Oct 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So appreciate all your invaluable work Dr. Malone! I’ll say it again-WHAT A TREASURE YOU ARE! God bless you! 💛

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In my mind, the principle of informed consent includes not only the purely medical implications, but the legal implications as well.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This makes me physically sick. As someone who is severely injured from the vaccine I think we should have known our government had signed our rights away to hold Pfizer accountable BEFORE we received the injections they also didn’t allow us to receive informed consent. I should have every right to sue them for what they have stolen from me and my family and I will never give up on waiting for my chance to sue not only Pfizer but the Government who knowingly did this to us.

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I am so sorry for your pain and suffering. I watched last night the film by Oracle about how those injured have not only suffered grievous harm, but have also been ignored, demonized, called liars, and left to fend by themselves in a state of desperation and confusion relative to the effects of the vaccine.

Having watched my mother struggle and suffer, until she died due to cardiac arrest from dehydration while pleading for help by FB messenger (which we did not get until after she died) has me sick to my stomach, angry, and desperate to hold those who perpetrated this fraud accountable. It truly is a crime against humanity done with no regard for life and the average person. It is pure evil and hubris in action.

I pray you find relief and hope that you have friends and family that will stand beside you and stand up for you. This “pandemic” and how our governments have handled it have torn apart and shredded lives and relationships.

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I'm so sorry for the loss of your mother. I've read and heard so many stories. Was she in the hospital when she passed? I hope you get your day in court. I just can't imagine.

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Yes. She was in the hospital. She had been diagnosed with a supposed “stroke” but yet no evidence on scans. She continued to develop symptoms including difficulty swallowing and also dizzy and lightheaded spells….even passed out as a result. Hospital dismissed it as fainting.

Because I had been pretty faithful about reviewing VAERS from the start, I suspected the vaccine. Her symptoms (those above and also elevated triponins and erratic blood pressure) began in earnest within a month of getting the booster and flu shot at the same time. She was also on immunosuppressive drugs for psoriasis and her doc did not tell her to discontinue them for a period of time around vaccination.

When I saw her in hospital on 1/06 before we were locked out….I knew that something was seriously off. I immediately went home and began researching in VAERS based on her symptoms and the progression of her illness. I then told them to get a neurologist in because I believed she had a sudden onset of Myasethenia Gravis caused by the vaccine. She had already been in the hospital for a week with inadequate food and hydration. The neurologist went in and agreed with my diagnosis and said treatment needed to begin immediately while we waited for test results to confirm. But somehow the orders were not written and the meds were not given. And she continued in an extremely dehydrated state. My sister was called and told they needed to vent my mom or put her on palliative care. She went into cardiac arrest due to hypovalemia and coded. They vented her and called us in to say our last goodbyes….keeping her “alive” until her children could get there.

I was horrified when in that state they came in and swabbed her for COVID! She had been in the hospital for 12 days and never tested positive for COVID. I was so mad when they did that—-treatment had completely ceased and we were there to be with her as she took her last breath.

The thing is….if one reads cases in VAERS….can’t help but think/wonder How many patients, particularly elderly, immunocompromised, or vulnerable, have had similar treatable conditions but have been misdiagnosed and treated as stroke or heart patients? How many have died with no one the wiser because the medical profession does NOT even have the potential of adverse effects on radar? You know….”safe and effective”, so can’t be the vaccine causing these problems and a system regulation issues/problems.

Think of the supposed experts looking into the VAERS reports who have been told….these things are not caused by the vaccine and that the likes of Malone and McCullough are misinformants.

I suspect the numbers of those affected by these vaccines in serious and deadly ways are far more than even those of us in the know suspect.

Fauci et al with their policies designed to cover up and deceive have worked hard to make prime conditions for plausible deniability…..no autopsies, among other things.

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My mom was a heart patient. moved to retirement home in Galveston and came under care of clinic who wanted her gall bladder. Her briefly dying on the table halted that but was rescheduled. I put a stop to that and found another primary. She kept that gall bladder for 10 yrs until her doc retired and that original pack of jackals finally took it--in two tries. She went into decline and finally died of congestive heart failure, but it said emphysema on death certificate--a condition never once mentioned in her entire medical history--and I pretty well saw all of it. This was in 1993, long before china flu.

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So sorry Dr. Nash, Yet another sad tale and proof that the medical assisted hospital "Care" often biggest killer. And the % grows in 2020 Eh?

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It is so heartbreaking to read your story. I'm so angry I am in tears, so I can only imagine how you and your family must feel. They were swabbing her for a positive test to try to get that extra money for the vent! I can't tell you how many times I've read about patients being neglected, malnourished and dehydrated.

Your comment about the experts saying that Malone and McCullough being misinformants really hits home for me. I went to the doctor at Duke University where I am normally seen for many years but my doc wasn't available. At the time, they had us all scared to death about dying from Covid, but I had seen the Front Line docs on the steps in DC before. I had been able to order Ivermectin from one of the FL docs before they shut it down everywhere. This young, arrogant doctor came in to see me, and in a long story shortened, he told me that I was willing to believe a "bunch of quacks that had been dismissed by the medical community" but I would not take a recommended "vaccine" by the experts. Oh boy...I flat out told him that I was not well enough informed about these shots and that I am allergic to flu shots, most antibiotics, history of anaphylaxis, etc. His example was, "Think of it this way. If you get Covid, you could very well die. If you get the vaccine, it will prevent your death or serious hospitalization. The chances of you dying are so much more if you don't get it." I thanked him for the information, and he would not let me go until I told him I would think about it. The next day, he made notes in my permanent chart of how I was vaccine-hesitant, yet listened to disinformation from unqualified sources.

This encounter really started my deep dive into the data and into alternative news and media sources. Like you, I've spent crazy amounts of time...practically every day since the Covid lockdowns shuttered my business of 30+years. These doctors are the main part of the problem. I don't know if it's just because they are "following orders" (think Mengele), if they are not familiar with vaccinology and epidemiology (they can get CME for that...), or if they are remorseful/embarrassed/ashamed of what they have done with a complete disregard to "do no harm". I believe I saw a video or read something about willful disregard in the last couple of days. That is criminal!

Autopsies are now being done. I've read that people are having to pay thousands of dollars for them, or they were during the "pandemic". That has never happened in the US that I know of, at least not for the 59 years that I've been around.

I am so very sorry for what you've been through, but I do hope you know that there are many of us out here that are going to bat for people like your mom and your family. My own father, a man with a doctorate...a very successful man in all walks of life...would not listen to me and now just asks me why I am so consumed with something I can't do anything about. I say, YES I CAN! I can keep telling your story. I can keep informing friends (between facebook prison times), and I can shout it to the rooftops.

I pray for your peace.

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You and I are so alike. I’m so sorry about all this suffering. My family too thinks I’m obsessed. I guess I am, but it’s just because the more evidence of fraud I stumble across, the more I struggle to grasp what healthcare really is these days.

I used to live in the RDU area, until two “99.9%” “safe & effective” JnJ products destroyed my health, mobility, career and life. It took me almost a decade to figure it out and get the toxic products removed. I am myself again after 8.5 years of suffering, grief and pure hell, but thank God, my own investigation showed me the truth about this industry and how rigged & Pharma-captured all our systems (regulatory, healthcare, legal and even legislative) are now. I am actually grateful my experience turned me into a skeptic right about the time the first rumblings about sarsCOV2 were hitting the news. Here’s part of my story:


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Frances - I had no idea. I used to watch you all the time. That's awful. How were you able to get the toxins out of your system after suffering for so long? So, you were basically poisoned with metal? That is just terrifying that they do no testing for devices. I hope you have been able to make enough waves to change the legislation, although, their pockets are so deep and they are all in bed together, I don't know what it will take at this point to bring the entire cabal down.

Just think of the hospital systems we have there...Duke University, UNC Chapel Hill (where Covid all began), Wake Med...they have all been giving out these shots without a care in the world and treating injured people like they are crazy. Gaslighting is rampant everywhere. I got booted out of Pilates for not getting the shot.

This entire experience certainly has been eye-opening for me as well. I now liken the pharma and medical folks to judges and lawyers. They are self-perpetuating. There seem to be no good guys these days.

I'm sorry that Raleigh lost you, but so glad to see that you have recovered. I don't think I'd mind living in TX! :)

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Boy, me too! Everyone thinks I'm obsessed. But as I dig, and read, and listen, I too have begun to understand the depths of the criminality in our whole health system.

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I am so sorry!

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I am so sorry and my deepest sympathies for you and your family.. Prayer works.. One day at a time.. :)

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Lord have mercy.

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That is why we need our laws changed. President Reagan, who is admired by many gave us a bad law. We need Robert Kennedy Jr., to take a position of high security and responsibily in the CDC/FDA regarding oversight. President Trump said he put him in oversight of some sorts, but when push came to shove, he did not follow through. We expect more of our leaders. We need to form small groups and make appointments with our congressman and local leaders to stop the malfeasance in our government. I get sickened too. I have two grandkids. My daughter is 28 and my son is 25. I want grandkids from my son, so you can say I am selfish, but truth is we all pray to see our grandchildren's children. We can ask no more than that!

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks, Dr. Malone. Knowingly FRAUDULENT. In the US it is being said that the US Government knew their claims were fraudulent, and therefore accepted them regardless of risk and effectiveness...but the public did not. Coercion is not informed consent. Is our case against the manufacturer or the government? As to the Italian government (or any other) what did they know, and when did they know it?

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What was the saying? About 70% FDA budget comes from the Pharmaceutical companies which they are entrusted to regulate.

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Foxes guarding the chickens!

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More like chickens guarding the foxes with the expected conclusion

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Birx admitted they knew...

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He “will get to the bottom of it”! All signal, no noise! 😀

Thank you Doc.

Your advice on food supplements, namely Vitamin K2-M7 and Taurine is helping out my heart condition. 🙏


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Kind of amazing isn't it?

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Very much so!

I have had this condition for almost 10 years now. Arrhythmia was getting worse.

After several ablations and the cardiologist trying to get me to take Amiodarone, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to give your advice a try. Wow! Immediate results. I actually have episodes of normal sinus rhythm now 😀

I refuse to take Amiodarone.

Thanks again!

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For fun look up taurine deficiency in cats and association with dilated cardiomyopathy. Interesting history on it and an accidental finding back in the 80s at UC Davis DCM is fatal but potentially reversable with taurine and now we know its preventable!! The food manufacturers got on board pretty quickly . Pretty cool!

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Thank you for the lead Mary!

I have done a lot of research into my condition (HCM) and noticed that cats are known to have similar conditions as humans. Very interesting 🤔.

The causes are also of interest. The medical universities are pushing %100 gene mutations but I am skeptical about that. I tested negative for a “known”gene mutation.

Mine came about after a very traumatic automobile wreck. I had an andrenaline rush that lasted several days. I am suspicious that is the cause for my condition, although I cannot prove it.

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mk7 nattokinase ( from natto) has just been shown in a study to have great anti spike protein properties, and prevents fibrins being formed, apparently. I was glad it is in my vit d3 +k2 ( k2 often comes from mk7, menaquinone. I'm guessing the quinone /quinine/ quine aspect is also helpful).

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You are THE BEST! Thank you so much! Our son is 19, & promises us he has not had the vax but he’s just last week developed some very weird, very new heart issues that are so much like some of the more mild cardiac vax side effects. I didn’t give much thought to the vax shedding conversations, but after calling 911 twice & two visits to the ER for him in one week, I’m wondering if his heart could be being affected by spike protein shedding from recently vx’d friends. Seems crazy but all this has been crazy so….

I’ve been suggesting NAC, and I’ll tell him about mk7 too! Unfortunately we’ve tried to train each of our kids to be a critical thinker, so now they don’t just do what I say. I’m like, “Who raised these independent rebels who don’t just blindly trust in what we’re telling them?” ;)

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Would you detail the treatment protocol to which you are referring, and for what condition it is used. Thank you.

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Dr. Malone wrote this Substack article on August 23, 2022. I gave his recommendation a try and had unbelievable results. I then became a paid subscriber to his Substack for less than an office call 😜


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Thanks for this link!

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Where can I learn more about this?

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Hi Frances,

What would you like to learn more about? The Myocarditis and food supplements or the HCM (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy)?

There are groups about HCM that post a lot of stuff. I was involved in some of the studies and participated in clinical trials/studies until I found out much if not all is funded by China and big pharma. In fact, one of the drugs for HCM is the first drugs claimed to be able to reverse a known gene mutation that caused HCM. I believe the transhumanists are very interested in this along with artificial intelligence to create, in their minds, the ability to attain eternal life.

I quit all affiliations after I realized this. But, you can find out a lot of information from an organization named HCMA

go to 4hcm.org and thehcmacademy.com

The organization was started by a lady named Lisa Salberg.




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Thank you so much, Mark! Here’s what woke me up initially to all this Pharma fraud: https://www.kvue.com/mobile/article/news/investigations/medical-device-dangers/fda-does-not-test-most-devices-implanted-in-humans-and-many-are-paying-for-it/269-c41ad14d-031f-4166-a18b-4361e8e22cfd

Now I just try to use my story to warn people.

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Dr. Malone:

Thank you for your persistence and hard work.

I am an attorney and I list my mother to the vaccine. Consistent with the research of McCullough and others, the vaccine induced a rapid onset of myasthenia gravis which the doctors failed to even recognize. As a result, she died frightened, essentially alone, thirsty and hungry. Her cardiac arrest in the end was a result of dehydration-reported right in the medical record. I am beyond horrified at what she suffered and why.

All this by way of saying I am motivated and willing to help get to the bottom of this huge fraud. I am well versed in the plans of the WEF, etc. I know the impacts on the education and health sector.

I have two daughters…19 and 16. I had to fight to get a medical exemption for my daughter who attends our state university which is still mandating COVID vaccination. My mother’s medical records and my own research convinced our pediatrician. So many parents do not have the research or writing skills to submit documentation like I did.

I am motivated to help because I understand better than most how the promise of the future of our children and grandchildren is dependent on bringing to light the levels of corruption and manipulation that have quite frankly become a way of life in DC and in the state governments as well.

How can I help?

And have you seen this:


How can I help? Do you or the others in search of the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth have anybody coordinating volunteers?

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write to Jill @ info@RWMaloneMD.com

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These stories haunt me.

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That is horrifying!

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thank you for joining in the fight. Im so sorry you lost your mom.

What woke me up to the Pharma con game/my story: https://www.kvue.com/mobile/article/news/investigations/medical-device-dangers/fda-does-not-test-most-devices-implanted-in-humans-and-many-are-paying-for-it/269-c41ad14d-031f-4166-a18b-4361e8e22cfd

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Sadly, I also am well acquainted with the FDA antics and the harm done as a result.

I am a breast cancer survivor. Diagnosed at the age of 46, I underwent a bilateral mastectomy. My breast surgeon and plastic surgeon recommended texturized silicone implants by Allergan to be placed during the same surgery.

In the years following the completion of chemotherapy, I struggled to regain my health with chronic pain, inflammation of joints, fatigue, brain fog, etc. I was desperate to improve my health having always been active. I have run marathons, coached soccer, hiked, camped, etc. Yet, in the aftermath of cancer I struggled to even walk when I would first get up in the morning.

Come 2017 there was noise about the implants possibly causing cancer. By 2019, the FDA was recalling the implants based on their association with lymphoma. Unfortunately, I had the most implicated model of these implants. I insisted they be removed because of my host of symptoms and my history of autoimmune issues. Of course, the FDA maintains that women need not have them removed despite the fact that they can cause cancer because the FDA maintains that the cases are few and far between. My refrain was that I did not fight cancer to have cancer-causing implants placed in my body.

It took me educating my plastic surgeon about the need to remove them and also the scar tissue/capsule around the implants since the cancer often starts in the scar tissue. He reluctantly agreed to try stating that he was concerned that I was too thin to do that.

However, after the explant was complete, he told me that my case had changed his practice. WHY? Because when they went in, they found that both implants were completely ruptured and had been leaking into my chest for who knows how long. He said he had to scrape the crap off my ribs. I do recall that a year or two after they were placed I called my doctors telling them that I thought something was wrong because they looked lumpy, etc. I was dismissed by both my oncologist and plastic surgeon because they said that the implants were good for 10 years. So much for that!

The amazing thing, literally within 24-48 hours following surgery the swelling in my face went down noticeably. I was no longer so stiff and unable to move in the morning. My fingers/hands were no longer swollen like sausage links in the morning, etc. My energy levels improved, etc. I am not alone. I am on a FB group of nearly 150,000 women who suffer from breast implant illness and lymphoma due to these toxic implants. It is unbelievable to me that the FDA allowed them onto the market and then failed to follow up with the companies that were supposed to be tracking and following individuals with the implants. It was a condition of the implants going back on the market.

I have watched Netflix's "The Bleeding Edge" which is about the medical implant industry and the FDA's piss poor regulation of it and the harm done to patients. It is gross. The documentary also highlights how doctors are essentially conscripted into selling and using these products with a false sense of confidence in them. Also, highlighted is the revolving door that exists between our regulatory agencies and the heads of pharma. Talk about conflicts of interest in policing the industry. I suspect many regulators look forward to their reward when they leave public service and get paid to sit on a board of big pharma.

I am sure there are those who have implants that do not suffer. However, far too many women are suffering from autoimmune processes resulting from the implants. And sadly, bloodwork does not always reveal the systemic inflammation. Also, many women develop autoimmune disease as a result of the implants---only to have it resolve upon explant.

I am currently part of a large class action lawsuit against Allergan regarding the implants. Of course, big pharma's first move is to ask for the case to be dismissed saying that they had approval from the FDA. Thankfully, the judge is allowing discovery with regard to what exactly big pharma presented to the FDA to obtain approval.

Thank you for sharing the above article relative to hip replacements. Like you, I had my hips replaced at a young age. I was due for surgery on the eve of my cancer diagnosis. My hip replacements got delayed a few years. However, I have now had them for 5-6 years. Given my experience with the implants, I have now wondered about the hips. My hips and the areas around them remain very sensitive to the touch. That is, to press in the hip area is painful. I also still have aches in the joint region. I can't help but wonder if my body is sensitive to any foreign object that is placed in it. I have recently contemplated going back to my hip surgeon to ask if others have this problem. I believe my hip implants are titanium.

I can only imagine what a heavy metals blood test would show for me given the ruptured implants (which contain heavy metals) and then the hip replacements.

I would add, that I also woke up to the nonsense and the issue of regulatory capture in my experience around advocating against the digitizing of education by Gates et al. The Gates Foundation essentially captured our state DOE and were pushing our state to change to mass customized learning or proficiency based learning which is all about eliminating teachers and having students work at their own pace on computers. It is total nonsense, but they will press on despite the performance outcomes of our students deteriorating.

Whether it is healthcare, education, energy or finance...it seems like the tech sector is constantly pushing to be "in charge" not because of expertise but because they want to control and influence several sectors of our economy because it gives them more power and control. Different elements that together make up the bigger agenda. I worry about my kids' future and the future of our grandchildren. Too many are unaware of the degree and extent of the corruption. And these days, it seems to me that just because they have money and power---we are increasingly relegated to the position of lab rats in their eyes.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you! I was hoping that if I waited long enough the unraveling would reveal a comprehensive agenda of coercion. With the work being done on VAERS, Dr. Malhotra, Dr. Jessica Rose and you, (and many more) we will be loaded with accurate information.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fraud in the inducement…

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I appreciate you keeping us all informed of the truth.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fantastic ... Thank you!

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for your work Dr Malone. I recognise the great good you're doing for me, my family, my patients, my community, both now and into the future. I'm honored to walk the earth with you.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hoping that this and a lot of other evidence will finally cause big farma to loose their indemnity from harm and legal ramifications for this and all of their other lack of quality, integrity, and disregard for the oath of the medical community to do no harm, even their blatant omissions on informed consent! They are even watching Doctors get blamed for causing the harm for administering the meds/vaxxes, even though they lied to them repeatedly!

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One glance reaffirms my admiration of king Ferdinand of Spain for his forbidding lawyers entrance to Spanish holdings in the new world because of how they sow discord where ever they go. Wish the English had the sense to do the same. Every legal document has obfucations that are there mainly to enrich lawyers and bet this document is loaded with them.

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Why don’t you request the Daily Clout / War Room Posse to help read through the documents? It’s right up their alley 😀

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Steve already has a copy.

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Whoa. The whistleblowers are crawling out from under rocks thank goodness.

I am sending your post over to Hedley Rees at his Substack Inside Pharma (I am a founding subscriber) for he and his followers there who have expertise in manufacturing, containment and regulations. Maybe that group could pick apart that subset of issues and report back.

Others here may want to check out that space:


Agreed with others here that Dr. Naomi Wolf may want to take on a new track with a second posse at The Daily Clout to sift through these documents.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent reveal! Hope it goes viral.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hey Robert and Jill - you can add Private Investigator to your CV's. As always, a sincere thank you for your sacrifice in getting the truth out.

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Thank you!

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In my next life I want to be a high end Private Investigator.

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