Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Dr. Malone, The competitive nature of man to survive creates all kinds of persuasions. You have been in the maelstrom for three years and it is difficult to know who is with you and against you. I'm with you if we find the road map to stop the injections that reprogram the blueprint of life. If we continue down this medical road without guardrails, we will risk the extermination of life on earth. We are playing with the genetic makeup of all things living. The profit motive is the driving force and not the preservation of life itself.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert, I enjoy following your self-interrogation and personal evolution which has been conducted literately and with integrity. There is an axiom at law which you may want o add to your chest: "You can tell the pioneers by the arrows in their backs."

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version of this I was taught once by a high net worth board chair being "don't be a pioneer, all you get is arrows in your ass"

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You made Me laugh. Thank You!!! Ed

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We may never pass this way again.

I wanna laugh while the laughing is easy

I wanna cry and make it worth while.

I may never pass this way again

That's why I want it with you..... Seals and Croft


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Howard Temin serves as a painful example. People told me all the heat he took made him terribly paranoid

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Rightly so. I can't imagine how much courage it takes to stand against both "settled science" and the KGB and not get paranoid. Quite an inspiring character.

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Needless to worry about hairs turning gray.

Yours have become the identifying positive character of all your strengths.

You wear this extremely well as rugged individual.

A handsome and intimidating quality is assured.

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When Dr. Malone indicated he would like to reinvent the FDA whose major funding comes from Big Pharma says there is a BIG target on his back! The Life blood of BP is patented proprietary profitable new drugs and injections and they manipulate the FDA to achieve these results! Profit over solid health care decisions reins supreme!

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think we are naturally attracted to those who 'seem' to wield power justly. We want heroes, and we want them to be perfect. Too much power though tends to corrupt even strong characters. I think the best inoculation is to seek and maintain an attitude of humility to steer clear of the perils of flattery and blame.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Heartfelt thanks Doc!

An interesting journey indeed! I would add Sadism - the unnecessary, intentional infliction of harm to the Dark Triad. It isn’t new - Augustine called Libido Dominandi -the lust for domination. I’m partial to John Milton’s languaging.

Some two months ago, you had a thoughtful examination of how victimhood must be displaced and overcome with a Hero’s Journey - better for the individual and the society. Warriors. True.

Warrior is one of the four archetypal energies we manifest: Warrior, Lover, Magician, King. A trip to Westminster Abbey boggles the mind of what humans can accomplish - provided we are humbly grounded in Truth before God.

Methinks Dr. Malone checks all four archetypal boxes - Truth Warrior and Lab Magician are self-evident; Lover = horses to keep humbly grounded; King energy is most needed and admirable - you’ve pointed out semi-regularly that your (and Jill’s) lives are no longer about you - but are in service of a greater cause - the essence of the Wise King - who always says “think for yourselves”.

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thank you for that kindness

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Once the acceptance of my responsibility for my actions and reactions to life became evident, the first question that I had to answer was; Am I a victim, or a volunteer? The truth "will" set me free!

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Isn’t life a series of decisions we make where if we had just used common sense our life would be easier and better? Small choices we make are many times not insignificant. These small decisions can sometimes turn into big changes. I’ve always told young people that work for me or young family members to make friends with hard working people that thrive and support themselves. If you hang around with bums you’ll be a bum. If you follow and don’t let go of the wrong people, the right people won’t show up in your life. Isn’t this true in our political world as well? When we see the worship of people that harm or hate others we see that it drives the good people away. Supporting people that want to strip fellow citizens of their freedoms breeds more power to the corrupt. If we continually fail at removing the corrupt from our lives or from our government it will create more corruption, more riots, more hate. It starts with small choices we make, as small as helping your neighbor, helping a friend or a stranger. Some of these small choices I have made turn into the biggest positive changes in my life. J.Goodrich

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have found that the most important ‘mirror' for me to view myself in, time and time again, is the Beattitudes from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. It usually shows me where I need to pay more careful attention in my perception of, or lack thereof, self. (Btw, reading a simple little book right now called ‘The Happiest People on Earth’… reprint.)

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just keep your real life, Doc. 👍🏼

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The version I quoted is slightly more presentable. By the way, the final report of NationalCitizensInquiry.ca has been released in Canada, at which you testified. Please consider working a reference or reflections into a future Substack. MSM is ignoring it, but it is a monumental contribution to history and to freedom. The report refers to what was done as a "terror", which I think is not an exageration.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I knew within the first few lines of this deep and introspective look, that I would need more time to really inspect all you have to reveal. This reveal of your most inner most workings is more than the celebrated personality can usually unfold. I am impressed by your ability to go this deep into this observance of the workings of the complex personality and all the trappings this entails. Whew and more! BRAVO.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hey Doc, time to go sit in your favorite chair grab a cigar & a glass of wine, you deserve it. When done go out to the barn grab a brush & make you & one of your hoses happy!


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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

NOW I UNDER.STAND MYSELF BETTER. My reactions to several of my past favorite shows because of them becoming less charismatic and more dogmatic and selling, advertising, etc. their own products with most of the on air time, i lost the desire to watch them preen and brag over their self success. You are so wise my friend thank you again my hero.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Aside from 'applied science', has anything really changed since Socrates lived?

"Truth" today apparently is of no more value than in the past - as far as being the basis for a stable and sustainable societal structure.

Homo-sapiens (are) without question the most cunning of all the carbon based animal species (still living) on planet earth; and circa 2023 AD, now equipped to exterminate probably most of the"living" things - on land at least - on the entire planet.

With 87 "trips around the sun" - and what my eyes have seen transpire - particularly over the past 60 years - my heart aches - and a deep sadness permeates thoughts of what "humanity" - and in particular my children, grand children and great grand children will be enveloped in what could become (a) horrific man-made reality in the near future.

A few individuals, such as the Malone's, have the personal integrity to audaciously seek and speak the truth as they know it - to try to prevent a reoccurrence of the absolutely criminal conspiracy between MANY governments, Big Pharma and the FAKE NEWS media (TV and print ) that resulted in what can only be called preconceived genocide in the recent past...and now they personally are experiencing the reality of: "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished", perpetrated by either absolutely ignorant people (or) truly evil people - or both.

Thank you both - Robert and Jill - for all that you two have done - and no doubt will continue to do and say - despite the attempts by the sanctimonious, supercilious nincompoops to silence you.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I get all of that. Now stop introspecting, enjoy your 15 minutes of fame and notoriety, and just keep speaking the truth, haha!

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There is another factor in the growth and demise of social media and particularly YouTuber's followings, as YouTube itself is not a neutral public square. As I know you yourself must have experienced, there is constant pressure from YouTube to modify your message if it does not conform with the accepted narrative.

Since most successful YouTubers are monetized, these pressures can be intense. YouTubers who dare to go against the narrative are quickly punished by "community standard" strikes that can lead to suspensions or even cancellation of their channel, demonetization or removal of particular videos or the whole channel, and various forms of shadow banning that can destroy their audience.

I have observed many YouTubers shy away from "controversial" subject matters even to the point of refusing to use certain words that they know will cause problems such as "vaccination" "Suicide" etc. In the music reaction area, this leads to certain artists being avoided because their message is not "approved." This can really hurt those artists because without people reacting to them, their following gets smaller and then other reactors start to avoid them because they can not get enough views as well. It's a vicious cycle.

I realize this comment may not be totally responsive to your post, because to be honest, I found the terminology a little too complex for my feeble brain. Perhaps someone else can put these observations into context better!

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There are a couple of phrases that come to mind that play a large part in charisma and its followers: absence makes the heart grow fonder, and familiarity breeds contempt. Also, wasn’t there a comedian who said “always leave them wanting more?” And then there’s also the “hook” that’s needed to catch attention in the first place. Those who seek to gain a following are not the same as those who turn around and find that they’ve inadvertently gained one. The former will eventually leave their followers jaded and dissatisfied, and maybe with a bad taste in their mouths. The latter, if they can continue on their chosen path without allowing the following to alter them, stand a better chance of enduring. I think Elon Musk may fall into the latter category. I’m sure the Drs Malone do. It takes a special kind of courage to speak out about injustice when you know you will be targeted for public downfall as a result. But a particular Bible verse comes to mind which will hopefully be of some comfort: “those who are with us are more than those who are with them “. II Kings 6:16.

There must come a time in the future when voices of reason and integrity will be rejected for voices of “men- pleaserers”, and conditions on the Earth will become frightening and unbearable. It looks as though the time is near. I am a Jesus follower. He said we would be persecuted, and the last of us would be beheaded for refusing to deny the truth. There must also come pestilences, and disastrous weather, earthquakes and violence w

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And Gideon in Judges 7, a decommisioning of troops from 32,000 to 300: "And the Lord said to Gideon, “The people who are with you are too many for Me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel claim glory for itself against Me, saying, ‘My own hand has saved me.’"

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Two thoughts on quite an extended post.

1) You Tubers described seem to fall into a life cycle pattern, starting with authentic originality and growing to endorsement optimization, as in cash cow business with maximum subscribers.

2) Cult pf personality national leaders are fundamentally interested in seizing power, which is an entirely different motivation, process and dynamic.

Both have an interest in exponentially growing followers, but the purposes and end result are entirely different.

I'd put you somewhere in between, which is either a sweet spot or a no-man's land depending on how you look at it. You are not selling a specific product or selling our eyeballs to advertisers.

At the same time, you are not running for office, but speaking out on matters of the day, which is neither here nor there.

Chart this third course and keep it up! Delighted reading your writing. (This one could have been half as long)

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Jill agrees with you. But I wanted Mattias to see the academic stuff. We were having a chat about cult of personality.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well presented thoughtful read.

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