge negative for Biden. It also might put people that have been negatively effected by the shot a bit less uneasy about Trump. He should pound Biden on all of his totalitarian policies. Forced dna chemicals, censorship, jailing political opponents, why he’s opened the border, taking bribes from our enemies, not paying taxes on “repayed loans”, hundreds of executive orders, singularly signing the WHO Treaty illegally, I could go on.

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James, you're a good guy, but the bus has left. I'm a Trump supporter, but it's been clear for quite some time that he is not going to do that. It's like, "The military is coming to save us." No. But, Trump loves our country and is a good man. He has his reasons.

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I probably agree with you, by not saying anything may tell people he was ok with the mandates I’m not even sure where he stands

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I know, and no offense, but it doesn't matter because he can't do "people knowing what he thinks" and get elected at the same time. He won't get elected, plain and simple, if he talks about it. Which do you want more?

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What do we want?

Admit the obvious fact that the jabs are harmful, they killed maimed, and get the truth,spewing out of his own two lips.

Not much to ask for

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He may be a good man, or not.

Time will tell, either way.

I hope at some point in the near future, i can be boisterous and proud of my President again.

Time ....

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He's a very good man. But the U.S. President, or the Leader of any major country, must be willing to make some uncomfortable decisions. So, that kind of "good" is different from what you probably have in mind. I trust that he loves Americans. That tells me what I need to know.

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And furthermore, this stand behind Israel is horrifying.

Trump stands with Israel. Yeah, another cowardly standing.

Well, Trump stands with GENOCIDE of the people of Gaza.

How many thousands of women and children have to be murdered, blown up, starved to death till Trump comes forwards and CONDEMNS Israel ??

Blind faith of any leader, including Donald J. Trump is dead wrong, and I refuse to follow that pathway.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

I agree with you, that all leaders need to make tough decisions, but AT THIS MOMENT IN TIME,


not revealing that the jabs are continuing to harm people, kill people, maim people, and destroy lives is the real problem here.

I don't buy it that "his reasons" and all that nonsense about not coming forwards with what is publicly known to all of us. If he didn't get so much backlash from his rallies, all the booing, and yelling at him each time he pushed the jab, he'd still be boasting about it now. When he was on Faux News, being interviewed by that Rino Bret Bair, he flat out said that he's "Not allowed to talk bout the vaccine anymore, because a lot of his followers are offended".


Yeah, whatever. He's full of shit, over the vaccines

" For some reason"

"people love the vaccines, people hate the vaccines"

“I said: ‘I really don’t want to talk about it, because, as a Republican, it’s not a great thing to talk about, because, for some reason, it’s just not.’” the former president told Baier.

DJT is not stupid, and his failure to come out and say what is really happening is capitulation, and condoning of the mass genocide before us.

Yes, he signed off on Warped Speed, but enough with the bullshit that it saved millions. There have been countless studies proving the exact opposite, and he needs to get with the Truth program already.

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Powerful, and deeply cherished and admired

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Apr 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

… and that is horrifying.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

I have come to the place where I believe there is not a political solution to what ails this nation. It is a spiritual one… only a man who is ABLE to humble himself and seek the Lord’s face and encourage the rest of the nation to do so will make any difference, in my opinion. Our leaders, in my opinion, have been God’s mirror showing us what we have become. NOT a good look, I pray people will wake up and drop the all the idols.

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...if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways...

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Hosea 4:6

" My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

Because you have rejected knowledge,

I also will reject you from being priest for Me;

Because you have forgotten the law of your God,

I also will forget your children."

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Apr 2·edited Apr 3

One of the biggest problems about this, is that even Christians don’t understand they are now part of ‘one new man’… They say, ‘this is only for Israel’. Who do they think Messiah confessing people are??

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I'm not familiar with that argument; sounds silly, no, infuriating. Must be a need for a more robust understanding of the totality of Scripture. There are countless Old Testament jewels to be mined, and we're trying to create enmity?

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Which argument? That many Christians do not understand that ‘Faithful Israel’ is not the current political state… but those who, since the Resurrection of Christ, both Hebrew and Gentile believers are ONE body? No replacement, not two peoples… but one?

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Apr 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How many people do you know who are willing to admit being wrong, especially about foolishly allowing themselves be made into guinea pigs for an agent with the potential for immediate and long term harm? The unwillingness to admit this is what helps media in not pushing the harmful effect narrative.

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I owned my mistake.

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I once blamed my sister for something two ex friends did to my wife and I. I spoke to both of them and they didn’t tell me the truth they stayed silent. When I found out it was them and they let me blame my sister I was crushed. It took me a long time but I did go and ask her for forgiveness. She did forgive me and today we are good. I learned many big lessons way back then and will never make the same mistake.

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A similar thing happened to my brother when his best friend accused him of something that he not only did not do, but more importantly, would never do. My brother was crushed. It was many years before this friend asked for my brother's forgiveness, which he graciously acknowledged. When this friend became grievously ill following his 3rd covid "vaccine" dose, from which he ultimately died, it was my brother who tended to many of his needs in those final weeks of his life. Their love for one another superseded everything else.

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It takes a big person to accept an apology and really forgive. It’s all a part of moving forward. One of the people involved in my case was a cousin of mine he never apologized. The other person did apologize and honestly Debra at the time I couldn’t accept it. After, I completely dropped out of the whole group. I was young, I had been running my business, and I had began moving away from them anyways. The thing that really killed me was I had talked to both of them telling them how mad and disappointed I was with my sister and they didn’t have the guts to tell me it was them. They left me out on a limb dividing my family. My sister was nearly unaware of the whole thing, I had to tell her. It was something I’ll never forget.

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I am so sorry that you had this incredibly hurtful & disappointing experience, James. It is good to know that you & your sister have restored your relationship. I completely understand your reluctance at the time to accept the apology from this person. The time may arrive when you will be more willing to do so, even if it is only in your own heart & mind, & even if it is many years later. It is sort of like a present that you give to yourself - a "Merry Christmas to me, from me".

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And are the rare exception.

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You don't have to get elected with more than half of the votes of the Independent Suburban Women. Pragmatically, if Trump is going to win, he has to get this group. I've heard the swing group that must be won over to win the Presidency are the

White Suburban Catholic Women Independents.

They are undoubtedly mixed in their opinions on the jab. I heard him basically say this, without saying the words "Suburban Catholic." He said that is why he is not going to talk about it. If he is determined to be President again, and he is, he knows he has to have that voting bloc. He is pragmatic. I know that we must have his leadership (over Biden's) in order to help our country strengthen. He will exit the WHO. He has publically committed to do that. I know people wish there were other candidate choices, but THERE AREN'T. So, anyone who commits to vote in November needs to vote Trump, because Biden is evil, and Kennedy, for all his good points, will be fortunate to get on enough states' ballot and then get 270 Electoral votes. Especially, now that he's picked Shanahan.

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Maybe on the same day Trump reads Matthew 5:43-48 out of his God Bless America Bible and realizes it's an idea to explore.

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My take is the question to be addressed is how to best fashion HHS to meet needs in 2025 and beyond. Set up persons of substantial influence with an effective team to design such an initiative. Establish a framework. Hopefully the Amendment G (was it) is in place. Get a green light and get started.

Retribution will need to take place in another venue.

We need cures NOW (IMO)

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Your bus left a long time ago. The answer is "never." I support Trump, but he simply isn't going to do this.

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A very interesting discussion about revealing the knowledge you’ve been lied to. I would never expect Trump to apologize but to target the blame for a bad decision that reeks of obviousness or he’s allowing himself to perpetuate the scam. The mRNA therapy, his baby, has turned out to be worse than the virus and he owns it unless he exposes the criminals who lied to him and killed millions, poisoned billions and destroyed the trust in medicine. So I will always view Trump as capable of more of the same since he still views himself as a hero when in fact he’s just a rich guy with a giant ego that clouds his judgement.

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Ok. Then don't vote for him. Stay pragmatic.

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At this point what other choice do we have. As Steve Bannon has said “Trump is an imperfect vessel”, I don’t expect perfection but an obvious F up of this magnitude deserves capitulation at some point.

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I agree T.Paine, Trump is not a stupid man. He sees the harms this shot has caused. I would take a statement that he never would have forced the jab on people like my wife who had to take 3 shots against her will. Is he for that? If not he should say something. To me the way that death shot turned out he’s dam lucky big pharma waited until Biden was president to release the death shot because they would have hung him for all the people that died and were maimed by it and to be honest they would have had a better case than all these BS cases their throwing at him now.

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Your assessment of the nuance of this complex web we all struggle to understand is appreciated. Much of what supported the American ideal of representative democracy, equality, blind justice and the pursuit of happiness appears crumbling like Baltimore. Trump will surely be hounded and cause those who’s grip on power he threatens to act I suspect in self destructive behavior making the job of breaking the stranglehold our bureaucracy has demonstrated extremely difficult.

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Apr 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Two things come to mind, a reminder from my friend Dannion Brinkley. When he had his death experience in 1975 (not near death, he was clinically dead for 28 minutes). He was shown 12 "boxes" of potential future events and also told that they weren't written in stone. Almost all have come to pass. He was told by the Beings of Light to "view ourselves as spiritual beings, living in a spiritual place, with a spiritual purpose. The rest will follow." We must remember the power of Love is greater than fear or the power of evil. Put that (Love) in front of everything that is done in this mighty mess. I believe that this is the only way to come out of this movement towards the cliff. We can't use the same tactics of fear, hatred and ego. We must be warriors of Love. Now for everyone to ask themselves, what does that look like?

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I love this. It's true. Thank you for sharing it.

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Apr 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Looks to me like the Swiss gov't managed to sweep the 2022 report under the rug. I sure hope this one doesn't as readily disappear.

It's time the CDC had this waved in their face too.

As I have said before, let Nuremberg 2.0 commence without delay.

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Apr 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is a fight we must engage in if we are to stop whatever "blob" it is that we are fighting. Too many remain on the sidelines due to their lack of curiosity... waking them up is essential. Time is crucial as we are fighting against those who have no respect for humanity, law, ethics, god or morality; they in fact deem themselves the only relevant gods.

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Apr 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Once again I am surprised at the lack of "likes" and comments. It's not as if these legal battles don't affect us in the U.S. they do! This may not be as controversial as abortion, guns, Kennedy and his running mate and many other topics that get people going, but the outcomes of these cases, win or lose, is important.

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Apr 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Guess can only hope (sadly) since time has passed and more people have been adversely affected, he gets a judge and/or jury that knows people who have been vaccine injured.

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Apr 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This gives us hope! Thank you!

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