Aug 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr Malone for including these videos in your Substack…without your posts we would have zero access to these critical conversations and their information. Please keep posting them!

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Yeah, the last question in the 2-hour rumble video was Senator Johnston asking how "we" could defeat the borg. None of the 3 -- Dr McCullough, Dr Kory, Dr Malone -- answered the question on the first go-round. Then our Doc answered it on the second round: (1) more whistleblowers from the borg; (2) use "alt" media, e.g. Substack, and, particularly, this channel.

First thing I did after reading about Eventbright was research the founders of Substack. I found this: https://on.substack.com/p/society-has-a-trust-problem-more

Looks like the good Doctor and us will be here for awhile.

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Yes, my initial knee jerk response on scanning this post was that we are still using the camp of the enemy as our town square. An ethical Silicon Valley Big Tech corporation is an oxymoron. We are still assuming SubStack supports free speech - but healthy skepticism is mandated by the environment. That being said I’m happy we’re all enjoying the free speech free for all before the final curtain descends.

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Astonishing about Eventbrite.

Thank you for your tireless advocacy Dr. Malone.

And when you see Senator Ron Johnson, send our deepest gratitude please.

He must be constantly amazed at how bad the censorship has gotten.

And how ever more enormous the pharma damage is.

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I just sent Senator Ron Johnson's campaign a thank you hug in the form of a $100 contribution.

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“So, a sitting U.S. Senator holds a panel discussion on Crony Capitalism and for that ‘crime,’ the major event registration company in the USA cancels the ability of the host to register participants.”

The irony is deafening. Looking forward to watching this conversation between four of my favorite freedom-fighting truth-tellers.

Robert, are you aware of the proposed amendments to South Africa’s National Health Act that would essentially institute medical apartheid?

We have 24 hours left to submit public comments opposing this legislation, which would keep South Africa in a permanent state of emergency in which they could be indefinitely quarantined, isolated, and medicated against their will.

Please see my letter along with action steps at the end detailing how people can help defend the people of South Africa:

• “Letter to the South African Government” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-south-african-government)

I would be grateful if you could help spread the word 🙏

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Wow. They are no longer even trying to hide their "we are the gods and you are our cattle to manage as it pleases us" mentality.

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They want us gone.

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Let me ask a question that needs to be asked. Is this being done to the white race in South Africa??? To eradicate them one way, Or another????

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These particular amendments cut across all races are are more likely to affect poorer individuals, who would be forced to use government facilities for quarantining if they cannot meet the required standards.

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Thank you, Dr. Malone! Your voice represents millions of good people on this planet...

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This was great. Watched the whole thing earlier today. They're going to run the same playbook on Monkey Pox it would seem, HHS Becerra 'has spoken'. I'm disgusted.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Check out this information on EventBrite a public company with shareholders.

This is really an opportunity to explore and expose.

Over 89% is institutional ownership. Look at the owners. Some might be appalled like the Arizona State Retirement System. And MAJOR investors, no surprise, Vanguard and Blackrock.

This is a point of activism that could be seriously followed through.

For example, ask Steve Kirsch to interview the CEO of EventBrite and/or major institutional invevstors. This is a global company.


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So think more deeply--State of Arizona Retirement System. Wouldn't they want to know if one of their significant investments is deliberately curbing financial productivity for the sake of censorship? Especially if censoring a Republican Senator? And what if that information were to bring information that directly impacts the health and mortality of the elderly and their younger families they spent their life nurturing? Who would benefit from the retirees not knowing? Wouldn't State of Arizona Retirement System benefit from numbers of people dropping from their rolls prematurely from some condition that happened "suddenly and unexpectedly?" Cui bono? Not the retirees they represent, in any scenario. These are Edward Dowd questions I am posing, the institutional investors and the trail this leaves. Hope he is lurking. Every day brings darker and more astonishing information to light.

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As an ob/gyn , I greatly appreciate you commenting on female issues due to the jab. I had enough , I emailed Senator Johnson with my observations and how I can help. ACOG and ACOOG are shameless organizations recommending this experimental drug to pregnant women with very little data. Thank you for all you do.

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very good meeting, watch the whole thing. I know so many vaccine tragedies now, I still know no one that died of COVID.

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Many people (like my cousin) who died of COVID actually died from improper treatment in hospitals or lack of early treatment to prevent serious illness, hospitalization, and death. Most COVID deaths were PREVENTABLE!

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Aug 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Quick comment before a full review when I get back (pet visit). Was able to attend yesterday. A very well done, well attended conference despite the launch problems. All participants provided valuable insights. Was shocked at the near 1000 athletes deaths. Greatly appreciated your contributions!

Was very glad to meet you and Dr Jill following the presentations. Even more impressive in person!

Will be looking forward to getting back to further review yesterday! Will be looking forward to 3PM tomorrow! Thank you again and Very Bestest to you both!

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022

Thank you so much for always providing us with such precious information! Yesterday the podcast with Theo Schetters was censored on YouTube. Wise and foresighted you saved it in your substack article!! Thank you!!

Still, it’s a battle. Reading about this Evenbrite behaviour reminds me of the NEOS (pink-wing party in Austria) boss Beate Meinl-Reisinger who described the FPOE (Freedom Party Austria, right winged) – and thus also its voters plus all unvaccinated – as “right-wing radicals” and “traitors of the people”. She blamed the unvaccinated for dividing society and MSM let her rant for 20 minutes without interruption... BTW She joined Bilderberger meeting this year!

Sen. Ron Johnson is one of the good and brave from the beginning! I still love his A SECOND OPINION PANEL of January this year! All the best 🦁

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He should post this to his YouTube channel where the other Second Opinion Panel still exists.

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a Dream Team!

Thank you sooooooooo much for sharing!

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Aug 5, 2022·edited Aug 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, thank you for ‘REAL’ information. It’s disheartening that a team so greatly respected in their work is ‘censured’. We Do Support Sen. Johnson. ( and our Frontline Leaders in medicine, Dr. McCullough and Dr. Kory.

We absolutely must support Sen. Johnson’s tireless service. Eventbrite will not be used.

The elite are pulling out all stops as our election approaches. Will pass along your critical

Conversations to others now that we know.

Information is Power. !

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Here we go again into the TWILIGHT ZONE! How many diagnosed with Shingles because of a degraded immune system will be diagnosed with Monkey POX? Biden today has declared it a National Emergency: CREATING MORE FEAR TO CONTROL THE VOTERS! Read the following if you want to hear from the Truth Seekers.https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/truth-seekers

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This administration is insane. Did they reformulate the monkey pox vax to be mRNA?

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One wonders, given the influence the unelected "deep state" has over all of politics at this point, if a different administration would have done much differently.

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“The Doctor Will Lie to You Now”


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Btw, Dr. Malone... What happens when you give people who already have significant immune suppression, due the deleterious effects of the covid jabs, the 'monkey pox' jab? Aren't we actually setting them up for 'monkey pox'??

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Anyone watching the Chris Salcedo show today via NEWSMAX TV -witnessed the last portion of Dr. Malone's audio and video 'disappeared' - no doubt just coincidence - as so OFTEN happens these days at NEWSMAX.

On another note, ( I just discovered ) "Evenbright" has a BIG presence in this tiny ( two stoplight ) backwater town of Kanab, Utah.

It is said, there are more of "us" than "them" - (meaning the Woke, Liberal, Progressive, Socialist & Communist population in the US )- and that still may be the case, however "they" - have usurped, subsumed, overrun and CONTROL virtually EVERY means and avenue of 'mass' communication extant; and as the glaring light of history attests, ALL totalitarian regimes are now and have been controlled by a MINORITY of power-mad-control-freaks... ALWAYS in the name of the 'common good'.

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"Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." -- C.S. Lewis

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C.S. Lewis premise is baloney - how would he know WHAT "their own conscience" said ?

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